From ebb0b6a04b1fbd01bfa0b9ab69ebb57a78b27cc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Azeem Muzammil
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2024 10:56:02 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Generate Stripe with listCustomers EP
openapi/stripe/client.bal | 330 +++++------
openapi/stripe/types.bal | 1111 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
2 files changed, 718 insertions(+), 723 deletions(-)
diff --git a/openapi/stripe/client.bal b/openapi/stripe/client.bal
index ba8a0e722..63503ef85 100644
--- a/openapi/stripe/client.bal
+++ b/openapi/stripe/client.bal
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Returns a list of your coupons.
- # + created - A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
- # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
- # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
- # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
+ # + created - A filter on the list, based on the object `created` field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary with a number of different query options.
+ # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
+ # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
+ # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function listCoupons(CreatedDetails? created = (), string? ending_before = (), int? 'limit = (), string? starting_after = ()) returns Inline_response_200|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/coupons`;
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Retrieves the coupon with the given ID.
- # + coupon - Coupon Id
+ # + coupon - Coupon Id
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function getCoupon(string coupon) returns Coupon|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/coupons/${getEncodedUri(coupon)}`;
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Returns a list of your customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent customers appearing first.
- # + email - A case-sensitive filter on the list based on the customer's `email` field. The value must be a string.
- # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
- # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
- # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
- # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
- # + test_clock - Provides a list of customers that are associated with the specified test clock. The response will not include customers with test clocks if this parameter is not set.
+ # + email - A case-sensitive filter on the list based on the customer's `email` field. The value must be a string.
+ # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
+ # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
+ # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
+ # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
+ # + test_clock - Provides a list of customers that are associated with the specified test clock. The response will not include customers with test clocks if this parameter is not set.
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function listCustomers(CreatedDetails? created = (), string? email = (), string? ending_before = (), string[]? expand = (), int? 'limit = (), string? starting_after = (), string? test_clock = ()) returns CustomerResourceCustomerList|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/customers`;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Creates a new customer object.
- # + payload - Customer details
+ # + payload - Customer details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function createCustomer(V1_customers_body payload) returns Customer|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/customers`;
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Retrieves the details of an existing customer. You need only supply the unique customer identifier that was returned upon customer creation.
- # + customer - Customer Id
- # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
+ # + customer - Customer Id
+ # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function getCustomer(string customer, string[]? expand = ()) returns Inline_response_200_1|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/customers/${getEncodedUri(customer)}`;
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# This request accepts mostly the same arguments as the customer creation call.
- # + customer - Customer Id
- # + payload - Customer details
+ # + customer - Customer Id
+ # + payload - Customer details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function updateCustomer(string customer, Customers_customer_body payload) returns Customer|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/customers/${getEncodedUri(customer)}`;
@@ -142,27 +142,27 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Permanently deletes a customer. It cannot be undone. Also immediately cancels any active subscriptions on the customer.
- # + customer - Customer Id
+ # + customer - Customer Id
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function deleteCustomer(string customer) returns Deleted_customer|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/customers/${getEncodedUri(customer)}`;
- Deleted_customer response = check self.clientEp-> delete(resourcePath);
+ Deleted_customer response = check self.clientEp->delete(resourcePath);
return response;
# You can list all invoices, or list the invoices for a specific customer. The invoices are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created invoices appearing first.
- # + collection_method - The collection method of the invoice to retrieve. Either `charge_automatically` or `send_invoice`.
- # + created - A filter on the list based on the object created field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary
- # + customer - Only return invoices for the customer specified by this customer ID.
- # + due_date - A filter on the list based on the object due_date field. The value can be an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary
- # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
- # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
- # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
- # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
- # + status - The status of the invoice, one of `draft`, `open`, `paid`, `uncollectible`, or `void`. [Learn more](
- # + subscription - Only return invoices for the subscription specified by this subscription ID.
- # + return - Successful response.
- remote isolated function listInvoices(string? collection_method = (), Created? created = (), string? customer = (), Due_date? due_date = (), string? ending_before = (), string[]? expand = (), int? 'limit = (), string? starting_after = (), string? status = (), string? subscription = ()) returns InvoicesList|error {
+ # + collection_method - The collection method of the invoice to retrieve. Either `charge_automatically` or `send_invoice`.
+ # + created - A filter on the list based on the object created field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary
+ # + customer - Only return invoices for the customer specified by this customer ID.
+ # + due_date - A filter on the list based on the object due_date field. The value can be an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary
+ # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
+ # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
+ # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
+ # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
+ # + status - The status of the invoice, one of `draft`, `open`, `paid`, `uncollectible`, or `void`. [Learn more](
+ # + subscription - Only return invoices for the subscription specified by this subscription ID.
+ # + return - Successful response.
+ remote isolated function listInvoices("charge_automatically"|"send_invoice"? collection_method = (), Created? created = (), string? customer = (), Due_date? due_date = (), string? ending_before = (), string[]? expand = (), int? 'limit = (), string? starting_after = (), "draft"|"open"|"paid"|"uncollectible"|"void"? status = (), string? subscription = ()) returns InvoicesList|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices`;
map queryParam = {"collection_method": collection_method, "created": created, "customer": customer, "due_date": due_date, "ending_before": ending_before, "expand": expand, "limit": 'limit, "starting_after": starting_after, "status": status, "subscription": subscription};
map queryParamEncoding = {"created": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "due_date": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "expand": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}};
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# This endpoint creates a draft invoice for a given customer. The draft invoice created pulls in all pending invoice items on that customer, including prorations. The invoice remains a draft until you finalize the invoice, which allows you to pay or send the invoice to your customers.
- # + payload - Invoice details
+ # + payload - Invoice details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function createInvoice(V1_invoices_body payload) returns Invoice|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices`;
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Retrieves the invoice with the given ID.
- # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
- # + invoice - Invoice Id
+ # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
+ # + invoice - Invoice Id
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function getInvoice(string invoice, string[]? expand = ()) returns Invoice|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices/${getEncodedUri(invoice)}`;
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# sending reminders for, or automatically reconciling invoices, pass
# auto_advance=false
- # + invoice - Invoice Id
- # + payload - Invoice details
+ # + invoice - Invoice Id
+ # + payload - Invoice details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function updateInvoice(string invoice, Invoices_invoice_body payload) returns Invoice|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices/${getEncodedUri(invoice)}`;
@@ -217,17 +217,17 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Permanently deletes a one-off invoice draft. This cannot be undone. Attempts to delete invoices that are no longer in a draft state will fail; once an invoice has been finalized or if an invoice is for a subscription, it must be voided.
- # + invoice - Invoice Id
+ # + invoice - Invoice Id
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function deleteInvoice(string invoice) returns Deleted_invoice|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices/${getEncodedUri(invoice)}`;
- Deleted_invoice response = check self.clientEp-> delete(resourcePath);
+ Deleted_invoice response = check self.clientEp->delete(resourcePath);
return response;
# Stripe automatically creates and then attempts to collect payment on invoices for customers on subscriptions according to your subscriptions settings. However, if you’d like to attempt payment on an invoice out of the normal collection schedule or for some other reason, you can do so.
- # + invoice - Invoice Id
- # + payload - Invoice payment details
+ # + invoice - Invoice Id
+ # + payload - Invoice payment details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function payInvoice(string invoice, Invoice_pay_body payload) returns Invoice|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices/${getEncodedUri(invoice)}/pay`;
@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Requests made in test-mode result in no emails being sent, despite sending an invoice.sent
- # + invoice - Invoice Id
- # + payload - Invoice details
+ # + invoice - Invoice Id
+ # + payload - Invoice details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function sendInvoice(string invoice, Invoice_send_body payload) returns Invoice|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices/${getEncodedUri(invoice)}/send`;
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Mark a finalized invoice as void. This cannot be undone. Voiding an invoice is similar to deletion, however it only applies to finalized invoices and maintains a papertrail where the invoice can still be found.
- # + invoice - Invoice Id
- # + payload - Invoice details
+ # + invoice - Invoice Id
+ # + payload - Invoice details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function voidInvoice(string invoice, Invoice_void_body payload) returns Invoice|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices/${getEncodedUri(invoice)}/void`;
@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Marking an invoice as uncollectible is useful for keeping track of bad debts that can be written off for accounting purposes.
- # + invoice - Invoice Id
- # + payload - Invoice details
+ # + invoice - Invoice Id
+ # + payload - Invoice details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function markInvoiceUncollectable(string invoice, Invoice_mark_uncollectible_body payload) returns Invoice|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices/${getEncodedUri(invoice)}/mark_uncollectible`;
@@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# When retrieving an invoice, you’ll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.
- # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
- # + invoice - Invoice Id
- # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
- # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
+ # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
+ # + invoice - Invoice Id
+ # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
+ # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function getInvoicesInvoiceLines(string invoice, string? ending_before = (), int? 'limit = (), string? starting_after = ()) returns InvoiceLinesList|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices/${getEncodedUri(invoice)}/lines`;
@@ -302,27 +302,29 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# You can preview the effects of updating a subscription, including a preview of what proration will take place. To ensure that the actual proration is calculated exactly the same as the previewed proration, you should pass a proration_date
parameter when doing the actual subscription update. The value passed in should be the same as the subscription_proration_date
returned on the upcoming invoice resource. The recommended way to get only the prorations being previewed is to consider only proration line items where period[start]
is equal to the subscription_proration_date
on the upcoming invoice resource.
- # + automatic_tax - Settings for automatic tax lookup for this invoice preview.
- # + coupon - The code of the coupon to apply. If `subscription` or `subscription_items` is provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with that coupon. Otherwise, it will preview applying that coupon to the customer for the next upcoming invoice from among the customer's subscriptions. The invoice can be previewed without a coupon by passing this value as an empty string.
- # + customer - The identifier of the customer whose upcoming invoice you'd like to retrieve.
- # + customer_details - Details about the customer you want to invoice or overrides for an existing customer.
- # + discounts - The coupons to redeem into discounts for the invoice preview. If not specified, inherits the discount from the customer or subscription. Pass an empty string to avoid inheriting any discounts. To preview the upcoming invoice for a subscription that hasn't been created, use `coupon` instead.
- # + invoice_items - List of invoice items to add or update in the upcoming invoice preview.
- # + schedule - The identifier of the unstarted schedule whose upcoming invoice you'd like to retrieve. Cannot be used with subscription or subscription fields.
- # + subscription - The identifier of the subscription for which you'd like to retrieve the upcoming invoice. If not provided, but a `subscription_items` is provided, you will preview creating a subscription with those items. If neither `subscription` nor `subscription_items` is provided, you will retrieve the next upcoming invoice from among the customer's subscriptions.
- # + subscription_billing_cycle_anchor - For new subscriptions, a future timestamp to anchor the subscription's [billing cycle]( This is used to determine the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with `month` or `year` intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices. For existing subscriptions, the value can only be set to `now` or `unchanged`.
- # + subscription_cancel_at - Timestamp indicating when the subscription should be scheduled to cancel. Will prorate if within the current period and prorations have been enabled using `proration_behavior`.
- # + subscription_cancel_at_period_end - Boolean indicating whether this subscription should cancel at the end of the current period.
- # + subscription_cancel_now - This simulates the subscription being canceled or expired immediately.
- # + subscription_default_tax_rates - If provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with these default tax rates. The default tax rates will apply to any line item that does not have `tax_rates` set.
- # + subscription_items - A list of up to 20 subscription items, each with an attached price.
- # + subscription_proration_behavior - Determines how to handle [prorations]( when the billing cycle changes (e.g., when switching plans, resetting `billing_cycle_anchor=now`, or starting a trial), or if an item's `quantity` changes. Valid values are `create_prorations`, `none`, or `always_invoice`. Passing `create_prorations` will cause proration invoice items to be created when applicable. These proration items will only be invoiced immediately under [certain conditions]( In order to always invoice immediately for prorations, pass `always_invoice`. Prorations can be disabled by passing `none`.
- # + subscription_proration_date - If previewing an update to a subscription, and doing proration, `subscription_proration_date` forces the proration to be calculated as though the update was done at the specified time. The time given must be within the current subscription period, and cannot be before the subscription was on its current plan. If set, `subscription`, and one of `subscription_items`, or `subscription_trial_end` are required. Also, `subscription_proration_behavior` cannot be set to 'none'.
- # + subscription_start_date - Date a subscription is intended to start (can be future or past)
- # + subscription_trial_end - If provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with that trial end. If set, one of `subscription_items` or `subscription` is required.
- # + subscription_trial_from_plan - Indicates if a plan's `trial_period_days` should be applied to the subscription. Setting `subscription_trial_end` per subscription is preferred, and this defaults to `false`. Setting this flag to `true` together with `subscription_trial_end` is not allowed.
- # + return - Successful response.
- remote isolated function getInvoicesUpcoming(Automatic_tax_param_1? automatic_tax = (), string? coupon = (), string? customer = (), Customer_details_param? customer_details = (), Discounts? discounts = (), Invoice_item_preview_params[]? invoice_items = (), string? schedule = (), string? subscription = (), Subscription_billing_cycle_anchor? subscription_billing_cycle_anchor = (), Subscription_cancel_at? subscription_cancel_at = (), boolean? subscription_cancel_at_period_end = (), boolean? subscription_cancel_now = (), Subscription_default_tax_rates? subscription_default_tax_rates = (), GetInvoicesUpcomingRequestBody[]? subscription_items = (), string? subscription_proration_behavior = (), int? subscription_proration_date = (), int? subscription_start_date = (), Subscription_trial_end? subscription_trial_end = (), boolean? subscription_trial_from_plan = ()) returns Invoice|error {
+ # + automatic_tax - Settings for automatic tax lookup for this invoice preview.
+ # + coupon - The code of the coupon to apply. If `subscription` or `subscription_items` is provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with that coupon. Otherwise, it will preview applying that coupon to the customer for the next upcoming invoice from among the customer's subscriptions. The invoice can be previewed without a coupon by passing this value as an empty string.
+ # + customer - The identifier of the customer whose upcoming invoice you'd like to retrieve.
+ # + customer_details - Details about the customer you want to invoice or overrides for an existing customer.
+ # + discounts - The coupons to redeem into discounts for the invoice preview. If not specified, inherits the discount from the customer or subscription. Pass an empty string to avoid inheriting any discounts. To preview the upcoming invoice for a subscription that hasn't been created, use `coupon` instead.
+ # + invoice_items - List of invoice items to add or update in the upcoming invoice preview.
+ # + schedule - The identifier of the unstarted schedule whose upcoming invoice you'd like to retrieve. Cannot be used with subscription or subscription fields.
+ # + subscription - The identifier of the subscription for which you'd like to retrieve the upcoming invoice. If not provided, but a `subscription_items` is provided, you will preview creating a subscription with those items. If neither `subscription` nor `subscription_items` is provided, you will retrieve the next upcoming invoice from among the customer's subscriptions.
+ # + subscription_billing_cycle_anchor - For new subscriptions, a future timestamp to anchor the subscription's [billing cycle]( This is used to determine the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with `month` or `year` intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices. For existing subscriptions, the value can only be set to `now` or `unchanged`.
+ # + subscription_cancel_at - Timestamp indicating when the subscription should be scheduled to cancel. Will prorate if within the current period and prorations have been enabled using `proration_behavior`.
+ # + subscription_cancel_at_period_end - Boolean indicating whether this subscription should cancel at the end of the current period.
+ # + subscription_cancel_now - This simulates the subscription being canceled or expired immediately.
+ # + subscription_default_tax_rates - If provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with these default tax rates. The default tax rates will apply to any line item that does not have `tax_rates` set.
+ # + subscription_items - A list of up to 20 subscription items, each with an attached price.
+ # + subscription_proration_behavior - Determines how to handle [prorations]( when the billing cycle changes (e.g., when switching plans, resetting `billing_cycle_anchor=now`, or starting a trial), or if an item's `quantity` changes. Valid values are `create_prorations`, `none`, or `always_invoice`.
+ # Passing `create_prorations` will cause proration invoice items to be created when applicable. These proration items will only be invoiced immediately under [certain conditions]( In order to always invoice immediately for prorations, pass `always_invoice`.
+ # Prorations can be disabled by passing `none`.
+ # + subscription_proration_date - If previewing an update to a subscription, and doing proration, `subscription_proration_date` forces the proration to be calculated as though the update was done at the specified time. The time given must be within the current subscription period, and cannot be before the subscription was on its current plan. If set, `subscription`, and one of `subscription_items`, or `subscription_trial_end` are required. Also, `subscription_proration_behavior` cannot be set to 'none'.
+ # + subscription_start_date - Date a subscription is intended to start (can be future or past)
+ # + subscription_trial_end - If provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with that trial end. If set, one of `subscription_items` or `subscription` is required.
+ # + subscription_trial_from_plan - Indicates if a plan's `trial_period_days` should be applied to the subscription. Setting `subscription_trial_end` per subscription is preferred, and this defaults to `false`. Setting this flag to `true` together with `subscription_trial_end` is not allowed.
+ # + return - Successful response.
+ remote isolated function getInvoicesUpcoming(Automatic_tax_param_1? automatic_tax = (), string? coupon = (), string? customer = (), Customer_details_param? customer_details = (), Discounts? discounts = (), Invoice_item_preview_params[]? invoice_items = (), string? schedule = (), string? subscription = (), Subscription_billing_cycle_anchor? subscription_billing_cycle_anchor = (), Subscription_cancel_at? subscription_cancel_at = (), boolean? subscription_cancel_at_period_end = (), boolean? subscription_cancel_now = (), Subscription_default_tax_rates? subscription_default_tax_rates = (), GetInvoicesUpcomingRequestBody[]? subscription_items = (), "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none"? subscription_proration_behavior = (), int? subscription_proration_date = (), int? subscription_start_date = (), Subscription_trial_end? subscription_trial_end = (), boolean? subscription_trial_from_plan = ()) returns Invoice|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices/upcoming`;
map queryParam = {"automatic_tax": automatic_tax, "coupon": coupon, "customer": customer, "customer_details": customer_details, "discounts": discounts, "invoice_items": invoice_items, "schedule": schedule, "subscription": subscription, "subscription_billing_cycle_anchor": subscription_billing_cycle_anchor, "subscription_cancel_at": subscription_cancel_at, "subscription_cancel_at_period_end": subscription_cancel_at_period_end, "subscription_cancel_now": subscription_cancel_now, "subscription_default_tax_rates": subscription_default_tax_rates, "subscription_items": subscription_items, "subscription_proration_behavior": subscription_proration_behavior, "subscription_proration_date": subscription_proration_date, "subscription_start_date": subscription_start_date, "subscription_trial_end": subscription_trial_end, "subscription_trial_from_plan": subscription_trial_from_plan};
map queryParamEncoding = {"automatic_tax": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "customer_details": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "discounts": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "invoice_items": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "subscription_billing_cycle_anchor": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "subscription_cancel_at": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "subscription_default_tax_rates": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "subscription_items": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "subscription_trial_end": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}};
@@ -332,30 +334,32 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# When retrieving an upcoming invoice, you’ll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.
- # + automatic_tax - Settings for automatic tax lookup for this invoice preview.
- # + coupon - The code of the coupon to apply. If `subscription` or `subscription_items` is provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with that coupon. Otherwise, it will preview applying that coupon to the customer for the next upcoming invoice from among the customer's subscriptions. The invoice can be previewed without a coupon by passing this value as an empty string.
- # + customer - The identifier of the customer whose upcoming invoice you'd like to retrieve.
- # + customer_details - Details about the customer you want to invoice or overrides for an existing customer.
- # + discounts - The coupons to redeem into discounts for the invoice preview. If not specified, inherits the discount from the customer or subscription. Pass an empty string to avoid inheriting any discounts. To preview the upcoming invoice for a subscription that hasn't been created, use `coupon` instead.
- # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
- # + invoice_items - List of invoice items to add or update in the upcoming invoice preview.
- # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
- # + schedule - The identifier of the unstarted schedule whose upcoming invoice you'd like to retrieve. Cannot be used with subscription or subscription fields.
- # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
- # + subscription - The identifier of the subscription for which you'd like to retrieve the upcoming invoice. If not provided, but a `subscription_items` is provided, you will preview creating a subscription with those items. If neither `subscription` nor `subscription_items` is provided, you will retrieve the next upcoming invoice from among the customer's subscriptions.
- # + subscription_billing_cycle_anchor - For new subscriptions, a future timestamp to anchor the subscription's [billing cycle]( This is used to determine the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with `month` or `year` intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices. For existing subscriptions, the value can only be set to `now` or `unchanged`.
- # + subscription_cancel_at - Timestamp indicating when the subscription should be scheduled to cancel. Will prorate if within the current period and prorations have been enabled using `proration_behavior`.
- # + subscription_cancel_at_period_end - Boolean indicating whether this subscription should cancel at the end of the current period.
- # + subscription_cancel_now - This simulates the subscription being canceled or expired immediately.
- # + subscription_default_tax_rates - If provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with these default tax rates. The default tax rates will apply to any line item that does not have `tax_rates` set.
- # + subscription_items - A list of up to 20 subscription items, each with an attached price.
- # + subscription_proration_behavior - Determines how to handle [prorations]( when the billing cycle changes (e.g., when switching plans, resetting `billing_cycle_anchor=now`, or starting a trial), or if an item's `quantity` changes. Valid values are `create_prorations`, `none`, or `always_invoice`. Passing `create_prorations` will cause proration invoice items to be created when applicable. These proration items will only be invoiced immediately under [certain conditions]( In order to always invoice immediately for prorations, pass `always_invoice`. Prorations can be disabled by passing `none`.
- # + subscription_proration_date - If previewing an update to a subscription, and doing proration, `subscription_proration_date` forces the proration to be calculated as though the update was done at the specified time. The time given must be within the current subscription period, and cannot be before the subscription was on its current plan. If set, `subscription`, and one of `subscription_items`, or `subscription_trial_end` are required. Also, `subscription_proration_behavior` cannot be set to 'none'.
- # + subscription_start_date - Date a subscription is intended to start (can be future or past)
- # + subscription_trial_end - If provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with that trial end. If set, one of `subscription_items` or `subscription` is required.
- # + subscription_trial_from_plan - Indicates if a plan's `trial_period_days` should be applied to the subscription. Setting `subscription_trial_end` per subscription is preferred, and this defaults to `false`. Setting this flag to `true` together with `subscription_trial_end` is not allowed.
- # + return - Successful response.
- remote isolated function getInvoicesUpcomingLines(Automatic_tax_param_2? automatic_tax = (), string? coupon = (), string? customer = (), Customer_details_param_1? customer_details = (), Discounts_1? discounts = (), string? ending_before = (), Invoice_item_preview_params[]? invoice_items = (), int? 'limit = (), string? schedule = (), string? starting_after = (), string? subscription = (), Subscription_billing_cycle_anchor_1? subscription_billing_cycle_anchor = (), Subscription_cancel_at_1? subscription_cancel_at = (), boolean? subscription_cancel_at_period_end = (), boolean? subscription_cancel_now = (), Subscription_default_tax_rates_1? subscription_default_tax_rates = (), GetInvoicesUpcomingRequestBody[]? subscription_items = (), string? subscription_proration_behavior = (), int? subscription_proration_date = (), int? subscription_start_date = (), Subscription_trial_end_1? subscription_trial_end = (), boolean? subscription_trial_from_plan = ()) returns InvoiceLinesList|error {
+ # + automatic_tax - Settings for automatic tax lookup for this invoice preview.
+ # + coupon - The code of the coupon to apply. If `subscription` or `subscription_items` is provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with that coupon. Otherwise, it will preview applying that coupon to the customer for the next upcoming invoice from among the customer's subscriptions. The invoice can be previewed without a coupon by passing this value as an empty string.
+ # + customer - The identifier of the customer whose upcoming invoice you'd like to retrieve.
+ # + customer_details - Details about the customer you want to invoice or overrides for an existing customer.
+ # + discounts - The coupons to redeem into discounts for the invoice preview. If not specified, inherits the discount from the customer or subscription. Pass an empty string to avoid inheriting any discounts. To preview the upcoming invoice for a subscription that hasn't been created, use `coupon` instead.
+ # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
+ # + invoice_items - List of invoice items to add or update in the upcoming invoice preview.
+ # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
+ # + schedule - The identifier of the unstarted schedule whose upcoming invoice you'd like to retrieve. Cannot be used with subscription or subscription fields.
+ # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
+ # + subscription - The identifier of the subscription for which you'd like to retrieve the upcoming invoice. If not provided, but a `subscription_items` is provided, you will preview creating a subscription with those items. If neither `subscription` nor `subscription_items` is provided, you will retrieve the next upcoming invoice from among the customer's subscriptions.
+ # + subscription_billing_cycle_anchor - For new subscriptions, a future timestamp to anchor the subscription's [billing cycle]( This is used to determine the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with `month` or `year` intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices. For existing subscriptions, the value can only be set to `now` or `unchanged`.
+ # + subscription_cancel_at - Timestamp indicating when the subscription should be scheduled to cancel. Will prorate if within the current period and prorations have been enabled using `proration_behavior`.
+ # + subscription_cancel_at_period_end - Boolean indicating whether this subscription should cancel at the end of the current period.
+ # + subscription_cancel_now - This simulates the subscription being canceled or expired immediately.
+ # + subscription_default_tax_rates - If provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with these default tax rates. The default tax rates will apply to any line item that does not have `tax_rates` set.
+ # + subscription_items - A list of up to 20 subscription items, each with an attached price.
+ # + subscription_proration_behavior - Determines how to handle [prorations]( when the billing cycle changes (e.g., when switching plans, resetting `billing_cycle_anchor=now`, or starting a trial), or if an item's `quantity` changes. Valid values are `create_prorations`, `none`, or `always_invoice`.
+ # Passing `create_prorations` will cause proration invoice items to be created when applicable. These proration items will only be invoiced immediately under [certain conditions]( In order to always invoice immediately for prorations, pass `always_invoice`.
+ # Prorations can be disabled by passing `none`.
+ # + subscription_proration_date - If previewing an update to a subscription, and doing proration, `subscription_proration_date` forces the proration to be calculated as though the update was done at the specified time. The time given must be within the current subscription period, and cannot be before the subscription was on its current plan. If set, `subscription`, and one of `subscription_items`, or `subscription_trial_end` are required. Also, `subscription_proration_behavior` cannot be set to 'none'.
+ # + subscription_start_date - Date a subscription is intended to start (can be future or past)
+ # + subscription_trial_end - If provided, the invoice returned will preview updating or creating a subscription with that trial end. If set, one of `subscription_items` or `subscription` is required.
+ # + subscription_trial_from_plan - Indicates if a plan's `trial_period_days` should be applied to the subscription. Setting `subscription_trial_end` per subscription is preferred, and this defaults to `false`. Setting this flag to `true` together with `subscription_trial_end` is not allowed.
+ # + return - Successful response.
+ remote isolated function getInvoicesUpcomingLines(Automatic_tax_param_2? automatic_tax = (), string? coupon = (), string? customer = (), Customer_details_param_1? customer_details = (), Discounts_1? discounts = (), string? ending_before = (), Invoice_item_preview_params[]? invoice_items = (), int? 'limit = (), string? schedule = (), string? starting_after = (), string? subscription = (), Subscription_billing_cycle_anchor_1? subscription_billing_cycle_anchor = (), Subscription_cancel_at_1? subscription_cancel_at = (), boolean? subscription_cancel_at_period_end = (), boolean? subscription_cancel_now = (), Subscription_default_tax_rates_1? subscription_default_tax_rates = (), GetInvoicesUpcomingRequestBody[]? subscription_items = (), "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none"? subscription_proration_behavior = (), int? subscription_proration_date = (), int? subscription_start_date = (), Subscription_trial_end_1? subscription_trial_end = (), boolean? subscription_trial_from_plan = ()) returns InvoiceLinesList|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/invoices/upcoming/lines`;
map queryParam = {"automatic_tax": automatic_tax, "coupon": coupon, "customer": customer, "customer_details": customer_details, "discounts": discounts, "ending_before": ending_before, "invoice_items": invoice_items, "limit": 'limit, "schedule": schedule, "starting_after": starting_after, "subscription": subscription, "subscription_billing_cycle_anchor": subscription_billing_cycle_anchor, "subscription_cancel_at": subscription_cancel_at, "subscription_cancel_at_period_end": subscription_cancel_at_period_end, "subscription_cancel_now": subscription_cancel_now, "subscription_default_tax_rates": subscription_default_tax_rates, "subscription_items": subscription_items, "subscription_proration_behavior": subscription_proration_behavior, "subscription_proration_date": subscription_proration_date, "subscription_start_date": subscription_start_date, "subscription_trial_end": subscription_trial_end, "subscription_trial_from_plan": subscription_trial_from_plan};
map queryParamEncoding = {"automatic_tax": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "customer_details": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "discounts": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "invoice_items": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "subscription_billing_cycle_anchor": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "subscription_cancel_at": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "subscription_default_tax_rates": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "subscription_items": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "subscription_trial_end": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}};
@@ -365,14 +369,14 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Returns a list of PaymentMethods for a given Customer
- # + customer - The ID of the customer whose PaymentMethods will be retrieved.
- # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
- # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
- # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
- # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
- # + 'type - A required filter on the list, based on the object `type` field.
+ # + customer - The ID of the customer whose PaymentMethods will be retrieved.
+ # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
+ # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
+ # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
+ # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
+ # + 'type - A required filter on the list, based on the object `type` field.
# + return - Successful response.
- remote isolated function listPaymentMethods(string customer, string 'type, string? ending_before = (), string[]? expand = (), int? 'limit = (), string? starting_after = ()) returns PaymentFlowsPaymentMethodList|error {
+ remote isolated function listPaymentMethods(string customer, "acss_debit"|"afterpay_clearpay"|"alipay"|"au_becs_debit"|"bacs_debit"|"bancontact"|"boleto"|"card"|"eps"|"fpx"|"giropay"|"grabpay"|"ideal"|"oxxo"|"p24"|"sepa_debit"|"sofort"|"wechat_pay" 'type, string? ending_before = (), string[]? expand = (), int? 'limit = (), string? starting_after = ()) returns PaymentFlowsPaymentMethodList|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/payment_methods`;
map queryParam = {"customer": customer, "ending_before": ending_before, "expand": expand, "limit": 'limit, "starting_after": starting_after, "type": 'type};
map queryParamEncoding = {"expand": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}};
@@ -384,7 +388,7 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Instead of creating a PaymentMethod directly, we recommend using the PaymentIntents API to accept a payment immediately or the SetupIntent API to collect payment method details ahead of a future payment.
- # + payload - Payment method details
+ # + payload - Payment method details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function createPaymentMethod(V1_payment_methods_body payload) returns Payment_method|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/payment_methods`;
@@ -397,8 +401,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Retrieves a PaymentMethod object.
- # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
- # + payment_method - Payment method Id
+ # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
+ # + payment_method - Payment method Id
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function getPaymentMethod(string payment_method, string[]? expand = ()) returns Payment_method|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/payment_methods/${getEncodedUri(payment_method)}`;
@@ -410,8 +414,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Updates a PaymentMethod object. A PaymentMethod must be attached a customer to be updated.
- # + payment_method - Payment method Id
- # + payload - Payment method details
+ # + payment_method - Payment method Id
+ # + payload - Payment method details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function updatePaymentMethod(string payment_method, Payment_methods_payment_method_body payload) returns Payment_method|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/payment_methods/${getEncodedUri(payment_method)}`;
@@ -434,8 +438,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# set invoice_settings.default_payment_method
# on the Customer to the PaymentMethod’s ID.
- # + payment_method - Payment method Id
- # + payload - The ID of the customer to which to attach the PaymentMethod
+ # + payment_method - Payment method Id
+ # + payload - The ID of the customer to which to attach the PaymentMethod
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function attachPaymentMethodtoCustomer(string payment_method, Payment_method_attach_body payload) returns Payment_method|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/payment_methods/${getEncodedUri(payment_method)}/attach`;
@@ -447,8 +451,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Detaches a PaymentMethod object from a Customer.
- # + payment_method - Payment method Id
- # + payload - Additional details
+ # + payment_method - Payment method Id
+ # + payload - Additional details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function detachPaymentMethodfromCustomer(string payment_method, Payment_method_detach_body payload) returns Payment_method|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/payment_methods/${getEncodedUri(payment_method)}/detach`;
@@ -461,7 +465,7 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Creates a new price for an existing product. The price can be recurring or one-time.
- # + payload - Price details
+ # + payload - Price details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function createPrice(V1_prices_body payload) returns Price|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/prices`;
@@ -474,8 +478,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Updates the specified price by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided are left unchanged.
