{% hint style="info" %}
The deployment addresses listed change as new products are added or old versions become deprecated. Always check for the latest addresses!
You can see an overview of all the deployments here, under Active Deployments. You can find the contract addresses for different networks in the**output
**directory under each deployment task.
{% endhint %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Ethereum Mainnet" %}
{% tab title="Polygon" %}
{% tab title="Arbitrum" %}
{% tab title="Optimism" %}
Contracts | Addresses |
Vault | 0xBA12222222228d8Ba445958a75a0704d566BF2C8 |
BalancerHelpers | 0x8E9aa87E45e92bad84D5F8DD1bff34Fb92637dE9 |
Authorizer | 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 |
WeightedPoolFactory v2 | 0xad901309d9e9DbC5Df19c84f729f429F0189a633 |
StablePoolFactory | 0xeb151668006CD04DAdD098AFd0a82e78F77076c3 |
Composable Stable Pool | 0x85a80afee867aDf27B50BdB7b76DA70f1E853062 |
NoProtocolFeeLiquidityBootstrappingPoolFactory | 0xf302f9F50958c5593770FDf4d4812309fF77414f |
AuthorizerAdaptor | 0x8F42aDBbA1B16EaAE3BB5754915E0D06059aDd75 |
Balancer Relayer v4 | 0x1a58897Ab366082028ced3740900ecBD765Af738 |
BatchRelayer Library v4 | 0x8E5698dC4897DC12243c8642e77B4f21349Db97C |
{% endtab %} |
{% tab title="Goerli" %}
{% tab title="Gnosis" %}
{% tab title="Kovan" %} {% hint style="warning" %} Kovan is no longer being supported. We recommend using the Goerli testnet deployment going forward {% endhint %}
The following are Kovan addresses for the Balancer versions of common tokens. There is a faucet here, and Kovan ETH (0.1 per Captcha) can be obtained here.
{% tab title="Rinkeby" %}
Contracts | Addresses |
Vault | 0xBA12222222228d8Ba445958a75a0704d566BF2C8 |
BalancerHelpers | 0x5aDDCCa35b7A0D07C74063c48700C8590E87864E |
Authorizer | 0xA331D84eC860Bf466b4CdCcFb4aC09a1B43F3aE6 |
WeightedPoolFactory | 0x8E9aa87E45e92bad84D5F8DD1bff34Fb92637dE9 |
WeightedPool2TokensFactory | 0xA5bf2ddF098bb0Ef6d120C98217dD6B141c74EE0 |
StablePoolFactory | 0xc66Ba2B6595D3613CCab350C886aCE23866EDe24 |
LiquidityBootstrappingPoolFactory | 0xdcdbf71A870cc60C6F9B621E28a7D3Ffd6Dd4965 |
MetaStablePoolFactory | 0x751dfDAcE1AD995fF13c927f6f761C6604532c79 |
InvestmentPoolFactory | 0xdAE7e32ADc5d490a43cCba1f0c736033F2b4eFca |
NoProtocolFeeLiquidityBootstrappingPoolFactory | 0x41B953164995c11C81DA73D212ED8Af25741b7Ac |
BalancerRelayer | 0xeF606F58A4FD0fCcb066c6203d0994694d3eB2D3 |
BatchRelayerLibrary | 0xD7FAD3bd59D6477cbe1BE7f646F7f1BA25b230f8 |
MerkleOrchard | 0x0F3e0c4218b7b0108a3643cFe9D3ec0d4F57c54e |
{% endtab %} | |
{% endtabs %} |