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LNURL: Lightning Network UX protocol

LNURL is a bech32-encoded HTTPS/Onion query string which is supposed to help payer interact with payee and thus simplify a number of standard scenarios such as:

  • Requesting incoming channels
  • Logging in
  • Withdrawing funds
  • Paying for a service

An example LNURL:

would be bech32-encoded as:


and presented as the following QR:

A QR encoded LNURL example

Once LNURL is decoded:

  • If tag query parameter is present then this LNURL has a special meaning, further actions will be based on tag parameter value.
  • Otherwise a GET request should be executed which must return a Json object containing a tag field, further actions will be based on tag field value.

HTTPS or Onion

LNURL is acceptable in two forms: either an https:// clearnet link (no self-signed certificates allowed) or an http:// v2/v3 onion link.

Fallback scheme

LNURL can be used as fallback inside of other URI schemes, with the key 'lightning' and the value equal to the bech32-encoding, an example:

Decoding examples

In Scala:

import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Bech32
val (hrp, dataPart) = Bech32.decode(bech32lnurl)
val requestByteArray = Bech32.five2eight(dataPart)
new String(requestByteArray, "UTF-8") //

Getting help

If you have any questions about implementing LNURL as a wallet or service, join us in the BLW Telegram and get help from the creators and other LNURL implementors.

Sub protocols:

1. LNURL-channel

Incoming payment channel request

Suppose user has a balance on a certain service which he wishes to turn into an incoming channel and service supports such functionality. This would require many parameters so the resulting QR may be overly dense and cause scanning issues. Additionally, the user has to make sure that a connection to target LN node is established before an incoming channel is requested.

Wallet to service interaction flow:

  1. User scans a LNURL QR code or accesses an lightning:LNURL.. link with LN WALLET and LN WALLET decodes LNURL.

  2. LN WALLET makes a GET request to LN SERVICE using the decoded LNURL.

  3. LN WALLET gets Json response from LN SERVICE of form:

    	uri: String, // Remote node address of form node_key@ip_address:port_number
    	callback: String, // a second-level URL which would initiate an OpenChannel message from target LN node
    	k1: String, // random or non-random string to identify the user's LN WALLET when using the callback URL
    	tag: "channelRequest" // type of LNURL


    {"status":"ERROR", "reason":"error details..."}
  4. LN WALLET opens a connection to the target node using uri field.

  5. LN WALLET issues a GET request to LN SERVICE using <callback>?k1=<k1>&remoteid=<Local LN node ID>&private=<1/0>

  6. LN SERVICE sends a {"status":"OK"} or {"status":"ERROR", "reason":"error details..."} Json response.

  7. LN WALLET awaits for incoming OpenChannel message from the target node which would initiate a channel opening.

1.1 LNURL-hosted-channel

Hosted channel request

Wallet to service interaction flow:

  1. User scans a LNURL QR code or accesses an lightning:LNURL.. link with LN WALLET and LN WALLET decodes LNURL.

  2. LN WALLET makes a GET request to LN SERVICE using the decoded LNURL.

  3. LN WALLET gets Json response from LN SERVICE of form:

    	uri: String, // Remote node address of form node_key@ip_address:port_number
    	k1: String, // a second-level hex encoded secret byte array to be used by wallet in `InvokeHostedChannel` message, may be random if Host has no use for it
    	alias: String, // Optional remote node alias
    	tag: "hostedChannelRequest" // type of LNURL


    {"status":"ERROR", "reason":"error details..."}
  4. LN WALLET opens a connection to the target node using uri field.

  5. Once connected, LN WALLET sends an InvokeHostedChannel message to the target node using k1 converted to byte array.

  6. The rest is handled by hosted channel protocol.

2. LNURL-auth

Authorization with Bitcoin Wallet

A special linkingKey can be used to login user to a service or authorise sensitive actions. This preferrably should be done without compromising user identity so plain LN node key can not be used here. Instead of asking for user credentials a service could display a "login" QR code which contains a specialized LNURL.

