This is an emulator for the RC2014 Z80 system.
The emulation includes
- Z80 CPU (time sync wants work)
- Standard RC2014 CPU card
- SC108 CPU card with 128K banked RAM and 32K ROM
- SC114 CPU card with 128K banked RAM and 32K ROM
- Easy-Z80 card with 512K banked RAM, 512K banked ROM and on board CTC and SIO
- Z80BSC/Z80SBC64 with 128K banked battery backed RAM and simple CPLD UART
- ROM and switchable ROM cards
- 6850 ACIA (narrow or wide decode)
- Z80 SIO/2
- 512K RAM/512K ROM card
- CF adapter
- DS1302 real time clock (time setting not supported)
- CTC at 0x88
- TMS9918A at 0x98
- SD card wired to a Z80 PIO (eg gluino + SD)
At this point in time the serial emulation is complete and sufficient to run the standard ROM environment with BASIC. This represents the basic configuration of Z80 CPU card, 32K RAM card, 8K or switchable ROM card and ACIA serial I/O card. This also corresponds to the RC2014 Mini.
With the right options and ROM image you can also boot CP/M on it via the emulated compact flash adapter. This corresponds to the RC2014 with the switchable ROM, 64K RAM card, ACIA card and Compact Flash card.
In 512K mode the emulator can run the ROMWBW 512K image for the RC2014 system.
To exit use ctrl-backslash
- -1 Enable 16550A emulation at 0xA0
- -8 Enable 6850 ACIA with narrow decode (80-87)
- -a enable 6850 ACIA with usual RC2014 wide decode (80-BF)
- -A enable 6850 ACIA with narrow decode (A0-A7)
- -b 512K ROM/512K RAM board
- -c CTC card
- -C path Z80 Copro (experimental)
- -d n Turn on debug flags
- -e n Execute ROM bank n (0-7) (not used with -b)
- -f Fast mode (run flat out)
- -i path Enable IDE and use this file
- -I path Enable PPIDE and use this file
- -m board Board type (z80 for default rc2014, easy-z80, sc108, sc114, z80sbc64, z80mb64, easyz80, micro80, zrcc, tinyz80, pdog128, pdog512)
- -p Pageable ROM (needed for CP/M with base set up)
- -r path Load the ROM image from this path
- -R Enable the DS1302 RTC
- -s Enable the SIO/2
- -S path SD card image
- -T Enable TMS9918A emulation (experimental)
- -u As -1
- -w WizNET 5100 at 0x28-0x2B
- -z System has Z80-512K style watchdog/clock control
The following machine types are supported:
- easyz80 S.Kiselev Easy Z80
- micro80 Bill Shen's Z84C1516 baed system
- sc108 Small Computer Central SC108
- sc114 Small Computer Central SC114
- tinyz80 S.Kiselev's business card Z80 SBC
- z80 Standard RC2014 Z80 CPU card
- z80sbc64 Bill Shen's z80-sbc64
- z80sb64 Bill Shen's z80-mb64
- zrcc Bill Shen's ZRCC minimal system
To build a disk image
# ./makedisk 1
# dd if=cf-image bs=512 seek=2 conv=notrunc
In other words the IDE disk format has a 1K header that holds meta-data and the virtual identify block.
Compact flash images can be found at
Remember to unzip the image before putting it on the virtual cf card.
The Z80MB64 and Z80SBC are built around a battery backed RAM image rather than a ROM. To start copy the Z80SBCLD.BIN file to your 'ROM' file and then bootstrap as per the instructions. At any point when you use ctrl-\ to exit the system will save the full memory image back to the ROM file (unless marked read only), so you can do the full bootstrap. Alternatively you can start from the SCM monitor or similar. These boards default to the bitbang serial interface, unless an SIO or ACIA is specified.
As an example, to get going on this, follow these steps:
# make rc2014
# ./rc2014 -p -i -s -r ../24886009.BIN -e 2
This will start up for CP/M on a RC2014, using the "" disk image setup above. It will start you up in the Small Computer Monitor. To start up CPM, type:
* cpm
This is a fairly basic emulator for the RBC v2 system board.
