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214 lines (136 loc) · 6.16 KB


react-vis offers two different types of LineSeries, one that renders SVG and one that renders Canvas. The SVG mode is accessed by using the normal LineSeries, just as above, while the Canvas mode is used by simply calling LineSeriesCanvas instead of LineSeries.

-NOTE: using the Canvas version of this layer disables animation

Data format reference


Type: number

Left-to-right position of marks in the series.


Type: number

Top-to-bottom position of the top edge of the series.

API Reference

color (optional)

Type: string|number

Default: see colors

Color of the line series. By default, you can pass a literal color to the series (i.e. "red" or "#f70"). You can also define a color scale at the top level, and pass a number which will be interpolated by the scale. If nothing is provided, lineSeries will be colored according to react-vis default scale.

curve (optional)

Type: string|function

Default: null

Apply the provided or named curve function from the D3 shape library to smooth the line series plot, see the D3 documentation for function names and instructions. Providing the function, not the name, will require importing the d3-shape package in order to configure it:

// Setting up with only a name
const stringCurveProp = <LineSeries data={data} curve={'curveMonotoneX'} .../>;

const configuredCurve = d3Shape.curveCatmullRom.alpha(0.5);
const funcCurveProp = <LineSeries data={data} curve={configuredCurve} .../>;


Type: Array<Object>

Array of data for the series. See above data format reference.

getNull (optional)

Type: function

Default: null

A function that will be invoked for each data element that will return a boolean that specifies if the data point should be drawn or not. For more information see the D3 documentation.

// Only draw datapoints where the y value is not equal to null
<LineSeries getNull={(d) => d.y !== null} data={data} />

opacity (optional)

Type: number

Default: 1

Opacity of the area chart from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).

stroke (optional)

Type: string|number

Default: see colors

A color for the series. Will override color if both are provided.

strokeDasharray (optional)

Type: string

Specify a custom stroke-dasharray attribute which controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. For the canvas version of this series, this should be an array of values, ala [7, 5].

strokeStyle (optional)

Type: string

If set to dashed, your series will use dashed lines. If set to solid or unspecified, your series will use solid lines. See strokeDasharray for specifying a custom stroke dash-array value.

strokeWidth (optional)

Type: string|number

Specifies the width of the line for the series. By default, this is determined by react-vis css (2px).

style (optional)

Type: object

An object which holds CSS properties that will be applied to the SVG element(s) rendered by the series. This allows you to style series beyond the other explicitly defined properties and without having to use CSS classnames and stylesheets. See style

  style={{strokeLinejoin: "round"}}

Interaction handlers

Note - interacting with a line may be difficult especially with the standard width. To address that, consider:

  • the proximity handlers - onNearestX, onNearestXY;
  • increasing the width of your line to make it easier to reach with the mouse,
  • creating a near-transparent line series with extra width to catch mouse events.

onNearestX (optional)

Type: function(value, {event, innerX, index})

A callback function which is triggered each time the mouse pointer moves. It can access the datapoint of the mark whose x position is the closest to that of the cursor. Callback is triggered with two arguments. value is the data point, info object has following properties:

  • innerX is the left position of the mark;
  • index is the index of the data point in the array of data;
  • event is the event object. See interaction

onNearestXY (optional)

Type: function(value, {event, innerX, innerY, index})

A callback function which is triggered each time the mouse pointer moves. It can access the datapoint of the mark whose position is the closest to that of the cursor. Callback is triggered with two arguments. value is the data point, info object has following properties:

  • innerX is the left position of the mark;
  • innerY is the top position of the mark;
  • index is the index of the data point in the array of data;
  • event is the event object. See interaction


Type: function

Default: none

This handler fires when the user clicks somewhere on a LineSeries, and provides the corresponding event. See interaction

  	// does something on click
  	// you can access the value of the event


Type: function

Default: none

This handler fires when the user's mouse cursor leaves a LineSeries, and provides the corresponding event. See interaction

  	// does something on mouse over
  	// you can access the value of the event


Type: function

Default: none

This handler fires when the user mouses over a LineSeries, and provides the corresponding event. See interaction

  	// does something on mouse over
  	// you can access the value of the event


Type: function

Default: none

This handler fires when the user right-clicks somewhere on a LineSeries, and provides the corresponding event. See interaction

    // does something on click
    // you can access the value of the event