- # + price - Price Id
- # + payload - Price details
+ # + price - Price Id
+ # + payload - Price details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function updatePrice(string price, Prices_price_body payload) returns Price|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/prices/${getEncodedUri(price)}`;
@@ -488,7 +492,7 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Creates a new product object.
- # + payload - Product details
+ # + payload - Product details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function createProduct(V1_products_body payload) returns Product|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/products`;
@@ -501,8 +505,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Updates the specific product by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.
- # + id - Product Id
- # + payload - Product details
+ # + id - Product Id
+ # + payload - Product details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function updateProduct(string id, Products_id_body payload) returns Product|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/products/${getEncodedUri(id)}`;
@@ -515,8 +519,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Updates the plan or quantity of an item on a current subscription.
- # + item - Subscription item Id
- # + payload - Subscription item details
+ # + item - Subscription item Id
+ # + payload - Subscription item details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function updateSubscriptionItem(string item, Subscription_items_item_body payload) returns Subscription_item|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscription_items/${getEncodedUri(item)}`;
@@ -535,8 +539,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# The default pricing model for metered billing is per-unit pricing. For finer granularity, you can configure metered billing to have a tiered pricing model.
- # + subscription_item - Subscription item Id
- # + payload - Usage record details
+ # + subscription_item - Subscription item Id
+ # + payload - Usage record details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function createSubscriptionItemUsageRecord(string subscription_item, Subscription_item_usage_records_body payload) returns Usage_record|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscription_items/${getEncodedUri(subscription_item)}/usage_records`;
@@ -551,10 +555,10 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# The list is sorted in reverse-chronological order (newest first). The first list item represents the most current usage period that hasn’t ended yet. Since new usage records can still be added, the returned summary information for the subscription item’s ID should be seen as unstable until the subscription billing period ends.
- # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
- # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
- # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
- # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
+ # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
+ # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
+ # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
+ # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function getSubscriptionItemsSubscriptionItemUsageRecordSummaries(string subscription_item, string? ending_before = (), string[]? expand = (), int? 'limit = (), string? starting_after = ()) returns UsageEventsResourceUsageRecordSummaryList|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscription_items/${getEncodedUri(subscription_item)}/usage_record_summaries`;
@@ -566,19 +570,19 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# By default, returns a list of subscriptions that have not been canceled. In order to list canceled subscriptions, specify status=canceled
- # + collection_method - The collection method of the subscriptions to retrieve. Either `charge_automatically` or `send_invoice`.
- # + created - Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch
- # + current_period_end - A filter on the list based on the object current_period_end field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary
- # + current_period_start - A filter on the list based on the object current_period_start field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary
- # + customer - The ID of the customer whose subscriptions will be retrieved.
- # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
- # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
- # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
- # + price - Filter for subscriptions that contain this recurring price ID.
- # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
- # + status - The status of the subscriptions to retrieve. Passing in a value of `canceled` will return all canceled subscriptions, including those belonging to deleted customers. Pass `ended` to find subscriptions that are canceled and subscriptions that are expired due to [incomplete payment]( Passing in a value of `all` will return subscriptions of all statuses. If no value is supplied, all subscriptions that have not been canceled are returned.
- # + return - Successful response.
- remote isolated function listSubscriptions(string? collection_method = (), Created_1? created = (), Current_period_end? current_period_end = (), Current_period_start? current_period_start = (), string? customer = (), string? ending_before = (), string[]? expand = (), int? 'limit = (), string? price = (), string? starting_after = (), string? status = ()) returns Inline_response_200_2|error {
+ # + collection_method - The collection method of the subscriptions to retrieve. Either `charge_automatically` or `send_invoice`.
+ # + created - Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch
+ # + current_period_end - A filter on the list based on the object current_period_end field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary
+ # + current_period_start - A filter on the list based on the object current_period_start field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be a dictionary
+ # + customer - The ID of the customer whose subscriptions will be retrieved.
+ # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
+ # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
+ # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
+ # + price - Filter for subscriptions that contain this recurring price ID.
+ # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
+ # + status - The status of the subscriptions to retrieve. Passing in a value of `canceled` will return all canceled subscriptions, including those belonging to deleted customers. Pass `ended` to find subscriptions that are canceled and subscriptions that are expired due to [incomplete payment]( Passing in a value of `all` will return subscriptions of all statuses. If no value is supplied, all subscriptions that have not been canceled are returned.
+ # + return - Successful response.
+ remote isolated function listSubscriptions("charge_automatically"|"send_invoice"? collection_method = (), Created_1? created = (), Current_period_end? current_period_end = (), Current_period_start? current_period_start = (), string? customer = (), string? ending_before = (), string[]? expand = (), int? 'limit = (), string? price = (), string? starting_after = (), "active"|"all"|"canceled"|"ended"|"incomplete"|"incomplete_expired"|"past_due"|"trialing"|"unpaid"? status = ()) returns Inline_response_200_2|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscriptions`;
map queryParam = {"collection_method": collection_method, "created": created, "current_period_end": current_period_end, "current_period_start": current_period_start, "customer": customer, "ending_before": ending_before, "expand": expand, "limit": 'limit, "price": price, "starting_after": starting_after, "status": status};
map queryParamEncoding = {"created": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "current_period_end": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "current_period_start": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}, "expand": {style: DEEPOBJECT, explode: true}};
@@ -588,7 +592,7 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Creates a new subscription on an existing customer. Each customer can have up to 500 active or scheduled subscriptions.
- # + payload - Subscription details
+ # + payload - Subscription details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function createSubscriptions(V1_subscriptions_body payload) returns Subscription|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscriptions`;
@@ -601,8 +605,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Retrieves the subscription with the given ID.
- # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
- # + subscription_exposed_id - Subscription Id
+ # + expand - Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
+ # + subscription_exposed_id - Subscription Id
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function getSubscription(string subscription_exposed_id, string[]? expand = ()) returns Subscription|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscriptions/${getEncodedUri(subscription_exposed_id)}`;
@@ -614,8 +618,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Updates an existing subscription on a customer to match the specified parameters. When changing plans or quantities, we will optionally prorate the price we charge next month to make up for any price changes. To preview how the proration will be calculated, use the upcoming invoice endpoint.
- # + subscription_exposed_id - Subscription Id
- # + payload - Subscription details
+ # + subscription_exposed_id - Subscription Id
+ # + payload - Subscription details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function updateSubscription(string subscription_exposed_id, Subscriptions_subscription_exposed_id_body payload) returns Subscription|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscriptions/${getEncodedUri(subscription_exposed_id)}`;
@@ -632,28 +636,28 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# By default, upon subscription cancellation, Stripe will stop automatic collection of all finalized invoices for the customer. This is intended to prevent unexpected payment attempts after the customer has canceled a subscription. However, you can resume automatic collection of the invoices manually after subscription cancellation to have us proceed. Or, you could check for unpaid invoices before allowing the customer to cancel the subscription at all.
- # + subscription_exposed_id - subscription Id
- # + invoice_now - Will generate a final invoice that invoices for any un-invoiced metered usage and new/pending proration invoice items.
- # + prorate - Will generate a proration invoice item that credits remaining unused time until the subscription period end.
+ # + subscription_exposed_id - subscription Id
+ # + invoice_now - Will generate a final invoice that invoices for any un-invoiced metered usage and new/pending proration invoice items.
+ # + prorate - Will generate a proration invoice item that credits remaining unused time until the subscription period end.
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function deleteSubscription(string subscription_exposed_id, boolean? invoice_now = (), boolean? prorate = ()) returns Subscription|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscriptions/${getEncodedUri(subscription_exposed_id)}`;
map queryParam = {"invoice_now": invoice_now, "prorate": prorate};
resourcePath = resourcePath + check getPathForQueryParam(queryParam);
- Subscription response = check self.clientEp-> delete(resourcePath);
+ Subscription response = check self.clientEp->delete(resourcePath);
return response;
# Retrieves the list of your subscription schedules.
- # + canceled_at - Only return subscription schedules that were created canceled the given date interval.
- # + completed_at - Only return subscription schedules that completed during the given date interval.
- # + created - Only return subscription schedules that were created during the given date interval.
- # + customer - Only return subscription schedules for the given customer.
- # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
- # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
- # + released_at - Only return subscription schedules that were released during the given date interval.
- # + scheduled - Only return subscription schedules that have not started yet.
- # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
+ # + canceled_at - Only return subscription schedules that were created canceled the given date interval.
+ # + completed_at - Only return subscription schedules that completed during the given date interval.
+ # + created - Only return subscription schedules that were created during the given date interval.
+ # + customer - Only return subscription schedules for the given customer.
+ # + ending_before - A cursor for use in pagination. `ending_before` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, starting with `obj_bar`, your subsequent call can include `ending_before=obj_bar` in order to fetch the previous page of the list.
+ # + 'limit - A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
+ # + released_at - Only return subscription schedules that were released during the given date interval.
+ # + scheduled - Only return subscription schedules that have not started yet.
+ # + starting_after - A cursor for use in pagination. `starting_after` is an object ID that defines your place in the list. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 100 objects, ending with `obj_foo`, your subsequent call can include `starting_after=obj_foo` in order to fetch the next page of the list.
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function listSubscriptionSchedules(CreatedDetails? canceled_at = (), CreatedDetails? completed_at = (), CreatedDetails? created = (), string? customer = (), string? ending_before = (), int? 'limit = (), CreatedDetails? released_at = (), boolean? scheduled = (), string? starting_after = ()) returns Inline_response_200_3|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscription_schedules`;
@@ -665,7 +669,7 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Creates a new subscription schedule object. Each customer can have up to 500 active or scheduled subscriptions.
- # + payload - Subscription details
+ # + payload - Subscription details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function createSubscriptionSchedule(V1_subscription_schedules_body payload) returns Subscription_schedule|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscription_schedules`;
@@ -678,7 +682,7 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Retrieves the details of an existing subscription schedule. You only need to supply the unique subscription schedule identifier that was returned upon subscription schedule creation.
- # + schedule - Subscription schedule Id
+ # + schedule - Subscription schedule Id
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function getSubscriptionSchedule(string schedule) returns Subscription_schedule|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscription_schedules/${getEncodedUri(schedule)}`;
@@ -687,8 +691,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Updates an existing subscription schedule.
- # + schedule - Subscription schedule Id
- # + payload - Subscription schedule details
+ # + schedule - Subscription schedule Id
+ # + payload - Subscription schedule details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function updateSubscriptionSchedule(string schedule, Subscription_schedules_schedule_body payload) returns Subscription_schedule|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscription_schedules/${getEncodedUri(schedule)}`;
@@ -701,8 +705,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Cancels a subscription schedule and its associated subscription immediately (if the subscription schedule has an active subscription). A subscription schedule can only be canceled if its status is not_started
or active
- # + schedule - Subscription schedule Id
- # + payload - Subscription schedule details
+ # + schedule - Subscription schedule Id
+ # + payload - Subscription schedule details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function cancelSubscriptionSchedule(string schedule, Schedule_cancel_body payload) returns Subscription_schedule|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscription_schedules/${getEncodedUri(schedule)}/cancel`;
@@ -715,8 +719,8 @@ public isolated client class Client {
# Releases the subscription schedule immediately, which will stop scheduling of its phases, but leave any existing subscription in place. A schedule can only be released if its status is not_started
or active
. If the subscription schedule is currently associated with a subscription, releasing it will remove its subscription
property and set the subscription’s ID to the released_subscription
- # + schedule - Subscription schedule Id
- # + payload - Subscription schedule details
+ # + schedule - Subscription schedule Id
+ # + payload - Subscription schedule details
# + return - Successful response.
remote isolated function releaseSubscriptionSchedule(string schedule, Schedule_release_body payload) returns Subscription_schedule|error {
string resourcePath = string `/v1/subscription_schedules/${getEncodedUri(schedule)}/release`;
diff --git a/openapi/stripe/types.bal b/openapi/stripe/types.bal
index 23d18b88b..79a193edb 100644
--- a/openapi/stripe/types.bal
+++ b/openapi/stripe/types.bal
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
-import ballerina/http;
import ballerina/constraint;
+import ballerina/http;
# Provides a set of configurations for controlling the behaviours when communicating with a remote HTTP endpoint.
@display {label: "Connection Config"}
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ public type Line_item record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Note that for line items with `type=subscription` this will reflect the metadata of the subscription that caused the line item to be created.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "line_item" 'object;
Invoice_line_item_period period;
# The price of the line item.
@@ -391,13 +391,13 @@ public type Line_item record {
# The tax rates which apply to the line item.
Tax_rate[] tax_rates?;
# A string identifying the type of the source of this line item, either an `invoiceitem` or a `subscription`.
- string 'type;
+ "invoiceitem"|"subscription" 'type;
public type Mandate_bacs_debit record {
# The status of the mandate on the Bacs network. Can be one of `pending`, `revoked`, `refused`, or `accepted`.
- string network_status;
+ "accepted"|"pending"|"refused"|"revoked" network_status;
# The unique reference identifying the mandate on the Bacs network.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string reference;
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ public type Mandate_bacs_debit record {
string url;
-public type Subscription_default_tax_rates_1 Subscriptiondefaulttaxrates1ItemsString[]|string;
+public type Subscription_default_tax_rates_1 Subscriptiondefaulttaxrates1ItemsString[]|"";
# `Customer` objects allow you to perform recurring charges, and to track
# multiple charges, that are associated with the same customer. The API allows
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ public type Customer record {
# The suffix of the customer's next invoice number, e.g., 0001.
int next_invoice_sequence?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "customer" 'object;
# The customer's phone number.
string? phone?;
# The customer's preferred locales (languages), ordered by preference.
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ public type Customer record {
Customer_tax tax?;
# Describes the customer's tax exemption status. One of `none`, `exempt`, or `reverse`. When set to `reverse`, invoice and receipt PDFs include the text **"Reverse charge"**.
- string? tax_exempt?;
+ "exempt"|"none"|"reverse" tax_exempt?;
# The customer's tax IDs.
TaxIDsList tax_ids?;
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ public type Product record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string name;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "product" 'object;
# The dimensions of this product for shipping purposes.
Package_dimensions? package_dimensions?;
# Whether this product is shipped (i.e., physical goods).
@@ -555,18 +555,18 @@ public type Credit_note record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string number;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "credit_note" 'object;
# Amount that was credited outside of Stripe.
int? out_of_band_amount?;
# The link to download the PDF of the credit note.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string pdf;
# Reason for issuing this credit note, one of `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `order_change`, or `product_unsatisfactory`
- string? reason?;
+ "duplicate"|"fraudulent"|"order_change"|"product_unsatisfactory" reason?;
# Refund related to this credit note.
string|Refund? refund?;
# Status of this credit note, one of `issued` or `void`. Learn more about [voiding credit notes](
- string status;
+ "issued"|"void" status;
# The integer amount in %s representing the amount of the credit note, excluding tax and invoice level discounts.
int subtotal;
# The aggregate amounts calculated per tax rate for all line items.
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ public type Credit_note record {
# The integer amount in %s representing the total amount of the credit note, including tax and all discount.
int total;
# Type of this credit note, one of `pre_payment` or `post_payment`. A `pre_payment` credit note means it was issued when the invoice was open. A `post_payment` credit note means it was issued when the invoice was paid.
- string 'type;
+ "post_payment"|"pre_payment" 'type;
# The time that the credit note was voided.
int? voided_at?;
@@ -663,23 +663,23 @@ public type Payment_method_details_interac_present record {
# EMV tag 5F2D. Preferred languages specified by the integrated circuit chip.
Payment_method_details_interac_presentPreferredlocalesItemsString[]? preferred_locales?;
# How card details were read in this transaction.
- string? read_method?;
+ "contact_emv"|"contactless_emv"|"contactless_magstripe_mode"|"magnetic_stripe_fallback"|"magnetic_stripe_track2" read_method?;
# A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions.
Payment_method_details_interac_present_receipt? receipt?;
public type GetInvoicesUpcomingRequestBody record {
- Item_billing_thresholds_param|string billing_thresholds?;
+ Item_billing_thresholds_param|"" billing_thresholds?;
boolean clear_usage?;
boolean deleted?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id?;
- record {|string...;|}|string metadata?;
+ record {|string...;|}|"" metadata?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string price?;
Recurring_price_data_1 price_data?;
int quantity?;
- TaxratesItemsString[]|string tax_rates?;
+ TaxratesItemsString[]|"" tax_rates?;
@@ -740,20 +740,20 @@ public type Gelato_document_report record {
# Document ID number.
string? number?;
# Status of this `document` check.
- string status;
+ "unverified"|"verified" status;
# Type of the document.
- string? 'type?;
+ "driving_license"|"id_card"|"passport" 'type?;
public type Deleted_radarValue_list record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "radar.value_list" 'object;
# The dimensions of this product for shipping purposes.
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ public type Payment_method_details_bancontact record {
string? iban_last4?;
# Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
# Can be one of `en`, `de`, `fr`, or `nl`
- string? preferred_language?;
+ "de"|"en"|"fr"|"nl" preferred_language?;
# Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Bancontact directly
# (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
string? verified_name?;
@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ public type Transfer record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "transfer" 'object;
# A list of reversals that have been applied to the transfer.
TransferReversalList reversals;
# Whether the transfer has been fully reversed. If the transfer is only partially reversed, this attribute will still be false.
@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ public type Account_link record {
# The timestamp at which this account link will expire.
int expires_at;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "account_link" 'object;
# The URL for the account link.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ public type QuotesResourceListLineItems_1 record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -914,13 +914,13 @@ public type TerminalConnection_token record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string location?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "terminal.connection_token" 'object;
# Your application should pass this token to the Stripe Terminal SDK.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string secret;
-public type Subscription_cancel_at int|string;
+public type Subscription_cancel_at int|"";
# To share the contents of a `File` object with non-Stripe users, you can
# create a `FileLink`. `FileLink`s contain a URL that can be used to
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ public type File_link record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "file_link" 'object;
# The publicly accessible URL to download the file.
string? url?;
@@ -950,13 +950,13 @@ public type File_link record {
public type Portal_subscription_update record {
# The types of subscription updates that are supported for items listed in the `products` attribute. When empty, subscriptions are not updateable.
- string[] default_allowed_updates;
+ ("price"|"promotion_code"|"quantity")[] default_allowed_updates;
# Whether the feature is enabled.
boolean enabled;
# The list of products that support subscription updates.
Portal_subscription_update_product[]? products?;
# Determines how to handle prorations resulting from subscription updates. Valid values are `none`, `create_prorations`, and `always_invoice`.
- string proration_behavior;
+ "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none" proration_behavior;
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ public type Bitcoin_receiver record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "bitcoin_receiver" 'object;
# The ID of the payment created from the receiver, if any. Hidden when viewing the receiver with a publishable key.
string? payment?;
# The refund address of this bitcoin receiver.
@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ public type Apple_pay_domain record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "apple_pay_domain" 'object;
@@ -1047,12 +1047,12 @@ public type Deleted_bank_account record {
# Three-letter [ISO code for the currency]( paid out to the bank account.
string? currency?;
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "bank_account" 'object;
@@ -1118,18 +1118,18 @@ public type Payment_method_details_card_present record {
# Identifies which network this charge was processed on. Can be `amex`, `cartes_bancaires`, `diners`, `discover`, `interac`, `jcb`, `mastercard`, `unionpay`, `visa`, or `unknown`.
string? network?;
# How card details were read in this transaction.
- string? read_method?;
+ "contact_emv"|"contactless_emv"|"contactless_magstripe_mode"|"magnetic_stripe_fallback"|"magnetic_stripe_track2" read_method?;
# A collection of fields required to be displayed on receipts. Only required for EMV transactions.
Payment_method_details_card_present_receipt? receipt?;
public type Subscription_items_item_body record {|
# Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.
- Billing_thresholds|string billing_thresholds?;
+ Billing_thresholds|"" billing_thresholds?;
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
Subscription_items_item_bodyExpandItemsString[] expand?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- Additional_properties|string metadata?;
+ Additional_properties|"" metadata?;
# Indicates if a customer is on or off-session while an invoice payment is attempted.
boolean off_session?;
# Use `allow_incomplete` to transition the subscription to `status=past_due` if a payment is required but cannot be paid. This allows you to manage scenarios where additional user actions are needed to pay a subscription's invoice. For example, SCA regulation may require 3DS authentication to complete payment. See the [SCA Migration Guide]( for Billing to learn more. This is the default behavior.
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ public type Subscription_items_item_body record {|
# Use `pending_if_incomplete` to update the subscription using [pending updates]( When you use `pending_if_incomplete` you can only pass the parameters [supported by pending updates](
# Use `error_if_incomplete` if you want Stripe to return an HTTP 402 status code if a subscription's invoice cannot be paid. For example, if a payment method requires 3DS authentication due to SCA regulation and further user action is needed, this parameter does not update the subscription and returns an error instead. This was the default behavior for API versions prior to 2019-03-14. See the [changelog]( to learn more.
- string payment_behavior?;
+ "allow_incomplete"|"default_incomplete"|"error_if_incomplete"|"pending_if_incomplete" payment_behavior?;
# The ID of the price object. When changing a subscription item's price, `quantity` is set to 1 unless a `quantity` parameter is provided.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string price?;
@@ -1150,13 +1150,13 @@ public type Subscription_items_item_body record {|
# Passing `create_prorations` will cause proration invoice items to be created when applicable. These proration items will only be invoiced immediately under [certain conditions]( In order to always invoice immediately for prorations, pass `always_invoice`.
# Prorations can be disabled by passing `none`.
- string proration_behavior?;
+ "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none" proration_behavior?;
# If set, the proration will be calculated as though the subscription was updated at the given time. This can be used to apply the same proration that was previewed with the [upcoming invoice]( endpoint.
int proration_date?;
# The quantity you'd like to apply to the subscription item you're creating.
int quantity?;
# A list of [Tax Rate]( ids. These Tax Rates will override the [`default_tax_rates`]( on the Subscription. When updating, pass an empty string to remove previously-defined tax rates.
- Tax_rate_array|string tax_rates?;
+ Tax_rate_array|"" tax_rates?;
# Point in Time
@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@ public type Deleted_discount record {
# The ID of the customer associated with this discount.
string|Customer|Deleted_customer? customer?;
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# The ID of the discount object. Discounts cannot be fetched by ID. Use `expand[]=discounts` in API calls to expand discount IDs in an array.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ public type Deleted_discount record {
# The invoice item `id` (or invoice line item `id` for invoice line items of type='subscription') that the discount's coupon was applied to, if it was applied directly to a particular invoice item or invoice line item.
string? invoice_item?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "discount" 'object;
# The promotion code applied to create this discount.
string|Promotion_code? promotion_code?;
# Date that the coupon was applied.
@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ public type Deleted_discount record {
string? subscription?;
-public type Subscription_default_tax_rates SubscriptiondefaulttaxratesItemsString[]|string;
+public type Subscription_default_tax_rates SubscriptiondefaulttaxratesItemsString[]|"";
# A VerificationReport is the result of an attempt to collect and verify data from a user.
# The collection of verification checks performed is determined from the `type` and `options`
@@ -1230,13 +1230,13 @@ public type IdentityVerification_report record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "identity.verification_report" 'object;
Gelato_verification_report_options options;
# Result from a selfie check
Gelato_selfie_report selfie?;
# Type of report.
- string 'type;
+ "document"|"id_number" 'type;
# ID of the VerificationSession that created this report.
string? verification_session?;
@@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@ public type SubscriptionList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -1287,7 +1287,7 @@ public type Setup_intent record {
# ID of the Connect application that created the SetupIntent.
string|Application? application?;
# Reason for cancellation of this SetupIntent, one of `abandoned`, `requested_by_customer`, or `duplicate`.
- string? cancellation_reason?;
+ "abandoned"|"duplicate"|"requested_by_customer" cancellation_reason?;
# The client secret of this SetupIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key.
# The client secret can be used to complete payment setup from your frontend. It should not be stored, logged, embedded in URLs, or exposed to anyone other than the customer. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes the client secret.
@@ -1316,7 +1316,7 @@ public type Setup_intent record {
# If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to continue payment setup.
Setup_intent_next_action? next_action?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "setup_intent" 'object;
# The account (if any) for which the setup is intended.
string|Account? on_behalf_of?;
# ID of the payment method used with this SetupIntent.
@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ public type Setup_intent record {
# ID of the single_use Mandate generated by the SetupIntent.
string|Mandate? single_use_mandate?;
# [Status]( of this SetupIntent, one of `requires_payment_method`, `requires_confirmation`, `requires_action`, `processing`, `canceled`, or `succeeded`.
- string status;
+ "canceled"|"processing"|"requires_action"|"requires_confirmation"|"requires_payment_method"|"succeeded" status;
# Indicates how the payment method is intended to be used in the future.
# Use `on_session` if you intend to only reuse the payment method when the customer is in your checkout flow. Use `off_session` if your customer may or may not be in your checkout flow. If not provided, this value defaults to `off_session`.
@@ -1343,14 +1343,14 @@ public type RadarListListItemList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
public type Tax_param_1 record {
- string|string ip_address?;
+ string|"" ip_address?;
@@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ public type UsageEventsResourceUsageRecordSummaryList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ public type RefundList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -1409,13 +1409,13 @@ public type Quotes_resource_computed record {
public type Issuing_authorization_verification_data record {
# Whether the cardholder provided an address first line and if it matched the cardholder’s `billing.address.line1`.
- string address_line1_check;
+ "match"|"mismatch"|"not_provided" address_line1_check;
# Whether the cardholder provided a postal code and if it matched the cardholder’s `billing.address.postal_code`.
- string address_postal_code_check;
+ "match"|"mismatch"|"not_provided" address_postal_code_check;
# Whether the cardholder provided a CVC and if it matched Stripe’s record.
- string cvc_check;
+ "match"|"mismatch"|"not_provided" cvc_check;
# Whether the cardholder provided an expiry date and if it matched Stripe’s record.
- string expiry_check;
+ "match"|"mismatch"|"not_provided" expiry_check;
@@ -1451,7 +1451,7 @@ public type Tax_deducted_at_source record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "tax_deducted_at_source" 'object;
# The end of the invoicing period. This TDS applies to Stripe fees collected during this invoicing period.
int period_end;
# The start of the invoicing period. This TDS applies to Stripe fees collected during this invoicing period.
@@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@ public type IssuingCardholder record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string name;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "issuing.cardholder" 'object;
# The cardholder's phone number. This is required for all cardholders who will be creating EU cards. See the [3D Secure documentation]( for more details.
string? phone_number?;
@@ -1494,9 +1494,9 @@ public type IssuingCardholder record {
# Rules that control spending across this cardholder's cards. Refer to our [documentation]( for more details.
Issuing_cardholder_authorization_controls? spending_controls?;
# Specifies whether to permit authorizations on this cardholder's cards.
- string status;
+ "active"|"blocked"|"inactive" status;
# One of `individual` or `company`.
- string 'type;
+ "company"|"individual" 'type;
@@ -1511,7 +1511,7 @@ public type Ephemeral_key record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "ephemeral_key" 'object;
# The key's secret. You can use this value to make authorized requests to the Stripe API.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string secret?;
@@ -1547,7 +1547,7 @@ public type Billing_portalConfiguration record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "billing_portal.configuration" 'object;
# Time at which the object was last updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int updated;
@@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ public type Billing_portalConfiguration record {
public type Customer_tax record {
# Surfaces if automatic tax computation is possible given the current customer location information.
- string automatic_tax;
+ "failed"|"not_collecting"|"supported"|"unrecognized_location" automatic_tax;
# A recent IP address of the customer used for tax reporting and tax location inference.
string? ip_address?;
# The customer's location as identified by Stripe Tax.
@@ -1576,13 +1576,13 @@ public type Connect_collection_transfer record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "connect_collection_transfer" 'object;
public type Payment_method_details_fpx record {
# The customer's bank. Can be one of `affin_bank`, `alliance_bank`, `ambank`, `bank_islam`, `bank_muamalat`, `bank_rakyat`, `bsn`, `cimb`, `hong_leong_bank`, `hsbc`, `kfh`, `maybank2u`, `ocbc`, `public_bank`, `rhb`, `standard_chartered`, `uob`, `deutsche_bank`, `maybank2e`, or `pb_enterprise`.
- string bank;
+ "affin_bank"|"alliance_bank"|"ambank"|"bank_islam"|"bank_muamalat"|"bank_rakyat"|"bsn"|"cimb"|"deutsche_bank"|"hong_leong_bank"|"hsbc"|"kfh"|"maybank2e"|"maybank2u"|"ocbc"|"pb_enterprise"|"public_bank"|"rhb"|"standard_chartered"|"uob" bank;
# Unique transaction id generated by FPX for every request from the merchant
string? transaction_id?;
@@ -1601,7 +1601,7 @@ public type Subscription_billing_thresholds record {
boolean? reset_billing_cycle_anchor?;
-public type Subscription_billing_cycle_anchor_1 string|int;
+public type Subscription_billing_cycle_anchor_1 "now"|"unchanged"|int;
public type Payment_method_details_au_becs_debit record {
@@ -1627,7 +1627,7 @@ public type FileFileLinkList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ public type Exchange_rate record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "exchange_rate" 'object;
# Hash where the keys are supported currencies and the values are the exchange rate at which the base id currency converts to the key currency.
record {||} rates;
@@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@ public type Payment_method_details_card_wallet record {
Payment_method_details_card_wallet_samsung_pay samsung_pay?;
# The type of the card wallet, one of `amex_express_checkout`, `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, `masterpass`, `samsung_pay`, or `visa_checkout`. An additional hash is included on the Wallet subhash with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the card wallet type.
- string 'type;
+ "amex_express_checkout"|"apple_pay"|"google_pay"|"masterpass"|"samsung_pay"|"visa_checkout" 'type;
Payment_method_details_card_wallet_visa_checkout visa_checkout?;
@@ -1787,7 +1787,7 @@ public type Optional_fields_address record {
public type Invoices_invoice_body record {|
# The account tax IDs associated with the invoice. Only editable when the invoice is a draft.
- AccounttaxidsItemsString[]|string account_tax_ids?;
+ AccounttaxidsItemsString[]|"" account_tax_ids?;
# A fee in %s that will be applied to the invoice and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The request must be made with an OAuth key or the Stripe-Account header in order to take an application fee. For more information, see the application fees [documentation](
int application_fee_amount?;
# Controls whether Stripe will perform [automatic collection]( of the invoice.
@@ -1795,9 +1795,9 @@ public type Invoices_invoice_body record {|
# Settings for automatic tax lookup for this invoice.
Automatic_tax_param automatic_tax?;
# Either `charge_automatically` or `send_invoice`. This field can be updated only on `draft` invoices.
- string collection_method?;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method?;
# A list of up to 4 custom fields to be displayed on the invoice. If a value for `custom_fields` is specified, the list specified will replace the existing custom field list on this invoice. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined fields.
- Invoice_settings_custom_fields|string custom_fields?;
+ Invoice_settings_custom_fields|"" custom_fields?;
# The number of days from which the invoice is created until it is due. Only valid for invoices where `collection_method=send_invoice`. This field can only be updated on `draft` invoices.
int days_until_due?;
# ID of the default payment method for the invoice. It must belong to the customer associated with the invoice. If not set, defaults to the subscription's default payment method, if any, or to the default payment method in the customer's invoice settings.
@@ -1807,12 +1807,12 @@ public type Invoices_invoice_body record {|
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string default_source?;
# The tax rates that will apply to any line item that does not have `tax_rates` set. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined tax rates.
- DefaulttaxratesItemsString[]|string default_tax_rates?;
+ DefaulttaxratesItemsString[]|"" default_tax_rates?;
# An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Referenced as 'memo' in the Dashboard.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 1500}
string description?;
# The discounts that will apply to the invoice. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined discounts.
- Discounts_data_param|string discounts?;
+ Discounts_data_param|"" discounts?;
# The date on which payment for this invoice is due. Only valid for invoices where `collection_method=send_invoice`. This field can only be updated on `draft` invoices.
int due_date?;
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
@@ -1821,16 +1821,16 @@ public type Invoices_invoice_body record {|
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string footer?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- record {|string...;|}|string metadata?;
+ record {|string...;|}|"" metadata?;
# The account (if any) for which the funds of the invoice payment are intended. If set, the invoice will be presented with the branding and support information of the specified account. See the [Invoices with Connect]( documentation for details.
- string|string on_behalf_of?;
+ string|"" on_behalf_of?;
# Configuration settings for the PaymentIntent that is generated when the invoice is finalized.
Payment_settings payment_settings?;
# Extra information about a charge for the customer's credit card statement. It must contain at least one letter. If not specified and this invoice is part of a subscription, the default `statement_descriptor` will be set to the first subscription item's product's `statement_descriptor`.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 22}
string statement_descriptor?;
# If specified, the funds from the invoice will be transferred to the destination and the ID of the resulting transfer will be found on the invoice's charge. This will be unset if you POST an empty value.