Server-side signature verification: Once LN SERVICE receives a call at the specified LNURL-auth handler, it should take k1, key and a DER-encoded sig and verify the signature using secp256k1, storing somehow key as the user identifier, either in a session, database or however it sees fit.

Key derivation for Bitcoin wallets: Once "login" QR code is scanned linkingKey derivation in user's LN WALLET should happen as follows:

  1. There exists a private hashingKey which is derived by user LN WALLET using m/138'/0 path.
  2. LN SERVICE domain name is extracted from login LNURL and then hashed using hmacSha256(hashingKey, service domain name).
  3. First 16 bytes are taken from resulting hash and then turned into a sequence of 4 Long values which are in turn used to derive a service-specific linkingKey using m/138'/<long1>/<long2>/<long3>/<long4> path, a Scala example:
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.crypto
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Protocol
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.DeterministicWallet._

val domainName = ""
val hashingPrivKey = derivePrivateKey(walletMasterKey, hardened(138L) :: 0L :: Nil)
val derivationMaterial = hmac256(key = hashingPrivKey.toBin, message = domainName)
val stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(derivationMaterial.slice(0, 16).toArray)
val pathSuffix = Vector.fill(4)(Protocol.uint32(stream, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) // each uint32 call consumes next 4 bytes
val linkingPrivKey = derivePrivateKey(walletMasterKey, hardened(138L) +: pathSuffix)
val linkingKey = linkingPrivKey.publicKey

LN WALLET may choose to use a different derivation scheme but doing so will make it unportable. That is, users won't be able to switch to a different wallet and keep using a service bound to existing linkingKey.

Wallet to service interaction flow:

  1. LN WALLET scans a QR code and decodes an URL which must contain the following query parameters:

    • tag with value set to login which means no GET should be made yet.
    • k1 (hex encoded 32 bytes of challenge) which is going to be signed by user's linkingPrivKey.
  2. LN WALLET displays a "Login" dialog which must include a domain name extracted from LNURL query string.

  3. Once accepted, user LN WALLET signs k1 on secp256k1 using linkingPrivKey and DER-encodes the signature. LN WALLET Then issues a GET to LN SERVICE using <LNURL_hostname_and_path>?<LNURL_existing_query_parameters>&sig=<hex(sign(k1.toByteArray, linkingPrivKey))>&key=<hex(linkingKey)>

  4. LN SERVICE responds with the following Json once client signature is verified:

        status: "OK", 
        event: "REGISTERED | LOGGEDIN | LINKED | AUTHED" // An optional enum indication of which exact action has happened, 3 listed types are supported


    {"status":"ERROR", "reason":"error details..."}

linkingKey should henceforth be used as user identifier by service.

event enums meaning:

  • REGISTERED: service has created a new account linked to user provided linkingKey.
  • LOGGEDIN: service has found a matching existing account linked to user provided linkingKey.
  • LINKED service has linked a user provided linkingKey to user's existing account (if account was not originally created using lnurl-auth).
  • AUTHED: user was requesting some stateless action which does not require logging in (or possibly even prior registration) and that request was granted.

3. LNURL-withdraw

Withdrawing funds from a service

Today users are asked to provide a withdrawal Lightning invoice to a service, this requires some effort and is especially painful when user tries to withdraw funds into mobile wallet while using a desktop website. Instead of asking for Lightning invoice a service could display a "withdraw" QR code which contains a specialized LNURL.

