From 1d13ecab4e5aab9b31b5bed2fdc43166b468251f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: AWS <> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 20:38:40 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] AWS SDK for Java 1.11.860 --- | 5 + | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-accessanalyzer/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-acm/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-acmpca/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-alexaforbusiness/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-amplify/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-api-gateway/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-apigatewaymanagementapi/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-apigatewayv2/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-appconfig/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-appflow/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-applicationautoscaling/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-applicationinsights/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-appmesh/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-appstream/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-appsync/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-athena/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-augmentedairuntime/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-autoscaling/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-autoscalingplans/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-backup/pom.xml | 2 +- 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...erverlessrepo-2017-09-08-intermediate.json | 2 +- ...ervice-quotas-2019-06-24-intermediate.json | 2 +- .../models/sso-2019-06-10-intermediate.json | 2 +- .../tagging-2017-01-26-intermediate.json | 2 +- .../transcribe-2017-10-26-intermediate.json | 2 +- .../models/wafv2-2019-07-29-intermediate.json | 2 +- ...ilmessageflow-2019-05-01-intermediate.json | 2 +- .../workspaces-2015-04-08-intermediate.json | 14272 ++++++++++++---- .../models/workspaces-2015-04-08-model.json | 429 +- aws-java-sdk-mq/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-neptune/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-networkmanager/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-opensdk/pom.xml | 4 +- aws-java-sdk-opsworks/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-opsworkscm/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-organizations/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-osgi/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-outposts/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-personalize/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-personalizeevents/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-personalizeruntime/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-pi/pom.xml | 2 +- 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.../services/s3/model/ | 44 +- .../services/s3/model/ | 47 +- | 16 +- | 18 +- .../model/ | 17 +- | 17 +- | 16 +- | 16 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- | 19 +- | 19 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- .../model/ | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 33 + .../ | 33 + | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 19 +- | 17 +- | 16 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- | 17 +- | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- .../ | 16 +- .../ | 17 +- | 16 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- .../model/ | 17 +- | 17 +- .../ | 16 +- | 17 +- .../ | 16 +- .../s3/model/ | 18 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- .../ | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- .../services/s3/model/ | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- .../services/s3/model/ | 16 +- .../model/ | 16 +- | 17 +- | 17 +- | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- .../services/s3/model/ | 16 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- .../services/s3/model/ | 15 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- .../services/s3/model/ | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 18 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- | 16 +- | 20 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- | 17 +- | 23 +- .../ | 23 +- .../ | 17 +- | 20 +- .../s3/model/ | 19 +- | 17 +- .../ | 19 +- | 36 +- .../ | 16 +- .../s3/model/ | 17 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- .../ | 16 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- .../s3/model/ | 18 +- .../s3/model/ | 16 +- | 17 +- .../services/s3/model/ | 21 +- aws-java-sdk-s3control/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-sagemaker/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-sagemakerruntime/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-savingsplans/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-schemas/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-securityhub/pom.xml | 2 +- .../pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-servermigration/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-servicecatalog/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-servicediscovery/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-servicequotas/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-ses/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-sesv2/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-shield/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-signer/pom.xml | 2 +- aws-java-sdk-simpledb/pom.xml | 2 +- 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a/aws-java-sdk-cognitoidp/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-cognitoidp/pom.xml index 7ee86fda70d2..a0c5af74061e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-cognitoidp/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-cognitoidp/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-cognitoidp diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-cognitosync/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-cognitosync/pom.xml index bab86a0bfe46..f199304fbc82 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-cognitosync/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-cognitosync/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-cognitosync diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-comprehend/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-comprehend/pom.xml index 02aa121b480a..ec0aa4fb17d6 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-comprehend/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-comprehend/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-comprehend diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-comprehendmedical/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-comprehendmedical/pom.xml index b48227d21e35..a706770b53d6 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-comprehendmedical/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-comprehendmedical/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-comprehendmedical diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-computeoptimizer/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-computeoptimizer/pom.xml index 9e3d506e9666..6b38a019b315 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-computeoptimizer/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-computeoptimizer/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-computeoptimizer diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-config/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-config/pom.xml index b5f52137ecdf..1d4aa804a1dc 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-config/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-config/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-config diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-connect/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-connect/pom.xml index 4ed349efaf23..ff1157875ed4 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-connect/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-connect/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-connect diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-connectparticipant/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-connectparticipant/pom.xml index d0bf65ddccf5..e68ef91403a0 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-connectparticipant/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-connectparticipant/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-connectparticipant diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-core/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-core/pom.xml index 89494d710c9a..7620480e91a2 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-core/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-core/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-core diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/endpointdiscovery/ b/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/endpointdiscovery/ index 15d8f66aed74..0e93ab3bdfcd 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/endpointdiscovery/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/endpointdiscovery/ @@ -106,6 +106,17 @@ public URI call() { }, refreshPeriod, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } + public ScheduledFuture loadAndScheduleEvict(final String key, + final long refreshPeriod, + final TimeUnit refreshPeriodTimeUnit) { + return executorService.schedule(new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + evict(key); + } + }, refreshPeriod, refreshPeriodTimeUnit); + } + public void shutdown() { executorService.shutdownNow(); } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/resources/com/amazonaws/partitions/endpoints.json b/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/resources/com/amazonaws/partitions/endpoints.json index 9769c0bc7696..6e55e50b97a9 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/resources/com/amazonaws/partitions/endpoints.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/resources/com/amazonaws/partitions/endpoints.json @@ -1894,6 +1894,30 @@ } } }, + "ebs" : { + "endpoints" : { + "af-south-1" : { }, + "ap-east-1" : { }, + "ap-northeast-1" : { }, + "ap-northeast-2" : { }, + "ap-south-1" : { }, + "ap-southeast-1" : { }, + "ap-southeast-2" : { }, + "ca-central-1" : { }, + "eu-central-1" : { }, + "eu-north-1" : { }, + "eu-south-1" : { }, + "eu-west-1" : { }, + "eu-west-2" : { }, + "eu-west-3" : { }, + "me-south-1" : { }, + "sa-east-1" : { }, + "us-east-1" : { }, + "us-east-2" : { }, + "us-west-1" : { }, + "us-west-2" : { } + } + }, "ec2" : { "defaults" : { "protocols" : [ "http", "https" ] @@ -4161,8 +4185,10 @@ "ap-northeast-2" : { }, "ap-south-1" : { }, "ap-southeast-2" : { }, + "ca-central-1" : { }, "eu-central-1" : { }, "eu-west-1" : { }, + "eu-west-2" : { }, "fips-us-east-1" : { "credentialScope" : { "region" : "us-east-1" @@ -4777,6 +4803,13 @@ "hostname" : "", "signatureVersions" : [ "s3v4" ] }, + "ca-central-1-fips" : { + "credentialScope" : { + "region" : "ca-central-1" + }, + "hostname" : "", + "signatureVersions" : [ "s3v4" ] + }, "eu-central-1" : { "credentialScope" : { "region" : "eu-central-1" @@ -6552,6 +6585,12 @@ "cn-northwest-1" : { } } }, + "ebs" : { + "endpoints" : { + "cn-north-1" : { }, + "cn-northwest-1" : { } + } + }, "ec2" : { "defaults" : { "protocols" : [ "http", "https" ] diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/resources/com/amazonaws/sdk/ b/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/resources/com/amazonaws/sdk/ index c0f4c4aa6825..3dfd459d6881 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/resources/com/amazonaws/sdk/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/resources/com/amazonaws/sdk/ @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#Thu Sep 10 18:54:26 UTC 2020 +#Fri Sep 11 18:50:35 UTC 2020 platform=java -version=1.11.859 -internalVersion=6026428359 +version=1.11.860 +internalVersion=6026549486 diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-core/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/endpointdiscovery/ b/aws-java-sdk-core/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/endpointdiscovery/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a1a65a378244 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-core/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/endpointdiscovery/ @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights + * Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). + * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is + * distributed + * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY + * KIND, either + * express or implied. See the License for the specific language + * governing + * permissions and limitations under the License. + */ +package com.amazonaws.endpointdiscovery; + +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasEntry; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasKey; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not; +import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; + +import; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; + +import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; +import com.amazonaws.cache.EndpointDiscoveryCacheLoader; +import org.junit.Test; + +public class EndpointDiscoveryIdentifiersRefreshCacheTest { + private static final URI TEST_URI = URI.create("https://localhost"); + + @Test + public void loadAndScheduleEvict() throws Exception { + EndpointDiscoveryCacheLoader cacheLoader = new EndpointDiscoveryCacheLoader() { + @Override + public URI load(String key, AmazonWebServiceRequest discoveryRequest) { + return TEST_URI; + } + }; + + EndpointDiscoveryIdentifiersRefreshCache endpointDiscoveryIdentifiersRefreshCache = + new EndpointDiscoveryIdentifiersRefreshCache(cacheLoader) { + + + @Override + public URI get(String key, AmazonWebServiceRequest discoveryRequest, boolean required, URI defaultEndpoint) { + return null; + } + + @Override + public URI put(String key, AmazonWebServiceRequest discoveryRequest, Map endpointDetails, URI defaultEndpoint) { + return null; + } + + @Override + public String constructKey(String key, AmazonWebServiceRequest discoveryRequest) { + return null; + } + }; + + endpointDiscoveryIdentifiersRefreshCache.cache.put("test-key", TEST_URI); + endpointDiscoveryIdentifiersRefreshCache.loadAndScheduleEvict("test-key", 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); + + assertThat(endpointDiscoveryIdentifiersRefreshCache.cache, hasEntry("test-key", TEST_URI)); + Thread.sleep(100); + assertThat(endpointDiscoveryIdentifiersRefreshCache.cache, not(hasKey("test-key"))); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-costandusagereport/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-costandusagereport/pom.xml index ca97620425f9..2e2835559e79 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-costandusagereport/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-costandusagereport/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-costandusagereport diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-costexplorer/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-costexplorer/pom.xml index 003d54221296..9b098870317a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-costexplorer/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-costexplorer/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-costexplorer diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-dataexchange/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-dataexchange/pom.xml index e23b3d364b95..3c8c577da09b 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-dataexchange/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-dataexchange/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-dataexchange diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-datapipeline/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-datapipeline/pom.xml index 73d8a1cc1f49..3ed4f3d77190 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-datapipeline/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-datapipeline/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-datapipeline diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-datasync/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-datasync/pom.xml index 35a9a0ee0a87..b517510f1dcc 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-datasync/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-datasync/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-datasync diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-dax/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-dax/pom.xml index 3d0812b99daa..a2b7483a5945 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-dax/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-dax/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-dax diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-detective/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-detective/pom.xml index 623e58b9917c..321c18f133ca 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-detective/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-detective/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-detective diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-devicefarm/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-devicefarm/pom.xml index 82c6d92851d2..6aca7583814d 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-devicefarm/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-devicefarm/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-devicefarm diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-directconnect/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-directconnect/pom.xml index 4d9ec67eb1f7..5e258d223690 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-directconnect/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-directconnect/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-directconnect diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-directory/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-directory/pom.xml index 75d28513f57d..0bcdce53ae95 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-directory/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-directory/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-directory diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-discovery/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-discovery/pom.xml index 5246a28fd2e2..46b943b2c09a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-discovery/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-discovery/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-discovery diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-dlm/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-dlm/pom.xml index 96ea06f8d87d..351877a48d3b 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-dlm/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-dlm/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-dlm diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-dms/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-dms/pom.xml index 45abe44784e1..d40df3e8b15d 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-dms/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-dms/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-dms diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-docdb/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-docdb/pom.xml index 3ad0aa38efb1..956d2fed0c85 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-docdb/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-docdb/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-docdb diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-dynamodb/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-dynamodb/pom.xml index 8ae90a73a7f6..d5a4c0c9dcc4 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-dynamodb/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-dynamodb/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-dynamodb diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/pom.xml index 77b4b8983e2d..4a595ec53fb3 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ebs/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ebs/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-ebs diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ec2/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ec2/pom.xml index 4e082634cd2e..5036eb56cf52 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ec2/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ec2/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-ec2 diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ec2instanceconnect/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ec2instanceconnect/pom.xml index 3cc7b0881c1a..8d7e6751b785 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ec2instanceconnect/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ec2instanceconnect/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-ec2instanceconnect diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ecr/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ecr/pom.xml index 42350a3e6797..7a8caec71dad 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ecr/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ecr/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-ecr diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ecs/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ecs/pom.xml index d3e3d463ebc5..8fd683c24bc8 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ecs/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ecs/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-ecs diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-efs/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-efs/pom.xml index f07b7ee95ea3..b8e64cf28019 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-efs/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-efs/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 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"deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/ram-2018-01-04-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/ram-2018-01-04-intermediate.json index e559e70fca4b..290a70c425fd 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/ram-2018-01-04-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/ram-2018-01-04-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/redshift-data-2019-12-20-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/redshift-data-2019-12-20-intermediate.json index 09393e9a3f50..58cb89982502 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/redshift-data-2019-12-20-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/redshift-data-2019-12-20-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/resource-groups-2017-11-27-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/resource-groups-2017-11-27-intermediate.json index cc302f9beac2..91b986aeb52b 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/resource-groups-2017-11-27-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/resource-groups-2017-11-27-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/runtime.lex-2016-11-28-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/runtime.lex-2016-11-28-intermediate.json index 265a1c1bb566..88a2bb63eb63 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/runtime.lex-2016-11-28-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/runtime.lex-2016-11-28-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientConstructors" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : { "PostContentResponse" : [ "dialogState" ], "PostTextResponse" : [ "dialogState" ], diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/s3-control-2018-08-20-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/s3-control-2018-08-20-intermediate.json index 21d9f17f6840..4a9df82414a4 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/s3-control-2018-08-20-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/s3-control-2018-08-20-intermediate.json @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/sagemaker-a2i-runtime-2019-11-07-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/sagemaker-a2i-runtime-2019-11-07-intermediate.json index 6ff069cef1c2..052ddf40fe8f 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/sagemaker-a2i-runtime-2019-11-07-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/sagemaker-a2i-runtime-2019-11-07-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/savingsplans-2019-06-28-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/savingsplans-2019-06-28-intermediate.json index 418bba6f25a2..3fd8d9ba3f30 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/savingsplans-2019-06-28-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/savingsplans-2019-06-28-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/schemas-2019-12-02-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/schemas-2019-12-02-intermediate.json index 5d6f32aec2d9..9af9e585cd65 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/schemas-2019-12-02-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/schemas-2019-12-02-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/securityhub-2018-10-26-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/securityhub-2018-10-26-intermediate.json index 7d94c8b7c44a..1aa9acd48c00 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/securityhub-2018-10-26-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/securityhub-2018-10-26-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/serverlessrepo-2017-09-08-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/serverlessrepo-2017-09-08-intermediate.json index 3e7e20803a54..0dabe4856694 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/serverlessrepo-2017-09-08-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/serverlessrepo-2017-09-08-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/service-quotas-2019-06-24-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/service-quotas-2019-06-24-intermediate.json index 757d0ff0076f..9b3a554e8b16 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/service-quotas-2019-06-24-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/service-quotas-2019-06-24-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/sso-2019-06-10-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/sso-2019-06-10-intermediate.json index f7f245fc3a4f..d6312e55ea99 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/sso-2019-06-10-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/sso-2019-06-10-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientConstructors", "ClientMutationMethods" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/tagging-2017-01-26-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/tagging-2017-01-26-intermediate.json index 002b0af65af0..0669b9a37edb 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/tagging-2017-01-26-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/tagging-2017-01-26-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientConstructors" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : { "FailureInfo" : [ "ErrorCode" ] }, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/transcribe-2017-10-26-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/transcribe-2017-10-26-intermediate.json index 82fbe63060ed..4c3f3066e3b6 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/transcribe-2017-10-26-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/transcribe-2017-10-26-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/wafv2-2019-07-29-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/wafv2-2019-07-29-intermediate.json index f16248e7edac..f4cc8c163e5c 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/wafv2-2019-07-29-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/wafv2-2019-07-29-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workmailmessageflow-2019-05-01-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workmailmessageflow-2019-05-01-intermediate.json index 42b6807051dd..92a65ade0708 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workmailmessageflow-2019-05-01-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workmailmessageflow-2019-05-01-intermediate.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "customServiceMetadata" : null, "customServiceNameForRequest" : null, "customSignerProvider" : null, - "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload", "ClientMutationMethods" ], + "deprecatedSuppressions" : [ "ClientMutationMethods", "ClientConstructors", "EnumSetterOverload" ], "emitLegacyEnumSetterFor" : null, "operationModifiers" : null, "operationsWithResponseStreamContentLengthValidation" : null, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workspaces-2015-04-08-intermediate.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workspaces-2015-04-08-intermediate.json index efa7f825e67d..6d86599bb966 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workspaces-2015-04-08-intermediate.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workspaces-2015-04-08-intermediate.json @@ -103,6 +103,63 @@ "xmlProtocol" : false }, "operations" : { + "AssociateConnectionAlias" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", + "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", + "asyncHandlerType" : "com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler", + "asyncReturnType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasResult", + "authenticated" : true, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Associates the specified connection alias with the specified directory to enable cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

Before performing this operation, call DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED.

", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceAssociatedException", + "documentation" : "

The resource is associated with a directory.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "

The user is not authorized to access a resource.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "

The resource could not be found.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidParameterValuesException", + "documentation" : "

One or more parameter values are not valid.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidResourceStateException", + "documentation" : "

The state of the resource is not valid for this operation.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "OperationNotSupportedException", + "documentation" : "

This operation is not supported.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableName" : "associateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "associateConnectionAlias", + "operationName" : "AssociateConnectionAlias", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasResult" + }, "AssociateIpGroups" : { "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", @@ -274,6 +331,63 @@ }, "syncReturnType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult" }, + "CreateConnectionAlias" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", + "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", + "asyncHandlerType" : "com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler", + "asyncReturnType" : "CreateConnectionAliasResult", + "authenticated" : true, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Creates the specified connection alias for use with cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceAlreadyExistsException", + "documentation" : "

The specified resource already exists.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "

The user is not authorized to access a resource.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidParameterValuesException", + "documentation" : "

One or more parameter values are not valid.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceLimitExceededException", + "documentation" : "

Your resource limits have been exceeded.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidResourceStateException", + "documentation" : "

The state of the resource is not valid for this operation.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "OperationNotSupportedException", + "documentation" : "

This operation is not supported.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableName" : "createConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableType" : "CreateConnectionAliasRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "CreateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateConnectionAliasRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "createConnectionAlias", + "operationName" : "CreateConnectionAlias", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "CreateConnectionAliasResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "CreateConnectionAliasResult" + }, "CreateIpGroup" : { "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", @@ -413,6 +527,63 @@ }, "syncReturnType" : "CreateWorkspacesResult" }, + "DeleteConnectionAlias" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", + "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", + "asyncHandlerType" : "com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler", + "asyncReturnType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasResult", + "authenticated" : true, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Deletes the specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

If you will no longer be using a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as the registration code for your WorkSpaces users, you must take certain precautions to prevent potential security issues. For more information, see Security Considerations if You Stop Using Cross-Region Redirection.

To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any accounts or associated with any directories.

", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "

The resource could not be found.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceAssociatedException", + "documentation" : "

The resource is associated with a directory.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "

The user is not authorized to access a resource.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidParameterValuesException", + "documentation" : "

One or more parameter values are not valid.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidResourceStateException", + "documentation" : "

The state of the resource is not valid for this operation.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "OperationNotSupportedException", + "documentation" : "

This operation is not supported.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableName" : "deleteConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "deleteConnectionAlias", + "operationName" : "DeleteConnectionAlias", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasResult" + }, "DeleteIpGroup" : { "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", @@ -720,6 +891,100 @@ }, "syncReturnType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult" }, + "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", + "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", + "asyncHandlerType" : "com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler", + "asyncReturnType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult", + "authenticated" : true, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Describes the permissions that the owner of a connection alias has granted to another AWS account for the specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "

The user is not authorized to access a resource.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidParameterValuesException", + "documentation" : "

One or more parameter values are not valid.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "

The resource could not be found.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "OperationNotSupportedException", + "documentation" : "

This operation is not supported.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest", + "variableName" : "describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "describeConnectionAliasPermissions", + "operationName" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult" + }, + "DescribeConnectionAliases" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", + "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", + "asyncHandlerType" : "com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler", + "asyncReturnType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult", + "authenticated" : true, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Retrieves a list that describes the connection aliases used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "

The user is not authorized to access a resource.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidParameterValuesException", + "documentation" : "

One or more parameter values are not valid.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "OperationNotSupportedException", + "documentation" : "

This operation is not supported.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest", + "variableName" : "describeConnectionAliasesRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "describeConnectionAliases", + "operationName" : "DescribeConnectionAliases", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult" + }, "DescribeIpGroups" : { "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", @@ -1077,6 +1342,59 @@ }, "syncReturnType" : "DescribeWorkspacesConnectionStatusResult" }, + "DisassociateConnectionAlias" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", + "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", + "asyncHandlerType" : "com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler", + "asyncReturnType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult", + "authenticated" : true, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Disassociates a connection alias from a directory. Disassociating a connection alias disables cross-Region redirection between two directories in different AWS Regions. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

Before performing this operation, call DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED.

", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "

The user is not authorized to access a resource.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "

The resource could not be found.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidParameterValuesException", + "documentation" : "

One or more parameter values are not valid.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidResourceStateException", + "documentation" : "

The state of the resource is not valid for this operation.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "OperationNotSupportedException", + "documentation" : "

This operation is not supported.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableName" : "disassociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "disassociateConnectionAlias", + "operationName" : "DisassociateConnectionAlias", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult" + }, "DisassociateIpGroups" : { "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", @@ -1133,7 +1451,7 @@ "asyncReturnType" : "ImportWorkspaceImageResult", "authenticated" : true, "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Imports the specified Windows 10 Bring Your Own License (BYOL) image into Amazon WorkSpaces. The image must be an already licensed EC2 image that is in your AWS account, and you must own the image. For more information about creating BYOL images, see Bring Your Own Windows Desktop Licenses.

", + "documentation" : "

Imports the specified Windows 10 Bring Your Own License (BYOL) image into Amazon WorkSpaces. The image must be an already licensed Amazon EC2 image that is in your AWS account, and you must own the image. For more information about creating BYOL images, see Bring Your Own Windows Desktop Licenses.

", "endpointCacheRequired" : false, "endpointDiscovery" : null, "endpointOperation" : false, @@ -1944,6 +2262,67 @@ }, "syncReturnType" : "TerminateWorkspacesResult" }, + "UpdateConnectionAliasPermission" : { + "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", + "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", + "asyncHandlerType" : "com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler", + "asyncReturnType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult", + "authenticated" : true, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Shares or unshares a connection alias with one account by specifying whether that account has permission to associate the connection alias with a directory. If the association permission is granted, the connection alias is shared with that account. If the association permission is revoked, the connection alias is unshared with the account. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

  • Before performing this operation, call DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED.

  • To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any accounts or associated with any directories.

", + "endpointCacheRequired" : false, + "endpointDiscovery" : null, + "endpointOperation" : false, + "endpointTrait" : null, + "exceptions" : [ { + "exceptionName" : "AccessDeniedException", + "documentation" : "

The user is not authorized to access a resource.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidParameterValuesException", + "documentation" : "

One or more parameter values are not valid.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceLimitExceededException", + "documentation" : "

Your resource limits have been exceeded.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceNotFoundException", + "documentation" : "

The resource could not be found.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "ResourceAssociatedException", + "documentation" : "

The resource is associated with a directory.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "InvalidResourceStateException", + "documentation" : "

The state of the resource is not valid for this operation.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + }, { + "exceptionName" : "OperationNotSupportedException", + "documentation" : "

This operation is not supported.

", + "httpStatusCode" : null + } ], + "hasBlobMemberAsPayload" : false, + "hostPrefixProcessor" : null, + "input" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest", + "variableName" : "updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest", + "variableType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest" + }, + "inputStreamPropertyName" : null, + "methodName" : "updateConnectionAliasPermission", + "operationName" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermission", + "returnType" : { + "returnType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "syncReturnType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult" + }, "UpdateRulesOfIpGroup" : { "asyncCallableType" : "java.util.concurrent.Callable", "asyncFutureType" : "java.util.concurrent.Future", @@ -3072,6 +3451,517 @@ }, "wrapper" : false }, + "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "AssociateConnectionAlias", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.AssociateConnectionAlias", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "ResourceId", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

\n@return The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ResourceId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AliasId" : { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "ResourceId" : { + "c2jName" : "ResourceId", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

\n@return The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ResourceId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "AliasId", "ResourceId" ], + "shapeName" : "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableName" : "associateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "AssociateConnectionAliasResult" : { + "c2jName" : "AssociateConnectionAliasResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionIdentifier", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionIdentifier", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionIdentifier", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionIdentifier", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionIdentifier", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "ConnectionIdentifier" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionIdentifier", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionIdentifier", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionIdentifier", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionIdentifier", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionIdentifier", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "AssociateConnectionAliasResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasResult", + "variableName" : "associateConnectionAliasResult", + "variableType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasResult", + "variableSetterType" : "AssociateConnectionAliasResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, "AssociateIpGroupsRequest" : { "c2jName" : "AssociateIpGroupsRequest", "customization" : { @@ -3611,6 +4501,65 @@ }, "wrapper" : false }, + "AssociationStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "AssociationStatus", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : [ { + "name" : "NOT_ASSOCIATED", + "value" : "NOT_ASSOCIATED" + }, { + "name" : "ASSOCIATED_WITH_OWNER_ACCOUNT", + "value" : "ASSOCIATED_WITH_OWNER_ACCOUNT" + }, { + "name" : "ASSOCIATED_WITH_SHARED_ACCOUNT", + "value" : "ASSOCIATED_WITH_SHARED_ACCOUNT" + }, { + "name" : "PENDING_ASSOCIATION", + "value" : "PENDING_ASSOCIATION" + }, { + "name" : "PENDING_DISASSOCIATION", + "value" : "PENDING_DISASSOCIATION" + } ], + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "AssociationStatus", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AssociationStatus", + "variableName" : "associationStatus", + "variableType" : "AssociationStatus", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "AssociationStatus", + "variableSetterType" : "AssociationStatus" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, "AuthorizeIpRulesRequest" : { "c2jName" : "AuthorizeIpRulesRequest", "customization" : { @@ -4906,61 +5855,8 @@ }, "wrapper" : false }, - "ConnectionState" : { - "c2jName" : "ConnectionState", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : [ { - "name" : "CONNECTED", - "value" : "CONNECTED" - }, { - "name" : "DISCONNECTED", - "value" : "DISCONNECTED" - }, { - "name" : "UNKNOWN", - "value" : "UNKNOWN" - } ], - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : null, - "members" : null, - "membersAsMap" : { }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "ConnectionState", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : { - "flattened" : false, - "resultWrapper" : null - }, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionState", - "variableName" : "connectionState", - "variableType" : "ConnectionState", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "ConnectionState", - "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionState" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest", + "ConnectionAlias" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionAlias", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -4968,35 +5864,28 @@ "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false }, "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", + "documentation" : "

Describes a connection alias. Connection aliases are used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : { - "action" : "CopyWorkspaceImage", - "locationName" : null, - "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.CopyWorkspaceImage", - "verb" : "POST", - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, + "marshaller" : null, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "Name", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageName", + "c2jName" : "ConnectionString", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionString", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The name of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withName", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@return The name of the image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getName", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

\n@param connectionString The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionString", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

\n@return The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionString", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -5011,11 +5900,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Name", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionString", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Name", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionString", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -5027,14 +5916,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "Name", + "name" : "ConnectionString", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setName", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

\n@param connectionString The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionString", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "name", + "variableName" : "connectionString", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -5044,28 +5933,28 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

\n@param connectionString The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "name", + "variableName" : "connectionString", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The name of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "Description", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageDescription", + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

A description of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDescription", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@return A description of the image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getDescription", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -5080,11 +5969,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Description", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Description", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -5096,14 +5985,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "Description", + "name" : "AliasId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setDescription", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "description", + "variableName" : "aliasId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -5113,28 +6002,28 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "description", + "variableName" : "aliasId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

A description of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "SourceImageId", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", + "c2jName" : "State", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasState", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source image.

", + "documentation" : "

The current state of the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSourceImageId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@return The identifier of the source image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getSourceImageId", + "enumType" : "ConnectionAliasState", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The current state of the connection alias.

\n@param state The current state of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ConnectionAliasState*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withState", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The current state of the connection alias.

\n@return The current state of the connection alias.\n@see ConnectionAliasState*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getState", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -5149,11 +6038,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "SourceImageId", + "marshallLocationName" : "State", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceImageId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "State", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -5165,14 +6054,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "SourceImageId", + "name" : "State", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setSourceImageId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The current state of the connection alias.

\n@param state The current state of the connection alias.\n@see ConnectionAliasState*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setState", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "sourceImageId", + "variableName" : "state", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -5182,28 +6071,28 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The current state of the connection alias.

\n@param state The current state of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ConnectionAliasState*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "sourceImageId", + "variableName" : "state", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source image.

", + "documentation" : "

The current state of the connection alias.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "SourceRegion", - "c2jShape" : "Region", + "c2jName" : "OwnerAccountId", + "c2jShape" : "AwsAccount", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source Region.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSourceRegion", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@return The identifier of the source Region.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getSourceRegion", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

\n@param ownerAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withOwnerAccountId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getOwnerAccountId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -5218,11 +6107,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "SourceRegion", + "marshallLocationName" : "OwnerAccountId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceRegion", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "OwnerAccountId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -5234,14 +6123,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "SourceRegion", + "name" : "OwnerAccountId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setSourceRegion", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

\n@param ownerAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setOwnerAccountId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "sourceRegion", + "variableName" : "ownerAccountId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -5251,30 +6140,30 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

\n@param ownerAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "sourceRegion", + "variableName" : "ownerAccountId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source Region.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "Tags", - "c2jShape" : "TagList", + "c2jName" : "Associations", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasAssociationList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The tags for the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The association status of the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@return The tags for the image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getTags", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@param associations The association status of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAssociations", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@return The association status of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAssociations", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -5287,11 +6176,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "marshallLocationName" : "Associations", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Associations", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -5303,7 +6192,7 @@ "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", "listMemberModel" : { "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "Tag", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, @@ -5313,7 +6202,7 @@ "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", "getterMethodName" : "getMember", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Tag", + "returnType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -5348,12 +6237,12 @@ "setterMethodName" : "setMember", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Tag", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "variableSetterType" : "Tag" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, @@ -5362,72 +6251,72 @@ "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Tag", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "variableSetterType" : "Tag" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "Tag", + "memberType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", "map" : false, "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "Tags", + "name" : "Associations", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setTags", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@param associations The association status of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAssociations", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tags", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "associations", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAssociations(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAssociations(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param associations The association status of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tags", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The tags for the image.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "associations", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The association status of the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "Description" : { - "c2jName" : "Description", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageDescription", + "AliasId" : { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

A description of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDescription", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@return A description of the image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getDescription", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -5442,11 +6331,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Description", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Description", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -5458,14 +6347,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "Description", + "name" : "AliasId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setDescription", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "description", + "variableName" : "aliasId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -5475,31 +6364,31 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "description", + "variableName" : "aliasId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

A description of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "Name" : { - "c2jName" : "Name", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageName", + "Associations" : { + "c2jName" : "Associations", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasAssociationList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The name of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The association status of the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withName", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@return The name of the image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getName", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@param associations The association status of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAssociations", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@return The association status of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAssociations", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -5512,62 +6401,146 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Name", + "marshallLocationName" : "Associations", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Name", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Associations", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "Name", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "Associations", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setName", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@param associations The association status of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAssociations", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "name", - "variableType" : "String", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "associations", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, + "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAssociations(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAssociations(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param associations The association status of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "name", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The name of the image.

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "associations", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The association status of the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "SourceImageId" : { - "c2jName" : "SourceImageId", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", + "ConnectionString" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionString", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionString", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source image.

", + "documentation" : "

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSourceImageId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@return The identifier of the source image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getSourceImageId", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

\n@param connectionString The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionString", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

\n@return The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionString", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -5582,11 +6555,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "SourceImageId", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionString", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceImageId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionString", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -5598,14 +6571,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "SourceImageId", + "name" : "ConnectionString", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setSourceImageId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

\n@param connectionString The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionString", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "sourceImageId", + "variableName" : "connectionString", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -5615,29 +6588,29 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

\n@param connectionString The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "sourceImageId", + "variableName" : "connectionString", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source image.

", + "documentation" : "

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "SourceRegion" : { - "c2jName" : "SourceRegion", - "c2jShape" : "Region", + "OwnerAccountId" : { + "c2jName" : "OwnerAccountId", + "c2jShape" : "AwsAccount", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source Region.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSourceRegion", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@return The identifier of the source Region.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getSourceRegion", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

\n@param ownerAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withOwnerAccountId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getOwnerAccountId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -5652,11 +6625,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "SourceRegion", + "marshallLocationName" : "OwnerAccountId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceRegion", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "OwnerAccountId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -5668,14 +6641,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "SourceRegion", + "name" : "OwnerAccountId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setSourceRegion", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

\n@param ownerAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setOwnerAccountId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "sourceRegion", + "variableName" : "ownerAccountId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -5685,31 +6658,31 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

\n@param ownerAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "sourceRegion", + "variableName" : "ownerAccountId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source Region.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "Tags" : { - "c2jName" : "Tags", - "c2jShape" : "TagList", + "State" : { + "c2jName" : "State", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasState", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The tags for the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The current state of the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@return The tags for the image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getTags", + "enumType" : "ConnectionAliasState", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The current state of the connection alias.

\n@param state The current state of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ConnectionAliasState*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withState", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The current state of the connection alias.

\n@return The current state of the connection alias.\n@see ConnectionAliasState*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getState", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -5722,157 +6695,76 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "marshallLocationName" : "State", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "State", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : true, - "listModel" : { - "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", - "listMemberModel" : { - "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "Tag", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", - "getterMethodName" : "getMember", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "member", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", - "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", - "name" : "Member", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", - "setterMethodName" : "setMember", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "variableSetterType" : "Tag" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "variableSetterType" : "Tag" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "Tag", - "map" : false, - "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, - "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, - "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" - }, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", - "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "Tags", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "State", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setTags", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The current state of the connection alias.

\n@param state The current state of the connection alias.\n@see ConnectionAliasState*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setState", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tags", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "state", + "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, + "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The current state of the connection alias.

