diff --git a/sdk/communication/Azure.Communication.Messages/src/Generated/tspCodeModel.json b/sdk/communication/Azure.Communication.Messages/src/Generated/tspCodeModel.json index fec6b442d4485..fc12a52cfd2af 100644 --- a/sdk/communication/Azure.Communication.Messages/src/Generated/tspCodeModel.json +++ b/sdk/communication/Azure.Communication.Messages/src/Generated/tspCodeModel.json @@ -1483,8 +1483,8 @@ }, { "$id": "198", - "Name": "NotificationContent", - "NameInRequest": "NotificationContent", + "Name": "notificationContent", + "NameInRequest": "body", "Description": "Details of the message to send.", "Type": { "$ref": "38" diff --git a/sdk/communication/Azure.Communication.Messages/tsp-location.yaml b/sdk/communication/Azure.Communication.Messages/tsp-location.yaml index e85d7a27d9272..4c18babefd4f3 100644 --- a/sdk/communication/Azure.Communication.Messages/tsp-location.yaml +++ b/sdk/communication/Azure.Communication.Messages/tsp-location.yaml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -commit: 44cbf51b9eee8a2dbf55ced61a61032aaed0148b directory: specification/communication/Communication.Messages -additionalDirectories: [] -repo: Azure/azure-rest-api-specs \ No newline at end of file +commit: f655560b5ada9cf73566f2ad0e63e129c8e55892 +repo: Azure/azure-rest-api-specs +additionalDirectories: diff --git a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/api/Azure.AI.Vision.Face.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/api/Azure.AI.Vision.Face.netstandard2.0.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b437cafe7b630 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/api/Azure.AI.Vision.Face.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -0,0 +1,917 @@ +namespace Azure.AI.Vision.Face +{ + public partial class AccessoryItem : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal AccessoryItem() { } + public float Confidence { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType Type { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryItem System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryItem System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct AccessoryType : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public AccessoryType(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType Glasses { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType Headwear { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType Mask { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public static partial class AIVisionFaceModelFactory + { + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryItem AccessoryItem(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType type = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AccessoryType), float confidence = 0f) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AuditLivenessResponseInfo AuditLivenessResponseInfo(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessResponseBody body = null, int statusCode = 0, long latencyInMilliseconds = (long)0) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AuditRequestInfo AuditRequestInfo(string url = null, string method = null, long? contentLength = default(long?), string contentType = null, string userAgent = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurProperties BlurProperties(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel blurLevel = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel), float value = 0f) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessSessionContent CreateLivenessSessionContent(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode livenessOperationMode = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode), bool? sendResultsToClient = default(bool?), bool? deviceCorrelationIdSetInClient = default(bool?), string deviceCorrelationId = null, int? authTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds = default(int?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessSessionResult CreateLivenessSessionResult(string sessionId = null, string authToken = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionResult CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionResult(string sessionId = null, string authToken = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyImage verifyImage = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureProperties ExposureProperties(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel exposureLevel = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel), float value = 0f) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributes FaceAttributes(float? age = default(float?), float? smile = default(float?), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FacialHair facialHair = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType? glasses = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType?), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HeadPose headPose = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairProperties hair = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.OcclusionProperties occlusion = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable accessories = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurProperties blur = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureProperties exposure = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseProperties noise = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskProperties mask = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition? qualityForRecognition = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionResult FaceDetectionResult(System.Guid? faceId = default(System.Guid?), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel? recognitionModel = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel?), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRectangle faceRectangle = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLandmarks faceLandmarks = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributes faceAttributes = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceFindSimilarResult FaceFindSimilarResult(float confidence = 0f, System.Guid? faceId = default(System.Guid?), System.Guid? persistedFaceId = default(System.Guid?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceGroupingResult FaceGroupingResult(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable> groups = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable messyGroup = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLandmarks FaceLandmarks(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate pupilLeft = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate pupilRight = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate noseTip = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate mouthLeft = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate mouthRight = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyebrowLeftOuter = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyebrowLeftInner = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyeLeftOuter = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyeLeftTop = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyeLeftBottom = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyeLeftInner = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyebrowRightInner = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyebrowRightOuter = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyeRightInner = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyeRightTop = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyeRightBottom = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate eyeRightOuter = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate noseRootLeft = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate noseRootRight = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate noseLeftAlarTop = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate noseRightAlarTop = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate noseLeftAlarOutTip = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate noseRightAlarOutTip = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate upperLipTop = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate upperLipBottom = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate underLipTop = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate underLipBottom = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRectangle FaceRectangle(int top = 0, int left = 0, int width = 0, int height = 0) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceVerificationResult FaceVerificationResult(bool isIdentical = false, float confidence = 0f) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FacialHair FacialHair(float moustache = 0f, float beard = 0f, float sideburns = 0f) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColor HairColor(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType color = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType), float confidence = 0f) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairProperties HairProperties(float bald = 0f, bool invisible = false, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable hairColor = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HeadPose HeadPose(float pitch = 0f, float roll = 0f, float yaw = 0f) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate LandmarkCoordinate(float x = 0f, float y = 0f) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOutputsTarget LivenessOutputsTarget(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRectangle faceRectangle = null, string fileName = null, int timeOffsetWithinFile = 0, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType imageType = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessResponseBody LivenessResponseBody(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision? livenessDecision = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision?), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOutputsTarget target = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel? modelVersionUsed = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel?), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyOutputs verifyResult = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary additionalProperties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSession LivenessSession(string id = null, System.DateTimeOffset createdDateTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset), System.DateTimeOffset? sessionStartDateTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), bool sessionExpired = false, string deviceCorrelationId = null, int? authTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds = default(int?), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus status = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSessionAuditEntry result = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSessionAuditEntry LivenessSessionAuditEntry(long id = (long)0, string sessionId = null, string requestId = null, string clientRequestId = null, System.DateTimeOffset receivedDateTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AuditRequestInfo request = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AuditLivenessResponseInfo response = null, string digest = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSessionItem LivenessSessionItem(string id = null, System.DateTimeOffset createdDateTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset), System.DateTimeOffset? sessionStartDateTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), bool sessionExpired = false, string deviceCorrelationId = null, int? authTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds = default(int?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyImage LivenessWithVerifyImage(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRectangle faceRectangle = null, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition qualityForRecognition = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyOutputs LivenessWithVerifyOutputs(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyImage verifyImage = null, float matchConfidence = 0f, bool isIdentical = false) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifySession LivenessWithVerifySession(string id = null, System.DateTimeOffset createdDateTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset), System.DateTimeOffset? sessionStartDateTime = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), bool sessionExpired = false, string deviceCorrelationId = null, int? authTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds = default(int?), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus status = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSessionAuditEntry result = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskProperties MaskProperties(bool noseAndMouthCovered = false, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType type = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseProperties NoiseProperties(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel noiseLevel = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel), float value = 0f) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.OcclusionProperties OcclusionProperties(bool foreheadOccluded = false, bool eyeOccluded = false, bool mouthOccluded = false) { throw null; } + } + public partial class AuditLivenessResponseInfo : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal AuditLivenessResponseInfo() { } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessResponseBody Body { get { throw null; } } + public long LatencyInMilliseconds { get { throw null; } } + public int StatusCode { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AuditLivenessResponseInfo System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AuditLivenessResponseInfo System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class AuditRequestInfo : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal AuditRequestInfo() { } + public long? ContentLength { get { throw null; } } + public string ContentType { get { throw null; } } + public string Method { get { throw null; } } + public string Url { get { throw null; } } + public string UserAgent { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AuditRequestInfo System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AuditRequestInfo System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class AzureAIVisionFaceClientOptions : Azure.Core.ClientOptions + { + public AzureAIVisionFaceClientOptions(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AzureAIVisionFaceClientOptions.ServiceVersion version = Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AzureAIVisionFaceClientOptions.ServiceVersion.V1_1_Preview_1) { } + public enum ServiceVersion + { + V1_1_Preview_1 = 1, + } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct BlurLevel : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public BlurLevel(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel High { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel Low { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel Medium { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public partial class BlurProperties : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal BlurProperties() { } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurLevel BlurLevel { get { throw null; } } + public float Value { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class CreateLivenessSessionContent : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + public CreateLivenessSessionContent(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode livenessOperationMode) { } + public int? AuthTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds { get { throw null; } set { } } + public string DeviceCorrelationId { get { throw null; } set { } } + public bool? DeviceCorrelationIdSetInClient { get { throw null; } set { } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode LivenessOperationMode { get { throw null; } } + public bool? SendResultsToClient { get { throw null; } set { } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessSessionContent System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessSessionContent System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class CreateLivenessSessionResult : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal CreateLivenessSessionResult() { } + public string AuthToken { get { throw null; } } + public string SessionId { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessSessionResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessSessionResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionResult : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionResult() { } + public string AuthToken { get { throw null; } } + public string SessionId { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyImage VerifyImage { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct ExposureLevel : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public ExposureLevel(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel GoodExposure { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel OverExposure { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel UnderExposure { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public partial class ExposureProperties : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal ExposureProperties() { } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureLevel ExposureLevel { get { throw null; } } + public float Value { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class FaceAttributes : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal FaceAttributes() { } + public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList Accessories { get { throw null; } } + public float? Age { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.BlurProperties Blur { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.ExposureProperties Exposure { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FacialHair FacialHair { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType? Glasses { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairProperties Hair { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HeadPose HeadPose { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskProperties Mask { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseProperties Noise { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.OcclusionProperties Occlusion { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition? QualityForRecognition { get { throw null; } } + public float? Smile { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributes System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributes System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct FaceAttributeType : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public FaceAttributeType(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Accessories { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Age { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Blur { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Exposure { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType FacialHair { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Glasses { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Hair { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType HeadPose { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Mask { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Noise { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Occlusion { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType QualityForRecognition { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Smile { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential, Size=1)] + public partial struct Detection01 + { + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Accessories { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Blur { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Exposure { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Glasses { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType HeadPose { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Mask { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Noise { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Occlusion { get { throw null; } } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential, Size=1)] + public partial struct Detection03 + { + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Blur { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType HeadPose { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType Mask { get { throw null; } } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential, Size=1)] + public partial struct Recognition03 + { + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType QualityForRecognition { get { throw null; } } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential, Size=1)] + public partial struct Recognition04 + { + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributeType QualityForRecognition { get { throw null; } } + } + } + public partial class FaceClient + { + protected FaceClient() { } + public FaceClient(System.Uri endpoint, Azure.AzureKeyCredential credential) { } + public FaceClient(System.Uri endpoint, Azure.AzureKeyCredential credential, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AzureAIVisionFaceClientOptions options) { } + public FaceClient(System.Uri endpoint, Azure.Core.TokenCredential credential) { } + public FaceClient(System.Uri endpoint, Azure.Core.TokenCredential credential, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AzureAIVisionFaceClientOptions options) { } + public virtual Azure.Core.Pipeline.HttpPipeline Pipeline { get { throw null; } } + public virtual Azure.Response> Detect(System.BinaryData imageContent, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel detectionModel, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel recognitionModel, bool returnFaceId, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable returnFaceAttributes = null, bool? returnFaceLandmarks = default(bool?), bool? returnRecognitionModel = default(bool?), int? faceIdTimeToLive = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response> Detect(System.Uri url, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel detectionModel, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel recognitionModel, bool returnFaceId, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable returnFaceAttributes = null, bool? returnFaceLandmarks = default(bool?), bool? returnRecognitionModel = default(bool?), int? faceIdTimeToLive = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task>> DetectAsync(System.BinaryData imageContent, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel detectionModel, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel recognitionModel, bool returnFaceId, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable returnFaceAttributes = null, bool? returnFaceLandmarks = default(bool?), bool? returnRecognitionModel = default(bool?), int? faceIdTimeToLive = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task>> DetectAsync(System.Uri url, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel detectionModel, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel recognitionModel, bool returnFaceId, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable returnFaceAttributes = null, bool? returnFaceLandmarks = default(bool?), bool? returnRecognitionModel = default(bool?), int? faceIdTimeToLive = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response FindSimilar(Azure.Core.RequestContent content, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response> FindSimilar(System.Guid faceId, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable faceIds, int? maxNumOfCandidatesReturned = default(int?), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode? mode = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task FindSimilarAsync(Azure.Core.RequestContent content, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task>> FindSimilarAsync(System.Guid faceId, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable faceIds, int? maxNumOfCandidatesReturned = default(int?), Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode? mode = default(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response Group(Azure.Core.RequestContent content, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response Group(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable faceIds, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task GroupAsync(Azure.Core.RequestContent content, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GroupAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable faceIds, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response VerifyFaceToFace(Azure.Core.RequestContent content, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response VerifyFaceToFace(System.Guid faceId1, System.Guid faceId2, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task VerifyFaceToFaceAsync(Azure.Core.RequestContent content, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> VerifyFaceToFaceAsync(System.Guid faceId1, System.Guid faceId2, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct FaceDetectionModel : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public FaceDetectionModel(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel Detection01 { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel Detection02 { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel Detection03 { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionModel right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public partial class FaceDetectionResult : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal FaceDetectionResult() { } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceAttributes FaceAttributes { get { throw null; } } + public System.Guid? FaceId { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLandmarks FaceLandmarks { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRectangle FaceRectangle { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel? RecognitionModel { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceDetectionResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class FaceFindSimilarResult : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal FaceFindSimilarResult() { } + public float Confidence { get { throw null; } } + public System.Guid? FaceId { get { throw null; } } + public System.Guid? PersistedFaceId { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceFindSimilarResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceFindSimilarResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class FaceGroupingResult : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal FaceGroupingResult() { } + public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList> Groups { get { throw null; } } + public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList MessyGroup { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceGroupingResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceGroupingResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct FaceImageType : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public FaceImageType(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType Color { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType Depth { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType Infrared { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public partial class FaceLandmarks : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal FaceLandmarks() { } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyebrowLeftInner { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyebrowLeftOuter { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyebrowRightInner { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyebrowRightOuter { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyeLeftBottom { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyeLeftInner { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyeLeftOuter { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyeLeftTop { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyeRightBottom { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyeRightInner { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyeRightOuter { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate EyeRightTop { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate MouthLeft { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate MouthRight { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate NoseLeftAlarOutTip { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate NoseLeftAlarTop { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate NoseRightAlarOutTip { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate NoseRightAlarTop { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate NoseRootLeft { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate NoseRootRight { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate NoseTip { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate PupilLeft { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate PupilRight { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate UnderLipBottom { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate UnderLipTop { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate UpperLipBottom { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate UpperLipTop { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLandmarks System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLandmarks System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct FaceLivenessDecision : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public FaceLivenessDecision(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision RealFace { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision SpoofFace { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision Uncertain { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct FaceRecognitionModel : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public FaceRecognitionModel(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel Recognition01 { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel Recognition02 { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel Recognition03 { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel Recognition04 { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRecognitionModel right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public partial class FaceRectangle : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal FaceRectangle() { } + public int Height { get { throw null; } } + public int Left { get { throw null; } } + public int Top { get { throw null; } } + public int Width { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRectangle System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRectangle System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class FaceSessionClient + { + protected FaceSessionClient() { } + public FaceSessionClient(System.Uri endpoint, Azure.AzureKeyCredential credential) { } + public FaceSessionClient(System.Uri endpoint, Azure.AzureKeyCredential credential, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AzureAIVisionFaceClientOptions options) { } + public FaceSessionClient(System.Uri endpoint, Azure.Core.TokenCredential credential) { } + public FaceSessionClient(System.Uri endpoint, Azure.Core.TokenCredential credential, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AzureAIVisionFaceClientOptions options) { } + public virtual Azure.Core.Pipeline.HttpPipeline Pipeline { get { throw null; } } + public virtual Azure.Response CreateLivenessSession(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessSessionContent body, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response CreateLivenessSession(Azure.Core.RequestContent content, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> CreateLivenessSessionAsync(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessSessionContent body, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task CreateLivenessSessionAsync(Azure.Core.RequestContent content, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response CreateLivenessWithVerifySession(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent, System.IO.Stream verifyImage, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionAsync(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent, System.IO.Stream verifyImage, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response DeleteLivenessSession(string sessionId, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task DeleteLivenessSessionAsync(string sessionId, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response DeleteLivenessWithVerifySession(string sessionId, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task DeleteLivenessWithVerifySessionAsync(string sessionId, Azure.RequestContext context = null) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response GetLivenessSessionAuditEntries(string sessionId, string start, int? top, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response> GetLivenessSessionAuditEntries(string sessionId, string start = null, int? top = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetLivenessSessionAuditEntriesAsync(string sessionId, string start, int? top, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task>> GetLivenessSessionAuditEntriesAsync(string sessionId, string start = null, int? top = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response GetLivenessSessionResult(string sessionId, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response GetLivenessSessionResult(string sessionId, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetLivenessSessionResultAsync(string sessionId, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetLivenessSessionResultAsync(string sessionId, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response GetLivenessSessions(string start, int? top, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response> GetLivenessSessions(string start = null, int? top = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetLivenessSessionsAsync(string start, int? top, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task>> GetLivenessSessionsAsync(string start = null, int? top = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response GetLivenessWithVerifySessionAuditEntries(string sessionId, string start, int? top, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response> GetLivenessWithVerifySessionAuditEntries(string sessionId, string start = null, int? top = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetLivenessWithVerifySessionAuditEntriesAsync(string sessionId, string start, int? top, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task>> GetLivenessWithVerifySessionAuditEntriesAsync(string sessionId, string start = null, int? top = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response GetLivenessWithVerifySessionResult(string sessionId, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response GetLivenessWithVerifySessionResult(string sessionId, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetLivenessWithVerifySessionResultAsync(string sessionId, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetLivenessWithVerifySessionResultAsync(string sessionId, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response GetLivenessWithVerifySessions(string start, int? top, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual Azure.Response> GetLivenessWithVerifySessions(string start = null, int? top = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetLivenessWithVerifySessionsAsync(string start, int? top, Azure.RequestContext context) { throw null; } + public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task>> GetLivenessWithVerifySessionsAsync(string start = null, int? top = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct FaceSessionStatus : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public FaceSessionStatus(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus NotStarted { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus ResultAvailable { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus Started { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public partial class FaceVerificationResult : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal FaceVerificationResult() { } + public float Confidence { get { throw null; } } + public bool IsIdentical { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceVerificationResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceVerificationResult System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class FacialHair : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal FacialHair() { } + public float Beard { get { throw null; } } + public float Moustache { get { throw null; } } + public float Sideburns { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FacialHair System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FacialHair System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct FindSimilarMatchMode : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public FindSimilarMatchMode(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode MatchFace { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode MatchPerson { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FindSimilarMatchMode right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct GlassesType : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public GlassesType(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType NoGlasses { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType ReadingGlasses { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType Sunglasses { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType SwimmingGoggles { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.GlassesType right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public partial class HairColor : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal HairColor() { } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType Color { get { throw null; } } + public float Confidence { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColor System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColor System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct HairColorType : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public HairColorType(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType Black { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType Blond { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType Brown { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType Gray { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType Other { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType Red { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType UnknownHairColor { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType White { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairColorType right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public partial class HairProperties : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal HairProperties() { } + public float Bald { get { throw null; } } + public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList HairColor { get { throw null; } } + public bool Invisible { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HairProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class HeadPose : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal HeadPose() { } + public float Pitch { get { throw null; } } + public float Roll { get { throw null; } } + public float Yaw { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HeadPose System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.HeadPose System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class LandmarkCoordinate : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal LandmarkCoordinate() { } + public float X { get { throw null; } } + public float Y { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LandmarkCoordinate System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct LivenessModel : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public LivenessModel(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel V20200215Preview01 { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel V20211112Preview03 { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel V20221015Preview04 { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel V20230302Preview05 { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct LivenessOperationMode : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public LivenessOperationMode(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode Passive { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode PassiveActive { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOperationMode right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public partial class LivenessOutputsTarget : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal LivenessOutputsTarget() { } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRectangle FaceRectangle { get { throw null; } } + public string FileName { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceImageType ImageType { get { throw null; } } + public int TimeOffsetWithinFile { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOutputsTarget System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOutputsTarget System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class LivenessResponseBody : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal LivenessResponseBody() { } + public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary AdditionalProperties { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceLivenessDecision? LivenessDecision { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessModel? ModelVersionUsed { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessOutputsTarget Target { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyOutputs VerifyResult { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessResponseBody System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessResponseBody System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class LivenessSession : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal LivenessSession() { } + public int? AuthTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds { get { throw null; } } + public System.DateTimeOffset CreatedDateTime { get { throw null; } } + public string DeviceCorrelationId { get { throw null; } } + public string Id { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSessionAuditEntry Result { get { throw null; } } + public bool SessionExpired { get { throw null; } } + public System.DateTimeOffset? SessionStartDateTime { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus Status { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSession System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSession System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class LivenessSessionAuditEntry : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal LivenessSessionAuditEntry() { } + public string ClientRequestId { get { throw null; } } + public string Digest { get { throw null; } } + public long Id { get { throw null; } } + public System.DateTimeOffset ReceivedDateTime { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AuditRequestInfo Request { get { throw null; } } + public string RequestId { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.AuditLivenessResponseInfo Response { get { throw null; } } + public string SessionId { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSessionAuditEntry System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSessionAuditEntry System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class LivenessSessionItem : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal LivenessSessionItem() { } + public int? AuthTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds { get { throw null; } } + public System.DateTimeOffset CreatedDateTime { get { throw null; } } + public string DeviceCorrelationId { get { throw null; } } + public string Id { get { throw null; } } + public bool SessionExpired { get { throw null; } } + public System.DateTimeOffset? SessionStartDateTime { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSessionItem System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSessionItem System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class LivenessWithVerifyImage : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal LivenessWithVerifyImage() { } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceRectangle FaceRectangle { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition QualityForRecognition { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyImage System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyImage System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class LivenessWithVerifyOutputs : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal LivenessWithVerifyOutputs() { } + public bool IsIdentical { get { throw null; } } + public float MatchConfidence { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyImage VerifyImage { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyOutputs System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifyOutputs System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class LivenessWithVerifySession : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal LivenessWithVerifySession() { } + public int? AuthTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds { get { throw null; } } + public System.DateTimeOffset CreatedDateTime { get { throw null; } } + public string DeviceCorrelationId { get { throw null; } } + public string Id { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessSessionAuditEntry Result { get { throw null; } } + public bool SessionExpired { get { throw null; } } + public System.DateTimeOffset? SessionStartDateTime { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.FaceSessionStatus Status { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifySession System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.LivenessWithVerifySession System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class MaskProperties : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal MaskProperties() { } + public bool NoseAndMouthCovered { get { throw null; } } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType Type { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct MaskType : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public MaskType(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType FaceMask { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType NoMask { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType OtherMaskOrOcclusion { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType Uncertain { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.MaskType right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct NoiseLevel : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public NoiseLevel(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel High { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel Low { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel Medium { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } + public partial class NoiseProperties : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal NoiseProperties() { } + public Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseLevel NoiseLevel { get { throw null; } } + public float Value { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.NoiseProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + public partial class OcclusionProperties : System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel, System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel + { + internal OcclusionProperties() { } + public bool EyeOccluded { get { throw null; } } + public bool ForeheadOccluded { get { throw null; } } + public bool MouthOccluded { get { throw null; } } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.OcclusionProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Create(ref System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonReader reader, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + void System.ClientModel.Primitives.IJsonModel.Write(System.Text.Json.Utf8JsonWriter writer, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { } + Azure.AI.Vision.Face.OcclusionProperties System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Create(System.BinaryData data, System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + string System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.GetFormatFromOptions(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + System.BinaryData System.ClientModel.Primitives.IPersistableModel.Write(System.ClientModel.Primitives.ModelReaderWriterOptions options) { throw null; } + } + [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] + public readonly partial struct QualityForRecognition : System.IEquatable + { + private readonly object _dummy; + private readonly int _dummyPrimitive; + public QualityForRecognition(string value) { throw null; } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition High { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition Low { get { throw null; } } + public static Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition Medium { get { throw null; } } + public bool Equals(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition other) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override bool Equals(object obj) { throw null; } + [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] + public override int GetHashCode() { throw null; } + public static bool operator ==(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition right) { throw null; } + public static implicit operator Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition (string value) { throw null; } + public static bool operator !=(Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition left, Azure.AI.Vision.Face.QualityForRecognition right) { throw null; } + public override string ToString() { throw null; } + } +} +namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Azure +{ + public static partial class AIVisionFaceClientBuilderExtensions + { + public static Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientBuilder AddFaceClient(this TBuilder builder, System.Uri endpoint) where TBuilder : Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientFactoryBuilderWithCredential { throw null; } + public static Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientBuilder AddFaceClient(this TBuilder builder, System.Uri endpoint, Azure.AzureKeyCredential credential) where TBuilder : Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientFactoryBuilder { throw null; } + public static Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientBuilder AddFaceClient(this TBuilder builder, TConfiguration configuration) where TBuilder : Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientFactoryBuilderWithConfiguration { throw null; } + public static Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientBuilder AddFaceSessionClient(this TBuilder builder, System.Uri endpoint) where TBuilder : Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientFactoryBuilderWithCredential { throw null; } + public static Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientBuilder AddFaceSessionClient(this TBuilder builder, System.Uri endpoint, Azure.AzureKeyCredential credential) where TBuilder : Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientFactoryBuilder { throw null; } + public static Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientBuilder AddFaceSessionClient(this TBuilder builder, TConfiguration configuration) where TBuilder : Azure.Core.Extensions.IAzureClientFactoryBuilderWithConfiguration { throw null; } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/Docs/FaceSessionClient.xml b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/Docs/FaceSessionClient.xml index caebbcff8c2ff..d3172ec4d1d1b 100644 --- a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/Docs/FaceSessionClient.xml +++ b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/Docs/FaceSessionClient.xml @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ Uri endpoint = new Uri(""); AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(""); FaceSessionClient client = new FaceSessionClient(endpoint, credential); -CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive); -Response response = await client.CreateLivenessSessionAsync(createLivenessSessionContent); +CreateLivenessSessionContent body = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive); +Response response = await client.CreateLivenessSessionAsync(body); ]]> This sample shows how to call CreateLivenessSessionAsync with all parameters. "); AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(""); FaceSessionClient client = new FaceSessionClient(endpoint, credential); -CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive) +CreateLivenessSessionContent body = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive) { SendResultsToClient = true, DeviceCorrelationIdSetInClient = true, DeviceCorrelationId = "", AuthTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds = 1234, }; -Response response = await client.CreateLivenessSessionAsync(createLivenessSessionContent); +Response response = await client.CreateLivenessSessionAsync(body); ]]> @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ Uri endpoint = new Uri(""); AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(""); FaceSessionClient client = new FaceSessionClient(endpoint, credential); -CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive); -Response response = client.CreateLivenessSession(createLivenessSessionContent); +CreateLivenessSessionContent body = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive); +Response response = client.CreateLivenessSession(body); ]]> This sample shows how to call CreateLivenessSession with all parameters. "); AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(""); FaceSessionClient client = new FaceSessionClient(endpoint, credential); -CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive) +CreateLivenessSessionContent body = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive) { SendResultsToClient = true, DeviceCorrelationIdSetInClient = true, DeviceCorrelationId = "", AuthTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds = 1234, }; -Response response = client.CreateLivenessSession(createLivenessSessionContent); +Response response = client.CreateLivenessSession(body); ]]> diff --git a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/FaceClient.cs b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/FaceClient.cs index 1a0b973e92019..5f430773adff8 100644 --- a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/FaceClient.cs +++ b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/FaceClient.cs @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public FaceClient(Uri endpoint, TokenCredential credential, AzureAIVisionFaceCli /// is null. /// /// > [!IMPORTANT] - /// > To mitigate potential misuse that can subject people to stereotyping, discrimination, or unfair denial of services, we are retiring Face API attributes that predict emotion, gender, age, smile, facial hair, hair, and makeup. Read more about this decision https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/responsible-ai-investments-and-safeguards-for-facial-recognition/. + /// > Microsoft has retired or limited facial recognition capabilities that can be used to try to infer emotional states and identity attributes which, if misused, can subject people to stereotyping, discrimination or unfair denial of services. The retired capabilities are emotion and gender. The limited capabilities are age, smile, facial hair, hair and makeup. Email Azure Face API <azureface@microsoft.com> if you have a responsible use case that would benefit from the use of any of the limited capabilities. Read more about this decision https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/responsible-ai-investments-and-safeguards-for-facial-recognition/. /// /// * /// * No image will be stored. Only the extracted face feature(s) will be stored on server. The faceId is an identifier of the face feature and will be used in "Identify", "Verify", and "Find Similar". The stored face features will expire and be deleted at the time specified by faceIdTimeToLive after the original detection call. @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ internal virtual async Task>> Detect /// is null. /// /// > [!IMPORTANT] - /// > To mitigate potential misuse that can subject people to stereotyping, discrimination, or unfair denial of services, we are retiring Face API attributes that predict emotion, gender, age, smile, facial hair, hair, and makeup. Read more about this decision