Currently the following are emulated: 512K ROM, 512K RAM, memory mapping, 16x50 UART (minimally), 8255 PIO (PPIDE), 4UART (minimally), PropIOv2 (SD and console), timer on serial hack but not yet ECB interrupt via serial hack.
The emulator also supports the RAMF card (not yet tested), a WizNET 5100 at 0x28-0x2B in indirect mode (buggy but works for socket 0 at this point), and a debug port. Writing to 0xFD sets the debug value so you can trace pieces of code.
The jumpers are not emulated. K7 is always assumed to be 1-2, K10 1-2 and K11 1-2 giving a 32K/32K split.
- -r path path to ROM image
- -i path path to IDE image (specify twice for 2 disks)
- -s path path for PropIOv2 SD card
- -p enable PropIOv2
- -t enable timer hack
- -d n set debug trace bits
- -f fast (run flat out)
- -R RAMFS ECB module (not yet tested)
- -w WizNET 5100 at 0x28-0x2B
The sd card image is just a raw file of the blocks at this point.
This is an emulator for the Grant Searle 9 chip CP/M computer. This is a Z80 machine with 128K of RAM (64K accessible), 16K of boot ROM, dual serial and a simple 8bit IDE CF interface.
Get the zip file from the web page above.
makebin -s 16384 ROM.HEX >searle.rom
You can build the CP/M bootable image and put it onto an IDE image using
cat hexFiles/CPM22.HEX | makebin -s 65535 >1.rom cat hexFiles/CBIOS64.HEX | makebin -s 65535 >2.rom dd if=2.rom of=1.rom bs=58880 skip=1 seek=1 conv=notrunc dd if=1.rom of=3.rom bs=1 skip=53248 dd if=3.rom bs=512 seek=2 conv=notrunc
cpmtools can then be used to manipulate it further.
- -r path path to ROM image (default searle.rom)
- -i path path to IDE image (default
- -d n set debug trace bits
- -f fast (run flat out)
- -t external 10Hz timer on DCD (not yet accurate to 10Hz)
- -b A16 of RAM is controlled by UART RTS line
This is a close relative of the Grant Searle system except that it has up to 64K of banked ROM. This is handled by the searle emulator when provided with a 64K or 32K ROM image. The only differences are the two ROM paging ports. The ROM can be paged back in.
Use either the Grant Searle ROM padded to 32K or the SCM firmware at
This is an emulator for the LiNC80 system with optional expanded memory. It emulates the 64K ROM, 64K base RAM, optional banked RAM, memory mapping control, Z80 SIO UART, Z80 CTC and onboard IDE. The PIO is only minimally emulated.
Additionally a board mod to allow the top 32K to be banked is also supported in emulation.
It has been tested with SCMon, CP/M and Fuzix.
- -r path path to ROM (default linc80.rom)
- -i path path to IDE image (default linc80.ide)
- -b n number of banks (must be a power of two, default 1 - unbanked)
- -d n set debug trace bits
- -f fast (run flat out)
- -x emulate the 32K banking mod
This is a model of the standard RC2014 system but fitted with the Etched Pixels 80C85 processor card and optionally the 16550A uart interface.
A suitable monitor ROM is available from Ben's github at
ROMs for the full configuration and Fuzix OS are available at
- -1 Enable 16550A UART
- -a Enable 6850 ACIA with usual RC2014 wide decode (80-BF)
- -A Enable 6850 ACIA with narrow decode (80-87)
- -b 512K ROM/512K RAM board
- -c CTC card present (not yet tested)
- -d n Turn on debug flags
- -e n Execute ROM bank n (0-7) (not used with -b)
- -f Fast mode (run flat out)
- -i path Enable IDE and use this file
- -r path Load the ROM image from this path
- -s Enable the SIO/2
- -R Enable the DS1302 RTC (clashes with 16550A UART)
- -w WizNET 5100 at 0x28-0x2B
An emulation for Terry Gulczynski's SmallZ80 system. This emulates the full machine except for the optional floppy controller. Some details are not emulated including EEPROM writeback and RTC clock setting.
The emulator is however good enough to boot the SmallZ80 system firmware, run the supplied Z System and software off the supplied disk image and of course to boot Fuzix.
- -r path Path to ROM (default smallz80.rom)
- -i path Path to IDE image (up to two)
- -d n Enable debug tracing
- -f Run flat out rather than at about native speed
Closely related to the Grant Searle design but with banked memory. The system has 512K of RAM, 16K of boot ROM, dual serial and a simple 8bit IDE CF interface
Get the ZIP file from the web page
makebin 10-HEXFILES/SMON35.HEX > sbc2g.rom
You can build an emulated drive from the image with
./makedisk 6 sbc2g.ide dd if=System18.img of=sbc2g.ide bs=512 seek=2 conv=notrunc
- -r path path to ROM image (default sbc2g.rom)
- -i path path to IDE image (default
- -d n set debug trace bits
- -f fast (run flat out)
- -t external 10Hz timer on DCD (not yet accurate to 10Hz)
This is an emulation of the Z80 Membership Card full stack with 512K of RAM. It emulates the full stack including the bitbang SPI/SD card interface and is sufficient to run CP/M or Fuzix on the card.
The keypad and bitbang serial port are emulated as not being used. The LED display is also not decoded and displayed.
Building an emulated drive image is a little complicated. You need to partition the image to include a FAT16 MSDOS partition with the files on as described. If you want to run Fuzix you also need to place the Fuzix loader hex file on that partition and have another partition with Fuzix on it, as Fuzix avoids the emulated floppy disk layer and drives the SD card directly.
- -r path path to ROM image (default z80mc.rom)
- -s path path to SD image (default none)
- -d n set debug trace bits
- -f fast (run flat out)
This is a Z80 level emulation of the Z80-MBC2. The I/O processor interface is emulated rather than actually emulating the I/O processor itself. Firmware including timer and transmit queue size is emulated.
and hit "Files".
- -s diskset Disk set number 0-9
- -d n Set debug trace bits
- -b path Image for the IOS to load into Z80 RAM
- -i Turn on interrupt emulation
- -f Fast (run flat out)
- -a Set load address of image (default 0)
This is an emulation of a fully loaded 1802 system with up to 512K RAM / 512K ROM and IDE disk adapters.
- -1 enable 16550A UART at 0xC0-0xC7
- -a enable 6850 ACIA with narrow decode (80-87)
- -b 512K ROM/512K RAM board
- -B Etched Pixels MMU + 512K/512K linear memory board
- -d n Turn on debug flags
- -e n Execute ROM bank n (0-7) (not used with -b or -B)
- -f Fast mode (run flat out)
- -i path Enable IDE and use this file
- -I path Enable PPIDE and use this file
- -r path Load the ROM image from this path
- -R Enable the DS1302 RTC
- -w WizNET 5100 at 0x28-0x2B
To build a disk image
./makedisk 1
dd if=cf-image bs=512 seek=2 conv=notrunc
In other words the IDE disk format has a 1K header that holds meta-data and the virtual identify block.
A 16MB 68000 platform with IDE CF disk adapter. Also emulates T68KRC with far less RAM and an RC2014 bus interface.
- -0 68000
- -1 68010
- -2 68020
- -e 68EC020
- -R RC2014 variant (less RAM, RC2014 bus)
- -f Fast mode (run flat out)
- -i path Use this file for IDE disk
- -r path Use this file for serial flash ROM image
To build a disk image
./makedisk 1
dd if=cf-image bs=512 seek=2 conv=notrunc
In other words the IDE disk format has a 1K header that holds meta-data and the virtual identify block.
Note that both native and emulated disk images are byte swapped on this platform.