\n@param state The current state of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see ConnectionAliasState*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tags", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The tags for the image.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "state", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The current state of the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } }, - "packageName" : "", + "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : [ "Name", "SourceImageId", "SourceRegion" ], - "shapeName" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest", + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ConnectionAlias", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest", - "variableName" : "copyWorkspaceImageRequest", - "variableType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAlias", + "variableName" : "connectionAlias", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAlias", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAlias", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAlias" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "CopyWorkspaceImageResult" : { - "c2jName" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult", + "ConnectionAliasAssociation" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -5880,11 +6772,11 @@ "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false }, "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", + "documentation" : "

Describes a connection alias association that is used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, @@ -5892,16 +6784,16 @@ "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : null, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "ImageId", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", + "c2jName" : "AssociationStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AssociationStatus", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The association status of the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withImageId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@return The identifier of the image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getImageId", + "enumType" : "AssociationStatus", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@param associationStatus The association status of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see AssociationStatus*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAssociationStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@return The association status of the connection alias.\n@see AssociationStatus*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAssociationStatus", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -5916,11 +6808,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "marshallLocationName" : "AssociationStatus", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AssociationStatus", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -5932,14 +6824,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "ImageId", + "name" : "AssociationStatus", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setImageId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@param associationStatus The association status of the connection alias.\n@see AssociationStatus*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAssociationStatus", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "imageId", + "variableName" : "associationStatus", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -5949,150 +6841,28 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@param associationStatus The association status of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see AssociationStatus*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "imageId", + "variableName" : "associationStatus", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

The association status of the connection alias.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - } ], - "membersAsMap" : { - "ImageId" : { - "c2jName" : "ImageId", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withImageId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@return The identifier of the image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getImageId", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ImageId", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ImageId", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "ImageId", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setImageId", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "imageId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "imageId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - } - }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : { - "flattened" : false, - "resultWrapper" : null - }, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult", - "variableName" : "copyWorkspaceImageResult", - "variableType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult", - "variableSetterType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "CreateIpGroupRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "CreateIpGroupRequest", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : { - "action" : "CreateIpGroup", - "locationName" : null, - "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.CreateIpGroup", - "verb" : "POST", - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "GroupName", - "c2jShape" : "IpGroupName", + }, { + "c2jName" : "AssociatedAccountId", + "c2jShape" : "AwsAccount", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The name of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupName", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@return The name of the group.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getGroupName", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param associatedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAssociatedAccountId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

\n@return The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAssociatedAccountId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -6107,11 +6877,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "GroupName", + "marshallLocationName" : "AssociatedAccountId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupName", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AssociatedAccountId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -6123,14 +6893,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "GroupName", + "name" : "AssociatedAccountId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setGroupName", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param associatedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAssociatedAccountId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupName", + "variableName" : "associatedAccountId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -6140,28 +6910,28 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param associatedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupName", + "variableName" : "associatedAccountId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The name of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "GroupDesc", - "c2jShape" : "IpGroupDesc", + "c2jName" : "ResourceId", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The description of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupDesc", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@return The description of the group.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getGroupDesc", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -6176,11 +6946,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "GroupDesc", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupDesc", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -6192,14 +6962,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "GroupDesc", + "name" : "ResourceId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setGroupDesc", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupDesc", + "variableName" : "resourceId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -6209,183 +6979,30 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupDesc", + "variableName" : "resourceId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The description of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "UserRules", - "c2jShape" : "IpRuleList", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The rules to add to the group.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withUserRules", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@return The rules to add to the group.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getUserRules", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "UserRules", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "UserRules", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : true, - "listModel" : { - "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", - "listMemberModel" : { - "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "IpRuleItem", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", - "getterMethodName" : "getMember", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "IpRuleItem", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "member", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", - "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", - "name" : "Member", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", - "setterMethodName" : "setMember", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "IpRuleItem", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "IpRuleItem", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", - "variableSetterType" : "IpRuleItem" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "IpRuleItem", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "IpRuleItem", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", - "variableSetterType" : "IpRuleItem" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "IpRuleItem", - "map" : false, - "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, - "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, - "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" - }, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", - "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "UserRules", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setUserRules", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "userRules", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setUserRules(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withUserRules(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "userRules", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The rules to add to the group.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, { - "c2jName" : "Tags", - "c2jShape" : "TagList", + "c2jName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionIdentifier", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@return The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getTags", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionIdentifier", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionIdentifier", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -6398,147 +7015,63 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : true, - "listModel" : { - "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", - "listMemberModel" : { - "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "Tag", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", - "getterMethodName" : "getMember", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "member", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", - "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", - "name" : "Member", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", - "setterMethodName" : "setMember", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "variableSetterType" : "Tag" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "variableSetterType" : "Tag" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "Tag", - "map" : false, - "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, - "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, - "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" - }, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", - "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "Tags", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ConnectionIdentifier", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setTags", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionIdentifier", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tags", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionIdentifier", + "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, + "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tags", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionIdentifier", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "GroupDesc" : { - "c2jName" : "GroupDesc", - "c2jShape" : "IpGroupDesc", + "AssociatedAccountId" : { + "c2jName" : "AssociatedAccountId", + "c2jShape" : "AwsAccount", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The description of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupDesc", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@return The description of the group.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getGroupDesc", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param associatedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAssociatedAccountId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

\n@return The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAssociatedAccountId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -6553,11 +7086,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "GroupDesc", + "marshallLocationName" : "AssociatedAccountId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupDesc", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AssociatedAccountId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -6569,14 +7102,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "GroupDesc", + "name" : "AssociatedAccountId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setGroupDesc", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param associatedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAssociatedAccountId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupDesc", + "variableName" : "associatedAccountId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -6586,29 +7119,29 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param associatedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupDesc", + "variableName" : "associatedAccountId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The description of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "GroupName" : { - "c2jName" : "GroupName", - "c2jShape" : "IpGroupName", + "AssociationStatus" : { + "c2jName" : "AssociationStatus", + "c2jShape" : "AssociationStatus", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The name of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The association status of the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupName", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@return The name of the group.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getGroupName", + "enumType" : "AssociationStatus", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@param associationStatus The association status of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see AssociationStatus*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAssociationStatus", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@return The association status of the connection alias.\n@see AssociationStatus*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAssociationStatus", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -6623,11 +7156,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "GroupName", + "marshallLocationName" : "AssociationStatus", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupName", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AssociationStatus", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -6639,14 +7172,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "GroupName", + "name" : "AssociationStatus", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setGroupName", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@param associationStatus The association status of the connection alias.\n@see AssociationStatus*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAssociationStatus", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupName", + "variableName" : "associationStatus", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -6656,31 +7189,31 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The association status of the connection alias.

\n@param associationStatus The association status of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see AssociationStatus*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupName", + "variableName" : "associationStatus", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The name of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The association status of the connection alias.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "Tags" : { - "c2jName" : "Tags", - "c2jShape" : "TagList", + "ConnectionIdentifier" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionIdentifier", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@return The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getTags", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionIdentifier", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionIdentifier", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -6693,148 +7226,64 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionIdentifier", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : true, - "listModel" : { - "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", - "listMemberModel" : { - "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "Tag", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", - "getterMethodName" : "getMember", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "member", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", - "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", - "name" : "Member", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", - "setterMethodName" : "setMember", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "variableSetterType" : "Tag" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "variableSetterType" : "Tag" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "Tag", - "map" : false, - "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, - "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, - "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" - }, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", - "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "Tags", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ConnectionIdentifier", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setTags", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionIdentifier", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tags", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionIdentifier", + "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, + "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

\n@param connectionIdentifier The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tags", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionIdentifier", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "UserRules" : { - "c2jName" : "UserRules", - "c2jShape" : "IpRuleList", + "ResourceId" : { + "c2jName" : "ResourceId", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The rules to add to the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withUserRules", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@return The rules to add to the group.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getUserRules", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -6847,157 +7296,76 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "UserRules", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "UserRules", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : true, - "listModel" : { - "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", - "listMemberModel" : { - "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "IpRuleItem", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", - "getterMethodName" : "getMember", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "IpRuleItem", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "member", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", - "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", - "name" : "Member", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", - "setterMethodName" : "setMember", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "IpRuleItem", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "IpRuleItem", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", - "variableSetterType" : "IpRuleItem" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "IpRuleItem", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "IpRuleItem", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", - "variableSetterType" : "IpRuleItem" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "IpRuleItem", - "map" : false, - "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, - "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, - "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" - }, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", - "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "UserRules", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ResourceId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setUserRules", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "userRules", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, + "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setUserRules(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withUserRules(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "userRules", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The rules to add to the group.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } }, - "packageName" : "", + "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : [ "GroupName" ], - "shapeName" : "CreateIpGroupRequest", + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateIpGroupRequest", - "variableName" : "createIpGroupRequest", - "variableType" : "CreateIpGroupRequest", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasAssociation", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "CreateIpGroupRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "CreateIpGroupRequest" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasAssociation" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "CreateIpGroupResult" : { - "c2jName" : "CreateIpGroupResult", + "ConnectionAliasPermission" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -7005,11 +7373,11 @@ "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false }, "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", + "documentation" : "

Describes the permissions for a connection alias. Connection aliases are used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, @@ -7017,16 +7385,16 @@ "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : null, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "GroupId", - "c2jShape" : "IpGroupId", + "c2jName" : "SharedAccountId", + "c2jShape" : "AwsAccount", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@return The identifier of the group.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getGroupId", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

\n@param sharedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSharedAccountId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

\n@return The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getSharedAccountId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -7041,11 +7409,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "marshallLocationName" : "SharedAccountId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "SharedAccountId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -7057,14 +7425,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "GroupId", + "name" : "SharedAccountId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setGroupId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

\n@param sharedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setSharedAccountId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableName" : "sharedAccountId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -7074,30 +7442,169 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

\n@param sharedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableName" : "sharedAccountId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "AllowAssociation", + "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param allowAssociation Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAllowAssociation", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

\n@return Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAllowAssociation", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AllowAssociation", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AllowAssociation", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", + "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", + "name" : "AllowAssociation", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param allowAssociation Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAllowAssociation", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "allowAssociation", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param allowAssociation Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "allowAssociation", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "GroupId" : { - "c2jName" : "GroupId", - "c2jShape" : "IpGroupId", + "AllowAssociation" : { + "c2jName" : "AllowAssociation", + "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@return The identifier of the group.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getGroupId", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param allowAssociation Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAllowAssociation", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

\n@return Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAllowAssociation", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AllowAssociation", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AllowAssociation", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", + "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", + "name" : "AllowAssociation", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param allowAssociation Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAllowAssociation", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "allowAssociation", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

\n@param allowAssociation Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "allowAssociation", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "SharedAccountId" : { + "c2jName" : "SharedAccountId", + "c2jShape" : "AwsAccount", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

\n@param sharedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSharedAccountId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

\n@return The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getSharedAccountId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -7112,11 +7619,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "marshallLocationName" : "SharedAccountId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "SharedAccountId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -7128,14 +7635,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "GroupId", + "name" : "SharedAccountId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setGroupId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

\n@param sharedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setSharedAccountId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableName" : "sharedAccountId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -7145,24 +7652,24 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

\n@param sharedAccountId The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableName" : "sharedAccountId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the group.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } }, - "packageName" : "", + "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "CreateIpGroupResult", + "required" : [ "SharedAccountId", "AllowAssociation" ], + "shapeName" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : { @@ -7171,17 +7678,17 @@ }, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateIpGroupResult", - "variableName" : "createIpGroupResult", - "variableType" : "CreateIpGroupResult", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasPermission", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "CreateIpGroupResult", - "variableSetterType" : "CreateIpGroupResult" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "CreateTagsRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "CreateTagsRequest", + "ConnectionAliasState" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionAliasState", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -7191,71 +7698,177 @@ "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, + "enums" : [ { + "name" : "CREATING", + "value" : "CREATING" + }, { + "name" : "CREATED", + "value" : "CREATED" + }, { + "name" : "DELETING", + "value" : "DELETING" + } ], "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : { - "action" : "CreateTags", - "locationName" : null, - "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.CreateTags", - "verb" : "POST", - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ConnectionAliasState", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null }, - "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "ResourceId", - "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasState", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasState", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasState", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasState", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasState" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "ConnectionState" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionState", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : [ { + "name" : "CONNECTED", + "value" : "CONNECTED" + }, { + "name" : "DISCONNECTED", + "value" : "DISCONNECTED" + }, { + "name" : "UNKNOWN", + "value" : "UNKNOWN" + } ], + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "ConnectionState", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionState", + "variableName" : "connectionState", + "variableType" : "ConnectionState", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "ConnectionState", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionState" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "CopyWorkspaceImage", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.CopyWorkspaceImage", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "Name", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageName", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The name of the image.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withName", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@return The name of the image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getName", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Name", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Name", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "ResourceId", + "name" : "Name", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setName", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableName" : "name", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -7265,13 +7878,220 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The name of the image.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "Description", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageDescription", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

A description of the image.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDescription", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@return A description of the image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDescription", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Description", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Description", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Description", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDescription", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "description", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "description", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

A description of the image.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "SourceImageId", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source image.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSourceImageId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@return The identifier of the source image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getSourceImageId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "SourceImageId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceImageId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "SourceImageId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setSourceImageId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sourceImageId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sourceImageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source image.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "SourceRegion", + "c2jShape" : "Region", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source Region.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSourceRegion", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@return The identifier of the source Region.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getSourceRegion", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "SourceRegion", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceRegion", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "SourceRegion", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setSourceRegion", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sourceRegion", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sourceRegion", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source Region.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, @@ -7280,12 +8100,12 @@ "c2jName" : "Tags", "c2jShape" : "TagList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

", + "documentation" : "

The tags for the image.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@return The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@return The tags for the image.*/", "getterMethodName" : "getTags", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "java.util.List", @@ -7403,7 +8223,7 @@ "marshallingType" : "LIST", "name" : "Tags", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.*/", "setterMethodName" : "setTags", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, @@ -7418,30 +8238,30 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", "variableName" : "tags", "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

", + "documentation" : "

The tags for the image.

", "simpleType" : "List", "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "ResourceId" : { - "c2jName" : "ResourceId", - "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "Description" : { + "c2jName" : "Description", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageDescription", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", + "documentation" : "

A description of the image.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDescription", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@return A description of the image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDescription", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -7456,11 +8276,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "marshallLocationName" : "Description", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Description", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -7472,14 +8292,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "ResourceId", + "name" : "Description", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDescription", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableName" : "description", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -7489,31 +8309,31 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A description of the image.

\n@param description A description of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableName" : "description", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", + "documentation" : "

A description of the image.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "Tags" : { - "c2jName" : "Tags", - "c2jShape" : "TagList", + "Name" : { + "c2jName" : "Name", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageName", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

", + "documentation" : "

The name of the image.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@return The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getTags", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withName", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@return The name of the image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getName", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -7526,394 +8346,204 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "marshallLocationName" : "Name", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Name", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : true, - "listModel" : { - "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", - "listMemberModel" : { - "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "Tag", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", - "getterMethodName" : "getMember", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "member", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", - "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", - "name" : "Member", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", - "setterMethodName" : "setMember", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "variableSetterType" : "Tag" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Tag", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "variableSetterType" : "Tag" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "Tag", - "map" : false, - "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, - "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, - "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "Tag", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" - }, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", - "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "Tags", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Name", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setTags", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setName", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tags", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, + "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the image.

\n@param name The name of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tags", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "name", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The name of the image.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - } - }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : [ "ResourceId", "Tags" ], - "shapeName" : "CreateTagsRequest", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : null, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateTagsRequest", - "variableName" : "createTagsRequest", - "variableType" : "CreateTagsRequest", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "CreateTagsRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "CreateTagsRequest" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "CreateTagsResult" : { - "c2jName" : "CreateTagsResult", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : null, - "members" : null, - "membersAsMap" : { }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "CreateTagsResult", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : { - "flattened" : false, - "resultWrapper" : null - }, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateTagsResult", - "variableName" : "createTagsResult", - "variableType" : "CreateTagsResult", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "CreateTagsResult", - "variableSetterType" : "CreateTagsResult" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "CreateWorkspacesRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : { - "action" : "CreateWorkspaces", - "locationName" : null, - "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.CreateWorkspaces", - "verb" : "POST", - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "Workspaces", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceRequestList", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withWorkspaces", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@return The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getWorkspaces", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Workspaces", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Workspaces", - "uri" : false }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : true, - "listModel" : { - "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", - "listMemberModel" : { - "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", - "getterMethodName" : "getMember", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "member", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", - "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", - "name" : "Member", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", - "setterMethodName" : "setMember", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "WorkspaceRequest" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "WorkspaceRequest" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + "SourceImageId" : { + "c2jName" : "SourceImageId", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source image.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSourceImageId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@return The identifier of the source image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getSourceImageId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null }, - "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "SourceImageId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceImageId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, "map" : false, - "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, - "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, - "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" - }, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", - "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "Workspaces", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setWorkspaces", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "workspaces", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "SourceImageId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setSourceImageId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sourceImageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source image.

\n@param sourceImageId The identifier of the source image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sourceImageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source image.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setWorkspaces(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withWorkspaces(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "workspaces", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "SourceRegion" : { + "c2jName" : "SourceRegion", + "c2jShape" : "Region", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source Region.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withSourceRegion", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@return The identifier of the source Region.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getSourceRegion", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "SourceRegion", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "SourceRegion", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "SourceRegion", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setSourceRegion", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sourceRegion", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the source Region.

\n@param sourceRegion The identifier of the source Region.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "sourceRegion", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the source Region.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - } ], - "membersAsMap" : { - "Workspaces" : { - "c2jName" : "Workspaces", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceRequestList", + "Tags" : { + "c2jName" : "Tags", + "c2jShape" : "TagList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

", + "documentation" : "

The tags for the image.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withWorkspaces", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@return The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getWorkspaces", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@return The tags for the image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTags", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -7926,11 +8556,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "Workspaces", + "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "Workspaces", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -7942,7 +8572,7 @@ "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", "listMemberModel" : { "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "c2jShape" : "Tag", "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, @@ -7952,7 +8582,7 @@ "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", "getterMethodName" : "getMember", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "returnType" : "Tag", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -7987,12 +8617,12 @@ "setterMethodName" : "setMember", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableType" : "Tag", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "WorkspaceRequest" + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, @@ -8001,57 +8631,57 @@ "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableType" : "Tag", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "WorkspaceRequest" + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "memberType" : "Tag", "map" : false, "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "Workspaces", + "name" : "Tags", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setWorkspaces", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTags", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "workspaces", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setWorkspaces(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withWorkspaces(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags for the image.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags for the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "workspaces", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The tags for the image.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } @@ -8059,24 +8689,24 @@ "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : [ "Workspaces" ], - "shapeName" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest", + "required" : [ "Name", "SourceImageId", "SourceRegion" ], + "shapeName" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : null, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest", - "variableName" : "createWorkspacesRequest", - "variableType" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest", + "variableDeclarationType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest", + "variableName" : "copyWorkspaceImageRequest", + "variableType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest" + "simpleType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "CreateWorkspacesResult" : { - "c2jName" : "CreateWorkspacesResult", + "CopyWorkspaceImageResult" : { + "c2jName" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -8088,7 +8718,7 @@ "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, @@ -8096,18 +8726,18 @@ "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : null, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "FailedRequests", - "c2jShape" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequests", + "c2jName" : "ImageId", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFailedRequests", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@return Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getFailedRequests", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withImageId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@return The identifier of the image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getImageId", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -8120,147 +8750,254 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "FailedRequests", + "marshallLocationName" : "ImageId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "FailedRequests", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ImageId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : true, - "listModel" : { - "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", - "listMemberModel" : { - "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", - "getterMethodName" : "getMember", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "member", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", - "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", - "name" : "Member", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", - "setterMethodName" : "setMember", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ImageId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setImageId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "imageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "imageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "ImageId" : { + "c2jName" : "ImageId", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withImageId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@return The identifier of the image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getImageId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null }, - "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, "map" : false, - "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, - "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, - "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ImageId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setImageId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "imageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "imageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult", + "variableName" : "copyWorkspaceImageResult", + "variableType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult", + "variableSetterType" : "CopyWorkspaceImageResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "CreateConnectionAliasRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "CreateConnectionAliasRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "CreateConnectionAlias", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.CreateConnectionAlias", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionString", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionString", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@param connectionString A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionString", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@return A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionString", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionString", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionString", + "uri" : false }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", - "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "FailedRequests", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ConnectionString", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setFailedRequests", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@param connectionString A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionString", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "failedRequests", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionString", + "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, + "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setFailedRequests(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withFailedRequests(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@param connectionString A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "failedRequests", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionString", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "PendingRequests", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceList", + "c2jName" : "Tags", + "c2jShape" : "TagList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

", + "documentation" : "

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPendingRequests", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@return Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getPendingRequests", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

\n@param tags The tags to associate with the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

\n@return The tags to associate with the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTags", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -8273,11 +9010,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "PendingRequests", + "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "PendingRequests", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -8289,7 +9026,7 @@ "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", "listMemberModel" : { "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "Workspace", + "c2jShape" : "Tag", "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, @@ -8299,7 +9036,7 @@ "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", "getterMethodName" : "getMember", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Workspace", + "returnType" : "Tag", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -8334,12 +9071,12 @@ "setterMethodName" : "setMember", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Workspace", + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Workspace", + "variableType" : "Tag", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Workspace", - "variableSetterType" : "Workspace" + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, @@ -8348,74 +9085,74 @@ "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Workspace", + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Workspace", + "variableType" : "Tag", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Workspace", - "variableSetterType" : "Workspace" + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "Workspace", + "memberType" : "Tag", "map" : false, "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "Workspace", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "PendingRequests", + "name" : "Tags", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setPendingRequests", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

\n@param tags The tags to associate with the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTags", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "pendingRequests", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setPendingRequests(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withPendingRequests(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags to associate with the connection alias.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags to associate with the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "pendingRequests", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "FailedRequests" : { - "c2jName" : "FailedRequests", - "c2jShape" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequests", + "ConnectionString" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionString", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionString", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

", + "documentation" : "

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFailedRequests", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@return Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getFailedRequests", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@param connectionString A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionString", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@return A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionString", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -8428,11 +9165,81 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "FailedRequests", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionString", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "FailedRequests", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionString", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ConnectionString", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@param connectionString A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionString", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionString", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@param connectionString A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "connectionString", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "Tags" : { + "c2jName" : "Tags", + "c2jShape" : "TagList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

\n@param tags The tags to associate with the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

\n@return The tags to associate with the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTags", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -8444,7 +9251,7 @@ "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", "listMemberModel" : { "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "c2jShape" : "Tag", "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, @@ -8454,7 +9261,7 @@ "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", "getterMethodName" : "getMember", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "returnType" : "Tag", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -8489,12 +9296,12 @@ "setterMethodName" : "setMember", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableType" : "Tag", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest" + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, @@ -8503,239 +9310,82 @@ "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableType" : "Tag", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest" + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "memberType" : "Tag", "map" : false, "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "FailedRequests", + "name" : "Tags", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setFailedRequests", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

\n@param tags The tags to associate with the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTags", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "failedRequests", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setFailedRequests(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withFailedRequests(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags to associate with the connection alias.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags to associate with the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "failedRequests", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "PendingRequests" : { - "c2jName" : "PendingRequests", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceList", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPendingRequests", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@return Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getPendingRequests", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "PendingRequests", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "PendingRequests", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : true, - "listModel" : { - "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", - "listMemberModel" : { - "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "Workspace", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", - "getterMethodName" : "getMember", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Workspace", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "member", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", - "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", - "name" : "Member", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", - "setterMethodName" : "setMember", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Workspace", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Workspace", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Workspace", - "variableSetterType" : "Workspace" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Workspace", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "Workspace", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Workspace", - "variableSetterType" : "Workspace" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "Workspace", - "map" : false, - "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, - "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, - "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "Workspace", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" - }, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", - "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "PendingRequests", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setPendingRequests", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "pendingRequests", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setPendingRequests(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withPendingRequests(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "pendingRequests", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } }, - "packageName" : "", + "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "CreateWorkspacesResult", + "required" : [ "ConnectionString" ], + "shapeName" : "CreateConnectionAliasRequest", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : { - "flattened" : false, - "resultWrapper" : null - }, + "unmarshaller" : null, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateWorkspacesResult", - "variableName" : "createWorkspacesResult", - "variableType" : "CreateWorkspacesResult", + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableName" : "createConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableType" : "CreateConnectionAliasRequest", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "CreateWorkspacesResult", - "variableSetterType" : "CreateWorkspacesResult" + "simpleType" : "CreateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateConnectionAliasRequest" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum" : { - "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", + "CreateConnectionAliasResult" : { + "c2jName" : "CreateConnectionAliasResult", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -8745,128 +9395,162 @@ "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : [ { - "name" : "PENDING", - "value" : "PENDING" - }, { - "name" : "COMPLETED", - "value" : "COMPLETED" - }, { - "name" : "FAILED", - "value" : "FAILED" - } ], + "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : null, - "members" : null, - "membersAsMap" : { }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : { - "flattened" : false, - "resultWrapper" : null - }, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", - "variableType" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", - "variableSetterType" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum" : { - "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : [ { - "name" : "ENABLED", - "value" : "ENABLED" + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : null, - "members" : null, - "membersAsMap" : { }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : { - "flattened" : false, - "resultWrapper" : null - }, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupportEnum", - "variableType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum", - "variableSetterType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum" : { - "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + "membersAsMap" : { + "AliasId" : { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : [ { - "name" : "ENABLED", - "value" : "ENABLED" - }, { - "name" : "DISABLED", - "value" : "DISABLED" - } ], - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : null, - "members" : null, - "membersAsMap" : { }, - "packageName" : "", + "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "shapeName" : "CreateConnectionAliasResult", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : { @@ -8875,17 +9559,17 @@ }, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", - "variableType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateConnectionAliasResult", + "variableName" : "createConnectionAliasResult", + "variableType" : "CreateConnectionAliasResult", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", - "variableSetterType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum" + "simpleType" : "CreateConnectionAliasResult", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateConnectionAliasResult" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties" : { - "c2jName" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", + "CreateIpGroupRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "CreateIpGroupRequest", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -8893,30 +9577,37 @@ "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false }, "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Describes the default values that are used to create WorkSpaces. For more information, see Update Directory Details for Your WorkSpaces.

", + "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : null, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "CreateIpGroup", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.CreateIpGroup", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "EnableWorkDocs", - "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "c2jName" : "GroupName", + "c2jShape" : "IpGroupName", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

", + "documentation" : "

The name of the group.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableWorkDocs", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@return Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getEnableWorkDocs", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupName", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@return The name of the group.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getGroupName", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Boolean", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -8929,11 +9620,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "marshallLocationName" : "GroupName", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupName", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -8943,49 +9634,49 @@ "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", - "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", - "name" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "GroupName", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setEnableWorkDocs", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setGroupName", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableWorkDocs", - "variableType" : "Boolean", + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupName", + "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableWorkDocs", - "variableType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupName", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The name of the group.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "EnableInternetAccess", - "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "c2jName" : "GroupDesc", + "c2jShape" : "IpGroupDesc", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", + "documentation" : "

The description of the group.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableInternetAccess", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@return Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getEnableInternetAccess", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupDesc", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@return The description of the group.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getGroupDesc", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Boolean", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -8998,11 +9689,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "marshallLocationName" : "GroupDesc", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupDesc", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -9012,49 +9703,49 @@ "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", - "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", - "name" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "GroupDesc", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setEnableInternetAccess", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setGroupDesc", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableInternetAccess", - "variableType" : "Boolean", + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupDesc", + "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableInternetAccess", - "variableType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupDesc", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The description of the group.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "DefaultOu", - "c2jShape" : "DefaultOu", + "c2jName" : "UserRules", + "c2jShape" : "IpRuleList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

", + "documentation" : "

The rules to add to the group.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDefaultOu", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@return The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getDefaultOu", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withUserRules", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@return The rules to add to the group.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getUserRules", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -9067,132 +9758,147 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "DefaultOu", + "marshallLocationName" : "UserRules", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "DefaultOu", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "UserRules", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "DefaultOu", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setDefaultOu", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "defaultOu", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "defaultOu", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, { - "c2jName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", - "c2jShape" : "SecurityGroupId", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withCustomSecurityGroupId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@return The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getCustomSecurityGroupId", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", - "uri" : false + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "IpRuleItem", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "IpRuleItem", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "IpRuleItem", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "IpRuleItem", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", + "variableSetterType" : "IpRuleItem" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "IpRuleItem", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "IpRuleItem", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", + "variableSetterType" : "IpRuleItem" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "IpRuleItem", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "UserRules", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setCustomSecurityGroupId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setUserRules", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "customSecurityGroupId", - "variableType" : "String", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "userRules", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, + "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setUserRules(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withUserRules(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "customSecurityGroupId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "userRules", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The rules to add to the group.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", - "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "c2jName" : "Tags", + "c2jShape" : "TagList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

", + "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@return Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@return The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTags", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Boolean", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -9205,132 +9911,147 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", - "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", - "name" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", - "variableType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", - "variableType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, { - "c2jName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", - "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableMaintenanceMode", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@return Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getEnableMaintenanceMode", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", - "uri" : false + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "Tag", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "Tag", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", - "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", - "name" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "Tags", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setEnableMaintenanceMode", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTags", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableMaintenanceMode", - "variableType" : "Boolean", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, + "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableMaintenanceMode", - "variableType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "CustomSecurityGroupId" : { - "c2jName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", - "c2jShape" : "SecurityGroupId", + "GroupDesc" : { + "c2jName" : "GroupDesc", + "c2jShape" : "IpGroupDesc", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

", + "documentation" : "

The description of the group.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withCustomSecurityGroupId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@return The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getCustomSecurityGroupId", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupDesc", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@return The description of the group.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getGroupDesc", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -9345,11 +10066,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "marshallLocationName" : "GroupDesc", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupDesc", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -9361,14 +10082,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "name" : "GroupDesc", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setCustomSecurityGroupId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setGroupDesc", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "customSecurityGroupId", + "variableName" : "groupDesc", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -9378,29 +10099,29 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The description of the group.

\n@param groupDesc The description of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "customSecurityGroupId", + "variableName" : "groupDesc", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

", + "documentation" : "

The description of the group.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "DefaultOu" : { - "c2jName" : "DefaultOu", - "c2jShape" : "DefaultOu", + "GroupName" : { + "c2jName" : "GroupName", + "c2jShape" : "IpGroupName", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

", + "documentation" : "

The name of the group.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDefaultOu", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@return The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getDefaultOu", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupName", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@return The name of the group.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getGroupName", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -9415,11 +10136,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "DefaultOu", + "marshallLocationName" : "GroupName", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "DefaultOu", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupName", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -9431,14 +10152,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "DefaultOu", + "name" : "GroupName", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setDefaultOu", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setGroupName", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "defaultOu", + "variableName" : "groupName", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -9448,31 +10169,31 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The name of the group.

\n@param groupName The name of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "defaultOu", + "variableName" : "groupName", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

", + "documentation" : "

The name of the group.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "EnableInternetAccess" : { - "c2jName" : "EnableInternetAccess", - "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "Tags" : { + "c2jName" : "Tags", + "c2jShape" : "TagList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", + "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableInternetAccess", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@return Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getEnableInternetAccess", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@return The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTags", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Boolean", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -9485,64 +10206,148 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", - "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", - "name" : "EnableInternetAccess", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setEnableInternetAccess", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableInternetAccess", - "variableType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "Tag", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "Tag", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "Tags", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTags", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, + "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableInternetAccess", - "variableType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "EnableMaintenanceMode" : { - "c2jName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", - "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "UserRules" : { + "c2jName" : "UserRules", + "c2jShape" : "IpRuleList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

", + "documentation" : "

The rules to add to the group.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableMaintenanceMode", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@return Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getEnableMaintenanceMode", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withUserRules", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@return The rules to add to the group.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getUserRules", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Boolean", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -9555,64 +10360,259 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "marshallLocationName" : "UserRules", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "UserRules", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "IpRuleItem", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "IpRuleItem", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "IpRuleItem", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "IpRuleItem", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", + "variableSetterType" : "IpRuleItem" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "IpRuleItem", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "IpRuleItem", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", + "variableSetterType" : "IpRuleItem" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "IpRuleItem", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "IpRuleItem", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", - "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", - "name" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "UserRules", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setEnableMaintenanceMode", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setUserRules", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableMaintenanceMode", - "variableType" : "Boolean", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "userRules", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, + "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The rules to add to the group.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setUserRules(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withUserRules(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param userRules The rules to add to the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableMaintenanceMode", - "variableType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "userRules", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The rules to add to the group.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "GroupName" ], + "shapeName" : "CreateIpGroupRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateIpGroupRequest", + "variableName" : "createIpGroupRequest", + "variableType" : "CreateIpGroupRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "CreateIpGroupRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateIpGroupRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "CreateIpGroupResult" : { + "c2jName" : "CreateIpGroupResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "GroupId", + "c2jShape" : "IpGroupId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the group.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@return The identifier of the group.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getGroupId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null }, - "EnableWorkDocs" : { - "c2jName" : "EnableWorkDocs", - "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "GroupId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setGroupId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the group.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "GroupId" : { + "c2jName" : "GroupId", + "c2jShape" : "IpGroupId", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the group.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableWorkDocs", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@return Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getEnableWorkDocs", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@return The identifier of the group.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getGroupId", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Boolean", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -9625,11 +10625,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "marshallLocationName" : "GroupId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -9639,50 +10639,4709 @@ "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", - "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", - "name" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "GroupId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setGroupId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the group.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "CreateIpGroupResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateIpGroupResult", + "variableName" : "createIpGroupResult", + "variableType" : "CreateIpGroupResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "CreateIpGroupResult", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateIpGroupResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "CreateTagsRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "CreateTagsRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "CreateTags", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.CreateTags", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "ResourceId", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ResourceId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "Tags", + "c2jShape" : "TagList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@return The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTags", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "Tag", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "Tag", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "Tags", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTags", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "ResourceId" : { + "c2jName" : "ResourceId", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ResourceId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "Tags" : { + "c2jName" : "Tags", + "c2jShape" : "TagList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTags", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@return The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTags", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Tags", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "Tag", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Tag", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Tag", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "variableSetterType" : "Tag" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "Tag", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "Tag", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "Tags", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTags", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tags The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tags", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The tags. Each WorkSpaces resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. If you want to add new tags to a set of existing tags, you must submit all of the existing tags along with the new ones.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "ResourceId", "Tags" ], + "shapeName" : "CreateTagsRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateTagsRequest", + "variableName" : "createTagsRequest", + "variableType" : "CreateTagsRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "CreateTagsRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateTagsRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "CreateTagsResult" : { + "c2jName" : "CreateTagsResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "CreateTagsResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateTagsResult", + "variableName" : "createTagsResult", + "variableType" : "CreateTagsResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "CreateTagsResult", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateTagsResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "CreateWorkspacesRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "CreateWorkspaces", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.CreateWorkspaces", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "Workspaces", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceRequestList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withWorkspaces", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@return The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getWorkspaces", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Workspaces", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Workspaces", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "WorkspaceRequest" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "WorkspaceRequest" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "Workspaces", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setWorkspaces", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "workspaces", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setWorkspaces(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withWorkspaces(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "workspaces", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "Workspaces" : { + "c2jName" : "Workspaces", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceRequestList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withWorkspaces", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@return The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getWorkspaces", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Workspaces", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Workspaces", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "WorkspaceRequest" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "WorkspaceRequest" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "WorkspaceRequest", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "Workspaces", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setWorkspaces", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "workspaces", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setWorkspaces(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withWorkspaces(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param workspaces The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "workspaces", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The WorkSpaces to create. You can specify up to 25 WorkSpaces.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "Workspaces" ], + "shapeName" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest", + "variableName" : "createWorkspacesRequest", + "variableType" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateWorkspacesRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "CreateWorkspacesResult" : { + "c2jName" : "CreateWorkspacesResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "FailedRequests", + "c2jShape" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequests", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFailedRequests", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@return Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getFailedRequests", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "FailedRequests", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "FailedRequests", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "FailedRequests", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setFailedRequests", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "failedRequests", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setFailedRequests(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withFailedRequests(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "failedRequests", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "PendingRequests", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPendingRequests", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@return Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPendingRequests", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PendingRequests", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PendingRequests", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "Workspace", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Workspace", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Workspace", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Workspace", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Workspace", + "variableSetterType" : "Workspace" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Workspace", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Workspace", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Workspace", + "variableSetterType" : "Workspace" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "Workspace", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "Workspace", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "PendingRequests", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPendingRequests", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "pendingRequests", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setPendingRequests(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withPendingRequests(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "pendingRequests", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "FailedRequests" : { + "c2jName" : "FailedRequests", + "c2jShape" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequests", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withFailedRequests", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@return Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getFailedRequests", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "FailedRequests", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "FailedRequests", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "FailedCreateWorkspaceRequest", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "FailedRequests", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setFailedRequests", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "failedRequests", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setFailedRequests(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withFailedRequests(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param failedRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "failedRequests", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that could not be created.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "PendingRequests" : { + "c2jName" : "PendingRequests", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withPendingRequests", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@return Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getPendingRequests", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "PendingRequests", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "PendingRequests", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "Workspace", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Workspace", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Workspace", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Workspace", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Workspace", + "variableSetterType" : "Workspace" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Workspace", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "Workspace", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Workspace", + "variableSetterType" : "Workspace" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "Workspace", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "Workspace", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "PendingRequests", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setPendingRequests", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "pendingRequests", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setPendingRequests(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withPendingRequests(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param pendingRequests Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "pendingRequests", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

Information about the WorkSpaces that were created.