https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/responsible-ai-investments-and-safeguards-for-facial-recognition/. + /// > Microsoft has retired or limited facial recognition capabilities that can be used to try to infer emotional states and identity attributes which, if misused, can subject people to stereotyping, discrimination or unfair denial of services. The retired capabilities are emotion and gender. The limited capabilities are age, smile, facial hair, hair and makeup. Email Azure Face API <azureface@microsoft.com> if you have a responsible use case that would benefit from the use of any of the limited capabilities. Read more about this decision https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/responsible-ai-investments-and-safeguards-for-facial-recognition/. /// /// * /// * No image will be stored. Only the extracted face feature(s) will be stored on server. The faceId is an identifier of the face feature and will be used in "Identify", "Verify", and "Find Similar". The stored face features will expire and be deleted at the time specified by faceIdTimeToLive after the original detection call. @@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ internal virtual Response DetectFromUrlImpl(RequestContent content, string detec /// is null. /// /// > [!IMPORTANT] - /// > To mitigate potential misuse that can subject people to stereotyping, discrimination, or unfair denial of services, we are retiring Face API attributes that predict emotion, gender, age, smile, facial hair, hair, and makeup. Read more about this decision https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/responsible-ai-investments-and-safeguards-for-facial-recognition/. + /// > Microsoft has retired or limited facial recognition capabilities that can be used to try to infer emotional states and identity attributes which, if misused, can subject people to stereotyping, discrimination or unfair denial of services. The retired capabilities are emotion and gender. The limited capabilities are age, smile, facial hair, hair and makeup. Email Azure Face API <azureface@microsoft.com> if you have a responsible use case that would benefit from the use of any of the limited capabilities. Read more about this decision https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/responsible-ai-investments-and-safeguards-for-facial-recognition/. /// /// * /// * No image will be stored. Only the extracted face feature(s) will be stored on server. The faceId is an identifier of the face feature and will be used in "Identify", "Verify", and "Find Similar". The stored face features will expire and be deleted at the time specified by faceIdTimeToLive after the original detection call. @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ internal virtual async Task>> Detect /// is null. /// /// > [!IMPORTANT] - /// > To mitigate potential misuse that can subject people to stereotyping, discrimination, or unfair denial of services, we are retiring Face API attributes that predict emotion, gender, age, smile, facial hair, hair, and makeup. Read more about this decision https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/responsible-ai-investments-and-safeguards-for-facial-recognition/. + /// > Microsoft has retired or limited facial recognition capabilities that can be used to try to infer emotional states and identity attributes which, if misused, can subject people to stereotyping, discrimination or unfair denial of services. The retired capabilities are emotion and gender. The limited capabilities are age, smile, facial hair, hair and makeup. Email Azure Face API <azureface@microsoft.com> if you have a responsible use case that would benefit from the use of any of the limited capabilities. Read more about this decision https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/responsible-ai-investments-and-safeguards-for-facial-recognition/. /// /// * /// * No image will be stored. Only the extracted face feature(s) will be stored on server. The faceId is an identifier of the face feature and will be used in "Identify", "Verify", and "Find Similar". The stored face features will expire and be deleted at the time specified by faceIdTimeToLive after the original detection call. diff --git a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/FaceSessionClient.cs b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/FaceSessionClient.cs index f86f2c12ada35..4019a5bc3493c 100644 --- a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/FaceSessionClient.cs +++ b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/src/Generated/FaceSessionClient.cs @@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ public FaceSessionClient(Uri endpoint, TokenCredential credential, AzureAIVision } /// Create a new detect liveness session. - /// Request for creating liveness session. + /// Body parameter. /// The cancellation token to use. - /// is null. + /// is null. /// /// A session is best for client device scenarios where developers want to authorize a client device to perform only a liveness detection without granting full access to their resource. Created sessions have a limited life span and only authorize clients to perform the desired action before access is expired. /// @@ -119,20 +119,20 @@ public FaceSessionClient(Uri endpoint, TokenCredential credential, AzureAIVision /// > Client access can be revoked by deleting the session using the Delete Liveness Session operation. To retrieve a result, use the Get Liveness Session. To audit the individual requests that a client has made to your resource, use the List Liveness Session Audit Entries. /// /// - public virtual async Task> CreateLivenessSessionAsync(CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) + public virtual async Task> CreateLivenessSessionAsync(CreateLivenessSessionContent body, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { - Argument.AssertNotNull(createLivenessSessionContent, nameof(createLivenessSessionContent)); + Argument.AssertNotNull(body, nameof(body)); - using RequestContent content = createLivenessSessionContent.ToRequestContent(); + using RequestContent content = body.ToRequestContent(); RequestContext context = FromCancellationToken(cancellationToken); Response response = await CreateLivenessSessionAsync(content, context).ConfigureAwait(false); return Response.FromValue(CreateLivenessSessionResult.FromResponse(response), response); } /// Create a new detect liveness session. - /// Request for creating liveness session. + /// Body parameter. /// The cancellation token to use. - /// is null. + /// is null. /// /// A session is best for client device scenarios where developers want to authorize a client device to perform only a liveness detection without granting full access to their resource. Created sessions have a limited life span and only authorize clients to perform the desired action before access is expired. /// @@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ public virtual async Task> CreateLivenessS /// > Client access can be revoked by deleting the session using the Delete Liveness Session operation. To retrieve a result, use the Get Liveness Session. To audit the individual requests that a client has made to your resource, use the List Liveness Session Audit Entries. /// /// - public virtual Response CreateLivenessSession(CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) + public virtual Response CreateLivenessSession(CreateLivenessSessionContent body, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { - Argument.AssertNotNull(createLivenessSessionContent, nameof(createLivenessSessionContent)); + Argument.AssertNotNull(body, nameof(body)); - using RequestContent content = createLivenessSessionContent.ToRequestContent(); + using RequestContent content = body.ToRequestContent(); RequestContext context = FromCancellationToken(cancellationToken); Response response = CreateLivenessSession(content, context); return Response.FromValue(CreateLivenessSessionResult.FromResponse(response), response); @@ -675,9 +675,9 @@ public virtual Response GetLivenessSessionAuditEntries(string sessionId, string } /// Create a new liveness session with verify. Client device submits VerifyImage during the /detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal call. - /// Request for creating liveness session. + /// Body parameter. /// The cancellation token to use. - /// is null. + /// is null. /// /// A session is best for client device scenarios where developers want to authorize a client device to perform only a liveness detection without granting full access to their resource. Created sessions have a limited life span and only authorize clients to perform the desired action before access is expired. /// @@ -698,20 +698,20 @@ public virtual Response GetLivenessSessionAuditEntries(string sessionId, string /// > [!NOTE] /// > Extra measures should be taken to validate that the client is sending the expected VerifyImage. /// - internal virtual async Task> CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionAsync(CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) + internal virtual async Task> CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionAsync(CreateLivenessSessionContent body, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { - Argument.AssertNotNull(createLivenessSessionContent, nameof(createLivenessSessionContent)); + Argument.AssertNotNull(body, nameof(body)); - using RequestContent content = createLivenessSessionContent.ToRequestContent(); + using RequestContent content = body.ToRequestContent(); RequestContext context = FromCancellationToken(cancellationToken); Response