From 231d33139045dc1e6d731d90ac8a89741e6bbeb7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AWS <>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 20:53:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] AWS SDK for Java 1.11.859
--- | 21 + | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-accessanalyzer/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-acm/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-acmpca/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-alexaforbusiness/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-amplify/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-api-gateway/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-apigatewaymanagementapi/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-apigatewayv2/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-appconfig/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-appflow/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-applicationautoscaling/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-applicationinsights/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-appmesh/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-appstream/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-appsync/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-athena/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-augmentedairuntime/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-autoscaling/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-autoscalingplans/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-backup/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-batch/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-bom/pom.xml | 8 +-
aws-java-sdk-braket/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-budgets/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-bundle/pom.xml | 4 +-
aws-java-sdk-chime/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cloud9/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-clouddirectory/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cloudformation/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/pom.xml | 2 +-
.../services/cloudfront/ | 6 +-
.../cloudfront/ | 12 +-
.../cloudfront/ | 6 +-
.../cloudfront/model/ | 4 +-
.../cloudfront/model/ | 2 +-
.../model/ | 2 +- | 729 +-
.../model/ | 4 +-
.../ | 5 + | 5 +
.../ | 5 +
aws-java-sdk-cloudhsm/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cloudhsmv2/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cloudsearch/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cloudtrail/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cloudwatch/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cloudwatchmetrics/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-code-generator/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codeartifact/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codebuild/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codecommit/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codedeploy/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codegen-maven-plugin/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codeguruprofiler/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codegurureviewer/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codepipeline/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codestar/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codestarconnections/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-codestarnotifications/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cognitoidentity/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cognitoidp/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-cognitosync/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-comprehend/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-comprehendmedical/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-computeoptimizer/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-config/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-connect/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-connectparticipant/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-core/pom.xml | 2 +-
.../com/amazonaws/sdk/ | 6 +-
aws-java-sdk-costandusagereport/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-costexplorer/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-dataexchange/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-datapipeline/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-datasync/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-dax/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-detective/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-devicefarm/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-directconnect/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-directory/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-discovery/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-dlm/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-dms/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-docdb/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-dynamodb/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-ebs/pom.xml | 2 +-
.../com/amazonaws/services/ebs/ | 28 +-
.../services/ebs/ | 38 +-
.../services/ebs/ | 18 +-
.../services/ebs/ | 28 +-
.../ebs/model/ | 49 +-
.../amazonaws/services/ebs/ | 18 +-
aws-java-sdk-ec2/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-ec2instanceconnect/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-ecr/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-ecs/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-efs/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-eks/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-elasticache/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-elasticbeanstalk/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-elasticinference/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-elasticloadbalancing/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-elasticloadbalancingv2/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-elasticsearch/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-elastictranscoder/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-emr/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-eventbridge/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-events/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-fms/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-forecast/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-forecastquery/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-frauddetector/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-fsx/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-gamelift/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-glacier/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-globalaccelerator/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-glue/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-greengrass/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-groundstation/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-guardduty/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-health/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-honeycode/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-iam/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-identitystore/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-imagebuilder/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-importexport/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-inspector/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-iot/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-iot1clickdevices/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-iot1clickprojects/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-iotanalytics/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-iotevents/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-ioteventsdata/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-iotjobsdataplane/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-iotsecuretunneling/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-iotsitewise/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-iotthingsgraph/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-ivs/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-kafka/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-kendra/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-kinesis/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-kinesisanalyticsv2/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-kinesisvideo/pom.xml | 2 +-
.../pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-kms/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-lakeformation/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-lambda/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-lex/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-lexmodelbuilding/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-licensemanager/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-lightsail/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-logs/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-machinelearning/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-macie/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-macie2/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-managedblockchain/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-marketplacecatalog/pom.xml | 2 +-
.../pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-marketplaceentitlement/pom.xml | 2 +-
.../pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-mechanicalturkrequester/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-mediaconnect/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-mediaconvert/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-medialive/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-mediapackage/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-mediapackagevod/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-mediastore/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-mediastoredata/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-mediatailor/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-migrationhub/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-migrationhubconfig/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-mobile/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-models/pom.xml | 2 +-
.../acm-pca-2017-08-22-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../amplify-2017-07-25-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../api.pricing-2017-10-15-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...api.sagemaker-2017-07-24-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../appmesh-2019-01-25-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../appsync-2017-07-25-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...scaling-plans-2018-01-06-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../cloud9-2017-09-23-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../cloudfront-2020-05-31-intermediate.json | 179 +-
.../models/cloudfront-2020-05-31-model.json | 22 +-
.../codeartifact-2018-09-22-intermediate.json | 2 +- | 2 +-
...r-connections-2019-12-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...notifications-2019-10-15-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../comprehend-2017-11-27-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...ctparticipant-2018-09-07-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...ta.mediastore-2017-09-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../dataexchange-2017-07-25-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models/dax-2017-04-19-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../detective-2018-10-26-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...ces.iot1click-2018-05-14-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models/ebs-2019-11-02-intermediate.json | 32 +-
.../models/ebs-2019-11-02-model.json | 10 +-
...tic-inference-2017-07-25-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...t.marketplace-2017-01-11-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models/fms-2018-01-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...frauddetector-2019-11-15-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models/glue-2017-03-31-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...groundstation-2019-05-23-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../guardduty-2017-11-28-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../honeycode-2020-03-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...identitystore-2020-06-15-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...deo-signaling-2019-12-04-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...isanalyticsv2-2018-05-23-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models/macie-2017-12-19-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../macie2-2020-01-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../mediaconvert-2017-08-29-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../medialive-2017-10-14-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../mediapackage-2017-10-12-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../mediastore-2017-09-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../mobile-2017-07-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models.lex-2017-04-19-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models/mq-2017-11-27-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../neptune-2014-10-31-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../outposts-2019-12-03-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...nalize-events-2018-03-22-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models/pi-2018-02-27-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...inpoint-email-2018-07-26-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../qldb-session-2019-07-11-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../quicksight-2018-04-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models/ram-2018-01-04-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../rds-data-2018-08-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...redshift-data-2019-12-20-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...ime.sagemaker-2017-05-13-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../s3-control-2018-08-20-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...r-a2i-runtime-2019-11-07-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../savingsplans-2019-06-28-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../securityhub-2018-10-26-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...erverlessrepo-2017-09-08-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...vicediscovery-2017-03-14-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models/sesv2-2019-09-27-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../sso-admin-2020-07-20-intermediate.json | 29817 ++++++++++++++++
.../models/sso-admin-2020-07-20-model.json | 1826 +
.../sso-oidc-2019-06-10-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../transcribe-2017-10-26-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../translate-2017-07-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
.../models/wafv2-2019-07-29-intermediate.json | 2 +-
...ilmessageflow-2019-05-01-intermediate.json | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-mq/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-neptune/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-networkmanager/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-opensdk/pom.xml | 4 +-
aws-java-sdk-opsworks/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-opsworkscm/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-organizations/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-osgi/pom.xml | 12 +-
aws-java-sdk-outposts/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-personalize/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-personalizeevents/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-personalizeruntime/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-pi/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-pinpoint/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-pinpointemail/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-polly/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-pricing/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-qldb/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-qldbsession/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-quicksight/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-ram/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-rds/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-rdsdata/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-redshift/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-redshiftdataapi/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-rekognition/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-resourcegroups/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-resourcegroupstaggingapi/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-robomaker/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-route53/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-route53resolver/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-s3/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-s3control/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-sagemaker/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-sagemakerruntime/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-savingsplans/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-schemas/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-securityhub/pom.xml | 2 +-
.../pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-servermigration/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-servicecatalog/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-servicediscovery/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-servicequotas/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-ses/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-sesv2/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-shield/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-signer/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-simpledb/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-simpleworkflow/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-snowball/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-sns/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-sqs/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-ssm/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-sso/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/ | 10 +
aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/pom.xml | 97 +
.../services/ssoadmin/ | 788 +
.../services/ssoadmin/ | 942 +
.../ssoadmin/ | 1001 +
.../ | 63 +
.../services/ssoadmin/ | 2063 ++
.../ssoadmin/ | 64 +
.../ssoadmin/ | 175 +
.../ssoadmin/ | 407 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 35 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 36 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 334 +
.../ | 638 + | 268 + | 244 + | 73 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 203 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 38 +
.../model/ | 441 +
.../model/ | 127 +
.../model/ | 433 +
.../model/ | 126 +
.../model/ | 441 +
.../model/ | 127 + | 191 + | 73 +
.../model/ | 191 +
.../model/ | 72 + | 192 + | 128 + | 192 + | 128 + | 199 + | 128 +
.../model/ | 191 +
.../model/ | 126 + | 244 + | 73 + | 191 + | 127 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 203 +
.../model/ | 36 + | 304 + | 220 + | 304 + | 220 +
.../model/ | 357 +
.../model/ | 216 + | 376 + | 217 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 184 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 216 + | 304 + | 217 + | 304 + | 220 + | 376 + | 217 +
.../model/ | 251 +
.../model/ | 216 +
.../model/ | 251 +
.../model/ | 216 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 155 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 415 +
.../ | 441 + | 268 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 60 +
.../model/ | 316 +
.../model/ | 127 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 60 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 60 + | 244 +
.../ | 73 +
.../model/ | 36 +
.../model/ | 36 +
.../services/ssoadmin/model/ | 61 +
.../services/ssoadmin/model/ | 190 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 274 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 72 +
.../services/ssoadmin/model/ | 59 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 36 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 274 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 72 +
.../model/ | 350 +
.../model/ | 72 +
.../ssoadmin/model/ | 36 +
.../ | 74 +
.../ | 86 +
.../ | 64 + | 106 + | 79 + | 83 + | 61 + | 61 + | 64 + | 45 + | 78 +
.../ | 58 +
.../ | 73 + | 70 + | 63 + | 75 +
.../ | 71 + | 63 + | 74 + | 70 + | 63 + | 75 + | 58 + | 64 + | 45 +
.../ | 58 + | 63 + | 44 + | 59 + | 65 + | 76 + | 59 + | 65 + | 76 + | 59 + | 65 + | 76 + | 58 + | 63 + | 74 + | 61 + | 64 + | 45 + | 58 + | 64 + | 74 +
.../ | 78 +
.../transform/ | 58 +
.../ | 74 + | 64 + | 64 + | 83 + | 64 + | 64 + | 83 + | 67 + | 63 + | 80 + | 67 + | 65 + | 81 +
.../ | 58 + | 63 +
.../ | 80 + | 64 + | 64 + | 82 + | 64 + | 64 + | 83 + | 67 + | 65 + | 81 +
.../ | 61 + | 63 + | 80 +
.../ | 61 + | 63 + | 80 + | 74 +
.../ | 55 +
.../ | 94 +
.../transform/ | 70 + | 94 + | 70 + | 82 + | 61 + | 64 + | 63 + | 75 + | 61 + | 64 + | 44 + | 74 + | 74 +
.../model/transform/ | 78 +
.../model/transform/ | 58 +
.../ | 62 +
.../ | 63 +
.../ | 44 +
.../ | 73 +
.../ | 62 + | 63 +
.../ | 44 +
.../ | 67 + | 63 + | 44 +
.../ | 73 +
.../services/ssoadmin/ | 18 +
aws-java-sdk-ssooidc/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-stepfunctions/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-storagegateway/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-sts/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-support/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-synthetics/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-test-utils/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-textract/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-transcribe/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-transfer/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-translate/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-waf/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-wafv2/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-workdocs/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-worklink/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-workmail/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-workmailmessageflow/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-workspaces/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk-xray/pom.xml | 2 +-
aws-java-sdk/pom.xml | 8 +-
jmespath-java/pom.xml | 2 +-
pom.xml | 3 +- | 2 +-
518 files changed, 61001 insertions(+), 602 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/sso-admin-2020-07-20-intermediate.json
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/sso-admin-2020-07-20-model.json
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/pom.xml
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/
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create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
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create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
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create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
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create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/model/transform/
create mode 100644 aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ssoadmin/
diff --git a/ b/
index 0c67015690e8..ebcb488016b9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
+# __1.11.859__ __2020-09-10__
+## __AWS Single Sign-On Admin__
+ - ### Features
+ - This is an initial release of AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) Access Management APIs. This release adds support for SSO operations which could be used for managing access to AWS accounts.
+## __Amazon CloudFront__
+ - ### Features
+ - Cloudfront adds support for Brotli. You can enable brotli caching and compression support by enabling it in your Cache Policy.
+## __Amazon Elastic Block Store__
+ - ### Features
+ - Documentation updates for Amazon EBS direct APIs.
+## __Amazon Pinpoint__
+ - ### Features
+ - Update SMS message model description to clearly indicate that the MediaUrl field is reserved for future use and is not supported by Pinpoint as of today.
+## __Amazon Simple Storage Service__
+ - ### Features
+ - Bucket owner verification feature added. This feature introduces the x-amz-expected-bucket-owner and x-amz-source-expected-bucket-owner headers.
# __1.11.858__ __2020-09-09__
## __AWS Glue__
- ### Features
diff --git a/ b/
index d8169648e157..cdce9a4cdfec 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ dependencies.
+ * cache key, use OriginRequestPolicy
* For more information about cache policies, see
* CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find a valid object in its cache that matches the request. If you want
- * to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use
* For more information about origin request policies, see
- * Gets a list of distribution that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log
+ * Gets a list of distributions that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log
* configuration.
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/
index cc2447e010c6..2372a2df047f 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public interface AmazonCloudFrontAsync extends AmazonCloudFront {
* The headers, cookies, and query strings that are included in the cache key are automatically included in requests
* that CloudFront sends to the origin. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that
* matches the request’s cache key. If you want to send values to the origin but not include them in the
- * cache key, use
* For more information about cache policies, see not include them in the
- * cache key, use
* For more information about cache policies, see createMonitoring
* CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find a valid object in its cache that matches the request. If you want
- * to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use
* For more information about origin request policies, see createOriginRequest
* CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find a valid object in its cache that matches the request. If you want
- * to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use
* For more information about origin request policies, see list
- * Gets a list of distribution that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log
+ * Gets a list of distributions that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log
* configuration.
@@ -2367,7 +2367,7 @@ java.util.concurrent.Future
- * Gets a list of distribution that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log
+ * Gets a list of distributions that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log
* configuration.
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/
index 58da2a65fcb8..e57d0ddc8fc5 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ private void init() {
* The headers, cookies, and query strings that are included in the cache key are automatically included in requests
* that CloudFront sends to the origin. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that
* matches the request’s cache key. If you want to send values to the origin but not include them in the
- * cache key, use
* For more information about cache policies, see
* CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find a valid object in its cache that matches the request. If you want
- * to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use
* For more information about origin request policies, see
- * Gets a list of distribution that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log
+ * Gets a list of distributions that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log
* configuration.
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/
index 332935fdf729..9a1c6441e05c 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
* If you want to include cookies in the cache key, use
* If you want to send cookies to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use
* A complex type that specifies whether you want CloudFront to forward cookies to the origin and, if so, which ones.
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/
index eac7a4b97350..de0ca8a38683 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
* CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send
- * values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use
* CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send
- * values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use
- * If this field is
- *
- *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
- * CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to
- * the origin.
+ * If one or both of these fields are
+ * For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are
+ * A flag that can affect whether the
+ * This field is related to the
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s
- * If this field is
- * When this field is
+ * If one or both of these fields are
* For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
+ * If both of these fields are
* An object that determines whether any HTTP headers (and if so, which headers) are included in the cache key and
@@ -102,87 +146,87 @@ public class ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin implements Serializable, C
- * A flag that determines whether the
- * If this field is
- *
- *
- * CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to
- * the origin.
- *
- * If this field is
- * When this field is
* For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
+ * If both of these fields are
- * If this field is
- *
- *
- * CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront
- * sends to the origin.
- *
- * If this field is
- * When this field is
* For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are
- * A flag that determines whether the
- * If this field is
- *
- *
- * CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to
- * the origin.
- *
- * If this field is
- * When this field is
* For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
+ * If both of these fields are
- * If this field is
- *
- *
- * CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront
- * sends to the origin.
- *
- * If this field is
- * When this field is
* For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are
- * A flag that determines whether the
- * If this field is
- *
- *
- * CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to
- * the origin.
- *
- * If this field is
- * When this field is
* For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
+ * If both of these fields are
- * If this field is
- *
- *
- * CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront
- * sends to the origin.
- *
- * If this field is
- * When this field is
* For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are
- * A flag that determines whether the
- * If this field is
- *
- *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
+ *
+ * If one or both of these fields are
+ * For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are CreateCachePolicy
+ * to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CachePolicy
* CreateOriginRequestPolicy
+ * cache key, use OriginRequestPolicy
* CreateOriginRequestPolicy
+ * cache key, use OriginRequestPolicy
* CreateCachePolicy
+ * to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CachePolicy
* CreateCachePolicy
+ * to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CachePolicy
* CreateOriginRequestPolicy
+ * cache key, use OriginRequestPolicy
* CreateCachePolicy
+ * to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CachePolicy
* CookiesConfig
in a cache policy. See
- * CreateCachePolicy
+ * CachePolicy
* CookiesConfig
in an
- * origin request policy. See CreateOriginRequestPolicy
+ * origin request policy. See OriginRequestPolicy
* CreateCachePolicy
+ * values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CachePolicy
* CreateCachePolicy
+ * values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CachePolicy
* CreateOriginRequestPolicy
+ * key, use OriginRequestPolicy
* Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
* included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
* true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
- * header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the
- * following:
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is
+ * true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront
+ * does the following:
* Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
* Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key
+ * true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
+ * header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s
+ * not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
+ * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
+ * included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
+ * EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is
+ * true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront
+ * does the following:
+ *
+ *
+ * Accept-Encoding
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as
- * any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included
- * in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other
- * HTTP header.
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key
* true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the
- * cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
+ * true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
+ * header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s
+ * not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
+ * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
* included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
* true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
- * header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the
- * following:
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is
+ * true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront
+ * does the following:
- * Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
* Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as
- * any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included
- * in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other
- * HTTP header.
+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
* true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the
- * cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
+ * header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s
+ * not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
+ * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key
* and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
- * header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of
- * the following:
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields
+ * is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then
+ * CloudFront does the following:
- * Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
- * header)
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
* Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the
- * same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and
- * it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
- * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
* true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in
- * the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the
+ * Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the
+ * same cache behavior.
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache
+ * key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add
+ * Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
public void setEnableAcceptEncodingGzip(Boolean enableAcceptEncodingGzip) {
@@ -191,86 +235,86 @@ public void setEnableAcceptEncodingGzip(Boolean enableAcceptEncodingGzip) {
* Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
* included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
* true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
- * header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the
- * following:
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is
+ * true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront
+ * does the following:
- * Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
* Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as
- * any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included
- * in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other
- * HTTP header.
+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
* true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the
- * cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
+ * header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s
+ * not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
+ * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key
+ * @return A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key
* and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.true
and the viewer request includes the
- * Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these
+ * fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
+ * header, then CloudFront does the following:
- * Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
- * header)
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
* Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the
- * same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and
- * it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
- * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
* true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in
- * the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the
+ * Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the
+ * same cache behavior.
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the
+ * cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add
+ * Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
public Boolean getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip() {
@@ -279,87 +323,87 @@ public Boolean getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip() {
* Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
* included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
* true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
- * header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the
- * following:
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is
+ * true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront
+ * does the following:
- * Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
* Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as
- * any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included
- * in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other
- * HTTP header.
+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
* true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the
- * cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
+ * header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s
+ * not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
+ * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key
* and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
- * header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of
- * the following:
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields
+ * is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then
+ * CloudFront does the following:
- * Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
- * header)
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
* Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the
- * same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and
- * it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
- * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
* true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in
- * the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the
+ * Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the
+ * same cache behavior.
* false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache
+ * key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add
+ * Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
* @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
@@ -370,90 +414,446 @@ public ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin withEnableAcceptEncodingGzip(Boo
* Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
* included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
* true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
- * header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the
- * following:
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is
+ * true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront
+ * does the following:
+ * Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
* Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key
+ * true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
+ * header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s
+ * not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
+ * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key
+ * and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these
+ * fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
+ * header, then CloudFront does the following:
+ *
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key + *
+ *+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin + *
+ *
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the
+ * Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the
+ * same cache behavior.
+ *
+ * For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. + *
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the
+ * cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add
+ * Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ */
+ public Boolean isEnableAcceptEncodingGzip() {
+ return this.enableAcceptEncodingGzip;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
+ * included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
+ *
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is
+ * true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront
+ * does the following:
+ *
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key + *
+ *+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin *
- * CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to
- * the origin.
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
+ * header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ *
+ * For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. + *
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s
+ * not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
+ * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ *
HTTP header is included in the cache key
+ * and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
+ *
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields
+ * is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then
+ * CloudFront does the following:
+ *
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key + *
+ *+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin + *
+ *
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the
+ * Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the
+ * same cache behavior.
+ *
+ * For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. + *
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache
+ * key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add
+ * Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ */
+ public void setEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli(Boolean enableAcceptEncodingBrotli) {
+ this.enableAcceptEncodingBrotli = enableAcceptEncodingBrotli;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
+ * included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
- * If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as
- * any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included
- * in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other
- * HTTP header.
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is
+ * true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront
+ * does the following:
- * When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the
- * cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key + *
+ *+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin + *
+ *
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
+ * header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
* For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. *
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s
+ * not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
+ * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ *
HTTP header is included in the cache key
+ * @return A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key
* and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
- * If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the
- * Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields
+ * is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then
+ * CloudFront does the following:
- * Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
- * header)
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
- * Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s
- * Accept-Encoding
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key
+ *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin *
- * CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront
- * sends to the origin.
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the
+ * Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the
+ * same cache behavior.
- * If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the
- * same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and
- * it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
- * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
- * When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in
- * the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ * If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the
+ * cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add
+ * Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ */
+ public Boolean getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli() {
+ return this.enableAcceptEncodingBrotli;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
+ * included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
+ *
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is
+ * true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront
+ * does the following:
+ *
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key + *
+ *+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin + *
+ *
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
+ * header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ *
+ * For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. + *
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s
+ * not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
+ * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ *
HTTP header is included in the cache key
+ * and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
+ *
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields
+ * is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then
+ * CloudFront does the following:
+ *
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key + *
+ *+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin + *
+ *
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the
+ * Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the
+ * same cache behavior.
+ *
+ * For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. + *
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache
+ * key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add
+ * Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
+ */
+ public ParametersInCacheKeyAndForwardedToOrigin withEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli(Boolean enableAcceptEncodingBrotli) {
+ setEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli(enableAcceptEncodingBrotli);
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and
+ * included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
+ *
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is
+ * true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront
+ * does the following:
+ *
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key + *
+ *+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin + *
+ *
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
+ * header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
+ *
+ * For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. + *
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s
+ * not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers
+ * whitelist like any other HTTP header.
+ *
HTTP header is included in the cache key
+ * and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
+ *
+ * This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields
+ * is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then
+ * CloudFront does the following:
+ *
+ * Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
+ *
+ * Includes the normalized header in the cache key + *
+ *+ * Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin + *
+ *
+ * If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the
+ * Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the
+ * same cache behavior.
* For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. + *
+ *
+ * If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
+ * header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the
+ * cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add
+ * Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
- public Boolean isEnableAcceptEncodingGzip() {
- return this.enableAcceptEncodingGzip;
+ public Boolean isEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli() {
+ return this.enableAcceptEncodingBrotli;
@@ -611,6 +1011,8 @@ public String toString() {
if (getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip() != null)
sb.append("EnableAcceptEncodingGzip: ").append(getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip()).append(",");
+ if (getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli() != null)
+ sb.append("EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli: ").append(getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli()).append(",");
if (getHeadersConfig() != null)
sb.append("HeadersConfig: ").append(getHeadersConfig()).append(",");
if (getCookiesConfig() != null)
@@ -635,6 +1037,10 @@ public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return false;
if (other.getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip() != null && other.getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip().equals(this.getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip()) == false)
return false;
+ if (other.getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli() == null ^ this.getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli() == null)
+ return false;
+ if (other.getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli() != null && other.getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli().equals(this.getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli()) == false)
+ return false;
if (other.getHeadersConfig() == null ^ this.getHeadersConfig() == null)
return false;
if (other.getHeadersConfig() != null && other.getHeadersConfig().equals(this.getHeadersConfig()) == false)
@@ -656,6 +1062,7 @@ public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = 1;
hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip() == null) ? 0 : getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip().hashCode());
+ hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli() == null) ? 0 : getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli().hashCode());
hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getHeadersConfig() == null) ? 0 : getHeadersConfig().hashCode());
hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getCookiesConfig() == null) ? 0 : getCookiesConfig().hashCode());
hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getQueryStringsConfig() == null) ? 0 : getQueryStringsConfig().hashCode());
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/
index 91e929aa2b53..10237bc734e0 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
* If you want to include query strings in the cache key, use QueryStringsConfig
in a cache policy. See
- * CreateCachePolicy
+ * CachePolicy
* If you want to send query strings to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use
- * QueryStringsConfig
in an origin request policy. See CreateOriginRequestPolicy
+ * QueryStringsConfig
in an origin request policy. See OriginRequestPolicy
* A complex type that contains information about the query string parameters that you want CloudFront to use for
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/transform/
index 2b1f1a0c9191..fed25c06676c 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/transform/
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/cloudfront/model/transform/
@@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ public Request
- * You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) direct APIs to directly read the data on your EBS snapshots, and - * identify the difference between two snapshots. You can view the details of blocks in an EBS snapshot, compare the - * block difference between two snapshots, and directly access the data in a snapshot. If you're an independent software - * vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it easier and more cost-effective to track - * incremental changes on your EBS volumes via EBS snapshots. This can be done without having to create new volumes from - * EBS snapshots. + * You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) direct APIs to create EBS snapshots, write data directly to + * your snapshots, read data on your snapshots, and identify the differences or changes between two snapshots. If you’re + * an independent software vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for Amazon EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it more + * efficient and cost-effective to track incremental changes on your EBS volumes through snapshots. This can be done + * without having to create new volumes from snapshots, and then use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances + * to compare the differences. + *
+ *+ * You can create incremental snapshots directly from data on-premises into EBS volumes and the cloud to use for quick + * disaster recovery. With the ability to write and read snapshots, you can write your on-premises data to an EBS + * snapshot during a disaster. Then after recovery, you can restore it back to AWS or on-premises from the snapshot. You + * no longer need to build and maintain complex mechanisms to copy data to and from Amazon EBS. *
** This API reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the EBS @@ -110,8 +116,8 @@ public interface AmazonEBS { /** *
- * Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store - * snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage. + * Returns information about the blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the + * same volume/snapshot lineage. *
* * @param listChangedBlocksRequest @@ -136,7 +142,7 @@ public interface AmazonEBS { /** *- * Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot. + * Returns information about the blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot. *
* * @param listSnapshotBlocksRequest @@ -161,8 +167,8 @@ public interface AmazonEBS { /** *
- * Writes a block of data to a block in the snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is
- * overwritten. The target snapshot must be in the pending
+ * Writes a block of data to a snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is overwritten. The
+ * target snapshot must be in the pending
* Data written to a snapshot must be aligned with 512-byte sectors. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/ index 69b9f7812ff5..8d55220895c1 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/ @@ -26,12 +26,18 @@ *
- * You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) direct APIs to directly read the data on your EBS snapshots, and - * identify the difference between two snapshots. You can view the details of blocks in an EBS snapshot, compare the - * block difference between two snapshots, and directly access the data in a snapshot. If you're an independent software - * vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it easier and more cost-effective to track - * incremental changes on your EBS volumes via EBS snapshots. This can be done without having to create new volumes from - * EBS snapshots. + * You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) direct APIs to create EBS snapshots, write data directly to + * your snapshots, read data on your snapshots, and identify the differences or changes between two snapshots. If you’re + * an independent software vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for Amazon EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it more + * efficient and cost-effective to track incremental changes on your EBS volumes through snapshots. This can be done + * without having to create new volumes from snapshots, and then use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances + * to compare the differences. + *
+ *+ * You can create incremental snapshots directly from data on-premises into EBS volumes and the cloud to use for quick + * disaster recovery. With the ability to write and read snapshots, you can write your on-premises data to an EBS + * snapshot during a disaster. Then after recovery, you can restore it back to AWS or on-premises from the snapshot. You + * no longer need to build and maintain complex mechanisms to copy data to and from Amazon EBS. *
* This API reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the EBS
@@ -115,8 +121,8 @@ java.util.concurrent.Future
- * Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store
- * snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage.