- Discounts_data_param|string transfer_data?;
+ Discounts_data_param|"" transfer_data?;
@@ -1864,13 +1864,13 @@ public type V1_subscriptions_body record {|
# A future timestamp to anchor the subscription's [billing cycle]( This is used to determine the date of the first full invoice, and, for plans with `month` or `year` intervals, the day of the month for subsequent invoices.
int billing_cycle_anchor?;
# Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.
- Billing_threshold_params|string billing_thresholds?;
+ Billing_threshold_params|"" billing_thresholds?;
# A timestamp at which the subscription should cancel. If set to a date before the current period ends, this will cause a proration if prorations have been enabled using `proration_behavior`. If set during a future period, this will always cause a proration for that period.
int cancel_at?;
# Boolean indicating whether this subscription should cancel at the end of the current period.
boolean cancel_at_period_end?;
# Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. Defaults to `charge_automatically`.
- string collection_method?;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method?;
# The ID of the coupon to apply to this subscription. A coupon applied to a subscription will only affect invoices created for that particular subscription.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string coupon?;
@@ -1886,13 +1886,13 @@ public type V1_subscriptions_body record {|
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string default_source?;
# The tax rates that will apply to any subscription item that does not have `tax_rates` set. Invoices created will have their `default_tax_rates` populated from the subscription.
- Tax_rate_array|string default_tax_rates?;
+ Tax_rate_array|"" default_tax_rates?;
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
V1_subscriptions_bodyExpandItemsString[] expand?;
# A list of up to 20 subscription items, each with an attached price.
Subscription_item_create_params[] items?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- Additional_properties|string metadata?;
+ Additional_properties|"" metadata?;
# Indicates if a customer is on or off-session while an invoice payment is attempted.
boolean off_session?;
# Use `allow_incomplete` to create subscriptions with `status=incomplete` if the first invoice cannot be paid. Creating subscriptions with this status allows you to manage scenarios where additional user actions are needed to pay a subscription's invoice. For example, SCA regulation may require 3DS authentication to complete payment. See the [SCA Migration Guide]( for Billing to learn more. This is the default behavior.
@@ -1902,22 +1902,22 @@ public type V1_subscriptions_body record {|
# Use `error_if_incomplete` if you want Stripe to return an HTTP 402 status code if a subscription's first invoice cannot be paid. For example, if a payment method requires 3DS authentication due to SCA regulation and further user action is needed, this parameter does not create a subscription and returns an error instead. This was the default behavior for API versions prior to 2019-03-14. See the [changelog]( to learn more.
# `pending_if_incomplete` is only used with updates and cannot be passed when creating a subscription.
- string payment_behavior?;
+ "allow_incomplete"|"default_incomplete"|"error_if_incomplete"|"pending_if_incomplete" payment_behavior?;
# Payment settings to pass to invoices created by the subscription.
Payment_settings_1 payment_settings?;
# Specifies an interval for how often to bill for any pending invoice items. It is analogous to calling [Create an invoice]( for the given subscription at the specified interval.
- Pending_invoice_item_interval_params|string pending_invoice_item_interval?;
+ Pending_invoice_item_interval_params|"" pending_invoice_item_interval?;
# The API ID of a promotion code to apply to this subscription. A promotion code applied to a subscription will only affect invoices created for that particular subscription.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string promotion_code?;
# Determines how to handle [prorations]( resulting from the `billing_cycle_anchor`. Valid values are `create_prorations` or `none`.
# Passing `create_prorations` will cause proration invoice items to be created when applicable. Prorations can be disabled by passing `none`. If no value is passed, the default is `create_prorations`.
- string proration_behavior?;
+ "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none" proration_behavior?;
# If specified, the funds from the subscription's invoices will be transferred to the destination and the ID of the resulting transfers will be found on the resulting charges.
Transfer_data_specs_2 transfer_data?;
# Unix timestamp representing the end of the trial period the customer will get before being charged for the first time. This will always overwrite any trials that might apply via a subscribed plan. If set, trial_end will override the default trial period of the plan the customer is being subscribed to. The special value `now` can be provided to end the customer's trial immediately. Can be at most two years from `billing_cycle_anchor`.
- string|int trial_end?;
+ "now"|int trial_end?;
# Indicates if a plan's `trial_period_days` should be applied to the subscription. Setting `trial_end` per subscription is preferred, and this defaults to `false`. Setting this flag to `true` together with `trial_end` is not allowed.
boolean trial_from_plan?;
# Integer representing the number of trial period days before the customer is charged for the first time. This will always overwrite any trials that might apply via a subscribed plan.
@@ -1960,7 +1960,7 @@ public type CardList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -1969,7 +1969,7 @@ public type CardList record {
public type Portal_customer_update record {
# The types of customer updates that are supported. When empty, customers are not updateable.
- string[] allowed_updates;
+ ("address"|"email"|"phone"|"shipping"|"tax_id")[] allowed_updates;
# Whether the feature is enabled.
boolean enabled;
@@ -1983,7 +1983,7 @@ public type Platform_tax_fee record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "platform_tax_fee" 'object;
# The payment object that caused this tax to be inflicted.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string source_transaction;
@@ -1999,9 +1999,9 @@ public type Payment_method_grabpay record {
public type Payment_method_ideal record {
# The customer's bank, if provided. Can be one of `abn_amro`, `asn_bank`, `bunq`, `handelsbanken`, `ing`, `knab`, `moneyou`, `rabobank`, `regiobank`, `revolut`, `sns_bank`, `triodos_bank`, or `van_lanschot`.
- string? bank?;
+ "abn_amro"|"asn_bank"|"bunq"|"handelsbanken"|"ing"|"knab"|"moneyou"|"rabobank"|"regiobank"|"revolut"|"sns_bank"|"triodos_bank"|"van_lanschot" bank?;
# The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank, if the bank was provided.
- string? bic?;
# As a [card issuer](, you can dispute transactions that the cardholder does not recognize, suspects to be fraudulent, or has other issues with.
@@ -2026,9 +2026,9 @@ public type IssuingDispute record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "issuing.dispute" 'object;
# Current status of the dispute.
- string status;
+ "expired"|"lost"|"submitted"|"unsubmitted"|"won" status;
# The transaction being disputed.
string|IssuingTransaction 'transaction;
@@ -2084,7 +2084,7 @@ public type Payment_intent_payment_method_options_acss_debit record {
Payment_intent_payment_method_options_mandate_options_acss_debit mandate_options?;
# Bank account verification method.
- string verification_method?;
+ "automatic"|"instant"|"microdeposits" verification_method?;
@@ -2140,7 +2140,7 @@ public type Credit_note_line_item record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "credit_note_line_item" 'object;
# The number of units of product being credited.
int? quantity?;
# The amount of tax calculated per tax rate for this line item
@@ -2148,7 +2148,7 @@ public type Credit_note_line_item record {
# The tax rates which apply to the line item.
Tax_rate[] tax_rates;
# The type of the credit note line item, one of `invoice_line_item` or `custom_line_item`. When the type is `invoice_line_item` there is an additional `invoice_line_item` property on the resource the value of which is the id of the credited line item on the invoice.
- string 'type;
+ "custom_line_item"|"invoice_line_item" 'type;
# The cost of each unit of product being credited.
int? unit_amount?;
# Same as `unit_amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
@@ -2164,7 +2164,7 @@ public type SubscriptionItemList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -2173,7 +2173,7 @@ public type SubscriptionItemList record {
public type Payment_method_details_eps record {
# The customer's bank. Should be one of `arzte_und_apotheker_bank`, `austrian_anadi_bank_ag`, `bank_austria`, `bankhaus_carl_spangler`, `bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag`, `bawag_psk_ag`, `bks_bank_ag`, `brull_kallmus_bank_ag`, `btv_vier_lander_bank`, `capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag`, `dolomitenbank`, `easybank_ag`, `erste_bank_und_sparkassen`, `hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag`, `hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien`, `hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark`, `hypo_tirol_bank_ag`, `hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag`, `hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft`, `marchfelder_bank`, `oberbank_ag`, `raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich`, `schoellerbank_ag`, `sparda_bank_wien`, `volksbank_gruppe`, `volkskreditbank_ag`, or `vr_bank_braunau`.
- string? bank?;
+ "arzte_und_apotheker_bank"|"austrian_anadi_bank_ag"|"bank_austria"|"bankhaus_carl_spangler"|"bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag"|"bawag_psk_ag"|"bks_bank_ag"|"brull_kallmus_bank_ag"|"btv_vier_lander_bank"|"capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag"|"dolomitenbank"|"easybank_ag"|"erste_bank_und_sparkassen"|"hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag"|"hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft"|"hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien"|"hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark"|"hypo_tirol_bank_ag"|"hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag"|"marchfelder_bank"|"oberbank_ag"|"raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich"|"schoellerbank_ag"|"sparda_bank_wien"|"volksbank_gruppe"|"volkskreditbank_ag"|"vr_bank_braunau" bank?;
# Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by EPS directly
# (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
# EPS rarely provides this information so the attribute is usually empty.
@@ -2209,7 +2209,7 @@ public type Payment_method_card_wallet record {
Payment_method_card_wallet_samsung_pay samsung_pay?;
# The type of the card wallet, one of `amex_express_checkout`, `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, `masterpass`, `samsung_pay`, or `visa_checkout`. An additional hash is included on the Wallet subhash with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the card wallet type.
- string 'type;
+ "amex_express_checkout"|"apple_pay"|"google_pay"|"masterpass"|"samsung_pay"|"visa_checkout" 'type;
Payment_method_card_wallet_visa_checkout visa_checkout?;
@@ -2217,7 +2217,7 @@ public type Payment_method_card_wallet record {
public type Payment_method_details_interac_present_receipt record {
# The type of account being debited or credited
- string account_type?;
+ "checking"|"savings"|"unknown" account_type?;
# EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip.
string? application_cryptogram?;
# Mnenomic of the Application Identifier.
@@ -2255,7 +2255,7 @@ public type Coupon record {
# If `amount_off` has been set, the three-letter [ISO code for the currency]( of the amount to take off.
string? currency?;
# One of `forever`, `once`, and `repeating`. Describes how long a customer who applies this coupon will get the discount.
- string duration;
+ "forever"|"once"|"repeating" duration;
# If `duration` is `repeating`, the number of months the coupon applies. Null if coupon `duration` is `forever` or `once`.
int? duration_in_months?;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@@ -2270,7 +2270,7 @@ public type Coupon record {
# Name of the coupon displayed to customers on for instance invoices or receipts.
string? name?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "coupon" 'object;
# Percent that will be taken off the subtotal of any invoices for this customer for the duration of the coupon. For example, a coupon with percent_off of 50 will make a %s100 invoice %s50 instead.
decimal? percent_off?;
# Date after which the coupon can no longer be redeemed.
@@ -2290,7 +2290,7 @@ public type Radar_review_resource_session record {
# The platform for the browser session (e.g., `Macintosh`).
string? platform?;
# The version for the browser session (e.g., `61.0.3163.100`).
- string? 'version?;
+ string? version?;
public type Period_1 record {
@@ -2457,7 +2457,7 @@ public type Gelato_selfie_report record {
# ID of the [File]( holding the image of the selfie used in this check.
string? selfie?;
# Status of this `selfie` check.
- string status;
+ "unverified"|"verified" status;
# If this is an `au_becs_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the bank account.
@@ -2476,9 +2476,9 @@ public type Inline_response_200_3 record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
+ @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000, pattern: re `^/v1/subscription_schedules`}
string url;
@@ -2498,7 +2498,7 @@ public type Setup_attempt_payment_method_details_sofort record {
string? iban_last4?;
# Preferred language of the Sofort authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
# Can be one of `en`, `de`, `fr`, or `nl`
- string? preferred_language?;
+ "de"|"en"|"fr"|"nl" preferred_language?;
# Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Sofort directly
# (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
string? verified_name?;
@@ -2512,9 +2512,9 @@ public type Inline_response_200_2 record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
+ @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000, pattern: re `^/v1/subscriptions`}
string url;
@@ -2547,7 +2547,7 @@ public type Sku record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "sku" 'object;
# The dimensions of this SKU for shipping purposes.
Package_dimensions? package_dimensions?;
# The cost of the item as a positive integer in the smallest currency unit (that is, 100 cents to charge $1.00, or 100 to charge ¥100, Japanese Yen being a zero-decimal currency).
@@ -2572,7 +2572,7 @@ public type Country_spec record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "country_spec" 'object;
# Currencies that can be accepted in the specific country (for transfers).
record {|string[]...;|} supported_bank_account_currencies;
# Currencies that can be accepted in the specified country (for payments).
@@ -2594,7 +2594,7 @@ public type Recurring_price_data_1 record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string product;
Recurring_adhoc recurring;
- string tax_behavior?;
+ "exclusive"|"inclusive"|"unspecified" tax_behavior?;
int unit_amount?;
string unit_amount_decimal?;
@@ -2606,18 +2606,18 @@ public type V1_subscription_schedules_body record {|
# Object representing the subscription schedule's default settings.
Default_settings_params default_settings?;
# Configures how the subscription schedule behaves when it ends. Possible values are `release` or `cancel` with the default being `release`. `release` will end the subscription schedule and keep the underlying subscription running.`cancel` will end the subscription schedule and cancel the underlying subscription.
- string end_behavior?;
+ "cancel"|"none"|"release"|"renew" end_behavior?;
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
V1_subscription_schedules_bodyExpandItemsString[] expand?;
# Migrate an existing subscription to be managed by a subscription schedule. If this parameter is set, a subscription schedule will be created using the subscription's item(s), set to auto-renew using the subscription's interval. When using this parameter, other parameters (such as phase values) cannot be set. To create a subscription schedule with other modifications, we recommend making two separate API calls.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string from_subscription?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- record {|string...;|}|string metadata?;
+ record {|string...;|}|"" metadata?;
# List representing phases of the subscription schedule. Each phase can be customized to have different durations, plans, and coupons. If there are multiple phases, the `end_date` of one phase will always equal the `start_date` of the next phase.
Phase_configuration_params[] phases?;
# When the subscription schedule starts. We recommend using `now` so that it starts the subscription immediately. You can also use a Unix timestamp to backdate the subscription so that it starts on a past date, or set a future date for the subscription to start on.
- int|string start_date?;
+ int|"now" start_date?;
@@ -2660,7 +2660,7 @@ public type Portal_subscription_pause record {
public type Payment_pages_checkout_session_tax_id record {
# The type of the tax ID, one of `eu_vat`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `gb_vat`, `nz_gst`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `in_gst`, `no_vat`, `za_vat`, `ch_vat`, `mx_rfc`, `sg_uen`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `ca_bn`, `hk_br`, `es_cif`, `tw_vat`, `th_vat`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `li_uid`, `my_itn`, `us_ein`, `kr_brn`, `ca_qst`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `my_sst`, `sg_gst`, `ae_trn`, `cl_tin`, `sa_vat`, `id_npwp`, `my_frp`, `il_vat`, or `unknown`
- string 'type;
+ "ae_trn"|"au_abn"|"au_arn"|"br_cnpj"|"br_cpf"|"ca_bn"|"ca_gst_hst"|"ca_pst_bc"|"ca_pst_mb"|"ca_pst_sk"|"ca_qst"|"ch_vat"|"cl_tin"|"es_cif"|"eu_vat"|"gb_vat"|"hk_br"|"id_npwp"|"il_vat"|"in_gst"|"jp_cn"|"jp_rn"|"kr_brn"|"li_uid"|"mx_rfc"|"my_frp"|"my_itn"|"my_sst"|"no_vat"|"nz_gst"|"ru_inn"|"ru_kpp"|"sa_vat"|"sg_gst"|"sg_uen"|"th_vat"|"tw_vat"|"unknown"|"us_ein"|"za_vat" 'type;
# The value of the tax ID.
string? value?;
@@ -2737,7 +2737,7 @@ public type Token record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "token" 'object;
# Type of the token: `account`, `bank_account`, `card`, or `pii`.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string 'type;
@@ -2791,7 +2791,7 @@ public type Source_type_ach_credit_transfer record {
string? swift_code?;
-public type Discounts_1 Discounts_data_param|string;
+public type Discounts_1 Discounts_data_param|"";
public type Dispute_evidence_details record {
@@ -2839,7 +2839,7 @@ public type Issuing_dispute_other_evidence record {
# Description of the merchandise or service that was purchased.
string? product_description?;
# Whether the product was a merchandise or service.
- string? product_type?;
+ "merchandise"|"service" product_type?;
@@ -2904,7 +2904,7 @@ public type Payment_method_card_wallet_google_pay record {
# Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the billed price. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.
public type Transform_usage_param record {
int divide_by;
- string round;
+ "down"|"up" round;
@@ -2931,7 +2931,7 @@ public type Capability record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "capability" 'object;
# Whether the capability has been requested.
boolean requested;
# Time at which the capability was requested. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
@@ -2939,7 +2939,7 @@ public type Capability record {
Account_capability_requirements requirements?;
# The status of the capability. Can be `active`, `inactive`, `pending`, or `unrequested`.
- string status;
+ "active"|"disabled"|"inactive"|"pending"|"unrequested" status;
# A list of returns that have taken place for this order.
@@ -2949,7 +2949,7 @@ public type OrdersResourceOrderReturnList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -2959,7 +2959,7 @@ public type OrdersResourceOrderReturnList record {
# should be paused.
public type Subscriptions_resource_pause_collection record {
# The payment collection behavior for this subscription while paused. One of `keep_as_draft`, `mark_uncollectible`, or `void`.
- string behavior;
+ "keep_as_draft"|"mark_uncollectible"|"void" behavior;
# The time after which the subscription will resume collecting payments.
int? resumes_at?;
@@ -3031,12 +3031,12 @@ public type Subscriptions_resource_payment_settings record {
# Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to invoices created by the subscription.
Subscriptions_resource_payment_method_options? payment_method_options?;
# The list of payment method types to provide to every invoice created by the subscription. If not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the invoice’s default payment method, the subscription’s default payment method, the customer’s default payment method, and your [invoice template settings](
- string[]? payment_method_types?;
+ ("ach_credit_transfer"|"ach_debit"|"au_becs_debit"|"bacs_debit"|"bancontact"|"boleto"|"card"|"fpx"|"giropay"|"ideal"|"sepa_debit"|"sofort"|"wechat_pay")[]? payment_method_types?;
# Default invoice settings for this customer.
public type Customer_param_1 record {
- Invoice_settings_custom_fields|string custom_fields?;
+ Invoice_settings_custom_fields|"" custom_fields?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string default_payment_method?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
@@ -3046,7 +3046,7 @@ public type Customer_param_1 record {
public type Subscription_pending_invoice_item_interval record {
# Specifies invoicing frequency. Either `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
- string interval;
+ "day"|"month"|"week"|"year" interval;
# The number of intervals between invoices. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months. Maximum of one year interval allowed (1 year, 12 months, or 52 weeks).
int interval_count;
@@ -3083,12 +3083,12 @@ public type Account_branding_settings record {
public type Configuration_item_params record {
- Item_billing_thresholds_param|string billing_thresholds?;
+ Item_billing_thresholds_param|"" billing_thresholds?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string price?;
Recurring_price_data_1 price_data?;
int quantity?;
- TaxratesItemsString[]|string tax_rates?;
+ TaxratesItemsString[]|"" tax_rates?;
@@ -3127,8 +3127,7 @@ public type Customer_card_details record {
string name?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string number;
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
- string 'object?;
+ "card" 'object?;
@@ -3139,7 +3138,7 @@ public type Application record {
# The name of the application.
string? name?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "application" 'object;
# This is an object representing a person associated with a Stripe account.
@@ -3188,11 +3187,11 @@ public type Person record {
# The country where the person is a national.
string? nationality?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "person" 'object;
# The person's phone number.
string? phone?;
# Indicates if the person or any of their representatives, family members, or other closely related persons, declares that they hold or have held an important public job or function, in any jurisdiction.
- string political_exposure?;
+ "existing"|"none" political_exposure?;
Person_relationship relationship?;
Person_requirements? requirements?;
@@ -3207,7 +3206,7 @@ public type Quotes_resource_automatic_tax record {
# Automatically calculate taxes
boolean enabled;
# The status of the most recent automated tax calculation for this quote.
- string? status?;
+ "complete"|"failed"|"requires_location_inputs" status?;
# A discount represents the actual application of a coupon to a particular
@@ -3234,7 +3233,7 @@ public type Discount record {
# The invoice item `id` (or invoice line item `id` for invoice line items of type='subscription') that the discount's coupon was applied to, if it was applied directly to a particular invoice item or invoice line item.
string? invoice_item?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "discount" 'object;
# The promotion code applied to create this discount.
string|Promotion_code? promotion_code?;
# Date that the coupon was applied.
@@ -3261,7 +3260,7 @@ public type Customer_adresss record {
public type Payment_method_details_p24 record {
# The customer's bank. Can be one of `ing`, `citi_handlowy`, `tmobile_usbugi_bankowe`, `plus_bank`, `etransfer_pocztowy24`, `banki_spbdzielcze`, `bank_nowy_bfg_sa`, `getin_bank`, `blik`, `noble_pay`, `ideabank`, `envelobank`, `santander_przelew24`, `nest_przelew`, `mbank_mtransfer`, `inteligo`, `pbac_z_ipko`, `bnp_paribas`, `credit_agricole`, `toyota_bank`, `bank_pekao_sa`, `volkswagen_bank`, `bank_millennium`, `alior_bank`, or `boz`.
- string? bank?;
+ "alior_bank"|"bank_millennium"|"bank_nowy_bfg_sa"|"bank_pekao_sa"|"banki_spbdzielcze"|"blik"|"bnp_paribas"|"boz"|"citi_handlowy"|"credit_agricole"|"envelobank"|"etransfer_pocztowy24"|"getin_bank"|"ideabank"|"ing"|"inteligo"|"mbank_mtransfer"|"nest_przelew"|"noble_pay"|"pbac_z_ipko"|"plus_bank"|"santander_przelew24"|"tmobile_usbugi_bankowe"|"toyota_bank"|"volkswagen_bank" bank?;
# Unique reference for this Przelewy24 payment.
string? reference?;
# Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Przelewy24 directly
@@ -3273,12 +3272,12 @@ public type Payment_method_details_p24 record {
public type Deleted_terminalLocation record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "terminal.location" 'object;
# Automatic tax settings for this subscription.
@@ -3289,12 +3288,12 @@ public type Automatic_tax_config_1 record {
public type Deleted_terminalReader record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "terminal.reader" 'object;
# Default settings for automatic tax computation
@@ -3337,7 +3336,7 @@ public type Transfer_reversal record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "transfer_reversal" 'object;
# ID of the refund responsible for the transfer reversal.
string|Refund? source_refund?;
# ID of the transfer that was reversed.
@@ -3349,7 +3348,7 @@ public type Token_paramas record {
string token;
-public type Payment_method_types_array string[];
+public type Payment_method_types_array ("ach_credit_transfer"|"ach_debit"|"au_becs_debit"|"bacs_debit"|"bancontact"|"boleto"|"card"|"fpx"|"giropay"|"ideal"|"sepa_debit"|"sofort"|"wechat_pay")[];
public type Legal_entity_japan_address record {
@@ -3428,7 +3427,7 @@ public type Portal_subscription_cancellation_reason record {
# Whether the feature is enabled.
boolean enabled;
# Which cancellation reasons will be given as options to the customer.
- string[] options;
+ ("customer_service"|"low_quality"|"missing_features"|"other"|"switched_service"|"too_complex"|"too_expensive"|"unused")[] options;
@@ -3447,17 +3446,17 @@ public type Online_acceptance record {
public type Subscription_item_update_params record {
- record {int usage_gte;}|string billing_thresholds?;
+ record {int usage_gte;}|"" billing_thresholds?;
boolean clear_usage?;
boolean deleted?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id?;
- record {|string...;|}|string metadata?;
+ record {|string...;|}|"" metadata?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string price?;
Recurring_price_data_1 price_data?;
int quantity?;
- TaxratesItemsString[]|string tax_rates?;
+ TaxratesItemsString[]|"" tax_rates?;
@@ -3527,7 +3526,7 @@ public type Api_errors record {
# The source object for errors returned on a request involving a source.
Bank_account|Card|Source 'source?;
# The type of error returned. One of `api_error`, `card_error`, `idempotency_error`, or `invalid_request_error`
- string 'type;
+ "api_error"|"card_error"|"idempotency_error"|"invalid_request_error" 'type;
@@ -3578,7 +3577,7 @@ public type RadarValue_list_item record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "radar.value_list_item" 'object;
# The value of the item.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string value;
@@ -3595,16 +3594,15 @@ public type Subscriptions_subscription_exposed_id_body record {|
# Automatic tax settings for this subscription.
Automatic_tax_config_1 automatic_tax?;
# Either `now` or `unchanged`. Setting the value to `now` resets the subscription's billing cycle anchor to the current time. For more information, see the billing cycle [documentation](
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
- string billing_cycle_anchor?;
+ "now"|"unchanged" billing_cycle_anchor?;
# Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds.
- record {int amount_gte?; boolean reset_billing_cycle_anchor?;}|string billing_thresholds?;
+ record {int amount_gte?; boolean reset_billing_cycle_anchor?;}|"" billing_thresholds?;
# A timestamp at which the subscription should cancel. If set to a date before the current period ends, this will cause a proration if prorations have been enabled using `proration_behavior`. If set during a future period, this will always cause a proration for that period.
- int|string cancel_at?;
+ int|"" cancel_at?;
# Boolean indicating whether this subscription should cancel at the end of the current period.
boolean cancel_at_period_end?;
# Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. Defaults to `charge_automatically`.
- string collection_method?;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method?;
# The ID of the coupon to apply to this subscription. A coupon applied to a subscription will only affect invoices created for that particular subscription.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string coupon?;
@@ -3617,17 +3615,17 @@ public type Subscriptions_subscription_exposed_id_body record {|
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string default_source?;
# The tax rates that will apply to any subscription item that does not have `tax_rates` set. Invoices created will have their `default_tax_rates` populated from the subscription. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined tax rates.
- DefaulttaxratesItemsString[]|string default_tax_rates?;
+ DefaulttaxratesItemsString[]|"" default_tax_rates?;
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
Subscriptions_subscription_exposed_id_bodyExpandItemsString[] expand?;
# A list of up to 20 subscription items, each with an attached price.
Subscription_item_update_params[] items?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- record {|string...;|}|string metadata?;
+ record {|string...;|}|"" metadata?;
# Indicates if a customer is on or off-session while an invoice payment is attempted.
boolean off_session?;
# If specified, payment collection for this subscription will be paused.
- record {string behavior; int resumes_at?;}|string pause_collection?;
+ record {"keep_as_draft"|"mark_uncollectible"|"void" behavior; int resumes_at?;}|"" pause_collection?;
# Use `allow_incomplete` to transition the subscription to `status=past_due` if a payment is required but cannot be paid. This allows you to manage scenarios where additional user actions are needed to pay a subscription's invoice. For example, SCA regulation may require 3DS authentication to complete payment. See the [SCA Migration Guide]( for Billing to learn more. This is the default behavior.
# Use `default_incomplete` to transition the subscription to `status=past_due` when payment is required and await explicit confirmation of the invoice's payment intent. This allows simpler management of scenarios where additional user actions are needed to pay a subscription’s invoice. Such as failed payments, [SCA regulation](, or collecting a mandate for a bank debit payment method.
@@ -3635,11 +3633,11 @@ public type Subscriptions_subscription_exposed_id_body record {|
# Use `pending_if_incomplete` to update the subscription using [pending updates]( When you use `pending_if_incomplete` you can only pass the parameters [supported by pending updates](
# Use `error_if_incomplete` if you want Stripe to return an HTTP 402 status code if a subscription's invoice cannot be paid. For example, if a payment method requires 3DS authentication due to SCA regulation and further user action is needed, this parameter does not update the subscription and returns an error instead. This was the default behavior for API versions prior to 2019-03-14. See the [changelog]( to learn more.
- string payment_behavior?;
+ "allow_incomplete"|"default_incomplete"|"error_if_incomplete"|"pending_if_incomplete" payment_behavior?;
# Payment settings to pass to invoices created by the subscription.
Payment_settings_2 payment_settings?;
# Specifies an interval for how often to bill for any pending invoice items. It is analogous to calling [Create an invoice]( for the given subscription at the specified interval.
- record {string interval; int interval_count?;}|string pending_invoice_item_interval?;
+ record {"day"|"month"|"week"|"year" interval; int interval_count?;}|"" pending_invoice_item_interval?;
# The promotion code to apply to this subscription. A promotion code applied to a subscription will only affect invoices created for that particular subscription.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string promotion_code?;
@@ -3648,13 +3646,13 @@ public type Subscriptions_subscription_exposed_id_body record {|
# Passing `create_prorations` will cause proration invoice items to be created when applicable. These proration items will only be invoiced immediately under [certain conditions]( In order to always invoice immediately for prorations, pass `always_invoice`.
# Prorations can be disabled by passing `none`.
- string proration_behavior?;
+ "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none" proration_behavior?;
# If set, the proration will be calculated as though the subscription was updated at the given time. This can be used to apply exactly the same proration that was previewed with [upcoming invoice]( endpoint. It can also be used to implement custom proration logic, such as prorating by day instead of by second, by providing the time that you wish to use for proration calculations.
int proration_date?;
# If specified, the funds from the subscription's invoices will be transferred to the destination and the ID of the resulting transfers will be found on the resulting charges. This will be unset if you POST an empty value.
- record {decimal amount_percent?; string destination;}|string transfer_data?;
+ record {decimal amount_percent?; string destination;}|"" transfer_data?;
# Unix timestamp representing the end of the trial period the customer will get before being charged for the first time. This will always overwrite any trials that might apply via a subscribed plan. If set, trial_end will override the default trial period of the plan the customer is being subscribed to. The special value `now` can be provided to end the customer's trial immediately. Can be at most two years from `billing_cycle_anchor`.
- string|int trial_end?;
+ "now"|int trial_end?;
# Indicates if a plan's `trial_period_days` should be applied to the subscription. Setting `trial_end` per subscription is preferred, and this defaults to `false`. Setting this flag to `true` together with `trial_end` is not allowed.
boolean trial_from_plan?;
@@ -3678,7 +3676,7 @@ public type Usage_record record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "usage_record" 'object;
# The usage quantity for the specified date.
int quantity;
# The ID of the subscription item this usage record contains data for.
@@ -3700,7 +3698,7 @@ public type Tax_code record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string name;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "tax_code" 'object;
# The individual line items that make up the invoice. `lines` is sorted as follows: invoice items in reverse chronological order, followed by the subscription, if any.