Wallet to service interaction flow:

  1. User scans a LNURL QR code or accesses an lightning:LNURL.. link with LN WALLET and LN WALLET decodes LNURL.

  2. LN WALLET makes a GET request to LN SERVICE using the decoded LNURL.

  3. LN WALLET gets Json response from LN SERVICE of form:

        callback: String, // the URL which LN SERVICE would accept a withdrawal Lightning invoice as query parameter
        k1: String, // random or non-random string to identify the user's LN WALLET when using the callback URL
        maxWithdrawable: MilliSatoshi, // max withdrawable amount for a given user on LN SERVICE
        defaultDescription: String, // A default withdrawal invoice description
        minWithdrawable: MilliSatoshi // An optional field, defaults to 1 MilliSatoshi if not present, can not be less than 1 or more than `maxWithdrawable`
        tag: "withdrawRequest" // type of LNURL


    {"status":"ERROR", "reason":"error details..."}
  4. LN WALLET Displays a withdraw dialog where user can specify an exact sum to be withdrawn which would be bounded by:

    max can receive = min(maxWithdrawable, local estimation of how much can be routed into wallet)
    min can receive = max(minWithdrawable, local minimal value allowed by wallet)
  5. Once accepted by the user, LN WALLET sends a GET to LN SERVICE in the form of

    <callback>?k1=<k1>&pr=<lightning invoice, ...>
  6. LN SERVICE sends a {"status":"OK"} or {"status":"ERROR", "reason":"error details..."} JSON response and then attempts to pay the invoices asynchronously.

  7. LN WALLET awaits for incoming payment if response was successful.

Note that service will withdraw funds to anyone who can provide a valid ephemeral k1. In order to harden this a service may require autorization (LNURL-auth, email link etc.) before displaying a withdraw QR.

Additionally, LN SERVICE and LN WALLET developers can also choose to implement a fast LNURL-withdraw. This implementation reduces the steps involved in the process by putting the data that would be sent by LN SERVICE in step 3. as query parameters of the LN SERVICE URL accessed in step 1., before it is bech32-encoded.



This fast LNURL-withdraw method is not to be confused as an alternative to the original LNURL-withdraw, and is designed to be only be used for lightning:-type links that work between apps. It is not suitable for QR code implementations.

If a LN SERVICE developer chooses to implement fast LNURL-withdraw in their app, the encoded URL with query params must still return a Json response containing data that would be sent in step 3. when a GET request is made to it. This is required so as to be backwards-compatible with LN WALLETs which have only implemented the original LNURL-withdraw method.

If a LN WALLET developer chooses to implement fast LNURL-withdraw in their app, they will need to handle for both fast and original LNURL-withdraw methods as LN SERVICEs mostly use the original method.

4. LNURL-pay

Pay to static QR/NFC/link

Wallet to service interaction flow:

  1. User scans a LNURL QR code or accesses an lightning:LNURL.. link with LN WALLET and LN WALLET decodes LNURL.

  2. LN WALLET makes a GET request to LN SERVICE using the decoded LNURL.

  3. LN WALLET gets Json response from LN SERVICE of form:

        callback: String, // the URL from LN SERVICE which will accept the pay request parameters
        maxSendable: MilliSatoshi, // max amount LN SERVICE is willing to receive
        minSendable: MilliSatoshi, // min amount LN SERVICE is willing to receive, can not be less than 1 or more than `maxSendable`
        metadata: String, // metadata json which must be presented as raw string here, this is required to pass signature verification at a later step
        tag: "payRequest" // type of LNURL


    {"status":"ERROR", "reason":"error details..."}

    metadata json array must contain one text/plain entry, all other types of entries are optional:

            "text/plain", // must always be present
            content // actual metadata content
            "image/png;base64", // optional 512x512px PNG thumbnail which will represent this lnurl in a list or grid
            content // base64 string, up to 136536 characters (100Kb of image data in base-64 encoding)
            "image/jpeg;base64", // optional 512x512px JPG thumbnail which will represent this lnurl in a list or grid
            content // base64 string, up to 136536 characters (100Kb of image data in base-64 encoding)
        ... // more objects for future types

    and be sent as a string:

    "[[\"text/plain\", \"lorem ipsum blah blah\"]]"
  4. LN WALLET displays a payment dialog where user can specify an exact sum to be sent which would be bounded by:

    max can send = min(maxSendable, local estimation of how much can be sent from wallet)
    min can send = max(minSendable, local minimal value allowed by wallet)

    Additionally, a payment dialog must include:

    • Domain name extracted from LNURL query string.
    • A way to view the metadata sent of text/plain format.
  5. LN WALLET makes a GET request using


    where amount is user specified sum in MilliSatoshi and fromnodes is an optional parameter with value set to comma separated nodeIds if payer wishes a service to provide payment routes starting from specified LN nodeIds.