+ * Returns information about the blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the
+ * same volume/snapshot lineage.
- * Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store
- * snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage.
+ * Returns information about the blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the
+ * same volume/snapshot lineage.
- * Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.
+ * Returns information about the blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.
- * Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.
+ * Returns information about the blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.
- * Writes a block of data to a block in the snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is
- * overwritten. The target snapshot must be in the
* Data written to a snapshot must be aligned with 512-byte sectors.
@@ -196,8 +202,8 @@ java.util.concurrent.Future
- * Writes a block of data to a block in the snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is
- * overwritten. The target snapshot must be in the
* Data written to a snapshot must be aligned with 512-byte sectors.
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/
index a45dcd833168..3800b032b27d 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/
@@ -26,12 +26,18 @@
* notification when an asynchronous operation completes.
- * You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) direct APIs to directly read the data on your EBS snapshots, and
- * identify the difference between two snapshots. You can view the details of blocks in an EBS snapshot, compare the
- * block difference between two snapshots, and directly access the data in a snapshot. If you're an independent software
- * vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it easier and more cost-effective to track
- * incremental changes on your EBS volumes via EBS snapshots. This can be done without having to create new volumes from
- * EBS snapshots.
+ * You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) direct APIs to create EBS snapshots, write data directly to
+ * your snapshots, read data on your snapshots, and identify the differences or changes between two snapshots. If you’re
+ * an independent software vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for Amazon EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it more
+ * efficient and cost-effective to track incremental changes on your EBS volumes through snapshots. This can be done
+ * without having to create new volumes from snapshots, and then use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances
+ * to compare the differences.
+ *
+ * You can create incremental snapshots directly from data on-premises into EBS volumes and the cloud to use for quick
+ * disaster recovery. With the ability to write and read snapshots, you can write your on-premises data to an EBS
+ * snapshot during a disaster. Then after recovery, you can restore it back to AWS or on-premises from the snapshot. You
+ * no longer need to build and maintain complex mechanisms to copy data to and from Amazon EBS.
* This API reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the EBS
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/
index 465dcac51e78..bb3f734b7e31 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/
@@ -51,12 +51,18 @@
* service call completes.
- * You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) direct APIs to directly read the data on your EBS snapshots, and
- * identify the difference between two snapshots. You can view the details of blocks in an EBS snapshot, compare the
- * block difference between two snapshots, and directly access the data in a snapshot. If you're an independent software
- * vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it easier and more cost-effective to track
- * incremental changes on your EBS volumes via EBS snapshots. This can be done without having to create new volumes from
- * EBS snapshots.
+ * You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) direct APIs to create EBS snapshots, write data directly to
+ * your snapshots, read data on your snapshots, and identify the differences or changes between two snapshots. If you’re
+ * an independent software vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for Amazon EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it more
+ * efficient and cost-effective to track incremental changes on your EBS volumes through snapshots. This can be done
+ * without having to create new volumes from snapshots, and then use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances
+ * to compare the differences.
+ *
+ * You can create incremental snapshots directly from data on-premises into EBS volumes and the cloud to use for quick
+ * disaster recovery. With the ability to write and read snapshots, you can write your on-premises data to an EBS
+ * snapshot during a disaster. Then after recovery, you can restore it back to AWS or on-premises from the snapshot. You
+ * no longer need to build and maintain complex mechanisms to copy data to and from Amazon EBS.
* This API reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the EBS
@@ -300,8 +306,8 @@ final GetSnapshotBlockResult executeGetSnapshotBlock(GetSnapshotBlockRequest get
- * Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store
- * snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage.
+ * Returns information about the blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the
+ * same volume/snapshot lineage.
- * Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.
+ * Returns information about the blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.
- * Writes a block of data to a block in the snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is
- * overwritten. The target snapshot must be in the
* Data written to a snapshot must be aligned with 512-byte sectors.
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/model/
index a93733f7dc3d..bdd19d955032 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/model/
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/model/
@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ public class PutSnapshotBlockRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceReque
private String snapshotId;
- * The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a
- * snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume,
- * multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
+ * The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of
+ *
- * The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a
- * snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume,
- * multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
+ * The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of
+ *
- * The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a
- * snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume,
- * multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
+ * The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of
+ *
- * The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a
- * snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume,
- * multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
+ * The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of
+ *
- * You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) direct APIs to directly read the data on your EBS snapshots, and
- * identify the difference between two snapshots. You can view the details of blocks in an EBS snapshot, compare the
- * block difference between two snapshots, and directly access the data in a snapshot. If you're an independent software
- * vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it easier and more cost-effective to track
- * incremental changes on your EBS volumes via EBS snapshots. This can be done without having to create new volumes from
- * EBS snapshots.
+ * You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) direct APIs to create EBS snapshots, write data directly to
+ * your snapshots, read data on your snapshots, and identify the differences or changes between two snapshots. If you’re
+ * an independent software vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for Amazon EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it more
+ * efficient and cost-effective to track incremental changes on your EBS volumes through snapshots. This can be done
+ * without having to create new volumes from snapshots, and then use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances
+ * to compare the differences.
+ *
+ * You can create incremental snapshots directly from data on-premises into EBS volumes and the cloud to use for quick
+ * disaster recovery. With the ability to write and read snapshots, you can write your on-premises data to an EBS
+ * snapshot during a disaster. Then after recovery, you can restore it back to AWS or on-premises from the snapshot. You
+ * no longer need to build and maintain complex mechanisms to copy data to and from Amazon EBS.
* This API reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the EBS
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ec2/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ec2/pom.xml
index 6a6522354dc1..4e082634cd2e 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-ec2/pom.xml
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-ec2/pom.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
Creates a cache policy. After you create a cache policy, you can attach it to one or more cache behaviors. When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the cache policy determines the following: The values that CloudFront includes in the cache key. These values can include HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings. CloudFront uses the cache key to find an object in its cache that it can return to the viewer. The default, minimum, and maximum time to live (TTL) values that you want objects to stay in the CloudFront cache. The headers, cookies, and query strings that are included in the cache key are automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request’s cache key. If you want to send values to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use For more information about cache policies, see Controlling the cache key in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. Creates a cache policy. After you create a cache policy, you can attach it to one or more cache behaviors. When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the cache policy determines the following: The values that CloudFront includes in the cache key. These values can include HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings. CloudFront uses the cache key to find an object in its cache that it can return to the viewer. The default, minimum, and maximum time to live (TTL) values that you want objects to stay in the CloudFront cache. The headers, cookies, and query strings that are included in the cache key are automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request’s cache key. If you want to send values to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use For more information about cache policies, see Controlling the cache key in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. Creates an origin request policy. After you create an origin request policy, you can attach it to one or more cache behaviors. When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the origin request policy determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following: The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request. The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find a valid object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use For more information about origin request policies, see Controlling origin requests in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. Creates an origin request policy. After you create an origin request policy, you can attach it to one or more cache behaviors. When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the origin request policy determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following: The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request. The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find a valid object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use For more information about origin request policies, see Controlling origin requests in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. Gets a list of distribution that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log configuration. You can specify the real-time log configuration by its name or its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You must provide at least one. If you provide both, CloudFront uses the name to identify the real-time log configuration to list distributions for. You can optionally specify the maximum number of items to receive in the response. If the total number of items in the list exceeds the maximum that you specify, or the default maximum, the response is paginated. To get the next page of items, send a subsequent request that specifies the Gets a list of distributions that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log configuration. You can specify the real-time log configuration by its name or its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You must provide at least one. If you provide both, CloudFront uses the name to identify the real-time log configuration to list distributions for. You can optionally specify the maximum number of items to receive in the response. If the total number of items in the list exceeds the maximum that you specify, or the default maximum, the response is paginated. To get the next page of items, send a subsequent request that specifies the This field is deprecated. We recommend that you use a cache policy or an origin request policy instead of this field. If you want to include cookies in the cache key, use If you want to send cookies to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use A complex type that specifies whether you want CloudFront to forward cookies to the origin and, if so, which ones. For more information about forwarding cookies to the origin, see Caching Content Based on Cookies in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. This field is deprecated. We recommend that you use a cache policy or an origin request policy instead of this field. If you want to include cookies in the cache key, use If you want to send cookies to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use A complex type that specifies whether you want CloudFront to forward cookies to the origin and, if so, which ones. For more information about forwarding cookies to the origin, see Caching Content Based on Cookies in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. An origin request policy. When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the origin request policy determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following: The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request. The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use An origin request policy. When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the origin request policy determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following: The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request. The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use An origin request policy configuration. This configuration determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following: The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request. The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use An origin request policy configuration. This configuration determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following: The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request. The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use This object determines the values that CloudFront includes in the cache key. These values can include HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings. CloudFront uses the cache key to find an object in its cache that it can return to the viewer. The headers, cookies, and query strings that are included in the cache key are automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request’s cache key. If you want to send values to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use This object determines the values that CloudFront includes in the cache key. These values can include HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings. CloudFront uses the cache key to find an object in its cache that it can return to the viewer. The headers, cookies, and query strings that are included in the cache key are automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request’s cache key. If you want to send values to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use A flag that determines whether the If this field is CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. If this field is When this field is For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. A flag that can affect whether the This field is related to the Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Includes the normalized header in the cache key Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin If one or both of these fields are For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If both of these fields are A flag that determines whether the If this field is CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. If this field is When this field is For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If this field is CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. If this field is When this field is For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
+ "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/** A flag that can affect whether the This field is related to the Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Includes the normalized header in the cache key Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin If one or both of these fields are For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide. If both of these fields are pending
+ * Writes a block of data to a snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is overwritten. The
+ * target snapshot must be in the pending
* pending
+ * Writes a block of data to a snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is overwritten. The
+ * target snapshot must be in the pending
* pending
+ * Writes a block of data to a snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is overwritten. The
+ * target snapshot must be in the pending
* 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical
+ * volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be
+ * 512
KiB aligned.
* 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical
+ * volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be
+ * 512
KiB aligned.
* 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the
+ * logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the
+ * data must be 512
KiB aligned.
public void setBlockIndex(Integer blockIndex) {
@@ -143,14 +146,16 @@ public void setBlockIndex(Integer blockIndex) {
* 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical
+ * volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be
+ * 512
KiB aligned.
* 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the
+ * logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the
+ * data must be 512
KiB aligned.
public Integer getBlockIndex() {
@@ -159,15 +164,17 @@ public Integer getBlockIndex() {
* 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical
+ * volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be
+ * 512
KiB aligned.
* 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the
+ * logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the
+ * data must be 512
KiB aligned.
* @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/
index c3170b325168..4e7743387de8 100644
--- a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/
+++ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/ebs/
@@ -13,12 +13,18 @@
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
value from the current response as the Marker
value in the subsequent request. NextMarker
value from the current response as the Marker
value in the subsequent request. CookiesConfig
in a cache policy. See CreateCachePolicy
in an origin request policy. See CreateOriginRequestPolicy
in a cache policy. See CachePolicy
in an origin request policy. See OriginRequestPolicy
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header)Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header)Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header)Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableAcceptEncodingGzip",
- "getterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
\n@return A flag that determines whether theAccept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.*/",
"getterMethodName" : "getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Boolean",
@@ -86195,7 +86195,7 @@
"marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN",
"name" : "EnableAcceptEncodingGzip",
"sensitive" : false,
- "setterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
\n@param enableAcceptEncodingGzip A flag that determines whether theAccept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.*/",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnableAcceptEncodingGzip",
"setterModel" : {
"timestampFormat" : null,
@@ -86210,13 +86210,82 @@
"shouldFullyQualify" : false,
"simple" : true,
"unmarshallingType" : null,
- "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
\n@param enableAcceptEncodingGzip A flag that determines whether theAccept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
"variable" : {
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
"variableName" : "enableAcceptEncodingGzip",
"variableType" : "Boolean",
- "documentation" : "
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
", + "documentation" : "A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
+ "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "getterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.*/",
+ "getterMethodName" : "getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "getterModel" : {
+ "returnType" : "Boolean",
+ "documentation" : null
+ },
+ "http" : {
+ "additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
+ "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
+ "flattened" : false,
+ "greedy" : false,
+ "header" : false,
+ "isPayload" : false,
+ "isStreaming" : false,
+ "location" : null,
+ "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
+ "marshallLocationName" : "EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "queryString" : false,
+ "requiresLength" : false,
+ "statusCode" : false,
+ "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "uri" : false
+ },
+ "idempotencyToken" : false,
+ "isBinary" : false,
+ "jsonValue" : false,
+ "list" : false,
+ "listModel" : null,
+ "map" : false,
+ "mapModel" : null,
+ "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean",
+ "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN",
+ "name" : "EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "sensitive" : false,
+ "setterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.*/",
+ "setterMethodName" : "setEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "setterModel" : {
+ "timestampFormat" : null,
+ "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
+ "variableName" : "enableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "variableType" : "Boolean",
+ "documentation" : "",
+ "simpleType" : "Boolean",
+ "variableSetterType" : "Boolean"
+ },
+ "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false,
+ "shouldFullyQualify" : false,
+ "simple" : true,
+ "unmarshallingType" : null,
+ "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
+ "variable" : {
+ "timestampFormat" : null,
+ "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
+ "variableName" : "enableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "variableType" : "Boolean",
+ "documentation" : "
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
+ "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "getterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.*/",
+ "getterMethodName" : "getEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "getterModel" : {
+ "returnType" : "Boolean",
+ "documentation" : null
+ },
+ "http" : {
+ "additionalMarshallingPath" : null,
+ "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null,
+ "flattened" : false,
+ "greedy" : false,
+ "header" : false,
+ "isPayload" : false,
+ "isStreaming" : false,
+ "location" : null,
+ "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD",
+ "marshallLocationName" : "EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "queryString" : false,
+ "requiresLength" : false,
+ "statusCode" : false,
+ "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "uri" : false
+ },
+ "idempotencyToken" : false,
+ "isBinary" : false,
+ "jsonValue" : false,
+ "list" : false,
+ "listModel" : null,
+ "map" : false,
+ "mapModel" : null,
+ "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean",
+ "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN",
+ "name" : "EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "sensitive" : false,
+ "setterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.*/",
+ "setterMethodName" : "setEnableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "setterModel" : {
+ "timestampFormat" : null,
+ "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
+ "variableName" : "enableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "variableType" : "Boolean",
+ "documentation" : "",
+ "simpleType" : "Boolean",
+ "variableSetterType" : "Boolean"
+ },
+ "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false,
+ "shouldFullyQualify" : false,
+ "simple" : true,
+ "unmarshallingType" : null,
+ "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
+ "variable" : {
+ "timestampFormat" : null,
+ "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
+ "variableName" : "enableAcceptEncodingBrotli",
+ "variableType" : "Boolean",
+ "documentation" : "
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
", + "documentation" : "A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
\n@param enableAcceptEncodingGzip A flag that determines whether theAccept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableAcceptEncodingGzip",
- "getterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
\n@return A flag that determines whether theAccept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.*/",
"getterMethodName" : "getEnableAcceptEncodingGzip",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Boolean",
@@ -86543,7 +86682,7 @@
"marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN",
"name" : "EnableAcceptEncodingGzip",
"sensitive" : false,
- "setterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
\n@param enableAcceptEncodingGzip A flag that determines whether theAccept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.*/",
"setterMethodName" : "setEnableAcceptEncodingGzip",
"setterModel" : {
"timestampFormat" : null,
@@ -86558,13 +86697,13 @@
"shouldFullyQualify" : false,
"simple" : true,
"unmarshallingType" : null,
- "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
\n@param enableAcceptEncodingGzip A flag that determines whether theAccept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
"variable" : {
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean",
"variableName" : "enableAcceptEncodingGzip",
"variableType" : "Boolean",
- "documentation" : "
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
", + "documentation" : "A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
This field is deprecated. We recommend that you use a cache policy or an origin request policy instead of this field.
If you want to include query strings in the cache key, use QueryStringsConfig
in a cache policy. See CreateCachePolicy
If you want to send query strings to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use QueryStringsConfig
in an origin request policy. See CreateOriginRequestPolicy
A complex type that contains information about the query string parameters that you want CloudFront to use for caching for a cache behavior.
", + "documentation" : "This field is deprecated. We recommend that you use a cache policy or an origin request policy instead of this field.
If you want to include query strings in the cache key, use QueryStringsConfig
in a cache policy. See CachePolicy
If you want to send query strings to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use QueryStringsConfig
in an origin request policy. See OriginRequestPolicy
A complex type that contains information about the query string parameters that you want CloudFront to use for caching for a cache behavior.
", "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/cloudfront-2020-05-31-model.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/cloudfront-2020-05-31-model.json index 848d27d30f3f..e81a892c8c45 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/cloudfront-2020-05-31-model.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/cloudfront-2020-05-31-model.json @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ {"shape":"TooManyCookiesInCachePolicy"}, {"shape":"TooManyQueryStringsInCachePolicy"} ], - "documentation":"Creates a cache policy.
After you create a cache policy, you can attach it to one or more cache behaviors. When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the cache policy determines the following:
The values that CloudFront includes in the cache key. These values can include HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings. CloudFront uses the cache key to find an object in its cache that it can return to the viewer.
The default, minimum, and maximum time to live (TTL) values that you want objects to stay in the CloudFront cache.
The headers, cookies, and query strings that are included in the cache key are automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request’s cache key. If you want to send values to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use CreateOriginRequestPolicy
For more information about cache policies, see Controlling the cache key in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
" + "documentation":"Creates a cache policy.
After you create a cache policy, you can attach it to one or more cache behaviors. When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the cache policy determines the following:
The values that CloudFront includes in the cache key. These values can include HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings. CloudFront uses the cache key to find an object in its cache that it can return to the viewer.
The default, minimum, and maximum time to live (TTL) values that you want objects to stay in the CloudFront cache.
The headers, cookies, and query strings that are included in the cache key are automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request’s cache key. If you want to send values to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use OriginRequestPolicy
For more information about cache policies, see Controlling the cache key in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
" }, "CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity":{ "name":"CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity2020_05_31", @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ {"shape":"TooManyCookiesInOriginRequestPolicy"}, {"shape":"TooManyQueryStringsInOriginRequestPolicy"} ], - "documentation":"Creates an origin request policy.
After you create an origin request policy, you can attach it to one or more cache behaviors. When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the origin request policy determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following:
The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request.
The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including Host
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront.
CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find a valid object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CreateCachePolicy
For more information about origin request policies, see Controlling origin requests in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
" + "documentation":"Creates an origin request policy.
After you create an origin request policy, you can attach it to one or more cache behaviors. When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the origin request policy determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following:
The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request.
The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including Host
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront.
CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find a valid object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CachePolicy
For more information about origin request policies, see Controlling origin requests in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
" }, "CreatePublicKey":{ "name":"CreatePublicKey2020_05_31", @@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ "errors":[ {"shape":"InvalidArgument"} ], - "documentation":"Gets a list of distribution that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log configuration.
You can specify the real-time log configuration by its name or its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You must provide at least one. If you provide both, CloudFront uses the name to identify the real-time log configuration to list distributions for.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of items to receive in the response. If the total number of items in the list exceeds the maximum that you specify, or the default maximum, the response is paginated. To get the next page of items, send a subsequent request that specifies the NextMarker
value from the current response as the Marker
value in the subsequent request.
Gets a list of distributions that have a cache behavior that’s associated with the specified real-time log configuration.
You can specify the real-time log configuration by its name or its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You must provide at least one. If you provide both, CloudFront uses the name to identify the real-time log configuration to list distributions for.
You can optionally specify the maximum number of items to receive in the response. If the total number of items in the list exceeds the maximum that you specify, or the default maximum, the response is paginated. To get the next page of items, send a subsequent request that specifies the NextMarker
value from the current response as the Marker
value in the subsequent request.
This field is deprecated. We recommend that you use a cache policy or an origin request policy instead of this field.
If you want to include cookies in the cache key, use a cache policy. For more information, see Creating cache policies in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If you want to send cookies to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use an origin request policy. For more information, see Creating origin request policies in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
Required if you specify whitelist
for the value of Forward
. A complex type that specifies how many different cookies you want CloudFront to forward to the origin for this cache behavior and, if you want to forward selected cookies, the names of those cookies.
If you specify all
or none
for the value of Forward
, omit WhitelistedNames
. If you change the value of Forward
from whitelist
to all
or none
and you don't delete the WhitelistedNames
element and its child elements, CloudFront deletes them automatically.
For the current limit on the number of cookie names that you can whitelist for each cache behavior, see CloudFront Limits in the AWS General Reference.
" } }, - "documentation":"This field is deprecated. We recommend that you use a cache policy or an origin request policy instead of this field.
If you want to include cookies in the cache key, use CookiesConfig
in a cache policy. See CreateCachePolicy
If you want to send cookies to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use CookiesConfig
in an origin request policy. See CreateOriginRequestPolicy
A complex type that specifies whether you want CloudFront to forward cookies to the origin and, if so, which ones. For more information about forwarding cookies to the origin, see Caching Content Based on Cookies in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
" + "documentation":"This field is deprecated. We recommend that you use a cache policy or an origin request policy instead of this field.
If you want to include cookies in the cache key, use CookiesConfig
in a cache policy. See CachePolicy
If you want to send cookies to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use CookiesConfig
in an origin request policy. See OriginRequestPolicy
A complex type that specifies whether you want CloudFront to forward cookies to the origin and, if so, which ones. For more information about forwarding cookies to the origin, see Caching Content Based on Cookies in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
" }, "CreateCachePolicyRequest":{ "type":"structure", @@ -5427,7 +5427,7 @@ "documentation":"The origin request policy configuration.
" } }, - "documentation":"An origin request policy.
When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the origin request policy determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following:
The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request.
The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including Host
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront.
CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CreateCachePolicy
An origin request policy.
When it’s attached to a cache behavior, the origin request policy determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following:
The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request.
The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including Host
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront.
CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CachePolicy
The URL query strings from viewer requests to include in origin requests.
" } }, - "documentation":"An origin request policy configuration.
This configuration determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following:
The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request.
The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including Host
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront.
CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CreateCachePolicy
An origin request policy configuration.
This configuration determines the values that CloudFront includes in requests that it sends to the origin. Each request that CloudFront sends to the origin includes the following:
The request body and the URL path (without the domain name) from the viewer request.
The headers that CloudFront automatically includes in every origin request, including Host
, User-Agent
, and X-Amz-Cf-Id
All HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings that are specified in the cache policy or the origin request policy. These can include items from the viewer request and, in the case of headers, additional ones that are added by CloudFront.
CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request. If you want to send values to the origin and also include them in the cache key, use CachePolicy
A flag that determines whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
header to one of the following:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
(if gzip
is in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Accept-Encoding: identity
(if gzip
is not in the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
CloudFront includes the normalized header in the cache key and includes it in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
If this field is false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. You can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
When this field is true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
" + "documentation":"A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingBrotli
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
A flag that can affect whether the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header is included in the cache key and included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
This field is related to the EnableAcceptEncodingGzip
field. If one or both of these fields is true
and the viewer request includes the Accept-Encoding
header, then CloudFront does the following:
Normalizes the value of the viewer’s Accept-Encoding
Includes the normalized header in the cache key
Includes the normalized header in the request to the origin
If one or both of these fields are true
, you should not whitelist the Accept-Encoding
header in the cache policy or in an origin request policy attached to the same cache behavior.
For more information, see Cache compressed objects in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.
If both of these fields are false
, then CloudFront treats the Accept-Encoding
header the same as any other HTTP header in the viewer request. By default, it’s not included in the cache key and it’s not included in origin requests. In this case, you can manually add Accept-Encoding
to the headers whitelist like any other HTTP header.
An object that determines whether any URL query strings in viewer requests (and if so, which query strings) are included in the cache key and automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin.
" } }, - "documentation":"This object determines the values that CloudFront includes in the cache key. These values can include HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings. CloudFront uses the cache key to find an object in its cache that it can return to the viewer.
The headers, cookies, and query strings that are included in the cache key are automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request’s cache key. If you want to send values to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use CreateOriginRequestPolicy
This object determines the values that CloudFront includes in the cache key. These values can include HTTP headers, cookies, and URL query strings. CloudFront uses the cache key to find an object in its cache that it can return to the viewer.
The headers, cookies, and query strings that are included in the cache key are automatically included in requests that CloudFront sends to the origin. CloudFront sends a request when it can’t find an object in its cache that matches the request’s cache key. If you want to send values to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use OriginRequestPolicy
A list that contains the query string parameters that you want CloudFront to use as a basis for caching for a cache behavior. If Quantity
is 0, you can omit Items
This field is deprecated. We recommend that you use a cache policy or an origin request policy instead of this field.
If you want to include query strings in the cache key, use QueryStringsConfig
in a cache policy. See CreateCachePolicy
If you want to send query strings to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use QueryStringsConfig
in an origin request policy. See CreateOriginRequestPolicy
A complex type that contains information about the query string parameters that you want CloudFront to use for caching for a cache behavior.
" + "documentation":"This field is deprecated. We recommend that you use a cache policy or an origin request policy instead of this field.
If you want to include query strings in the cache key, use QueryStringsConfig
in a cache policy. See CachePolicy
If you want to send query strings to the origin but not include them in the cache key, use QueryStringsConfig
in an origin request policy. See OriginRequestPolicy
A complex type that contains information about the query string parameters that you want CloudFront to use for caching for a cache behavior.
" }, "QueryStringCacheKeysList":{ "type":"list", diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codeartifact-2018-09-22-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codeartifact-2018-09-22-intermediate.json index 28e898fae090..7ab4ba6824ce 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codeartifact-2018-09-22-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codeartifact-2018-09-22-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientConstructors", "ClientMutationMethods" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codeguru-reviewer-2019-09-19-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codeguru-reviewer-2019-09-19-intermediate.json index 7e26e76deb9b..fa521d0dd7a3 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codeguru-reviewer-2019-09-19-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codeguru-reviewer-2019-09-19-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codestar-connections-2019-12-01-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codestar-connections-2019-12-01-intermediate.json index 3bb545564eb4..78cbd741c659 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codestar-connections-2019-12-01-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codestar-connections-2019-12-01-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codestar-notifications-2019-10-15-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codestar-notifications-2019-10-15-intermediate.json index 813aec24d175..11bb5bd25cb3 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codestar-notifications-2019-10-15-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/codestar-notifications-2019-10-15-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/comprehend-2017-11-27-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/comprehend-2017-11-27-intermediate.json index f5d8ba00afb0..2d3b321a14e1 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/comprehend-2017-11-27-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/comprehend-2017-11-27-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/connectparticipant-2018-09-07-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/connectparticipant-2018-09-07-intermediate.json index 3833c8b818f1..1be4538b9465 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/connectparticipant-2018-09-07-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/connectparticipant-2018-09-07-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/data.mediastore-2017-09-01-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/data.mediastore-2017-09-01-intermediate.json index 9d649b4e7282..21363144be70 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/data.mediastore-2017-09-01-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/data.mediastore-2017-09-01-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/dataexchange-2017-07-25-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/dataexchange-2017-07-25-intermediate.json index fd5171808395..def0177c8cf1 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/dataexchange-2017-07-25-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/dataexchange-2017-07-25-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientConstructors" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientConstructors", "ClientMutationMethods" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/dax-2017-04-19-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/dax-2017-04-19-intermediate.json index 6e297e1daea2..71057b0302f5 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/dax-2017-04-19-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/dax-2017-04-19-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : { "DescribeEventsRequest" : [ "SourceType" ], "Event" : [ "SourceType" ], diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/detective-2018-10-26-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/detective-2018-10-26-intermediate.json index c18ebb7c1871..c14b9c3f645a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/detective-2018-10-26-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/detective-2018-10-26-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/devices.iot1click-2018-05-14-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/devices.iot1click-2018-05-14-intermediate.json index 8609cb670d81..5e7c2cb9f9e9 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/devices.iot1click-2018-05-14-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/devices.iot1click-2018-05-14-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientConstructors" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/ebs-2019-11-02-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/ebs-2019-11-02-intermediate.json index 9b233dd2a22c..9bf979e09519 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/ebs-2019-11-02-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/ebs-2019-11-02-intermediate.json @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "defaultEndpoint" : "", "defaultEndpointWithoutHttpProtocol" : "", "defaultRegion" : null, - "documentation" : "You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) direct APIs to directly read the data on your EBS snapshots, and identify the difference between two snapshots. You can view the details of blocks in an EBS snapshot, compare the block difference between two snapshots, and directly access the data in a snapshot. If you're an independent software vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it easier and more cost-effective to track incremental changes on your EBS volumes via EBS snapshots. This can be done without having to create new volumes from EBS snapshots.
This API reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the EBS direct APIs. For more information about the elements that make up the EBS direct APIs, and examples of how to use them effectively, see Accessing the Contents of an EBS Snapshot in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. For more information about the supported AWS Regions, endpoints, and service quotas for the EBS direct APIs, see Amazon Elastic Block Store Endpoints and Quotas in the AWS General Reference.
", + "documentation" : "You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) direct APIs to create EBS snapshots, write data directly to your snapshots, read data on your snapshots, and identify the differences or changes between two snapshots. If you’re an independent software vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for Amazon EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it more efficient and cost-effective to track incremental changes on your EBS volumes through snapshots. This can be done without having to create new volumes from snapshots, and then use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances to compare the differences.
You can create incremental snapshots directly from data on-premises into EBS volumes and the cloud to use for quick disaster recovery. With the ability to write and read snapshots, you can write your on-premises data to an EBS snapshot during a disaster. Then after recovery, you can restore it back to AWS or on-premises from the snapshot. You no longer need to build and maintain complex mechanisms to copy data to and from Amazon EBS.
This API reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the EBS direct APIs. For more information about the elements that make up the EBS direct APIs, and examples of how to use them effectively, see Accessing the Contents of an EBS Snapshot in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. For more information about the supported AWS Regions, endpoints, and service quotas for the EBS direct APIs, see Amazon Elastic Block Store Endpoints and Quotas in the AWS General Reference.
", "endpointPrefix" : "ebs", "hasApiWithStreamInput" : false, "ionProtocol" : false, @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ "asyncReturnType" : "ListChangedBlocksResult", "authenticated" : true, "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage.
", + "documentation" : "Returns information about the blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage.
", "endpointCacheRequired" : false, "endpointDiscovery" : null, "endpointOperation" : false, @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ "asyncReturnType" : "ListSnapshotBlocksResult", "authenticated" : true, "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.
", + "documentation" : "Returns information about the blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.
", "endpointCacheRequired" : false, "endpointDiscovery" : null, "endpointOperation" : false, @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ "asyncReturnType" : "PutSnapshotBlockResult", "authenticated" : true, "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "Writes a block of data to a block in the snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is overwritten. The target snapshot must be in the pending
Data written to a snapshot must be aligned with 512-byte sectors.
", + "documentation" : "Writes a block of data to a snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is overwritten. The target snapshot must be in the pending
Data written to a snapshot must be aligned with 512-byte sectors.
", "endpointCacheRequired" : false, "endpointDiscovery" : null, "endpointOperation" : false, @@ -6929,12 +6929,12 @@ "c2jName" : "BlockIndex", "c2jShape" : "BlockIndex", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
", + "documentation" : "The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
\n@param blockIndex The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "withBlockIndex",
- "getterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
\n@return The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.*/",
"getterMethodName" : "getBlockIndex",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
@@ -6968,7 +6968,7 @@
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "BlockIndex",
"sensitive" : false,
- "setterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
\n@param blockIndex The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.*/",
"setterMethodName" : "setBlockIndex",
"setterModel" : {
"timestampFormat" : null,
@@ -6983,13 +6983,13 @@
"shouldFullyQualify" : false,
"simple" : true,
"unmarshallingType" : null,
- "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
\n@param blockIndex The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
"variable" : {
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "blockIndex",
"variableType" : "Integer",
- "documentation" : "The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
", + "documentation" : "The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
", + "documentation" : "The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
\n@param blockIndex The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
"fluentSetterMethodName" : "withBlockIndex",
- "getterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
\n@return The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.*/",
"getterMethodName" : "getBlockIndex",
"getterModel" : {
"returnType" : "Integer",
@@ -7454,7 +7454,7 @@
"marshallingType" : "INTEGER",
"name" : "BlockIndex",
"sensitive" : false,
- "setterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
\n@param blockIndex The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.*/",
"setterMethodName" : "setBlockIndex",
"setterModel" : {
"timestampFormat" : null,
@@ -7469,13 +7469,13 @@
"shouldFullyQualify" : false,
"simple" : true,
"unmarshallingType" : null,
- "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
\n@param blockIndex The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
"variable" : {
"timestampFormat" : null,
"variableDeclarationType" : "Integer",
"variableName" : "blockIndex",
"variableType" : "Integer",
- "documentation" : "The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
", + "documentation" : "The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage.
" + "documentation":"Returns information about the blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage.
" }, "ListSnapshotBlocks":{ "name":"ListSnapshotBlocks", @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ {"shape":"ServiceQuotaExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], - "documentation":"Returns the block indexes and block tokens for blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.
" + "documentation":"Returns information about the blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.
" }, "PutSnapshotBlock":{ "name":"PutSnapshotBlock", @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ {"shape":"ServiceQuotaExceededException"}, {"shape":"InternalServerException"} ], - "documentation":"Writes a block of data to a block in the snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is overwritten. The target snapshot must be in the pending
Data written to a snapshot must be aligned with 512-byte sectors.
", + "documentation":"Writes a block of data to a snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is overwritten. The target snapshot must be in the pending
Data written to a snapshot must be aligned with 512-byte sectors.
", "authtype":"v4-unsigned-body" }, "StartSnapshot":{ @@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ }, "BlockIndex":{ "shape":"BlockIndex", - "documentation":"The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is the offset position of a block within a snapshot, and it is used to identify the block. To identify the logical offset of the data in the logical volume, multiply the block index with the block size (Block index * 512 bytes).
", + "documentation":"The block index of the block in which to write the data. A block index is a logical index in units of 512
KiB blocks. To identify the block index, divide the logical offset of the data in the logical volume by the block size (logical offset of data/524288
). The logical offset of the data must be 512
KiB aligned.
You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) direct APIs to directly read the data on your EBS snapshots, and identify the difference between two snapshots. You can view the details of blocks in an EBS snapshot, compare the block difference between two snapshots, and directly access the data in a snapshot. If you're an independent software vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it easier and more cost-effective to track incremental changes on your EBS volumes via EBS snapshots. This can be done without having to create new volumes from EBS snapshots.
This API reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the EBS direct APIs. For more information about the elements that make up the EBS direct APIs, and examples of how to use them effectively, see Accessing the Contents of an EBS Snapshot in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. For more information about the supported AWS Regions, endpoints, and service quotas for the EBS direct APIs, see Amazon Elastic Block Store Endpoints and Quotas in the AWS General Reference.
" + "documentation":"You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) direct APIs to create EBS snapshots, write data directly to your snapshots, read data on your snapshots, and identify the differences or changes between two snapshots. If you’re an independent software vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for Amazon EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it more efficient and cost-effective to track incremental changes on your EBS volumes through snapshots. This can be done without having to create new volumes from snapshots, and then use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances to compare the differences.
You can create incremental snapshots directly from data on-premises into EBS volumes and the cloud to use for quick disaster recovery. With the ability to write and read snapshots, you can write your on-premises data to an EBS snapshot during a disaster. Then after recovery, you can restore it back to AWS or on-premises from the snapshot. You no longer need to build and maintain complex mechanisms to copy data to and from Amazon EBS.
This API reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types, parameters, and errors of the EBS direct APIs. For more information about the elements that make up the EBS direct APIs, and examples of how to use them effectively, see Accessing the Contents of an EBS Snapshot in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide. For more information about the supported AWS Regions, endpoints, and service quotas for the EBS direct APIs, see Amazon Elastic Block Store Endpoints and Quotas in the AWS General Reference.
" } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/elastic-inference-2017-07-25-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/elastic-inference-2017-07-25-intermediate.json index b115254db52b..4a6319f7d30a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/elastic-inference-2017-07-25-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/elastic-inference-2017-07-25-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/entitlement.marketplace-2017-01-11-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/entitlement.marketplace-2017-01-11-intermediate.json index ddec18b56d03..5ae19aae9d67 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/entitlement.marketplace-2017-01-11-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/entitlement.marketplace-2017-01-11-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - 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", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ServiceQuotaExceededException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the permitted number of resources that can be created.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "attachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "attachManagedPolicyToPermissionSet", + "operationName" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetResult" + }, + "CreateAccountAssignment" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableAssigns access to a principal for a specified AWS account using a specified permission set.
The term principal here refers to a user or group that is defined in AWS SSO.
Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ServiceQuotaExceededException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the permitted number of resources that can be created.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableName" : "createAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "createAccountAssignment", + "operationName" : "CreateAccountAssignment", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentResult" + }, + "CreatePermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableCreates a permission set within a specified SSO instance.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ServiceQuotaExceededException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the permitted number of resources that can be created.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreatePermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "createPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "CreatePermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "CreatePermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "CreatePermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "createPermissionSet", + "operationName" : "CreatePermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "CreatePermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "CreatePermissionSetResult" + }, + "DeleteAccountAssignment" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableDeletes a principal's access from a specified AWS account using a specified permission set.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableName" : "deleteAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "deleteAccountAssignment", + "operationName" : "DeleteAccountAssignment", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentResult" + }, + "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableDeletes the inline policy from a specified permission set.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "deleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "deleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSet", + "operationName" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetResult" + }, + "DeletePermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableDeletes the specified permission set.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeletePermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "deletePermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "DeletePermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DeletePermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeletePermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "deletePermissionSet", + "operationName" : "DeletePermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DeletePermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DeletePermissionSetResult" + }, + "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatus" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableDescribes the status of the assignment creation request.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "describeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "describeAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "operationName" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult" + }, + "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableDescribes the status of the assignment deletion request.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "describeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "describeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "operationName" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult" + }, + "DescribePermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableGets the details of the permission set.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribePermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "describePermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribePermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DescribePermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribePermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "describePermissionSet", + "operationName" : "DescribePermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DescribePermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DescribePermissionSetResult" + }, + "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatus" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableDescribes the status for the given permission set provisioning request.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "describePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "describePermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "operationName" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult" + }, + "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableDetaches the attached IAM managed policy ARN from the specified permission set.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "detachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "detachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSet", + "operationName" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetResult" + }, + "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableObtains the inline policy assigned to the permission set.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "getInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "getInlinePolicyForPermissionSet", + "operationName" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetResult" + }, + "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatus" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableLists the status of the AWS account assignment creation requests for a specified SSO instance.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "listAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "listAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "operationName" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult" + }, + "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableLists the status of the AWS account assignment deletion requests for a specified SSO instance.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "listAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "listAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "operationName" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult" + }, + "ListAccountAssignments" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableLists the assignee of the specified AWS account with the specified permission set.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest", + "variableName" : "listAccountAssignmentsRequest", + "variableType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "listAccountAssignments", + "operationName" : "ListAccountAssignments", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsResult" + }, + "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableLists all the AWS accounts where the specified permission set is provisioned.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "listAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "listAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSet", + "operationName" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetResult" + }, + "ListInstances" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableLists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListInstancesRequest", + "variableName" : "listInstancesRequest", + "variableType" : "ListInstancesRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ListInstancesRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListInstancesRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "listInstances", + "operationName" : "ListInstances", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ListInstancesResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ListInstancesResult" + }, + "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableLists the IAM managed policy that is attached to a specified permission set.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "listManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "listManagedPoliciesInPermissionSet", + "operationName" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetResult" + }, + "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatus" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableLists the status of the permission set provisioning requests for a specified SSO instance.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "listPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "listPermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "operationName" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult" + }, + "ListPermissionSets" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableLists the PermissionSets in an SSO instance.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListPermissionSetsRequest", + "variableName" : "listPermissionSetsRequest", + "variableType" : "ListPermissionSetsRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ListPermissionSetsRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListPermissionSetsRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "listPermissionSets", + "operationName" : "ListPermissionSets", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ListPermissionSetsResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ListPermissionSetsResult" + }, + "ListPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccount" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableLists all the permission sets that are provisioned to a specified AWS account.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccountRequest", + "variableName" : "listPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccountRequest", + "variableType" : "ListPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccountRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ListPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccountRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccountRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "listPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccount", + "operationName" : "ListPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccount", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ListPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccountResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ListPermissionSetsProvisionedToAccountResult" + }, + "ListTagsForResource" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableLists the tags that are attached to a specified resource.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListTagsForResourceRequest", + "variableName" : "listTagsForResourceRequest", + "variableType" : "ListTagsForResourceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ListTagsForResourceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListTagsForResourceRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "listTagsForResource", + "operationName" : "ListTagsForResource", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ListTagsForResourceResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ListTagsForResourceResult" + }, + "ProvisionPermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableThe process by which a specified permission set is provisioned to the specified target.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "provisionPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "provisionPermissionSet", + "operationName" : "ProvisionPermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "ProvisionPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "ProvisionPermissionSetResult" + }, + "PutInlinePolicyToPermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableAttaches an IAM inline policy to a permission set.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ServiceQuotaExceededException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the permitted number of resources that can be created.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PutInlinePolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "putInlinePolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "PutInlinePolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "PutInlinePolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "PutInlinePolicyToPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "putInlinePolicyToPermissionSet", + "operationName" : "PutInlinePolicyToPermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "PutInlinePolicyToPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "PutInlinePolicyToPermissionSetResult" + }, + "TagResource" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableAssociates a set of tags with a specified resource.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ServiceQuotaExceededException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the permitted number of resources that can be created.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "TagResourceRequest", + "variableName" : "tagResourceRequest", + "variableType" : "TagResourceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "TagResourceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "TagResourceRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "tagResource", + "operationName" : "TagResource", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "TagResourceResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "TagResourceResult" + }, + "UntagResource" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableDisassociates a set of tags from a specified resource.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "UntagResourceRequest", + "variableName" : "untagResourceRequest", + "variableType" : "UntagResourceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "UntagResourceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "UntagResourceRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "untagResource", + "operationName" : "UntagResource", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "UntagResourceResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "UntagResourceResult" + }, + "UpdatePermissionSet" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.CallableUpdates an existing permission set.
", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that a requested resource is not found.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ThrottlingException", + "documentation" : "Indicates that the principal has crossed the throttling limits of the API operations.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ValidationException", + "documentation" : "The request failed because it contains a syntax error.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "UpdatePermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "updatePermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "UpdatePermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "UpdatePermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "UpdatePermissionSetRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "updatePermissionSet", + "operationName" : "UpdatePermissionSet", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "UpdatePermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "UpdatePermissionSetResult" + } + }, + "shapes" : { + "AccessDeniedException" : { + "c2jName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "You do not have sufficient access to perform this action.
", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : "AccessDeniedException", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ ], + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccessDeniedException", + "variableName" : "accessDeniedException", + "variableType" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "AccessDeniedException", + "variableSetterType" : "AccessDeniedException" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "AccountAssignment" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignment", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The assignment that indicates a principal's limited access to a specified AWS account with a specified permission set.
The term principal here refers to a user or group that is defined in AWS SSO.
The identifier of the AWS account.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account.
\n@return The identifier of the AWS account.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AccountId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the AWS account.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalType", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "PrincipalType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalId", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@return The identifier of the principal.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountId" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountId", + "c2jShape" : "AccountId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the AWS account.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account.
\n@return The identifier of the AWS account.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AccountId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the AWS account.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PrincipalId" : { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalId", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@return The identifier of the principal.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PrincipalType" : { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalType", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "PrincipalType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "AccountAssignment", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignment", + "variableName" : "accountAssignment", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignment", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignment", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignment" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status of the creation or deletion operation of an assignment that a principal needs to access an account.
", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "Status", + "c2jShape" : "StatusValues", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status of the permission set provisioning process.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "StatusValues", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@return The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Status", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Status", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Status", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "status", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "status", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The status of the permission set provisioning process.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "RequestId", + "c2jShape" : "UUId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withRequestId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@return The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getRequestId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "RequestId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "RequestId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "RequestId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setRequestId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "requestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "requestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "FailureReason", + "c2jShape" : "Reason", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
\n@param failureReason The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFailureReason", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
\n@return The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getFailureReason", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "FailureReason", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "FailureReason", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "FailureReason", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
\n@param failureReason The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setFailureReason", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "failureReason", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
\n@param failureReason The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "failureReason", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "TargetId", + "c2jShape" : "TargetId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@return The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "TargetType", + "c2jShape" : "TargetType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "TargetType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see TargetType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see TargetType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalType", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "PrincipalType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalId", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@return The identifier of the principal.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "CreatedDate", + "c2jShape" : "Date", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The date that the permission set was created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withCreatedDate", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@return The date that the permission set was created.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getCreatedDate", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "CreatedDate", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "CreatedDate", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "java.util.Date", + "marshallingType" : "DATE", + "name" : "CreatedDate", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setCreatedDate", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.Date", + "variableName" : "createdDate", + "variableType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Date", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Date" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : "unixTimestamp", + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.Date", + "variableName" : "createdDate", + "variableType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : "The date that the permission set was created.
", + "simpleType" : "Date", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Date" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "CreatedDate" : { + "c2jName" : "CreatedDate", + "c2jShape" : "Date", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The date that the permission set was created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withCreatedDate", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@return The date that the permission set was created.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getCreatedDate", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "CreatedDate", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "CreatedDate", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "java.util.Date", + "marshallingType" : "DATE", + "name" : "CreatedDate", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setCreatedDate", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.Date", + "variableName" : "createdDate", + "variableType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Date", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Date" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : "unixTimestamp", + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.Date", + "variableName" : "createdDate", + "variableType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : "The date that the permission set was created.
", + "simpleType" : "Date", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Date" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "FailureReason" : { + "c2jName" : "FailureReason", + "c2jShape" : "Reason", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
\n@param failureReason The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFailureReason", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
\n@return The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getFailureReason", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "FailureReason", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "FailureReason", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "FailureReason", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
\n@param failureReason The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setFailureReason", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "failureReason", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
\n@param failureReason The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "failureReason", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The message that contains an error or exception in case of an operation failure.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PrincipalId" : { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalId", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@return The identifier of the principal.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PrincipalType" : { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalType", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "PrincipalType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "RequestId" : { + "c2jName" : "RequestId", + "c2jShape" : "UUId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withRequestId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@return The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getRequestId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "RequestId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "RequestId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "RequestId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setRequestId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "requestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "requestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "Status" : { + "c2jName" : "Status", + "c2jShape" : "StatusValues", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status of the permission set provisioning process.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "StatusValues", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@return The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Status", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Status", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Status", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "status", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "status", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The status of the permission set provisioning process.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "TargetId" : { + "c2jName" : "TargetId", + "c2jShape" : "TargetId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@return The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "TargetType" : { + "c2jName" : "TargetType", + "c2jShape" : "TargetType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "TargetType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see TargetType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see TargetType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusMetadata" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusMetadata", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Provides information about the AccountAssignment creation request.
", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "Status", + "c2jShape" : "StatusValues", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status of the permission set provisioning process.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "StatusValues", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@return The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Status", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Status", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Status", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "status", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "status", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The status of the permission set provisioning process.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "RequestId", + "c2jShape" : "UUId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withRequestId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@return The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getRequestId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "RequestId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "RequestId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "RequestId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setRequestId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "requestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "requestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "CreatedDate", + "c2jShape" : "Date", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The date that the permission set was created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withCreatedDate", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@return The date that the permission set was created.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getCreatedDate", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "CreatedDate", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "CreatedDate", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "java.util.Date", + "marshallingType" : "DATE", + "name" : "CreatedDate", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setCreatedDate", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.Date", + "variableName" : "createdDate", + "variableType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Date", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Date" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : "unixTimestamp", + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.Date", + "variableName" : "createdDate", + "variableType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : "The date that the permission set was created.
", + "simpleType" : "Date", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Date" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "CreatedDate" : { + "c2jName" : "CreatedDate", + "c2jShape" : "Date", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The date that the permission set was created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withCreatedDate", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@return The date that the permission set was created.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getCreatedDate", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "CreatedDate", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "CreatedDate", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "java.util.Date", + "marshallingType" : "DATE", + "name" : "CreatedDate", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setCreatedDate", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.Date", + "variableName" : "createdDate", + "variableType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Date", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Date" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The date that the permission set was created.
\n@param createdDate The date that the permission set was created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : "unixTimestamp", + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.Date", + "variableName" : "createdDate", + "variableType" : "java.util.Date", + "documentation" : "The date that the permission set was created.
", + "simpleType" : "Date", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Date" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "RequestId" : { + "c2jName" : "RequestId", + "c2jShape" : "UUId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withRequestId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@return The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getRequestId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "RequestId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "RequestId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "RequestId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setRequestId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "requestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
\n@param requestId The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "requestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier for tracking the request operation that is generated by the universally unique identifier (UUID) workflow.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "Status" : { + "c2jName" : "Status", + "c2jShape" : "StatusValues", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status of the permission set provisioning process.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "StatusValues", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@return The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Status", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Status", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Status", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "status", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status of the permission set provisioning process.
\n@param status The status of the permission set provisioning process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see StatusValues*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "status", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The status of the permission set provisioning process.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusMetadata", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusMetadata", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentOperationStatusMetadata", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusMetadata", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusMetadata", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusMetadata" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSet", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSet", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
\n@return The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "c2jShape" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withManagedPolicyArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@return The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getManagedPolicyArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setManagedPolicyArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "managedPolicyArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "managedPolicyArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "ManagedPolicyArn" : { + "c2jName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "c2jShape" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withManagedPolicyArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@return The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getManagedPolicyArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setManagedPolicyArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "managedPolicyArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "managedPolicyArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
\n@return The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet that the managed policy should be attached to.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "PermissionSetArn", "ManagedPolicyArn" ], + "shapeName" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "attachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetResult" : { + "c2jName" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetResult", + "variableName" : "attachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetResult", + "variableType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetResult", + "variableSetterType" : "AttachManagedPolicyToPermissionSetResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "AttachedManagedPolicy" : { + "c2jName" : "AttachedManagedPolicy", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "A structure that stores the details of the IAM managed policy.
", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "Name", + "c2jShape" : "Name", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The name of the IAM managed policy.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the IAM managed policy.
\n@param name The name of the IAM managed policy.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withName", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the IAM managed policy.
\n@return The name of the IAM managed policy.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getName", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Name", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Name", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Name", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the IAM managed policy.
\n@param name The name of the IAM managed policy.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setName", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the IAM managed policy.
\n@param name The name of the IAM managed policy.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The name of the IAM managed policy.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "Arn", + "c2jShape" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param arn The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Arn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Arn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Arn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param arn The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "arn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param arn The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "arn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "Arn" : { + "c2jName" : "Arn", + "c2jShape" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param arn The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Arn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Arn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Arn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param arn The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "arn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param arn The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "arn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the IAM managed policy. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "Name" : { + "c2jName" : "Name", + "c2jShape" : "Name", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The name of the IAM managed policy.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the IAM managed policy.
\n@param name The name of the IAM managed policy.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withName", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the IAM managed policy.
\n@return The name of the IAM managed policy.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getName", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Name", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Name", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Name", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the IAM managed policy.
\n@param name The name of the IAM managed policy.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setName", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the IAM managed policy.
\n@param name The name of the IAM managed policy.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The name of the IAM managed policy.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "AttachedManagedPolicy", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AttachedManagedPolicy", + "variableName" : "attachedManagedPolicy", + "variableType" : "AttachedManagedPolicy", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "AttachedManagedPolicy", + "variableSetterType" : "AttachedManagedPolicy" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ConflictException" : { + "c2jName" : "ConflictException", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : "ConflictException", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ ], + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ConflictException", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConflictException", + "variableName" : "conflictException", + "variableType" : "ConflictException", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ConflictException", + "variableSetterType" : "ConflictException" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "CreateAccountAssignment", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.CreateAccountAssignment", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "TargetId", + "c2jShape" : "TargetId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@return The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "TargetType", + "c2jShape" : "TargetType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "TargetType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see TargetType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see TargetType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalType", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "PrincipalType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalId", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@return The identifier of the principal.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that the admin wants to grant the principal access to.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PrincipalId" : { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalId", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@return The identifier of the principal.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PrincipalType" : { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalType", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "PrincipalType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "TargetId" : { + "c2jName" : "TargetId", + "c2jShape" : "TargetId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@return The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "TargetType" : { + "c2jName" : "TargetType", + "c2jShape" : "TargetType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "TargetType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see TargetType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@see TargetType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be created.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "TargetId", "TargetType", "PermissionSetArn", "PrincipalType", "PrincipalId" ], + "shapeName" : "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableName" : "createAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "CreateAccountAssignmentResult" : { + "c2jName" : "CreateAccountAssignmentResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "CreateAccountAssignmentResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentResult", + "variableName" : "createAccountAssignmentResult", + "variableType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentResult", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateAccountAssignmentResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "CreatePermissionSetRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "CreatePermissionSetRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "CreatePermissionSet", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.CreatePermissionSet", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "Name", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetName", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The name of the PermissionSet.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the PermissionSet.
\n@param name The name of the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withName", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the PermissionSet.
\n@return The name of the PermissionSet.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getName", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Name", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Name", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Name", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the PermissionSet.
\n@param name The name of the PermissionSet.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setName", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the PermissionSet.
\n@param name The name of the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The name of the PermissionSet.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "Description", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetDescription", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The description of the PermissionSet.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The description of the PermissionSet.
\n@param description The description of the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDescription", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The description of the PermissionSet.
\n@return The description of the PermissionSet.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDescription", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Description", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Description", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Description", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The description of the PermissionSet.
\n@param description The description of the PermissionSet.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDescription", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "description", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The description of the PermissionSet.
\n@param description The description of the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "description", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The description of the PermissionSet.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "SessionDuration", + "c2jShape" : "Duration", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
\n@param sessionDuration The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSessionDuration", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
\n@return The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getSessionDuration", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "SessionDuration", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "SessionDuration", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "SessionDuration", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
\n@param sessionDuration The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setSessionDuration", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sessionDuration", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
\n@param sessionDuration The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sessionDuration", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "RelayState", + "c2jShape" : "RelayState", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
\n@param relayState Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withRelayState", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
\n@return Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getRelayState", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "RelayState", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "RelayState", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "RelayState", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
\n@param relayState Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setRelayState", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "relayState", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
\n@param relayState Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "relayState", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "Tags", + "c2jShape" : "TagList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
\n@param tags The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
\n@return The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTags", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
\n@param tags The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTags", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param tags The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe description of the PermissionSet.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The description of the PermissionSet.
\n@param description The description of the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDescription", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The description of the PermissionSet.
\n@return The description of the PermissionSet.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDescription", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Description", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Description", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Description", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The description of the PermissionSet.
\n@param description The description of the PermissionSet.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDescription", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "description", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The description of the PermissionSet.
\n@param description The description of the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "description", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The description of the PermissionSet.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "Name" : { + "c2jName" : "Name", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetName", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The name of the PermissionSet.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the PermissionSet.
\n@param name The name of the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withName", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the PermissionSet.
\n@return The name of the PermissionSet.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getName", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Name", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Name", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Name", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the PermissionSet.
\n@param name The name of the PermissionSet.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setName", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The name of the PermissionSet.
\n@param name The name of the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The name of the PermissionSet.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "RelayState" : { + "c2jName" : "RelayState", + "c2jShape" : "RelayState", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
\n@param relayState Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withRelayState", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
\n@return Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getRelayState", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "RelayState", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "RelayState", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "RelayState", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
\n@param relayState Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setRelayState", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "relayState", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
\n@param relayState Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "relayState", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "Used to redirect users within the application during the federation authentication process.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "SessionDuration" : { + "c2jName" : "SessionDuration", + "c2jShape" : "Duration", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
\n@param sessionDuration The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSessionDuration", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
\n@return The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getSessionDuration", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "SessionDuration", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "SessionDuration", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "SessionDuration", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
\n@param sessionDuration The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setSessionDuration", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sessionDuration", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
\n@param sessionDuration The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sessionDuration", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The length of time that the application user sessions are valid in the ISO-8601 standard.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "Tags" : { + "c2jName" : "Tags", + "c2jShape" : "TagList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
\n@param tags The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
\n@return The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTags", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
\n@param tags The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTags", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param tags The tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe tags to attach to the new PermissionSet.
", + "simpleType" : "ListDefines the level of access on an AWS account.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Defines the level of access on an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSet", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@return Defines the level of access on an AWS account.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSet", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSet", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSet", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "PermissionSet", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Defines the level of access on an AWS account.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSet", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableName" : "permissionSet", + "variableType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSet" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Defines the level of access on an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableName" : "permissionSet", + "variableType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : "Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSet" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "PermissionSet" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSet", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSet", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Defines the level of access on an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSet", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@return Defines the level of access on an AWS account.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSet", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSet", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSet", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "PermissionSet", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Defines the level of access on an AWS account.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSet", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableName" : "permissionSet", + "variableType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSet" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Defines the level of access on an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableName" : "permissionSet", + "variableType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : "Defines the level of access on an AWS account.
", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSet" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "CreatePermissionSetResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreatePermissionSetResult", + "variableName" : "createPermissionSetResult", + "variableType" : "CreatePermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "CreatePermissionSetResult", + "variableSetterType" : "CreatePermissionSetResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DeleteAccountAssignment", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.DeleteAccountAssignment", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "TargetId", + "c2jShape" : "TargetId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@return The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "TargetType", + "c2jShape" : "TargetType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "TargetType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@see TargetType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@see TargetType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalType", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "PrincipalType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalId", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@return The identifier of the principal.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PrincipalId" : { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalId", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@return The identifier of the principal.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the principal.
\n@param principalId The identifier of the principal.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the principal.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PrincipalType" : { + "c2jName" : "PrincipalType", + "c2jShape" : "PrincipalType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "PrincipalType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPrincipalType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPrincipalType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PrincipalType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PrincipalType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPrincipalType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param principalType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see PrincipalType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "principalType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "TargetId" : { + "c2jName" : "TargetId", + "c2jShape" : "TargetId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@return The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier for the chosen target.
\n@param targetId The identifier for the chosen target.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier for the chosen target.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "TargetType" : { + "c2jName" : "TargetType", + "c2jShape" : "TargetType", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "TargetType", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTargetType", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@return The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@see TargetType*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTargetType", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TargetType", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "TargetType", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@see TargetType*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTargetType", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
\n@param targetType The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see TargetType*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "targetType", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The entity type for which the assignment will be deleted.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "TargetId", "TargetType", "PermissionSetArn", "PrincipalType", "PrincipalId" ], + "shapeName" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableName" : "deleteAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteAccountAssignmentResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentResult", + "variableName" : "deleteAccountAssignmentResult", + "variableType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteAccountAssignmentResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSet", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSet", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that will be used to remove access.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "PermissionSetArn" ], + "shapeName" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "deleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "variableName" : "deleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "variableType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteInlinePolicyFromPermissionSetResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeletePermissionSetRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DeletePermissionSetRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DeletePermissionSet", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.DeletePermissionSet", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set that should be deleted.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "PermissionSetArn" ], + "shapeName" : "DeletePermissionSetRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeletePermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "deletePermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "DeletePermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeletePermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeletePermissionSetRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeletePermissionSetResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DeletePermissionSetResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DeletePermissionSetResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeletePermissionSetResult", + "variableName" : "deletePermissionSetResult", + "variableType" : "DeletePermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeletePermissionSetResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DeletePermissionSetResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "c2jShape" : "UUId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@return The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountAssignmentCreationRequestId" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "c2jShape" : "UUId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@return The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "AccountAssignmentCreationRequestId" ], + "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "describeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "variableName" : "describeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "variableType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "c2jShape" : "UUId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@return The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "c2jShape" : "UUId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@return The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionRequestId The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier that is used to track the request operation progress.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "AccountAssignmentDeletionRequestId" ], + "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "describeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "AccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableName" : "accountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "variableType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "simpleType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatus" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "variableName" : "describeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "variableType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "c2jShape" : "UUId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
\n@param provisionPermissionSetRequestId The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
\n@return The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
\n@param provisionPermissionSetRequestId The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "provisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
\n@param provisionPermissionSetRequestId The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "provisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "ProvisionPermissionSetRequestId" : { + "c2jName" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "c2jShape" : "UUId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
\n@param provisionPermissionSetRequestId The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
\n@return The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
\n@param provisionPermissionSetRequestId The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setProvisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "provisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
\n@param provisionPermissionSetRequestId The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "provisionPermissionSetRequestId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier that is provided by the ProvisionPermissionSet call to retrieve the current status of the provisioning workflow.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "ProvisionPermissionSetRequestId" ], + "shapeName" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "describePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@param permissionSetProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@return The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@param permissionSetProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableName" : "permissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@param permissionSetProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableName" : "permissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "documentation" : "The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@param permissionSetProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@return The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@param permissionSetProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableName" : "permissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@param permissionSetProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableName" : "permissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "documentation" : "The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatus" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult", + "variableName" : "describePermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult", + "variableType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribePermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribePermissionSetRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribePermissionSetRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DescribePermissionSet", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.DescribePermissionSet", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "PermissionSetArn" ], + "shapeName" : "DescribePermissionSetRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribePermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "describePermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribePermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DescribePermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribePermissionSetRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribePermissionSetResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribePermissionSetResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSet", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSet", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Describes the level of access on an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSet", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@return Describes the level of access on an AWS account.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSet", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSet", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSet", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "PermissionSet", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Describes the level of access on an AWS account.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSet", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableName" : "permissionSet", + "variableType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSet" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Describes the level of access on an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableName" : "permissionSet", + "variableType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : "Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSet" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "PermissionSet" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSet", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSet", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Describes the level of access on an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSet", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@return Describes the level of access on an AWS account.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSet", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSet", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSet", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "PermissionSet", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Describes the level of access on an AWS account.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSet", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableName" : "permissionSet", + "variableType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSet" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
\n@param permissionSet Describes the level of access on an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableName" : "permissionSet", + "variableType" : "PermissionSet", + "documentation" : "Describes the level of access on an AWS account.
", + "simpleType" : "PermissionSet", + "variableSetterType" : "PermissionSet" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DescribePermissionSetResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribePermissionSetResult", + "variableName" : "describePermissionSetResult", + "variableType" : "DescribePermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DescribePermissionSetResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribePermissionSetResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSet", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSet", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
\n@return The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "c2jShape" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withManagedPolicyArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@return The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getManagedPolicyArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setManagedPolicyArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "managedPolicyArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "managedPolicyArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "ManagedPolicyArn" : { + "c2jName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "c2jShape" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withManagedPolicyArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@return The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getManagedPolicyArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ManagedPolicyArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setManagedPolicyArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "managedPolicyArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
\n@param managedPolicyArn The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "managedPolicyArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The IAM managed policy ARN to be attached to a permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
\n@return The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the policy should be detached.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "PermissionSetArn", "ManagedPolicyArn" ], + "shapeName" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "detachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "variableName" : "detachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "variableType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DetachManagedPolicyFromPermissionSetResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSet", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSet", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "PermissionSetArn" ], + "shapeName" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "getInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetResult" : { + "c2jName" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InlinePolicy", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetPolicyDocument", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
\n@param inlinePolicy The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInlinePolicy", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
\n@return The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInlinePolicy", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InlinePolicy", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InlinePolicy", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InlinePolicy", + "sensitive" : true, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
\n@param inlinePolicy The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInlinePolicy", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "inlinePolicy", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
\n@param inlinePolicy The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "inlinePolicy", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InlinePolicy" : { + "c2jName" : "InlinePolicy", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetPolicyDocument", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
\n@param inlinePolicy The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInlinePolicy", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
\n@return The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInlinePolicy", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InlinePolicy", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InlinePolicy", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InlinePolicy", + "sensitive" : true, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
\n@param inlinePolicy The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInlinePolicy", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "inlinePolicy", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
\n@param inlinePolicy The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "inlinePolicy", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The IAM inline policy that is attached to the permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetResult", + "variableName" : "getInlinePolicyForPermissionSetResult", + "variableType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetResult", + "variableSetterType" : "GetInlinePolicyForPermissionSetResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "InstanceMetadata" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceMetadata", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Provides information about the SSO instance.
", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "IdentityStoreId", + "c2jShape" : "Id", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
\n@param identityStoreId The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withIdentityStoreId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
\n@return The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getIdentityStoreId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "IdentityStoreId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "IdentityStoreId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "IdentityStoreId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
\n@param identityStoreId The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setIdentityStoreId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "identityStoreId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
\n@param identityStoreId The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "identityStoreId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "IdentityStoreId" : { + "c2jName" : "IdentityStoreId", + "c2jShape" : "Id", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
\n@param identityStoreId The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withIdentityStoreId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
\n@return The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getIdentityStoreId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "IdentityStoreId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "IdentityStoreId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "IdentityStoreId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
\n@param identityStoreId The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setIdentityStoreId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "identityStoreId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
\n@param identityStoreId The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "identityStoreId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the identity store that is connected to the SSO instance.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "InstanceMetadata", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "InstanceMetadata", + "variableName" : "instanceMetadata", + "variableType" : "InstanceMetadata", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "InstanceMetadata", + "variableSetterType" : "InstanceMetadata" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "InternalServerException" : { + "c2jName" : "InternalServerException", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error, exception, or failure with an internal server.
", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : "InternalServerException", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ ], + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "InternalServerException", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "InternalServerException", + "variableName" : "internalServerException", + "variableType" : "InternalServerException", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "InternalServerException", + "variableSetterType" : "InternalServerException" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatus", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "Filter", + "c2jShape" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFilter", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@return Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getFilter", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Filter", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setFilter", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "Filter" : { + "c2jName" : "Filter", + "c2jShape" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFilter", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@return Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getFilter", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Filter", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setFilter", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "MaxResults" : { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn" ], + "shapeName" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "listAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult" : { + "c2jName" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentsCreationStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentsCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentsCreationStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentsCreationStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentsCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentsCreationStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountAssignmentsCreationStatus(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountAssignmentsCreationStatus(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param accountAssignmentsCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountAssignmentsCreationStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentsCreationStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentsCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentsCreationStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentsCreationStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentsCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentsCreationStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment creation operation.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountAssignmentsCreationStatus(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountAssignmentsCreationStatus(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param accountAssignmentsCreationStatus The status object for the account assignment creation operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment creation operation.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "variableName" : "listAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "variableType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountAssignmentCreationStatusResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatus", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "Filter", + "c2jShape" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFilter", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@return Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getFilter", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Filter", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setFilter", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "Filter" : { + "c2jName" : "Filter", + "c2jShape" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFilter", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@return Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getFilter", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Filter", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setFilter", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "MaxResults" : { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn" ], + "shapeName" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "listAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult" : { + "c2jName" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentsDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentsDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param accountAssignmentsDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentOperationStatusList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentsDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@return The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\n@param accountAssignmentsDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountAssignmentsDeletionStatus(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param accountAssignmentsDeletionStatus The status object for the account assignment deletion operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the account assignment deletion operation.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "variableName" : "listAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "variableType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountAssignmentDeletionStatusResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "ListAccountAssignments", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.ListAccountAssignments", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "AccountId", + "c2jShape" : "TargetId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
\n@return The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AccountId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountId" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountId", + "c2jShape" : "TargetId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
\n@return The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AccountId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
\n@param accountId The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "accountId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The identifier of the AWS account from which to list the assignments.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "MaxResults" : { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
\n@return The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the permission set from which to list assignments.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "AccountId", "PermissionSetArn" ], + "shapeName" : "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest", + "variableName" : "listAccountAssignmentsRequest", + "variableType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListAccountAssignmentsResult" : { + "c2jName" : "ListAccountAssignmentsResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignments", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
\n@param accountAssignments The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignments", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
\n@return The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignments", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
\n@param accountAssignments The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignments", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountAssignments(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountAssignments(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param accountAssignments The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountAssignments" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountAssignments", + "c2jShape" : "AccountAssignmentList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
\n@param accountAssignments The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountAssignments", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
\n@return The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountAssignments", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
\n@param accountAssignments The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountAssignments", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountAssignments(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountAssignments(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param accountAssignments The list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe list of assignments that match the input AWS account and permission set.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ListAccountAssignmentsResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsResult", + "variableName" : "listAccountAssignmentsResult", + "variableType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsResult", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountAssignmentsResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSet", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSet", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
\n@return The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "c2jShape" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
\n@param provisioningStatus The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ProvisioningStatus*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withProvisioningStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
\n@return The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.\n@see ProvisioningStatus*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getProvisioningStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
\n@param provisioningStatus The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.\n@see ProvisioningStatus*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setProvisioningStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "provisioningStatus", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
\n@param provisioningStatus The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ProvisioningStatus*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "provisioningStatus", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "MaxResults" : { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
\n@return The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet from which the associated AWS accounts will be listed.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "ProvisioningStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "c2jShape" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
\n@param provisioningStatus The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ProvisioningStatus*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withProvisioningStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
\n@return The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.\n@see ProvisioningStatus*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getProvisioningStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ProvisioningStatus", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
\n@param provisioningStatus The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.\n@see ProvisioningStatus*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setProvisioningStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "provisioningStatus", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
\n@param provisioningStatus The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ProvisioningStatus*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "provisioningStatus", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The permission set provisioning status for an AWS account.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "PermissionSetArn" ], + "shapeName" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "listAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetResult" : { + "c2jName" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AccountIds", + "c2jShape" : "AccountList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The list of AWS AccountIds
The list of AWS AccountIds
.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
+ "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountIds",
+ "getterDocumentation" : "/**The list of AWS AccountIds
+ "getterMethodName" : "getAccountIds",
+ "getterModel" : {
+ "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe list of AWS AccountIds
+ "setterMethodName" : "setAccountIds",
+ "setterModel" : {
+ "timestampFormat" : null,
+ "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe list of AWS AccountIds
NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountIds(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountIds(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param accountIds The list of AWSAccountIds
.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
+ "variable" : {
+ "timestampFormat" : null,
+ "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe list of AWS AccountIds
The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountIds" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountIds", + "c2jShape" : "AccountList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The list of AWS AccountIds
The list of AWS AccountIds
.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
+ "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountIds",
+ "getterDocumentation" : "/**The list of AWS AccountIds
+ "getterMethodName" : "getAccountIds",
+ "getterModel" : {
+ "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe list of AWS AccountIds
+ "setterMethodName" : "setAccountIds",
+ "setterModel" : {
+ "timestampFormat" : null,
+ "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe list of AWS AccountIds
NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountIds(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountIds(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param accountIds The list of AWSAccountIds
.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/",
+ "variable" : {
+ "timestampFormat" : null,
+ "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe list of AWS AccountIds
The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetResult", + "variableName" : "listAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetResult", + "variableType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetResult", + "variableSetterType" : "ListAccountsForProvisionedPermissionSetResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListInstancesRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "ListInstancesRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "ListInstances", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.ListInstances", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the instance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the instance.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the instance.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the instance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "MaxResults" : { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the instance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the instance.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the instance.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the instance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the instance.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ListInstancesRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListInstancesRequest", + "variableName" : "listInstancesRequest", + "variableType" : "ListInstancesRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListInstancesRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListInstancesRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListInstancesResult" : { + "c2jName" : "ListInstancesResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "Instances", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
\n@param instances Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstances", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
\n@return Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstances", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListLists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
\n@param instances Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstances", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListLists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setInstances(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withInstances(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param instances Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListLists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "Instances" : { + "c2jName" : "Instances", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
\n@param instances Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstances", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
\n@return Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstances", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListLists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
\n@param instances Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstances", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListLists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setInstances(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withInstances(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param instances Lists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListLists the SSO instances that the caller has access to.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ListInstancesResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListInstancesResult", + "variableName" : "listInstancesResult", + "variableType" : "ListInstancesResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListInstancesResult", + "variableSetterType" : "ListInstancesResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSet", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSet", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
\n@return The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "MaxResults" : { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the PermissionSet.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetArn" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
\n@return The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PermissionSetArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "PermissionSetArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
\n@param permissionSetArn The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "permissionSetArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the PermissionSet whose managed policies will be listed.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn", "PermissionSetArn" ], + "shapeName" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest", + "variableName" : "listManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest", + "variableType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetResult" : { + "c2jName" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AttachedManagedPolicies", + "c2jShape" : "AttachedManagedPolicyList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
\n@param attachedManagedPolicies The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAttachedManagedPolicies", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
\n@return The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAttachedManagedPolicies", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
\n@param attachedManagedPolicies The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAttachedManagedPolicies", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAttachedManagedPolicies(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAttachedManagedPolicies(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param attachedManagedPolicies The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AttachedManagedPolicies" : { + "c2jName" : "AttachedManagedPolicies", + "c2jShape" : "AttachedManagedPolicyList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
\n@param attachedManagedPolicies The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAttachedManagedPolicies", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
\n@return The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAttachedManagedPolicies", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
\n@param attachedManagedPolicies The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAttachedManagedPolicies", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAttachedManagedPolicies(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAttachedManagedPolicies(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param attachedManagedPolicies The array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe array of the AttachedManagedPolicy data type object.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetResult", + "variableName" : "listManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetResult", + "variableType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetResult", + "variableSetterType" : "ListManagedPoliciesInPermissionSetResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "SWBExternalService.ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatus", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "Filter", + "c2jShape" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFilter", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@return Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getFilter", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Filter", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setFilter", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "Filter" : { + "c2jName" : "Filter", + "c2jShape" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFilter", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@return Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getFilter", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Filter", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Filter", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setFilter", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
\n@param filter Filters results based on the passed attribute value.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableName" : "filter", + "variableType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "documentation" : "Filters results based on the passed attribute value.
", + "simpleType" : "OperationStatusFilter", + "variableSetterType" : "OperationStatusFilter" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "InstanceArn" : { + "c2jName" : "InstanceArn", + "c2jShape" : "InstanceArn", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withInstanceArn", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@return The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getInstanceArn", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "InstanceArn", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "InstanceArn", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setInstanceArn", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
\n@param instanceArn The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "instanceArn", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The ARN of the SSO instance under which the operation will be executed. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces in the AWS General Reference.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "MaxResults" : { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "MaxResults", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@return The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "The maximum number of results to display for the assignment.
", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "InstanceArn" ], + "shapeName" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableName" : "listPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableType" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusResult" : { + "c2jName" : "ListPermissionSetProvisioningStatusResponse", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetsProvisioningStatus", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatusList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@param permissionSetsProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetsProvisioningStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@return The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetsProvisioningStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@param permissionSetsProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetsProvisioningStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setPermissionSetsProvisioningStatus(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withPermissionSetsProvisioningStatus(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param permissionSetsProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
", + "simpleType" : "ListThe pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "Token", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@return The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
\n@param nextToken The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "The pagination token for the list API. Initially the value is null. Use the output of previous API calls to make subsequent calls.
", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PermissionSetsProvisioningStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "PermissionSetsProvisioningStatus", + "c2jShape" : "PermissionSetProvisioningStatusList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@param permissionSetsProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPermissionSetsProvisioningStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@return The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPermissionSetsProvisioningStatus", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\n@param permissionSetsProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPermissionSetsProvisioningStatus", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.ListThe status object for the permission set provisioning operation.
\nNOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setPermissionSetsProvisioningStatus(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withPermissionSetsProvisioningStatus(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.
\n@param permissionSetsProvisioningStatus The status object for the permission set provisioning operation.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "java.util.List