Because this operation is asynchronous, the identifier returned is not immediately available for use with other operations. For example, if you call DescribeWorkspaces before the WorkSpace is created, the information returned can be incomplete.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "CreateWorkspacesResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "CreateWorkspacesResult", + "variableName" : "createWorkspacesResult", + "variableType" : "CreateWorkspacesResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "CreateWorkspacesResult", + "variableSetterType" : "CreateWorkspacesResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum" : { + "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : [ { + "name" : "PENDING", + "value" : "PENDING" + }, { + "name" : "COMPLETED", + "value" : "COMPLETED" + }, { + "name" : "FAILED", + "value" : "FAILED" + } ], + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", + "variableType" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum", + "variableSetterType" : "DedicatedTenancyModificationStateEnum" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum" : { + "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : [ { + "name" : "ENABLED", + "value" : "ENABLED" + } ], + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupportEnum", + "variableType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum", + "variableSetterType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportEnum" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum" : { + "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : [ { + "name" : "ENABLED", + "value" : "ENABLED" + }, { + "name" : "DISABLED", + "value" : "DISABLED" + } ], + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "variableType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "variableSetterType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties" : { + "c2jName" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Describes the default values that are used to create WorkSpaces. For more information, see Update Directory Details for Your WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableWorkDocs", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@return Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getEnableWorkDocs", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", + "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", + "name" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setEnableWorkDocs", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableWorkDocs", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableWorkDocs", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableInternetAccess", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@return Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getEnableInternetAccess", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", + "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", + "name" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setEnableInternetAccess", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableInternetAccess", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableInternetAccess", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "DefaultOu", + "c2jShape" : "DefaultOu", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDefaultOu", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@return The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDefaultOu", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "DefaultOu", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "DefaultOu", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "DefaultOu", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDefaultOu", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "defaultOu", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "defaultOu", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "c2jShape" : "SecurityGroupId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withCustomSecurityGroupId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@return The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getCustomSecurityGroupId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setCustomSecurityGroupId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "customSecurityGroupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "customSecurityGroupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@return Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", + "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", + "name" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableMaintenanceMode", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@return Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getEnableMaintenanceMode", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", + "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", + "name" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setEnableMaintenanceMode", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableMaintenanceMode", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableMaintenanceMode", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "CustomSecurityGroupId" : { + "c2jName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "c2jShape" : "SecurityGroupId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withCustomSecurityGroupId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@return The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getCustomSecurityGroupId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "CustomSecurityGroupId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setCustomSecurityGroupId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "customSecurityGroupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

\n@param customSecurityGroupId The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "customSecurityGroupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the default security group to apply to WorkSpaces when they are created. For more information, see Security Groups for Your WorkSpaces.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "DefaultOu" : { + "c2jName" : "DefaultOu", + "c2jShape" : "DefaultOu", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDefaultOu", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@return The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDefaultOu", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "DefaultOu", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "DefaultOu", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "DefaultOu", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDefaultOu", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "defaultOu", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

\n@param defaultOu The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "defaultOu", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The organizational unit (OU) in the directory for the WorkSpace machine accounts.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "EnableInternetAccess" : { + "c2jName" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableInternetAccess", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@return Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getEnableInternetAccess", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", + "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", + "name" : "EnableInternetAccess", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setEnableInternetAccess", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableInternetAccess", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

\n@param enableInternetAccess Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableInternetAccess", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether to automatically assign an Elastic public IP address to WorkSpaces in this directory by default. If enabled, the Elastic public IP address allows outbound internet access from your WorkSpaces when you’re using an internet gateway in the Amazon VPC in which your WorkSpaces are located. If you're using a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway for outbound internet access from your VPC, or if your WorkSpaces are in public subnets and you manually assign them Elastic IP addresses, you should disable this setting. This setting applies to new WorkSpaces that you launch or to existing WorkSpaces that you rebuild. For more information, see Configure a VPC for Amazon WorkSpaces.

", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "EnableMaintenanceMode" : { + "c2jName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableMaintenanceMode", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@return Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getEnableMaintenanceMode", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", + "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", + "name" : "EnableMaintenanceMode", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setEnableMaintenanceMode", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableMaintenanceMode", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

\n@param enableMaintenanceMode Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableMaintenanceMode", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether maintenance mode is enabled for WorkSpaces. For more information, see WorkSpace Maintenance.

", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "EnableWorkDocs" : { + "c2jName" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withEnableWorkDocs", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@return Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getEnableWorkDocs", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", + "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", + "name" : "EnableWorkDocs", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setEnableWorkDocs", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableWorkDocs", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "enableWorkDocs", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator" : { + "c2jName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@return Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", + "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", + "name" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", + "variableName" : "userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "variableType" : "Boolean", + "documentation" : "

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

", + "simpleType" : "Boolean", + "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", + "variableName" : "defaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", + "variableType" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", + "variableSetterType" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DeleteConnectionAlias", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DeleteConnectionAlias", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to delete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias to delete.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to delete.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to delete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AliasId" : { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to delete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias to delete.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to delete.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to delete.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "AliasId" ], + "shapeName" : "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableName" : "deleteConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteConnectionAliasResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteConnectionAliasResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DeleteConnectionAliasResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasResult", + "variableName" : "deleteConnectionAliasResult", + "variableType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteConnectionAliasResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteIpGroupRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DeleteIpGroup", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DeleteIpGroup", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "GroupId", + "c2jShape" : "IpGroupId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the IP access control group.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@return The identifier of the IP access control group.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getGroupId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "GroupId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setGroupId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the IP access control group.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "GroupId" : { + "c2jName" : "GroupId", + "c2jShape" : "IpGroupId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the IP access control group.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@return The identifier of the IP access control group.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getGroupId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "GroupId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setGroupId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the IP access control group.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "GroupId" ], + "shapeName" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest", + "variableName" : "deleteIpGroupRequest", + "variableType" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteIpGroupResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteIpGroupResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DeleteIpGroupResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteIpGroupResult", + "variableName" : "deleteIpGroupResult", + "variableType" : "DeleteIpGroupResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteIpGroupResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteIpGroupResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteTagsRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteTagsRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DeleteTags", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DeleteTags", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "ResourceId", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ResourceId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "TagKeys", + "c2jShape" : "TagKeyList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The tag keys.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTagKeys", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@return The tag keys.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTagKeys", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TagKeys", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TagKeys", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "String", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : true, + "simpleType" : "String", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "TagKeys", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTagKeys", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tagKeys", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTagKeys(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTagKeys(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tagKeys", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The tag keys.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "ResourceId" : { + "c2jName" : "ResourceId", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ResourceId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "TagKeys" : { + "c2jName" : "TagKeys", + "c2jShape" : "TagKeyList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The tag keys.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTagKeys", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@return The tag keys.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getTagKeys", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "TagKeys", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "TagKeys", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "String", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : true, + "simpleType" : "String", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "TagKeys", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setTagKeys", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tagKeys", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTagKeys(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTagKeys(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "tagKeys", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The tag keys.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "ResourceId", "TagKeys" ], + "shapeName" : "DeleteTagsRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteTagsRequest", + "variableName" : "deleteTagsRequest", + "variableType" : "DeleteTagsRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteTagsRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteTagsRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteTagsResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteTagsResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DeleteTagsResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteTagsResult", + "variableName" : "deleteTagsResult", + "variableType" : "DeleteTagsResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteTagsResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteTagsResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DeleteWorkspaceImage", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DeleteWorkspaceImage", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "ImageId", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withImageId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@return The identifier of the image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getImageId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ImageId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setImageId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "imageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "imageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "ImageId" : { + "c2jName" : "ImageId", + "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withImageId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@return The identifier of the image.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getImageId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ImageId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setImageId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "imageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "imageId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "ImageId" ], + "shapeName" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest", + "variableName" : "deleteWorkspaceImageRequest", + "variableType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult", + "variableName" : "deleteWorkspaceImageResult", + "variableType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectory", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DeregisterWorkspaceDirectory", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "DirectoryId", + "c2jShape" : "DirectoryId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDirectoryId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@return The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDirectoryId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "DirectoryId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "DirectoryId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "DirectoryId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDirectoryId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "directoryId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "directoryId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "DirectoryId" : { + "c2jName" : "DirectoryId", + "c2jShape" : "DirectoryId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDirectoryId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@return The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDirectoryId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "DirectoryId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "DirectoryId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "DirectoryId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDirectoryId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "directoryId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "directoryId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "DirectoryId" ], + "shapeName" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", + "variableName" : "deregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", + "variableType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", + "variableName" : "deregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", + "variableType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DescribeAccountModifications", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DescribeAccountModifications", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "PaginationToken", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@return If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "PaginationToken", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@return If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest", + "variableName" : "describeAccountModificationsRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribeAccountModificationsResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AccountModifications", + "c2jShape" : "AccountModificationList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountModifications", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@return The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountModifications", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountModifications", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountModifications", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "AccountModification", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "AccountModification", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountModification", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "AccountModification", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountModification", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountModification" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountModification", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "AccountModification", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountModification", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountModification" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "AccountModification", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "AccountModification", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "AccountModifications", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountModifications", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "accountModifications", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountModifications(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountModifications(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "accountModifications", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "PaginationToken", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@return The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AccountModifications" : { + "c2jName" : "AccountModifications", + "c2jShape" : "AccountModificationList", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountModifications", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@return The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAccountModifications", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AccountModifications", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountModifications", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "AccountModification", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "AccountModification", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountModification", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "AccountModification", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountModification", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountModification" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountModification", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "AccountModification", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "AccountModification", + "variableSetterType" : "AccountModification" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "AccountModification", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "AccountModification", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "AccountModifications", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setEnableWorkDocs", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAccountModifications", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableWorkDocs", - "variableType" : "Boolean", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "accountModifications", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, + "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

\n@param enableWorkDocs Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountModifications(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountModifications(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "enableWorkDocs", - "variableType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether the directory is enabled for Amazon WorkDocs.

", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "accountModifications", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator" : { - "c2jName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", - "c2jShape" : "BooleanObject", + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "PaginationToken", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

", + "documentation" : "

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@return Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@return The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "Boolean", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -9695,11 +15354,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -9709,43 +15368,43 @@ "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "Boolean", - "marshallingType" : "BOOLEAN", - "name" : "UserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setUserEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", - "variableType" : "Boolean", + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

\n@param userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "Boolean", - "variableName" : "userEnabledAsLocalAdministrator", - "variableType" : "Boolean", - "documentation" : "

Specifies whether WorkSpace users are local administrators on their WorkSpaces.

", - "simpleType" : "Boolean", - "variableSetterType" : "Boolean" + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } }, - "packageName" : "", + "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", + "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : { @@ -9754,17 +15413,17 @@ }, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", - "variableName" : "defaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", - "variableType" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult", + "variableName" : "describeAccountModificationsResult", + "variableType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties", - "variableSetterType" : "DefaultWorkspaceCreationProperties" + "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "DeleteIpGroupRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest", + "DescribeAccountRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountRequest", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -9776,31 +15435,141 @@ "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : { - "action" : "DeleteIpGroup", + "action" : "DescribeAccount", "locationName" : null, "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.DeleteIpGroup", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DescribeAccount", "verb" : "POST", "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountRequest", + "variableName" : "describeAccountRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeAccountRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DescribeAccountResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "GroupId", - "c2jShape" : "IpGroupId", + "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "c2jShape" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the IP access control group.

", + "documentation" : "

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDedicatedTenancySupport", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@return The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDedicatedTenancySupport", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDedicatedTenancySupport", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupport", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupport", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "c2jShape" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@return The identifier of the IP access control group.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getGroupId", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@return The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -9815,11 +15584,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "marshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -9831,14 +15600,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "GroupId", + "name" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setGroupId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -9848,30 +15617,30 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the IP access control group.

", + "documentation" : "

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "GroupId" : { - "c2jName" : "GroupId", - "c2jShape" : "IpGroupId", + "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange" : { + "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "c2jShape" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the IP access control group.

", + "documentation" : "

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withGroupId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@return The identifier of the IP access control group.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getGroupId", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@return The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -9886,11 +15655,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "marshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "GroupId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -9902,14 +15671,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "GroupId", + "name" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setGroupId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -9919,65 +15688,94 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the IP access control group.

\n@param groupId The identifier of the IP access control group.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "groupId", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the IP access control group.

", + "documentation" : "

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "DedicatedTenancySupport" : { + "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "c2jShape" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDedicatedTenancySupport", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@return The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getDedicatedTenancySupport", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setDedicatedTenancySupport", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupport", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupport", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : [ "GroupId" ], - "shapeName" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : null, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest", - "variableName" : "deleteIpGroupRequest", - "variableType" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "DeleteIpGroupRequest" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "DeleteIpGroupResult" : { - "c2jName" : "DeleteIpGroupResult", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : null, - "members" : null, - "membersAsMap" : { }, "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DeleteIpGroupResult", + "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountResult", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : { @@ -9986,17 +15784,17 @@ }, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteIpGroupResult", - "variableName" : "deleteIpGroupResult", - "variableType" : "DeleteIpGroupResult", + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountResult", + "variableName" : "describeAccountResult", + "variableType" : "DescribeAccountResult", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DeleteIpGroupResult", - "variableSetterType" : "DeleteIpGroupResult" + "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountResult" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "DeleteTagsRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "DeleteTagsRequest", + "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -10008,100 +15806,31 @@ "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : { - "action" : "DeleteTags", + "action" : "DescribeClientProperties", "locationName" : null, "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.DeleteTags", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DescribeClientProperties", "verb" : "POST", "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "ResourceId", - "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "ResourceId", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "resourceId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "resourceId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, { - "c2jName" : "TagKeys", - "c2jShape" : "TagKeyList", + "c2jName" : "ResourceIds", + "c2jShape" : "ResourceIdList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The tag keys.

", + "documentation" : "

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTagKeys", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@return The tag keys.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getTagKeys", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceIds", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@return The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceIds", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null @@ -10116,11 +15845,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "TagKeys", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceIds", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "TagKeys", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceIds", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -10216,14 +15945,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "TagKeys", + "name" : "ResourceIds", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setTagKeys", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceIds", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tagKeys", + "variableName" : "resourceIds", "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "List", @@ -10233,100 +15962,30 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTagKeys(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTagKeys(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setResourceIds(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withResourceIds(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tagKeys", + "variableName" : "resourceIds", "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The tag keys.

", + "documentation" : "

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

", "simpleType" : "List", "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "ResourceId" : { - "c2jName" : "ResourceId", - "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "ResourceId", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "resourceId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "resourceId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "TagKeys" : { - "c2jName" : "TagKeys", - "c2jShape" : "TagKeyList", + "ResourceIds" : { + "c2jName" : "ResourceIds", + "c2jShape" : "ResourceIdList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The tag keys.

", + "documentation" : "

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withTagKeys", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@return The tag keys.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getTagKeys", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceIds", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@return The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceIds", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null @@ -10341,11 +16000,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "TagKeys", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceIds", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "TagKeys", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceIds", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -10441,14 +16100,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "TagKeys", + "name" : "ResourceIds", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setTagKeys", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceIds", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tagKeys", + "variableName" : "resourceIds", "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "List", @@ -10458,13 +16117,13 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The tag keys.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setTagKeys(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTagKeys(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param tagKeys The tag keys.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setResourceIds(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withResourceIds(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "tagKeys", + "variableName" : "resourceIds", "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The tag keys.

", + "documentation" : "

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

", "simpleType" : "List", "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, @@ -10474,24 +16133,24 @@ "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : [ "ResourceId", "TagKeys" ], - "shapeName" : "DeleteTagsRequest", + "required" : [ "ResourceIds" ], + "shapeName" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : null, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteTagsRequest", - "variableName" : "deleteTagsRequest", - "variableType" : "DeleteTagsRequest", + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest", + "variableName" : "describeClientPropertiesRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DeleteTagsRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "DeleteTagsRequest" + "simpleType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "DeleteTagsResult" : { - "c2jName" : "DeleteTagsResult", + "DescribeClientPropertiesResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -10503,77 +16162,26 @@ "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : null, - "members" : null, - "membersAsMap" : { }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DeleteTagsResult", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : { - "flattened" : false, - "resultWrapper" : null - }, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteTagsResult", - "variableName" : "deleteTagsResult", - "variableType" : "DeleteTagsResult", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DeleteTagsResult", - "variableSetterType" : "DeleteTagsResult" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : { - "action" : "DeleteWorkspaceImage", - "locationName" : null, - "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.DeleteWorkspaceImage", - "verb" : "POST", - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "ImageId", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", + "c2jName" : "ClientPropertiesList", + "c2jShape" : "ClientPropertiesList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withImageId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@return The identifier of the image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getImageId", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withClientPropertiesList", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@return Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getClientPropertiesList", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -10586,65 +16194,149 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "marshallLocationName" : "ClientPropertiesList", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ClientPropertiesList", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableSetterType" : "ClientPropertiesResult" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableSetterType" : "ClientPropertiesResult" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "ImageId", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "ClientPropertiesList", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setImageId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setClientPropertiesList", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "imageId", - "variableType" : "String", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "clientPropertiesList", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, + "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setClientPropertiesList(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withClientPropertiesList(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "imageId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "clientPropertiesList", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "ImageId" : { - "c2jName" : "ImageId", - "c2jShape" : "WorkspaceImageId", + "ClientPropertiesList" : { + "c2jName" : "ClientPropertiesList", + "c2jShape" : "ClientPropertiesList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", + "documentation" : "

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withImageId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@return The identifier of the image.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getImageId", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withClientPropertiesList", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@return Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getClientPropertiesList", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -10657,98 +16349,141 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "marshallLocationName" : "ClientPropertiesList", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ImageId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ClientPropertiesList", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableSetterType" : "ClientPropertiesResult" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableSetterType" : "ClientPropertiesResult" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : false, + "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "ImageId", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "ClientPropertiesList", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setImageId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setClientPropertiesList", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "imageId", - "variableType" : "String", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "clientPropertiesList", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, + "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the image.

\n@param imageId The identifier of the image.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setClientPropertiesList(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withClientPropertiesList(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "imageId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the image.

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - } - }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : [ "ImageId" ], - "shapeName" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : null, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest", - "variableName" : "deleteWorkspaceImageRequest", - "variableType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageRequest" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult" : { - "c2jName" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : null, - "members" : null, - "membersAsMap" : { }, + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "clientPropertiesList", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult", + "shapeName" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : { @@ -10757,17 +16492,17 @@ }, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult", - "variableName" : "deleteWorkspaceImageResult", - "variableType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult", + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult", + "variableName" : "describeClientPropertiesResult", + "variableType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult", - "variableSetterType" : "DeleteWorkspaceImageResult" + "simpleType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", + "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -10779,31 +16514,31 @@ "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : { - "action" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectory", + "action" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions", "locationName" : null, "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.DeregisterWorkspaceDirectory", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions", "verb" : "POST", "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "DirectoryId", - "c2jShape" : "DirectoryId", + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDirectoryId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@return The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getDirectoryId", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -10818,11 +16553,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "DirectoryId", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "DirectoryId", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -10834,14 +16569,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "DirectoryId", + "name" : "AliasId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setDirectoryId", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "directoryId", + "variableName" : "aliasId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -10851,190 +16586,27 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "directoryId", + "variableName" : "aliasId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - } ], - "membersAsMap" : { - "DirectoryId" : { - "c2jName" : "DirectoryId", - "c2jShape" : "DirectoryId", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDirectoryId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@return The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getDirectoryId", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "DirectoryId", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "DirectoryId", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "DirectoryId", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setDirectoryId", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "directoryId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

\n@param directoryId The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "directoryId", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory. If any WorkSpaces are registered to this directory, you must remove them before you deregister the directory, or you will receive an OperationNotSupportedException error.

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - } - }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : [ "DirectoryId" ], - "shapeName" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : null, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", - "variableName" : "deregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", - "variableType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryRequest" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult" : { - "c2jName" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : null, - "members" : null, - "membersAsMap" : { }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : { - "flattened" : false, - "resultWrapper" : null - }, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", - "variableName" : "deregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", - "variableType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult", - "variableSetterType" : "DeregisterWorkspaceDirectoryResult" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : { - "action" : "DescribeAccountModifications", - "locationName" : null, - "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.DescribeAccountModifications", - "verb" : "POST", - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "members" : [ { + }, { "c2jName" : "NextToken", "c2jShape" : "PaginationToken", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@return If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@return If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", @@ -11068,7 +16640,7 @@ "marshallingType" : "STRING", "name" : "NextToken", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, @@ -11083,29 +16655,238 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", "variableName" : "nextToken", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "Limit", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The maximum number of results to return.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of results to return.

\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to return.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of results to return.

\n@return The maximum number of results to return.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of results to return.

\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to return.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of results to return.

\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to return.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "

The maximum number of results to return.

", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { + "AliasId" : { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "MaxResults" : { + "c2jName" : "MaxResults", + "c2jShape" : "Limit", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The maximum number of results to return.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of results to return.

\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to return.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMaxResults", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of results to return.

\n@return The maximum number of results to return.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getMaxResults", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "MaxResults", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "MaxResults", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of results to return.

\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to return.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setMaxResults", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of results to return.

\n@param maxResults The maximum number of results to return.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "maxResults", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "

The maximum number of results to return.

", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, "NextToken" : { "c2jName" : "NextToken", "c2jShape" : "PaginationToken", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@return If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@return If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", @@ -11139,7 +16920,7 @@ "marshallingType" : "STRING", "name" : "NextToken", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, @@ -11154,13 +16935,13 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", "variableName" : "nextToken", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, @@ -11170,24 +16951,24 @@ "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest", + "required" : [ "AliasId" ], + "shapeName" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : null, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest", - "variableName" : "describeAccountModificationsRequest", - "variableType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest", + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest", + "variableName" : "describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsRequest" + "simpleType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "DescribeAccountModificationsResult" : { - "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult", + "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -11199,7 +16980,7 @@ "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, @@ -11207,18 +16988,18 @@ "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : null, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "AccountModifications", - "c2jShape" : "AccountModificationList", + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountModifications", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@return The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getAccountModifications", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -11231,11 +17012,80 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "AccountModifications", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountModifications", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionAliasPermissions", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasPermissions", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

\n@param connectionAliasPermissions The permissions associated with a connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionAliasPermissions", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

\n@return The permissions associated with a connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionAliasPermissions", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliasPermissions", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliasPermissions", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -11247,7 +17097,7 @@ "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", "listMemberModel" : { "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "AccountModification", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, @@ -11257,7 +17107,7 @@ "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", "getterMethodName" : "getMember", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "AccountModification", + "returnType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -11292,12 +17142,12 @@ "setterMethodName" : "setMember", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountModification", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "AccountModification", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "AccountModification", - "variableSetterType" : "AccountModification" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, @@ -11306,57 +17156,57 @@ "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountModification", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "AccountModification", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "AccountModification", - "variableSetterType" : "AccountModification" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "AccountModification", + "memberType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "map" : false, "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "AccountModification", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "AccountModifications", + "name" : "ConnectionAliasPermissions", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setAccountModifications", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

\n@param connectionAliasPermissions The permissions associated with a connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionAliasPermissions", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "accountModifications", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasPermissions", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountModifications(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountModifications(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The permissions associated with a connection alias.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setConnectionAliasPermissions(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withConnectionAliasPermissions(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param connectionAliasPermissions The permissions associated with a connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "accountModifications", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasPermissions", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { @@ -11427,22 +17277,92 @@ "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - } ], - "membersAsMap" : { - "AccountModifications" : { - "c2jName" : "AccountModifications", - "c2jShape" : "AccountModificationList", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AliasId" : { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "ConnectionAliasPermissions" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionAliasPermissions", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasPermissions", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

", + "documentation" : "

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAccountModifications", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@return The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getAccountModifications", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

\n@param connectionAliasPermissions The permissions associated with a connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionAliasPermissions", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

\n@return The permissions associated with a connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionAliasPermissions", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -11455,11 +17375,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "AccountModifications", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliasPermissions", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "AccountModifications", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliasPermissions", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -11471,7 +17391,7 @@ "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", "listMemberModel" : { "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "AccountModification", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, @@ -11481,7 +17401,7 @@ "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", "getterMethodName" : "getMember", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "AccountModification", + "returnType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -11516,12 +17436,12 @@ "setterMethodName" : "setMember", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountModification", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "AccountModification", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "AccountModification", - "variableSetterType" : "AccountModification" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, @@ -11530,57 +17450,57 @@ "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "AccountModification", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "AccountModification", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "AccountModification", - "variableSetterType" : "AccountModification" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "AccountModification", + "memberType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", "map" : false, "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "AccountModification", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "AccountModifications", + "name" : "ConnectionAliasPermissions", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setAccountModifications", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

\n@param connectionAliasPermissions The permissions associated with a connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionAliasPermissions", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "accountModifications", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasPermissions", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAccountModifications(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAccountModifications(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param accountModifications The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The permissions associated with a connection alias.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setConnectionAliasPermissions(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withConnectionAliasPermissions(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param connectionAliasPermissions The permissions associated with a connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "accountModifications", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The list of modifications to the configuration of BYOL.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasPermissions", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, @@ -11659,7 +17579,7 @@ "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult", + "shapeName" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : { @@ -11668,17 +17588,17 @@ }, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult", - "variableName" : "describeAccountModificationsResult", - "variableType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult", + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult", + "variableName" : "describeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult", + "variableType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult", - "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountModificationsResult" + "simpleType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "DescribeAccountRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountRequest", + "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -11690,74 +17610,33 @@ "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : { - "action" : "DescribeAccount", + "action" : "DescribeConnectionAliases", "locationName" : null, "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.DescribeAccount", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DescribeConnectionAliases", "verb" : "POST", "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, - "members" : null, - "membersAsMap" : { }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountRequest", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : null, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountRequest", - "variableName" : "describeAccountRequest", - "variableType" : "DescribeAccountRequest", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountRequest" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "DescribeAccountResult" : { - "c2jName" : "DescribeAccountResult", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : null, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", - "c2jShape" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", + "c2jName" : "AliasIds", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasIdList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

", + "documentation" : "

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDedicatedTenancySupport", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@return The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getDedicatedTenancySupport", + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

\n@param aliasIds The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasIds", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

\n@return The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasIds", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -11770,61 +17649,145 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasIds", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasIds", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, + "list" : true, + "listModel" : { + "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", + "listMemberModel" : { + "c2jName" : "member", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", + "getterMethodName" : "getMember", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "member", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "Member", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", + "setterMethodName" : "setMember", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "member", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "memberLocationName" : null, + "memberType" : "String", + "map" : false, + "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, + "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, + "simple" : true, + "simpleType" : "String", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" + }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", + "marshallingType" : "LIST", + "name" : "AliasIds", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setDedicatedTenancySupport", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

\n@param aliasIds The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasIds", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupport", - "variableType" : "String", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "aliasIds", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, + "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAliasIds(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAliasIds(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param aliasIds The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupport", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "aliasIds", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, { - "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "c2jShape" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "c2jName" : "ResourceId", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@return The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null @@ -11839,11 +17802,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -11855,14 +17818,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "name" : "ResourceId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "variableName" : "resourceId", "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "String", @@ -11872,222 +17835,99 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", + "variableName" : "resourceId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - } ], - "membersAsMap" : { - "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange" : { - "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "c2jShape" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@return The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "DedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setDedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

\n@param dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancyManagementCidrRange", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The IP address range, specified as an IPv4 CIDR block, used for the management network interface.

The management network interface is connected to a secure Amazon WorkSpaces management network. It is used for interactive streaming of the WorkSpace desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces clients, and to allow Amazon WorkSpaces to manage the WorkSpace.

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "Limit", + "c2jShape" : "Limit", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

\n@param limit The maximum number of connection aliases to return.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withLimit", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

\n@return The maximum number of connection aliases to return.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getLimit", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Limit", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Limit", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "Limit", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

\n@param limit The maximum number of connection aliases to return.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setLimit", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "limit", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

\n@param limit The maximum number of connection aliases to return.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "limit", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" }, - "DedicatedTenancySupport" : { - "c2jName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", - "c2jShape" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : "DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum", - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDedicatedTenancySupport", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@return The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getDedicatedTenancySupport", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "DedicatedTenancySupport", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setDedicatedTenancySupport", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupport", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

\n@param dedicatedTenancySupport The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.\n@see DedicatedTenancySupportResultEnum*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "dedicatedTenancySupport", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The status of BYOL (whether BYOL is enabled or disabled).

", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - } - }, - "packageName" : "", - "requestSignerAware" : false, - "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DescribeAccountResult", - "signerAware" : false, - "signerType" : null, - "unmarshaller" : { - "flattened" : false, - "resultWrapper" : null - }, - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeAccountResult", - "variableName" : "describeAccountResult", - "variableType" : "DescribeAccountResult", - "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DescribeAccountResult", - "variableSetterType" : "DescribeAccountResult" - }, - "wrapper" : false - }, - "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest" : { - "c2jName" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest", - "customization" : { - "artificialResultWrapper" : null, - "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, - "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, - "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false - }, - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, - "enums" : null, - "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", - "hasHeaderMember" : false, - "hasPayloadMember" : false, - "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, - "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, - "hasStreamingMember" : false, - "marshaller" : { - "action" : "DescribeClientProperties", - "locationName" : null, - "requestUri" : "/", - "target" : "WorkspacesService.DescribeClientProperties", - "verb" : "POST", "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "ResourceIds", - "c2jShape" : "ResourceIdList", + }, { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "PaginationToken", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

", + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceIds", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@return The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getResourceIds", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@return If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "String", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -12100,147 +17940,63 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceIds", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceIds", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, "isBinary" : false, "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : true, - "listModel" : { - "implType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", - "listMemberModel" : { - "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", - "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "", - "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, - "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withMember", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", - "getterMethodName" : "getMember", - "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "String", - "documentation" : null - }, - "http" : { - "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "flattened" : false, - "greedy" : false, - "header" : false, - "isPayload" : false, - "isStreaming" : false, - "location" : null, - "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "member", - "queryString" : false, - "requiresLength" : false, - "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "member", - "uri" : false - }, - "idempotencyToken" : false, - "isBinary" : false, - "jsonValue" : false, - "list" : false, - "listModel" : null, - "map" : false, - "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", - "marshallingType" : "STRING", - "name" : "Member", - "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member */", - "setterMethodName" : "setMember", - "setterModel" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, - "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : true, - "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "variable" : { - "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "String", - "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "String", - "variableSetterType" : "String" - }, - "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null - }, - "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "String", - "map" : false, - "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, - "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, - "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, - "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, - "simple" : true, - "simpleType" : "String", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" - }, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, - "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", - "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "ResourceIds", + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setResourceIds", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "resourceIds", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, - "simple" : false, + "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setResourceIds(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withResourceIds(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "resourceIds", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "ResourceIds" : { - "c2jName" : "ResourceIds", - "c2jShape" : "ResourceIdList", + "AliasIds" : { + "c2jName" : "AliasIds", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasIdList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceIds", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@return The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getResourceIds", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

\n@param aliasIds The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasIds", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

\n@return The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasIds", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null @@ -12255,11 +18011,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceIds", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasIds", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceIds", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasIds", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -12271,7 +18027,7 @@ "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", "listMemberModel" : { "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, @@ -12355,14 +18111,14 @@ "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "ResourceIds", + "name" : "AliasIds", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setResourceIds", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

\n@param aliasIds The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasIds", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "resourceIds", + "variableName" : "aliasIds", "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", "simpleType" : "List", @@ -12372,40 +18128,250 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setResourceIds(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withResourceIds(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param resourceIds The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setAliasIds(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAliasIds(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param aliasIds The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "resourceIds", + "variableName" : "aliasIds", "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

The resource identifier, in the form of directory IDs.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

", "simpleType" : "List", "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "Limit" : { + "c2jName" : "Limit", + "c2jShape" : "Limit", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

\n@param limit The maximum number of connection aliases to return.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withLimit", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

\n@return The maximum number of connection aliases to return.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getLimit", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "Limit", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "Limit", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "Integer", + "marshallingType" : "INTEGER", + "name" : "Limit", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

\n@param limit The maximum number of connection aliases to return.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setLimit", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "limit", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

\n@param limit The maximum number of connection aliases to return.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "Integer", + "variableName" : "limit", + "variableType" : "Integer", + "documentation" : "

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

", + "simpleType" : "Integer", + "variableSetterType" : "Integer" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "PaginationToken", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@return If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

\n@param nextToken If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "ResourceId" : { + "c2jName" : "ResourceId", + "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

\n@return The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ResourceId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "ResourceId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "resourceId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } }, "packageName" : "", "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, - "required" : [ "ResourceIds" ], - "shapeName" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest", + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : null, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest", - "variableName" : "describeClientPropertiesRequest", - "variableType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest", + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest", + "variableName" : "describeConnectionAliasesRequest", + "variableType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest", - "variableSetterType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesRequest" + "simpleType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest" }, "wrapper" : false }, - "DescribeClientPropertiesResult" : { - "c2jName" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult", + "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult", "customization" : { "artificialResultWrapper" : null, "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, @@ -12417,7 +18383,7 @@ "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, "enums" : null, "errorCode" : null, - "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", "hasHeaderMember" : false, "hasPayloadMember" : false, "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, @@ -12425,18 +18391,18 @@ "hasStreamingMember" : false, "marshaller" : null, "members" : [ { - "c2jName" : "ClientPropertiesList", - "c2jShape" : "ClientPropertiesList", + "c2jName" : "ConnectionAliases", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

", + "documentation" : "

Information about the specified connection aliases.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withClientPropertiesList", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@return Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getClientPropertiesList", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified connection aliases.

\n@param connectionAliases Information about the specified connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionAliases", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified connection aliases.

\n@return Information about the specified connection aliases.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionAliases", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -12449,11 +18415,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ClientPropertiesList", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliases", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ClientPropertiesList", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliases", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -12465,7 +18431,7 @@ "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", "listMemberModel" : { "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAlias", "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, @@ -12475,7 +18441,7 @@ "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", "getterMethodName" : "getMember", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "returnType" : "ConnectionAlias", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -12510,12 +18476,12 @@ "setterMethodName" : "setMember", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAlias", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAlias", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", - "variableSetterType" : "ClientPropertiesResult" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAlias", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAlias" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, @@ -12524,74 +18490,143 @@ "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAlias", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAlias", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", - "variableSetterType" : "ClientPropertiesResult" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAlias", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAlias" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "memberType" : "ConnectionAlias", "map" : false, "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAlias", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "ClientPropertiesList", + "name" : "ConnectionAliases", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setClientPropertiesList", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified connection aliases.

\n@param connectionAliases Information about the specified connection aliases.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionAliases", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "clientPropertiesList", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "connectionAliases", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setClientPropertiesList(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withClientPropertiesList(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified connection aliases.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setConnectionAliases(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withConnectionAliases(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param connectionAliases Information about the specified connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "clientPropertiesList", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "connectionAliases", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

Information about the specified connection aliases.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "PaginationToken", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@return The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } ], "membersAsMap" : { - "ClientPropertiesList" : { - "c2jName" : "ClientPropertiesList", - "c2jShape" : "ClientPropertiesList", + "ConnectionAliases" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionAliases", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasList", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

", + "documentation" : "

Information about the specified connection aliases.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", - "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withClientPropertiesList", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@return Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.*/", - "getterMethodName" : "getClientPropertiesList", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified connection aliases.

\n@param connectionAliases Information about the specified connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionAliases", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified connection aliases.

\n@return Information about the specified connection aliases.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionAliases", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "java.util.List", + "returnType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -12604,11 +18639,11 @@ "isStreaming" : false, "location" : null, "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", - "marshallLocationName" : "ClientPropertiesList", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliases", "queryString" : false, "requiresLength" : false, "statusCode" : false, - "unmarshallLocationName" : "ClientPropertiesList", + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliases", "uri" : false }, "idempotencyToken" : false, @@ -12620,7 +18655,7 @@ "interfaceType" : "java.util.List", "listMemberModel" : { "c2jName" : "member", - "c2jShape" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAlias", "deprecated" : false, "documentation" : "", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, @@ -12630,7 +18665,7 @@ "getterDocumentation" : "/**\n@return */", "getterMethodName" : "getMember", "getterModel" : { - "returnType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "returnType" : "ConnectionAlias", "documentation" : null }, "http" : { @@ -12665,12 +18700,12 @@ "setterMethodName" : "setMember", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAlias", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAlias", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", - "variableSetterType" : "ClientPropertiesResult" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAlias", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAlias" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, @@ -12679,57 +18714,127 @@ "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**\n@param member \n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAlias", "variableName" : "member", - "variableType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAlias", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", - "variableSetterType" : "ClientPropertiesResult" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAlias", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAlias" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null }, "memberLocationName" : null, - "memberType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", + "memberType" : "ConnectionAlias", "map" : false, "marshallNonAutoConstructedEmptyLists" : false, "memberAdditionalMarshallingPath" : null, "memberAdditionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, "sendEmptyQueryString" : false, "simple" : false, - "simpleType" : "ClientPropertiesResult", - "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "templateType" : "java.util.List" + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAlias", + "templateImplType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "templateType" : "java.util.List" }, "map" : false, "mapModel" : null, "marshallingTargetClass" : "List", "marshallingType" : "LIST", - "name" : "ClientPropertiesList", + "name" : "ConnectionAliases", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.*/", - "setterMethodName" : "setClientPropertiesList", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified connection aliases.

\n@param connectionAliases Information about the specified connection aliases.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionAliases", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "clientPropertiesList", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "connectionAliases", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", "documentation" : "", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" }, "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : false, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setClientPropertiesList(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withClientPropertiesList(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param clientPropertiesList Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Information about the specified connection aliases.


NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use {@link #setConnectionAliases(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withConnectionAliases(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values.

\n@param connectionAliases Information about the specified connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", - "variableName" : "clientPropertiesList", - "variableType" : "java.util.List", - "documentation" : "

Information about the specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

", - "simpleType" : "List", - "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + "variableDeclarationType" : "com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList", + "variableName" : "connectionAliases", + "variableType" : "java.util.List", + "documentation" : "

Information about the specified connection aliases.