  6. LN Service takes the GET request and returns JSON response of form:

    	pr: String, // bech32-serialized lightning invoice
    	successAction: Object or null, // An optional action to be executed after successfully paying an invoice
    	disposabe: Boolean or null, // An optional flag to let a wallet know whether to persist `lightning:LNURL..` code from step 1
    				nodeId: String,
    				channelUpdate: String // hex-encoded serialized ChannelUpdate gossip message
    			... // next hop
    		... // next route
    	] // array with payment routes, should be left empty if no routes are to be provided


    {"status":"ERROR", "reason":"error details..."}

    pr must have the h tag (description_hash) set to sha256(utf8ByteArray(metadata)).

    Currently supported tags for successAction object are url, message, and aes. If there is no action then successAction value must be set to null.

       tag: String, // action type
       ... rest of fields depends on tag value

    Examples of successAction:

       tag: 'url'
       description: 'Thank you for your purchase. Here is your order details' // Up to 144 characters
       url: '<orderId>' // url domain must be the same as `callback` domain at step 3
       tag: 'message'
       message: 'Thank you for using bike-over-ln CO! Your rental bike is unlocked now' // Up to 144 characters
       tag: 'aes'
       description: 'Here is your redeem code' // Up to 144 characters
       ciphertext: <base64> // an AES-encrypted data where encryption key is payment preimage, up to 4kb of characters
       iv: <base64> // initialization vector, exactly 24 characters
  7. LN WALLET Verifies that h tag in provided invoice is a hash of metadata string converted to byte array in UTF-8 encoding.

  8. LN WALLET Verifies that amount in provided invoice equals an amount previously specified by user.

  9. If routes array is not empty: verifies signature for every provided ChannelUpdate, may use these routes if fee levels are acceptable.

  10. If successAction is not null: LN WALLET makes sure that tag value of is of supported type, aborts a payment otherwise.

  11. LN WALLET pays the invoice, no additional user confirmation is required at this point.

  12. Once payment is fulfilled LN WALLET excecutes a non-null successAction. For message, a toaster or popup is sufficient. For url, the wallet should give the user a popup which displays description, url, and a 'open' button to open the url in a new browser tab. For aes, LN WALLET must attempt to decrypt a ciphertext with payment preimage. LN WALLET should also store successAction data on the transaction record.

Note on metadata for server-side LNURL-PAY:

When client makes a first call

Construct a metadata object, turn it into json, then include in into parent json as string.

When client makes a second call

  1. Make a hash as follows: sha256(utf8ByteArray(unescaped_metadata_string)).
  2. Generate a payment request using an obtained hash.

Note on aes action tag

Used encryption type is 256-bit AES in AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding mode. An encryption example in Scala:

val iv = Tools.random.getBytes(16) // exactly 16 bytes, unique for each secret
val key = Tools.random.getBytes(32) // payment preimage
val data = "Secret data".getBytes

val aesCipher = Cipher getInstance "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"
val ivParameterSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv)
aesCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), ivParameterSpec)
val cipherbytes = aesCipher.doFinal(data)

val ciphertext64 = ByteVector.view(cipherbytes).toBase64 // Base 64 alphabet as defined by RF4648 section 4. Whitespace is ignored.
val iv64 = ByteVector.view(iv).toBase64 // 16 bytes results in exactly 24 characters