@@ -3710,7 +3708,7 @@ public type InvoiceLinesList_1 record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -3736,17 +3734,17 @@ public type Charge_outcome record {
string 'type;
-public type Subscription_trial_end string|int;
+public type Subscription_trial_end "now"|int;
public type Deleted_apple_pay_domain record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "apple_pay_domain" 'object;
# Point in Time
@@ -3762,7 +3760,7 @@ public type Gelato_data_document_report_date_of_birth record {
public type Invoice_payment_method_options_bancontact record {
# Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
- string preferred_language;
+ "de"|"en"|"fr"|"nl" preferred_language;
@@ -3779,7 +3777,7 @@ public type Portal_business_profile record {
# Billing information associated with the PaymentMethod that may be used or required by particular types of payment methods.
public type Billing_details_inner_params record {
- Billing_details_address|string address?;
+ Billing_details_address|"" address?;
string email?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string name?;
@@ -3798,11 +3796,11 @@ public type Gelato_id_number_report record {
# ID number.
string? id_number?;
# Type of ID number.
- string? id_number_type?;
+ "br_cpf"|"sg_nric"|"us_ssn" id_number_type?;
# Last name.
string? last_name?;
# Status of this `id_number` check.
- string status;
+ "unverified"|"verified" status;
public type Source_type_ach_debit record {
@@ -3831,9 +3829,9 @@ public type Issuing_dispute_canceled_evidence record {
# Description of the merchandise or service that was purchased.
string? product_description?;
# Whether the product was a merchandise or service.
- string? product_type?;
+ "merchandise"|"service" product_type?;
# Result of cardholder's attempt to return the product.
- string? return_status?;
+ "merchant_rejected"|"successful" return_status?;
# Date when the product was returned or attempted to be returned.
int? returned_at?;
@@ -3861,7 +3859,7 @@ public type Source_transaction record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "source_transaction" 'object;
Source_transaction_paper_check_data paper_check?;
@@ -3873,7 +3871,7 @@ public type Source_transaction record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string status;
# The type of source this transaction is attached to.
- string 'type;
+ "ach_credit_transfer"|"ach_debit"|"alipay"|"bancontact"|"card"|"card_present"|"eps"|"giropay"|"ideal"|"klarna"|"multibanco"|"p24"|"sepa_debit"|"sofort"|"three_d_secure"|"wechat" 'type;
@@ -3882,9 +3880,9 @@ public type Inline_response_200 record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
+ @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000, pattern: re `^/v1/coupons`}
string url;
@@ -3912,20 +3910,20 @@ public type Mandate_acss_debit record {
# Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
string? interval_description?;
# Payment schedule for the mandate.
- string payment_schedule;
+ "combined"|"interval"|"sporadic" payment_schedule;
# Transaction type of the mandate.
- string transaction_type;
+ "business"|"personal" transaction_type;
public type Deleted_bitcoin_receiver record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "bitcoin_receiver" 'object;
@@ -3951,9 +3949,9 @@ public type Portal_subscription_cancel record {
# Whether the feature is enabled.
boolean enabled;
# Whether to cancel subscriptions immediately or at the end of the billing period.
- string mode;
+ "at_period_end"|"immediately" mode;
# Whether to create prorations when canceling subscriptions. Possible values are `none` and `create_prorations`.
- string proration_behavior;
+ "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none" proration_behavior;
# A VerificationSession guides you through the process of collecting and verifying the identities
@@ -3984,15 +3982,15 @@ public type IdentityVerification_session record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "identity.verification_session" 'object;
Gelato_verification_session_options options;
# Redaction status of this VerificationSession. If the VerificationSession is not redacted, this field will be null.
Verification_session_redaction? redaction?;
# Status of this VerificationSession. [Learn more about the lifecycle of sessions](
- string status;
+ "canceled"|"processing"|"requires_input"|"verified" status;
# The type of [verification check]( to be performed.
- string 'type;
+ "document"|"id_number" 'type;
# The short-lived URL that you use to redirect a user to Stripe to submit their identity information. This URL expires after 48 hours and can only be used once. Don’t store it, log it, send it in emails or expose it to anyone other than the user. Refer to our docs on [verifying identity documents]( to learn how to redirect users to Stripe.
string? url?;
# The user’s verified data.
@@ -4004,7 +4002,7 @@ public type Login_link record {
# Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int created;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "login_link" 'object;
# The URL for the login link.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -4018,25 +4016,24 @@ public type Source_mandate_notification_bacs_debit_data record {
public type Pending_invoice_item_interval_params record {
- string interval;
+ "day"|"month"|"week"|"year" interval;
int interval_count?;
public type Data_params record {
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
- string 'type;
+ "ae_trn"|"au_abn"|"au_arn"|"br_cnpj"|"br_cpf"|"ca_bn"|"ca_gst_hst"|"ca_pst_bc"|"ca_pst_mb"|"ca_pst_sk"|"ca_qst"|"ch_vat"|"cl_tin"|"es_cif"|"eu_vat"|"gb_vat"|"hk_br"|"id_npwp"|"il_vat"|"in_gst"|"jp_cn"|"jp_rn"|"kr_brn"|"li_uid"|"mx_rfc"|"my_frp"|"my_itn"|"my_sst"|"no_vat"|"nz_gst"|"ru_inn"|"ru_kpp"|"sa_vat"|"sg_gst"|"sg_uen"|"th_vat"|"tw_vat"|"us_ein"|"za_vat" 'type;
string value;
public type Deleted_coupon record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "coupon" 'object;
@@ -4050,7 +4047,7 @@ public type Gelato_verified_outputs record {
# The user's verified id number.
string? id_number?;
# The user's verified id number type.
- string? id_number_type?;
+ "br_cpf"|"sg_nric"|"us_ssn" id_number_type?;
# The user's verified last name.
string? last_name?;
@@ -4058,9 +4055,9 @@ public type Gelato_verified_outputs record {
public type Issuing_cardholder_requirements record {
# If `disabled_reason` is present, all cards will decline authorizations with `cardholder_verification_required` reason.
- string? disabled_reason?;
+ "listed"|"rejected.listed"|"under_review" disabled_reason?;
# Array of fields that need to be collected in order to verify and re-enable the cardholder.
- string[]? past_due?;
+ ("company.tax_id"|""|"individual.dob.month"|"individual.dob.year"|"individual.first_name"|"individual.last_name"|"individual.verification.document")[]? past_due?;
@@ -4075,9 +4072,9 @@ public type CustomerResourceCustomerList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
+ @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000, pattern: re `^/v1/customers`}
string url;
@@ -4100,7 +4097,7 @@ public type Discounts_data_param Discounts_data_param_1[];
public type Payment_method_eps record {
# The customer's bank. Should be one of `arzte_und_apotheker_bank`, `austrian_anadi_bank_ag`, `bank_austria`, `bankhaus_carl_spangler`, `bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag`, `bawag_psk_ag`, `bks_bank_ag`, `brull_kallmus_bank_ag`, `btv_vier_lander_bank`, `capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag`, `dolomitenbank`, `easybank_ag`, `erste_bank_und_sparkassen`, `hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag`, `hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien`, `hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark`, `hypo_tirol_bank_ag`, `hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag`, `hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft`, `marchfelder_bank`, `oberbank_ag`, `raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich`, `schoellerbank_ag`, `sparda_bank_wien`, `volksbank_gruppe`, `volkskreditbank_ag`, or `vr_bank_braunau`.
- string? bank?;
+ "arzte_und_apotheker_bank"|"austrian_anadi_bank_ag"|"bank_austria"|"bankhaus_carl_spangler"|"bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag"|"bawag_psk_ag"|"bks_bank_ag"|"brull_kallmus_bank_ag"|"btv_vier_lander_bank"|"capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag"|"dolomitenbank"|"easybank_ag"|"erste_bank_und_sparkassen"|"hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag"|"hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft"|"hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien"|"hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark"|"hypo_tirol_bank_ag"|"hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag"|"marchfelder_bank"|"oberbank_ag"|"raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich"|"schoellerbank_ag"|"sparda_bank_wien"|"volksbank_gruppe"|"volkskreditbank_ag"|"vr_bank_braunau" bank?;
# With `Recipient` objects, you can transfer money from your Stripe account to a
@@ -4137,7 +4134,7 @@ public type Recipient record {
# Full, legal name of the recipient.
string? name?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "recipient" 'object;
string|Account rolled_back_from?;
# Type of the recipient, one of `individual` or `corporation`.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
@@ -4147,7 +4144,7 @@ public type Recipient record {
# Shows last VerificationSession error
public type Gelato_session_last_error record {
# A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification or user-session failure.
- string? code?;
+ "abandoned"|"consent_declined"|"country_not_supported"|"device_not_supported"|"document_expired"|"document_type_not_supported"|"document_unverified_other"|"id_number_insufficient_document_data"|"id_number_mismatch"|"id_number_unverified_other"|"selfie_document_missing_photo"|"selfie_face_mismatch"|"selfie_manipulated"|"selfie_unverified_other"|"under_supported_age" code?;
# A message that explains the reason for verification or user-session failure.
string? reason?;
@@ -4158,7 +4155,7 @@ public type IssuingCard record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string brand;
# The reason why the card was canceled.
- string? cancellation_reason?;
+ "lost"|"stolen" cancellation_reason?;
# An Issuing `Cardholder` object represents an individual or business entity who is [issued]( cards.
# Related guide: [How to create a Cardholder](
@@ -4188,26 +4185,26 @@ public type IssuingCard record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string number?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "issuing.card" 'object;
# The latest card that replaces this card, if any.
string|IssuingCard? replaced_by?;
# The card this card replaces, if any.
string|IssuingCard? replacement_for?;
# The reason why the previous card needed to be replaced.
- string? replacement_reason?;
+ "damaged"|"expired"|"lost"|"stolen" replacement_reason?;
# Where and how the card will be shipped.
Issuing_card_shipping? shipping?;
Issuing_card_authorization_controls spending_controls;
# Whether authorizations can be approved on this card.
- string status;
+ "active"|"canceled"|"inactive" status;
# The type of the card.
- string 'type;
+ "physical"|"virtual" 'type;
public type Payment_method_options record {
- record {string preferred_language?;}|string bancontact?;
- record {string request_three_d_secure?;}|string card?;
+ record {"de"|"en"|"fr"|"nl" preferred_language?;}|"" bancontact?;
+ record {"any"|"automatic" request_three_d_secure?;}|"" card?;
@@ -4224,7 +4221,7 @@ public type Price record {
# Whether the price can be used for new purchases.
boolean active;
# Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `unit_amount` or `unit_amount_decimal`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for prices with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for prices with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.
- string billing_scheme;
+ "per_unit"|"tiered" billing_scheme;
# Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int created;
# Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
@@ -4241,21 +4238,21 @@ public type Price record {
# A brief description of the price, hidden from customers.
string? nickname?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "price" 'object;
# The ID of the product this price is associated with.
string|Product|Deleted_product product;
# The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.
Recurring? recurring?;
# Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.
- string? tax_behavior?;
+ "exclusive"|"inclusive"|"unspecified" tax_behavior?;
# Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.
Price_tier[] tiers?;
# Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price. In `graduated` tiering, pricing can change as the quantity grows.
- string? tiers_mode?;
+ "graduated"|"volume" tiers_mode?;
# Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the amount billed. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.
Transform_quantity? transform_quantity?;
# One of `one_time` or `recurring` depending on whether the price is for a one-time purchase or a recurring (subscription) purchase.
- string 'type;
+ "one_time"|"recurring" 'type;
# The unit amount in %s to be charged, represented as a whole integer if possible. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.
int? unit_amount?;
# The unit amount in %s to be charged, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.
@@ -4272,7 +4269,7 @@ public type Card_details_params record {
public type Bancontact_invoice_payment_method_options_param record {
- string preferred_language?;
+ "de"|"en"|"fr"|"nl" preferred_language?;
@@ -4299,7 +4296,7 @@ public type Application_fee record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "application_fee" 'object;
# ID of the corresponding charge on the platform account, if this fee was the result of a charge using the `destination` parameter.
string|Charge? originating_transaction?;
# Whether the fee has been fully refunded. If the fee is only partially refunded, this attribute will still be false.
@@ -4342,7 +4339,7 @@ public type Payment_method_details_sofort record {
string? iban_last4?;
# Preferred language of the SOFORT authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
# Can be one of `de`, `en`, `es`, `fr`, `it`, `nl`, or `pl`
- string? preferred_language?;
+ "de"|"en"|"es"|"fr"|"it"|"nl"|"pl" preferred_language?;
# Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by SOFORT directly
# (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
string? verified_name?;
@@ -4376,7 +4373,7 @@ public type Balance record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "balance" 'object;
# Funds that are not yet available in the balance, due to the 7-day rolling pay cycle. The pending balance for each currency, and for each payment type, can be found in the `source_types` property.
Balance_amount[] pending;
@@ -4401,9 +4398,9 @@ public type File record {
# A list of [file links]( that point at this file.
FileFileLinkList? links?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "file" 'object;
# The [purpose]( of the uploaded file.
- string purpose;
+ "account_requirement"|"additional_verification"|"business_icon"|"business_logo"|"customer_signature"|"dispute_evidence"|"document_provider_identity_document"|"finance_report_run"|"identity_document"|"identity_document_downloadable"|"pci_document"|"selfie"|"sigma_scheduled_query"|"tax_document_user_upload" purpose;
# The size in bytes of the file object.
int size;
# A user friendly title for the document.
@@ -4417,7 +4414,7 @@ public type File record {
public type Tax_id_verification record {
# Verification status, one of `pending`, `verified`, `unverified`, or `unavailable`.
- string status;
+ "pending"|"unavailable"|"unverified"|"verified" status;
# Verified address.
string? verified_address?;
# Verified name.
@@ -4447,7 +4444,7 @@ public type Legal_entity_company record {
# The company's phone number (used for verification).
string? phone?;
# The category identifying the legal structure of the company or legal entity. See [Business structure]( for more details.
- string structure?;
+ "free_zone_establishment"|"free_zone_llc"|"government_instrumentality"|"governmental_unit"|"incorporated_non_profit"|"limited_liability_partnership"|"llc"|"multi_member_llc"|"private_company"|"private_corporation"|"private_partnership"|"public_company"|"public_corporation"|"public_partnership"|"single_member_llc"|"sole_establishment"|"sole_proprietorship"|"tax_exempt_government_instrumentality"|"unincorporated_association"|"unincorporated_non_profit" structure?;
# Whether the company's business ID number was provided.
boolean tax_id_provided?;
# The jurisdiction in which the `tax_id` is registered (Germany-based companies only).
@@ -4462,7 +4459,7 @@ public type Legal_entity_company record {
public type Gelato_session_document_options record {
# Array of strings of allowed identity document types. If the provided identity document isn’t one of the allowed types, the verification check will fail with a document_type_not_allowed error code.
- string[] allowed_types?;
+ ("driving_license"|"id_card"|"passport")[] allowed_types?;
# Collect an ID number and perform an [ID number check]( with the document’s extracted name and date of birth.
boolean require_id_number?;
# Disable image uploads, identity document images have to be captured using the device’s camera.
@@ -4494,18 +4491,18 @@ public type Default_settings_params record {
# Default settings for automatic tax computation
Automatic_tax_config_2 automatic_tax?;
# Can be set to phase_start to set the anchor to the start of the phase or automatic to automatically change it if needed. Cannot be set to phase_start if this phase specifies a trial
- string billing_cycle_anchor?;
+ "automatic"|"phase_start" billing_cycle_anchor?;
# Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined thresholds
- Billing_threshold_params|string billing_thresholds?;
+ Billing_threshold_params|"" billing_thresholds?;
# Either charge_automatically, or send_invoice. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay the underlying subscription at the end of each billing cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. Defaults to charge_automatically on creation
- string collection_method?;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method?;
# ID of the default payment method for the subscription schedule. It must belong to the customer associated with the subscription schedule. If not set, invoices will use the default payment method in the customer’s invoice settings
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string default_payment_method?;
# All invoices will be billed using the specified settings
Subscription_schedules_param invoice_settings?;
# The data with which to automatically create a Transfer for each of the associated subscription’s invoices
- Transfer_data_specs|string transfer_data?;
+ Transfer_data_specs|"" transfer_data?;
@@ -4534,13 +4531,13 @@ public type Quotes_resource_status_transitions record {
public type Default_settings_params_1 record {
decimal application_fee_percent?;
Automatic_tax_config_3 automatic_tax?;
- string billing_cycle_anchor?;
- Billing_threshold_params|string billing_thresholds?;
- string collection_method?;
+ "automatic"|"phase_start" billing_cycle_anchor?;
+ Billing_threshold_params|"" billing_thresholds?;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string default_payment_method?;
Subscription_schedules_param_1 invoice_settings?;
- Transfer_data_specs|string transfer_data?;
+ Transfer_data_specs|"" transfer_data?;
@@ -4563,7 +4560,7 @@ public type Invoices_payment_settings record {
# Payment-method-specific configuration to provide to the invoice’s PaymentIntent.
Invoices_payment_method_options? payment_method_options?;
# The list of payment method types (e.g. card) to provide to the invoice’s PaymentIntent. If not set, Stripe attempts to automatically determine the types to use by looking at the invoice’s default payment method, the subscription’s default payment method, the customer’s default payment method, and your [invoice template settings](
- string[]? payment_method_types?;
+ ("ach_credit_transfer"|"ach_debit"|"au_becs_debit"|"bacs_debit"|"bancontact"|"boleto"|"card"|"fpx"|"giropay"|"ideal"|"sepa_debit"|"sofort"|"wechat_pay")[]? payment_method_types?;
public type Payment_methods_payment_method_body record {|
@@ -4574,7 +4571,7 @@ public type Payment_methods_payment_method_body record {|
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
Payment_methods_payment_method_bodyExpandItemsString[] expand?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- record {|string...;|}|string metadata?;
+ record {|string...;|}|"" metadata?;
# Line items that make up the credit note
@@ -4584,7 +4581,7 @@ public type CreditNoteLinesList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -4618,51 +4615,51 @@ public type Additional_properties record {|
public type Account_capabilities record {
# The status of the ACSS Direct Debits payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process ACSS Direct Debits charges.
- string acss_debit_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" acss_debit_payments?;
# The status of the Afterpay Clearpay capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Afterpay Clearpay charges.
- string afterpay_clearpay_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" afterpay_clearpay_payments?;
# The status of the BECS Direct Debit (AU) payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process BECS Direct Debit (AU) charges.
- string au_becs_debit_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" au_becs_debit_payments?;
# The status of the Bacs Direct Debits payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Bacs Direct Debits charges.
- string bacs_debit_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" bacs_debit_payments?;
# The status of the Bancontact payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Bancontact charges.
- string bancontact_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" bancontact_payments?;
# The status of the boleto payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process boleto charges.
- string boleto_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" boleto_payments?;
# The status of the card issuing capability of the account, or whether you can use Issuing to distribute funds on cards
- string card_issuing?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" card_issuing?;
# The status of the card payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process credit and debit card charges.
- string card_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" card_payments?;
# The status of the Cartes Bancaires payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Cartes Bancaires card charges in EUR currency.
- string cartes_bancaires_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" cartes_bancaires_payments?;
# The status of the EPS payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process EPS charges.
- string eps_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" eps_payments?;
# The status of the FPX payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process FPX charges.
- string fpx_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" fpx_payments?;
# The status of the giropay payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process giropay charges.
- string giropay_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" giropay_payments?;
# The status of the GrabPay payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process GrabPay charges.
- string grabpay_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" grabpay_payments?;
# The status of the iDEAL payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process iDEAL charges.
- string ideal_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" ideal_payments?;
# The status of the JCB payments capability of the account, or whether the account (Japan only) can directly process JCB credit card charges in JPY currency.
- string jcb_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" jcb_payments?;
# The status of the legacy payments capability of the account.
- string legacy_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" legacy_payments?;
# The status of the OXXO payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process OXXO charges.
- string oxxo_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" oxxo_payments?;
# The status of the P24 payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process P24 charges.
- string p24_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" p24_payments?;
# The status of the SEPA Direct Debits payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process SEPA Direct Debits charges.
- string sepa_debit_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" sepa_debit_payments?;
# The status of the Sofort payments capability of the account, or whether the account can directly process Sofort charges.
- string sofort_payments?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" sofort_payments?;
# The status of the tax reporting 1099-K (US) capability of the account.
- string tax_reporting_us_1099_k?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" tax_reporting_us_1099_k?;
# The status of the tax reporting 1099-MISC (US) capability of the account.
- string tax_reporting_us_1099_misc?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" tax_reporting_us_1099_misc?;
# The status of the transfers capability of the account, or whether your platform can transfer funds to the account.
- string transfers?;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" transfers?;
@@ -4696,14 +4693,14 @@ public type Products_id_body record {|
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
Products_id_bodyExpandItemsString[] expand?;
# A list of up to 8 URLs of images for this product, meant to be displayable to the customer.
- string[]|string images?;
+ string[]|"" images?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- Additional_properties|string metadata?;
+ Additional_properties|"" metadata?;
# The product's name, meant to be displayable to the customer. Whenever this product is sold via a subscription, name will show up on associated invoice line item descriptions.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string name?;
# The dimensions of this product for shipping purposes.
- Package_dimentions_specs|string package_dimensions?;
+ Package_dimentions_specs|"" package_dimensions?;
# Whether this product is shipped (i.e., physical goods).
boolean shippable?;
# An arbitrary string to be displayed on your customer's credit card or bank statement. While most banks display this information consistently, some may display it incorrectly or not at all.
@@ -4713,7 +4710,7 @@ public type Products_id_body record {|
@constraint:String {maxLength: 22}
string statement_descriptor?;
# A [tax code]( ID.
- string|string tax_code?;
+ string|"" tax_code?;
# A label that represents units of this product in Stripe and on customers’ receipts and invoices. When set, this will be included in associated invoice line item descriptions. May only be set if `type=service`.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 12}
string unit_label?;
@@ -4733,7 +4730,7 @@ public type Schedule_cancel_body record {|
public type Payment_method_fpx record {
# The customer's bank, if provided. Can be one of `affin_bank`, `alliance_bank`, `ambank`, `bank_islam`, `bank_muamalat`, `bank_rakyat`, `bsn`, `cimb`, `hong_leong_bank`, `hsbc`, `kfh`, `maybank2u`, `ocbc`, `public_bank`, `rhb`, `standard_chartered`, `uob`, `deutsche_bank`, `maybank2e`, or `pb_enterprise`.
- string bank;
+ "affin_bank"|"alliance_bank"|"ambank"|"bank_islam"|"bank_muamalat"|"bank_rakyat"|"bsn"|"cimb"|"deutsche_bank"|"hong_leong_bank"|"hsbc"|"kfh"|"maybank2e"|"maybank2u"|"ocbc"|"pb_enterprise"|"public_bank"|"rhb"|"standard_chartered"|"uob" bank;
# A list of reversals that have been applied to the transfer.
@@ -4743,7 +4740,7 @@ public type TransferReversalList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -4756,7 +4753,7 @@ public type TerminalReader record {
# The current software version of the reader.
string? device_sw_version?;
# Type of reader, one of `bbpos_chipper2x` or `verifone_P400`.
- string device_type;
+ "bbpos_chipper2x"|"verifone_P400" device_type;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
@@ -4772,7 +4769,7 @@ public type TerminalReader record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "terminal.reader" 'object;
# Serial number of the reader.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string serial_number;
@@ -4807,9 +4804,9 @@ public type Payment_intent_payment_method_options_card record {
# For more information, see the [installments integration guide](
Payment_method_options_card_installments? installments?;
# Selected network to process this payment intent on. Depends on the available networks of the card attached to the payment intent. Can be only set confirm-time.
- string? network?;
+ "amex"|"cartes_bancaires"|"diners"|"discover"|"interac"|"jcb"|"mastercard"|"unionpay"|"unknown"|"visa" network?;
# We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: `automatic` or `any`. If not provided, defaults to `automatic`. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
- string? request_three_d_secure?;
+ "any"|"automatic"|"challenge_only" request_three_d_secure?;
@@ -4848,10 +4845,10 @@ public type Invoice_pay_body record {|
public type Customer_details_param_1 record {
- Customer_adresss|string address?;
- Customer_address_with_name|string shipping?;
+ Customer_adresss|"" address?;
+ Customer_address_with_name|"" shipping?;
Tax_param_1 tax?;
- string tax_exempt?;
+ ""|"exempt"|"none"|"reverse" tax_exempt?;
Data_params[] tax_ids?;
@@ -4874,19 +4871,19 @@ public type Customer_acceptance record {
Online_acceptance online?;
# The type of customer acceptance information included with the Mandate. One of `online` or `offline`.
- string 'type;
+ "offline"|"online" 'type;
public type Due_date Range_query_specs|int;
public type Subscription_item_create_params record {
- Item_billing_thresholds_param|string billing_thresholds?;
+ Item_billing_thresholds_param|"" billing_thresholds?;
record {|string...;|} metadata?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string price?;
Recurring_price_data_1 price_data?;
int quantity?;
- Tax_rate_array|string tax_rates?;
+ Tax_rate_array|"" tax_rates?;
# Settings for automatic tax lookup for this invoice.
@@ -4902,30 +4899,30 @@ public type Transfer_data_specs record {
public type Gelato_selfie_report_error record {
# A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.
- string? code?;
+ "selfie_document_missing_photo"|"selfie_face_mismatch"|"selfie_manipulated"|"selfie_unverified_other" code?;
# A human-readable message giving the reason for the failure. These messages can be shown to your users.
string? reason?;
# Tax details about the customer.
public type Tax_param record {
- string|string ip_address?;
+ string|"" ip_address?;
public type Payment_method_options_1 record {
- Bancontact_invoice_payment_method_options_param|string bancontact?;
- Card_invoice_payment_method_options_param|string card?;
+ Bancontact_invoice_payment_method_options_param|"" bancontact?;
+ Card_invoice_payment_method_options_param|"" card?;
public type Deleted_webhook_endpoint record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "webhook_endpoint" 'object;
@@ -4964,7 +4961,7 @@ public type Bitcoin_transaction record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "bitcoin_transaction" 'object;
# The receiver to which this transaction was sent.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string receiver;
@@ -4975,7 +4972,7 @@ public type Payment_pages_checkout_session_automatic_tax record {
# Indicates whether automatic tax is enabled for the session
boolean enabled;
# The status of the most recent automated tax calculation for this session.
- string? status?;
+ "complete"|"failed"|"requires_location_inputs" status?;
@@ -5102,7 +5099,7 @@ public type V1_payment_methods_body record {|
# If this is a `sofort` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method.
Param_8 sofort?;
# The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.
- string 'type?;
+ "acss_debit"|"afterpay_clearpay"|"alipay"|"au_becs_debit"|"bacs_debit"|"bancontact"|"boleto"|"card"|"eps"|"fpx"|"giropay"|"grabpay"|"ideal"|"oxxo"|"p24"|"sepa_debit"|"sofort"|"wechat_pay" 'type?;
# If this is an `wechat_pay` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the wechat_pay payment method.
record {} wechat_pay?;
@@ -5110,16 +5107,16 @@ public type V1_payment_methods_body record {|
public type Deleted_person record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "person" 'object;
public type Card_invoice_payment_method_options_param record {
- string request_three_d_secure?;
+ "any"|"automatic" request_three_d_secure?;
@@ -5177,7 +5174,7 @@ public type Add_invoice_item_entry_1 record {
string price?;
One_time_price_data price_data?;
int quantity?;
- TaxratesItemsString[]|string tax_rates?;
+ TaxratesItemsString[]|"" tax_rates?;
# If specified, the funds from the invoice will be transferred to the destination and the ID of the resulting transfer will be found on the invoice's charge.
@@ -5235,7 +5232,7 @@ public type Promotion_code record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "promotion_code" 'object;
Promotion_codes_resource_restrictions restrictions;
# Number of times this promotion code has been used.
@@ -5283,12 +5280,12 @@ public type Prices_price_body record {|
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string lookup_key?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- Additional_properties|string metadata?;
+ Additional_properties|"" metadata?;
# A brief description of the price, hidden from customers.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string nickname?;
# Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.
- string tax_behavior?;
+ "exclusive"|"inclusive"|"unspecified" tax_behavior?;
# If set to true, will atomically remove the lookup key from the existing price, and assign it to this price.
boolean transfer_lookup_key?;
@@ -5297,7 +5294,7 @@ public type Prices_price_body record {|
public type Customer_param record {
record {@constraint:String {maxLength: 30}
string name; @constraint:String {maxLength: 30}
- string value;}[]|string custom_fields?;
+ string value;}[]|"" custom_fields?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string default_payment_method?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
@@ -5324,7 +5321,7 @@ public type Tier record {
string flat_amount_decimal?;
int unit_amount?;
string unit_amount_decimal?;
- string|int up_to;
+ "inf"|int up_to;
@@ -5332,33 +5329,33 @@ public type Issuing_card_shipping record {
Address address;
# The delivery company that shipped a card.
- string? carrier?;
+ "dhl"|"fedex"|"royal_mail"|"usps" carrier?;
# A unix timestamp representing a best estimate of when the card will be delivered.
int? eta?;
# Recipient name.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string name;
# Shipment service, such as `standard` or `express`.
- string 'service;
+ "express"|"priority"|"standard" 'service;
# The delivery status of the card.
- string? status?;
+ "canceled"|"delivered"|"failure"|"pending"|"returned"|"shipped" status?;
# A tracking number for a card shipment.
string? tracking_number?;
# A link to the shipping carrier's site where you can view detailed information about a card shipment.
string? tracking_url?;
# Packaging options.
- string 'type;
+ "bulk"|"individual" 'type;
public type Deleted_product record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "product" 'object;
@@ -5378,7 +5375,7 @@ public type Issuing_dispute_service_not_as_described_evidence record {
public type Setup_intent_payment_method_options_card record {
# We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Permitted values include: `automatic` or `any`. If not provided, defaults to `automatic`. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
- string? request_three_d_secure?;
+ "any"|"automatic"|"challenge_only" request_three_d_secure?;
# `Refund` objects allow you to refund a charge that has previously been created
@@ -5411,7 +5408,7 @@ public type Refund record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "refund" 'object;
# ID of the PaymentIntent that was refunded.
string|Payment_intent? payment_intent?;
# Reason for the refund, either user-provided (`duplicate`, `fraudulent`, or `requested_by_customer`) or generated by Stripe internally (`expired_uncaptured_charge`).
@@ -5439,7 +5436,7 @@ public type TaxIDsList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -5448,7 +5445,7 @@ public type TaxIDsList record {
public type Gelato_document_report_error record {
# A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.
- string? code?;
+ "document_expired"|"document_type_not_supported"|"document_unverified_other" code?;
# A human-readable message giving the reason for the failure. These messages can be shown to your users.
string? reason?;
@@ -5489,7 +5486,7 @@ public type Order_return record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "order_return" 'object;
# The order that this return includes items from.
string|Order? 'order?;
# The ID of the refund issued for this return.
@@ -5533,13 +5530,13 @@ public type Tax_rate record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "tax_rate" 'object;
# This represents the tax rate percent out of 100.
decimal percentage;
# [ISO 3166-2 subdivision code](, without country prefix. For example, "NY" for New York, United States.
string? state?;
# The high-level tax type, such as `vat` or `sales_tax`.
- string? tax_type?;
+ "gst"|"hst"|"pst"|"qst"|"sales_tax"|"vat" tax_type?;
# To top up your Stripe balance, you create a top-up object. You can retrieve
@@ -5573,7 +5570,7 @@ public type Topup record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "topup" 'object;
# `Source` objects allow you to accept a variety of payment methods. They
# represent a customer's payment instrument, and can be used with the Stripe API
# just like a `Card` object: once chargeable, they can be charged, or can be
@@ -5584,7 +5581,7 @@ public type Topup record {
# Extra information about a top-up. This will appear on your source's bank statement. It must contain at least one letter.
string? statement_descriptor?;
# The status of the top-up is either `canceled`, `failed`, `pending`, `reversed`, or `succeeded`.
- string status;
+ "canceled"|"failed"|"pending"|"reversed"|"succeeded" status;
# A string that identifies this top-up as part of a group.
string? transfer_group?;
@@ -5620,7 +5617,7 @@ public type Three_d_secure record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "three_d_secure" 'object;
# If present, this is the URL that you should send the cardholder to for authentication. If you are going to use Stripe.js to display the authentication page in an iframe, you should use the value "_callback".
string? redirect_url?;
# Possible values are `redirect_pending`, `succeeded`, or `failed`. When the cardholder can be authenticated, the object starts with status `redirect_pending`. When liability will be shifted to the cardholder's bank (either because the cardholder was successfully authenticated, or because the bank has not implemented 3D Secure, the object wlil be in status `succeeded`. `failed` indicates that authentication was attempted unsuccessfully.
@@ -5645,7 +5642,7 @@ public type Alipay_account record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "alipay_account" 'object;
# If the Alipay account object is not reusable, the exact amount that you can create a charge for.
int? payment_amount?;
# If the Alipay account object is not reusable, the exact currency that you can create a charge for.
@@ -5676,7 +5673,7 @@ public type Bank_account record {
# The bank account type. This can only be `checking` or `savings` in most countries. In Japan, this can only be `futsu` or `toza`.
string? account_type?;
# A set of available payout methods for this bank account. Only values from this set should be passed as the `method` when creating a payout.
- string[]? available_payout_methods?;
+ ("instant"|"standard")[]? available_payout_methods?;
# Name of the bank associated with the routing number (e.g., `WELLS FARGO`).
string? bank_name?;
# Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
@@ -5699,7 +5696,7 @@ public type Bank_account record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "bank_account" 'object;
# The routing transit number for the bank account.
string? routing_number?;
# For bank accounts, possible values are `new`, `validated`, `verified`, `verification_failed`, or `errored`. A bank account that hasn't had any activity or validation performed is `new`. If Stripe can determine that the bank account exists, its status will be `validated`. Note that there often isn’t enough information to know (e.g., for smaller credit unions), and the validation is not always run. If customer bank account verification has succeeded, the bank account status will be `verified`. If the verification failed for any reason, such as microdeposit failure, the status will be `verification_failed`. If a transfer sent to this bank account fails, we'll set the status to `errored` and will not continue to send transfers until the bank details are updated.