", + "simpleType" : "List", + "variableSetterType" : "java.util.Collection" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "NextToken" : { + "c2jName" : "NextToken", + "c2jShape" : "PaginationToken", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withNextToken", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@return The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getNextToken", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "NextToken", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "NextToken", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setNextToken", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

\n@param nextToken The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "nextToken", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" }, "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null } @@ -12738,7 +18843,7 @@ "requestSignerAware" : false, "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, "required" : null, - "shapeName" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult", + "shapeName" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult", "signerAware" : false, "signerType" : null, "unmarshaller" : { @@ -12747,12 +18852,12 @@ }, "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, - "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult", - "variableName" : "describeClientPropertiesResult", - "variableType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult", + "variableDeclarationType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult", + "variableName" : "describeConnectionAliasesResult", + "variableType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult", "documentation" : null, - "simpleType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult", - "variableSetterType" : "DescribeClientPropertiesResult" + "simpleType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult" }, "wrapper" : false }, @@ -13912,12 +20017,12 @@ "c2jName" : "ResourceId", "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", @@ -13951,7 +20056,7 @@ "marshallingType" : "STRING", "name" : "ResourceId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, @@ -13966,13 +20071,13 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", "variableName" : "resourceId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, @@ -13983,12 +20088,12 @@ "c2jName" : "ResourceId", "c2jShape" : "NonEmptyString", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withResourceId", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", "getterMethodName" : "getResourceId", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", @@ -14022,7 +20127,7 @@ "marshallingType" : "STRING", "name" : "ResourceId", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.*/", "setterMethodName" : "setResourceId", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, @@ -14037,13 +20142,13 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

\n@param resourceId The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", "variableName" : "resourceId", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, @@ -22406,6 +28511,238 @@ }, "wrapper" : false }, + "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "DisassociateConnectionAlias", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.DisassociateConnectionAlias", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AliasId" : { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "AliasId" ], + "shapeName" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableName" : "disassociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult" : { + "c2jName" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult", + "variableName" : "disassociateConnectionAliasResult", + "variableType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult", + "variableSetterType" : "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, "DisassociateIpGroupsRequest" : { "c2jName" : "DisassociateIpGroupsRequest", "customization" : { @@ -39590,6 +45927,377 @@ }, "wrapper" : false }, + "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest" : { + "c2jName" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : { + "action" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermission", + "locationName" : null, + "requestUri" : "/", + "target" : "WorkspacesService.UpdateConnectionAliasPermission", + "verb" : "POST", + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "members" : [ { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

\n@param connectionAliasPermission Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionAliasPermission", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

\n@return Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionAliasPermission", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

\n@param connectionAliasPermission Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionAliasPermission", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasPermission", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

\n@param connectionAliasPermission Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasPermission", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "documentation" : "

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

", + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } ], + "membersAsMap" : { + "AliasId" : { + "c2jName" : "AliasId", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasId", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withAliasId", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

\n@return The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getAliasId", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "String", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "AliasId", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "String", + "marshallingType" : "STRING", + "name" : "AliasId", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setAliasId", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : true, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

\n@param aliasId The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "String", + "variableName" : "aliasId", + "variableType" : "String", + "documentation" : "

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

", + "simpleType" : "String", + "variableSetterType" : "String" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + }, + "ConnectionAliasPermission" : { + "c2jName" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "c2jShape" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

", + "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, + "enumType" : null, + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

\n@param connectionAliasPermission Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withConnectionAliasPermission", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

\n@return Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.*/", + "getterMethodName" : "getConnectionAliasPermission", + "getterModel" : { + "returnType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "documentation" : null + }, + "http" : { + "additionalMarshallingPath" : null, + "additionalUnmarshallingPath" : null, + "flattened" : false, + "greedy" : false, + "header" : false, + "isPayload" : false, + "isStreaming" : false, + "location" : null, + "marshallLocation" : "PAYLOAD", + "marshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "queryString" : false, + "requiresLength" : false, + "statusCode" : false, + "unmarshallLocationName" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "uri" : false + }, + "idempotencyToken" : false, + "isBinary" : false, + "jsonValue" : false, + "list" : false, + "listModel" : null, + "map" : false, + "mapModel" : null, + "marshallingTargetClass" : "StructuredPojo", + "marshallingType" : "STRUCTURED", + "name" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "sensitive" : false, + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

\n@param connectionAliasPermission Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.*/", + "setterMethodName" : "setConnectionAliasPermission", + "setterModel" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasPermission", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "documentation" : "", + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission" + }, + "shouldEmitLegacyEnumSetter" : false, + "shouldFullyQualify" : false, + "simple" : false, + "unmarshallingType" : null, + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

\n@param connectionAliasPermission Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableName" : "connectionAliasPermission", + "variableType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "documentation" : "

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

", + "simpleType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission", + "variableSetterType" : "ConnectionAliasPermission" + }, + "xmlNameSpaceUri" : null + } + }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : [ "AliasId", "ConnectionAliasPermission" ], + "shapeName" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : null, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest", + "variableName" : "updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest", + "variableType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest", + "variableSetterType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, + "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult" : { + "c2jName" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult", + "customization" : { + "artificialResultWrapper" : null, + "skipGeneratingMarshaller" : false, + "skipGeneratingModelClass" : false, + "skipGeneratingUnmarshaller" : false + }, + "deprecated" : false, + "documentation" : "", + "endpointDiscoveryMembers" : null, + "enums" : null, + "errorCode" : null, + "fullyQualifiedName" : "", + "hasHeaderMember" : false, + "hasPayloadMember" : false, + "hasRequiresLengthMember" : false, + "hasStatusCodeMember" : false, + "hasStreamingMember" : false, + "marshaller" : null, + "members" : null, + "membersAsMap" : { }, + "packageName" : "", + "requestSignerAware" : false, + "requestSignerClassFqcn" : null, + "required" : null, + "shapeName" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult", + "signerAware" : false, + "signerType" : null, + "unmarshaller" : { + "flattened" : false, + "resultWrapper" : null + }, + "variable" : { + "timestampFormat" : null, + "variableDeclarationType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult", + "variableName" : "updateConnectionAliasPermissionResult", + "variableType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult", + "documentation" : null, + "simpleType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult", + "variableSetterType" : "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult" + }, + "wrapper" : false + }, "UpdateRulesOfIpGroupRequest" : { "c2jName" : "UpdateRulesOfIpGroupRequest", "customization" : { @@ -46198,12 +52906,12 @@ "c2jName" : "DefaultOu", "c2jShape" : "DefaultOu", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

", + "documentation" : "

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDefaultOu", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

\n@return The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@return The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

*/", "getterMethodName" : "getDefaultOu", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", @@ -46237,7 +52945,7 @@ "marshallingType" : "STRING", "name" : "DefaultOu", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

*/", "setterMethodName" : "setDefaultOu", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, @@ -46252,13 +52960,13 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", "variableName" : "defaultOu", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

", + "documentation" : "

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, @@ -46546,12 +53254,12 @@ "c2jName" : "DefaultOu", "c2jShape" : "DefaultOu", "deprecated" : false, - "documentation" : "

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

", + "documentation" : "

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

", "endpointDiscoveryId" : false, "enumType" : null, - "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "fluentSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "fluentSetterMethodName" : "withDefaultOu", - "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

\n@return The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.*/", + "getterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@return The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

*/", "getterMethodName" : "getDefaultOu", "getterModel" : { "returnType" : "String", @@ -46585,7 +53293,7 @@ "marshallingType" : "STRING", "name" : "DefaultOu", "sensitive" : false, - "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.*/", + "setterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

*/", "setterMethodName" : "setDefaultOu", "setterModel" : { "timestampFormat" : null, @@ -46600,13 +53308,13 @@ "shouldFullyQualify" : false, "simple" : true, "unmarshallingType" : null, - "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", + "varargSetterDocumentation" : "/**

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@param defaultOu The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

\n@return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.*/", "variable" : { "timestampFormat" : null, "variableDeclarationType" : "String", "variableName" : "defaultOu", "variableType" : "String", - "documentation" : "

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

", + "documentation" : "

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

", "simpleType" : "String", "variableSetterType" : "String" }, diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workspaces-2015-04-08-model.json b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workspaces-2015-04-08-model.json index 3097fdf02a1b..2f03c999addf 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workspaces-2015-04-08-model.json +++ b/aws-java-sdk-models/src/main/resources/models/workspaces-2015-04-08-model.json @@ -12,6 +12,24 @@ "uid":"workspaces-2015-04-08" }, "operations":{ + "AssociateConnectionAlias":{ + "name":"AssociateConnectionAlias", + "http":{ + "method":"POST", + "requestUri":"/" + }, + "input":{"shape":"AssociateConnectionAliasRequest"}, + "output":{"shape":"AssociateConnectionAliasResult"}, + "errors":[ + {"shape":"ResourceAssociatedException"}, + {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, + {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidParameterValuesException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidResourceStateException"}, + {"shape":"OperationNotSupportedException"} + ], + "documentation":"

Associates the specified connection alias with the specified directory to enable cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

Before performing this operation, call DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED.

" + }, "AssociateIpGroups":{ "name":"AssociateIpGroups", "http":{ @@ -66,6 +84,24 @@ ], "documentation":"

Copies the specified image from the specified Region to the current Region.

" }, + "CreateConnectionAlias":{ + "name":"CreateConnectionAlias", + "http":{ + "method":"POST", + "requestUri":"/" + }, + "input":{"shape":"CreateConnectionAliasRequest"}, + "output":{"shape":"CreateConnectionAliasResult"}, + "errors":[ + {"shape":"ResourceAlreadyExistsException"}, + {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidParameterValuesException"}, + {"shape":"ResourceLimitExceededException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidResourceStateException"}, + {"shape":"OperationNotSupportedException"} + ], + "documentation":"

Creates the specified connection alias for use with cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

" + }, "CreateIpGroup":{ "name":"CreateIpGroup", "http":{ @@ -112,6 +148,24 @@ ], "documentation":"

Creates one or more WorkSpaces.

This operation is asynchronous and returns before the WorkSpaces are created.

" }, + "DeleteConnectionAlias":{ + "name":"DeleteConnectionAlias", + "http":{ + "method":"POST", + "requestUri":"/" + }, + "input":{"shape":"DeleteConnectionAliasRequest"}, + "output":{"shape":"DeleteConnectionAliasResult"}, + "errors":[ + {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, + {"shape":"ResourceAssociatedException"}, + {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidParameterValuesException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidResourceStateException"}, + {"shape":"OperationNotSupportedException"} + ], + "documentation":"

Deletes the specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

If you will no longer be using a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as the registration code for your WorkSpaces users, you must take certain precautions to prevent potential security issues. For more information, see Security Considerations if You Stop Using Cross-Region Redirection.

To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any accounts or associated with any directories.

" + }, "DeleteIpGroup":{ "name":"DeleteIpGroup", "http":{ @@ -215,6 +269,37 @@ ], "documentation":"

Retrieves a list that describes one or more specified Amazon WorkSpaces clients.

" }, + "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions":{ + "name":"DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions", + "http":{ + "method":"POST", + "requestUri":"/" + }, + "input":{"shape":"DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest"}, + "output":{"shape":"DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult"}, + "errors":[ + {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidParameterValuesException"}, + {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, + {"shape":"OperationNotSupportedException"} + ], + "documentation":"

Describes the permissions that the owner of a connection alias has granted to another AWS account for the specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

" + }, + "DescribeConnectionAliases":{ + "name":"DescribeConnectionAliases", + "http":{ + "method":"POST", + "requestUri":"/" + }, + "input":{"shape":"DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest"}, + "output":{"shape":"DescribeConnectionAliasesResult"}, + "errors":[ + {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidParameterValuesException"}, + {"shape":"OperationNotSupportedException"} + ], + "documentation":"

Retrieves a list that describes the connection aliases used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

" + }, "DescribeIpGroups":{ "name":"DescribeIpGroups", "http":{ @@ -338,6 +423,23 @@ ], "documentation":"

Describes the connection status of the specified WorkSpaces.

" }, + "DisassociateConnectionAlias":{ + "name":"DisassociateConnectionAlias", + "http":{ + "method":"POST", + "requestUri":"/" + }, + "input":{"shape":"DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest"}, + "output":{"shape":"DisassociateConnectionAliasResult"}, + "errors":[ + {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, + {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidParameterValuesException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidResourceStateException"}, + {"shape":"OperationNotSupportedException"} + ], + "documentation":"

Disassociates a connection alias from a directory. Disassociating a connection alias disables cross-Region redirection between two directories in different AWS Regions. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

Before performing this operation, call DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED.

" + }, "DisassociateIpGroups":{ "name":"DisassociateIpGroups", "http":{ @@ -370,7 +472,7 @@ {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, {"shape":"InvalidParameterValuesException"} ], - "documentation":"

Imports the specified Windows 10 Bring Your Own License (BYOL) image into Amazon WorkSpaces. The image must be an already licensed EC2 image that is in your AWS account, and you must own the image. For more information about creating BYOL images, see Bring Your Own Windows Desktop Licenses.

" + "documentation":"

Imports the specified Windows 10 Bring Your Own License (BYOL) image into Amazon WorkSpaces. The image must be an already licensed Amazon EC2 image that is in your AWS account, and you must own the image. For more information about creating BYOL images, see Bring Your Own Windows Desktop Licenses.

" }, "ListAvailableManagementCidrRanges":{ "name":"ListAvailableManagementCidrRanges", @@ -616,6 +718,25 @@ "output":{"shape":"TerminateWorkspacesResult"}, "documentation":"

Terminates the specified WorkSpaces.

Terminating a WorkSpace is a permanent action and cannot be undone. The user's data is destroyed. If you need to archive any user data, contact Amazon Web Services before terminating the WorkSpace.

You can terminate a WorkSpace that is in any state except SUSPENDED.

This operation is asynchronous and returns before the WorkSpaces have been completely terminated.

" }, + "UpdateConnectionAliasPermission":{ + "name":"UpdateConnectionAliasPermission", + "http":{ + "method":"POST", + "requestUri":"/" + }, + "input":{"shape":"UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest"}, + "output":{"shape":"UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult"}, + "errors":[ + {"shape":"AccessDeniedException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidParameterValuesException"}, + {"shape":"ResourceLimitExceededException"}, + {"shape":"ResourceNotFoundException"}, + {"shape":"ResourceAssociatedException"}, + {"shape":"InvalidResourceStateException"}, + {"shape":"OperationNotSupportedException"} + ], + "documentation":"

Shares or unshares a connection alias with one account by specifying whether that account has permission to associate the connection alias with a directory. If the association permission is granted, the connection alias is shared with that account. If the association permission is revoked, the connection alias is unshared with the account. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

  • Before performing this operation, call DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED.

  • To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any accounts or associated with any directories.

" + }, "UpdateRulesOfIpGroup":{ "name":"UpdateRulesOfIpGroup", "http":{ @@ -719,6 +840,32 @@ "max":5, "min":1 }, + "AssociateConnectionAliasRequest":{ + "type":"structure", + "required":[ + "AliasId", + "ResourceId" + ], + "members":{ + "AliasId":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasId", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the connection alias.

" + }, + "ResourceId":{ + "shape":"NonEmptyString", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with.

" + } + } + }, + "AssociateConnectionAliasResult":{ + "type":"structure", + "members":{ + "ConnectionIdentifier":{ + "shape":"ConnectionIdentifier", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

" + } + } + }, "AssociateIpGroupsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ @@ -741,6 +888,16 @@ "members":{ } }, + "AssociationStatus":{ + "type":"string", + "enum":[ + "NOT_ASSOCIATED", + "ASSOCIATED_WITH_OWNER_ACCOUNT", + "ASSOCIATED_WITH_SHARED_ACCOUNT", + "PENDING_ASSOCIATION", + "PENDING_DISASSOCIATION" + ] + }, "AuthorizeIpRulesRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ @@ -834,6 +991,116 @@ "documentation":"

Describes the compute type.

" }, "ComputerName":{"type":"string"}, + "ConnectionAlias":{ + "type":"structure", + "members":{ + "ConnectionString":{ + "shape":"ConnectionString", + "documentation":"

The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

" + }, + "AliasId":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasId", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the connection alias.

" + }, + "State":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasState", + "documentation":"

The current state of the connection alias.

" + }, + "OwnerAccountId":{ + "shape":"AwsAccount", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias.

" + }, + "Associations":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasAssociationList", + "documentation":"

The association status of the connection alias.

" + } + }, + "documentation":"

Describes a connection alias. Connection aliases are used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

" + }, + "ConnectionAliasAssociation":{ + "type":"structure", + "members":{ + "AssociationStatus":{ + "shape":"AssociationStatus", + "documentation":"

The association status of the connection alias.

" + }, + "AssociatedAccountId":{ + "shape":"AwsAccount", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory.

" + }, + "ResourceId":{ + "shape":"NonEmptyString", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias.

" + }, + "ConnectionIdentifier":{ + "shape":"ConnectionIdentifier", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies.

" + } + }, + "documentation":"

Describes a connection alias association that is used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

" + }, + "ConnectionAliasAssociationList":{ + "type":"list", + "member":{"shape":"ConnectionAliasAssociation"}, + "max":25, + "min":1 + }, + "ConnectionAliasId":{ + "type":"string", + "max":68, + "min":13, + "pattern":"^wsca-[0-9a-z]{8,63}$" + }, + "ConnectionAliasIdList":{ + "type":"list", + "member":{"shape":"ConnectionAliasId"}, + "max":25, + "min":1 + }, + "ConnectionAliasList":{ + "type":"list", + "member":{"shape":"ConnectionAlias"}, + "max":25, + "min":1 + }, + "ConnectionAliasPermission":{ + "type":"structure", + "required":[ + "SharedAccountId", + "AllowAssociation" + ], + "members":{ + "SharedAccountId":{ + "shape":"AwsAccount", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with.

" + }, + "AllowAssociation":{ + "shape":"BooleanObject", + "documentation":"

Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory.

" + } + }, + "documentation":"

Describes the permissions for a connection alias. Connection aliases are used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces.

" + }, + "ConnectionAliasPermissions":{ + "type":"list", + "member":{"shape":"ConnectionAliasPermission"}, + "max":25, + "min":1 + }, + "ConnectionAliasState":{ + "type":"string", + "enum":[ + "CREATING", + "CREATED", + "DELETING" + ] + }, + "ConnectionIdentifier":{ + "type":"string", + "max":20, + "min":1, + "pattern":"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$" + }, "ConnectionState":{ "type":"string", "enum":[ @@ -842,6 +1109,12 @@ "UNKNOWN" ] }, + "ConnectionString":{ + "type":"string", + "max":255, + "min":1, + "pattern":"^[.0-9a-zA-Z\\-]{1,255}$" + }, "CopyWorkspaceImageRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ @@ -881,6 +1154,29 @@ } } }, + "CreateConnectionAliasRequest":{ + "type":"structure", + "required":["ConnectionString"], + "members":{ + "ConnectionString":{ + "shape":"ConnectionString", + "documentation":"

A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as

After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account.

" + }, + "Tags":{ + "shape":"TagList", + "documentation":"

The tags to associate with the connection alias.

" + } + } + }, + "CreateConnectionAliasResult":{ + "type":"structure", + "members":{ + "AliasId":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasId", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the connection alias.

" + } + } + }, "CreateIpGroupRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["GroupName"], @@ -921,7 +1217,7 @@ "members":{ "ResourceId":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", - "documentation":"

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

" + "documentation":"

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

" }, "Tags":{ "shape":"TagList", @@ -1015,6 +1311,21 @@ }, "documentation":"

Describes the default values that are used to create WorkSpaces. For more information, see Update Directory Details for Your WorkSpaces.

" }, + "DeleteConnectionAliasRequest":{ + "type":"structure", + "required":["AliasId"], + "members":{ + "AliasId":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasId", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the connection alias to delete.

" + } + } + }, + "DeleteConnectionAliasResult":{ + "type":"structure", + "members":{ + } + }, "DeleteIpGroupRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":["GroupId"], @@ -1039,7 +1350,7 @@ "members":{ "ResourceId":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", - "documentation":"

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

" + "documentation":"

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

" }, "TagKeys":{ "shape":"TagKeyList", @@ -1141,6 +1452,75 @@ } } }, + "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest":{ + "type":"structure", + "required":["AliasId"], + "members":{ + "AliasId":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasId", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the connection alias.

" + }, + "NextToken":{ + "shape":"PaginationToken", + "documentation":"

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

" + }, + "MaxResults":{ + "shape":"Limit", + "documentation":"

The maximum number of results to return.

" + } + } + }, + "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult":{ + "type":"structure", + "members":{ + "AliasId":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasId", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the connection alias.

" + }, + "ConnectionAliasPermissions":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasPermissions", + "documentation":"

The permissions associated with a connection alias.

" + }, + "NextToken":{ + "shape":"PaginationToken", + "documentation":"

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

" + } + } + }, + "DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest":{ + "type":"structure", + "members":{ + "AliasIds":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasIdList", + "documentation":"

The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe.

" + }, + "ResourceId":{ + "shape":"NonEmptyString", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias.

" + }, + "Limit":{ + "shape":"Limit", + "documentation":"

The maximum number of connection aliases to return.

" + }, + "NextToken":{ + "shape":"PaginationToken", + "documentation":"

If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive the next set of results.

" + } + } + }, + "DescribeConnectionAliasesResult":{ + "type":"structure", + "members":{ + "ConnectionAliases":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasList", + "documentation":"

Information about the specified connection aliases.

" + }, + "NextToken":{ + "shape":"PaginationToken", + "documentation":"

The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available.

" + } + } + }, "DescribeIpGroupsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "members":{ @@ -1177,7 +1557,7 @@ "members":{ "ResourceId":{ "shape":"NonEmptyString", - "documentation":"

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups.

" + "documentation":"

The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases.

" } } }, @@ -1428,6 +1808,21 @@ "member":{"shape":"WorkspaceDirectory"} }, "DirectoryName":{"type":"string"}, + "DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest":{ + "type":"structure", + "required":["AliasId"], + "members":{ + "AliasId":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasId", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate.

" + } + } + }, + "DisassociateConnectionAliasResult":{ + "type":"structure", + "members":{ + } + }, "DisassociateIpGroupsRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ @@ -1936,7 +2331,7 @@ }, "PaginationToken":{ "type":"string", - "max":63, + "max":2048, "min":1 }, "RebootRequest":{ @@ -2420,6 +2815,28 @@ "documentation":"

The configuration of this WorkSpace is not supported for this operation. For more information, see Required Configuration and Service Components for WorkSpaces .

", "exception":true }, + "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest":{ + "type":"structure", + "required":[ + "AliasId", + "ConnectionAliasPermission" + ], + "members":{ + "AliasId":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasId", + "documentation":"

The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for.

" + }, + "ConnectionAliasPermission":{ + "shape":"ConnectionAliasPermission", + "documentation":"

Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account.

" + } + } + }, + "UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult":{ + "type":"structure", + "members":{ + } + }, "UpdateRulesOfIpGroupRequest":{ "type":"structure", "required":[ @@ -2667,7 +3084,7 @@ }, "DefaultOu":{ "shape":"DefaultOu", - "documentation":"

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories.

" + "documentation":"

The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form \"OU=value,DC=value,DC=value\", where value is any string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

  • To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation.

  • The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists.

" }, "CustomSecurityGroupId":{ "shape":"SecurityGroupId", diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-mq/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-mq/pom.xml index 856ed8ccd338..1babfb343c05 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-mq/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-mq/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-mq diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-neptune/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-neptune/pom.xml index 288b1118f52a..b0252b94b8b7 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-neptune/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-neptune/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-neptune diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-networkmanager/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-networkmanager/pom.xml index a11cb0afddf4..4551099a759f 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-networkmanager/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-networkmanager/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-networkmanager diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-opensdk/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-opensdk/pom.xml index 1672f253fd31..316887fe1712 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-opensdk/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-opensdk/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-opensdk @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ aws-java-sdk-core com.amazonaws false - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-opsworks/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-opsworks/pom.xml index e4879cceb347..ee0042398da4 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-opsworks/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-opsworks/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-opsworks diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-opsworkscm/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-opsworkscm/pom.xml index dfd9216e7f19..758d837e052e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-opsworkscm/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-opsworkscm/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-opsworkscm diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-organizations/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-organizations/pom.xml index 8cb42f984d65..0b328bf613a9 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-organizations/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-organizations/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-organizations diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-osgi/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-osgi/pom.xml index 798c87765ee2..66262608afc3 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-osgi/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-osgi/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-osgi diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-outposts/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-outposts/pom.xml index af3e7916e8ad..f3ddd03eb593 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-outposts/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-outposts/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-outposts diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-personalize/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-personalize/pom.xml index d23676be79fa..4b1b35dd0aa5 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-personalize/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-personalize/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-personalize diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-personalizeevents/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-personalizeevents/pom.xml index 61a3f2dda371..64fe6ca04f39 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-personalizeevents/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-personalizeevents/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-personalizeevents diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-personalizeruntime/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-personalizeruntime/pom.xml index dbd2b0783882..4501048cf8fc 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-personalizeruntime/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-personalizeruntime/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-personalizeruntime diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-pi/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-pi/pom.xml index 3f5830995270..92622994dbe2 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-pi/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-pi/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pi diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-pinpoint/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-pinpoint/pom.xml index 391e196fcc4f..2a7a153ad235 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-pinpoint/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-pinpoint/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pinpoint diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-pinpointemail/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-pinpointemail/pom.xml index 70968c6bca81..7d228b176020 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-pinpointemail/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-pinpointemail/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pinpointemail diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice/pom.xml index b53a64674de2..8d96e8a131b3 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pinpointsmsvoice diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-polly/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-polly/pom.xml index bce98d8a426c..df69e2169db6 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-polly/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-polly/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-polly diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-pricing/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-pricing/pom.xml index c8cdb5df0494..1d8fda1582b4 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-pricing/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-pricing/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pricing diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-qldb/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-qldb/pom.xml index 2465bc60ea37..95445f9da318 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-qldb/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-qldb/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-qldb diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-qldbsession/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-qldbsession/pom.xml index 897689bec350..6882e865d902 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-qldbsession/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-qldbsession/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-qldbsession diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-quicksight/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-quicksight/pom.xml index c5ae342e9b54..4f5f7ec0b44e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-quicksight/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-quicksight/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-quicksight diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ram/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ram/pom.xml index 1913018e005e..96cc398dea43 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ram/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ram/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-ram diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-rds/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-rds/pom.xml index eb76e2e391d6..9e25dcbbd463 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-rds/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-rds/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-rds diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-rdsdata/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-rdsdata/pom.xml index f4037f535d4e..4482eeef5c43 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-rdsdata/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-rdsdata/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-rdsdata diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-redshift/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-redshift/pom.xml index 87a1b14e9bbd..b6f71a655f84 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-redshift/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-redshift/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-redshift diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-redshiftdataapi/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-redshiftdataapi/pom.xml index 7d4f38e8d930..90cf74dd805e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-redshiftdataapi/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-redshiftdataapi/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-redshiftdataapi diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-rekognition/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-rekognition/pom.xml index 7cc7c7aea18e..78054cf7723e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-rekognition/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-rekognition/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-rekognition diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-resourcegroups/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-resourcegroups/pom.xml index 07c5a5b681d2..d9fd6e68d2f0 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-resourcegroups/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-resourcegroups/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-resourcegroups diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-resourcegroupstaggingapi/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-resourcegroupstaggingapi/pom.xml index 0560f3039bfe..976896a2d093 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-resourcegroupstaggingapi/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-resourcegroupstaggingapi/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-resourcegroupstaggingapi diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-robomaker/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-robomaker/pom.xml index 01417b734d1d..599efbf7ab67 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-robomaker/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-robomaker/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-robomaker diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-route53/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-route53/pom.xml index 1791983f5020..46bdff0cf153 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-route53/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-route53/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-route53 diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-route53resolver/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-route53resolver/pom.xml index 7986c6d6d19b..60433d213078 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-route53resolver/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-route53resolver/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-route53resolver diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-s3/pom.xml index ed522f9c3062..8255402f7489 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-s3 diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ index d58102b4c09b..9c3f9c710ca0 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ @@ -872,6 +872,11 @@ public boolean isRequesterPaysEnabled(String bucketName) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Extend AbstractAmazonS3 to provide an implementation"); } + @Override + public void setRequestPaymentConfiguration(SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest request) { + throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Extend AbstractAmazonS3 to provide an implementation"); + } + @Override public void setBucketReplicationConfiguration(String bucketName, BucketReplicationConfiguration configuration) diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ index 11394113ecb8..9aaff0550ce9 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ import; import; import; +import; import; import; import; @@ -4751,6 +4752,37 @@ public void disableRequesterPays(String bucketName) public boolean isRequesterPaysEnabled(String bucketName) throws AmazonServiceException, SdkClientException; + + /** + * Configure the Requester Pays configuration associated with an Amazon S3 bucket. + * + * Note: + *

+ * If a bucket is enabled for Requester Pays, then any attempt to read an + * object from it without Requester Pays enabled will result in a 403 error + * and the bucket owner will be charged for the request. + * + *

+ * Enabling Requester Pays disables the ability to have anonymous access to + * this bucket. + * + *

+ * For more information on Requester pays, @see + * + * + * @throws AmazonServiceException + * If any errors occurred in Amazon S3 while processing the + * request. + * @throws SdkClientException + * If any errors are encountered in the client while making the + * request or handling the response. + * @see AmazonS3#enableRequesterPays(String) + * @see AmazonS3#disableRequesterPays(String) + * @see AmazonS3#isRequesterPaysEnabled(String) + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + public void setRequestPaymentConfiguration(SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest setRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest); + /** * Sets a replication configuration for the Amazon S3 bucket. * diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ index 84d8d916192f..412bb85d9097 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/ @@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ import; import; import; +import; +import; import; import; import; @@ -4750,6 +4752,18 @@ protected Request createRequest(String bu clientOptions.isPayloadSigningEnabled()); request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SERVICE_ID, SERVICE_ID); + if (originalRequest instanceof ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest) { + ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest expectedBucketOwnerRequest = (ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest) originalRequest; + addHeaderIfNotNull(request, "x-amz-expected-bucket-owner", + expectedBucketOwnerRequest.getExpectedBucketOwner()); + } + + if (originalRequest instanceof ExpectedSourceBucketOwnerRequest) { + ExpectedSourceBucketOwnerRequest expectedSourceBucketOwnerRequest = (ExpectedSourceBucketOwnerRequest) originalRequest; + addHeaderIfNotNull(request, "x-amz-source-expected-bucket-owner", + expectedSourceBucketOwnerRequest.getExpectedSourceBucketOwner()); + } + // If the bucketName appears to be an ARN, parse the ARN as an S3 resource and rewrite target resource arguments // based on the parsed resource. if (isAccessPointArn(bucketName)) { @@ -4816,6 +4830,7 @@ protected Request createRequest(String bu resolveRequestEndpoint(request, bucketName, key, endpoint); request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SIGNING_REGION, signingRegion); + return request; } @@ -5215,7 +5230,7 @@ public void enableRequesterPays(String bucketName) { RequestPaymentConfiguration configuration = new RequestPaymentConfiguration( Payer.Requester); - setBucketRequestPayment(new SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest( + setRequestPaymentConfiguration(new SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest( bucketName, configuration)); } @@ -5224,7 +5239,7 @@ public void disableRequesterPays(String bucketName) { RequestPaymentConfiguration configuration = new RequestPaymentConfiguration( Payer.BucketOwner); - setBucketRequestPayment(new SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest( + setRequestPaymentConfiguration(new SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest( bucketName, configuration)); } @@ -5244,7 +5259,8 @@ public boolean isRequesterPaysEnabled(String bucketName) { * the cost of the request and the data download from the bucket. The bucket * owner always pays the cost of storing data. */ - private void setBucketRequestPayment( + @Override + public void setRequestPaymentConfiguration( SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest setRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest) { String bucketName = setRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/internal/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/internal/ index 15d486634b75..b6e994eb3e03 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/internal/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/internal/ @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ public static GetObjectMetadataRequest createGetObjectMetadataRequestFrom(GetObj .withRequesterPays(getObjectRequest.isRequesterPays()) .withSSECustomerKey(getObjectRequest.getSSECustomerKey()) .withPartNumber(getObjectRequest.getPartNumber()) + .withExpectedBucketOwner(getObjectRequest.getExpectedBucketOwner()) .withRequestCredentialsProvider(getObjectRequest.getRequestCredentialsProvider()); } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 5eaa14521157..f43e69106c2e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#abortMultipartUpload(AbortMultipartUploadRequest) */ -public class AbortMultipartUploadRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class AbortMultipartUploadRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the bucket containing the multipart upload to abort @@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ public class AbortMultipartUploadRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest impleme */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new request to abort a multipart upload. * @@ -74,6 +76,18 @@ public AbortMultipartUploadRequest(String bucketName, String key, String uploadI this.uploadId = uploadId; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public AbortMultipartUploadRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Returns the name of the bucket containing the multipart upload to abort. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 76b4a68f5506..5ae68417a1ba 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -103,6 +103,31 @@ public Owner getOwner() { return owner; } + /** + * Sets the owner of the {@link AccessControlList}. Note that an owner of a resource can't + * change once created. + * + *

+ * Every bucket and object in Amazon S3 has an owner, the user that created + * the bucket or object. The owner of a bucket or object cannot be changed. + * However, if the object is overwritten by another user (deleted and + * rewritten), the new object will have a new owner. + *

+ *

+ * Note: Even the owner is subject to the access control list (ACL). For example, if an owner does + * not have {@link Permission#Read} access to an object, the owner cannot + * read that object. However, the owner of an object always has write access + * to the access control policy ({@link Permission#WriteAcp}) and can change + * the ACL to read the object. + *

+ * + * @param owner Owner of the bucket. + */ + public AccessControlList withOwner(Owner owner) { + this.owner = owner; + return this; + } + /** * Sets the owner of the {@link AccessControlList}. Note that an owner of a resource can't * change once created. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index e06e4541ec50..5926a2a4f4bd 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -129,6 +129,20 @@ public String getIndexDocumentSuffix() { return indexDocumentSuffix; } + /** + * Sets the document to serve when a directory is specified (ex: + * index.html). This path is relative to the requested resource. + * + * @param indexDocumentSuffix + * The document to serve when a directory is specified (ex: + * index.html). This path is relative to the requested resource. + * @return + */ + public BucketWebsiteConfiguration withIndexDocumentSuffix(String indexDocumentSuffix) { + this.indexDocumentSuffix = indexDocumentSuffix; + return this; + } + /** * Sets the document to serve when a directory is specified (ex: * index.html). This path is relative to the requested resource. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index c1b24c1e99a4..b9df2560e801 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#completeMultipartUpload(CompleteMultipartUploadRequest) */ -public class CompleteMultipartUploadRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class CompleteMultipartUploadRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the bucket containing the multipart upload to complete @@ -72,7 +72,10 @@ public class CompleteMultipartUploadRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest impl */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + public CompleteMultipartUploadRequest() {} + /** * Constructs a new request to complete a multipart upload. * @@ -94,6 +97,18 @@ public CompleteMultipartUploadRequest(String bucketName, String key, String uplo this.partETags = partETags; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public CompleteMultipartUploadRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Returns the name of the bucket containing the multipart upload to diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 2c07a2c2f81b..57c99b7a5367 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -45,7 +45,49 @@ public class CopyObjectRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements SSEAwsKeyManagementParamsProvider, Serializable, - S3AccelerateUnsupported { + S3AccelerateUnsupported, + ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest, + ExpectedSourceBucketOwnerRequest { + private String expectedBucketOwner; + private String expectedSourceBucketOwner; + + /** + * This value represents the expected account id of the destination Amazon S3 bucket owner. If the destination Amazon S3 + * bucket is owned by a different account than the one you specify then the request will fail. + */ + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + /** + * This value represents the expected account id of the destination Amazon S3 bucket owner. If the destination Amazon S3 + * bucket is owned by a different account than the one you specify then the request will fail. + */ + public CopyObjectRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + /** + * This value represents the expected account id of the destination Amazon S3 bucket owner. If the destination Amazon S3 + * bucket is owned by a different account than the one you specify then the request will fail. + */ + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + + public String getExpectedSourceBucketOwner() { + return expectedSourceBucketOwner; + } + + public CopyObjectRequest withExpectedSourceBucketOwner(String expectedSourceBucketOwner) { + this.expectedSourceBucketOwner = expectedSourceBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedSourceBucketOwner(String expectedSourceBucketOwner) { + withExpectedSourceBucketOwner(expectedSourceBucketOwner); + } /** * The name of the bucket containing the object to be copied diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index ee89df61acec..887b9b073cf7 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ * @see AmazonS3Client#uploadPart(UploadPartRequest) * @see CopyPartResult */ -public class CopyPartRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, - S3AccelerateUnsupported { +public class CopyPartRequest + extends AmazonWebServiceRequest + implements Serializable, S3AccelerateUnsupported, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest, ExpectedSourceBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The upload id of the multipart upload into which to copy this part. @@ -141,6 +142,48 @@ public class CopyPartRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializ */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + private String expectedSourceBucketOwner; + + /** + * This value represents the expected account id of the destination Amazon S3 bucket owner. If the destination Amazon S3 + * bucket is owned by a different account than the one you specify then the request will fail. + */ + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + /** + * This value represents the expected account id of the destination Amazon S3 bucket owner. If the destination Amazon S3 + * bucket is owned by a different account than the one you specify then the request will fail. + */ + public CopyPartRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + /** + * This value represents the expected account id of the destination Amazon S3 bucket owner. If the destination Amazon S3 + * bucket is owned by a different account than the one you specify then the request will fail. + */ + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + + public String getExpectedSourceBucketOwner() { + return expectedSourceBucketOwner; + } + + public CopyPartRequest withExpectedSourceBucketOwner(String expectedSourceBucketOwner) { + this.expectedSourceBucketOwner = expectedSourceBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedSourceBucketOwner(String expectedSourceBucketOwner) { + withExpectedSourceBucketOwner(expectedSourceBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the ID of the existing, initiated multipart upload with which * this new part will be associated. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 6ac98a87ff9c..7cad864f9024 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ /** * Request object to delete an analytics configuration. */ -public class DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private String id; + private String expectedBucketOwner; public DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest() { } @@ -33,6 +34,19 @@ public DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, String id) { = id; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket from which an analytics configuration is deleted. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index a32f53cf18f3..b91a6249901d 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,9 +22,10 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#deleteBucketCrossOriginConfiguration(DeleteBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest) */ -public class DeleteBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + private String expectedBucketOwner; - /** + /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to delete the cross origin * configuration for the specified bucket. * @@ -35,4 +36,17 @@ public class DeleteBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRe public DeleteBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 7ab4af8d2b47..27039bb5b8e3 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -23,10 +23,25 @@ * @see AWS API * Documentation */ -public class DeleteBucketEncryptionRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { +public class DeleteBucketEncryptionRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketEncryptionRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * @return The name of the bucket whose encryption configuration is being deleted. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index f023134659c6..5d7cc16ad2de 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,12 +21,14 @@ /** * Request object to delete an inventory configuration. */ -public class DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private String id; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + public DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest() { } @@ -35,6 +37,19 @@ public DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, String id) { = id; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket containing the inventory configuration to delete. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 78d7a5033141..8e5eccbf4402 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#deleteBucketLifecycleConfiguration(DeleteBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest) */ -public class DeleteBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to delete the lifecycle @@ -35,4 +36,17 @@ public class DeleteBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequ public DeleteBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 4a271a917249..75e1be1b3b6b 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ /** * Request object to delete a metrics configuration from a bucket. */ -public class DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private String id; + private String expectedBucketOwner; public DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest() { } @@ -33,6 +34,19 @@ public DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, String id) { = id; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket from which the metrics configuration is deleted. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 51169de87314..ff02f62f4f77 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -33,11 +33,12 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#deleteBucketPolicy(DeleteBucketPolicyRequest) */ -public class DeleteBucketPolicyRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteBucketPolicyRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose policy is being deleted. */ private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to delete the bucket @@ -51,6 +52,19 @@ public DeleteBucketPolicyRequest(String bucketName) { this.bucketName = bucketName; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketPolicyRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose policy is being deleted. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index a6929e14b229..098a30698395 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#deleteBucketReplicationConfiguration(DeleteBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest) */ -public class DeleteBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest { +public class DeleteBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to delete the @@ -35,4 +37,17 @@ public class DeleteBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRe public DeleteBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 1ca5eb707ad0..59dc0cb12309 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -29,13 +29,15 @@ *

