List of smart contracts for BitDiamond
Open remix online compiler Remix
In the file explorer, on the left-hand side,
-> right click ->New File
-> Paste/flattened_contracts/StakeBitDiamond.sol
Compile the contracts (
Blue Button
) -
From the left-panel, click
Deploy & run transactions
For StakeBitDiamond.sol -> Deploy
- We can follow above steps or we can also add scripts in the package json for mainnet deployment
Execute from the root of the project:
truffle-flattener contracts/StakeBitDiamond.sol --output flattened_contracts/StakeBitDiamond.sol
- Launch ganache-cli by forking the binance smart chain as BTDMD is deployed on the Mainnet
ganache-cli -a 10 -m "modify exotic job rubber mask park ten gown puzzle diagram useful loud" -f "" --unlock 0xd34355e34f48580155a22557332b031421742d14 --networkId 5777
- Run the tests
truffle --network development test