@@ -5717,9 +5714,9 @@ public type Payment_intent_payment_method_options_mandate_options_acss_debit rec
# Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
string? interval_description?;
# Payment schedule for the mandate.
- string? payment_schedule?;
+ "combined"|"interval"|"sporadic" payment_schedule?;
# Transaction type of the mandate.
- string? transaction_type?;
+ "business"|"personal" transaction_type?;
# The line items purchased by the customer.
@@ -5729,7 +5726,7 @@ public type PaymentPagesCheckoutSessionListLineItems record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -5748,20 +5745,20 @@ public type Issuing_cardholder_individual_dob record {
public type Deleted_radarValue_list_item record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "radar.value_list_item" 'object;
public type Setup_attempt_payment_method_details_ideal record {
# The customer's bank. Can be one of `abn_amro`, `asn_bank`, `bunq`, `handelsbanken`, `ing`, `knab`, `moneyou`, `rabobank`, `regiobank`, `revolut`, `sns_bank`, `triodos_bank`, or `van_lanschot`.
- string? bank?;
+ "abn_amro"|"asn_bank"|"bunq"|"handelsbanken"|"ing"|"knab"|"moneyou"|"rabobank"|"regiobank"|"revolut"|"sns_bank"|"triodos_bank"|"van_lanschot" bank?;
# The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank.
- string? bic?;
# The ID of the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this SetupAttempt.
string|Payment_method? generated_sepa_debit?;
# The mandate for the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this SetupAttempt.
@@ -5781,9 +5778,9 @@ public type Setup_intent_payment_method_options_mandate_options_acss_debit recor
# Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
string? interval_description?;
# Payment schedule for the mandate.
- string? payment_schedule?;
+ "combined"|"interval"|"sporadic" payment_schedule?;
# Transaction type of the mandate.
- string? transaction_type?;
+ "business"|"personal" transaction_type?;
@@ -5797,10 +5794,10 @@ public type Subscription_transfer_data record {
public type Created Range_query_specs|int;
public type Customer_details_param record {
- Customer_adresss|string address?;
- Customer_address_with_name|string shipping?;
+ Customer_adresss|"" address?;
+ Customer_address_with_name|"" shipping?;
Tax_param_1 tax?;
- string tax_exempt?;
+ ""|"exempt"|"none"|"reverse" tax_exempt?;
Data_params[] tax_ids?;
@@ -5811,13 +5808,13 @@ public type Gelato_session_id_number_options record {
public type Recurring record {
# Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for prices of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for using the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for using the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which uses the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.
- string? aggregate_usage?;
+ "last_during_period"|"last_ever"|"max"|"sum" aggregate_usage?;
# The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
- string interval;
+ "day"|"month"|"week"|"year" interval;
# The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` attribute) between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months.
int interval_count;
# Configures how the quantity per period should be determined. Can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` automatically bills the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription. `metered` aggregates the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.
- string usage_type;
+ "licensed"|"metered" usage_type;
@@ -5882,7 +5879,7 @@ public type ApmsSourcesSourceList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -5894,16 +5891,16 @@ public type Invoice_item_preview_params record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string description?;
boolean discountable?;
- Discounts_data_param|string discounts?;
+ Discounts_data_param|"" discounts?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string invoiceitem?;
- record {|string...;|}|string metadata?;
+ record {|string...;|}|"" metadata?;
Period_1 period?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string price?;
One_time_price_data price_data?;
int quantity?;
- TaxratesItemsString[]|string tax_rates?;
+ TaxratesItemsString[]|"" tax_rates?;
int unit_amount?;
string unit_amount_decimal?;
@@ -5940,9 +5937,9 @@ public type Checkout_acss_debit_mandate_options record {
# Description of the interval. Only required if the 'payment_schedule' parameter is 'interval' or 'combined'.
string? interval_description?;
# Payment schedule for the mandate.
- string? payment_schedule?;
+ "combined"|"interval"|"sporadic" payment_schedule?;
# Transaction type of the mandate.
- string? transaction_type?;
+ "business"|"personal" transaction_type?;
# A Checkout Session represents your customer's session as they pay for
@@ -5968,7 +5965,7 @@ public type CheckoutSession record {
Payment_pages_checkout_session_automatic_tax automatic_tax;
# Describes whether Checkout should collect the customer's billing address.
- string? billing_address_collection?;
+ "auto"|"required" billing_address_collection?;
# The URL the customer will be directed to if they decide to cancel payment and return to your website.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string cancel_url;
@@ -6001,13 +5998,13 @@ public type CheckoutSession record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# The IETF language tag of the locale Checkout is displayed in. If blank or `auto`, the browser's locale is used.
- string? locale?;
+ "auto"|"bg"|"cs"|"da"|"de"|"el"|"en"|"en-GB"|"es"|"es-419"|"et"|"fi"|"fil"|"fr"|"fr-CA"|"hr"|"hu"|"id"|"it"|"ja"|"ko"|"lt"|"lv"|"ms"|"mt"|"nb"|"nl"|"pl"|"pt"|"pt-BR"|"ro"|"ru"|"sk"|"sl"|"sv"|"th"|"tr"|"vi"|"zh"|"zh-HK"|"zh-TW" locale?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# The mode of the Checkout Session.
- string mode;
+ "payment"|"setup"|"subscription" mode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "checkout.session" 'object;
# The ID of the PaymentIntent for Checkout Sessions in `payment` mode.
string|Payment_intent? payment_intent?;
# Payment-method-specific configuration for the PaymentIntent or SetupIntent of this CheckoutSession.
@@ -6017,7 +6014,7 @@ public type CheckoutSession record {
CheckoutsessionPaymentmethodtypesItemsString[] payment_method_types;
# The payment status of the Checkout Session, one of `paid`, `unpaid`, or `no_payment_required`.
# You can use this value to decide when to fulfill your customer's order.
- string payment_status;
+ "no_payment_required"|"paid"|"unpaid" payment_status;
# The ID of the SetupIntent for Checkout Sessions in `setup` mode.
string|Setup_intent? setup_intent?;
# Shipping information for this Checkout Session.
@@ -6028,7 +6025,7 @@ public type CheckoutSession record {
# relevant text on the page, such as the submit button. `submit_type` can only be
# specified on Checkout Sessions in `payment` mode, but not Checkout Sessions
# in `subscription` or `setup` mode.
- string? submit_type?;
+ "auto"|"book"|"donate"|"pay" submit_type?;
# The ID of the subscription for Checkout Sessions in `subscription` mode.
string|Subscription? subscription?;
# The URL the customer will be directed to after the payment or
@@ -6072,7 +6069,7 @@ public type Order_item record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string description;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "order_item" 'object;
# The ID of the associated object for this line item. Expandable if not null (e.g., expandable to a SKU).
string|Sku? parent?;
# A positive integer representing the number of instances of `parent` that are included in this order item. Applicable/present only if `type` is `sku`.
@@ -6085,7 +6082,7 @@ public type Order_item record {
public type Gelato_id_number_report_error record {
# A short machine-readable string giving the reason for the verification failure.
- string? code?;
+ "id_number_insufficient_document_data"|"id_number_mismatch"|"id_number_unverified_other" code?;
# A human-readable message giving the reason for the failure. These messages can be shown to your users.
string? reason?;
@@ -6096,14 +6093,14 @@ public type InvoicesList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
+ @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000, pattern: re `^/v1/invoices`}
string url;
public type Recurring_adhoc record {
- string interval;
+ "day"|"month"|"week"|"year" interval;
int interval_count?;
@@ -6175,14 +6172,14 @@ public type Dispute record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "dispute" 'object;
# ID of the PaymentIntent that was disputed.
string|Payment_intent? payment_intent?;
# Reason given by cardholder for dispute. Possible values are `bank_cannot_process`, `check_returned`, `credit_not_processed`, `customer_initiated`, `debit_not_authorized`, `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `general`, `incorrect_account_details`, `insufficient_funds`, `product_not_received`, `product_unacceptable`, `subscription_canceled`, or `unrecognized`. Read more about [dispute reasons](
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string reason;
# Current status of dispute. Possible values are `warning_needs_response`, `warning_under_review`, `warning_closed`, `needs_response`, `under_review`, `charge_refunded`, `won`, or `lost`.
- string status;
+ "charge_refunded"|"lost"|"needs_response"|"under_review"|"warning_closed"|"warning_needs_response"|"warning_under_review"|"won" status;
# Events are our way of letting you know when something interesting happens in
@@ -6230,7 +6227,7 @@ public type Event record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "event" 'object;
# Number of webhooks that have yet to be successfully delivered (i.e., to return a 20x response) to the URLs you've specified.
int pending_webhooks;
# Information on the API request that instigated the event.
@@ -6243,7 +6240,7 @@ public type Event record {
public type Payment_method_details_card_present_receipt record {
# The type of account being debited or credited
- string account_type?;
+ "checking"|"credit"|"prepaid"|"unknown" account_type?;
# EMV tag 9F26, cryptogram generated by the integrated circuit chip.
string? application_cryptogram?;
# Mnenomic of the Application Identifier.
@@ -6273,9 +6270,9 @@ public type Issuing_card_spending_limit record {
# Maximum amount allowed to spend per interval.
int amount;
# Array of strings containing [categories]( this limit applies to. Omitting this field will apply the limit to all categories.
- string[]? categories?;
+ ("ac_refrigeration_repair"|"accounting_bookkeeping_services"|"advertising_services"|"agricultural_cooperative"|"airlines_air_carriers"|"airports_flying_fields"|"ambulance_services"|"amusement_parks_carnivals"|"antique_reproductions"|"antique_shops"|"aquariums"|"architectural_surveying_services"|"art_dealers_and_galleries"|"artists_supply_and_craft_shops"|"auto_and_home_supply_stores"|"auto_body_repair_shops"|"auto_paint_shops"|"auto_service_shops"|"automated_cash_disburse"|"automated_fuel_dispensers"|"automobile_associations"|"automotive_parts_and_accessories_stores"|"automotive_tire_stores"|"bail_and_bond_payments"|"bakeries"|"bands_orchestras"|"barber_and_beauty_shops"|"betting_casino_gambling"|"bicycle_shops"|"billiard_pool_establishments"|"boat_dealers"|"boat_rentals_and_leases"|"book_stores"|"books_periodicals_and_newspapers"|"bowling_alleys"|"bus_lines"|"business_secretarial_schools"|"buying_shopping_services"|"cable_satellite_and_other_pay_television_and_radio"|"camera_and_photographic_supply_stores"|"candy_nut_and_confectionery_stores"|"car_and_truck_dealers_new_used"|"car_and_truck_dealers_used_only"|"car_rental_agencies"|"car_washes"|"carpentry_services"|"carpet_upholstery_cleaning"|"caterers"|"charitable_and_social_service_organizations_fundraising"|"chemicals_and_allied_products"|"child_care_services"|"childrens_and_infants_wear_stores"|"chiropodists_podiatrists"|"chiropractors"|"cigar_stores_and_stands"|"civic_social_fraternal_associations"|"cleaning_and_maintenance"|"clothing_rental"|"colleges_universities"|"commercial_equipment"|"commercial_footwear"|"commercial_photography_art_and_graphics"|"commuter_transport_and_ferries"|"computer_network_services"|"computer_programming"|"computer_repair"|"computer_software_stores"|"computers_peripherals_and_software"|"concrete_work_services"|"construction_materials"|"consulting_public_relations"|"correspondence_schools"|"cosmetic_stores"|"counseling_services"|"country_clubs"|"courier_services"|"court_costs"|"credit_reporting_agencies"|"cruise_lines"|"dairy_products_stores"|"dance_hall_studios_schools"|"dating_escort_services"|"dentists_orthodontists"|"department_stores"|"detective_agencies"|"digital_goods_applications"|"digital_goods_games"|"digital_goods_large_volume"|"digital_goods_media"|"direct_marketing_catalog_merchant"|"direct_marketing_combination_catalog_and_retail_merchant"|"direct_marketing_inbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_insurance_services"|"direct_marketing_other"|"direct_marketing_outbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_subscription"|"direct_marketing_travel"|"discount_stores"|"doctors"|"door_to_door_sales"|"drapery_window_covering_and_upholstery_stores"|"drinking_places"|"drug_stores_and_pharmacies"|"drugs_drug_proprietaries_and_druggist_sundries"|"dry_cleaners"|"durable_goods"|"duty_free_stores"|"eating_places_restaurants"|"educational_services"|"electric_razor_stores"|"electrical_parts_and_equipment"|"electrical_services"|"electronics_repair_shops"|"electronics_stores"|"elementary_secondary_schools"|"employment_temp_agencies"|"equipment_rental"|"exterminating_services"|"family_clothing_stores"|"fast_food_restaurants"|"financial_institutions"|"fines_government_administrative_entities"|"fireplace_fireplace_screens_and_accessories_stores"|"floor_covering_stores"|"florists"|"florists_supplies_nursery_stock_and_flowers"|"freezer_and_locker_meat_provisioners"|"fuel_dealers_non_automotive"|"funeral_services_crematories"|"furniture_home_furnishings_and_equipment_stores_except_appliances"|"furniture_repair_refinishing"|"furriers_and_fur_shops"|"general_services"|"gift_card_novelty_and_souvenir_shops"|"glass_paint_and_wallpaper_stores"|"glassware_crystal_stores"|"golf_courses_public"|"government_services"|"grocery_stores_supermarkets"|"hardware_equipment_and_supplies"|"hardware_stores"|"health_and_beauty_spas"|"hearing_aids_sales_and_supplies"|"heating_plumbing_a_c"|"hobby_toy_and_game_shops"|"home_supply_warehouse_stores"|"hospitals"|"hotels_motels_and_resorts"|"household_appliance_stores"|"industrial_supplies"|"information_retrieval_services"|"insurance_default"|"insurance_underwriting_premiums"|"intra_company_purchases"|"jewelry_stores_watches_clocks_and_silverware_stores"|"landscaping_services"|"laundries"|"laundry_cleaning_services"|"legal_services_attorneys"|"luggage_and_leather_goods_stores"|"lumber_building_materials_stores"|"manual_cash_disburse"|"marinas_service_and_supplies"|"masonry_stonework_and_plaster"|"massage_parlors"|"medical_and_dental_labs"|"medical_dental_ophthalmic_and_hospital_equipment_and_supplies"|"medical_services"|"membership_organizations"|"mens_and_boys_clothing_and_accessories_stores"|"mens_womens_clothing_stores"|"metal_service_centers"|"miscellaneous"|"miscellaneous_apparel_and_accessory_shops"|"miscellaneous_auto_dealers"|"miscellaneous_business_services"|"miscellaneous_food_stores"|"miscellaneous_general_merchandise"|"miscellaneous_general_services"|"miscellaneous_home_furnishing_specialty_stores"|"miscellaneous_publishing_and_printing"|"miscellaneous_recreation_services"|"miscellaneous_repair_shops"|"miscellaneous_specialty_retail"|"mobile_home_dealers"|"motion_picture_theaters"|"motor_freight_carriers_and_trucking"|"motor_homes_dealers"|"motor_vehicle_supplies_and_new_parts"|"motorcycle_shops_and_dealers"|"motorcycle_shops_dealers"|"music_stores_musical_instruments_pianos_and_sheet_music"|"news_dealers_and_newsstands"|"non_fi_money_orders"|"non_fi_stored_value_card_purchase_load"|"nondurable_goods"|"nurseries_lawn_and_garden_supply_stores"|"nursing_personal_care"|"office_and_commercial_furniture"|"opticians_eyeglasses"|"optometrists_ophthalmologist"|"orthopedic_goods_prosthetic_devices"|"osteopaths"|"package_stores_beer_wine_and_liquor"|"paints_varnishes_and_supplies"|"parking_lots_garages"|"passenger_railways"|"pawn_shops"|"pet_shops_pet_food_and_supplies"|"petroleum_and_petroleum_products"|"photo_developing"|"photographic_photocopy_microfilm_equipment_and_supplies"|"photographic_studios"|"picture_video_production"|"piece_goods_notions_and_other_dry_goods"|"plumbing_heating_equipment_and_supplies"|"political_organizations"|"postal_services_government_only"|"precious_stones_and_metals_watches_and_jewelry"|"professional_services"|"public_warehousing_and_storage"|"quick_copy_repro_and_blueprint"|"railroads"|"real_estate_agents_and_managers_rentals"|"record_stores"|"recreational_vehicle_rentals"|"religious_goods_stores"|"religious_organizations"|"roofing_siding_sheet_metal"|"secretarial_support_services"|"security_brokers_dealers"|"service_stations"|"sewing_needlework_fabric_and_piece_goods_stores"|"shoe_repair_hat_cleaning"|"shoe_stores"|"small_appliance_repair"|"snowmobile_dealers"|"special_trade_services"|"specialty_cleaning"|"sporting_goods_stores"|"sporting_recreation_camps"|"sports_and_riding_apparel_stores"|"sports_clubs_fields"|"stamp_and_coin_stores"|"stationary_office_supplies_printing_and_writing_paper"|"stationery_stores_office_and_school_supply_stores"|"swimming_pools_sales"|"t_ui_travel_germany"|"tailors_alterations"|"tax_payments_government_agencies"|"tax_preparation_services"|"taxicabs_limousines"|"telecommunication_equipment_and_telephone_sales"|"telecommunication_services"|"telegraph_services"|"tent_and_awning_shops"|"testing_laboratories"|"theatrical_ticket_agencies"|"timeshares"|"tire_retreading_and_repair"|"tolls_bridge_fees"|"tourist_attractions_and_exhibits"|"towing_services"|"trailer_parks_campgrounds"|"transportation_services"|"travel_agencies_tour_operators"|"truck_stop_iteration"|"truck_utility_trailer_rentals"|"typesetting_plate_making_and_related_services"|"typewriter_stores"|"u_s_federal_government_agencies_or_departments"|"uniforms_commercial_clothing"|"used_merchandise_and_secondhand_stores"|"utilities"|"variety_stores"|"veterinary_services"|"video_amusement_game_supplies"|"video_game_arcades"|"video_tape_rental_stores"|"vocational_trade_schools"|"watch_jewelry_repair"|"welding_repair"|"wholesale_clubs"|"wig_and_toupee_stores"|"wires_money_orders"|"womens_accessory_and_specialty_shops"|"womens_ready_to_wear_stores"|"wrecking_and_salvage_yards")[]? categories?;
# Interval (or event) to which the amount applies.
- string interval;
+ "all_time"|"daily"|"monthly"|"per_authorization"|"weekly"|"yearly" interval;
@@ -6337,9 +6334,9 @@ public type Customer_balance_transaction record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "customer_balance_transaction" 'object;
# Transaction type: `adjustment`, `applied_to_invoice`, `credit_note`, `initial`, `invoice_too_large`, `invoice_too_small`, `unspent_receiver_credit`, or `unapplied_from_invoice`. See the [Customer Balance page]( to learn more about transaction types.
- string 'type;
+ "adjustment"|"applied_to_invoice"|"credit_note"|"initial"|"invoice_too_large"|"invoice_too_small"|"migration"|"unapplied_from_invoice"|"unspent_receiver_credit" 'type;
@@ -6376,7 +6373,7 @@ public type Issuing_transaction_amount_details record {
int? atm_fee?;
-public type Subscription_trial_end_1 string|int;
+public type Subscription_trial_end_1 "now"|int;
# Data used to generate a new [Price]( object inline.
public type Recurring_price_data record {
@@ -6384,17 +6381,17 @@ public type Recurring_price_data record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string product;
Recurring_adhoc recurring;
- string tax_behavior?;
+ "exclusive"|"inclusive"|"unspecified" tax_behavior?;
int unit_amount?;
string unit_amount_decimal?;
# The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.
public type Recurring_1 record {
- string aggregate_usage?;
- string interval;
+ "last_during_period"|"last_ever"|"max"|"sum" aggregate_usage?;
+ "day"|"month"|"week"|"year" interval;
int interval_count?;
- string usage_type?;
+ "licensed"|"metered" usage_type?;
@@ -6435,7 +6432,7 @@ public type Reserve_transaction record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "reserve_transaction" 'object;
public type Billing_thresholds record {
@@ -6445,9 +6442,9 @@ public type Billing_thresholds record {
public type Payment_method_details_ideal record {
# The customer's bank. Can be one of `abn_amro`, `asn_bank`, `bunq`, `handelsbanken`, `ing`, `knab`, `moneyou`, `rabobank`, `regiobank`, `revolut`, `sns_bank`, `triodos_bank`, or `van_lanschot`.
- string? bank?;
+ "abn_amro"|"asn_bank"|"bunq"|"handelsbanken"|"ing"|"knab"|"moneyou"|"rabobank"|"regiobank"|"revolut"|"sns_bank"|"triodos_bank"|"van_lanschot" bank?;
# The Bank Identifier Code of the customer's bank.
- string? bic?;
# The ID of the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this Charge.
string|Payment_method? generated_sepa_debit?;
# The mandate for the SEPA Direct Debit PaymentMethod which was generated by this Charge.
@@ -6473,7 +6470,7 @@ public type Issuing_cardholder_id_document record {
public type Subscription_item_usage_records_body record {|
# Valid values are `increment` (default) or `set`. When using `increment` the specified `quantity` will be added to the usage at the specified timestamp. The `set` action will overwrite the usage quantity at that timestamp. If the subscription has [billing thresholds](, `increment` is the only allowed value.
- string action?;
+ "increment"|"set" action?;
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
Subscription_item_usage_records_bodyExpandItemsString[] expand?;
# The usage quantity for the specified timestamp.
@@ -6486,14 +6483,14 @@ public type Subscription_item_usage_records_body record {|
public type Three_d_secure_details record {
# For authenticated transactions: how the customer was authenticated by
# the issuing bank.
- string? authentication_flow?;
+ "challenge"|"frictionless" authentication_flow?;
# Indicates the outcome of 3D Secure authentication.
- string? result?;
+ "attempt_acknowledged"|"authenticated"|"failed"|"not_supported"|"processing_error" result?;
# Additional information about why 3D Secure succeeded or failed based
# on the `result`.
- string? result_reason?;
+ "abandoned"|"bypassed"|"canceled"|"card_not_enrolled"|"network_not_supported"|"protocol_error"|"rejected" result_reason?;
# The version of 3D Secure that was used.
- string? 'version?;
+ "1.0.2"|"2.1.0"|"2.2.0" version?;
public type Invoice_send_body record {|
@@ -6516,7 +6513,7 @@ public type Issuing_dispute_evidence record {
Issuing_dispute_other_evidence other?;
# The reason for filing the dispute. Its value will match the field containing the evidence.
- string reason;
+ "canceled"|"duplicate"|"fraudulent"|"merchandise_not_as_described"|"not_received"|"other"|"service_not_as_described" reason;
Issuing_dispute_service_not_as_described_evidence service_not_as_described?;
@@ -6548,9 +6545,9 @@ public type Tax_id record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "tax_id" 'object;
# Type of the tax ID, one of `ae_trn`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `ca_bn`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `ca_qst`, `ch_vat`, `cl_tin`, `es_cif`, `eu_vat`, `gb_vat`, `hk_br`, `id_npwp`, `il_vat`, `in_gst`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `kr_brn`, `li_uid`, `mx_rfc`, `my_frp`, `my_itn`, `my_sst`, `no_vat`, `nz_gst`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `sa_vat`, `sg_gst`, `sg_uen`, `th_vat`, `tw_vat`, `us_ein`, or `za_vat`. Note that some legacy tax IDs have type `unknown`
- string 'type;
+ "ae_trn"|"au_abn"|"au_arn"|"br_cnpj"|"br_cpf"|"ca_bn"|"ca_gst_hst"|"ca_pst_bc"|"ca_pst_mb"|"ca_pst_sk"|"ca_qst"|"ch_vat"|"cl_tin"|"es_cif"|"eu_vat"|"gb_vat"|"hk_br"|"id_npwp"|"il_vat"|"in_gst"|"jp_cn"|"jp_rn"|"kr_brn"|"li_uid"|"mx_rfc"|"my_frp"|"my_itn"|"my_sst"|"no_vat"|"nz_gst"|"ru_inn"|"ru_kpp"|"sa_vat"|"sg_gst"|"sg_uen"|"th_vat"|"tw_vat"|"unknown"|"us_ein"|"za_vat" 'type;
# Value of the tax ID.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string value;
@@ -6561,9 +6558,9 @@ public type Tax_id record {
public type Issuing_cardholder_authorization_controls record {
# Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to allow. All other categories will be blocked. Cannot be set with `blocked_categories`.
- string[]? allowed_categories?;
+ ("ac_refrigeration_repair"|"accounting_bookkeeping_services"|"advertising_services"|"agricultural_cooperative"|"airlines_air_carriers"|"airports_flying_fields"|"ambulance_services"|"amusement_parks_carnivals"|"antique_reproductions"|"antique_shops"|"aquariums"|"architectural_surveying_services"|"art_dealers_and_galleries"|"artists_supply_and_craft_shops"|"auto_and_home_supply_stores"|"auto_body_repair_shops"|"auto_paint_shops"|"auto_service_shops"|"automated_cash_disburse"|"automated_fuel_dispensers"|"automobile_associations"|"automotive_parts_and_accessories_stores"|"automotive_tire_stores"|"bail_and_bond_payments"|"bakeries"|"bands_orchestras"|"barber_and_beauty_shops"|"betting_casino_gambling"|"bicycle_shops"|"billiard_pool_establishments"|"boat_dealers"|"boat_rentals_and_leases"|"book_stores"|"books_periodicals_and_newspapers"|"bowling_alleys"|"bus_lines"|"business_secretarial_schools"|"buying_shopping_services"|"cable_satellite_and_other_pay_television_and_radio"|"camera_and_photographic_supply_stores"|"candy_nut_and_confectionery_stores"|"car_and_truck_dealers_new_used"|"car_and_truck_dealers_used_only"|"car_rental_agencies"|"car_washes"|"carpentry_services"|"carpet_upholstery_cleaning"|"caterers"|"charitable_and_social_service_organizations_fundraising"|"chemicals_and_allied_products"|"child_care_services"|"childrens_and_infants_wear_stores"|"chiropodists_podiatrists"|"chiropractors"|"cigar_stores_and_stands"|"civic_social_fraternal_associations"|"cleaning_and_maintenance"|"clothing_rental"|"colleges_universities"|"commercial_equipment"|"commercial_footwear"|"commercial_photography_art_and_graphics"|"commuter_transport_and_ferries"|"computer_network_services"|"computer_programming"|"computer_repair"|"computer_software_stores"|"computers_peripherals_and_software"|"concrete_work_services"|"construction_materials"|"consulting_public_relations"|"correspondence_schools"|"cosmetic_stores"|"counseling_services"|"country_clubs"|"courier_services"|"court_costs"|"credit_reporting_agencies"|"cruise_lines"|"dairy_products_stores"|"dance_hall_studios_schools"|"dating_escort_services"|"dentists_orthodontists"|"department_stores"|"detective_agencies"|"digital_goods_applications"|"digital_goods_games"|"digital_goods_large_volume"|"digital_goods_media"|"direct_marketing_catalog_merchant"|"direct_marketing_combination_catalog_and_retail_merchant"|"direct_marketing_inbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_insurance_services"|"direct_marketing_other"|"direct_marketing_outbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_subscription"|"direct_marketing_travel"|"discount_stores"|"doctors"|"door_to_door_sales"|"drapery_window_covering_and_upholstery_stores"|"drinking_places"|"drug_stores_and_pharmacies"|"drugs_drug_proprietaries_and_druggist_sundries"|"dry_cleaners"|"durable_goods"|"duty_free_stores"|"eating_places_restaurants"|"educational_services"|"electric_razor_stores"|"electrical_parts_and_equipment"|"electrical_services"|"electronics_repair_shops"|"electronics_stores"|"elementary_secondary_schools"|"employment_temp_agencies"|"equipment_rental"|"exterminating_services"|"family_clothing_stores"|"fast_food_restaurants"|"financial_institutions"|"fines_government_administrative_entities"|"fireplace_fireplace_screens_and_accessories_stores"|"floor_covering_stores"|"florists"|"florists_supplies_nursery_stock_and_flowers"|"freezer_and_locker_meat_provisioners"|"fuel_dealers_non_automotive"|"funeral_services_crematories"|"furniture_home_furnishings_and_equipment_stores_except_appliances"|"furniture_repair_refinishing"|"furriers_and_fur_shops"|"general_services"|"gift_card_novelty_and_souvenir_shops"|"glass_paint_and_wallpaper_stores"|"glassware_crystal_stores"|"golf_courses_public"|"government_services"|"grocery_stores_supermarkets"|"hardware_equipment_and_supplies"|"hardware_stores"|"health_and_beauty_spas"|"hearing_aids_sales_and_supplies"|"heating_plumbing_a_c"|"hobby_toy_and_game_shops"|"home_supply_warehouse_stores"|"hospitals"|"hotels_motels_and_resorts"|"household_appliance_stores"|"industrial_supplies"|"information_retrieval_services"|"insurance_default"|"insurance_underwriting_premiums"|"intra_company_purchases"|"jewelry_stores_watches_clocks_and_silverware_stores"|"landscaping_services"|"laundries"|"laundry_cleaning_services"|"legal_services_attorneys"|"luggage_and_leather_goods_stores"|"lumber_building_materials_stores"|"manual_cash_disburse"|"marinas_service_and_supplies"|"masonry_stonework_and_plaster"|"massage_parlors"|"medical_and_dental_labs"|"medical_dental_ophthalmic_and_hospital_equipment_and_supplies"|"medical_services"|"membership_organizations"|"mens_and_boys_clothing_and_accessories_stores"|"mens_womens_clothing_stores"|"metal_service_centers"|"miscellaneous"|"miscellaneous_apparel_and_accessory_shops"|"miscellaneous_auto_dealers"|"miscellaneous_business_services"|"miscellaneous_food_stores"|"miscellaneous_general_merchandise"|"miscellaneous_general_services"|"miscellaneous_home_furnishing_specialty_stores"|"miscellaneous_publishing_and_printing"|"miscellaneous_recreation_services"|"miscellaneous_repair_shops"|"miscellaneous_specialty_retail"|"mobile_home_dealers"|"motion_picture_theaters"|"motor_freight_carriers_and_trucking"|"motor_homes_dealers"|"motor_vehicle_supplies_and_new_parts"|"motorcycle_shops_and_dealers"|"motorcycle_shops_dealers"|"music_stores_musical_instruments_pianos_and_sheet_music"|"news_dealers_and_newsstands"|"non_fi_money_orders"|"non_fi_stored_value_card_purchase_load"|"nondurable_goods"|"nurseries_lawn_and_garden_supply_stores"|"nursing_personal_care"|"office_and_commercial_furniture"|"opticians_eyeglasses"|"optometrists_ophthalmologist"|"orthopedic_goods_prosthetic_devices"|"osteopaths"|"package_stores_beer_wine_and_liquor"|"paints_varnishes_and_supplies"|"parking_lots_garages"|"passenger_railways"|"pawn_shops"|"pet_shops_pet_food_and_supplies"|"petroleum_and_petroleum_products"|"photo_developing"|"photographic_photocopy_microfilm_equipment_and_supplies"|"photographic_studios"|"picture_video_production"|"piece_goods_notions_and_other_dry_goods"|"plumbing_heating_equipment_and_supplies"|"political_organizations"|"postal_services_government_only"|"precious_stones_and_metals_watches_and_jewelry"|"professional_services"|"public_warehousing_and_storage"|"quick_copy_repro_and_blueprint"|"railroads"|"real_estate_agents_and_managers_rentals"|"record_stores"|"recreational_vehicle_rentals"|"religious_goods_stores"|"religious_organizations"|"roofing_siding_sheet_metal"|"secretarial_support_services"|"security_brokers_dealers"|"service_stations"|"sewing_needlework_fabric_and_piece_goods_stores"|"shoe_repair_hat_cleaning"|"shoe_stores"|"small_appliance_repair"|"snowmobile_dealers"|"special_trade_services"|"specialty_cleaning"|"sporting_goods_stores"|"sporting_recreation_camps"|"sports_and_riding_apparel_stores"|"sports_clubs_fields"|"stamp_and_coin_stores"|"stationary_office_supplies_printing_and_writing_paper"|"stationery_stores_office_and_school_supply_stores"|"swimming_pools_sales"|"t_ui_travel_germany"|"tailors_alterations"|"tax_payments_government_agencies"|"tax_preparation_services"|"taxicabs_limousines"|"telecommunication_equipment_and_telephone_sales"|"telecommunication_services"|"telegraph_services"|"tent_and_awning_shops"|"testing_laboratories"|"theatrical_ticket_agencies"|"timeshares"|"tire_retreading_and_repair"|"tolls_bridge_fees"|"tourist_attractions_and_exhibits"|"towing_services"|"trailer_parks_campgrounds"|"transportation_services"|"travel_agencies_tour_operators"|"truck_stop_iteration"|"truck_utility_trailer_rentals"|"typesetting_plate_making_and_related_services"|"typewriter_stores"|"u_s_federal_government_agencies_or_departments"|"uniforms_commercial_clothing"|"used_merchandise_and_secondhand_stores"|"utilities"|"variety_stores"|"veterinary_services"|"video_amusement_game_supplies"|"video_game_arcades"|"video_tape_rental_stores"|"vocational_trade_schools"|"watch_jewelry_repair"|"welding_repair"|"wholesale_clubs"|"wig_and_toupee_stores"|"wires_money_orders"|"womens_accessory_and_specialty_shops"|"womens_ready_to_wear_stores"|"wrecking_and_salvage_yards")[]? allowed_categories?;
# Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to decline. All other categories will be allowed. Cannot be set with `allowed_categories`.
- string[]? blocked_categories?;
+ ("ac_refrigeration_repair"|"accounting_bookkeeping_services"|"advertising_services"|"agricultural_cooperative"|"airlines_air_carriers"|"airports_flying_fields"|"ambulance_services"|"amusement_parks_carnivals"|"antique_reproductions"|"antique_shops"|"aquariums"|"architectural_surveying_services"|"art_dealers_and_galleries"|"artists_supply_and_craft_shops"|"auto_and_home_supply_stores"|"auto_body_repair_shops"|"auto_paint_shops"|"auto_service_shops"|"automated_cash_disburse"|"automated_fuel_dispensers"|"automobile_associations"|"automotive_parts_and_accessories_stores"|"automotive_tire_stores"|"bail_and_bond_payments"|"bakeries"|"bands_orchestras"|"barber_and_beauty_shops"|"betting_casino_gambling"|"bicycle_shops"|"billiard_pool_establishments"|"boat_dealers"|"boat_rentals_and_leases"|"book_stores"|"books_periodicals_and_newspapers"|"bowling_alleys"|"bus_lines"|"business_secretarial_schools"|"buying_shopping_services"|"cable_satellite_and_other_pay_television_and_radio"|"camera_and_photographic_supply_stores"|"candy_nut_and_confectionery_stores"|"car_and_truck_dealers_new_used"|"car_and_truck_dealers_used_only"|"car_rental_agencies"|"car_washes"|"carpentry_services"|"carpet_upholstery_cleaning"|"caterers"|"charitable_and_social_service_organizations_fundraising"|"chemicals_and_allied_products"|"child_care_services"|"childrens_and_infants_wear_stores"|"chiropodists_podiatrists"|"chiropractors"|"cigar_stores_and_stands"|"civic_social_fraternal_associations"|"cleaning_and_maintenance"|"clothing_rental"|"colleges_universities"|"commercial_equipment"|"commercial_footwear"|"commercial_photography_art_and_graphics"|"commuter_transport_and_ferries"|"computer_network_services"|"computer_programming"|"computer_repair"|"computer_software_stores"|"computers_peripherals_and_software"|"concrete_work_services"|"construction_materials"|"consulting_public_relations"|"correspondence_schools"|"cosmetic_stores"|"counseling_services"|"country_clubs"|"courier_services"|"court_costs"|"credit_reporting_agencies"|"cruise_lines"|"dairy_products_stores"|"dance_hall_studios_schools"|"dating_escort_services"|"dentists_orthodontists"|"department_stores"|"detective_agencies"|"digital_goods_applications"|"digital_goods_games"|"digital_goods_large_volume"|"digital_goods_media"|"direct_marketing_catalog_merchant"|"direct_marketing_combination_catalog_and_retail_merchant"|"direct_marketing_inbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_insurance_services"|"direct_marketing_other"|"direct_marketing_outbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_subscription"|"direct_marketing_travel"|"discount_stores"|"doctors"|"door_to_door_sales"|"drapery_window_covering_and_upholstery_stores"|"drinking_places"|"drug_stores_and_pharmacies"|"drugs_drug_proprietaries_and_druggist_sundries"|"dry_cleaners"|"durable_goods"|"duty_free_stores"|"eating_places_restaurants"|"educational_services"|"electric_razor_stores"|"electrical_parts_and_equipment"|"electrical_services"|"electronics_repair_shops"|"electronics_stores"|"elementary_secondary_schools"|"employment_temp_agencies"|"equipment_rental"|"exterminating_services"|"family_clothing_stores"|"fast_food_restaurants"|"financial_institutions"|"fines_government_administrative_entities"|"fireplace_fireplace_screens_and_accessories_stores"|"floor_covering_stores"|"florists"|"florists_supplies_nursery_stock_and_flowers"|"freezer_and_locker_meat_provisioners"|"fuel_dealers_non_automotive"|"funeral_services_crematories"|"furniture_home_furnishings_and_equipment_stores_except_appliances"|"furniture_repair_refinishing"|"furriers_and_fur_shops"|"general_services"|"gift_card_novelty_and_souvenir_shops"|"glass_paint_and_wallpaper_stores"|"glassware_crystal_stores"|"golf_courses_public"|"government_services"|"grocery_stores_supermarkets"|"hardware_equipment_and_supplies"|"hardware_stores"|"health_and_beauty_spas"|"hearing_aids_sales_and_supplies"|"heating_plumbing_a_c"|"hobby_toy_and_game_shops"|"home_supply_warehouse_stores"|"hospitals"|"hotels_motels_and_resorts"|"household_appliance_stores"|"industrial_supplies"|"information_retrieval_services"|"insurance_default"|"insurance_underwriting_premiums"|"intra_company_purchases"|"jewelry_stores_watches_clocks_and_silverware_stores"|"landscaping_services"|"laundries"|"laundry_cleaning_services"|"legal_services_attorneys"|"luggage_and_leather_goods_stores"|"lumber_building_materials_stores"|"manual_cash_disburse"|"marinas_service_and_supplies"|"masonry_stonework_and_plaster"|"massage_parlors"|"medical_and_dental_labs"|"medical_dental_ophthalmic_and_hospital_equipment_and_supplies"|"medical_services"|"membership_organizations"|"mens_and_boys_clothing_and_accessories_stores"|"mens_womens_clothing_stores"|"metal_service_centers"|"miscellaneous"|"miscellaneous_apparel_and_accessory_shops"|"miscellaneous_auto_dealers"|"miscellaneous_business_services"|"miscellaneous_food_stores"|"miscellaneous_general_merchandise"|"miscellaneous_general_services"|"miscellaneous_home_furnishing_specialty_stores"|"miscellaneous_publishing_and_printing"|"miscellaneous_recreation_services"|"miscellaneous_repair_shops"|"miscellaneous_specialty_retail"|"mobile_home_dealers"|"motion_picture_theaters"|"motor_freight_carriers_and_trucking"|"motor_homes_dealers"|"motor_vehicle_supplies_and_new_parts"|"motorcycle_shops_and_dealers"|"motorcycle_shops_dealers"|"music_stores_musical_instruments_pianos_and_sheet_music"|"news_dealers_and_newsstands"|"non_fi_money_orders"|"non_fi_stored_value_card_purchase_load"|"nondurable_goods"|"nurseries_lawn_and_garden_supply_stores"|"nursing_personal_care"|"office_and_commercial_furniture"|"opticians_eyeglasses"|"optometrists_ophthalmologist"|"orthopedic_goods_prosthetic_devices"|"osteopaths"|"package_stores_beer_wine_and_liquor"|"paints_varnishes_and_supplies"|"parking_lots_garages"|"passenger_railways"|"pawn_shops"|"pet_shops_pet_food_and_supplies"|"petroleum_and_petroleum_products"|"photo_developing"|"photographic_photocopy_microfilm_equipment_and_supplies"|"photographic_studios"|"picture_video_production"|"piece_goods_notions_and_other_dry_goods"|"plumbing_heating_equipment_and_supplies"|"political_organizations"|"postal_services_government_only"|"precious_stones_and_metals_watches_and_jewelry"|"professional_services"|"public_warehousing_and_storage"|"quick_copy_repro_and_blueprint"|"railroads"|"real_estate_agents_and_managers_rentals"|"record_stores"|"recreational_vehicle_rentals"|"religious_goods_stores"|"religious_organizations"|"roofing_siding_sheet_metal"|"secretarial_support_services"|"security_brokers_dealers"|"service_stations"|"sewing_needlework_fabric_and_piece_goods_stores"|"shoe_repair_hat_cleaning"|"shoe_stores"|"small_appliance_repair"|"snowmobile_dealers"|"special_trade_services"|"specialty_cleaning"|"sporting_goods_stores"|"sporting_recreation_camps"|"sports_and_riding_apparel_stores"|"sports_clubs_fields"|"stamp_and_coin_stores"|"stationary_office_supplies_printing_and_writing_paper"|"stationery_stores_office_and_school_supply_stores"|"swimming_pools_sales"|"t_ui_travel_germany"|"tailors_alterations"|"tax_payments_government_agencies"|"tax_preparation_services"|"taxicabs_limousines"|"telecommunication_equipment_and_telephone_sales"|"telecommunication_services"|"telegraph_services"|"tent_and_awning_shops"|"testing_laboratories"|"theatrical_ticket_agencies"|"timeshares"|"tire_retreading_and_repair"|"tolls_bridge_fees"|"tourist_attractions_and_exhibits"|"towing_services"|"trailer_parks_campgrounds"|"transportation_services"|"travel_agencies_tour_operators"|"truck_stop_iteration"|"truck_utility_trailer_rentals"|"typesetting_plate_making_and_related_services"|"typewriter_stores"|"u_s_federal_government_agencies_or_departments"|"uniforms_commercial_clothing"|"used_merchandise_and_secondhand_stores"|"utilities"|"variety_stores"|"veterinary_services"|"video_amusement_game_supplies"|"video_game_arcades"|"video_tape_rental_stores"|"vocational_trade_schools"|"watch_jewelry_repair"|"welding_repair"|"wholesale_clubs"|"wig_and_toupee_stores"|"wires_money_orders"|"womens_accessory_and_specialty_shops"|"womens_ready_to_wear_stores"|"wrecking_and_salvage_yards")[]? blocked_categories?;
# Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across this cardholder's cards.
Issuing_cardholder_spending_limit[]? spending_limits?;
# Currency of the amounts within `spending_limits`.
@@ -6601,7 +6598,7 @@ public type Subscription_item record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "subscription_item" 'object;
# Prices define the unit cost, currency, and (optional) billing cycle for both recurring and one-time purchases of products.
# [Products]( help you track inventory or provisioning, and prices help you track payment terms. Different physical goods or levels of service should be represented by products, and pricing options should be represented by prices. This approach lets you change prices without having to change your provisioning scheme.
@@ -6656,13 +6653,13 @@ public type IssuingTransaction record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "issuing.transaction" 'object;
# Additional purchase information that is optionally provided by the merchant.
Issuing_transaction_purchase_details? purchase_details?;
# The nature of the transaction.
- string 'type;
+ "capture"|"refund" 'type;
# The digital wallet used for this transaction. One of `apple_pay`, `google_pay`, or `samsung_pay`.
- string? wallet?;
+ "apple_pay"|"google_pay"|"samsung_pay" wallet?;
public type Source_type_sepa_debit record {
@@ -6678,7 +6675,7 @@ public type Source_type_sepa_debit record {
# Configuration settings for the PaymentIntent that is generated when the invoice is finalized.
public type Payment_settings record {
Payment_method_options payment_method_options?;
- string[]|string payment_method_types?;
+ ("ach_credit_transfer"|"ach_debit"|"au_becs_debit"|"bacs_debit"|"bancontact"|"boleto"|"card"|"fpx"|"giropay"|"ideal"|"sepa_debit"|"sofort"|"wechat_pay")[]|"" payment_method_types?;
@@ -6699,7 +6696,7 @@ public type Customer_tax_location record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string country;
# The data source used to infer the customer's location.
- string 'source;
+ "billing_address"|"ip_address"|"payment_method"|"shipping_destination" 'source;
# The customer's state, county, province, or region as identified by Stripe Tax.
string? state?;
@@ -6729,7 +6726,7 @@ public type Transform_quantity record {
# Divide usage by this number.
int divide_by;
# After division, either round the result `up` or `down`.
- string round;
+ "down"|"up" round;
@@ -6746,7 +6743,7 @@ public type Review record {
# The charge associated with this review.
string|Charge? charge?;
# The reason the review was closed, or null if it has not yet been closed. One of `approved`, `refunded`, `refunded_as_fraud`, `disputed`, or `redacted`.
- string? closed_reason?;
+ "approved"|"disputed"|"redacted"|"refunded"|"refunded_as_fraud" closed_reason?;
# Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int created;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@@ -6759,11 +6756,11 @@ public type Review record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "review" 'object;
# If `true`, the review needs action.
boolean open;
# The reason the review was opened. One of `rule` or `manual`.
- string opened_reason;
+ "manual"|"rule" opened_reason;
# The PaymentIntent ID associated with this review, if one exists.
string|Payment_intent payment_intent?;
# The reason the review is currently open or closed. One of `rule`, `manual`, `approved`, `refunded`, `refunded_as_fraud`, `disputed`, or `redacted`.
@@ -6803,14 +6800,14 @@ public type IssuingSettlement record {
# The total net amount required to settle with the network.
int net_total;
# The card network for this settlement report. One of ["visa"]
- string network;
+ "visa" network;
# The total amount of fees owed to the network.
int network_fees;
# The Settlement Identification Number assigned by the network.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string network_settlement_identifier;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "issuing.settlement" 'object;
# One of `international` or `uk_national_net`.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string settlement_service;
@@ -6859,7 +6856,7 @@ public type Fee_refund record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "fee_refund" 'object;
@@ -6868,9 +6865,9 @@ public type PaymentFlowsPaymentMethodList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
+ @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000, pattern: re `^/v1/payment_methods`}
string url;
@@ -6906,7 +6903,7 @@ public type RadarEarly_fraud_warning record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "radar.early_fraud_warning" 'object;
# ID of the Payment Intent this early fraud warning is for, optionally expanded.
string|Payment_intent payment_intent?;
@@ -6924,7 +6921,7 @@ public type IssuingAuthorization record {
# Whether the authorization has been approved.
boolean approved;
# How the card details were provided.
- string authorization_method;
+ "chip"|"contactless"|"keyed_in"|"online"|"swipe" authorization_method;
# List of balance transactions associated with this authorization.
Balance_transaction[] balance_transactions;
# You can [create physical or virtual cards]( that are issued to cardholders.
@@ -6949,13 +6946,13 @@ public type IssuingAuthorization record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "issuing.authorization" 'object;
# The pending authorization request. This field will only be non-null during an `issuing_authorization.request` webhook.
Issuing_authorization_pending_request? pending_request?;
# History of every time `pending_request` was approved/denied, either by you directly or by Stripe (e.g. based on your `spending_controls`). If the merchant changes the authorization by performing an [incremental authorization](, you can look at this field to see the previous requests for the authorization.
Issuing_authorization_request[] request_history;
# The current status of the authorization in its lifecycle.
- string status;
+ "closed"|"pending"|"reversed" status;
# List of [transactions]( associated with this authorization.
IssuingTransaction[] transactions;
@@ -7050,7 +7047,7 @@ public type Subscription_schedule record {
# Object representing the subscription schedule’s default settings
Subscription_schedules_resource_default_settings default_settings;
# Behavior of the subscription schedule and underlying subscription when it ends. Possible values are `release` and `cancel`.
- string end_behavior;
+ "cancel"|"none"|"release"|"renew" end_behavior;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
@@ -7059,7 +7056,7 @@ public type Subscription_schedule record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "subscription_schedule" 'object;
# Configuration for the subscription schedule's phases.
Subscription_schedule_phase_configuration[] phases;
# Time at which the subscription schedule was released. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
@@ -7067,7 +7064,7 @@ public type Subscription_schedule record {
# ID of the subscription once managed by the subscription schedule (if it is released).
string? released_subscription?;
# The present status of the subscription schedule. Possible values are `not_started`, `active`, `completed`, `released`, and `canceled`. You can read more about the different states in our [behavior guide](
- string status;
+ "active"|"canceled"|"completed"|"not_started"|"released" status;
# ID of the subscription managed by the subscription schedule.
string|Subscription? subscription?;
@@ -7124,7 +7121,7 @@ public type Charge record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "charge" 'object;
# The account (if any) the charge was made on behalf of without triggering an automatic transfer. See the [Connect documentation]( for details.
string|Account? on_behalf_of?;
# ID of the order this charge is for if one exists.
@@ -7182,7 +7179,7 @@ public type Mandate record {
Mandate_multi_use multi_use?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "mandate" 'object;
# ID of the payment method associated with this mandate.
string|Payment_method payment_method;
@@ -7190,9 +7187,9 @@ public type Mandate record {
Mandate_single_use single_use?;
# The status of the mandate, which indicates whether it can be used to initiate a payment.
- string status;
+ "active"|"inactive"|"pending" status;
# The type of the mandate.
- string 'type;
+ "multi_use"|"single_use" 'type;
# If you have [scheduled a Sigma query](, you'll
@@ -7214,7 +7211,7 @@ public type Scheduled_query_run record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "scheduled_query_run" 'object;
# Time at which the result expires and is no longer available for download.
int result_available_until;
# SQL for the query.
@@ -7242,7 +7239,7 @@ public type Quote record {
Quotes_resource_automatic_tax automatic_tax;
# Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay invoices at the end of the subscription cycle or on finalization using the default payment method attached to the subscription or customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions. Defaults to `charge_automatically`.
- string collection_method;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method;
Quotes_resource_computed computed;
# Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
@@ -7281,11 +7278,11 @@ public type Quote record {
# A unique number that identifies this particular quote. This number is assigned once the quote is [finalized](
string? number?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "quote" 'object;
# The account on behalf of which to charge. See the [Connect documentation]( for details.
string|Account? on_behalf_of?;
# The status of the quote.
- string status;
+ "accepted"|"canceled"|"draft"|"open" status;
Quotes_resource_status_transitions status_transitions;
# The subscription that was created or updated from this quote.
@@ -7303,15 +7300,13 @@ public type Quote record {
public type Customer_bank_account_details record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string account_holder_name?;
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
- string account_holder_type?;
+ "company"|"individual" account_holder_type?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string account_number;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string country;
string currency?;
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
- string 'object?;
+ "bank_account" 'object?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string routing_number?;
@@ -7323,7 +7318,7 @@ public type ExternalAccountList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -7334,7 +7329,7 @@ public type Automatic_tax record {
# Whether Stripe automatically computes tax on this invoice.
boolean enabled;
# The status of the most recent automated tax calculation for this invoice.
- string? status?;
+ "complete"|"failed"|"requires_location_inputs" status?;
public type Customers_customer_body record {|
@@ -7378,7 +7373,7 @@ public type Customers_customer_body record {|
# Default invoice settings for this customer.
Customer_param_1 invoice_settings?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- record {|string...;|}|string metadata?;
+ record {|string...;|}|"" metadata?;
# The customer's full name or business name.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 256}
string name?;
@@ -7393,15 +7388,15 @@ public type Customers_customer_body record {|
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string promotion_code?;
# The customer's shipping information. Appears on invoices emailed to this customer.
- Customer_shipping_address|string shipping?;
+ Customer_shipping_address|"" shipping?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string 'source?;
# Tax details about the customer.
Tax_param tax?;
# The customer's tax exemption. One of `none`, `exempt`, or `reverse`.
- string tax_exempt?;
+ ""|"exempt"|"none"|"reverse" tax_exempt?;
# Unix timestamp representing the end of the trial period the customer will get before being charged for the first time. This will always overwrite any trials that might apply via a subscribed plan. If set, trial_end will override the default trial period of the plan the customer is being subscribed to. The special value `now` can be provided to end the customer's trial immediately. Can be at most two years from `billing_cycle_anchor`.
- string|int trial_end?;
+ "now"|int trial_end?;
@@ -7462,7 +7457,7 @@ public type Account record {
# Business information about the account.
Account_business_profile? business_profile?;
# The business type.
- string? business_type?;
+ "company"|"government_entity"|"individual"|"non_profit" business_type?;
Account_capabilities capabilities?;
# Whether the account can create live charges.
@@ -7498,7 +7493,7 @@ public type Account record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "account" 'object;
# Whether Stripe can send payouts to this account.
boolean payouts_enabled?;
@@ -7508,7 +7503,7 @@ public type Account record {
Account_tos_acceptance tos_acceptance?;
# The Stripe account type. Can be `standard`, `express`, or `custom`.
- string 'type?;
+ "custom"|"express"|"standard" 'type?;
@@ -7524,17 +7519,17 @@ public type Payment_method_options_wechat_pay record {
# The app ID registered with WeChat Pay. Only required when client is ios or android.
string? app_id?;
# The client type that the end customer will pay from
- string? 'client?;
+ "android"|"ios"|"web" 'client?;
public type Setup_intent_payment_method_options_acss_debit record {
# Currency supported by the bank account
- string? currency?;
+ "cad"|"usd" currency?;
Setup_intent_payment_method_options_mandate_options_acss_debit mandate_options?;
# Bank account verification method.
- string verification_method?;
+ "automatic"|"instant"|"microdeposits" verification_method?;
# Object representing the subscription schedule’s default settings
@@ -7544,11 +7539,11 @@ public type Subscription_schedules_resource_default_settings record {
Subscription_schedules_resource_default_settings_automatic_tax automatic_tax?;
# Possible values are `phase_start` or `automatic`. If `phase_start` then billing cycle anchor of the subscription is set to the start of the phase when entering the phase. If `automatic` then the billing cycle anchor is automatically modified as needed when entering the phase. For more information, see the billing cycle [documentation](
- string billing_cycle_anchor;
+ "automatic"|"phase_start" billing_cycle_anchor;
# Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period
Subscription_billing_thresholds? billing_thresholds?;
# Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay the underlying subscription at the end of each billing cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions.
- string? collection_method?;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method?;
# ID of the default payment method for the subscription schedule. If not set, invoices will use the default payment method in the customer's invoice settings.
string|Payment_method? default_payment_method?;
# The subscription schedule's default invoice settings.
@@ -7613,11 +7608,11 @@ public type Invoice record {
Automatic_tax automatic_tax;
# Indicates the reason why the invoice was created. `subscription_cycle` indicates an invoice created by a subscription advancing into a new period. `subscription_create` indicates an invoice created due to creating a subscription. `subscription_update` indicates an invoice created due to updating a subscription. `subscription` is set for all old invoices to indicate either a change to a subscription or a period advancement. `manual` is set for all invoices unrelated to a subscription (for example: created via the invoice editor). The `upcoming` value is reserved for simulated invoices per the upcoming invoice endpoint. `subscription_threshold` indicates an invoice created due to a billing threshold being reached.
- string? billing_reason?;
+ "automatic_pending_invoice_item_invoice"|"manual"|"quote_accept"|"subscription"|"subscription_create"|"subscription_cycle"|"subscription_threshold"|"subscription_update"|"upcoming" billing_reason?;
# ID of the latest charge generated for this invoice, if any.
string|Charge? charge?;
# Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this invoice using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email this invoice to the customer with payment instructions.
- string collection_method;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method;
# Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int created;
# Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
@@ -7637,7 +7632,7 @@ public type Invoice record {
# The customer's shipping information. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will equal `customer.shipping`. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.
Shipping? customer_shipping?;
# The customer's tax exempt status. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will equal `customer.tax_exempt`. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.
- string? customer_tax_exempt?;
+ "exempt"|"none"|"reverse" customer_tax_exempt?;
# The customer's tax IDs. Until the invoice is finalized, this field will contain the same tax IDs as `customer.tax_ids`. Once the invoice is finalized, this field will no longer be updated.
Invoices_resource_invoice_tax_id[]? customer_tax_ids?;
# ID of the default payment method for the invoice. It must belong to the customer associated with the invoice. If not set, defaults to the subscription's default payment method, if any, or to the default payment method in the customer's invoice settings.
@@ -7678,7 +7673,7 @@ public type Invoice record {
# A unique, identifying string that appears on emails sent to the customer for this invoice. This starts with the customer's unique invoice_prefix if it is specified.
string? number?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "invoice" 'object;
# The account (if any) for which the funds of the invoice payment are intended. If set, the invoice will be presented with the branding and support information of the specified account. See the [Invoices with Connect]( documentation for details.
string|Account? on_behalf_of?;
# Whether payment was successfully collected for this invoice. An invoice can be paid (most commonly) with a charge or with credit from the customer's account balance.
@@ -7704,7 +7699,7 @@ public type Invoice record {
# Extra information about an invoice for the customer's credit card statement.
string? statement_descriptor?;
# The status of the invoice, one of `draft`, `open`, `paid`, `uncollectible`, or `void`. [Learn more](
- string? status?;
+ "deleted"|"draft"|"open"|"paid"|"uncollectible"|"void" status?;
Invoices_status_transitions status_transitions;
# The subscription that this invoice was prepared for, if any.
@@ -7732,18 +7727,17 @@ public type Invoice record {
public type Deleted_invoice record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "invoice" 'object;
# If this is a `p24` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the P24 payment method.
public type Param_6 record {
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
- string bank?;
+ "alior_bank"|"bank_millennium"|"bank_nowy_bfg_sa"|"bank_pekao_sa"|"banki_spbdzielcze"|"blik"|"bnp_paribas"|"boz"|"citi_handlowy"|"credit_agricole"|"envelobank"|"etransfer_pocztowy24"|"getin_bank"|"ideabank"|"ing"|"inteligo"|"mbank_mtransfer"|"nest_przelew"|"noble_pay"|"pbac_z_ipko"|"plus_bank"|"santander_przelew24"|"tmobile_usbugi_bankowe"|"toyota_bank"|"volkswagen_bank" bank?;
# If this is a `sepa_debit` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SEPA debit bank account.
@@ -7752,11 +7746,11 @@ public type Param_7 record {
string iban;
-public type Discounts Discounts_data_param|string;
+public type Discounts Discounts_data_param|"";
# If this is a `sofort` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the SOFORT payment method.
public type Param_8 record {
- string country;
+ "AT"|"BE"|"DE"|"ES"|"IT"|"NL" country;
@@ -7770,7 +7764,7 @@ public type Issuing_dispute_not_received_evidence record {
# Description of the merchandise or service that was purchased.
string? product_description?;
# Whether the product was a merchandise or service.
- string? product_type?;
+ "merchandise"|"service" product_type?;
public type V1_customers_body record {|
@@ -7794,7 +7788,7 @@ public type V1_customers_body record {|
# Default invoice settings for this customer.
Customer_param invoice_settings?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- Additional_properties|string metadata?;
+ Additional_properties|"" metadata?;
# The customer's full name or business name.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 256}
string name?;
@@ -7817,7 +7811,7 @@ public type V1_customers_body record {|
# Tax details about the customer.
Tax_param tax?;
# The customer's tax exemption. One of `none`, `exempt`, or `reverse`.
- string tax_exempt?;
+ ""|"exempt"|"none"|"reverse" tax_exempt?;
# The customer's tax IDs.
Data_params[] tax_id_data?;
@@ -7830,8 +7824,7 @@ public type Param_2 record {
# If this is an `eps` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the EPS payment method.
public type Param_3 record {
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
- string bank?;
+ "arzte_und_apotheker_bank"|"austrian_anadi_bank_ag"|"bank_austria"|"bankhaus_carl_spangler"|"bankhaus_schelhammer_und_schattera_ag"|"bawag_psk_ag"|"bks_bank_ag"|"brull_kallmus_bank_ag"|"btv_vier_lander_bank"|"capital_bank_grawe_gruppe_ag"|"dolomitenbank"|"easybank_ag"|"erste_bank_und_sparkassen"|"hypo_alpeadriabank_international_ag"|"hypo_bank_burgenland_aktiengesellschaft"|"hypo_noe_lb_fur_niederosterreich_u_wien"|"hypo_oberosterreich_salzburg_steiermark"|"hypo_tirol_bank_ag"|"hypo_vorarlberg_bank_ag"|"marchfelder_bank"|"oberbank_ag"|"raiffeisen_bankengruppe_osterreich"|"schoellerbank_ag"|"sparda_bank_wien"|"volksbank_gruppe"|"volkskreditbank_ag"|"vr_bank_braunau" bank?;
@@ -7844,14 +7837,12 @@ public type Issuing_transaction_lodging_data record {
# If this is an `fpx` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the FPX payment method.
public type Param_4 record {
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
- string bank;
+ "affin_bank"|"alliance_bank"|"ambank"|"bank_islam"|"bank_muamalat"|"bank_rakyat"|"bsn"|"cimb"|"deutsche_bank"|"hong_leong_bank"|"hsbc"|"kfh"|"maybank2e"|"maybank2u"|"ocbc"|"pb_enterprise"|"public_bank"|"rhb"|"standard_chartered"|"uob" bank;
# If this is an `ideal` PaymentMethod, this hash contains details about the iDEAL payment method.
public type Param_5 record {
- @constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
- string bank?;
+ "abn_amro"|"asn_bank"|"bunq"|"handelsbanken"|"ing"|"knab"|"moneyou"|"rabobank"|"regiobank"|"revolut"|"sns_bank"|"triodos_bank"|"van_lanschot" bank?;
# A line item.
@@ -7871,7 +7862,7 @@ public type Item record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "item" 'object;
# The price used to generate the line item.
Price? price?;
# The quantity of products being purchased.
@@ -7934,11 +7925,11 @@ public type ReportingReport_type record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string name;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "reporting.report_type" 'object;
# When this Report Type was latest updated. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int updated;
# Version of the Report Type. Different versions report with the same ID will have the same purpose, but may take different run parameters or have different result schemas.
- int 'version;
+ int version;
# Subscriptions allow you to charge a customer on a recurring basis.
@@ -7960,7 +7951,7 @@ public type Subscription record {
# If the subscription has been canceled, the date of that cancellation. If the subscription was canceled with `cancel_at_period_end`, `canceled_at` will reflect the time of the most recent update request, not the end of the subscription period when the subscription is automatically moved to a canceled state.
int? canceled_at?;
# Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions.
- string collection_method;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method;
# Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int created;
# End of the current period that the subscription has been invoiced for. At the end of this period, a new invoice will be created.
@@ -7995,7 +7986,7 @@ public type Subscription record {
# Specifies the approximate timestamp on which any pending invoice items will be billed according to the schedule provided at `pending_invoice_item_interval`.
int? next_pending_invoice_item_invoice?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "subscription" 'object;
# If specified, payment collection for this subscription will be paused.
Subscriptions_resource_pause_collection? pause_collection?;
# Payment settings passed on to invoices created by the subscription.
@@ -8019,7 +8010,7 @@ public type Subscription record {
# If subscription `collection_method=charge_automatically` it becomes `past_due` when payment to renew it fails and `canceled` or `unpaid` (depending on your subscriptions settings) when Stripe has exhausted all payment retry attempts.
# If subscription `collection_method=send_invoice` it becomes `past_due` when its invoice is not paid by the due date, and `canceled` or `unpaid` if it is still not paid by an additional deadline after that. Note that when a subscription has a status of `unpaid`, no subsequent invoices will be attempted (invoices will be created, but then immediately automatically closed). After receiving updated payment information from a customer, you may choose to reopen and pay their closed invoices.
- string status;
+ "active"|"canceled"|"incomplete"|"incomplete_expired"|"past_due"|"trialing"|"unpaid" status;
# The account (if any) the subscription's payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the subscription's invoices.
Subscription_transfer_data? transfer_data?;
# If the subscription has a trial, the end of that trial.
@@ -8031,23 +8022,23 @@ public type Subscription record {
public type Deleted_price record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "price" 'object;
public type Deleted_sku record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "sku" 'object;
# A phase item describes the price and quantity of a phase.
@@ -8072,7 +8063,7 @@ public type Schedule_release_body record {|
public type Gelato_report_document_options record {
# Array of strings of allowed identity document types. If the provided identity document isn’t one of the allowed types, the verification check will fail with a document_type_not_allowed error code.
- string[] allowed_types?;
+ ("driving_license"|"id_card"|"passport")[] allowed_types?;
# Collect an ID number and perform an [ID number check]( with the document’s extracted name and date of birth.
boolean require_id_number?;
# Disable image uploads, identity document images have to be captured using the device’s camera.
@@ -8110,7 +8101,7 @@ public type Payment_method_boleto record {
public type Payment_method_p24 record {
# The customer's bank, if provided.
- string? bank?;
+ "alior_bank"|"bank_millennium"|"bank_nowy_bfg_sa"|"bank_pekao_sa"|"banki_spbdzielcze"|"blik"|"bnp_paribas"|"boz"|"citi_handlowy"|"credit_agricole"|"envelobank"|"etransfer_pocztowy24"|"getin_bank"|"ideabank"|"ing"|"inteligo"|"mbank_mtransfer"|"nest_przelew"|"noble_pay"|"pbac_z_ipko"|"plus_bank"|"santander_przelew24"|"tmobile_usbugi_bankowe"|"toyota_bank"|"volkswagen_bank" bank?;
@@ -8153,7 +8144,7 @@ public type Webhook_endpoint record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "webhook_endpoint" 'object;
# The endpoint's secret, used to generate [webhook signatures]( Only returned at creation.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string secret?;
@@ -8172,7 +8163,7 @@ public type InvoiceLinesList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -8203,7 +8194,7 @@ public type Card record {
# If `address_zip` was provided, results of the check: `pass`, `fail`, `unavailable`, or `unchecked`.
string? address_zip_check?;
# A set of available payout methods for this card. Only values from this set should be passed as the `method` when creating a payout.
- string[]? available_payout_methods?;
+ ("instant"|"standard")[]? available_payout_methods?;
# Card brand. Can be `American Express`, `Diners Club`, `Discover`, `JCB`, `MasterCard`, `UnionPay`, `Visa`, or `Unknown`.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string brand;
@@ -8241,7 +8232,7 @@ public type Card record {
# Cardholder name.
string? name?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "card" 'object;
# The recipient that this card belongs to. This attribute will not be in the card object if the card belongs to a customer or account instead.
string|Recipient? recipient?;
# If the card number is tokenized, this is the method that was used. Can be `android_pay` (includes Google Pay), `apple_pay`, `masterpass`, `visa_checkout`, or null.
@@ -8267,7 +8258,7 @@ public type Issuing_dispute_merchandise_not_as_described_evidence record {
# Description of the cardholder's attempt to return the product.
string? return_description?;
# Result of cardholder's attempt to return the product.
- string? return_status?;
+ "merchant_rejected"|"successful" return_status?;
# Date when the product was returned or attempted to be returned.
int? returned_at?;
@@ -8305,7 +8296,7 @@ public type V1_prices_body record {|
# Whether the price can be used for new purchases. Defaults to `true`.
boolean active?;
# Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `unit_amount` or `unit_amount_decimal`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for prices with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for prices with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.
- string billing_scheme?;
+ "per_unit"|"tiered" billing_scheme?;
# Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
string currency;
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
@@ -8326,11 +8317,11 @@ public type V1_prices_body record {|
# The recurring components of a price such as `interval` and `usage_type`.
Recurring_1 recurring?;
# Specifies whether the price is considered inclusive of taxes or exclusive of taxes. One of `inclusive`, `exclusive`, or `unspecified`. Once specified as either `inclusive` or `exclusive`, it cannot be changed.
- string tax_behavior?;
+ "exclusive"|"inclusive"|"unspecified" tax_behavior?;
# Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.
Tier[] tiers?;
# Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price, in `graduated` tiering pricing can successively change as the quantity grows.
- string tiers_mode?;
+ "graduated"|"volume" tiers_mode?;
# If set to true, will atomically remove the lookup key from the existing price, and assign it to this price.
boolean transfer_lookup_key?;
# Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the billed price. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.
@@ -8352,12 +8343,12 @@ public type Account_dashboard_settings record {
public type Deleted_account record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "account" 'object;
@@ -8420,7 +8411,7 @@ public type Payment_method_details_multibanco record {
public type Payment_pages_payment_page_resources_shipping_address_collection record {
# An array of two-letter ISO country codes representing which countries Checkout should provide as options for
# shipping locations. Unsupported country codes: `AS, CX, CC, CU, HM, IR, KP, MH, FM, NF, MP, PW, SD, SY, UM, VI`.
- string[] allowed_countries;
+ ("AC"|"AD"|"AE"|"AF"|"AG"|"AI"|"AL"|"AM"|"AO"|"AQ"|"AR"|"AT"|"AU"|"AW"|"AX"|"AZ"|"BA"|"BB"|"BD"|"BE"|"BF"|"BG"|"BH"|"BI"|"BJ"|"BL"|"BM"|"BN"|"BO"|"BQ"|"BR"|"BS"|"BT"|"BV"|"BW"|"BY"|"BZ"|"CA"|"CD"|"CF"|"CG"|"CH"|"CI"|"CK"|"CL"|"CM"|"CN"|"CO"|"CR"|"CV"|"CW"|"CY"|"CZ"|"DE"|"DJ"|"DK"|"DM"|"DO"|"DZ"|"EC"|"EE"|"EG"|"EH"|"ER"|"ES"|"ET"|"FI"|"FJ"|"FK"|"FO"|"FR"|"GA"|"GB"|"GD"|"GE"|"GF"|"GG"|"GH"|"GI"|"GL"|"GM"|"GN"|"GP"|"GQ"|"GR"|"GS"|"GT"|"GU"|"GW"|"GY"|"HK"|"HN"|"HR"|"HT"|"HU"|"ID"|"IE"|"IL"|"IM"|"IN"|"IO"|"IQ"|"IS"|"IT"|"JE"|"JM"|"JO"|"JP"|"KE"|"KG"|"KH"|"KI"|"KM"|"KN"|"KR"|"KW"|"KY"|"KZ"|"LA"|"LB"|"LC"|"LI"|"LK"|"LR"|"LS"|"LT"|"LU"|"LV"|"LY"|"MA"|"MC"|"MD"|"ME"|"MF"|"MG"|"MK"|"ML"|"MM"|"MN"|"MO"|"MQ"|"MR"|"MS"|"MT"|"MU"|"MV"|"MW"|"MX"|"MY"|"MZ"|"NA"|"NC"|"NE"|"NG"|"NI"|"NL"|"NO"|"NP"|"NR"|"NU"|"NZ"|"OM"|"PA"|"PE"|"PF"|"PG"|"PH"|"PK"|"PL"|"PM"|"PN"|"PR"|"PS"|"PT"|"PY"|"QA"|"RE"|"RO"|"RS"|"RU"|"RW"|"SA"|"SB"|"SC"|"SE"|"SG"|"SH"|"SI"|"SJ"|"SK"|"SL"|"SM"|"SN"|"SO"|"SR"|"SS"|"ST"|"SV"|"SX"|"SZ"|"TA"|"TC"|"TD"|"TF"|"TG"|"TH"|"TJ"|"TK"|"TL"|"TM"|"TN"|"TO"|"TR"|"TT"|"TV"|"TW"|"TZ"|"UA"|"UG"|"US"|"UY"|"UZ"|"VA"|"VC"|"VE"|"VG"|"VN"|"VU"|"WF"|"WS"|"XK"|"YE"|"YT"|"ZA"|"ZM"|"ZW"|"ZZ")[] allowed_countries;
@@ -8428,7 +8419,7 @@ public type Account_controller record {
# `true` if the Connect application retrieving the resource controls the account and can therefore exercise [platform controls]( Otherwise, this field is null.
boolean is_controller?;
# The controller type. Can be `application`, if a Connect application controls the account, or `account`, if the account controls itself.
- string 'type?;
+ "account"|"application" 'type?;
# This resource has been renamed to [Early Fraud
@@ -8452,7 +8443,7 @@ public type Issuer_fraud_record record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "issuer_fraud_record" 'object;
# The timestamp at which the card issuer posted the issuer fraud record.
int post_date;
@@ -8460,7 +8451,7 @@ public type Issuer_fraud_record record {
public type Payment_method_details_ach_debit record {
# Type of entity that holds the account. This can be either `individual` or `company`.
- string? account_holder_type?;
+ "company"|"individual" account_holder_type?;
# Name of the bank associated with the bank account.
string? bank_name?;
# Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
@@ -8483,7 +8474,7 @@ public type Usage_record_summary record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "usage_record_summary" 'object;
Period period;
# The ID of the subscription item this summary is describing.
@@ -8546,13 +8537,13 @@ public type Payment_intent_next_action_wechat_pay_redirect_to_android_app record
# Payment settings to pass to invoices created by the subscription.
public type Payment_settings_1 record {
Payment_method_options_1 payment_method_options?;
- Payment_method_types_array|string payment_method_types?;
+ Payment_method_types_array|"" payment_method_types?;
# Payment settings to pass to invoices created by the subscription.
public type Payment_settings_2 record {
Payment_method_options payment_method_options?;
- string[]|string payment_method_types?;
+ ("ach_credit_transfer"|"ach_debit"|"au_becs_debit"|"bacs_debit"|"bancontact"|"boleto"|"card"|"fpx"|"giropay"|"ideal"|"sepa_debit"|"sofort"|"wechat_pay")[]|"" payment_method_types?;
@@ -8603,7 +8594,7 @@ public type ReportingReport_run record {
# `true` if the report is run on live mode data and `false` if it is run on test mode data.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "reporting.report_run" 'object;
Financial_reporting_finance_report_run_run_parameters parameters;
# The ID of the [report type]( to run, such as `"balance.summary.1"`.
@@ -8631,7 +8622,7 @@ public type BitcoinTransactionList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -8690,13 +8681,13 @@ public type Plan record {
# Whether the plan can be used for new purchases.
boolean active;
# Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for plans of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for using the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for using the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which uses the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.
- string? aggregate_usage?;
+ "last_during_period"|"last_ever"|"max"|"sum" aggregate_usage?;
# The unit amount in %s to be charged, represented as a whole integer if possible. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.
int? amount?;
# The unit amount in %s to be charged, represented as a decimal string with at most 12 decimal places. Only set if `billing_scheme=per_unit`.
string? amount_decimal?;
# Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `amount`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for plans with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for plans with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.
- string billing_scheme;
+ "per_unit"|"tiered" billing_scheme;
# Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int created;
# Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
@@ -8705,7 +8696,7 @@ public type Plan record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
- string interval;
+ "day"|"month"|"week"|"year" interval;
# The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` attribute) between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months.
int interval_count;
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
@@ -8715,22 +8706,22 @@ public type Plan record {
# A brief description of the plan, hidden from customers.
string? nickname?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "plan" 'object;
# The product whose pricing this plan determines.
string|Product|Deleted_product? product?;
# Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.
Plan_tier[] tiers?;
# Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price. In `graduated` tiering, pricing can change as the quantity grows.
- string? tiers_mode?;
+ "graduated"|"volume" tiers_mode?;
# Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the amount billed. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.
Transform_usage? transform_usage?;
# Default number of trial days when subscribing a customer to this plan using [`trial_from_plan=true`](
int? trial_period_days?;
# Configures how the quantity per period should be determined. Can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` automatically bills the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription. `metered` aggregates the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.
- string usage_type;
+ "licensed"|"metered" usage_type;
-public type Subscription_billing_cycle_anchor string|int;
+public type Subscription_billing_cycle_anchor "now"|"unchanged"|int;
public type Payment_method_card_wallet_apple_pay record {
@@ -8743,17 +8734,17 @@ public type Payment_method_bancontact record {
public type Payment_method_options_bancontact record {
# Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
- string preferred_language;
+ "de"|"en"|"fr"|"nl" preferred_language;
public type Checkout_acss_debit_payment_method_options record {
# Currency supported by the bank account. Returned when the Session is in `setup` mode.
- string currency?;
+ "cad"|"usd" currency?;
Checkout_acss_debit_mandate_options mandate_options?;
# Bank account verification method.
- string verification_method?;
+ "automatic"|"instant"|"microdeposits" verification_method?;
# Value lists allow you to group values together which can then be referenced in rules.
@@ -8772,7 +8763,7 @@ public type RadarValue_list record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# The type of items in the value list. One of `card_fingerprint`, `card_bin`, `email`, `ip_address`, `country`, `string`, or `case_sensitive_string`.
- string item_type;
+ "card_bin"|"card_fingerprint"|"case_sensitive_string"|"country"|"email"|"ip_address"|"string" item_type;
# List of items contained within this value list.
RadarListListItemList list_items;
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
@@ -8783,7 +8774,7 @@ public type RadarValue_list record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string name;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "radar.value_list" 'object;
@@ -8843,19 +8834,19 @@ public type Phase_configuration_params record {
Add_invoice_item_entry_1[] add_invoice_items?;
decimal application_fee_percent?;
Automatic_tax_config_3 automatic_tax?;
- string billing_cycle_anchor?;
- record {int amount_gte?; boolean reset_billing_cycle_anchor?;}|string billing_thresholds?;
- string collection_method?;
+ "automatic"|"phase_start" billing_cycle_anchor?;
+ record {int amount_gte?; boolean reset_billing_cycle_anchor?;}|"" billing_thresholds?;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string coupon?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string default_payment_method?;
- DefaulttaxratesItemsString[]|string default_tax_rates?;
+ DefaulttaxratesItemsString[]|"" default_tax_rates?;
int end_date?;
Subscription_schedules_param_1 invoice_settings?;
Configuration_item_params[] items;
int iterations?;
- string proration_behavior?;
+ "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none" proration_behavior?;
Transfer_data_specs_3 transfer_data?;
boolean trial?;
int trial_end?;
@@ -8886,9 +8877,9 @@ public type Payment_intent record {
# Populated when `status` is `canceled`, this is the time at which the PaymentIntent was canceled. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int? canceled_at?;
# Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent, either user-provided (`duplicate`, `fraudulent`, `requested_by_customer`, or `abandoned`) or generated by Stripe internally (`failed_invoice`, `void_invoice`, or `automatic`).
- string? cancellation_reason?;
+ "abandoned"|"automatic"|"duplicate"|"failed_invoice"|"fraudulent"|"requested_by_customer"|"void_invoice" cancellation_reason?;
# Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.
- string capture_method;
+ "automatic"|"manual" capture_method;
# Charges that were created by this PaymentIntent, if any.
PaymentFlowsPaymentIntentResourceChargeList charges?;
# The client secret of this PaymentIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key.
@@ -8897,7 +8888,7 @@ public type Payment_intent record {
# Refer to our docs to [accept a payment]( and learn about how `client_secret` should be handled.
string? client_secret?;
- string confirmation_method;
+ "automatic"|"manual" confirmation_method;
# Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
int created;
# Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
@@ -8924,7 +8915,7 @@ public type Payment_intent record {
# If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the provided source.
Payment_intent_next_action? next_action?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "payment_intent" 'object;
# The account (if any) for which the funds of the PaymentIntent are intended. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts]( for details.
string|Account? on_behalf_of?;
# ID of the payment method used in this PaymentIntent.
@@ -8942,7 +8933,7 @@ public type Payment_intent record {
# Providing this parameter will [attach the payment method]( to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be [attached]( to a Customer after the transaction completes.
# When processing card payments, Stripe also uses `setup_future_usage` to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as [SCA](
- string? setup_future_usage?;
+ "off_session"|"on_session" setup_future_usage?;
# Shipping information for this PaymentIntent.
Shipping? shipping?;
# For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete description that appears on your customers’ statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
@@ -8950,7 +8941,7 @@ public type Payment_intent record {
# Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
string? statement_descriptor_suffix?;
# Status of this PaymentIntent, one of `requires_payment_method`, `requires_confirmation`, `requires_action`, `processing`, `requires_capture`, `canceled`, or `succeeded`. Read more about each PaymentIntent [status](
- string status;
+ "canceled"|"processing"|"requires_action"|"requires_capture"|"requires_confirmation"|"requires_payment_method"|"succeeded" status;
# The data with which to automatically create a Transfer when the payment is finalized. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts]( for details.
Transfer_data? transfer_data?;
# A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group. See the PaymentIntents [use case for connected accounts]( for details.
@@ -8961,15 +8952,15 @@ public type Subscription_schedules_schedule_body record {|
# Object representing the subscription schedule's default settings.
Default_settings_params_1 default_settings?;
# Configures how the subscription schedule behaves when it ends. Possible values are `release` or `cancel` with the default being `release`. `release` will end the subscription schedule and keep the underlying subscription running.`cancel` will end the subscription schedule and cancel the underlying subscription.
- string end_behavior?;
+ "cancel"|"none"|"release"|"renew" end_behavior?;
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
Subscription_schedules_schedule_bodyExpandItemsString[] expand?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- record {|string...;|}|string metadata?;
+ record {|string...;|}|"" metadata?;
# List representing phases of the subscription schedule. Each phase can be customized to have different durations, plans, and coupons. If there are multiple phases, the `end_date` of one phase will always equal the `start_date` of the next phase. Note that past phases can be omitted.
Phase_configuration_params_1[] phases?;
# If the update changes the current phase, indicates if the changes should be prorated. Possible values are `create_prorations` or `none`, and the default value is `create_prorations`.
- string proration_behavior?;
+ "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none" proration_behavior?;
@@ -9024,7 +9015,7 @@ public type Setup_attempt_payment_method_details_bancontact record {
string? iban_last4?;
# Preferred language of the Bancontact authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
# Can be one of `en`, `de`, `fr`, or `nl`
- string? preferred_language?;
+ "de"|"en"|"fr"|"nl" preferred_language?;
# Owner's verified full name. Values are verified or provided by Bancontact directly
# (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. They cannot be set or mutated.
string? verified_name?;
@@ -9058,13 +9049,13 @@ public type TerminalLocation record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|} metadata;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "terminal.location" 'object;
public type Account_requirements_error record {
# The code for the type of error.
- string code;
+ "invalid_address_city_state_postal_code"|"invalid_street_address"|"invalid_value_other"|"verification_document_address_mismatch"|"verification_document_address_missing"|"verification_document_corrupt"|"verification_document_country_not_supported"|"verification_document_dob_mismatch"|"verification_document_duplicate_type"|"verification_document_expired"|"verification_document_failed_copy"|"verification_document_failed_greyscale"|"verification_document_failed_other"|"verification_document_failed_test_mode"|"verification_document_fraudulent"|"verification_document_id_number_mismatch"|"verification_document_id_number_missing"|"verification_document_incomplete"|"verification_document_invalid"|"verification_document_issue_or_expiry_date_missing"|"verification_document_manipulated"|"verification_document_missing_back"|"verification_document_missing_front"|"verification_document_name_mismatch"|"verification_document_name_missing"|"verification_document_nationality_mismatch"|"verification_document_not_readable"|"verification_document_not_signed"|"verification_document_not_uploaded"|"verification_document_photo_mismatch"|"verification_document_too_large"|"verification_document_type_not_supported"|"verification_failed_address_match"|"verification_failed_business_iec_number"|"verification_failed_document_match"|"verification_failed_id_number_match"|"verification_failed_keyed_identity"|"verification_failed_keyed_match"|"verification_failed_name_match"|"verification_failed_other"|"verification_failed_tax_id_match"|"verification_failed_tax_id_not_issued"|"verification_missing_executives"|"verification_missing_owners"|"verification_requires_additional_memorandum_of_associations" code;
# An informative message that indicates the error type and provides additional details about the error.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string reason;
@@ -9101,7 +9092,7 @@ public type Source_mandate_notification record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "source_mandate_notification" 'object;
# The reason of the mandate notification. Valid reasons are `mandate_confirmed` or `debit_initiated`.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string reason;
@@ -9125,12 +9116,12 @@ public type Source_mandate_notification record {
public type Deleted_alipay_account record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "alipay_account" 'object;
@@ -9166,13 +9157,13 @@ public type Transform_usage record {
# Divide usage by this number.
int divide_by;
# After division, either round the result `up` or `down`.
- string round;
+ "down"|"up" round;
public type Invoices_resource_invoice_tax_id record {
# The type of the tax ID, one of `eu_vat`, `br_cnpj`, `br_cpf`, `gb_vat`, `nz_gst`, `au_abn`, `au_arn`, `in_gst`, `no_vat`, `za_vat`, `ch_vat`, `mx_rfc`, `sg_uen`, `ru_inn`, `ru_kpp`, `ca_bn`, `hk_br`, `es_cif`, `tw_vat`, `th_vat`, `jp_cn`, `jp_rn`, `li_uid`, `my_itn`, `us_ein`, `kr_brn`, `ca_qst`, `ca_gst_hst`, `ca_pst_bc`, `ca_pst_mb`, `ca_pst_sk`, `my_sst`, `sg_gst`, `ae_trn`, `cl_tin`, `sa_vat`, `id_npwp`, `my_frp`, `il_vat`, or `unknown`
- string 'type;
+ "ae_trn"|"au_abn"|"au_arn"|"br_cnpj"|"br_cpf"|"ca_bn"|"ca_gst_hst"|"ca_pst_bc"|"ca_pst_mb"|"ca_pst_sk"|"ca_qst"|"ch_vat"|"cl_tin"|"es_cif"|"eu_vat"|"gb_vat"|"hk_br"|"id_npwp"|"il_vat"|"in_gst"|"jp_cn"|"jp_rn"|"kr_brn"|"li_uid"|"mx_rfc"|"my_frp"|"my_itn"|"my_sst"|"no_vat"|"nz_gst"|"ru_inn"|"ru_kpp"|"sa_vat"|"sg_gst"|"sg_uen"|"th_vat"|"tw_vat"|"unknown"|"us_ein"|"za_vat" 'type;
# The value of the tax ID.
string? value?;
@@ -9214,7 +9205,7 @@ public type Order record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "order" 'object;
# A list of returns that have taken place for this order.
OrdersResourceOrderReturnList? 'returns?;
# The shipping method that is currently selected for this order, if any. If present, it is equal to one of the `id`s of shipping methods in the `shipping_methods` array. At order creation time, if there are multiple shipping methods, Stripe will automatically selected the first method.
@@ -9250,7 +9241,7 @@ public type Payment_pages_checkout_session_customer_details record {
# The customer’s email at time of checkout.
string? email?;
# The customer’s tax exempt status at time of checkout.
- string? tax_exempt?;
+ "exempt"|"none"|"reverse" tax_exempt?;
# The customer’s tax IDs at time of checkout.
Payment_pages_checkout_session_tax_id[]? tax_ids?;
@@ -9262,7 +9253,7 @@ public type QuotesResourceListLineItems record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -9352,7 +9343,7 @@ public type Payment_method record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "payment_method" 'object;
Payment_method_oxxo oxxo?;
@@ -9362,7 +9353,7 @@ public type Payment_method record {
Payment_method_sofort sofort?;
# The type of the PaymentMethod. An additional hash is included on the PaymentMethod with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the PaymentMethod type.
- string 'type;
+ "acss_debit"|"afterpay_clearpay"|"alipay"|"au_becs_debit"|"bacs_debit"|"bancontact"|"boleto"|"card"|"card_present"|"eps"|"fpx"|"giropay"|"grabpay"|"ideal"|"interac_present"|"oxxo"|"p24"|"sepa_debit"|"sofort"|"wechat_pay" 'type;
Payment_method_wechat_pay wechat_pay?;
@@ -9370,12 +9361,12 @@ public type Payment_method record {
public type Deleted_subscription_item record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "subscription_item" 'object;
# Sometimes you want to add a charge or credit to a customer, but actually
@@ -9410,7 +9401,7 @@ public type Invoiceitem record {
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "invoiceitem" 'object;
Invoice_line_item_period period;
# The price of the invoice item.
@@ -9471,7 +9462,7 @@ public type Balance_transaction record {
# Net amount of the transaction, in %s.
int net;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "balance_transaction" 'object;
# [Learn more]( about how reporting categories can help you understand balance transactions from an accounting perspective.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string reporting_category;
@@ -9481,7 +9472,7 @@ public type Balance_transaction record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string status;
# Transaction type: `adjustment`, `advance`, `advance_funding`, `anticipation_repayment`, `application_fee`, `application_fee_refund`, `charge`, `connect_collection_transfer`, `contribution`, `issuing_authorization_hold`, `issuing_authorization_release`, `issuing_dispute`, `issuing_transaction`, `payment`, `payment_failure_refund`, `payment_refund`, `payout`, `payout_cancel`, `payout_failure`, `refund`, `refund_failure`, `reserve_transaction`, `reserved_funds`, `stripe_fee`, `stripe_fx_fee`, `tax_fee`, `topup`, `topup_reversal`, `transfer`, `transfer_cancel`, `transfer_failure`, or `transfer_refund`. [Learn more]( about balance transaction types and what they represent. If you are looking to classify transactions for accounting purposes, you might want to consider `reporting_category` instead.
- string 'type;
+ "adjustment"|"advance"|"advance_funding"|"anticipation_repayment"|"application_fee"|"application_fee_refund"|"charge"|"connect_collection_transfer"|"contribution"|"issuing_authorization_hold"|"issuing_authorization_release"|"issuing_dispute"|"issuing_transaction"|"payment"|"payment_failure_refund"|"payment_refund"|"payout"|"payout_cancel"|"payout_failure"|"refund"|"refund_failure"|"reserve_transaction"|"reserved_funds"|"stripe_fee"|"stripe_fx_fee"|"tax_fee"|"topup"|"topup_reversal"|"transfer"|"transfer_cancel"|"transfer_failure"|"transfer_refund" 'type;
# The Billing customer portal is a Stripe-hosted UI for subscription and
@@ -9513,9 +9504,9 @@ public type Billing_portalSession record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# The IETF language tag of the locale Customer Portal is displayed in. If blank or auto, the customer’s `preferred_locales` or browser’s locale is used.
- string? locale?;
+ "auto"|"bg"|"cs"|"da"|"de"|"el"|"en"|"en-AU"|"en-CA"|"en-GB"|"en-IE"|"en-IN"|"en-NZ"|"en-SG"|"es"|"es-419"|"et"|"fi"|"fil"|"fr"|"fr-CA"|"hr"|"hu"|"id"|"it"|"ja"|"ko"|"lt"|"lv"|"ms"|"mt"|"nb"|"nl"|"pl"|"pt"|"pt-BR"|"ro"|"ru"|"sk"|"sl"|"sv"|"th"|"tr"|"vi"|"zh"|"zh-HK"|"zh-TW" locale?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "billing_portal.session" 'object;
# The account for which the session was created on behalf of. When specified, only subscriptions and invoices with this `on_behalf_of` account appear in the portal. For more information, see the [docs]( Use the [Accounts API]( to modify the `on_behalf_of` account's branding settings, which the portal displays.
string? on_behalf_of?;
# The URL to redirect customers to when they click on the portal's link to return to your website.
@@ -9545,7 +9536,7 @@ public type Issuing_authorization_request record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string merchant_currency;
# The reason for the approval or decline.
- string reason;
+ "account_disabled"|"card_active"|"card_inactive"|"cardholder_inactive"|"cardholder_verification_required"|"insufficient_funds"|"not_allowed"|"spending_controls"|"suspected_fraud"|"verification_failed"|"webhook_approved"|"webhook_declined"|"webhook_timeout" reason;
@@ -9564,7 +9555,7 @@ public type Subscription_automatic_tax record {
boolean enabled;
-public type Subscription_cancel_at_1 int|string;
+public type Subscription_cancel_at_1 int|"";
public type Setup_attempt_payment_method_details record {
@@ -9594,12 +9585,12 @@ public type Setup_attempt_payment_method_details record {
public type Deleted_tax_id record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "tax_id" 'object;
@@ -9611,12 +9602,12 @@ public type Deleted_card record {
# Three-letter [ISO code for the currency]( paid out to the bank account.
string? currency?;
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "card" 'object;
@@ -9632,7 +9623,7 @@ public type FeeRefundList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -9641,12 +9632,12 @@ public type FeeRefundList record {
public type Deleted_invoiceitem record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "invoiceitem" 'object;
# `Source` objects allow you to accept a variety of payment methods. They
@@ -9694,7 +9685,7 @@ public type Source record {
record {|string...;|}? metadata?;
Source_type_multibanco multibanco?;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "source" 'object;
# Information about the owner of the payment instrument that may be used or required by particular source types.
Source_owner? owner?;
Source_type_p24 p24?;
@@ -9713,7 +9704,7 @@ public type Source record {
string status;
Source_type_three_d_secure three_d_secure?;
# The `type` of the source. The `type` is a payment method, one of `ach_credit_transfer`, `ach_debit`, `alipay`, `bancontact`, `card`, `card_present`, `eps`, `giropay`, `ideal`, `multibanco`, `klarna`, `p24`, `sepa_debit`, `sofort`, `three_d_secure`, or `wechat`. An additional hash is included on the source with a name matching this value. It contains additional information specific to the [payment method]( used.
- string 'type;
+ "ach_credit_transfer"|"ach_debit"|"acss_debit"|"alipay"|"au_becs_debit"|"bancontact"|"card"|"card_present"|"eps"|"giropay"|"ideal"|"klarna"|"multibanco"|"p24"|"sepa_debit"|"sofort"|"three_d_secure"|"wechat" 'type;
# Either `reusable` or `single_use`. Whether this source should be reusable or not. Some source types may or may not be reusable by construction, while others may leave the option at creation. If an incompatible value is passed, an error will be returned.
string? usage?;
Source_type_wechat wechat?;
@@ -9723,29 +9714,29 @@ public type Phase_configuration_params_1 record {
Add_invoice_item_entry_1[] add_invoice_items?;
decimal application_fee_percent?;
Automatic_tax_config_3 automatic_tax?;
- string billing_cycle_anchor?;
- Billing_threshold_params|string billing_thresholds?;
- string collection_method?;
+ "automatic"|"phase_start" billing_cycle_anchor?;
+ Billing_threshold_params|"" billing_thresholds?;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string coupon?;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string default_payment_method?;
- DefaulttaxratesItemsString[]|string default_tax_rates?;
- int|string end_date?;
+ DefaulttaxratesItemsString[]|"" default_tax_rates?;
+ int|"now" end_date?;
Subscription_schedules_param_1 invoice_settings?;
Configuration_item_params[] items;
int iterations?;
- string proration_behavior?;
- int|string start_date?;
+ "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none" proration_behavior?;
+ int|"now" start_date?;
Transfer_data_specs_3 transfer_data?;
boolean trial?;
- int|string trial_end?;
+ int|"now" trial_end?;
public type Verification_session_redaction record {
# Indicates whether this object and its related objects have been redacted or not.
- string status;
+ "processing"|"redacted" status;
@@ -9760,7 +9751,7 @@ public type One_time_price_data record {
string currency;
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string product;
- string tax_behavior?;
+ "exclusive"|"inclusive"|"unspecified" tax_behavior?;
int unit_amount?;
string unit_amount_decimal?;
@@ -9807,7 +9798,7 @@ public type Payout record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string method;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "payout" 'object;
# If the payout reverses another, this is the ID of the original payout.
string|Payout? original_payout?;
# If the payout was reversed, this is the ID of the payout that reverses this payout.
@@ -9821,7 +9812,7 @@ public type Payout record {
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string status;
# Can be `bank_account` or `card`.
- string 'type;
+ "bank_account"|"card" 'type;
public type Add_invoice_item_entry record {
@@ -9829,7 +9820,7 @@ public type Add_invoice_item_entry record {
string price?;
One_time_price_data price_data?;
int quantity?;
- Tax_rate_array|string tax_rates?;
+ Tax_rate_array|"" tax_rates?;
@@ -9838,9 +9829,9 @@ public type Payment_method_details_card_installments_plan record {
int? count?;
# For `fixed_count` installment plans, this is the interval between installment payments your customer will make to their credit card.
# One of `month`.
- string? interval?;
+ "month" interval?;
# Type of installment plan, one of `fixed_count`.
- string 'type;
+ "fixed_count" 'type;
@@ -9854,7 +9845,7 @@ public type PaymentFlowsPaymentIntentResourceChargeList record {
# True if this list has another page of items after this one that can be fetched.
boolean has_more;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. Always has the value `list`.
- string 'object;
+ "list" 'object;
# The URL where this list can be accessed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string url;
@@ -9896,9 +9887,9 @@ public type Setup_attempt_payment_method_details_bacs_debit record {
public type Issuing_card_authorization_controls record {
# Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to allow. All other categories will be blocked. Cannot be set with `blocked_categories`.