*/ public class DeleteBucketRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements - Serializable, S3AccelerateUnsupported { + Serializable, S3AccelerateUnsupported, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to delete. */ private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new {@link DeleteBucketRequest}, * ready to be executed to delete the @@ -48,6 +50,19 @@ public DeleteBucketRequest(String bucketName) { setBucketName(bucketName); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Sets the name of the Amazon S3 bucket to delete. * diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 92b313e0568a..a84127dbc61f 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#deleteBucketTaggingConfiguration(DeleteBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest) */ -public class DeleteBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to delete the tagging * configuration for the specified bucket. - * + * * @param bucketName * The name of the bucket whose tagging configuration is being * deleted. @@ -35,4 +37,17 @@ public class DeleteBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketReques public DeleteBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 1b8e63d0019a..47c129245043 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -43,12 +43,14 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#deleteBucketWebsiteConfiguration(DeleteBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest) */ -public class DeleteBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to delete the website * configuration for the specified bucket. - * + * * @param bucketName * The name of the bucket whose website configuration is being * deleted. @@ -56,4 +58,17 @@ public class DeleteBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketReques public DeleteBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index e3ec62d7249c..4df941e1425c 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ * @see AmazonS3Client#deleteObject(String, String) * @see AmazonS3Client#deleteObject(DeleteObjectRequest) */ -public class DeleteObjectRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteObjectRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket containing the object to delete. @@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ public class DeleteObjectRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Seri */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new * {@link DeleteObjectRequest}, @@ -78,6 +80,19 @@ public DeleteObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key) { setKey(key); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteObjectRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Gets the name of the Amazon S3 bucket containing the object to diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index b2cb408f8c56..6ee742ce72b3 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ /** * Request object for the parameters to delete the tags for an object. */ -public class DeleteObjectTaggingRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteObjectTaggingRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private String key; private String versionId; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs an instance of this object. @@ -39,6 +41,19 @@ public DeleteObjectTaggingRequest(String bucketName, String key) { this.key = key; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteObjectTaggingRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * @return The bucket name. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index a846f490ed82..c8485470d414 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#deleteObjects(DeleteObjectsRequest) */ -public class DeleteObjectsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class DeleteObjectsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket containing the object(s) to delete. @@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ public class DeleteObjectsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Ser private boolean bypassGovernanceRetention; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new {@link DeleteObjectsRequest}, specifying the objects' * bucket name. @@ -90,6 +92,19 @@ public DeleteObjectsRequest(String bucketName) { setBucketName(bucketName); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeleteObjectsRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Gets the name of the Amazon S3 bucket containing the object(s) to delete. * diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 8a934c2ec19f..87a2963ab0fa 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -18,10 +18,25 @@ import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; import; -public class DeletePublicAccessBlockRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { +public class DeletePublicAccessBlockRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public DeletePublicAccessBlockRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * The Amazon S3 bucket whose Public Access Block configuration you want to delete. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5f47a107fe0d --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* + * Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +public interface ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + /** + * The account id of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a different account than the expected owner, the + * request will fail. + */ + String getExpectedBucketOwner(); + + /** + * The account id of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a different account than the expected owner, the + * request will fail. + */ + ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner); + + /** + * The account id of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a different account than the expected owner, the + * request will fail. + */ + void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner); +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4557e0dea67c --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* + * Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +public interface ExpectedSourceBucketOwnerRequest { + /** + * This value represents the expected account id of the source Amazon S3 bucket owner. If the source Amazon S3 bucket + * is owned by a different account than the one you specify then the request will fail. + */ + String getExpectedSourceBucketOwner(); + + /** + * This value represents the expected account id of the source Amazon S3 bucket owner. If the source Amazon S3 bucket + * is owned by a different account than the one you specify then the request will fail. + */ + ExpectedSourceBucketOwnerRequest withExpectedSourceBucketOwner(String expectedSourceBucketOwner); + + /** + * This value represents the expected account id of the source Amazon S3 bucket owner. If the source Amazon S3 bucket + * is owned by a different account than the one you specify then the request will fail. + */ + void setExpectedSourceBucketOwner(String expectedSourceBucketOwner); +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index d1ec09a013a9..983257a9d3d7 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ * @see AmazonS3#getBucketAccelerateConfiguration(GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest) */ public class GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest extends - GenericBucketRequest { + GenericBucketRequest implements ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a request object, ready to be executed to fetch the accelerate @@ -36,4 +38,17 @@ public GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 1c13702338d5..da9ae9cd30cf 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -20,14 +20,16 @@ /** * Request object containing all the options for requesting a bucket's Access Control List (ACL). */ -public class GetBucketAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the bucket whose ACL is being retrieved. */ private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new GetBucketAclRequest object, ready to retrieve the ACL * for the specified bucket when executed. - * + * * @param bucketName * The name of the bucket whose ACL will be retrieved by this * request when executed. @@ -36,6 +38,19 @@ public GetBucketAclRequest(String bucketName) { this.bucketName = bucketName; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketAclRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket whose ACL will be retrieved by this * request, when executed. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index ee25d3333a14..da3a471a9540 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ /** * Request object to get an analytics configuration. */ -public class GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private String id; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + public GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest() { } @@ -33,6 +35,19 @@ public GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, String id) { = id; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket from which an analytics configuration is to be retrieved. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 164f16e22353..8eb6fe57e819 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#getBucketCrossOriginConfiguration(GetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest) */ -public class GetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a request object, ready to be executed to fetch the cross origin @@ -36,4 +37,17 @@ public GetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index aa88ca742be6..3375a5ae9a42 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -23,10 +23,25 @@ * @see AWS API * Documentation */ -public class GetBucketEncryptionRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { +public class GetBucketEncryptionRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketEncryptionRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * @return The name of the bucket whose encryption configuration is being requested. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 4207464ec6fd..00925fbdc8a1 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,12 +21,14 @@ /** * Request object to retrieve an inventory configuration. */ -public class GetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private String id; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + public GetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest() { } @@ -35,6 +37,19 @@ public GetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, String id) { = id; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket containing the inventory configuration to retrieve. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index d8efb0b083f1..230aa8e9bf18 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#getBucketLifecycleConfiguration(GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest) */ -public class GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a request object, ready to be executed to fetch the lifecycle @@ -47,4 +49,17 @@ public GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index da8da4c1a6e2..acf051337f70 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -25,12 +25,13 @@ * * @see CreateBucketRequest */ -public class GetBucketLocationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketLocationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the bucket whose location is being requested. */ private String bucketName; - + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new request object to create a new bucket with the specified * name. @@ -56,6 +57,18 @@ public GetBucketLocationRequest(String bucketName) { this.bucketName = bucketName; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketLocationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Returns the name of the bucket whose location is being requested. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index cfecd5744d3a..a72db5f75d9b 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#getBucketLoggingConfiguration(GetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest) */ -public class GetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates request object, ready to be executed to fetch the logging @@ -36,4 +38,16 @@ public GetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index cf55801daf36..44488bbd633d 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,18 +21,31 @@ /** * Request object to retrieve metrics configuration from a bucket. */ -public class GetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private String id; + private String expectedBucketOwner; public GetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest() { } - public GetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, String id) { this.bucketName = bucketName; = id; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket containing the metrics configuration to retrieve. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 3bda8cae16c6..0a20412254ff 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ * @see AmazonS3#getBucketNotificationConfiguration(GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest) */ public class GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest extends - GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { + GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to fetch the @@ -39,4 +40,17 @@ public GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 03590c391365..d7910cdcca61 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -36,11 +36,13 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#getBucketPolicy(GetBucketPolicyRequest) */ -public class GetBucketPolicyRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketPolicyRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose policy is being retrieved. */ private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to retrieve the bucket @@ -54,6 +56,19 @@ public GetBucketPolicyRequest(String bucketName) { this.bucketName = bucketName; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketPolicyRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose policy is being retrieved. * diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 3587ca9a698e..b0015690b5e2 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; import; -public class GetBucketPolicyStatusRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { +public class GetBucketPolicyStatusRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose public-policy status you want to retrieve. */ @@ -49,6 +51,19 @@ public GetBucketPolicyStatusRequest withBucketName(String bucketName) { return this; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketPolicyStatusRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 7cfa0221e75d..678f03bfd09b 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ * @see AmazonS3#getBucketReplicationConfiguration(GetBucketReplicationConfiguration) */ public class GetBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest extends - GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { + GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to fetch the @@ -39,4 +41,17 @@ public GetBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 5a913a015aa8..1cdfaaae55f5 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#getBucketTaggingConfiguration(GetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest) */ -public class GetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates request object, ready to be executed to fetch the tagging @@ -36,4 +38,16 @@ public GetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index a8af7d69ce0d..735578c9e68d 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#getBucketVersioningConfiguration(GetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest) */ -public class GetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest extends GenericBucketRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { + + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a request object, ready to be executed to fetch the versioning @@ -36,4 +38,17 @@ public GetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { super(bucketName); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 387cf0bb6a76..ae82d43fa9e7 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -45,11 +45,12 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#getBucketWebsiteConfiguration(GetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest) */ -public class GetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the bucket whose website configuration is being retrieved. */ private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to retrieve the bucket @@ -63,6 +64,19 @@ public GetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest(String bucketName) { this.bucketName = bucketName; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Sets the name of the bucket whose website configuration is being * retrieved. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 06b496c94d43..33858fe837d4 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ * @see AmazonS3#getObjectAcl(String, String, String) * @see AmazonS3#getObjectAcl(GetObjectAclRequest) */ -public class GetObjectAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable{ +public class GetObjectAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * Builder of an S3 object identifier. This member field is never null. @@ -49,16 +49,30 @@ public class GetObjectAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Seri */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + public GetObjectAclRequest(String bucketName, String key) { this(bucketName, key, null); } - public GetObjectAclRequest(String bucketName, String key, String versionId) { setBucketName(bucketName); setKey(key); setVersionId(versionId); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetObjectAclRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Gets the name of the bucket containing the object whose ACL is to be retrieved. * diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index a8b05ceec213..dd00fde94452 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,11 +22,25 @@ /** * Gets an object's current Legal Hold status. */ -public class GetObjectLegalHoldRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetObjectLegalHoldRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucket; private String key; private String versionId; private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetObjectLegalHoldRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * The S3 Bucket. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 44f7ea07015d..3f91039179b7 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,9 +22,11 @@ * Gets the Object Lock configuration for a bucket. The rule specified in the Object Lock configuration will be applied by * default to every new object placed in the specified bucket. */ -public class GetObjectLockConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetObjectLockConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucket; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * The S3 Bucket. */ @@ -70,4 +72,17 @@ public GetObjectLockConfigurationRequest withBucketName(String bucket) { public void setBucketName(String bucket) { withBucketName(bucket); } + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetObjectLockConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index c27dc6225b5d..3e8179618433 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ * @see GetObjectRequest */ public class GetObjectMetadataRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements - SSECustomerKeyProvider, Serializable { + SSECustomerKeyProvider, Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the bucket containing the object's whose metadata is being * retrieved. @@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ public class GetObjectMetadataRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements */ private Integer partNumber; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new @@ -130,6 +132,19 @@ public GetObjectMetadataRequest(String bucketName, String key, String versionId) setVersionId(versionId); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetObjectMetadataRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Gets the name of the bucket containing the object whose metadata is * being retrieved. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 65b070ea2be6..748d06d49ab2 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ * @see GetObjectMetadataRequest */ public class GetObjectRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements - SSECustomerKeyProvider, Serializable { + SSECustomerKeyProvider, Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * Builder of an S3 object identifier. This member field is never null. */ @@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ public class GetObjectRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements */ private Integer partNumber; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new {@link GetObjectRequest} with all the required parameters. * @@ -210,6 +212,19 @@ public GetObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, this.isRequesterPays = isRequesterPays; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetObjectRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Gets the name of the bucket containing the object to be downloaded. * diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 87251cdc20ea..1e934460317d 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,11 +21,25 @@ /** * Retrieves an object's retention settings. */ -public class GetObjectRetentionRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetObjectRetentionRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucket; private String key; private String versionId; private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetObjectRetentionRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * The S3 Bucket. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index a271ac2ebc24..cba01ff6241b 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ /** * Request object for the parameters to get the tags for an object. */ -public class GetObjectTaggingRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class GetObjectTaggingRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private String key; private String versionId; + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Construct an instance of this object. @@ -78,6 +79,19 @@ public GetObjectTaggingRequest(String bucketName, String key) { this(bucketName, key, null); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetObjectTaggingRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * @return The bucket name. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 7be458141c72..2402fdc3ddd8 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -18,9 +18,23 @@ import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; import; -public class GetPublicAccessBlockRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { +public class GetPublicAccessBlockRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public GetPublicAccessBlockRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose Public Access Block configuration you want to retrieve. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 6fcdf8859c61..f0d870535908 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,9 +21,23 @@ * Request object for checking if the bucket exists and the user has access to * the given bucket. */ -public class HeadBucketRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class HeadBucketRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public HeadBucketRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } public void setBucketName(String bucketName) { this.bucketName = bucketName; diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 71232acfaa85..2ed06250f9e8 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ * @see AmazonS3#initiateMultipartUpload(InitiateMultipartUploadRequest) */ public class InitiateMultipartUploadRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest - implements SSECustomerKeyProvider, SSEAwsKeyManagementParamsProvider, Serializable { + implements SSECustomerKeyProvider, SSEAwsKeyManagementParamsProvider, Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the bucket in which to create the new multipart upload, and * hence, the eventual object created from the multipart upload. @@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ public class InitiateMultipartUploadRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest private String objectLockLegalHoldStatus; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a request to initiate a new multipart upload in the specified * bucket, stored by the specified key. @@ -181,6 +183,18 @@ public InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(String bucketName, String key, ObjectMetad this.objectMetadata = objectMetadata; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public InitiateMultipartUploadRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Returns the name of the bucket in which to create the new multipart diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index f457204cf077..0b445ead479b 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ /** * Request object to list the analytics configurations of a bucket. */ -public class ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to list the analytics configurations. */ private String bucketName; @@ -32,6 +32,21 @@ public class ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRe */ private String continuationToken; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public ListBucketAnalyticsConfigurationsRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Gets the name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose * analytics configurations are to be listed. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 63a0e157c330..f240cbbd3c5a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ /** * Request object to list inventory configurations of a bucket. */ -public class ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to list the inventory configurations. */ private String bucketName; @@ -32,6 +32,21 @@ public class ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRe */ private String continuationToken; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public ListBucketInventoryConfigurationsRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Gets the name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose * inventory configurations are to be listed. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index df1c2f544dee..216dac5c73ff 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ /** * Request object to list the metrics configurations of a bucket. */ -public class ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to list the metrics configurations. */ private String bucketName; @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ public class ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequ */ private String continuationToken; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Gets the name of the bucket containing the metrics configurations to retrieve. */ @@ -83,4 +85,17 @@ public ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsRequest withContinuationToken(String conti setContinuationToken(continuationToken); return this; } + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public ListBucketMetricsConfigurationsRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index cdc094902080..727e71cf383e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#listMultipartUploads(ListMultipartUploadsRequest) */ -public class ListMultipartUploadsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class ListMultipartUploadsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the bucket containing the uploads to list. @@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ public class ListMultipartUploadsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest impleme */ private String encodingType; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new ListMultipartUploadsRequest to list the multipart @@ -128,6 +130,18 @@ public ListMultipartUploadsRequest(String bucketName) { this.bucketName = bucketName; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public ListMultipartUploadsRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Returns the name of the bucket containing the uploads to list. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index cc1397859948..9067b1b9aa64 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ * nor does the presence or absence of additional request parameters. *

*/ -public class ListObjectsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class ListObjectsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to list. @@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ public class ListObjectsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Seria */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new {@link ListObjectsRequest} object. * The caller must populate @@ -183,6 +185,18 @@ public ListObjectsRequest(String bucketName, String prefix, String marker, Strin setMaxKeys(maxKeys); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public ListObjectsRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Gets the name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 88bfc0c4c143..bc0e3ecb27bd 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ /** * Request to retrieve a listing of objects in an S3 bucket. */ -public class ListObjectsV2Request extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class ListObjectsV2Request extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket to list. @@ -101,6 +101,21 @@ public class ListObjectsV2Request extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Ser */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public ListObjectsV2Request withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Gets the name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose * objects are to be listed. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index b6237faa0356..4ea3ea43747f 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#listParts(ListPartsRequest) */ -public class ListPartsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class ListPartsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the bucket containing the multipart upload whose parts are @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ public class ListPartsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Seriali */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Constructs a new ListPartsRequest from the required parameters bucket @@ -104,6 +105,18 @@ public ListPartsRequest(String bucketName, String key, String uploadId) { this.uploadId = uploadId; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public ListPartsRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Returns the name of the bucket containing the multipart upload whose diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 3162db8d821a..43ad8c4c140f 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ * {@link AmazonS3#setBucketVersioningConfiguration(SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest)}. *

*/ -public class ListVersionsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class ListVersionsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose versions are to be listed. @@ -173,6 +173,8 @@ public class ListVersionsRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Seri */ private String encodingType; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new {@link ListVersionsRequest} object. @@ -224,6 +226,18 @@ public ListVersionsRequest(String bucketName, String prefix, String keyMarker, S setMaxResults(maxResults); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public ListVersionsRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Gets the name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose versions are to be listed. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index c50e6ff7dcb4..883c39d91d10 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ * @see PutObjectRequest#PutObjectRequest(String, String, InputStream, * ObjectMetadata) */ -public class PutObjectRequest extends AbstractPutObjectRequest implements Serializable { +public class PutObjectRequest extends AbstractPutObjectRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * If enabled, the requester is charged for conducting this operation from @@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ public class PutObjectRequest extends AbstractPutObjectRequest implements Serial */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new * {@link PutObjectRequest} object to upload a file to the @@ -197,6 +199,19 @@ public PutObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, InputStream input, super(bucketName, key, input, metadata); } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public PutObjectRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns a clone (as deep as possible) of this request object. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 6d5e9d932fa0..a76fc3bd2c08 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ * @see RestoreObjectRequest#RestoreObjectRequest(String, String, int) * @see RestoreObjectRequest#RestoreObjectRequest(String, String) */ -public class RestoreObjectRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { +public class RestoreObjectRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * Lifetime of the active copy in days. Do not use with restores that specify OutputLocation. @@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ public class RestoreObjectRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Ser */ private OutputLocation outputLocation; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** *

* Constructs a new RestoreObjectRequest. @@ -175,6 +177,20 @@ public RestoreObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, int expirationInDays) this.expirationInDays = expirationInDays; } + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public RestoreObjectRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket containing the reference to the object to * restore which is now stored in Amazon Glacier. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 060aee5d533a..bdec4851b139 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ * For more information, go to * S3Select API Documentation. */ -public class SelectObjectContentRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements SSECustomerKeyProvider, Serializable, Cloneable { +public class SelectObjectContentRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements SSECustomerKeyProvider, Serializable, Cloneable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private String key; private SSECustomerKey sseCustomerKey; @@ -37,6 +37,20 @@ public class SelectObjectContentRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implemen private InputSerialization inputSerialization; private OutputSerialization outputSerialization; private ScanRange scanRange; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SelectObjectContentRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * The S3 Bucket. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 59a84bb84b73..e6e77272ea93 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ * Contains options for setting the accelerate configuration for a bucket. *

*/ -public class SetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest { +public class SetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The bucket whose accelerate configuration is being set. @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ public class SetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceReq */ private BucketAccelerateConfiguration accelerateConfiguration; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest} to set * the bucket accelerate configuration of the specified bucket. @@ -49,6 +51,19 @@ public SetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest( this.accelerateConfiguration = configuration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketAccelerateConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * @return The name of the bucket whose accelerate configuration is being * set. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 3af4b18a5795..9d97cc5f73a1 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ /** * Request object containing all the options for setting a bucket's Access Control List (ACL). */ -public class SetBucketAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the bucket whose ACL is being set. * @@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ public class SetBucketAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Seri /** The canned ACL to apply to the specified bucket. */ private CannedAccessControlList cannedAcl; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new SetBucketAclRequest object, ready to set the specified * ACL on the specified bucket when this request is executed. @@ -134,4 +136,17 @@ public AccessControlList getAcl() { public CannedAccessControlList getCannedAcl() { return cannedAcl; } + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketAclRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index ed9132c6cf0d..114a2c808d63 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ /** * Request object to set analytics configuration to a bucket. */ -public class SetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private AnalyticsConfiguration analyticsConfiguration; + private String expectedBucketOwner; public SetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest() { } @@ -34,6 +35,19 @@ public SetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, AnalyticsConfig this.analyticsConfiguration = analyticsConfiguration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket to which an analytics configuration is stored. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 8523a9ccc422..de9739dc40a0 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * * @see SetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest#SetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest(String, BucketCrossOriginConfiguration) */ -public class SetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The bucket whose cross origin configuration is being set. @@ -45,9 +45,11 @@ public class SetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRe * The new cross origin configuration for the specified bucket. */ private BucketCrossOriginConfiguration crossOriginConfiguration; - + + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** - * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest} + * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest} * to set the bucket cross origin configuration of * the specified bucket. * @@ -76,6 +78,18 @@ public SetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest( this.crossOriginConfiguration = crossOriginConfiguration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketCrossOriginConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Gets the name of the bucket whose cross origin configuration is being diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 736b4564c267..cd96c92e6a3f 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -23,10 +23,24 @@ * @see AWS API * Documentation */ -public class SetBucketEncryptionRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { +public class SetBucketEncryptionRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration serverSideEncryptionConfiguration; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketEncryptionRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * @return The name of the bucket whose encryption configuration is being set. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 3811c0b18ec7..c1014d3a814f 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ /** * Request object to set an inventory configuration to a bucket. */ -public class SetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private InventoryConfiguration inventoryConfiguration; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + public SetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest() { } @@ -36,6 +38,19 @@ public SetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, InventoryConfig this.inventoryConfiguration = inventoryConfiguration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketInventoryConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket where the inventory configuration will be stored. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index c49b0e7bc14d..3c6cb5d84487 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * * @see SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest#SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest(String, BucketLifecycleConfiguration) */ -public class SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The bucket whose lifecycle configuration is being set. @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ public class SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequ * The new lifecycle configuration for the specified bucket. */ private BucketLifecycleConfiguration lifecycleConfiguration; - + + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** - * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest} + * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest} * to set the bucket lifecycle configuration of * the specified bucket. - * + * * @param bucketName * The name of the bucket for which to set the lifecycle * configuration. @@ -52,6 +54,19 @@ public SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest( this.lifecycleConfiguration = lifecycleConfiguration; } + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketLifecycleConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Gets the name of the bucket whose lifecycle configuration is being diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 1c4bab4baf2a..5b130fab5d1e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ * * @see SetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest#SetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest(String, BucketLoggingConfiguration) */ -public class SetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the bucket whose logging configuration is being set. @@ -59,12 +59,14 @@ public class SetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceReques */ private BucketLoggingConfiguration loggingConfiguration; - + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + /** - * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest} + * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest} * to set the bucket logging configuration of * the specified bucket. - * + * * @param bucketName * The name of the bucket whose logging configuration is being * set. @@ -76,6 +78,19 @@ public SetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, BucketLoggingConf this.loggingConfiguration = loggingConfiguration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketLoggingConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Gets the name of the bucket whose logging configuration is being set. * diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 0b22cbd6d2c0..55e97c472335 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ /** * Request object to set metrics configuration to a bucket. */ -public class SetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private MetricsConfiguration metricsConfiguration; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + public SetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest() { } @@ -35,6 +37,19 @@ public SetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, MetricsConfigurat this.metricsConfiguration = metricsConfiguration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketMetricsConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket for which the metrics configuration is set. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index bd7f16b4282d..4ab20e2f9438 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ * License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ -package; +package; import; import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; @@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ * * @see SetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest#SetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest(String, BucketNotificationConfiguration) */ -public class SetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private BucketNotificationConfiguration notificationConfiguration; private String bucketName; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * @deprecated Use SetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest(String, BucketNotificationConfiguration) instead. */ @@ -37,7 +39,6 @@ public SetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest(BucketNotificationConfiguration this.notificationConfiguration = bucketNotificationConfiguration; this.bucketName = bucket; } - /** * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest} * to set the bucket notification configuration of @@ -56,6 +57,19 @@ public SetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest( this.notificationConfiguration = notificationConfiguration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * @deprecated Use getNotificationConfiguration() instead. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index ebdbef769aa7..991ac4bbc5b1 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#setBucketPolicy(SetBucketPolicyRequest) */ -public class SetBucketPolicyRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketPolicyRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose policy is being set. */ private String bucketName; @@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ public class SetBucketPolicyRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements S /** Whether or not this request can remove requester access to the specified bucket */ private Boolean confirmRemoveSelfBucketAccess; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public SetBucketPolicyRequest() {} + /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to set an Amazon S3 * bucket's policy. @@ -61,6 +65,19 @@ public SetBucketPolicyRequest(String bucketName, String policyText) { this.policyText = policyText; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketPolicyRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose policy is being set. * diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index bf7830fa8b30..cecee6c5d4fe 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import com.amazonaws.util.json.Jackson; public class SetBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest extends - AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable{ + AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of Amazon S3 bucket to which the replication configuration is @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ public class SetBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest extends private String token; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Creates a new SetReplicationConfigurationRequest. */ @@ -55,6 +57,19 @@ public SetBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, this.replicationConfiguration = replicationConfiguration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketReplicationConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of Amazon S3 bucket. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 182cce9521d7..b51eddead18c 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ * * @see SetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest#SetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest(String, BucketTaggingConfiguration) */ -public class SetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The bucket whose tagging configuration is being set. @@ -33,7 +33,9 @@ public class SetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceReques * The new tagging configuration for the specified bucket. */ private BucketTaggingConfiguration taggingConfiguration; - + + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest} * to set the bucket tagging configuration of @@ -52,6 +54,19 @@ public SetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest( this.taggingConfiguration = taggingConfiguration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketTaggingConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Gets the name of the bucket whose tagging configuration is being * set. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 613f92fe3172..1a3129830bb7 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ * @see SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest#SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest(String, BucketVersioningConfiguration) * @see SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest#SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest(String, BucketVersioningConfiguration, MultiFactorAuthentication) */ -public class SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The bucket whose versioning configuration is being set. @@ -86,19 +86,21 @@ public class SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceReq * {@link BucketVersioningConfiguration} for more details on MFA Delete. */ private MultiFactorAuthentication mfa; - + + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** - * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest} + * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest} * to set the bucket versioning configuration of * the specified bucket. - * + * * @param bucketName * The name of the bucket whose versioning configuration is being * set. * @param configuration * The new versioning configuration for the specified bucket. - * - * @see SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest#SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest(String, BucketVersioningConfiguration, MultiFactorAuthentication) + * + * @see SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest#SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest(String, BucketVersioningConfiguration, MultiFactorAuthentication) */ public SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest( String bucketName, BucketVersioningConfiguration configuration) { @@ -107,12 +109,12 @@ public SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest( } /** - * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest} + * Constructs a new {@link SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest} * to set the bucket versioning configuration of * the specified bucket, including the specified Multi-Factor Authentication * (MFA) information, which is required when changing the state of the MFA * Delete option. - * + * * @param bucketName * The name of the bucket whose versioning configuration is being * set. @@ -121,16 +123,28 @@ public SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest( * @param mfa * The Multi-Factor Authentication information to include in this * request. - * - * @see SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest#SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest(String, BucketVersioningConfiguration) + * + * @see SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest#SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest(String, BucketVersioningConfiguration) */ public SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest( - String bucketName, BucketVersioningConfiguration configuration, + String bucketName, BucketVersioningConfiguration configuration, MultiFactorAuthentication mfa) { this(bucketName, configuration); this.mfa = mfa; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Gets the name of the bucket whose versioning configuration is being diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 281610427a8a..7991d25b1cc9 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ * * @see AmazonS3#setBucketWebsiteConfiguration(SetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest) */ -public class SetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the bucket whose website configuration is being set. */ private String bucketName; @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ public class SetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceReques /** The new website configuration for the specified bucket. */ private BucketWebsiteConfiguration configuration; + private String expectedBucketOwner; /** * Creates a new request object, ready to be executed to set the specified @@ -68,6 +69,19 @@ public SetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, BucketWebsiteConf this.configuration = configuration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetBucketWebsiteConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Sets the name of the bucket whose website configuration is to be updated. * diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index dc8baf258234..38bc90e1bcaa 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ * Request object containing all the options for setting a object's Access * Control List (ACL). */ -public class SetObjectAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetObjectAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** * The name of the bucket containing the object whose ACL is being set. @@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ public class SetObjectAclRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Seri */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs a new SetObjectAclRequest object, ready to set the specified * ACL on the specified object when this request is executed. @@ -202,6 +204,19 @@ public SetObjectAclRequest(String bucketName, String key, String versionId, this.cannedAcl = acl; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetObjectAclRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * Returns the name of the bucket containing the object whose ACL is being * set. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index ed2924c642e8..46b03beefff0 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,12 +22,26 @@ /** * Applies a Legal Hold configuration to the specified object. */ -public class SetObjectLegalHoldRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetObjectLegalHoldRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucket; private String key; private ObjectLockLegalHold legalHold; private boolean isRequesterPays; private String versionId; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetObjectLegalHoldRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * The S3 Bucket. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index e37c6f756583..e0b088b8f0c4 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -23,11 +23,25 @@ * Places an Object Lock configuration on the specified bucket. The rule specified in the Object Lock configuration will be * applied by default to every new object placed in the specified bucket. */ -public class SetObjectLockConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetObjectLockConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucket; private ObjectLockConfiguration objectLockConfiguration; private boolean isRequesterPays; private String token; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetObjectLockConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * The S3 Bucket. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index f52f28b819d6..8db43e9517d4 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -22,13 +22,27 @@ /** * Places an Object Retention configuration on an object. */ -public class SetObjectRetentionRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetObjectRetentionRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucket; private String key; private ObjectLockRetention retention; private boolean isRequesterPays; private String versionId; private boolean bypassGovernanceRetention; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetObjectRetentionRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * The S3 Bucket. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 6fb929ef99b3..e90a72a5633b 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,12 +21,14 @@ /** * Request object for the parameters to set the tags for an object. */ -public class SetObjectTaggingRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetObjectTaggingRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private String key; private String versionId; private ObjectTagging tagging; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + /** * Constructs an instance of this object. * @@ -52,7 +54,6 @@ public class SetObjectTaggingRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements public SetObjectTaggingRequest(String bucketName, String key, ObjectTagging tagging) { this(bucketName, key, null, tagging); } - /** * Constructs an instance of this object. * @@ -84,6 +85,19 @@ public SetObjectTaggingRequest(String bucketName, String key, String versionId, this.tagging = tagging; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetObjectTaggingRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + /** * @return The bucket name. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index f5a8eadd8ccc..23f259f43d49 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -18,10 +18,24 @@ import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; import; -public class SetPublicAccessBlockRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { +public class SetPublicAccessBlockRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private String bucketName; private PublicAccessBlockConfiguration publicAccessBlockConfiguration; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetPublicAccessBlockRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * The name of the Amazon S3 bucket whose Public Access Block configuration you want to set. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 9dfa13112125..f3016423e492 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ * Request object for setting the request payment configuration associated with * an Amazon S3 bucket. */ -public class SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable { +public class SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { /** The name of the Amazon S3 bucket.*/ private String bucketName; @@ -29,12 +29,27 @@ public class SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest extends AmazonWebServiceReque /** The configuration associated with the Amazon S3 bucket.*/ private RequestPaymentConfiguration configuration; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + public SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest(String bucketName, RequestPaymentConfiguration configuration) { this.setBucketName(bucketName); this.configuration = configuration; } + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public SetRequestPaymentConfigurationRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } + public RequestPaymentConfiguration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ index 14946c3ba78a..d561006f329e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/s3/model/ @@ -14,13 +14,12 @@ */ package; +import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; +import com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener; import; import; import; -import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; -import com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener; - /** * Contains the parameters used for the UploadPart operation on Amazon S3. *

@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ * */ public class UploadPartRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements - SSECustomerKeyProvider, S3DataSource, Serializable { + SSECustomerKeyProvider, S3DataSource, Serializable, ExpectedBucketOwnerRequest { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** @@ -129,6 +128,20 @@ public class UploadPartRequest extends AmazonWebServiceRequest implements */ private boolean isRequesterPays; + private String expectedBucketOwner; + + public String getExpectedBucketOwner() { + return expectedBucketOwner; + } + + public UploadPartRequest withExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + this.expectedBucketOwner = expectedBucketOwner; + return this; + } + + public void setExpectedBucketOwner(String expectedBucketOwner) { + withExpectedBucketOwner(expectedBucketOwner); + } /** * Sets the stream containing the data to upload for the new part. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-s3control/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-s3control/pom.xml index 770583160d49..450526240059 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-s3control/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-s3control/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-s3control diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-sagemaker/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-sagemaker/pom.xml index a34dbcc3e02a..d1bfc458c5ad 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-sagemaker/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-sagemaker/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-sagemaker diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-sagemakerruntime/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-sagemakerruntime/pom.xml index 6b85d0ec53a0..e2ff33cf0f08 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-sagemakerruntime/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-sagemakerruntime/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-sagemakerruntime diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-savingsplans/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-savingsplans/pom.xml index 0f05948fcbba..f60507178c62 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-savingsplans/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-savingsplans/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-savingsplans diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-schemas/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-schemas/pom.xml index e214bb769de5..c2e7b88595bb 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-schemas/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-schemas/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-schemas diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager/pom.xml index 2c930514a9ff..1ef0963ed203 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-secretsmanager diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-securityhub/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-securityhub/pom.xml index e219bb829ff0..ecf79205f50f 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-securityhub/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-securityhub/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-securityhub diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-serverlessapplicationrepository/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-serverlessapplicationrepository/pom.xml index 94fc911ab8ea..1c9033097d08 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-serverlessapplicationrepository/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-serverlessapplicationrepository/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-serverlessapplicationrepository diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-servermigration/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-servermigration/pom.xml index 758071e23008..3d9b40800b5a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-servermigration/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-servermigration/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-servermigration diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-servicecatalog/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-servicecatalog/pom.xml index 39932934636a..a6465fb139f4 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-servicecatalog/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-servicecatalog/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-servicecatalog diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-servicediscovery/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-servicediscovery/pom.xml index 056ed7cc82a0..39c5f92415ba 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-servicediscovery/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-servicediscovery/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-servicediscovery diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-servicequotas/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-servicequotas/pom.xml index 48c9b2900b6e..59deea7d4eaf 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-servicequotas/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-servicequotas/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-servicequotas diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ses/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ses/pom.xml index b14d9c71cdb4..8d39190f27e5 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ses/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ses/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-ses diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-sesv2/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-sesv2/pom.xml index f2b7c3cd2238..3d214a4e6a0c 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-sesv2/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-sesv2/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-sesv2 diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-shield/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-shield/pom.xml index 9b3174b9a123..d22c1c219596 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-shield/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-shield/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-shield diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-signer/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-signer/pom.xml index eb26ad5e40aa..3316b9305354 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-signer/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-signer/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-signer diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-simpledb/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-simpledb/pom.xml index e1a5d36b3032..35bc7f70d09e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-simpledb/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-simpledb/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-simpledb diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-simpleworkflow/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-simpleworkflow/pom.xml index 53e30c7d85ca..9655b9fb3dfa 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-simpleworkflow/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-simpleworkflow/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-simpleworkflow diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-snowball/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-snowball/pom.xml index 8980f315c438..68f94e73a130 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-snowball/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-snowball/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-snowball diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-sns/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-sns/pom.xml index f872f8f287f0..1b5ad3993ba8 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-sns/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-sns/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-sns diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-sqs/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-sqs/pom.xml index 6a8cc65ffe9d..ae52e1802f0c 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-sqs/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-sqs/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-sqs diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ssm/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ssm/pom.xml index ee3f258b9be0..506485a49d6a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ssm/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ssm/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-ssm diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-sso/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-sso/pom.xml index b2f74192abee..dd77def57763 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-sso/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-sso/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-sso diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/pom.xml index a77e28cca96a..f1c2b8568bd7 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-ssoadmin diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-ssooidc/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-ssooidc/pom.xml index e558bd1b6453..571d9ddc4e1a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-ssooidc/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-ssooidc/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-ssooidc diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-stepfunctions/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-stepfunctions/pom.xml index 1582eed2c15b..cdffb26c306a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-stepfunctions/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-stepfunctions/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-stepfunctions diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-storagegateway/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-storagegateway/pom.xml index da86f52c6a04..971ab3eb23af 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-storagegateway/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-storagegateway/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-storagegateway diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-sts/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-sts/pom.xml index 3c1982e78b62..e99270ec6b6a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-sts/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-sts/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-sts diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-support/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-support/pom.xml index fba1df67682e..33ee699d6d89 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-support/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-support/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-support diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-synthetics/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-synthetics/pom.xml index b2c992370b0f..1413d84cad99 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-synthetics/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-synthetics/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-synthetics diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-test-utils/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-test-utils/pom.xml index 36c58a4784cc..410eeb701836 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-test-utils/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-test-utils/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-test-utils diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-textract/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-textract/pom.xml index 2f7570c1aa29..8a7c7cb8dcdc 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-textract/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-textract/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-textract diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-transcribe/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-transcribe/pom.xml index ab84cb01c5d1..cb98d00ae32c 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-transcribe/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-transcribe/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-transcribe diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-transfer/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-transfer/pom.xml index f85d498ad718..929cc28d0191 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-transfer/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-transfer/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-transfer diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-translate/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-translate/pom.xml index 20756a9627d0..a42631386b6f 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-translate/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-translate/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-translate diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-waf/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-waf/pom.xml index 123418d346e2..4ea846a388af 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-waf/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-waf/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-waf diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-wafv2/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-wafv2/pom.xml index 4d6732c54cf9..a1a439e8db20 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-wafv2/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-wafv2/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-wafv2 diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workdocs/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-workdocs/pom.xml index ffc0669b6a39..24afa1686e88 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workdocs/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workdocs/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-workdocs diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-worklink/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-worklink/pom.xml index f35be4a76190..f9ae5c498f44 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-worklink/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-worklink/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-worklink diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workmail/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-workmail/pom.xml index db546ad0d4d3..c9a49718de1a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workmail/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workmail/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-workmail diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workmailmessageflow/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-workmailmessageflow/pom.xml index fc280dee6878..e8ba5e53b3b3 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workmailmessageflow/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workmailmessageflow/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-workmailmessageflow diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/pom.xml index ecee7228ca52..aa0076a1529c 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-workspaces diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ index 0ddea342efa5..3175f8cd581e 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ @@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ public void setRegion(com.amazonaws.regions.Region region) { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public AssociateConnectionAliasResult associateConnectionAlias(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public AssociateIpGroupsResult associateIpGroups(AssociateIpGroupsRequest request) { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); @@ -52,6 +57,11 @@ public CopyWorkspaceImageResult copyWorkspaceImage(CopyWorkspaceImageRequest req throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public CreateConnectionAliasResult createConnectionAlias(CreateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public CreateIpGroupResult createIpGroup(CreateIpGroupRequest request) { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); @@ -67,6 +77,11 @@ public CreateWorkspacesResult createWorkspaces(CreateWorkspacesRequest request) throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public DeleteConnectionAliasResult deleteConnectionAlias(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest request) { + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public DeleteIpGroupResult deleteIpGroup(DeleteIpGroupRequest request) { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); @@ -102,6 +117,16 @@ public DescribeClientPropertiesResult describeClientProperties(DescribeClientPro throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult describeConnectionAliasPermissions(DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest request) { + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + + @Override + public DescribeConnectionAliasesResult describeConnectionAliases(DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest request) { + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public DescribeIpGroupsResult describeIpGroups(DescribeIpGroupsRequest request) { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); @@ -162,6 +187,11 @@ public DescribeWorkspacesConnectionStatusResult describeWorkspacesConnectionStat throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public DisassociateConnectionAliasResult disassociateConnectionAlias(DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public DisassociateIpGroupsResult disassociateIpGroups(DisassociateIpGroupsRequest request) { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); @@ -257,6 +287,11 @@ public TerminateWorkspacesResult terminateWorkspaces(TerminateWorkspacesRequest throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult updateConnectionAliasPermission(UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest request) { + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public UpdateRulesOfIpGroupResult updateRulesOfIpGroup(UpdateRulesOfIpGroupRequest request) { throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ index d64e1cecc8ed..e638dcfc38a5 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ @@ -27,6 +27,19 @@ public class AbstractAmazonWorkspacesAsync extends AbstractAmazonWorkspaces impl protected AbstractAmazonWorkspacesAsync() { } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future associateConnectionAliasAsync(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + + return associateConnectionAliasAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future associateConnectionAliasAsync(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest request, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future associateIpGroupsAsync(AssociateIpGroupsRequest request) { @@ -66,6 +79,19 @@ public java.util.concurrent.Future copyWorkspaceImageA throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future createConnectionAliasAsync(CreateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + + return createConnectionAliasAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future createConnectionAliasAsync(CreateConnectionAliasRequest request, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future createIpGroupAsync(CreateIpGroupRequest request) { @@ -105,6 +131,19 @@ public java.util.concurrent.Future createWorkspacesAsync throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future deleteConnectionAliasAsync(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest request) { + + return deleteConnectionAliasAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future deleteConnectionAliasAsync(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest request, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future deleteIpGroupAsync(DeleteIpGroupRequest request) { @@ -196,6 +235,34 @@ public java.util.concurrent.Future describeClien throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasPermissionsAsync( + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest request) { + + return describeConnectionAliasPermissionsAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasPermissionsAsync( + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest request, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasesAsync(DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest request) { + + return describeConnectionAliasesAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasesAsync(DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest request, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future describeIpGroupsAsync(DescribeIpGroupsRequest request) { @@ -386,6 +453,19 @@ public java.util.concurrent.Future des throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future disassociateConnectionAliasAsync(DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + + return disassociateConnectionAliasAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future disassociateConnectionAliasAsync(DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest request, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future disassociateIpGroupsAsync(DisassociateIpGroupsRequest request) { @@ -639,6 +719,21 @@ public java.util.concurrent.Future terminateWorkspace throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future updateConnectionAliasPermissionAsync( + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest request) { + + return updateConnectionAliasPermissionAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future updateConnectionAliasPermissionAsync( + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest request, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + + throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future updateRulesOfIpGroupAsync(UpdateRulesOfIpGroupRequest request) { diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ index a361e9f0a122..23a0df7a99a4 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ @@ -95,6 +95,42 @@ public interface AmazonWorkspaces { @Deprecated void setRegion(Region region); + /** + *

+ * Associates the specified connection alias with the specified directory to enable cross-Region redirection. For + * more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

+ *
+ * + * @param associateConnectionAliasRequest + * @return Result of the AssociateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @throws ResourceAssociatedException + * The resource is associated with a directory. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException + * The resource could not be found. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws InvalidResourceStateException + * The state of the resource is not valid for this operation. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.AssociateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + AssociateConnectionAliasResult associateConnectionAlias(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest associateConnectionAliasRequest); + /** *

* Associates the specified IP access control group with the specified directory. @@ -174,6 +210,33 @@ public interface AmazonWorkspaces { */ CopyWorkspaceImageResult copyWorkspaceImage(CopyWorkspaceImageRequest copyWorkspaceImageRequest); + /** + *

+ * Creates the specified connection alias for use with cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param createConnectionAliasRequest + * @return Result of the CreateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @throws ResourceAlreadyExistsException + * The specified resource already exists. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws ResourceLimitExceededException + * Your resource limits have been exceeded. + * @throws InvalidResourceStateException + * The state of the resource is not valid for this operation. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.CreateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + CreateConnectionAliasResult createConnectionAlias(CreateConnectionAliasRequest createConnectionAliasRequest); + /** *

* Creates an IP access control group. @@ -248,6 +311,49 @@ public interface AmazonWorkspaces { */ CreateWorkspacesResult createWorkspaces(CreateWorkspacesRequest createWorkspacesRequest); + /** + *

+ * Deletes the specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * If you will no longer be using a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as the registration code for your + * WorkSpaces users, you must take certain precautions to prevent potential security issues. For more + * information, see Security Considerations if You Stop Using Cross-Region Redirection. + *

+ *
+ *

+ * To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection + * alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the + * account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any + * accounts or associated with any directories. + *

+ *
+ * + * @param deleteConnectionAliasRequest + * @return Result of the DeleteConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException + * The resource could not be found. + * @throws ResourceAssociatedException + * The resource is associated with a directory. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws InvalidResourceStateException + * The state of the resource is not valid for this operation. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.DeleteConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + DeleteConnectionAliasResult deleteConnectionAlias(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest deleteConnectionAliasRequest); + /** *

* Deletes the specified IP access control group. @@ -384,6 +490,52 @@ public interface AmazonWorkspaces { */ DescribeClientPropertiesResult describeClientProperties(DescribeClientPropertiesRequest describeClientPropertiesRequest); + /** + *

+ * Describes the permissions that the owner of a connection alias has granted to another AWS account for the + * specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest + * @return Result of the DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions operation returned by the service. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException + * The resource could not be found. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult describeConnectionAliasPermissions( + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest); + + /** + *

+ * Retrieves a list that describes the connection aliases used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, + * see + * Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param describeConnectionAliasesRequest + * @return Result of the DescribeConnectionAliases operation returned by the service. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.DescribeConnectionAliases + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + DescribeConnectionAliasesResult describeConnectionAliases(DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest describeConnectionAliasesRequest); + /** *

* Describes one or more of your IP access control groups. @@ -561,6 +713,40 @@ public interface AmazonWorkspaces { DescribeWorkspacesConnectionStatusResult describeWorkspacesConnectionStatus( DescribeWorkspacesConnectionStatusRequest describeWorkspacesConnectionStatusRequest); + /** + *

+ * Disassociates a connection alias from a directory. Disassociating a connection alias disables cross-Region + * redirection between two directories in different AWS Regions. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

+ *
+ * + * @param disassociateConnectionAliasRequest + * @return Result of the DisassociateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException + * The resource could not be found. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws InvalidResourceStateException + * The state of the resource is not valid for this operation. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.DisassociateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + DisassociateConnectionAliasResult disassociateConnectionAlias(DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest disassociateConnectionAliasRequest); + /** *

* Disassociates the specified IP access control group from the specified directory. @@ -585,8 +771,8 @@ DescribeWorkspacesConnectionStatusResult describeWorkspacesConnectionStatus( /** *

* Imports the specified Windows 10 Bring Your Own License (BYOL) image into Amazon WorkSpaces. The image must be an - * already licensed EC2 image that is in your AWS account, and you must own the image. For more information about - * creating BYOL images, see Bring Your Own Windows * Desktop Licenses. *

@@ -1024,6 +1210,58 @@ DescribeWorkspacesConnectionStatusResult describeWorkspacesConnectionStatus( */ TerminateWorkspacesResult terminateWorkspaces(TerminateWorkspacesRequest terminateWorkspacesRequest); + /** + *

+ * Shares or unshares a connection alias with one account by specifying whether that account has permission to + * associate the connection alias with a directory. If the association permission is granted, the connection alias + * is shared with that account. If the association permission is revoked, the connection alias is unshared with the + * account. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *
    + *
  • + *

    + * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection + * alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the + * account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any + * accounts or associated with any directories. + *

    + *
  • + *
+ *
+ * + * @param updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest + * @return Result of the UpdateConnectionAliasPermission operation returned by the service. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws ResourceLimitExceededException + * Your resource limits have been exceeded. + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException + * The resource could not be found. + * @throws ResourceAssociatedException + * The resource is associated with a directory. + * @throws InvalidResourceStateException + * The state of the resource is not valid for this operation. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.UpdateConnectionAliasPermission + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult updateConnectionAliasPermission(UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest); + /** *

* Replaces the current rules of the specified IP access control group with the specified rules. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ index aace65274706..886ece6cdcc2 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ @@ -34,6 +34,59 @@ @Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public interface AmazonWorkspacesAsync extends AmazonWorkspaces { + /** + *

+ * Associates the specified connection alias with the specified directory to enable cross-Region redirection. For + * more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

+ *
+ * + * @param associateConnectionAliasRequest + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the AssociateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsync.AssociateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future associateConnectionAliasAsync(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest associateConnectionAliasRequest); + + /** + *

+ * Associates the specified connection alias with the specified directory to enable cross-Region redirection. For + * more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

+ *
+ * + * @param associateConnectionAliasRequest + * @param asyncHandler + * Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an + * implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or + * unsuccessful completion of the operation. + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the AssociateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsyncHandler.AssociateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future associateConnectionAliasAsync(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest associateConnectionAliasRequest, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** *

* Associates the specified IP access control group with the specified directory. @@ -135,6 +188,41 @@ java.util.concurrent.Future authorizeIpRulesAsync(Author java.util.concurrent.Future copyWorkspaceImageAsync(CopyWorkspaceImageRequest copyWorkspaceImageRequest, com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** + *

+ * Creates the specified connection alias for use with cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param createConnectionAliasRequest + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the CreateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsync.CreateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future createConnectionAliasAsync(CreateConnectionAliasRequest createConnectionAliasRequest); + + /** + *

+ * Creates the specified connection alias for use with cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param createConnectionAliasRequest + * @param asyncHandler + * Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an + * implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or + * unsuccessful completion of the operation. + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the CreateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsyncHandler.CreateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future createConnectionAliasAsync(CreateConnectionAliasRequest createConnectionAliasRequest, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** *

* Creates an IP access control group. @@ -258,6 +346,73 @@ java.util.concurrent.Future createTagsAsync(CreateTagsRequest java.util.concurrent.Future createWorkspacesAsync(CreateWorkspacesRequest createWorkspacesRequest, com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** + *

+ * Deletes the specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * If you will no longer be using a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as the registration code for your + * WorkSpaces users, you must take certain precautions to prevent potential security issues. For more + * information, see Security Considerations if You Stop Using Cross-Region Redirection. + *

+ *
+ *

+ * To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection + * alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the + * account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any + * accounts or associated with any directories. + *

+ *
+ * + * @param deleteConnectionAliasRequest + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsync.DeleteConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future deleteConnectionAliasAsync(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest deleteConnectionAliasRequest); + + /** + *

+ * Deletes the specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * If you will no longer be using a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as the registration code for your + * WorkSpaces users, you must take certain precautions to prevent potential security issues. For more + * information, see Security Considerations if You Stop Using Cross-Region Redirection. + *

+ *
+ *

+ * To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection + * alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the + * account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any + * accounts or associated with any directories. + *

+ *
+ * + * @param deleteConnectionAliasRequest + * @param asyncHandler + * Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an + * implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or + * unsuccessful completion of the operation. + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the DeleteConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsyncHandler.DeleteConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future deleteConnectionAliasAsync(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest deleteConnectionAliasRequest, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** *

* Deletes the specified IP access control group. @@ -497,6 +652,84 @@ java.util.concurrent.Future describeAccountM java.util.concurrent.Future describeClientPropertiesAsync(DescribeClientPropertiesRequest describeClientPropertiesRequest, com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** + *

+ * Describes the permissions that the owner of a connection alias has granted to another AWS account for the + * specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions operation returned by the + * service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsync.DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasPermissionsAsync( + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest); + + /** + *

+ * Describes the permissions that the owner of a connection alias has granted to another AWS account for the + * specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest + * @param asyncHandler + * Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an + * implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or + * unsuccessful completion of the operation. + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions operation returned by the + * service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsyncHandler.DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasPermissionsAsync( + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + + /** + *

+ * Retrieves a list that describes the connection aliases used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, + * see + * Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param describeConnectionAliasesRequest + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeConnectionAliases operation returned by the service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsync.DescribeConnectionAliases + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasesAsync( + DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest describeConnectionAliasesRequest); + + /** + *

+ * Retrieves a list that describes the connection aliases used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, + * see + * Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param describeConnectionAliasesRequest + * @param asyncHandler + * Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an + * implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or + * unsuccessful completion of the operation. + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the DescribeConnectionAliases operation returned by the service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsyncHandler.DescribeConnectionAliases + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasesAsync( + DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest describeConnectionAliasesRequest, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** *

* Describes one or more of your IP access control groups. @@ -851,6 +1084,61 @@ java.util.concurrent.Future describeWo DescribeWorkspacesConnectionStatusRequest describeWorkspacesConnectionStatusRequest, com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** + *

+ * Disassociates a connection alias from a directory. Disassociating a connection alias disables cross-Region + * redirection between two directories in different AWS Regions. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

+ *
+ * + * @param disassociateConnectionAliasRequest + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the DisassociateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsync.DisassociateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future disassociateConnectionAliasAsync( + DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest disassociateConnectionAliasRequest); + + /** + *

+ * Disassociates a connection alias from a directory. Disassociating a connection alias disables cross-Region + * redirection between two directories in different AWS Regions. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

+ *
+ * + * @param disassociateConnectionAliasRequest + * @param asyncHandler + * Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an + * implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or + * unsuccessful completion of the operation. + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the DisassociateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsyncHandler.DisassociateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future disassociateConnectionAliasAsync( + DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest disassociateConnectionAliasRequest, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** *

* Disassociates the specified IP access control group from the specified directory. @@ -885,8 +1173,8 @@ java.util.concurrent.Future disassociateIpGroupsAsyn /** *

* Imports the specified Windows 10 Bring Your Own License (BYOL) image into Amazon WorkSpaces. The image must be an - * already licensed EC2 image that is in your AWS account, and you must own the image. For more information about - * creating BYOL images, see Bring Your Own Windows * Desktop Licenses. *

@@ -902,8 +1190,8 @@ java.util.concurrent.Future disassociateIpGroupsAsyn /** *

* Imports the specified Windows 10 Bring Your Own License (BYOL) image into Amazon WorkSpaces. The image must be an - * already licensed EC2 image that is in your AWS account, and you must own the image. For more information about - * creating BYOL images, see Bring Your Own Windows * Desktop Licenses. *

@@ -1634,6 +1922,91 @@ java.util.concurrent.Future stopWorkspacesAsync(StopWorksp java.util.concurrent.Future terminateWorkspacesAsync(TerminateWorkspacesRequest terminateWorkspacesRequest, com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** + *

+ * Shares or unshares a connection alias with one account by specifying whether that account has permission to + * associate the connection alias with a directory. If the association permission is granted, the connection alias + * is shared with that account. If the association permission is revoked, the connection alias is unshared with the + * account. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *
    + *
  • + *

    + * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection + * alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the + * account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any + * accounts or associated with any directories. + *

    + *
  • + *
+ *
+ * + * @param updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateConnectionAliasPermission operation returned by the + * service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsync.UpdateConnectionAliasPermission + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future updateConnectionAliasPermissionAsync( + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest); + + /** + *

+ * Shares or unshares a connection alias with one account by specifying whether that account has permission to + * associate the connection alias with a directory. If the association permission is granted, the connection alias + * is shared with that account. If the association permission is revoked, the connection alias is unshared with the + * account. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *
    + *
  • + *

    + * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection + * alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the + * account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any + * accounts or associated with any directories. + *

    + *
  • + *
+ *
+ * + * @param updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest + * @param asyncHandler + * Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an + * implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or + * unsuccessful completion of the operation. + * @return A Java Future containing the result of the UpdateConnectionAliasPermission operation returned by the + * service. + * @sample AmazonWorkspacesAsyncHandler.UpdateConnectionAliasPermission + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + java.util.concurrent.Future updateConnectionAliasPermissionAsync( + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest, + com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler); + /** *

* Replaces the current rules of the specified IP access control group with the specified rules. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ index 11a847d8e83c..dec56a4d8a03 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ @@ -259,6 +259,39 @@ public ExecutorService getExecutorService() { return executorService; } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future associateConnectionAliasAsync(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + + return associateConnectionAliasAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future associateConnectionAliasAsync(final AssociateConnectionAliasRequest request, + final com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + final AssociateConnectionAliasRequest finalRequest = beforeClientExecution(request); + + return executorService.submit(new java.util.concurrent.Callable() { + @Override + public AssociateConnectionAliasResult call() throws Exception { + AssociateConnectionAliasResult result = null; + + try { + result = executeAssociateConnectionAlias(finalRequest); + } catch (Exception ex) { + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onError(ex); + } + throw ex; + } + + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onSuccess(finalRequest, result); + } + return result; + } + }); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future associateIpGroupsAsync(AssociateIpGroupsRequest request) { @@ -358,6 +391,39 @@ public CopyWorkspaceImageResult call() throws Exception { }); } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future createConnectionAliasAsync(CreateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + + return createConnectionAliasAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future createConnectionAliasAsync(final CreateConnectionAliasRequest request, + final com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + final CreateConnectionAliasRequest finalRequest = beforeClientExecution(request); + + return executorService.submit(new java.util.concurrent.Callable() { + @Override + public CreateConnectionAliasResult call() throws Exception { + CreateConnectionAliasResult result = null; + + try { + result = executeCreateConnectionAlias(finalRequest); + } catch (Exception ex) { + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onError(ex); + } + throw ex; + } + + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onSuccess(finalRequest, result); + } + return result; + } + }); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future createIpGroupAsync(CreateIpGroupRequest request) { @@ -457,6 +523,39 @@ public CreateWorkspacesResult call() throws Exception { }); } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future deleteConnectionAliasAsync(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest request) { + + return deleteConnectionAliasAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future deleteConnectionAliasAsync(final DeleteConnectionAliasRequest request, + final com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + final DeleteConnectionAliasRequest finalRequest = beforeClientExecution(request); + + return executorService.submit(new java.util.concurrent.Callable() { + @Override + public DeleteConnectionAliasResult call() throws Exception { + DeleteConnectionAliasResult result = null; + + try { + result = executeDeleteConnectionAlias(finalRequest); + } catch (Exception ex) { + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onError(ex); + } + throw ex; + } + + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onSuccess(finalRequest, result); + } + return result; + } + }); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future deleteIpGroupAsync(DeleteIpGroupRequest request) { @@ -688,6 +787,74 @@ public DescribeClientPropertiesResult call() throws Exception { }); } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasPermissionsAsync( + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest request) { + + return describeConnectionAliasPermissionsAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasPermissionsAsync( + final DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest request, + final com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + final DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest finalRequest = beforeClientExecution(request); + + return executorService.submit(new java.util.concurrent.Callable() { + @Override + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult call() throws Exception { + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult result = null; + + try { + result = executeDescribeConnectionAliasPermissions(finalRequest); + } catch (Exception ex) { + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onError(ex); + } + throw ex; + } + + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onSuccess(finalRequest, result); + } + return result; + } + }); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasesAsync(DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest request) { + + return describeConnectionAliasesAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future describeConnectionAliasesAsync(final DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest request, + final com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + final DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest finalRequest = beforeClientExecution(request); + + return executorService.submit(new java.util.concurrent.Callable() { + @Override + public DescribeConnectionAliasesResult call() throws Exception { + DescribeConnectionAliasesResult result = null; + + try { + result = executeDescribeConnectionAliases(finalRequest); + } catch (Exception ex) { + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onError(ex); + } + throw ex; + } + + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onSuccess(finalRequest, result); + } + return result; + } + }); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future describeIpGroupsAsync(DescribeIpGroupsRequest request) { @@ -1058,6 +1225,39 @@ public DescribeWorkspacesConnectionStatusResult call() throws Exception { }); } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future disassociateConnectionAliasAsync(DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + + return disassociateConnectionAliasAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future disassociateConnectionAliasAsync(final DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest request, + final com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + final DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest finalRequest = beforeClientExecution(request); + + return executorService.submit(new java.util.concurrent.Callable() { + @Override + public DisassociateConnectionAliasResult call() throws Exception { + DisassociateConnectionAliasResult result = null; + + try { + result = executeDisassociateConnectionAlias(finalRequest); + } catch (Exception ex) { + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onError(ex); + } + throw ex; + } + + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onSuccess(finalRequest, result); + } + return result; + } + }); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future disassociateIpGroupsAsync(DisassociateIpGroupsRequest request) { @@ -1691,6 +1891,41 @@ public TerminateWorkspacesResult call() throws Exception { }); } + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future updateConnectionAliasPermissionAsync( + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest request) { + + return updateConnectionAliasPermissionAsync(request, null); + } + + @Override + public java.util.concurrent.Future updateConnectionAliasPermissionAsync( + final UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest request, + final com.amazonaws.handlers.AsyncHandler asyncHandler) { + final UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest finalRequest = beforeClientExecution(request); + + return executorService.submit(new java.util.concurrent.Callable() { + @Override + public UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult call() throws Exception { + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult result = null; + + try { + result = executeUpdateConnectionAliasPermission(finalRequest); + } catch (Exception ex) { + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onError(ex); + } + throw ex; + } + + if (asyncHandler != null) { + asyncHandler.onSuccess(finalRequest, result); + } + return result; + } + }); + } + @Override public java.util.concurrent.Future updateRulesOfIpGroupAsync(UpdateRulesOfIpGroupRequest request) { diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ index e5e6bd343685..2375233c265c 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/ @@ -322,6 +322,84 @@ private void init() { requestHandler2s.addAll(chainFactory.getGlobalHandlers()); } + /** + *

+ * Associates the specified connection alias with the specified directory to enable cross-Region redirection. For + * more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

+ *
+ * + * @param associateConnectionAliasRequest + * @return Result of the AssociateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @throws ResourceAssociatedException + * The resource is associated with a directory. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException + * The resource could not be found. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws InvalidResourceStateException + * The state of the resource is not valid for this operation. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.AssociateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + @Override + public AssociateConnectionAliasResult associateConnectionAlias(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + request = beforeClientExecution(request); + return executeAssociateConnectionAlias(request); + } + + @SdkInternalApi + final AssociateConnectionAliasResult executeAssociateConnectionAlias(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest associateConnectionAliasRequest) { + + ExecutionContext executionContext = createExecutionContext(associateConnectionAliasRequest); + AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics = executionContext.getAwsRequestMetrics(); + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.ClientExecuteTime); + Request request = null; + Response response = null; + + try { + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + try { + request = new AssociateConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller(protocolFactory).marshall(super + .beforeMarshalling(associateConnectionAliasRequest)); + // Binds the request metrics to the current request. + request.setAWSRequestMetrics(awsRequestMetrics); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SIGNING_REGION, getSigningRegion()); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SERVICE_ID, "WorkSpaces"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.OPERATION_NAME, "AssociateConnectionAlias"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.ADVANCED_CONFIG, advancedConfig); + + } finally { + awsRequestMetrics.endEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + } + + HttpResponseHandler> responseHandler = protocolFactory.createResponseHandler( + new JsonOperationMetadata().withPayloadJson(true).withHasStreamingSuccessResponse(false), + new AssociateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller()); + response = invoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); + + return response.getAwsResponse(); + + } finally { + + endClientExecution(awsRequestMetrics, request, response); + } + } + /** *

* Associates the specified IP access control group with the specified directory. @@ -521,6 +599,74 @@ final CopyWorkspaceImageResult executeCopyWorkspaceImage(CopyWorkspaceImageReque } } + /** + *

+ * Creates the specified connection alias for use with cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param createConnectionAliasRequest + * @return Result of the CreateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @throws ResourceAlreadyExistsException + * The specified resource already exists. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws ResourceLimitExceededException + * Your resource limits have been exceeded. + * @throws InvalidResourceStateException + * The state of the resource is not valid for this operation. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.CreateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + @Override + public CreateConnectionAliasResult createConnectionAlias(CreateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + request = beforeClientExecution(request); + return executeCreateConnectionAlias(request); + } + + @SdkInternalApi + final CreateConnectionAliasResult executeCreateConnectionAlias(CreateConnectionAliasRequest createConnectionAliasRequest) { + + ExecutionContext executionContext = createExecutionContext(createConnectionAliasRequest); + AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics = executionContext.getAwsRequestMetrics(); + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.ClientExecuteTime); + Request request = null; + Response response = null; + + try { + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + try { + request = new CreateConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller(protocolFactory).marshall(super.beforeMarshalling(createConnectionAliasRequest)); + // Binds the request metrics to the current request. + request.setAWSRequestMetrics(awsRequestMetrics); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SIGNING_REGION, getSigningRegion()); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SERVICE_ID, "WorkSpaces"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.OPERATION_NAME, "CreateConnectionAlias"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.ADVANCED_CONFIG, advancedConfig); + + } finally { + awsRequestMetrics.endEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + } + + HttpResponseHandler> responseHandler = protocolFactory + .createResponseHandler(new JsonOperationMetadata().withPayloadJson(true).withHasStreamingSuccessResponse(false), + new CreateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller()); + response = invoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); + + return response.getAwsResponse(); + + } finally { + + endClientExecution(awsRequestMetrics, request, response); + } + } + /** *

* Creates an IP access control group. @@ -715,6 +861,90 @@ final CreateWorkspacesResult executeCreateWorkspaces(CreateWorkspacesRequest cre } } + /** + *

+ * Deletes the specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * If you will no longer be using a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as the registration code for your + * WorkSpaces users, you must take certain precautions to prevent potential security issues. For more + * information, see Security Considerations if You Stop Using Cross-Region Redirection. + *

+ *
+ *

+ * To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection + * alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the + * account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any + * accounts or associated with any directories. + *

+ *
+ * + * @param deleteConnectionAliasRequest + * @return Result of the DeleteConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException + * The resource could not be found. + * @throws ResourceAssociatedException + * The resource is associated with a directory. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws InvalidResourceStateException + * The state of the resource is not valid for this operation. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.DeleteConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + @Override + public DeleteConnectionAliasResult deleteConnectionAlias(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest request) { + request = beforeClientExecution(request); + return executeDeleteConnectionAlias(request); + } + + @SdkInternalApi + final DeleteConnectionAliasResult executeDeleteConnectionAlias(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest deleteConnectionAliasRequest) { + + ExecutionContext executionContext = createExecutionContext(deleteConnectionAliasRequest); + AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics = executionContext.getAwsRequestMetrics(); + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.ClientExecuteTime); + Request request = null; + Response response = null; + + try { + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + try { + request = new DeleteConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller(protocolFactory).marshall(super.beforeMarshalling(deleteConnectionAliasRequest)); + // Binds the request metrics to the current request. + request.setAWSRequestMetrics(awsRequestMetrics); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SIGNING_REGION, getSigningRegion()); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SERVICE_ID, "WorkSpaces"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.OPERATION_NAME, "DeleteConnectionAlias"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.ADVANCED_CONFIG, advancedConfig); + + } finally { + awsRequestMetrics.endEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + } + + HttpResponseHandler> responseHandler = protocolFactory + .createResponseHandler(new JsonOperationMetadata().withPayloadJson(true).withHasStreamingSuccessResponse(false), + new DeleteConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller()); + response = invoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); + + return response.getAwsResponse(); + + } finally { + + endClientExecution(awsRequestMetrics, request, response); + } + } + /** *

* Deletes the specified IP access control group. @@ -1137,6 +1367,136 @@ final DescribeClientPropertiesResult executeDescribeClientProperties(DescribeCli } } + /** + *

+ * Describes the permissions that the owner of a connection alias has granted to another AWS account for the + * specified connection alias. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest + * @return Result of the DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions operation returned by the service. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException + * The resource could not be found. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + @Override + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult describeConnectionAliasPermissions(DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest request) { + request = beforeClientExecution(request); + return executeDescribeConnectionAliasPermissions(request); + } + + @SdkInternalApi + final DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult executeDescribeConnectionAliasPermissions( + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest) { + + ExecutionContext executionContext = createExecutionContext(describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest); + AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics = executionContext.getAwsRequestMetrics(); + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.ClientExecuteTime); + Request request = null; + Response response = null; + + try { + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + try { + request = new DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequestProtocolMarshaller(protocolFactory).marshall(super + .beforeMarshalling(describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest)); + // Binds the request metrics to the current request. + request.setAWSRequestMetrics(awsRequestMetrics); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SIGNING_REGION, getSigningRegion()); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SERVICE_ID, "WorkSpaces"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.OPERATION_NAME, "DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.ADVANCED_CONFIG, advancedConfig); + + } finally { + awsRequestMetrics.endEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + } + + HttpResponseHandler> responseHandler = protocolFactory.createResponseHandler( + new JsonOperationMetadata().withPayloadJson(true).withHasStreamingSuccessResponse(false), + new DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResultJsonUnmarshaller()); + response = invoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); + + return response.getAwsResponse(); + + } finally { + + endClientExecution(awsRequestMetrics, request, response); + } + } + + /** + *

+ * Retrieves a list that describes the connection aliases used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, + * see + * Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @param describeConnectionAliasesRequest + * @return Result of the DescribeConnectionAliases operation returned by the service. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.DescribeConnectionAliases + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + @Override + public DescribeConnectionAliasesResult describeConnectionAliases(DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest request) { + request = beforeClientExecution(request); + return executeDescribeConnectionAliases(request); + } + + @SdkInternalApi + final DescribeConnectionAliasesResult executeDescribeConnectionAliases(DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest describeConnectionAliasesRequest) { + + ExecutionContext executionContext = createExecutionContext(describeConnectionAliasesRequest); + AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics = executionContext.getAwsRequestMetrics(); + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.ClientExecuteTime); + Request request = null; + Response response = null; + + try { + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + try { + request = new DescribeConnectionAliasesRequestProtocolMarshaller(protocolFactory).marshall(super + .beforeMarshalling(describeConnectionAliasesRequest)); + // Binds the request metrics to the current request. + request.setAWSRequestMetrics(awsRequestMetrics); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SIGNING_REGION, getSigningRegion()); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SERVICE_ID, "WorkSpaces"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.OPERATION_NAME, "DescribeConnectionAliases"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.ADVANCED_CONFIG, advancedConfig); + + } finally { + awsRequestMetrics.endEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + } + + HttpResponseHandler> responseHandler = protocolFactory.createResponseHandler( + new JsonOperationMetadata().withPayloadJson(true).withHasStreamingSuccessResponse(false), + new DescribeConnectionAliasesResultJsonUnmarshaller()); + response = invoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); + + return response.getAwsResponse(); + + } finally { + + endClientExecution(awsRequestMetrics, request, response); + } + } + /** *

* Describes one or more of your IP access control groups. @@ -1681,6 +2041,82 @@ final DescribeWorkspacesConnectionStatusResult executeDescribeWorkspacesConnecti } } + /** + *

+ * Disassociates a connection alias from a directory. Disassociating a connection alias disables cross-Region + * redirection between two directories in different AWS Regions. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *

+ * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

+ *
+ * + * @param disassociateConnectionAliasRequest + * @return Result of the DisassociateConnectionAlias operation returned by the service. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException + * The resource could not be found. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws InvalidResourceStateException + * The state of the resource is not valid for this operation. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.DisassociateConnectionAlias + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + @Override + public DisassociateConnectionAliasResult disassociateConnectionAlias(DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest request) { + request = beforeClientExecution(request); + return executeDisassociateConnectionAlias(request); + } + + @SdkInternalApi + final DisassociateConnectionAliasResult executeDisassociateConnectionAlias(DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest disassociateConnectionAliasRequest) { + + ExecutionContext executionContext = createExecutionContext(disassociateConnectionAliasRequest); + AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics = executionContext.getAwsRequestMetrics(); + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.ClientExecuteTime); + Request request = null; + Response response = null; + + try { + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + try { + request = new DisassociateConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller(protocolFactory).marshall(super + .beforeMarshalling(disassociateConnectionAliasRequest)); + // Binds the request metrics to the current request. + request.setAWSRequestMetrics(awsRequestMetrics); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SIGNING_REGION, getSigningRegion()); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SERVICE_ID, "WorkSpaces"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.OPERATION_NAME, "DisassociateConnectionAlias"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.ADVANCED_CONFIG, advancedConfig); + + } finally { + awsRequestMetrics.endEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + } + + HttpResponseHandler> responseHandler = protocolFactory.createResponseHandler( + new JsonOperationMetadata().withPayloadJson(true).withHasStreamingSuccessResponse(false), + new DisassociateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller()); + response = invoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); + + return response.getAwsResponse(); + + } finally { + + endClientExecution(awsRequestMetrics, request, response); + } + } + /** *

* Disassociates the specified IP access control group from the specified directory. @@ -1745,8 +2181,8 @@ final DisassociateIpGroupsResult executeDisassociateIpGroups(DisassociateIpGroup /** *

* Imports the specified Windows 10 Bring Your Own License (BYOL) image into Amazon WorkSpaces. The image must be an - * already licensed EC2 image that is in your AWS account, and you must own the image. For more information about - * creating BYOL images, see Bring Your Own Windows * Desktop Licenses. *

@@ -2920,6 +3356,101 @@ final TerminateWorkspacesResult executeTerminateWorkspaces(TerminateWorkspacesRe } } + /** + *

+ * Shares or unshares a connection alias with one account by specifying whether that account has permission to + * associate the connection alias with a directory. If the association permission is granted, the connection alias + * is shared with that account. If the association permission is revoked, the connection alias is unshared with the + * account. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + *
    + *
  • + *

    + * Before performing this operation, call + * DescribeConnectionAliases to make sure that the current state of the connection alias is CREATED + * . + *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * To delete a connection alias that has been shared, the shared account must first disassociate the connection + * alias from any directories it has been associated with. Then you must unshare the connection alias from the + * account it has been shared with. You can delete a connection alias only after it is no longer shared with any + * accounts or associated with any directories. + *

    + *
  • + *
+ *
+ * + * @param updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest + * @return Result of the UpdateConnectionAliasPermission operation returned by the service. + * @throws AccessDeniedException + * The user is not authorized to access a resource. + * @throws InvalidParameterValuesException + * One or more parameter values are not valid. + * @throws ResourceLimitExceededException + * Your resource limits have been exceeded. + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException + * The resource could not be found. + * @throws ResourceAssociatedException + * The resource is associated with a directory. + * @throws InvalidResourceStateException + * The state of the resource is not valid for this operation. + * @throws OperationNotSupportedException + * This operation is not supported. + * @sample AmazonWorkspaces.UpdateConnectionAliasPermission + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ + @Override + public UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult updateConnectionAliasPermission(UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest request) { + request = beforeClientExecution(request); + return executeUpdateConnectionAliasPermission(request); + } + + @SdkInternalApi + final UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult executeUpdateConnectionAliasPermission( + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest) { + + ExecutionContext executionContext = createExecutionContext(updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest); + AWSRequestMetrics awsRequestMetrics = executionContext.getAwsRequestMetrics(); + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.ClientExecuteTime); + Request request = null; + Response response = null; + + try { + awsRequestMetrics.startEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + try { + request = new UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequestProtocolMarshaller(protocolFactory).marshall(super + .beforeMarshalling(updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest)); + // Binds the request metrics to the current request. + request.setAWSRequestMetrics(awsRequestMetrics); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SIGNING_REGION, getSigningRegion()); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.SERVICE_ID, "WorkSpaces"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.OPERATION_NAME, "UpdateConnectionAliasPermission"); + request.addHandlerContext(HandlerContextKey.ADVANCED_CONFIG, advancedConfig); + + } finally { + awsRequestMetrics.endEvent(Field.RequestMarshallTime); + } + + HttpResponseHandler> responseHandler = protocolFactory.createResponseHandler( + new JsonOperationMetadata().withPayloadJson(true).withHasStreamingSuccessResponse(false), + new UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResultJsonUnmarshaller()); + response = invoke(request, responseHandler, executionContext); + + return response.getAwsResponse(); + + } finally { + + endClientExecution(awsRequestMetrics, request, response); + } + } + /** *

* Replaces the current rules of the specified IP access control group with the specified rules. diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..558bfec5317c --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; + +/** + * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class AssociateConnectionAliasRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private String aliasId; + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with. + *

+ */ + private String resourceId; + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias. + */ + + public void setAliasId(String aliasId) { + this.aliasId = aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the connection alias. + */ + + public String getAliasId() { + return this.aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public AssociateConnectionAliasRequest withAliasId(String aliasId) { + setAliasId(aliasId); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with. + *

+ * + * @param resourceId + * The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with. + */ + + public void setResourceId(String resourceId) { + this.resourceId = resourceId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with. + */ + + public String getResourceId() { + return this.resourceId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with. + *

+ * + * @param resourceId + * The identifier of the directory to associate the connection alias with. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public AssociateConnectionAliasRequest withResourceId(String resourceId) { + setResourceId(resourceId); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getAliasId() != null) + sb.append("AliasId: ").append(getAliasId()).append(","); + if (getResourceId() != null) + sb.append("ResourceId: ").append(getResourceId()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof AssociateConnectionAliasRequest == false) + return false; + AssociateConnectionAliasRequest other = (AssociateConnectionAliasRequest) obj; + if (other.getAliasId() == null ^ this.getAliasId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAliasId() != null && other.getAliasId().equals(this.getAliasId()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getResourceId() == null ^ this.getResourceId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getResourceId() != null && other.getResourceId().equals(this.getResourceId()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAliasId() == null) ? 0 : getAliasId().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getResourceId() == null) ? 0 : getResourceId().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public AssociateConnectionAliasRequest clone() { + return (AssociateConnectionAliasRequest) super.clone(); + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7bf26e684b91 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +/** + * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class AssociateConnectionAliasResult extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResult implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when + * you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + *

+ */ + private String connectionIdentifier; + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when + * you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + *

+ * + * @param connectionIdentifier + * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT + * record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + */ + + public void setConnectionIdentifier(String connectionIdentifier) { + this.connectionIdentifier = connectionIdentifier; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when + * you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT + * record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + */ + + public String getConnectionIdentifier() { + return this.connectionIdentifier; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when + * you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + *

+ * + * @param connectionIdentifier + * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT + * record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public AssociateConnectionAliasResult withConnectionIdentifier(String connectionIdentifier) { + setConnectionIdentifier(connectionIdentifier); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getConnectionIdentifier() != null) + sb.append("ConnectionIdentifier: ").append(getConnectionIdentifier()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof AssociateConnectionAliasResult == false) + return false; + AssociateConnectionAliasResult other = (AssociateConnectionAliasResult) obj; + if (other.getConnectionIdentifier() == null ^ this.getConnectionIdentifier() == null) + return false; + if (other.getConnectionIdentifier() != null && other.getConnectionIdentifier().equals(this.getConnectionIdentifier()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getConnectionIdentifier() == null) ? 0 : getConnectionIdentifier().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public AssociateConnectionAliasResult clone() { + try { + return (AssociateConnectionAliasResult) super.clone(); + } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Got a CloneNotSupportedException from Object.clone() " + "even though we're Cloneable!", e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fd59ce6b3fd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +/** + * + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public enum AssociationStatus { + + NOT_ASSOCIATED("NOT_ASSOCIATED"), + ASSOCIATED_WITH_OWNER_ACCOUNT("ASSOCIATED_WITH_OWNER_ACCOUNT"), + ASSOCIATED_WITH_SHARED_ACCOUNT("ASSOCIATED_WITH_SHARED_ACCOUNT"), + PENDING_ASSOCIATION("PENDING_ASSOCIATION"), + PENDING_DISASSOCIATION("PENDING_DISASSOCIATION"); + + private String value; + + private AssociationStatus(String value) { + this.value = value; + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return this.value; + } + + /** + * Use this in place of valueOf. + * + * @param value + * real value + * @return AssociationStatus corresponding to the value + * + * @throws IllegalArgumentException + * If the specified value does not map to one of the known values in this enum. + */ + public static AssociationStatus fromValue(String value) { + if (value == null || "".equals(value)) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value cannot be null or empty!"); + } + + for (AssociationStatus enumEntry : AssociationStatus.values()) { + if (enumEntry.toString().equals(value)) { + return enumEntry; + } + } + + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create enum from " + value + " value!"); + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b9e0e3190958 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,409 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.StructuredPojo; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.ProtocolMarshaller; + +/** + *

+ * Describes a connection alias. Connection aliases are used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @see AWS API + * Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class ConnectionAlias implements Serializable, Cloneable, StructuredPojo { + + /** + *

+ * The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully + * qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ */ + private String connectionString; + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private String aliasId; + /** + *

+ * The current state of the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private String state; + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private String ownerAccountId; + /** + *

+ * The association status of the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList associations; + + /** + *

+ * The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully + * qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ * + * @param connectionString + * The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a + * fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + */ + + public void setConnectionString(String connectionString) { + this.connectionString = connectionString; + } + + /** + *

+ * The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully + * qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ * + * @return The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a + * fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + */ + + public String getConnectionString() { + return this.connectionString; + } + + /** + *

+ * The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a fully + * qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ * + * @param connectionString + * The connection string specified for the connection alias. The connection string must be in the form of a + * fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public ConnectionAlias withConnectionString(String connectionString) { + setConnectionString(connectionString); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias. + */ + + public void setAliasId(String aliasId) { + this.aliasId = aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the connection alias. + */ + + public String getAliasId() { + return this.aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public ConnectionAlias withAliasId(String aliasId) { + setAliasId(aliasId); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The current state of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param state + * The current state of the connection alias. + * @see ConnectionAliasState + */ + + public void setState(String state) { + this.state = state; + } + + /** + *

+ * The current state of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The current state of the connection alias. + * @see ConnectionAliasState + */ + + public String getState() { + return this.state; + } + + /** + *

+ * The current state of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param state + * The current state of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + * @see ConnectionAliasState + */ + + public ConnectionAlias withState(String state) { + setState(state); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The current state of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param state + * The current state of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + * @see ConnectionAliasState + */ + + public ConnectionAlias withState(ConnectionAliasState state) { + this.state = state.toString(); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param ownerAccountId + * The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias. + */ + + public void setOwnerAccountId(String ownerAccountId) { + this.ownerAccountId = ownerAccountId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias. + */ + + public String getOwnerAccountId() { + return this.ownerAccountId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param ownerAccountId + * The identifier of the AWS account that owns the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public ConnectionAlias withOwnerAccountId(String ownerAccountId) { + setOwnerAccountId(ownerAccountId); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The association status of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The association status of the connection alias. + */ + + public java.util.List getAssociations() { + if (associations == null) { + associations = new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(); + } + return associations; + } + + /** + *

+ * The association status of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param associations + * The association status of the connection alias. + */ + + public void setAssociations(java.util.Collection associations) { + if (associations == null) { + this.associations = null; + return; + } + + this.associations = new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(associations); + } + + /** + *

+ * The association status of the connection alias. + *

+ *

+ * NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use + * {@link #setAssociations(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAssociations(java.util.Collection)} if you want to + * override the existing values. + *

+ * + * @param associations + * The association status of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public ConnectionAlias withAssociations(ConnectionAliasAssociation... associations) { + if (this.associations == null) { + setAssociations(new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(associations.length)); + } + for (ConnectionAliasAssociation ele : associations) { + this.associations.add(ele); + } + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The association status of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param associations + * The association status of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public ConnectionAlias withAssociations(java.util.Collection associations) { + setAssociations(associations); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getConnectionString() != null) + sb.append("ConnectionString: ").append(getConnectionString()).append(","); + if (getAliasId() != null) + sb.append("AliasId: ").append(getAliasId()).append(","); + if (getState() != null) + sb.append("State: ").append(getState()).append(","); + if (getOwnerAccountId() != null) + sb.append("OwnerAccountId: ").append(getOwnerAccountId()).append(","); + if (getAssociations() != null) + sb.append("Associations: ").append(getAssociations()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof ConnectionAlias == false) + return false; + ConnectionAlias other = (ConnectionAlias) obj; + if (other.getConnectionString() == null ^ this.getConnectionString() == null) + return false; + if (other.getConnectionString() != null && other.getConnectionString().equals(this.getConnectionString()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getAliasId() == null ^ this.getAliasId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAliasId() != null && other.getAliasId().equals(this.getAliasId()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getState() == null ^ this.getState() == null) + return false; + if (other.getState() != null && other.getState().equals(this.getState()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getOwnerAccountId() == null ^ this.getOwnerAccountId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getOwnerAccountId() != null && other.getOwnerAccountId().equals(this.getOwnerAccountId()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getAssociations() == null ^ this.getAssociations() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAssociations() != null && other.getAssociations().equals(this.getAssociations()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getConnectionString() == null) ? 0 : getConnectionString().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAliasId() == null) ? 0 : getAliasId().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getState() == null) ? 0 : getState().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getOwnerAccountId() == null) ? 0 : getOwnerAccountId().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAssociations() == null) ? 0 : getAssociations().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public ConnectionAlias clone() { + try { + return (ConnectionAlias) super.clone(); + } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Got a CloneNotSupportedException from Object.clone() " + "even though we're Cloneable!", e); + } + } + + @com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi + @Override + public void marshall(ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { +, protocolMarshaller); + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..72a27bea5135 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.StructuredPojo; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.ProtocolMarshaller; + +/** + *

+ * Describes a connection alias association that is used for cross-Region redirection. For more information, see Cross-Region + * Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class ConnectionAliasAssociation implements Serializable, Cloneable, StructuredPojo { + + /** + *

+ * The association status of the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private String associationStatus; + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory. + *

+ */ + private String associatedAccountId; + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias. + *

+ */ + private String resourceId; + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when + * you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + *

+ */ + private String connectionIdentifier; + + /** + *

+ * The association status of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param associationStatus + * The association status of the connection alias. + * @see AssociationStatus + */ + + public void setAssociationStatus(String associationStatus) { + this.associationStatus = associationStatus; + } + + /** + *

+ * The association status of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The association status of the connection alias. + * @see AssociationStatus + */ + + public String getAssociationStatus() { + return this.associationStatus; + } + + /** + *

+ * The association status of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param associationStatus + * The association status of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + * @see AssociationStatus + */ + + public ConnectionAliasAssociation withAssociationStatus(String associationStatus) { + setAssociationStatus(associationStatus); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The association status of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param associationStatus + * The association status of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + * @see AssociationStatus + */ + + public ConnectionAliasAssociation withAssociationStatus(AssociationStatus associationStatus) { + this.associationStatus = associationStatus.toString(); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory. + *

+ * + * @param associatedAccountId + * The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory. + */ + + public void setAssociatedAccountId(String associatedAccountId) { + this.associatedAccountId = associatedAccountId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory. + */ + + public String getAssociatedAccountId() { + return this.associatedAccountId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory. + *

+ * + * @param associatedAccountId + * The identifier of the AWS account that associated the connection alias with a directory. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public ConnectionAliasAssociation withAssociatedAccountId(String associatedAccountId) { + setAssociatedAccountId(associatedAccountId); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param resourceId + * The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias. + */ + + public void setResourceId(String resourceId) { + this.resourceId = resourceId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias. + */ + + public String getResourceId() { + return this.resourceId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param resourceId + * The identifier of the directory associated with a connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public ConnectionAliasAssociation withResourceId(String resourceId) { + setResourceId(resourceId); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when + * you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + *

+ * + * @param connectionIdentifier + * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT + * record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + */ + + public void setConnectionIdentifier(String connectionIdentifier) { + this.connectionIdentifier = connectionIdentifier; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when + * you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT + * record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + */ + + public String getConnectionIdentifier() { + return this.connectionIdentifier; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT record when + * you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + *

+ * + * @param connectionIdentifier + * The identifier of the connection alias association. You use the connection identifier in the DNS TXT + * record when you're configuring your DNS routing policies. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public ConnectionAliasAssociation withConnectionIdentifier(String connectionIdentifier) { + setConnectionIdentifier(connectionIdentifier); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getAssociationStatus() != null) + sb.append("AssociationStatus: ").append(getAssociationStatus()).append(","); + if (getAssociatedAccountId() != null) + sb.append("AssociatedAccountId: ").append(getAssociatedAccountId()).append(","); + if (getResourceId() != null) + sb.append("ResourceId: ").append(getResourceId()).append(","); + if (getConnectionIdentifier() != null) + sb.append("ConnectionIdentifier: ").append(getConnectionIdentifier()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof ConnectionAliasAssociation == false) + return false; + ConnectionAliasAssociation other = (ConnectionAliasAssociation) obj; + if (other.getAssociationStatus() == null ^ this.getAssociationStatus() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAssociationStatus() != null && other.getAssociationStatus().equals(this.getAssociationStatus()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getAssociatedAccountId() == null ^ this.getAssociatedAccountId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAssociatedAccountId() != null && other.getAssociatedAccountId().equals(this.getAssociatedAccountId()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getResourceId() == null ^ this.getResourceId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getResourceId() != null && other.getResourceId().equals(this.getResourceId()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getConnectionIdentifier() == null ^ this.getConnectionIdentifier() == null) + return false; + if (other.getConnectionIdentifier() != null && other.getConnectionIdentifier().equals(this.getConnectionIdentifier()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAssociationStatus() == null) ? 0 : getAssociationStatus().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAssociatedAccountId() == null) ? 0 : getAssociatedAccountId().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getResourceId() == null) ? 0 : getResourceId().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getConnectionIdentifier() == null) ? 0 : getConnectionIdentifier().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public ConnectionAliasAssociation clone() { + try { + return (ConnectionAliasAssociation) super.clone(); + } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Got a CloneNotSupportedException from Object.clone() " + "even though we're Cloneable!", e); + } + } + + @com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi + @Override + public void marshall(ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { +, protocolMarshaller); + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fca9093f3e20 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.StructuredPojo; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.ProtocolMarshaller; + +/** + *

+ * Describes the permissions for a connection alias. Connection aliases are used for cross-Region redirection. For more + * information, see + * Cross-Region Redirection for Amazon WorkSpaces. + *

+ * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class ConnectionAliasPermission implements Serializable, Cloneable, StructuredPojo { + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with. + *

+ */ + private String sharedAccountId; + /** + *

+ * Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory. + *

+ */ + private Boolean allowAssociation; + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with. + *

+ * + * @param sharedAccountId + * The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with. + */ + + public void setSharedAccountId(String sharedAccountId) { + this.sharedAccountId = sharedAccountId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with. + */ + + public String getSharedAccountId() { + return this.sharedAccountId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with. + *

+ * + * @param sharedAccountId + * The identifier of the AWS account that the connection alias is shared with. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public ConnectionAliasPermission withSharedAccountId(String sharedAccountId) { + setSharedAccountId(sharedAccountId); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory. + *

+ * + * @param allowAssociation + * Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory. + */ + + public void setAllowAssociation(Boolean allowAssociation) { + this.allowAssociation = allowAssociation; + } + + /** + *

+ * Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory. + *

+ * + * @return Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a + * directory. + */ + + public Boolean getAllowAssociation() { + return this.allowAssociation; + } + + /** + *

+ * Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory. + *

+ * + * @param allowAssociation + * Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public ConnectionAliasPermission withAllowAssociation(Boolean allowAssociation) { + setAllowAssociation(allowAssociation); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a directory. + *

+ * + * @return Indicates whether the specified AWS account is allowed to associate the connection alias with a + * directory. + */ + + public Boolean isAllowAssociation() { + return this.allowAssociation; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getSharedAccountId() != null) + sb.append("SharedAccountId: ").append(getSharedAccountId()).append(","); + if (getAllowAssociation() != null) + sb.append("AllowAssociation: ").append(getAllowAssociation()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof ConnectionAliasPermission == false) + return false; + ConnectionAliasPermission other = (ConnectionAliasPermission) obj; + if (other.getSharedAccountId() == null ^ this.getSharedAccountId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getSharedAccountId() != null && other.getSharedAccountId().equals(this.getSharedAccountId()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getAllowAssociation() == null ^ this.getAllowAssociation() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAllowAssociation() != null && other.getAllowAssociation().equals(this.getAllowAssociation()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getSharedAccountId() == null) ? 0 : getSharedAccountId().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAllowAssociation() == null) ? 0 : getAllowAssociation().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public ConnectionAliasPermission clone() { + try { + return (ConnectionAliasPermission) super.clone(); + } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Got a CloneNotSupportedException from Object.clone() " + "even though we're Cloneable!", e); + } + } + + @com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi + @Override + public void marshall(ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { +, protocolMarshaller); + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..98dbc48c3b16 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +/** + * + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public enum ConnectionAliasState { + + CREATING("CREATING"), + CREATED("CREATED"), + DELETING("DELETING"); + + private String value; + + private ConnectionAliasState(String value) { + this.value = value; + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return this.value; + } + + /** + * Use this in place of valueOf. + * + * @param value + * real value + * @return ConnectionAliasState corresponding to the value + * + * @throws IllegalArgumentException + * If the specified value does not map to one of the known values in this enum. + */ + public static ConnectionAliasState fromValue(String value) { + if (value == null || "".equals(value)) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value cannot be null or empty!"); + } + + for (ConnectionAliasState enumEntry : ConnectionAliasState.values()) { + if (enumEntry.toString().equals(value)) { + return enumEntry; + } + } + + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create enum from " + value + " value!"); + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..350f987e8898 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; + +/** + * + * @see AWS + * API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class CreateConnectionAliasRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ * + *

+ * After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same + * connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The + * connection string is globally reserved for your account. + *

+ *
+ */ + private String connectionString; + /** + *

+ * The tags to associate with the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList tags; + + /** + *

+ * A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ * + *

+ * After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same + * connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The + * connection string is globally reserved for your account. + *

+ *
+ * + * @param connectionString + * A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ *

+ * After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the + * same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original + * account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account. + *

+ */ + + public void setConnectionString(String connectionString) { + this.connectionString = connectionString; + } + + /** + *

+ * A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ * + *

+ * After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same + * connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The + * connection string is globally reserved for your account. + *

+ *
+ * + * @return A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ *

+ * After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate + * the same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the + * original account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account. + *

+ */ + + public String getConnectionString() { + return this.connectionString; + } + + /** + *

+ * A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ * + *

+ * After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the same + * connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original account. The + * connection string is globally reserved for your account. + *

+ *
+ * + * @param connectionString + * A connection string in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as + *

+ *

+ * After you create a connection string, it is always associated to your AWS account. You cannot recreate the + * same connection string with a different account, even if you delete all instances of it from the original + * account. The connection string is globally reserved for your account. + *

+ * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public CreateConnectionAliasRequest withConnectionString(String connectionString) { + setConnectionString(connectionString); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The tags to associate with the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The tags to associate with the connection alias. + */ + + public java.util.List getTags() { + if (tags == null) { + tags = new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(); + } + return tags; + } + + /** + *

+ * The tags to associate with the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param tags + * The tags to associate with the connection alias. + */ + + public void setTags(java.util.Collection tags) { + if (tags == null) { + this.tags = null; + return; + } + + this.tags = new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(tags); + } + + /** + *

+ * The tags to associate with the connection alias. + *

+ *

+ * NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use + * {@link #setTags(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withTags(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the + * existing values. + *

+ * + * @param tags + * The tags to associate with the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public CreateConnectionAliasRequest withTags(Tag... tags) { + if (this.tags == null) { + setTags(new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(tags.length)); + } + for (Tag ele : tags) { + this.tags.add(ele); + } + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The tags to associate with the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param tags + * The tags to associate with the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public CreateConnectionAliasRequest withTags(java.util.Collection tags) { + setTags(tags); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getConnectionString() != null) + sb.append("ConnectionString: ").append(getConnectionString()).append(","); + if (getTags() != null) + sb.append("Tags: ").append(getTags()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof CreateConnectionAliasRequest == false) + return false; + CreateConnectionAliasRequest other = (CreateConnectionAliasRequest) obj; + if (other.getConnectionString() == null ^ this.getConnectionString() == null) + return false; + if (other.getConnectionString() != null && other.getConnectionString().equals(this.getConnectionString()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getTags() == null ^ this.getTags() == null) + return false; + if (other.getTags() != null && other.getTags().equals(this.getTags()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getConnectionString() == null) ? 0 : getConnectionString().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getTags() == null) ? 0 : getTags().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public CreateConnectionAliasRequest clone() { + return (CreateConnectionAliasRequest) super.clone(); + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1e148825d658 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +/** + * + * @see AWS + * API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class CreateConnectionAliasResult extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResult implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private String aliasId; + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias. + */ + + public void setAliasId(String aliasId) { + this.aliasId = aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the connection alias. + */ + + public String getAliasId() { + return this.aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public CreateConnectionAliasResult withAliasId(String aliasId) { + setAliasId(aliasId); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getAliasId() != null) + sb.append("AliasId: ").append(getAliasId()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof CreateConnectionAliasResult == false) + return false; + CreateConnectionAliasResult other = (CreateConnectionAliasResult) obj; + if (other.getAliasId() == null ^ this.getAliasId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAliasId() != null && other.getAliasId().equals(this.getAliasId()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAliasId() == null) ? 0 : getAliasId().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public CreateConnectionAliasResult clone() { + try { + return (CreateConnectionAliasResult) super.clone(); + } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Got a CloneNotSupportedException from Object.clone() " + "even though we're Cloneable!", e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ index 341283b59937..883253a8080a 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class CreateTagsRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest imp /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

*/ private String resourceId; @@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ public class CreateTagsRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest imp /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

* * @param resourceId * The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered - * directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. */ public void setResourceId(String resourceId) { @@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ public void setResourceId(String resourceId) { /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

* * @return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered - * directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. */ public String getResourceId() { @@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ public String getResourceId() { /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

* * @param resourceId * The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered - * directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8dc57544e81a --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; + +/** + * + * @see AWS + * API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DeleteConnectionAliasRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias to delete. + *

+ */ + private String aliasId; + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias to delete. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias to delete. + */ + + public void setAliasId(String aliasId) { + this.aliasId = aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias to delete. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the connection alias to delete. + */ + + public String getAliasId() { + return this.aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias to delete. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias to delete. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DeleteConnectionAliasRequest withAliasId(String aliasId) { + setAliasId(aliasId); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getAliasId() != null) + sb.append("AliasId: ").append(getAliasId()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof DeleteConnectionAliasRequest == false) + return false; + DeleteConnectionAliasRequest other = (DeleteConnectionAliasRequest) obj; + if (other.getAliasId() == null ^ this.getAliasId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAliasId() != null && other.getAliasId().equals(this.getAliasId()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAliasId() == null) ? 0 : getAliasId().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public DeleteConnectionAliasRequest clone() { + return (DeleteConnectionAliasRequest) super.clone(); + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..73c13831faa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +/** + * + * @see AWS + * API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DeleteConnectionAliasResult extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResult implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof DeleteConnectionAliasResult == false) + return false; + DeleteConnectionAliasResult other = (DeleteConnectionAliasResult) obj; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public DeleteConnectionAliasResult clone() { + try { + return (DeleteConnectionAliasResult) super.clone(); + } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Got a CloneNotSupportedException from Object.clone() " + "even though we're Cloneable!", e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ index 98aff2942375..72379cb67814 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class DeleteTagsRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest imp /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

*/ private String resourceId; @@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ public class DeleteTagsRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest imp /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

* * @param resourceId * The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered - * directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. */ public void setResourceId(String resourceId) { @@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ public void setResourceId(String resourceId) { /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

* * @return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered - * directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. */ public String getResourceId() { @@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ public String getResourceId() { /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

* * @param resourceId * The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered - * directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..af1a8ad58b48 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; + +/** + * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private String aliasId; + /** + *

+ * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive + * the next set of results. + *

+ */ + private String nextToken; + /** + *

+ * The maximum number of results to return. + *

+ */ + private Integer maxResults; + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias. + */ + + public void setAliasId(String aliasId) { + this.aliasId = aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the connection alias. + */ + + public String getAliasId() { + return this.aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest withAliasId(String aliasId) { + setAliasId(aliasId); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive + * the next set of results. + *

+ * + * @param nextToken + * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to + * receive the next set of results. + */ + + public void setNextToken(String nextToken) { + this.nextToken = nextToken; + } + + /** + *

+ * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive + * the next set of results. + *

+ * + * @return If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to + * receive the next set of results. + */ + + public String getNextToken() { + return this.nextToken; + } + + /** + *

+ * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive + * the next set of results. + *

+ * + * @param nextToken + * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to + * receive the next set of results. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest withNextToken(String nextToken) { + setNextToken(nextToken); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The maximum number of results to return. + *

+ * + * @param maxResults + * The maximum number of results to return. + */ + + public void setMaxResults(Integer maxResults) { + this.maxResults = maxResults; + } + + /** + *

+ * The maximum number of results to return. + *

+ * + * @return The maximum number of results to return. + */ + + public Integer getMaxResults() { + return this.maxResults; + } + + /** + *

+ * The maximum number of results to return. + *

+ * + * @param maxResults + * The maximum number of results to return. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest withMaxResults(Integer maxResults) { + setMaxResults(maxResults); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getAliasId() != null) + sb.append("AliasId: ").append(getAliasId()).append(","); + if (getNextToken() != null) + sb.append("NextToken: ").append(getNextToken()).append(","); + if (getMaxResults() != null) + sb.append("MaxResults: ").append(getMaxResults()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest == false) + return false; + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest other = (DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest) obj; + if (other.getAliasId() == null ^ this.getAliasId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAliasId() != null && other.getAliasId().equals(this.getAliasId()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getNextToken() == null ^ this.getNextToken() == null) + return false; + if (other.getNextToken() != null && other.getNextToken().equals(this.getNextToken()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getMaxResults() == null ^ this.getMaxResults() == null) + return false; + if (other.getMaxResults() != null && other.getMaxResults().equals(this.getMaxResults()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAliasId() == null) ? 0 : getAliasId().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getNextToken() == null) ? 0 : getNextToken().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getMaxResults() == null) ? 0 : getMaxResults().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest clone() { + return (DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest) super.clone(); + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..70c038ec6b79 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +/** + * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResult implements Serializable, + Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private String aliasId; + /** + *

+ * The permissions associated with a connection alias. + *

+ */ + private com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList connectionAliasPermissions; + /** + *

+ * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + *

+ */ + private String nextToken; + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias. + */ + + public void setAliasId(String aliasId) { + this.aliasId = aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the connection alias. + */ + + public String getAliasId() { + return this.aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult withAliasId(String aliasId) { + setAliasId(aliasId); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The permissions associated with a connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The permissions associated with a connection alias. + */ + + public java.util.List getConnectionAliasPermissions() { + if (connectionAliasPermissions == null) { + connectionAliasPermissions = new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(); + } + return connectionAliasPermissions; + } + + /** + *

+ * The permissions associated with a connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param connectionAliasPermissions + * The permissions associated with a connection alias. + */ + + public void setConnectionAliasPermissions(java.util.Collection connectionAliasPermissions) { + if (connectionAliasPermissions == null) { + this.connectionAliasPermissions = null; + return; + } + + this.connectionAliasPermissions = new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(connectionAliasPermissions); + } + + /** + *

+ * The permissions associated with a connection alias. + *

+ *

+ * NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use + * {@link #setConnectionAliasPermissions(java.util.Collection)} or + * {@link #withConnectionAliasPermissions(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override the existing values. + *

+ * + * @param connectionAliasPermissions + * The permissions associated with a connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult withConnectionAliasPermissions(ConnectionAliasPermission... connectionAliasPermissions) { + if (this.connectionAliasPermissions == null) { + setConnectionAliasPermissions(new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(connectionAliasPermissions.length)); + } + for (ConnectionAliasPermission ele : connectionAliasPermissions) { + this.connectionAliasPermissions.add(ele); + } + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The permissions associated with a connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param connectionAliasPermissions + * The permissions associated with a connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult withConnectionAliasPermissions(java.util.Collection connectionAliasPermissions) { + setConnectionAliasPermissions(connectionAliasPermissions); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + *

+ * + * @param nextToken + * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + */ + + public void setNextToken(String nextToken) { + this.nextToken = nextToken; + } + + /** + *

+ * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + *

+ * + * @return The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + */ + + public String getNextToken() { + return this.nextToken; + } + + /** + *

+ * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + *

+ * + * @param nextToken + * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult withNextToken(String nextToken) { + setNextToken(nextToken); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getAliasId() != null) + sb.append("AliasId: ").append(getAliasId()).append(","); + if (getConnectionAliasPermissions() != null) + sb.append("ConnectionAliasPermissions: ").append(getConnectionAliasPermissions()).append(","); + if (getNextToken() != null) + sb.append("NextToken: ").append(getNextToken()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult == false) + return false; + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult other = (DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult) obj; + if (other.getAliasId() == null ^ this.getAliasId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAliasId() != null && other.getAliasId().equals(this.getAliasId()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getConnectionAliasPermissions() == null ^ this.getConnectionAliasPermissions() == null) + return false; + if (other.getConnectionAliasPermissions() != null && other.getConnectionAliasPermissions().equals(this.getConnectionAliasPermissions()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getNextToken() == null ^ this.getNextToken() == null) + return false; + if (other.getNextToken() != null && other.getNextToken().equals(this.getNextToken()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAliasId() == null) ? 0 : getAliasId().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getConnectionAliasPermissions() == null) ? 0 : getConnectionAliasPermissions().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getNextToken() == null) ? 0 : getNextToken().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult clone() { + try { + return (DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult) super.clone(); + } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Got a CloneNotSupportedException from Object.clone() " + "even though we're Cloneable!", e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a865185529ea --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; + +/** + * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe. + *

+ */ + private com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList aliasIds; + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias. + *

+ */ + private String resourceId; + /** + *

+ * The maximum number of connection aliases to return. + *

+ */ + private Integer limit; + /** + *

+ * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive + * the next set of results. + *

+ */ + private String nextToken; + + /** + *

+ * The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe. + *

+ * + * @return The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe. + */ + + public java.util.List getAliasIds() { + if (aliasIds == null) { + aliasIds = new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(); + } + return aliasIds; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe. + *

+ * + * @param aliasIds + * The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe. + */ + + public void setAliasIds(java.util.Collection aliasIds) { + if (aliasIds == null) { + this.aliasIds = null; + return; + } + + this.aliasIds = new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(aliasIds); + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe. + *

+ *

+ * NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use + * {@link #setAliasIds(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withAliasIds(java.util.Collection)} if you want to override + * the existing values. + *

+ * + * @param aliasIds + * The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest withAliasIds(String... aliasIds) { + if (this.aliasIds == null) { + setAliasIds(new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(aliasIds.length)); + } + for (String ele : aliasIds) { + this.aliasIds.add(ele); + } + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe. + *

+ * + * @param aliasIds + * The identifiers of the connection aliases to describe. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest withAliasIds(java.util.Collection aliasIds) { + setAliasIds(aliasIds); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param resourceId + * The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias. + */ + + public void setResourceId(String resourceId) { + this.resourceId = resourceId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias. + */ + + public String getResourceId() { + return this.resourceId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias. + *

+ * + * @param resourceId + * The identifier of the directory associated with the connection alias. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest withResourceId(String resourceId) { + setResourceId(resourceId); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The maximum number of connection aliases to return. + *

+ * + * @param limit + * The maximum number of connection aliases to return. + */ + + public void setLimit(Integer limit) { + this.limit = limit; + } + + /** + *

+ * The maximum number of connection aliases to return. + *

+ * + * @return The maximum number of connection aliases to return. + */ + + public Integer getLimit() { + return this.limit; + } + + /** + *

+ * The maximum number of connection aliases to return. + *

+ * + * @param limit + * The maximum number of connection aliases to return. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest withLimit(Integer limit) { + setLimit(limit); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive + * the next set of results. + *

+ * + * @param nextToken + * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to + * receive the next set of results. + */ + + public void setNextToken(String nextToken) { + this.nextToken = nextToken; + } + + /** + *

+ * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive + * the next set of results. + *

+ * + * @return If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to + * receive the next set of results. + */ + + public String getNextToken() { + return this.nextToken; + } + + /** + *

+ * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to receive + * the next set of results. + *