response = await CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionAsync(content, context).ConfigureAwait(false); return Response.FromValue(CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionResult.FromResponse(response), response); } /// Create a new liveness session with verify. Client device submits VerifyImage during the /detectLivenessWithVerify/singleModal call. - /// Request for creating liveness session. + /// Body parameter. /// The cancellation token to use. - /// is null. + /// is null. /// /// A session is best for client device scenarios where developers want to authorize a client device to perform only a liveness detection without granting full access to their resource. Created sessions have a limited life span and only authorize clients to perform the desired action before access is expired. /// @@ -732,11 +732,11 @@ internal virtual async Task> Cre /// > [!NOTE] /// > Extra measures should be taken to validate that the client is sending the expected VerifyImage. /// - internal virtual Response CreateLivenessWithVerifySession(CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) + internal virtual Response CreateLivenessWithVerifySession(CreateLivenessSessionContent body, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { - Argument.AssertNotNull(createLivenessSessionContent, nameof(createLivenessSessionContent)); + Argument.AssertNotNull(body, nameof(body)); - using RequestContent content = createLivenessSessionContent.ToRequestContent(); + using RequestContent content = body.ToRequestContent(); RequestContext context = FromCancellationToken(cancellationToken); Response response = CreateLivenessWithVerifySession(content, context); return Response.FromValue(CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionResult.FromResponse(response), response); @@ -819,9 +819,9 @@ internal virtual Response CreateLivenessWithVerifySession(RequestContent content } /// Create a new liveness session with verify. Provide the verify image during session creation. - /// Request of liveness with verify session creation. + /// Request content of liveness with verify session creation. /// The cancellation token to use. - /// is null. + /// is null. /// /// A session is best for client device scenarios where developers want to authorize a client device to perform only a liveness detection without granting full access to their resource. Created sessions have a limited life span and only authorize clients to perform the desired action before access is expired. /// @@ -840,20 +840,20 @@ internal virtual Response CreateLivenessWithVerifySession(RequestContent content /// /// Recommended Option: VerifyImage is provided during session creation. /// - internal virtual async Task> CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionWithVerifyImageAsync(CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionContent createLivenessWithVerifySessionContent, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) + internal virtual async Task> CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionWithVerifyImageAsync(CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionContent body, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { - Argument.AssertNotNull(createLivenessWithVerifySessionContent, nameof(createLivenessWithVerifySessionContent)); + Argument.AssertNotNull(body, nameof(body)); - using MultipartFormDataRequestContent content = createLivenessWithVerifySessionContent.ToMultipartRequestContent(); + using MultipartFormDataRequestContent content = body.ToMultipartRequestContent(); RequestContext context = FromCancellationToken(cancellationToken); Response response = await CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionWithVerifyImageAsync(content, content.ContentType, context).ConfigureAwait(false); return Response.FromValue(CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionResult.FromResponse(response), response); } /// Create a new liveness session with verify. Provide the verify image during session creation. - /// Request of liveness with verify session creation. + /// Request content of liveness with verify session creation. /// The cancellation token to use. - /// is null. + /// is null. /// /// A session is best for client device scenarios where developers want to authorize a client device to perform only a liveness detection without granting full access to their resource. Created sessions have a limited life span and only authorize clients to perform the desired action before access is expired. /// @@ -872,11 +872,11 @@ internal virtual async Task> Cre /// /// Recommended Option: VerifyImage is provided during session creation. /// - internal virtual Response CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionWithVerifyImage(CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionContent createLivenessWithVerifySessionContent, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) + internal virtual Response CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionWithVerifyImage(CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionContent body, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { - Argument.AssertNotNull(createLivenessWithVerifySessionContent, nameof(createLivenessWithVerifySessionContent)); + Argument.AssertNotNull(body, nameof(body)); - using MultipartFormDataRequestContent content = createLivenessWithVerifySessionContent.ToMultipartRequestContent(); + using MultipartFormDataRequestContent content = body.ToMultipartRequestContent(); RequestContext context = FromCancellationToken(cancellationToken); Response response = CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionWithVerifyImage(content, content.ContentType, context); return Response.FromValue(CreateLivenessWithVerifySessionResult.FromResponse(response), response); diff --git a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/tests/Generated/Samples/Samples_FaceSessionClient.cs b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/tests/Generated/Samples/Samples_FaceSessionClient.cs index ba531b3cb3e60..e5709b38ab0e1 100644 --- a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/tests/Generated/Samples/Samples_FaceSessionClient.cs +++ b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/tests/Generated/Samples/Samples_FaceSessionClient.cs @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ public void Example_LivenessSession_CreateLivenessSession_ShortVersion_Convenien AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(""); FaceSessionClient client = new FaceSessionClient(endpoint, credential); - CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive); - Response response = client.CreateLivenessSession(createLivenessSessionContent); + CreateLivenessSessionContent body = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive); + Response response = client.CreateLivenessSession(body); } [Test] @@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ public async Task Example_LivenessSession_CreateLivenessSession_ShortVersion_Con AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(""); FaceSessionClient client = new FaceSessionClient(endpoint, credential); - CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive); - Response response = await client.CreateLivenessSessionAsync(createLivenessSessionContent); + CreateLivenessSessionContent body = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive); + Response response = await client.CreateLivenessSessionAsync(body); } [Test] @@ -133,14 +133,14 @@ public void Example_LivenessSession_CreateLivenessSession_AllParameters_Convenie AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(""); FaceSessionClient client = new FaceSessionClient(endpoint, credential); - CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive) + CreateLivenessSessionContent body = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive) { SendResultsToClient = true, DeviceCorrelationIdSetInClient = true, DeviceCorrelationId = "", AuthTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds = 1234, }; - Response response = client.CreateLivenessSession(createLivenessSessionContent); + Response response = client.CreateLivenessSession(body); } [Test] @@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ public async Task Example_LivenessSession_CreateLivenessSession_AllParameters_Co AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(""); FaceSessionClient client = new FaceSessionClient(endpoint, credential); - CreateLivenessSessionContent createLivenessSessionContent = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive) + CreateLivenessSessionContent body = new CreateLivenessSessionContent(LivenessOperationMode.Passive) { SendResultsToClient = true, DeviceCorrelationIdSetInClient = true, DeviceCorrelationId = "", AuthTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds = 1234, }; - Response response = await client.CreateLivenessSessionAsync(createLivenessSessionContent); + Response response = await client.CreateLivenessSessionAsync(body); } [Test] diff --git a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/tsp-location.yaml b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/tsp-location.yaml index 5d7aa72781b6c..57ba6a0ec1a83 100644 --- a/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/tsp-location.yaml +++ b/sdk/face/Azure.AI.Vision.Face/tsp-location.yaml @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ directory: specification/ai/Face -commit: 1d2253d1e221541cf05ae5d0dd95bd28c0846238 +commit: f655560b5ada9cf73566f2ad0e63e129c8e55892 repo: Azure/azure-rest-api-specs -additionalDirectories: [] - +additionalDirectories: