A descriptor file defines a benchmark job. This directory contains a template descriptor including explanatory comments on all fields. The descriptor is written in TOML 0.4.0 (and validated via this schema)
The file is divided in sections: info, hardware, env, ml, data and output. See the example descriptor below for reference.
The following example shows what the descriptor file for a horovod-based training benchmark looks like.
# BenchmarkAI meta
spec_version = "0.1.0"
# 0. Job details
task_name = "Example benchmark"
description = """ \
Full job description.\
scheduling = 'single_run'
# Labels and values must be 63 characters or less, beginning and ending with an alphanumeric character
# ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between
# task_name is a mandatory label which will be exported as a dimension for this job's metrics
task_name = "single_node_training_benchmark"
custom-label = "value"
other-label = "other-value"
# 1. Hardware
instance_type = "p3.8xlarge"
strategy = "horovod"
# [Opt] Section for distributed (multi node) mode
# [Upcoming] Strategy to follow
num_instances = 3
# 2. Environment
# Docker hub <hub-user>/<repo-name>:<tag>
docker_image = "user/repo:tag"
# Args for the docker container
# [Opt] Whether to run the container in privileged mode (default is false)
privileged = false
# [Opt] Whether more than 64MB shared memory is needed for containers (default is true)
# (See docker's -shm option)
extended_shm = true
# 3. Machine learning related settings:
# dataset, benchmark code and parameters it takes
# [Opt] Command to run when launching the container (entrypoint is used if not specfied)
benchmark_code = "python /root/train.sh"
# [Opt] Arguments to pass to the script in ml.benchmark_code
# The code is called as defined in ml.benchmark_code, plus the args defined here
args = "--model=resnet50_v2 --batch-size=32"
# [Opt] 4. Dataset
# [Opt] Data sources
# List all required data sources below.
# Make an entry for each with the same format as the ones below.
# Data download URI.
uri = "s3://bucket/imagenet/train"
# Path where the dataset is stored in the container FS
path = "/data/tf-imagenet/train"
# Md5 can be ommitted, but it is required for dataset caching to work
md5 = "5df9f63916ebf8528697b629022993e8"
# Second data source
# Data download URI.
uri = "s3://bucket/imagenet/validation"
# Path where the dataset is stored in the container FS
path = "/data/tf-imagenet/val"
# Set to create cloudwatch dashboard with this name and will populate it with metric described in output
dashboard = "Anubis_dashboard"
# AWS region
region = "us-east-1"
# 5. Output
# [Opt] Custom metrics descriptions
# List all required metrics descriptions below.
# Make an entry in same format as the one below.
# Name of the metric that will appear in the dashboards.
name = "accuracy"
# Metric unit (required)
units = "ratio"
# Pattern for log parsing for this metric.
pattern = "accuracy=([-+]?\\d*\\.\\d+|\\d+)"
Inference benchmarks use a client-server architecture, where the client sends requests to the host, which contains the ML model.
To describe such a job, specify strategy = "inference"
and add a section describing the server:
# BenchmarkAI meta
spec_version = "0.1.0"
# These fields don't have any impact on the job to run, they contain
# merely informative data so the benchmark can be categorized when displayed
# in the dashboard.
task_name = "Example inference job"
description = "A sample scheduled inference benchmark"
scheduling = "*/1 * * * *"
# Labels and values must be 63 characters or less, beginning and ending with an alphanumeric character
# ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between
# task_name is a mandatory label which will be exported as a dimension for this job's metrics
task_name = "single_node_inference_benchmark"
custom-label = "value"
other-label = "other-value"
# Benchmark definition
# 1. Hardware
instance_type = "t3.medium"
strategy = "inference"
# 2. Environment
# Docker hub <hub-user>/<repo-name>:<tag>
docker_image = "user/repo:tag"
# Args for the docker container
# [Opt] Whether to run the container in privileged mode (default is false)
privileged = false
# [Opt - default is false] Whether more than 64MB shared memory is needed for containers
# (See docker's -shm option)
extended_shm = true
# 3. Machine learning related settings:
# dataset, benchmark code and parameters it takes
benchmark_code = "python /home/benchmark/benchmark_server.py"
# [Opt] Arguments to pass to the script in ml.benchmark_code
# The code is called as defined in ml.benchmark_code, plus the args defined here
# INFERENCE_SERVER_HOST and INFERENCE_SERVER_PORT(_X), where X >= 1, environment variables are
# injected into the benchmark container
args = "--host=${INFERENCE_SERVER_HOST} --port=${INFERENCE_SERVER_PORT} --request-timeout=5 "
# [Opt] 4. Dataset
# [Opt] Data sources
# List all required data sources below.
# Make an entry for each with the same format as the ones below.
# Data download URI.
src = "s3://example/imagenet/train"
# Path where the dataset is stored in the container FS
path = "/data/imagenet/train"
md5 = "5df9f63916ebf8528697b629022993e8"
# Second data source
# Data download URI.
src = "s3://example/imagenet/validation"
# Path where the dataset is stored in the container FS
path = "/data/imagenet/validation"
# 6. Server definition
# Harware on which to run the server
instance_type = "p3.8xlarge"
src = "uri://path/to/model1"
path = "/models/model1"
# The server environment definition
# The server image
docker_image = "user/repo:tag"
# Args for the docker container
# [Opt] Whether to run the container in privileged mode (default is false)
privileged = false
# [Opt - default is false] Whether more than 64MB shared memory is needed for containers
# (See docker's -shm option)
extended_shm = true
# array ports that are exposed by the server
ports = [8080, 8081]
# [Opt] Server iveliness probe url
liveliness_probe = "http://localhost:8080/iamhere"
# [Opt] Server readiness probe url
readiness_probe = "http://localhost:8081/iamok"
# Server start command
start_command = "/opt/bin/server"
# [Opt] Arguments to pass to server start command
start_command_args = "--model=mnist"
# [Opt] Server environment variables
VAR1 = "value1"
VAR2 = "value2"
Sagemaker training jobs submitted using the Anubis Tool
# BenchmarkAI meta
spec_version = "0.1.0"
description = """ sagemaker tf """
execution_engine = "aws.sagemaker"
# Labels and values must be 63 characters or less, beginning and ending with an alphanumeric character
# ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between
# task_name is a mandatory label which will be exported as a dimension for this job's metrics
task_name = "example_sagemaker_benchmark"
batch_size = "10"
geo_location = "Ohio"
# 1. Hardware
strategy = "single_node"
num_instances = 4
# 2. Environment
docker_image = "763104351884.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/tensorflow-training:1.15.3-cpu-py37-ubuntu18.04"
KMP_AFFINITY = "granularity=fine,verbose,compact,1,0"
# 3. ML settings
benchmark_code = "python -W ignore horovod/examples/tensorflow_synthetic_benchmark.py --no-cuda --model_dir test/ --num-warmup-batches 10 --num-iters 10 --model ResNet50 --sagemaker_job_name Testjob --sagemaker_container_log_level 15"
framework = "tensorflow"
framework_version = "1.15.3"
# python version to use in estimator
python_version = "py2"
# Training job name to appear in Sagemaker
sagemaker_job_name = "resnet50SMJob4"
# Aggregate metrics under shared dimensions and task_name
merge = true
# Dashboard to create and populate with metrics displayed from cloudwatch
dashboard = "anubis_dashboards"
# hyperparameters to SM training jobs
hold = true
training_weight = 0.25
validation_frequency = 0.15
notation = "strict"
# [Opt] Custom metrics descriptions
# List all required metrics descriptions below.
# Make an entry in same format as the one below.
# Name of the metric that will appear in the dashboards.
name = "iter"
# Pattern for log parsing for this metric.
pattern = 'Iter: (.*?)\s'
# Metric unit (required)
units = "iter/s"
name = "img"
pattern = 'Img\/sec per CPU: (.*?)\s'
units = "img/s"
Section | Field | Description | Values | Required/Optional |
- | spec_version | Version of the descriptor specification | Semantically versioned | Required |
info | task_name | Name of the benchmark job | String | Required |
info | description | Description (informative field) | String | Required |
info | scheduling | Job scheduling: whether to run it a single time or periodically and when | Cron expression to schedule a job, 'single_run' to run it right away (default) | Optional |
info.labels | task_name | Mandatory label to be exported for metrics | String | Required |
info | labels | Optional labels to be exported for metrics | Key-value pairs | Optional |
hardware | instance_type | Type of EC2 instance where the job is to run | EC2 instance API name | Required |
hardware | strategy | Whether to run on single node or distributed. In the latter case, a distributed strategy, such as horovod or mxnet_parameter_server, must be specified | One of ['single_node', 'horovod', 'client_server', 'mxnet_parameter_server'] | Required |
hardware.distributed | num_instances | Number of nodes to use for distributed training | Int | Optional |
hardware.distributed | processes_per_instance | Number of processes to use for each distributed instance | Int | Optional |
env | docker_image | Docker image which runs the benchmark (it must contain the benchmark code) | Docker image as user/repo:tag | Required |
env | privileged | Whether to run the container in privileged mode | boolean (default: false) | Optional |
env | extended_shm | Whether more than 64MB shared memory is needed for containers | boolean (default: true) | Optional |
env | vars | Environment variables section | Key-value pairs | Optional |
ml | benchmark_code | Command to run the benchmark code | String | Optional |
ml | args | Additional arguments for the benchmark scripts | String | Optional |
custom_params | python_version | Python version to use for job | String | Optional |
custom_params | dashboard | Dashboard to create/update and populate with metric defined by output | String | Optional |
custom_params | sagemaker_job_name | Sets Sagemaker Training Job name | String (default: action-id) | Optional |
custom_params | region | Specifies AWS region | String (default: "us-east-1" the default region for Anubis setup) | Optional |
custom_params | merge | Creates metric using info.labels | boolean (default: false) | Optional |
custom_params.hyper_params | hyper_params | Hyperparameters to pass to Sagemaker estimator objects | Key-value pairs | Optional |
data | sources | List with all required data sources (see below for the fields required for each source) | List of data.sources | Optional |
data.sources | uri | Uri of the dataset to be downloaded. We plan to support 's3', 'http', 'https', 'ftp' and 'ftps' | Uri, such as 's3://bucket/imagenet/' | Optional |
data.sources | path | Destination path where this data will be mounted in the container FS | String | Optional |
data.sources | md5 | md5 checksum of the file specified above. It is required for the system to be able to cache datasets | String | Optional |
server | Defines an inference server - only relevant for the inference strategy. | Required for client-server strategy | ||
server | hardware | Hardware definition for inference server | Required | |
server.hardware | instance_type | Inference server EC2 instance type | String | Required |
server | env | Inference server environment definition | Required | |
server.env | docker_image | Inference server docker image | String | Required |
server.env | privileged | Whether to run the container in privileged mode | Boolean (default: false) | Optional |
server.env | extended_shm | Whether more than 64MB shared memory is needed for containers | Boolean (default: true) | Optional |
server.env | ports | The inference server ports | List of integers | Required |
server.env | start_command | Command to be executed to start the server | String | Required |
server.env | start_command_args | Arguments to pass to server start command | String | Optional |
server.env | vars | Server environment variables section | Key-value pairs | Optional |
server.env.readiness_probe | Server readiness probe | Optional | ||
server.env.readiness_probe | path | Server path to probe | Readiness endpoint path | Required |
server.env.readiness_probe | scheme | URI Scheme | http or https (default: http) | Optional |
server.env.readiness_probe | port | Server probe port | Integer between 1 and 65535 (Defaults to first server port) | Optional |
server.env.readiness_probe | initial_delay_seconds | Number of seconds after server container starts to initiate probe | Integer >= 1 (default: 10) | Optional |
server.env.readiness_probe | period_seconds | How often to perform probe | Integer >= 1 (default: 10) | Optional |
server.env.readiness_probe | timout_seconds | Number of seconds after which probe will timeout | Integer >= 1 (default: 1) | Optional |
server.env.readiness_probe | success_threshold | Minimum consecutive successes for probe to be considered successful | Integer >= 1 (default: 1) | Optional |
server.env.readiness_probe | failure_threshold | Minimum consecutire failured for probe to be considered failed | Integer >= 1 (default: 3) | Optional |
- Info: The scheduling field lets users specify when the job is supposed to run. This is done using cron expressions, such as
0 * * * *
, for example. - Info.labels: This section lets users specify dimensions for the metrics (
is a mandatory label). Users need to ensure the set of (dimensions/labels + metric name) specified in toml file is unique for each job. - Hardware: Users must specify a strategy to run their benchmark, be it single_node or one of the distributed alternatives, such as horovod.
- Env: Environment is defined by passing the identifier (user/repo:tag) of the docker image containing the benchmark code.
- Ml: Users can specify the command to run on their docker image (benchmark_code) or the args to be passed to the container's entrypoint. If both are specified, the args are concatenated with the command.
- Data: This section must specify a list of the data sources to be downloaded. For any required data source, users can provide a download URI and a destination path where the resulting data will be mounted in the container filesystem for the benchmark script to use it.
- Server: This section must specify the inference server hardware and environment. It is only relevant to the inference strategy.
- (Upcoming) Output: Section for users to declare the metrics they will be tracking with this benchmark, along with the alarming information: thresholds (can be dynamic, such as 2-sigma) and who should be notified when they are triggered.
#### Special note for script mode (`--script`)
Section | Field | Description | Values | Required/Optional |
ml.script | script | Actual code or the top level directory of code that you wish to be present and run in the container. A result of using the --script flag of the anubis client |
String | Optional |
When "script mode" is used (by calling the anubis client's --script
option), the descriptor file is modified automatically to include a special [ml.script]
section. Ex:
at command line....
anubis --submit my-descriptor-file.toml --script my-code-or-toplevel-directory-of-code-to-include-in-container
Anubis will automatically modify your descriptor to include...
### --- beginning of anubis generated entry --- ###
script = "2cf5f8ef69c341e62a8c827a787eca248d482ce3.tar"
### --- ending of anubis generated entry --- ###
DO NOT edit this section. It represents the script that you have specified to include with the benchmark run.
(you may remove entirely, but do not edit the contents)
The code is placed in the container at the location held in the environment variable BAI_SCRIPTS_PATH
. This location is at the script or top level directory specified.
To direct the container to run your specific benchmark code you must set the descriptor's benchmark_code
field (in the ml
section) as described above.
benchmark_code = "$(BAI_SCRIPTS_PATH)/my-code-or-toplevel-directory-of-code-to-include-in-container/mycode.sh"
Notice: this continues to support the reproducibility tenet of his project. You can share this descriptor file and the recipient would be able to directly run this script without actually having your script code. ;-)<
(under the hood - the --script
value specified is tarred and stored in $ANUBIS_HOME/script_staging directory and named by its sha1sum.)
To help in development and testing of the service, use kind to locally simulate a kubernetes cluster.
Once installed, bring up the cluster with kind create cluster --image=$K8S_KINDEST_V12 --config=integration-test-cluster.yml
. When finished,
update your kubeconfig environment variable with export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="kind")"
. Then, follow the steps in the
build section of the buildspec.yaml.
NOTE: keep in mind that the docker images will need to be pulled by the docker nodes. This could affect test outcomes, so keep it this in mind.