This is the official code repository for the publication "The Role of Tactile Sensing in Learning and Deploying Grasp Refinement Algorithms".
title={The Role of Tactile Sensing in Learning and Deploying Grasp Refinement Algorithms},
author={Alexander Koenig and Zixi Liu and Lucas Janson and Robert Howe},
booktitle={IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022},
Option 1 - Using plain Ubuntu
- Disclaimer: the below steps assume you have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04.
- Install ROS Noetic by following these steps.
- Clone this repository into a new catkin workspace.
# Init new catkin workspace
mkdir ~/catkin_ws/src -p
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
# Clone this repository with its submodules
git clone --recursive
- This paper uses the Reflex Stack, a software module that simulates the robotic hand and comes with various useful tools for real-time grasp analysis. The simulator runs Gazebo 11 and DART 6. To run Gazebo with the DART physics engine, you must build Gazebo from source. Running the shell script does this for you.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/grasp_refinement/reflex_stack/shell
sudo ./
- Now that you have all the required dependencies, you can build the software.
# Build software
cd ~/catkin_ws
# Source workspace and add to your bashrc
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
- Check if everything works by firing up the Reflex Stack simulator in a new terminal.
roslaunch description reflex.launch run_keyboard_teleop_nodes:=true
You can train an agent with a one-liner.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/grasp_refinement/agent/src
python --gui=1 --reward_framework=1 --contact_framework=1 --log_name=i_love_robots
Enjoy one of the pre-trained agents or one of the agents you trained yourself.
python --train=0 test_model_path=~/catkin_ws/src/grasp_refinement/trained_agents/ --all_test_cases=0 --gui=1 --reward_framework=1 --contact_framework=1 --log_name=i_love_robots
Option 2 - Using Docker
Clone this repository.
git clone --recursive
cd grasp_refinement
You have two options when working with Docker. (1) If you plan to make changes to the code and run your custom version, you need to build the Docker container yourself with the below command. (2) If you want to try this software out, you can get cracking right away with the pre-built grasp_refinement Docker image, and you don't need to run the below command and can continue with the next steps.
docker build -t axkoenig/grasp_refinement .
You can train an agent using the below command and view the training process in your browser.
docker-compose up # in the grasp_refinement directory
localhost:8080/vnc.html # type this in your browser
Run the below command if you don't want the visual output.
docker-compose run grasp_refinement /bin/bash -c "source /home/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash; python3 /home/catkin_ws/src/agent/src/ --output_dir=/home/.ros/log --gui=0 --log_name=i_love_robots"
Run this command to test a pre-trained agent.
docker-compose run grasp_refinement /bin/bash -c "source /home/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash; python3 /home/catkin_ws/src/agent/src/ --output_dir=/home/.ros/log --train=0 --test_model_path=/home/catkin_ws/src/trained_agents/epsilon+delta_full --all_test_cases=0 --reward_framework=1 --contact_framework=1 --log_name=i_love_robots"
localhost:8080/vnc.html # type this in your browser
You should now see the algorithm refining grasps in your browser.