- string[]? allowed_categories?;
+ ("ac_refrigeration_repair"|"accounting_bookkeeping_services"|"advertising_services"|"agricultural_cooperative"|"airlines_air_carriers"|"airports_flying_fields"|"ambulance_services"|"amusement_parks_carnivals"|"antique_reproductions"|"antique_shops"|"aquariums"|"architectural_surveying_services"|"art_dealers_and_galleries"|"artists_supply_and_craft_shops"|"auto_and_home_supply_stores"|"auto_body_repair_shops"|"auto_paint_shops"|"auto_service_shops"|"automated_cash_disburse"|"automated_fuel_dispensers"|"automobile_associations"|"automotive_parts_and_accessories_stores"|"automotive_tire_stores"|"bail_and_bond_payments"|"bakeries"|"bands_orchestras"|"barber_and_beauty_shops"|"betting_casino_gambling"|"bicycle_shops"|"billiard_pool_establishments"|"boat_dealers"|"boat_rentals_and_leases"|"book_stores"|"books_periodicals_and_newspapers"|"bowling_alleys"|"bus_lines"|"business_secretarial_schools"|"buying_shopping_services"|"cable_satellite_and_other_pay_television_and_radio"|"camera_and_photographic_supply_stores"|"candy_nut_and_confectionery_stores"|"car_and_truck_dealers_new_used"|"car_and_truck_dealers_used_only"|"car_rental_agencies"|"car_washes"|"carpentry_services"|"carpet_upholstery_cleaning"|"caterers"|"charitable_and_social_service_organizations_fundraising"|"chemicals_and_allied_products"|"child_care_services"|"childrens_and_infants_wear_stores"|"chiropodists_podiatrists"|"chiropractors"|"cigar_stores_and_stands"|"civic_social_fraternal_associations"|"cleaning_and_maintenance"|"clothing_rental"|"colleges_universities"|"commercial_equipment"|"commercial_footwear"|"commercial_photography_art_and_graphics"|"commuter_transport_and_ferries"|"computer_network_services"|"computer_programming"|"computer_repair"|"computer_software_stores"|"computers_peripherals_and_software"|"concrete_work_services"|"construction_materials"|"consulting_public_relations"|"correspondence_schools"|"cosmetic_stores"|"counseling_services"|"country_clubs"|"courier_services"|"court_costs"|"credit_reporting_agencies"|"cruise_lines"|"dairy_products_stores"|"dance_hall_studios_schools"|"dating_escort_services"|"dentists_orthodontists"|"department_stores"|"detective_agencies"|"digital_goods_applications"|"digital_goods_games"|"digital_goods_large_volume"|"digital_goods_media"|"direct_marketing_catalog_merchant"|"direct_marketing_combination_catalog_and_retail_merchant"|"direct_marketing_inbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_insurance_services"|"direct_marketing_other"|"direct_marketing_outbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_subscription"|"direct_marketing_travel"|"discount_stores"|"doctors"|"door_to_door_sales"|"drapery_window_covering_and_upholstery_stores"|"drinking_places"|"drug_stores_and_pharmacies"|"drugs_drug_proprietaries_and_druggist_sundries"|"dry_cleaners"|"durable_goods"|"duty_free_stores"|"eating_places_restaurants"|"educational_services"|"electric_razor_stores"|"electrical_parts_and_equipment"|"electrical_services"|"electronics_repair_shops"|"electronics_stores"|"elementary_secondary_schools"|"employment_temp_agencies"|"equipment_rental"|"exterminating_services"|"family_clothing_stores"|"fast_food_restaurants"|"financial_institutions"|"fines_government_administrative_entities"|"fireplace_fireplace_screens_and_accessories_stores"|"floor_covering_stores"|"florists"|"florists_supplies_nursery_stock_and_flowers"|"freezer_and_locker_meat_provisioners"|"fuel_dealers_non_automotive"|"funeral_services_crematories"|"furniture_home_furnishings_and_equipment_stores_except_appliances"|"furniture_repair_refinishing"|"furriers_and_fur_shops"|"general_services"|"gift_card_novelty_and_souvenir_shops"|"glass_paint_and_wallpaper_stores"|"glassware_crystal_stores"|"golf_courses_public"|"government_services"|"grocery_stores_supermarkets"|"hardware_equipment_and_supplies"|"hardware_stores"|"health_and_beauty_spas"|"hearing_aids_sales_and_supplies"|"heating_plumbing_a_c"|"hobby_toy_and_game_shops"|"home_supply_warehouse_stores"|"hospitals"|"hotels_motels_and_resorts"|"household_appliance_stores"|"industrial_supplies"|"information_retrieval_services"|"insurance_default"|"insurance_underwriting_premiums"|"intra_company_purchases"|"jewelry_stores_watches_clocks_and_silverware_stores"|"landscaping_services"|"laundries"|"laundry_cleaning_services"|"legal_services_attorneys"|"luggage_and_leather_goods_stores"|"lumber_building_materials_stores"|"manual_cash_disburse"|"marinas_service_and_supplies"|"masonry_stonework_and_plaster"|"massage_parlors"|"medical_and_dental_labs"|"medical_dental_ophthalmic_and_hospital_equipment_and_supplies"|"medical_services"|"membership_organizations"|"mens_and_boys_clothing_and_accessories_stores"|"mens_womens_clothing_stores"|"metal_service_centers"|"miscellaneous"|"miscellaneous_apparel_and_accessory_shops"|"miscellaneous_auto_dealers"|"miscellaneous_business_services"|"miscellaneous_food_stores"|"miscellaneous_general_merchandise"|"miscellaneous_general_services"|"miscellaneous_home_furnishing_specialty_stores"|"miscellaneous_publishing_and_printing"|"miscellaneous_recreation_services"|"miscellaneous_repair_shops"|"miscellaneous_specialty_retail"|"mobile_home_dealers"|"motion_picture_theaters"|"motor_freight_carriers_and_trucking"|"motor_homes_dealers"|"motor_vehicle_supplies_and_new_parts"|"motorcycle_shops_and_dealers"|"motorcycle_shops_dealers"|"music_stores_musical_instruments_pianos_and_sheet_music"|"news_dealers_and_newsstands"|"non_fi_money_orders"|"non_fi_stored_value_card_purchase_load"|"nondurable_goods"|"nurseries_lawn_and_garden_supply_stores"|"nursing_personal_care"|"office_and_commercial_furniture"|"opticians_eyeglasses"|"optometrists_ophthalmologist"|"orthopedic_goods_prosthetic_devices"|"osteopaths"|"package_stores_beer_wine_and_liquor"|"paints_varnishes_and_supplies"|"parking_lots_garages"|"passenger_railways"|"pawn_shops"|"pet_shops_pet_food_and_supplies"|"petroleum_and_petroleum_products"|"photo_developing"|"photographic_photocopy_microfilm_equipment_and_supplies"|"photographic_studios"|"picture_video_production"|"piece_goods_notions_and_other_dry_goods"|"plumbing_heating_equipment_and_supplies"|"political_organizations"|"postal_services_government_only"|"precious_stones_and_metals_watches_and_jewelry"|"professional_services"|"public_warehousing_and_storage"|"quick_copy_repro_and_blueprint"|"railroads"|"real_estate_agents_and_managers_rentals"|"record_stores"|"recreational_vehicle_rentals"|"religious_goods_stores"|"religious_organizations"|"roofing_siding_sheet_metal"|"secretarial_support_services"|"security_brokers_dealers"|"service_stations"|"sewing_needlework_fabric_and_piece_goods_stores"|"shoe_repair_hat_cleaning"|"shoe_stores"|"small_appliance_repair"|"snowmobile_dealers"|"special_trade_services"|"specialty_cleaning"|"sporting_goods_stores"|"sporting_recreation_camps"|"sports_and_riding_apparel_stores"|"sports_clubs_fields"|"stamp_and_coin_stores"|"stationary_office_supplies_printing_and_writing_paper"|"stationery_stores_office_and_school_supply_stores"|"swimming_pools_sales"|"t_ui_travel_germany"|"tailors_alterations"|"tax_payments_government_agencies"|"tax_preparation_services"|"taxicabs_limousines"|"telecommunication_equipment_and_telephone_sales"|"telecommunication_services"|"telegraph_services"|"tent_and_awning_shops"|"testing_laboratories"|"theatrical_ticket_agencies"|"timeshares"|"tire_retreading_and_repair"|"tolls_bridge_fees"|"tourist_attractions_and_exhibits"|"towing_services"|"trailer_parks_campgrounds"|"transportation_services"|"travel_agencies_tour_operators"|"truck_stop_iteration"|"truck_utility_trailer_rentals"|"typesetting_plate_making_and_related_services"|"typewriter_stores"|"u_s_federal_government_agencies_or_departments"|"uniforms_commercial_clothing"|"used_merchandise_and_secondhand_stores"|"utilities"|"variety_stores"|"veterinary_services"|"video_amusement_game_supplies"|"video_game_arcades"|"video_tape_rental_stores"|"vocational_trade_schools"|"watch_jewelry_repair"|"welding_repair"|"wholesale_clubs"|"wig_and_toupee_stores"|"wires_money_orders"|"womens_accessory_and_specialty_shops"|"womens_ready_to_wear_stores"|"wrecking_and_salvage_yards")[]? allowed_categories?;
# Array of strings containing [categories]( of authorizations to decline. All other categories will be allowed. Cannot be set with `allowed_categories`.
- string[]? blocked_categories?;
+ ("ac_refrigeration_repair"|"accounting_bookkeeping_services"|"advertising_services"|"agricultural_cooperative"|"airlines_air_carriers"|"airports_flying_fields"|"ambulance_services"|"amusement_parks_carnivals"|"antique_reproductions"|"antique_shops"|"aquariums"|"architectural_surveying_services"|"art_dealers_and_galleries"|"artists_supply_and_craft_shops"|"auto_and_home_supply_stores"|"auto_body_repair_shops"|"auto_paint_shops"|"auto_service_shops"|"automated_cash_disburse"|"automated_fuel_dispensers"|"automobile_associations"|"automotive_parts_and_accessories_stores"|"automotive_tire_stores"|"bail_and_bond_payments"|"bakeries"|"bands_orchestras"|"barber_and_beauty_shops"|"betting_casino_gambling"|"bicycle_shops"|"billiard_pool_establishments"|"boat_dealers"|"boat_rentals_and_leases"|"book_stores"|"books_periodicals_and_newspapers"|"bowling_alleys"|"bus_lines"|"business_secretarial_schools"|"buying_shopping_services"|"cable_satellite_and_other_pay_television_and_radio"|"camera_and_photographic_supply_stores"|"candy_nut_and_confectionery_stores"|"car_and_truck_dealers_new_used"|"car_and_truck_dealers_used_only"|"car_rental_agencies"|"car_washes"|"carpentry_services"|"carpet_upholstery_cleaning"|"caterers"|"charitable_and_social_service_organizations_fundraising"|"chemicals_and_allied_products"|"child_care_services"|"childrens_and_infants_wear_stores"|"chiropodists_podiatrists"|"chiropractors"|"cigar_stores_and_stands"|"civic_social_fraternal_associations"|"cleaning_and_maintenance"|"clothing_rental"|"colleges_universities"|"commercial_equipment"|"commercial_footwear"|"commercial_photography_art_and_graphics"|"commuter_transport_and_ferries"|"computer_network_services"|"computer_programming"|"computer_repair"|"computer_software_stores"|"computers_peripherals_and_software"|"concrete_work_services"|"construction_materials"|"consulting_public_relations"|"correspondence_schools"|"cosmetic_stores"|"counseling_services"|"country_clubs"|"courier_services"|"court_costs"|"credit_reporting_agencies"|"cruise_lines"|"dairy_products_stores"|"dance_hall_studios_schools"|"dating_escort_services"|"dentists_orthodontists"|"department_stores"|"detective_agencies"|"digital_goods_applications"|"digital_goods_games"|"digital_goods_large_volume"|"digital_goods_media"|"direct_marketing_catalog_merchant"|"direct_marketing_combination_catalog_and_retail_merchant"|"direct_marketing_inbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_insurance_services"|"direct_marketing_other"|"direct_marketing_outbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_subscription"|"direct_marketing_travel"|"discount_stores"|"doctors"|"door_to_door_sales"|"drapery_window_covering_and_upholstery_stores"|"drinking_places"|"drug_stores_and_pharmacies"|"drugs_drug_proprietaries_and_druggist_sundries"|"dry_cleaners"|"durable_goods"|"duty_free_stores"|"eating_places_restaurants"|"educational_services"|"electric_razor_stores"|"electrical_parts_and_equipment"|"electrical_services"|"electronics_repair_shops"|"electronics_stores"|"elementary_secondary_schools"|"employment_temp_agencies"|"equipment_rental"|"exterminating_services"|"family_clothing_stores"|"fast_food_restaurants"|"financial_institutions"|"fines_government_administrative_entities"|"fireplace_fireplace_screens_and_accessories_stores"|"floor_covering_stores"|"florists"|"florists_supplies_nursery_stock_and_flowers"|"freezer_and_locker_meat_provisioners"|"fuel_dealers_non_automotive"|"funeral_services_crematories"|"furniture_home_furnishings_and_equipment_stores_except_appliances"|"furniture_repair_refinishing"|"furriers_and_fur_shops"|"general_services"|"gift_card_novelty_and_souvenir_shops"|"glass_paint_and_wallpaper_stores"|"glassware_crystal_stores"|"golf_courses_public"|"government_services"|"grocery_stores_supermarkets"|"hardware_equipment_and_supplies"|"hardware_stores"|"health_and_beauty_spas"|"hearing_aids_sales_and_supplies"|"heating_plumbing_a_c"|"hobby_toy_and_game_shops"|"home_supply_warehouse_stores"|"hospitals"|"hotels_motels_and_resorts"|"household_appliance_stores"|"industrial_supplies"|"information_retrieval_services"|"insurance_default"|"insurance_underwriting_premiums"|"intra_company_purchases"|"jewelry_stores_watches_clocks_and_silverware_stores"|"landscaping_services"|"laundries"|"laundry_cleaning_services"|"legal_services_attorneys"|"luggage_and_leather_goods_stores"|"lumber_building_materials_stores"|"manual_cash_disburse"|"marinas_service_and_supplies"|"masonry_stonework_and_plaster"|"massage_parlors"|"medical_and_dental_labs"|"medical_dental_ophthalmic_and_hospital_equipment_and_supplies"|"medical_services"|"membership_organizations"|"mens_and_boys_clothing_and_accessories_stores"|"mens_womens_clothing_stores"|"metal_service_centers"|"miscellaneous"|"miscellaneous_apparel_and_accessory_shops"|"miscellaneous_auto_dealers"|"miscellaneous_business_services"|"miscellaneous_food_stores"|"miscellaneous_general_merchandise"|"miscellaneous_general_services"|"miscellaneous_home_furnishing_specialty_stores"|"miscellaneous_publishing_and_printing"|"miscellaneous_recreation_services"|"miscellaneous_repair_shops"|"miscellaneous_specialty_retail"|"mobile_home_dealers"|"motion_picture_theaters"|"motor_freight_carriers_and_trucking"|"motor_homes_dealers"|"motor_vehicle_supplies_and_new_parts"|"motorcycle_shops_and_dealers"|"motorcycle_shops_dealers"|"music_stores_musical_instruments_pianos_and_sheet_music"|"news_dealers_and_newsstands"|"non_fi_money_orders"|"non_fi_stored_value_card_purchase_load"|"nondurable_goods"|"nurseries_lawn_and_garden_supply_stores"|"nursing_personal_care"|"office_and_commercial_furniture"|"opticians_eyeglasses"|"optometrists_ophthalmologist"|"orthopedic_goods_prosthetic_devices"|"osteopaths"|"package_stores_beer_wine_and_liquor"|"paints_varnishes_and_supplies"|"parking_lots_garages"|"passenger_railways"|"pawn_shops"|"pet_shops_pet_food_and_supplies"|"petroleum_and_petroleum_products"|"photo_developing"|"photographic_photocopy_microfilm_equipment_and_supplies"|"photographic_studios"|"picture_video_production"|"piece_goods_notions_and_other_dry_goods"|"plumbing_heating_equipment_and_supplies"|"political_organizations"|"postal_services_government_only"|"precious_stones_and_metals_watches_and_jewelry"|"professional_services"|"public_warehousing_and_storage"|"quick_copy_repro_and_blueprint"|"railroads"|"real_estate_agents_and_managers_rentals"|"record_stores"|"recreational_vehicle_rentals"|"religious_goods_stores"|"religious_organizations"|"roofing_siding_sheet_metal"|"secretarial_support_services"|"security_brokers_dealers"|"service_stations"|"sewing_needlework_fabric_and_piece_goods_stores"|"shoe_repair_hat_cleaning"|"shoe_stores"|"small_appliance_repair"|"snowmobile_dealers"|"special_trade_services"|"specialty_cleaning"|"sporting_goods_stores"|"sporting_recreation_camps"|"sports_and_riding_apparel_stores"|"sports_clubs_fields"|"stamp_and_coin_stores"|"stationary_office_supplies_printing_and_writing_paper"|"stationery_stores_office_and_school_supply_stores"|"swimming_pools_sales"|"t_ui_travel_germany"|"tailors_alterations"|"tax_payments_government_agencies"|"tax_preparation_services"|"taxicabs_limousines"|"telecommunication_equipment_and_telephone_sales"|"telecommunication_services"|"telegraph_services"|"tent_and_awning_shops"|"testing_laboratories"|"theatrical_ticket_agencies"|"timeshares"|"tire_retreading_and_repair"|"tolls_bridge_fees"|"tourist_attractions_and_exhibits"|"towing_services"|"trailer_parks_campgrounds"|"transportation_services"|"travel_agencies_tour_operators"|"truck_stop_iteration"|"truck_utility_trailer_rentals"|"typesetting_plate_making_and_related_services"|"typewriter_stores"|"u_s_federal_government_agencies_or_departments"|"uniforms_commercial_clothing"|"used_merchandise_and_secondhand_stores"|"utilities"|"variety_stores"|"veterinary_services"|"video_amusement_game_supplies"|"video_game_arcades"|"video_tape_rental_stores"|"vocational_trade_schools"|"watch_jewelry_repair"|"welding_repair"|"wholesale_clubs"|"wig_and_toupee_stores"|"wires_money_orders"|"womens_accessory_and_specialty_shops"|"womens_ready_to_wear_stores"|"wrecking_and_salvage_yards")[]? blocked_categories?;
# Limit spending with amount-based rules that apply across any cards this card replaced (i.e., its `replacement_for` card and _that_ card's `replacement_for` card, up the chain).
Issuing_card_spending_limit[]? spending_limits?;
# Currency of the amounts within `spending_limits`. Always the same as the currency of the card.
@@ -9908,12 +9899,12 @@ public type Issuing_card_authorization_controls record {
public type Deleted_customer record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "customer" 'object;
@@ -9930,7 +9921,7 @@ public type Payment_method_card_wallet_amex_express_checkout record {
public type Payment_method_options_sofort record {
# Preferred language of the SOFORT authorization page that the customer is redirected to.
- string? preferred_language?;
+ "de"|"en"|"es"|"fr"|"it"|"nl"|"pl" preferred_language?;
# A SetupAttempt describes one attempted confirmation of a SetupIntent,
@@ -9950,7 +9941,7 @@ public type Setup_attempt record {
# Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
boolean livemode;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "setup_attempt" 'object;
# The value of [on_behalf_of]( on the SetupIntent at the time of this confirmation.
string|Account? on_behalf_of?;
# ID of the payment method used with this SetupAttempt.
@@ -9976,7 +9967,7 @@ public type Quotes_resource_recurring record {
# Total after discounts and taxes are applied.
int amount_total;
# The frequency at which a subscription is billed. One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
- string interval;
+ "day"|"month"|"week"|"year" interval;
# The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` attribute) between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months.
int interval_count;
@@ -10004,7 +9995,7 @@ public type Package_dimentions_specs record {
public type V1_invoices_body record {|
# The account tax IDs associated with the invoice. Only editable when the invoice is a draft.
- AccounttaxidsItemsString[]|string account_tax_ids?;
+ AccounttaxidsItemsString[]|"" account_tax_ids?;
# A fee in %s that will be applied to the invoice and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The request must be made with an OAuth key or the Stripe-Account header in order to take an application fee. For more information, see the application fees [documentation](
int application_fee_amount?;
# Controls whether Stripe will perform [automatic collection]( of the invoice. When `false`, the invoice's state will not automatically advance without an explicit action.
@@ -10012,9 +10003,9 @@ public type V1_invoices_body record {|
# Settings for automatic tax lookup for this invoice.
Automatic_tax_param automatic_tax?;
# Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this invoice using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email this invoice to the customer with payment instructions. Defaults to `charge_automatically`.
- string collection_method?;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method?;
# A list of up to 4 custom fields to be displayed on the invoice.
- Invoice_settings_custom_fields|string custom_fields?;
+ Invoice_settings_custom_fields|"" custom_fields?;
# The ID of the customer who will be billed.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string customer;
@@ -10032,7 +10023,7 @@ public type V1_invoices_body record {|
@constraint:String {maxLength: 1500}
string description?;
# The coupons to redeem into discounts for the invoice. If not specified, inherits the discount from the invoice's customer. Pass an empty string to avoid inheriting any discounts.
- Discounts_data_param|string discounts?;
+ Discounts_data_param|"" discounts?;
# The date on which payment for this invoice is due. Valid only for invoices where `collection_method=send_invoice`.
int due_date?;
# Specifies which fields in the response should be expanded.
@@ -10041,7 +10032,7 @@ public type V1_invoices_body record {|
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string footer?;
# Set of [key-value pairs]( that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to `metadata`.
- record {|string...;|}|string metadata?;
+ record {|string...;|}|"" metadata?;
# The account (if any) for which the funds of the invoice payment are intended. If set, the invoice will be presented with the branding and support information of the specified account. See the [Invoices with Connect]( documentation for details.
string on_behalf_of?;
# Configuration settings for the PaymentIntent that is generated when the invoice is finalized.
@@ -10065,11 +10056,11 @@ public type Subscription_schedule_phase_configuration record {
# Automatic tax configuration details
Schedules_phase_automatic_tax automatic_tax?;
# Possible values are `phase_start` or `automatic`. If `phase_start` then billing cycle anchor of the subscription is set to the start of the phase when entering the phase. If `automatic` then the billing cycle anchor is automatically modified as needed when entering the phase. For more information, see the billing cycle [documentation](
- string? billing_cycle_anchor?;
+ "automatic"|"phase_start" billing_cycle_anchor?;
# Define thresholds at which an invoice will be sent, and the subscription advanced to a new billing period
Subscription_billing_thresholds? billing_thresholds?;
# Either `charge_automatically`, or `send_invoice`. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay the underlying subscription at the end of each billing cycle using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions.
- string? collection_method?;
+ "charge_automatically"|"send_invoice" collection_method?;
# ID of the coupon to use during this phase of the subscription schedule.
string|Coupon|Deleted_coupon? coupon?;
# ID of the default payment method for the subscription schedule. It must belong to the customer associated with the subscription schedule. If not set, invoices will use the default payment method in the customer's invoice settings.
@@ -10083,7 +10074,7 @@ public type Subscription_schedule_phase_configuration record {
# Subscription items to configure the subscription to during this phase of the subscription schedule.
Subscription_schedule_configuration_item[] items;
# If the subscription schedule will prorate when transitioning to this phase. Possible values are `create_prorations` and `none`.
- string proration_behavior;
+ "always_invoice"|"create_prorations"|"none" proration_behavior;
# The start of this phase of the subscription schedule.
int start_date;
# The account (if any) the associated subscription's payments will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from each payment will be transferred to for each of the subscription's invoices.
@@ -10095,23 +10086,23 @@ public type Subscription_schedule_phase_configuration record {
public type Deleted_plan record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "plan" 'object;
public type Deleted_recipient record {
# Always true for a deleted object
- boolean deleted;
+ true deleted;
# Unique identifier for the object.
@constraint:String {maxLength: 5000}
string id;
# String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
- string 'object;
+ "recipient" 'object;
@@ -10119,15 +10110,15 @@ public type Issuing_cardholder_spending_limit record {
# Maximum amount allowed to spend per interval.
int amount;
# Array of strings containing [categories]( this limit applies to. Omitting this field will apply the limit to all categories.
- string[]? categories?;
+ ("ac_refrigeration_repair"|"accounting_bookkeeping_services"|"advertising_services"|"agricultural_cooperative"|"airlines_air_carriers"|"airports_flying_fields"|"ambulance_services"|"amusement_parks_carnivals"|"antique_reproductions"|"antique_shops"|"aquariums"|"architectural_surveying_services"|"art_dealers_and_galleries"|"artists_supply_and_craft_shops"|"auto_and_home_supply_stores"|"auto_body_repair_shops"|"auto_paint_shops"|"auto_service_shops"|"automated_cash_disburse"|"automated_fuel_dispensers"|"automobile_associations"|"automotive_parts_and_accessories_stores"|"automotive_tire_stores"|"bail_and_bond_payments"|"bakeries"|"bands_orchestras"|"barber_and_beauty_shops"|"betting_casino_gambling"|"bicycle_shops"|"billiard_pool_establishments"|"boat_dealers"|"boat_rentals_and_leases"|"book_stores"|"books_periodicals_and_newspapers"|"bowling_alleys"|"bus_lines"|"business_secretarial_schools"|"buying_shopping_services"|"cable_satellite_and_other_pay_television_and_radio"|"camera_and_photographic_supply_stores"|"candy_nut_and_confectionery_stores"|"car_and_truck_dealers_new_used"|"car_and_truck_dealers_used_only"|"car_rental_agencies"|"car_washes"|"carpentry_services"|"carpet_upholstery_cleaning"|"caterers"|"charitable_and_social_service_organizations_fundraising"|"chemicals_and_allied_products"|"child_care_services"|"childrens_and_infants_wear_stores"|"chiropodists_podiatrists"|"chiropractors"|"cigar_stores_and_stands"|"civic_social_fraternal_associations"|"cleaning_and_maintenance"|"clothing_rental"|"colleges_universities"|"commercial_equipment"|"commercial_footwear"|"commercial_photography_art_and_graphics"|"commuter_transport_and_ferries"|"computer_network_services"|"computer_programming"|"computer_repair"|"computer_software_stores"|"computers_peripherals_and_software"|"concrete_work_services"|"construction_materials"|"consulting_public_relations"|"correspondence_schools"|"cosmetic_stores"|"counseling_services"|"country_clubs"|"courier_services"|"court_costs"|"credit_reporting_agencies"|"cruise_lines"|"dairy_products_stores"|"dance_hall_studios_schools"|"dating_escort_services"|"dentists_orthodontists"|"department_stores"|"detective_agencies"|"digital_goods_applications"|"digital_goods_games"|"digital_goods_large_volume"|"digital_goods_media"|"direct_marketing_catalog_merchant"|"direct_marketing_combination_catalog_and_retail_merchant"|"direct_marketing_inbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_insurance_services"|"direct_marketing_other"|"direct_marketing_outbound_telemarketing"|"direct_marketing_subscription"|"direct_marketing_travel"|"discount_stores"|"doctors"|"door_to_door_sales"|"drapery_window_covering_and_upholstery_stores"|"drinking_places"|"drug_stores_and_pharmacies"|"drugs_drug_proprietaries_and_druggist_sundries"|"dry_cleaners"|"durable_goods"|"duty_free_stores"|"eating_places_restaurants"|"educational_services"|"electric_razor_stores"|"electrical_parts_and_equipment"|"electrical_services"|"electronics_repair_shops"|"electronics_stores"|"elementary_secondary_schools"|"employment_temp_agencies"|"equipment_rental"|"exterminating_services"|"family_clothing_stores"|"fast_food_restaurants"|"financial_institutions"|"fines_government_administrative_entities"|"fireplace_fireplace_screens_and_accessories_stores"|"floor_covering_stores"|"florists"|"florists_supplies_nursery_stock_and_flowers"|"freezer_and_locker_meat_provisioners"|"fuel_dealers_non_automotive"|"funeral_services_crematories"|"furniture_home_furnishings_and_equipment_stores_except_appliances"|"furniture_repair_refinishing"|"furriers_and_fur_shops"|"general_services"|"gift_card_novelty_and_souvenir_shops"|"glass_paint_and_wallpaper_stores"|"glassware_crystal_stores"|"golf_courses_public"|"government_services"|"grocery_stores_supermarkets"|"hardware_equipment_and_supplies"|"hardware_stores"|"health_and_beauty_spas"|"hearing_aids_sales_and_supplies"|"heating_plumbing_a_c"|"hobby_toy_and_game_shops"|"home_supply_warehouse_stores"|"hospitals"|"hotels_motels_and_resorts"|"household_appliance_stores"|"industrial_supplies"|"information_retrieval_services"|"insurance_default"|"insurance_underwriting_premiums"|"intra_company_purchases"|"jewelry_stores_watches_clocks_and_silverware_stores"|"landscaping_services"|"laundries"|"laundry_cleaning_services"|"legal_services_attorneys"|"luggage_and_leather_goods_stores"|"lumber_building_materials_stores"|"manual_cash_disburse"|"marinas_service_and_supplies"|"masonry_stonework_and_plaster"|"massage_parlors"|"medical_and_dental_labs"|"medical_dental_ophthalmic_and_hospital_equipment_and_supplies"|"medical_services"|"membership_organizations"|"mens_and_boys_clothing_and_accessories_stores"|"mens_womens_clothing_stores"|"metal_service_centers"|"miscellaneous"|"miscellaneous_apparel_and_accessory_shops"|"miscellaneous_auto_dealers"|"miscellaneous_business_services"|"miscellaneous_food_stores"|"miscellaneous_general_merchandise"|"miscellaneous_general_services"|"miscellaneous_home_furnishing_specialty_stores"|"miscellaneous_publishing_and_printing"|"miscellaneous_recreation_services"|"miscellaneous_repair_shops"|"miscellaneous_specialty_retail"|"mobile_home_dealers"|"motion_picture_theaters"|"motor_freight_carriers_and_trucking"|"motor_homes_dealers"|"motor_vehicle_supplies_and_new_parts"|"motorcycle_shops_and_dealers"|"motorcycle_shops_dealers"|"music_stores_musical_instruments_pianos_and_sheet_music"|"news_dealers_and_newsstands"|"non_fi_money_orders"|"non_fi_stored_value_card_purchase_load"|"nondurable_goods"|"nurseries_lawn_and_garden_supply_stores"|"nursing_personal_care"|"office_and_commercial_furniture"|"opticians_eyeglasses"|"optometrists_ophthalmologist"|"orthopedic_goods_prosthetic_devices"|"osteopaths"|"package_stores_beer_wine_and_liquor"|"paints_varnishes_and_supplies"|"parking_lots_garages"|"passenger_railways"|"pawn_shops"|"pet_shops_pet_food_and_supplies"|"petroleum_and_petroleum_products"|"photo_developing"|"photographic_photocopy_microfilm_equipment_and_supplies"|"photographic_studios"|"picture_video_production"|"piece_goods_notions_and_other_dry_goods"|"plumbing_heating_equipment_and_supplies"|"political_organizations"|"postal_services_government_only"|"precious_stones_and_metals_watches_and_jewelry"|"professional_services"|"public_warehousing_and_storage"|"quick_copy_repro_and_blueprint"|"railroads"|"real_estate_agents_and_managers_rentals"|"record_stores"|"recreational_vehicle_rentals"|"religious_goods_stores"|"religious_organizations"|"roofing_siding_sheet_metal"|"secretarial_support_services"|"security_brokers_dealers"|"service_stations"|"sewing_needlework_fabric_and_piece_goods_stores"|"shoe_repair_hat_cleaning"|"shoe_stores"|"small_appliance_repair"|"snowmobile_dealers"|"special_trade_services"|"specialty_cleaning"|"sporting_goods_stores"|"sporting_recreation_camps"|"sports_and_riding_apparel_stores"|"sports_clubs_fields"|"stamp_and_coin_stores"|"stationary_office_supplies_printing_and_writing_paper"|"stationery_stores_office_and_school_supply_stores"|"swimming_pools_sales"|"t_ui_travel_germany"|"tailors_alterations"|"tax_payments_government_agencies"|"tax_preparation_services"|"taxicabs_limousines"|"telecommunication_equipment_and_telephone_sales"|"telecommunication_services"|"telegraph_services"|"tent_and_awning_shops"|"testing_laboratories"|"theatrical_ticket_agencies"|"timeshares"|"tire_retreading_and_repair"|"tolls_bridge_fees"|"tourist_attractions_and_exhibits"|"towing_services"|"trailer_parks_campgrounds"|"transportation_services"|"travel_agencies_tour_operators"|"truck_stop_iteration"|"truck_utility_trailer_rentals"|"typesetting_plate_making_and_related_services"|"typewriter_stores"|"u_s_federal_government_agencies_or_departments"|"uniforms_commercial_clothing"|"used_merchandise_and_secondhand_stores"|"utilities"|"variety_stores"|"veterinary_services"|"video_amusement_game_supplies"|"video_game_arcades"|"video_tape_rental_stores"|"vocational_trade_schools"|"watch_jewelry_repair"|"welding_repair"|"wholesale_clubs"|"wig_and_toupee_stores"|"wires_money_orders"|"womens_accessory_and_specialty_shops"|"womens_ready_to_wear_stores"|"wrecking_and_salvage_yards")[]? categories?;
# Interval (or event) to which the amount applies.
- string interval;
+ "all_time"|"daily"|"monthly"|"per_authorization"|"weekly"|"yearly" interval;
public type Invoice_payment_method_options_card record {
# We strongly recommend that you rely on our SCA Engine to automatically prompt your customers for authentication based on risk level and [other requirements]( However, if you wish to request 3D Secure based on logic from your own fraud engine, provide this option. Read our guide on [manually requesting 3D Secure]( for more information on how this configuration interacts with Radar and our SCA Engine.
- string? request_three_d_secure?;
+ "any"|"automatic" request_three_d_secure?;