+ * + * @param nextToken + * If you received a NextToken from a previous call that was paginated, provide this token to + * receive the next set of results. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest withNextToken(String nextToken) { + setNextToken(nextToken); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getAliasIds() != null) + sb.append("AliasIds: ").append(getAliasIds()).append(","); + if (getResourceId() != null) + sb.append("ResourceId: ").append(getResourceId()).append(","); + if (getLimit() != null) + sb.append("Limit: ").append(getLimit()).append(","); + if (getNextToken() != null) + sb.append("NextToken: ").append(getNextToken()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest == false) + return false; + DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest other = (DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest) obj; + if (other.getAliasIds() == null ^ this.getAliasIds() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAliasIds() != null && other.getAliasIds().equals(this.getAliasIds()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getResourceId() == null ^ this.getResourceId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getResourceId() != null && other.getResourceId().equals(this.getResourceId()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getLimit() == null ^ this.getLimit() == null) + return false; + if (other.getLimit() != null && other.getLimit().equals(this.getLimit()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getNextToken() == null ^ this.getNextToken() == null) + return false; + if (other.getNextToken() != null && other.getNextToken().equals(this.getNextToken()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAliasIds() == null) ? 0 : getAliasIds().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getResourceId() == null) ? 0 : getResourceId().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getLimit() == null) ? 0 : getLimit().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getNextToken() == null) ? 0 : getNextToken().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest clone() { + return (DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest) super.clone(); + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..73b9b6e49ded --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +/** + * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DescribeConnectionAliasesResult extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResult implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * Information about the specified connection aliases. + *

+ */ + private com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList connectionAliases; + /** + *

+ * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + *

+ */ + private String nextToken; + + /** + *

+ * Information about the specified connection aliases. + *

+ * + * @return Information about the specified connection aliases. + */ + + public java.util.List getConnectionAliases() { + if (connectionAliases == null) { + connectionAliases = new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(); + } + return connectionAliases; + } + + /** + *

+ * Information about the specified connection aliases. + *

+ * + * @param connectionAliases + * Information about the specified connection aliases. + */ + + public void setConnectionAliases(java.util.Collection connectionAliases) { + if (connectionAliases == null) { + this.connectionAliases = null; + return; + } + + this.connectionAliases = new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(connectionAliases); + } + + /** + *

+ * Information about the specified connection aliases. + *

+ *

+ * NOTE: This method appends the values to the existing list (if any). Use + * {@link #setConnectionAliases(java.util.Collection)} or {@link #withConnectionAliases(java.util.Collection)} if + * you want to override the existing values. + *

+ * + * @param connectionAliases + * Information about the specified connection aliases. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasesResult withConnectionAliases(ConnectionAlias... connectionAliases) { + if (this.connectionAliases == null) { + setConnectionAliases(new com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInternalList(connectionAliases.length)); + } + for (ConnectionAlias ele : connectionAliases) { + this.connectionAliases.add(ele); + } + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * Information about the specified connection aliases. + *

+ * + * @param connectionAliases + * Information about the specified connection aliases. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasesResult withConnectionAliases(java.util.Collection connectionAliases) { + setConnectionAliases(connectionAliases); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + *

+ * + * @param nextToken + * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + */ + + public void setNextToken(String nextToken) { + this.nextToken = nextToken; + } + + /** + *

+ * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + *

+ * + * @return The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + */ + + public String getNextToken() { + return this.nextToken; + } + + /** + *

+ * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + *

+ * + * @param nextToken + * The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, or null if no more results are available. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DescribeConnectionAliasesResult withNextToken(String nextToken) { + setNextToken(nextToken); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getConnectionAliases() != null) + sb.append("ConnectionAliases: ").append(getConnectionAliases()).append(","); + if (getNextToken() != null) + sb.append("NextToken: ").append(getNextToken()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof DescribeConnectionAliasesResult == false) + return false; + DescribeConnectionAliasesResult other = (DescribeConnectionAliasesResult) obj; + if (other.getConnectionAliases() == null ^ this.getConnectionAliases() == null) + return false; + if (other.getConnectionAliases() != null && other.getConnectionAliases().equals(this.getConnectionAliases()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getNextToken() == null ^ this.getNextToken() == null) + return false; + if (other.getNextToken() != null && other.getNextToken().equals(this.getNextToken()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getConnectionAliases() == null) ? 0 : getConnectionAliases().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getNextToken() == null) ? 0 : getNextToken().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public DescribeConnectionAliasesResult clone() { + try { + return (DescribeConnectionAliasesResult) super.clone(); + } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Got a CloneNotSupportedException from Object.clone() " + "even though we're Cloneable!", e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ index 02c5076c84d7..bc0ff1febe5f 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class DescribeTagsRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest i /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

*/ private String resourceId; @@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ public class DescribeTagsRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest i /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

* * @param resourceId * The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered - * directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. */ public void setResourceId(String resourceId) { @@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ public void setResourceId(String resourceId) { /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

* * @return The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered - * directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. */ public String getResourceId() { @@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ public String getResourceId() { /** *

* The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered directories, - * images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. *

* * @param resourceId * The identifier of the WorkSpaces resource. The supported resource types are WorkSpaces, registered - * directories, images, custom bundles, and IP access control groups. + * directories, images, custom bundles, IP access control groups, and connection aliases. * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..478c1cef264f --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; + +/** + * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate. + *

+ */ + private String aliasId; + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate. + */ + + public void setAliasId(String aliasId) { + this.aliasId = aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate. + */ + + public String getAliasId() { + return this.aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias to disassociate. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest withAliasId(String aliasId) { + setAliasId(aliasId); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getAliasId() != null) + sb.append("AliasId: ").append(getAliasId()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest == false) + return false; + DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest other = (DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest) obj; + if (other.getAliasId() == null ^ this.getAliasId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAliasId() != null && other.getAliasId().equals(this.getAliasId()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAliasId() == null) ? 0 : getAliasId().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest clone() { + return (DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest) super.clone(); + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f19c564c080d --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +/** + * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DisassociateConnectionAliasResult extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResult implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof DisassociateConnectionAliasResult == false) + return false; + DisassociateConnectionAliasResult other = (DisassociateConnectionAliasResult) obj; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public DisassociateConnectionAliasResult clone() { + try { + return (DisassociateConnectionAliasResult) super.clone(); + } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Got a CloneNotSupportedException from Object.clone() " + "even though we're Cloneable!", e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..63735c43dc24 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest; + +/** + * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest implements Serializable, Cloneable { + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for. + *

+ */ + private String aliasId; + /** + *

+ * Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account. + *

+ */ + private ConnectionAliasPermission connectionAliasPermission; + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for. + */ + + public void setAliasId(String aliasId) { + this.aliasId = aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for. + *

+ * + * @return The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for. + */ + + public String getAliasId() { + return this.aliasId; + } + + /** + *

+ * The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for. + *

+ * + * @param aliasId + * The identifier of the connection alias that you want to update permissions for. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest withAliasId(String aliasId) { + setAliasId(aliasId); + return this; + } + + /** + *

+ * Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account. + *

+ * + * @param connectionAliasPermission + * Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account. + */ + + public void setConnectionAliasPermission(ConnectionAliasPermission connectionAliasPermission) { + this.connectionAliasPermission = connectionAliasPermission; + } + + /** + *

+ * Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account. + *

+ * + * @return Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account. + */ + + public ConnectionAliasPermission getConnectionAliasPermission() { + return this.connectionAliasPermission; + } + + /** + *

+ * Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account. + *

+ * + * @param connectionAliasPermission + * Indicates whether to share or unshare the connection alias with the specified AWS account. + * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. + */ + + public UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest withConnectionAliasPermission(ConnectionAliasPermission connectionAliasPermission) { + setConnectionAliasPermission(connectionAliasPermission); + return this; + } + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + if (getAliasId() != null) + sb.append("AliasId: ").append(getAliasId()).append(","); + if (getConnectionAliasPermission() != null) + sb.append("ConnectionAliasPermission: ").append(getConnectionAliasPermission()); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest == false) + return false; + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest other = (UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest) obj; + if (other.getAliasId() == null ^ this.getAliasId() == null) + return false; + if (other.getAliasId() != null && other.getAliasId().equals(this.getAliasId()) == false) + return false; + if (other.getConnectionAliasPermission() == null ^ this.getConnectionAliasPermission() == null) + return false; + if (other.getConnectionAliasPermission() != null && other.getConnectionAliasPermission().equals(this.getConnectionAliasPermission()) == false) + return false; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getAliasId() == null) ? 0 : getAliasId().hashCode()); + hashCode = prime * hashCode + ((getConnectionAliasPermission() == null) ? 0 : getConnectionAliasPermission().hashCode()); + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest clone() { + return (UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest) super.clone(); + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fa99a0a3e816 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +/** + * + * @see AWS API Documentation + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult extends com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResult implements Serializable, + Cloneable { + + /** + * Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be + * redacted from this string using a placeholder value. + * + * @return A string representation of this object. + * + * @see java.lang.Object#toString() + */ + @Override + public String toString() { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("{"); + sb.append("}"); + return sb.toString(); + } + + @Override + public boolean equals(Object obj) { + if (this == obj) + return true; + if (obj == null) + return false; + + if (obj instanceof UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult == false) + return false; + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult other = (UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult) obj; + return true; + } + + @Override + public int hashCode() { + final int prime = 31; + int hashCode = 1; + + return hashCode; + } + + @Override + public UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult clone() { + try { + return (UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult) super.clone(); + } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Got a CloneNotSupportedException from Object.clone() " + "even though we're Cloneable!", e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ index 49f2a6c91988..f6cfb35a0f60 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/ @@ -59,8 +59,28 @@ public class WorkspaceCreationProperties implements Serializable, Cloneable, Str private Boolean enableInternetAccess; /** *

- * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories. + * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight + * Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form + * "OU=value,DC=value,DC=value", where value is any string of characters, + * and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, + * OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com. *

+ * + *
    + *
  • + *

    + * To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished + * Names in the Microsoft documentation. + *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists. + *

    + *
  • + *
+ *
*/ private String defaultOu; /** @@ -306,11 +326,49 @@ public Boolean isEnableInternetAccess() { /** *

- * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories. + * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight + * Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form + * "OU=value,DC=value,DC=value", where value is any string of characters, + * and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, + * OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com. + *

+ * + *
    + *
  • + *

    + * To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished + * Names in the Microsoft documentation. + *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists. *

    + *
  • + *
+ *
* * @param defaultOu - * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories. + * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full + * Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be + * in the form "OU=value,DC=value,DC=value", where value is any + * string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, + * OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

+ *
    + *
  • + *

    + * To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see + * + * Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation. + *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists. + *

    + *
  • + *
*/ public void setDefaultOu(String defaultOu) { @@ -319,10 +377,48 @@ public void setDefaultOu(String defaultOu) { /** *

- * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories. + * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight + * Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form + * "OU=value,DC=value,DC=value", where value is any string of characters, + * and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, + * OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com. + *

+ * + *
    + *
  • + *

    + * To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished + * Names in the Microsoft documentation. *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists. + *

    + *
  • + *
+ *
* - * @return The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories. + * @return The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full + * Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be + * in the form "OU=value,DC=value,DC=value", where value is any + * string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, + * OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

+ *
    + *
  • + *

    + * To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see + * + * Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation. + *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists. + *

    + *
  • + *
*/ public String getDefaultOu() { @@ -331,11 +427,49 @@ public String getDefaultOu() { /** *

- * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories. + * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full Lightweight + * Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be in the form + * "OU=value,DC=value,DC=value", where value is any string of characters, + * and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, + * OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com. + *

+ * + *
    + *
  • + *

    + * To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see Distinguished + * Names in the Microsoft documentation. + *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists. *

    + *
  • + *
+ *
* * @param defaultOu - * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpace directories. + * The default organizational unit (OU) for your WorkSpaces directories. This string must be the full + * Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name for the target domain and OU. It must be + * in the form "OU=value,DC=value,DC=value", where value is any + * string of characters, and the number of domain components (DCs) is two or more. For example, + * OU=WorkSpaces_machines,DC=machines,DC=example,DC=com.

+ *
    + *
  • + *

    + * To avoid errors, certain characters in the distinguished name must be escaped. For more information, see + * + * Distinguished Names in the Microsoft documentation. + *

    + *
  • + *
  • + *

    + * The API doesn't validate whether the OU exists. + *

    + *
  • + *
* @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. */ diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f0fae80f16d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import*; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * AssociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class AssociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller { + + private static final MarshallingInfo ALIASID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("AliasId").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo RESOURCEID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("ResourceId").build(); + + private static final AssociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller instance = new AssociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller(); + + public static AssociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller getInstance() { + return instance; + } + + /** + * Marshall the given parameter object. + */ + public void marshall(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest associateConnectionAliasRequest, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { + + if (associateConnectionAliasRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + protocolMarshaller.marshall(associateConnectionAliasRequest.getAliasId(), ALIASID_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(associateConnectionAliasRequest.getResourceId(), RESOURCEID_BINDING); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9eaafb2dc00d --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import com.amazonaws.Request; + +import com.amazonaws.http.HttpMethodName; +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.Marshaller; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.Protocol; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * AssociateConnectionAliasRequest Marshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class AssociateConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller implements Marshaller, AssociateConnectionAliasRequest> { + + private static final OperationInfo SDK_OPERATION_BINDING = OperationInfo.builder().protocol(Protocol.AWS_JSON).requestUri("/") + .httpMethodName(HttpMethodName.POST).hasExplicitPayloadMember(false).hasPayloadMembers(true) + .operationIdentifier("WorkspacesService.AssociateConnectionAlias").serviceName("AmazonWorkspaces").build(); + + private final com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory; + + public AssociateConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller(com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory) { + this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory; + } + + public Request marshall(AssociateConnectionAliasRequest associateConnectionAliasRequest) { + + if (associateConnectionAliasRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + final ProtocolRequestMarshaller protocolMarshaller = protocolFactory.createProtocolMarshaller( + SDK_OPERATION_BINDING, associateConnectionAliasRequest); + + protocolMarshaller.startMarshalling(); + AssociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller.getInstance().marshall(associateConnectionAliasRequest, protocolMarshaller); + return protocolMarshaller.finishMarshalling(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cabdb8a56b13 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.math.*; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers.*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.*; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; +import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.*; + +/** + * AssociateConnectionAliasResult JSON Unmarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class AssociateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller implements Unmarshaller { + + public AssociateConnectionAliasResult unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { + AssociateConnectionAliasResult associateConnectionAliasResult = new AssociateConnectionAliasResult(); + + int originalDepth = context.getCurrentDepth(); + String currentParentElement = context.getCurrentParentElement(); + int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1; + + JsonToken token = context.getCurrentToken(); + if (token == null) + token = context.nextToken(); + if (token == VALUE_NULL) { + return associateConnectionAliasResult; + } + + while (true) { + if (token == null) + break; + + if (token == FIELD_NAME || token == START_OBJECT) { + if (context.testExpression("ConnectionIdentifier", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + associateConnectionAliasResult.setConnectionIdentifier(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + } else if (token == END_ARRAY || token == END_OBJECT) { + if (context.getLastParsedParentElement() == null || context.getLastParsedParentElement().equals(currentParentElement)) { + if (context.getCurrentDepth() <= originalDepth) + break; + } + } + token = context.nextToken(); + } + + return associateConnectionAliasResult; + } + + private static AssociateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller instance; + + public static AssociateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller getInstance() { + if (instance == null) + instance = new AssociateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller(); + return instance; + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..222c9137559d --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.math.*; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers.*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.*; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; +import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.*; + +/** + * ConnectionAliasAssociation JSON Unmarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class ConnectionAliasAssociationJsonUnmarshaller implements Unmarshaller { + + public ConnectionAliasAssociation unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { + ConnectionAliasAssociation connectionAliasAssociation = new ConnectionAliasAssociation(); + + int originalDepth = context.getCurrentDepth(); + String currentParentElement = context.getCurrentParentElement(); + int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1; + + JsonToken token = context.getCurrentToken(); + if (token == null) + token = context.nextToken(); + if (token == VALUE_NULL) { + return null; + } + + while (true) { + if (token == null) + break; + + if (token == FIELD_NAME || token == START_OBJECT) { + if (context.testExpression("AssociationStatus", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAliasAssociation.setAssociationStatus(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("AssociatedAccountId", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAliasAssociation.setAssociatedAccountId(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("ResourceId", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAliasAssociation.setResourceId(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("ConnectionIdentifier", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAliasAssociation.setConnectionIdentifier(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + } else if (token == END_ARRAY || token == END_OBJECT) { + if (context.getLastParsedParentElement() == null || context.getLastParsedParentElement().equals(currentParentElement)) { + if (context.getCurrentDepth() <= originalDepth) + break; + } + } + token = context.nextToken(); + } + + return connectionAliasAssociation; + } + + private static ConnectionAliasAssociationJsonUnmarshaller instance; + + public static ConnectionAliasAssociationJsonUnmarshaller getInstance() { + if (instance == null) + instance = new ConnectionAliasAssociationJsonUnmarshaller(); + return instance; + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8f5923a61dca --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import*; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * ConnectionAliasAssociationMarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class ConnectionAliasAssociationMarshaller { + + private static final MarshallingInfo ASSOCIATIONSTATUS_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("AssociationStatus").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo ASSOCIATEDACCOUNTID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("AssociatedAccountId").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo RESOURCEID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("ResourceId").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo CONNECTIONIDENTIFIER_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("ConnectionIdentifier").build(); + + private static final ConnectionAliasAssociationMarshaller instance = new ConnectionAliasAssociationMarshaller(); + + public static ConnectionAliasAssociationMarshaller getInstance() { + return instance; + } + + /** + * Marshall the given parameter object. + */ + public void marshall(ConnectionAliasAssociation connectionAliasAssociation, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { + + if (connectionAliasAssociation == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAliasAssociation.getAssociationStatus(), ASSOCIATIONSTATUS_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAliasAssociation.getAssociatedAccountId(), ASSOCIATEDACCOUNTID_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAliasAssociation.getResourceId(), RESOURCEID_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAliasAssociation.getConnectionIdentifier(), CONNECTIONIDENTIFIER_BINDING); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..09f92fae1de7 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.math.*; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers.*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.*; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; +import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.*; + +/** + * ConnectionAlias JSON Unmarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class ConnectionAliasJsonUnmarshaller implements Unmarshaller { + + public ConnectionAlias unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { + ConnectionAlias connectionAlias = new ConnectionAlias(); + + int originalDepth = context.getCurrentDepth(); + String currentParentElement = context.getCurrentParentElement(); + int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1; + + JsonToken token = context.getCurrentToken(); + if (token == null) + token = context.nextToken(); + if (token == VALUE_NULL) { + return null; + } + + while (true) { + if (token == null) + break; + + if (token == FIELD_NAME || token == START_OBJECT) { + if (context.testExpression("ConnectionString", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAlias.setConnectionString(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("AliasId", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAlias.setAliasId(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("State", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAlias.setState(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("OwnerAccountId", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAlias.setOwnerAccountId(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("Associations", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAlias.setAssociations(new ListUnmarshaller(ConnectionAliasAssociationJsonUnmarshaller.getInstance()) + + .unmarshall(context)); + } + } else if (token == END_ARRAY || token == END_OBJECT) { + if (context.getLastParsedParentElement() == null || context.getLastParsedParentElement().equals(currentParentElement)) { + if (context.getCurrentDepth() <= originalDepth) + break; + } + } + token = context.nextToken(); + } + + return connectionAlias; + } + + private static ConnectionAliasJsonUnmarshaller instance; + + public static ConnectionAliasJsonUnmarshaller getInstance() { + if (instance == null) + instance = new ConnectionAliasJsonUnmarshaller(); + return instance; + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9381e6e6084a --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.util.List; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import*; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * ConnectionAliasMarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class ConnectionAliasMarshaller { + + private static final MarshallingInfo CONNECTIONSTRING_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("ConnectionString").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo ALIASID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("AliasId").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo STATE_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("State").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo OWNERACCOUNTID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("OwnerAccountId").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo ASSOCIATIONS_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.LIST).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("Associations").build(); + + private static final ConnectionAliasMarshaller instance = new ConnectionAliasMarshaller(); + + public static ConnectionAliasMarshaller getInstance() { + return instance; + } + + /** + * Marshall the given parameter object. + */ + public void marshall(ConnectionAlias connectionAlias, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { + + if (connectionAlias == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAlias.getConnectionString(), CONNECTIONSTRING_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAlias.getAliasId(), ALIASID_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAlias.getState(), STATE_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAlias.getOwnerAccountId(), OWNERACCOUNTID_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAlias.getAssociations(), ASSOCIATIONS_BINDING); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7f587850375c --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.math.*; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers.*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.*; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; +import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.*; + +/** + * ConnectionAliasPermission JSON Unmarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class ConnectionAliasPermissionJsonUnmarshaller implements Unmarshaller { + + public ConnectionAliasPermission unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { + ConnectionAliasPermission connectionAliasPermission = new ConnectionAliasPermission(); + + int originalDepth = context.getCurrentDepth(); + String currentParentElement = context.getCurrentParentElement(); + int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1; + + JsonToken token = context.getCurrentToken(); + if (token == null) + token = context.nextToken(); + if (token == VALUE_NULL) { + return null; + } + + while (true) { + if (token == null) + break; + + if (token == FIELD_NAME || token == START_OBJECT) { + if (context.testExpression("SharedAccountId", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAliasPermission.setSharedAccountId(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("AllowAssociation", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + connectionAliasPermission.setAllowAssociation(context.getUnmarshaller(Boolean.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + } else if (token == END_ARRAY || token == END_OBJECT) { + if (context.getLastParsedParentElement() == null || context.getLastParsedParentElement().equals(currentParentElement)) { + if (context.getCurrentDepth() <= originalDepth) + break; + } + } + token = context.nextToken(); + } + + return connectionAliasPermission; + } + + private static ConnectionAliasPermissionJsonUnmarshaller instance; + + public static ConnectionAliasPermissionJsonUnmarshaller getInstance() { + if (instance == null) + instance = new ConnectionAliasPermissionJsonUnmarshaller(); + return instance; + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a990acf3fc1f --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import*; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * ConnectionAliasPermissionMarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class ConnectionAliasPermissionMarshaller { + + private static final MarshallingInfo SHAREDACCOUNTID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("SharedAccountId").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo ALLOWASSOCIATION_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.BOOLEAN) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("AllowAssociation").build(); + + private static final ConnectionAliasPermissionMarshaller instance = new ConnectionAliasPermissionMarshaller(); + + public static ConnectionAliasPermissionMarshaller getInstance() { + return instance; + } + + /** + * Marshall the given parameter object. + */ + public void marshall(ConnectionAliasPermission connectionAliasPermission, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { + + if (connectionAliasPermission == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAliasPermission.getSharedAccountId(), SHAREDACCOUNTID_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(connectionAliasPermission.getAllowAssociation(), ALLOWASSOCIATION_BINDING); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..721de603d2f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.util.List; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import*; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * CreateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class CreateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller { + + private static final MarshallingInfo CONNECTIONSTRING_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("ConnectionString").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo TAGS_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.LIST).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("Tags").build(); + + private static final CreateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller instance = new CreateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller(); + + public static CreateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller getInstance() { + return instance; + } + + /** + * Marshall the given parameter object. + */ + public void marshall(CreateConnectionAliasRequest createConnectionAliasRequest, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { + + if (createConnectionAliasRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + protocolMarshaller.marshall(createConnectionAliasRequest.getConnectionString(), CONNECTIONSTRING_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(createConnectionAliasRequest.getTags(), TAGS_BINDING); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4f7e2cb5383b --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import com.amazonaws.Request; + +import com.amazonaws.http.HttpMethodName; +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.Marshaller; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.Protocol; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * CreateConnectionAliasRequest Marshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class CreateConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller implements Marshaller, CreateConnectionAliasRequest> { + + private static final OperationInfo SDK_OPERATION_BINDING = OperationInfo.builder().protocol(Protocol.AWS_JSON).requestUri("/") + .httpMethodName(HttpMethodName.POST).hasExplicitPayloadMember(false).hasPayloadMembers(true) + .operationIdentifier("WorkspacesService.CreateConnectionAlias").serviceName("AmazonWorkspaces").build(); + + private final com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory; + + public CreateConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller(com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory) { + this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory; + } + + public Request marshall(CreateConnectionAliasRequest createConnectionAliasRequest) { + + if (createConnectionAliasRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + final ProtocolRequestMarshaller protocolMarshaller = protocolFactory.createProtocolMarshaller(SDK_OPERATION_BINDING, + createConnectionAliasRequest); + + protocolMarshaller.startMarshalling(); + CreateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller.getInstance().marshall(createConnectionAliasRequest, protocolMarshaller); + return protocolMarshaller.finishMarshalling(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..05e3dd2193aa --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.math.*; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers.*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.*; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; +import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.*; + +/** + * CreateConnectionAliasResult JSON Unmarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class CreateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller implements Unmarshaller { + + public CreateConnectionAliasResult unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { + CreateConnectionAliasResult createConnectionAliasResult = new CreateConnectionAliasResult(); + + int originalDepth = context.getCurrentDepth(); + String currentParentElement = context.getCurrentParentElement(); + int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1; + + JsonToken token = context.getCurrentToken(); + if (token == null) + token = context.nextToken(); + if (token == VALUE_NULL) { + return createConnectionAliasResult; + } + + while (true) { + if (token == null) + break; + + if (token == FIELD_NAME || token == START_OBJECT) { + if (context.testExpression("AliasId", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + createConnectionAliasResult.setAliasId(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + } else if (token == END_ARRAY || token == END_OBJECT) { + if (context.getLastParsedParentElement() == null || context.getLastParsedParentElement().equals(currentParentElement)) { + if (context.getCurrentDepth() <= originalDepth) + break; + } + } + token = context.nextToken(); + } + + return createConnectionAliasResult; + } + + private static CreateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller instance; + + public static CreateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller getInstance() { + if (instance == null) + instance = new CreateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller(); + return instance; + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..607d8c96878c --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import*; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * DeleteConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class DeleteConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller { + + private static final MarshallingInfo ALIASID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("AliasId").build(); + + private static final DeleteConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller instance = new DeleteConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller(); + + public static DeleteConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller getInstance() { + return instance; + } + + /** + * Marshall the given parameter object. + */ + public void marshall(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest deleteConnectionAliasRequest, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { + + if (deleteConnectionAliasRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + protocolMarshaller.marshall(deleteConnectionAliasRequest.getAliasId(), ALIASID_BINDING); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..66a15c4e6f94 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import com.amazonaws.Request; + +import com.amazonaws.http.HttpMethodName; +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.Marshaller; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.Protocol; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * DeleteConnectionAliasRequest Marshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class DeleteConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller implements Marshaller, DeleteConnectionAliasRequest> { + + private static final OperationInfo SDK_OPERATION_BINDING = OperationInfo.builder().protocol(Protocol.AWS_JSON).requestUri("/") + .httpMethodName(HttpMethodName.POST).hasExplicitPayloadMember(false).hasPayloadMembers(true) + .operationIdentifier("WorkspacesService.DeleteConnectionAlias").serviceName("AmazonWorkspaces").build(); + + private final com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory; + + public DeleteConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller(com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory) { + this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory; + } + + public Request marshall(DeleteConnectionAliasRequest deleteConnectionAliasRequest) { + + if (deleteConnectionAliasRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + final ProtocolRequestMarshaller protocolMarshaller = protocolFactory.createProtocolMarshaller(SDK_OPERATION_BINDING, + deleteConnectionAliasRequest); + + protocolMarshaller.startMarshalling(); + DeleteConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller.getInstance().marshall(deleteConnectionAliasRequest, protocolMarshaller); + return protocolMarshaller.finishMarshalling(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..67461650dfa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.math.*; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers.*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.*; + +import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.*; + +/** + * DeleteConnectionAliasResult JSON Unmarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DeleteConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller implements Unmarshaller { + + public DeleteConnectionAliasResult unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { + DeleteConnectionAliasResult deleteConnectionAliasResult = new DeleteConnectionAliasResult(); + + return deleteConnectionAliasResult; + } + + private static DeleteConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller instance; + + public static DeleteConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller getInstance() { + if (instance == null) + instance = new DeleteConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller(); + return instance; + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fa75c40e3bc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import*; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequestMarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequestMarshaller { + + private static final MarshallingInfo ALIASID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("AliasId").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo NEXTTOKEN_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("NextToken").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo MAXRESULTS_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.INTEGER) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("MaxResults").build(); + + private static final DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequestMarshaller instance = new DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequestMarshaller(); + + public static DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequestMarshaller getInstance() { + return instance; + } + + /** + * Marshall the given parameter object. + */ + public void marshall(DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { + + if (describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + protocolMarshaller.marshall(describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest.getAliasId(), ALIASID_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest.getNextToken(), NEXTTOKEN_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest.getMaxResults(), MAXRESULTS_BINDING); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..863487b15c55 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import com.amazonaws.Request; + +import com.amazonaws.http.HttpMethodName; +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.Marshaller; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.Protocol; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest Marshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequestProtocolMarshaller implements + Marshaller, DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest> { + + private static final OperationInfo SDK_OPERATION_BINDING = OperationInfo.builder().protocol(Protocol.AWS_JSON).requestUri("/") + .httpMethodName(HttpMethodName.POST).hasExplicitPayloadMember(false).hasPayloadMembers(true) + .operationIdentifier("WorkspacesService.DescribeConnectionAliasPermissions").serviceName("AmazonWorkspaces").build(); + + private final com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory; + + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequestProtocolMarshaller(com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory) { + this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory; + } + + public Request marshall(DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest) { + + if (describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + final ProtocolRequestMarshaller protocolMarshaller = protocolFactory.createProtocolMarshaller( + SDK_OPERATION_BINDING, describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest); + + protocolMarshaller.startMarshalling(); + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequestMarshaller.getInstance().marshall(describeConnectionAliasPermissionsRequest, protocolMarshaller); + return protocolMarshaller.finishMarshalling(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..95ba47f4e294 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.math.*; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers.*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.*; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; +import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.*; + +/** + * DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult JSON Unmarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResultJsonUnmarshaller implements + Unmarshaller { + + public DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { + DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult describeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult = new DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult(); + + int originalDepth = context.getCurrentDepth(); + String currentParentElement = context.getCurrentParentElement(); + int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1; + + JsonToken token = context.getCurrentToken(); + if (token == null) + token = context.nextToken(); + if (token == VALUE_NULL) { + return describeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult; + } + + while (true) { + if (token == null) + break; + + if (token == FIELD_NAME || token == START_OBJECT) { + if (context.testExpression("AliasId", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + describeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult.setAliasId(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("ConnectionAliasPermissions", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + describeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult.setConnectionAliasPermissions(new ListUnmarshaller( + ConnectionAliasPermissionJsonUnmarshaller.getInstance()) + + .unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("NextToken", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + describeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult.setNextToken(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + } else if (token == END_ARRAY || token == END_OBJECT) { + if (context.getLastParsedParentElement() == null || context.getLastParsedParentElement().equals(currentParentElement)) { + if (context.getCurrentDepth() <= originalDepth) + break; + } + } + token = context.nextToken(); + } + + return describeConnectionAliasPermissionsResult; + } + + private static DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResultJsonUnmarshaller instance; + + public static DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResultJsonUnmarshaller getInstance() { + if (instance == null) + instance = new DescribeConnectionAliasPermissionsResultJsonUnmarshaller(); + return instance; + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..97e44120987e --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.util.List; +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import*; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * DescribeConnectionAliasesRequestMarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class DescribeConnectionAliasesRequestMarshaller { + + private static final MarshallingInfo ALIASIDS_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.LIST).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("AliasIds").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo RESOURCEID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("ResourceId").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo LIMIT_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.INTEGER).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("Limit").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo NEXTTOKEN_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("NextToken").build(); + + private static final DescribeConnectionAliasesRequestMarshaller instance = new DescribeConnectionAliasesRequestMarshaller(); + + public static DescribeConnectionAliasesRequestMarshaller getInstance() { + return instance; + } + + /** + * Marshall the given parameter object. + */ + public void marshall(DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest describeConnectionAliasesRequest, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { + + if (describeConnectionAliasesRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + protocolMarshaller.marshall(describeConnectionAliasesRequest.getAliasIds(), ALIASIDS_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(describeConnectionAliasesRequest.getResourceId(), RESOURCEID_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(describeConnectionAliasesRequest.getLimit(), LIMIT_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(describeConnectionAliasesRequest.getNextToken(), NEXTTOKEN_BINDING); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..714c2d2ac938 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import com.amazonaws.Request; + +import com.amazonaws.http.HttpMethodName; +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.Marshaller; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.Protocol; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest Marshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class DescribeConnectionAliasesRequestProtocolMarshaller implements + Marshaller, DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest> { + + private static final OperationInfo SDK_OPERATION_BINDING = OperationInfo.builder().protocol(Protocol.AWS_JSON).requestUri("/") + .httpMethodName(HttpMethodName.POST).hasExplicitPayloadMember(false).hasPayloadMembers(true) + .operationIdentifier("WorkspacesService.DescribeConnectionAliases").serviceName("AmazonWorkspaces").build(); + + private final com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory; + + public DescribeConnectionAliasesRequestProtocolMarshaller(com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory) { + this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory; + } + + public Request marshall(DescribeConnectionAliasesRequest describeConnectionAliasesRequest) { + + if (describeConnectionAliasesRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + final ProtocolRequestMarshaller protocolMarshaller = protocolFactory.createProtocolMarshaller( + SDK_OPERATION_BINDING, describeConnectionAliasesRequest); + + protocolMarshaller.startMarshalling(); + DescribeConnectionAliasesRequestMarshaller.getInstance().marshall(describeConnectionAliasesRequest, protocolMarshaller); + return protocolMarshaller.finishMarshalling(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cd14f5239d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.math.*; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers.*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.*; + +import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; +import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.*; + +/** + * DescribeConnectionAliasesResult JSON Unmarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DescribeConnectionAliasesResultJsonUnmarshaller implements Unmarshaller { + + public DescribeConnectionAliasesResult unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { + DescribeConnectionAliasesResult describeConnectionAliasesResult = new DescribeConnectionAliasesResult(); + + int originalDepth = context.getCurrentDepth(); + String currentParentElement = context.getCurrentParentElement(); + int targetDepth = originalDepth + 1; + + JsonToken token = context.getCurrentToken(); + if (token == null) + token = context.nextToken(); + if (token == VALUE_NULL) { + return describeConnectionAliasesResult; + } + + while (true) { + if (token == null) + break; + + if (token == FIELD_NAME || token == START_OBJECT) { + if (context.testExpression("ConnectionAliases", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + describeConnectionAliasesResult.setConnectionAliases(new ListUnmarshaller(ConnectionAliasJsonUnmarshaller.getInstance()) + + .unmarshall(context)); + } + if (context.testExpression("NextToken", targetDepth)) { + context.nextToken(); + describeConnectionAliasesResult.setNextToken(context.getUnmarshaller(String.class).unmarshall(context)); + } + } else if (token == END_ARRAY || token == END_OBJECT) { + if (context.getLastParsedParentElement() == null || context.getLastParsedParentElement().equals(currentParentElement)) { + if (context.getCurrentDepth() <= originalDepth) + break; + } + } + token = context.nextToken(); + } + + return describeConnectionAliasesResult; + } + + private static DescribeConnectionAliasesResultJsonUnmarshaller instance; + + public static DescribeConnectionAliasesResultJsonUnmarshaller getInstance() { + if (instance == null) + instance = new DescribeConnectionAliasesResultJsonUnmarshaller(); + return instance; + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a1066cf59f91 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import*; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * DisassociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class DisassociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller { + + private static final MarshallingInfo ALIASID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("AliasId").build(); + + private static final DisassociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller instance = new DisassociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller(); + + public static DisassociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller getInstance() { + return instance; + } + + /** + * Marshall the given parameter object. + */ + public void marshall(DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest disassociateConnectionAliasRequest, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { + + if (disassociateConnectionAliasRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + protocolMarshaller.marshall(disassociateConnectionAliasRequest.getAliasId(), ALIASID_BINDING); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..39e1f1a731a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import com.amazonaws.Request; + +import com.amazonaws.http.HttpMethodName; +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.Marshaller; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.Protocol; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest Marshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class DisassociateConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller implements + Marshaller, DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest> { + + private static final OperationInfo SDK_OPERATION_BINDING = OperationInfo.builder().protocol(Protocol.AWS_JSON).requestUri("/") + .httpMethodName(HttpMethodName.POST).hasExplicitPayloadMember(false).hasPayloadMembers(true) + .operationIdentifier("WorkspacesService.DisassociateConnectionAlias").serviceName("AmazonWorkspaces").build(); + + private final com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory; + + public DisassociateConnectionAliasRequestProtocolMarshaller(com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory) { + this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory; + } + + public Request marshall(DisassociateConnectionAliasRequest disassociateConnectionAliasRequest) { + + if (disassociateConnectionAliasRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + final ProtocolRequestMarshaller protocolMarshaller = protocolFactory.createProtocolMarshaller( + SDK_OPERATION_BINDING, disassociateConnectionAliasRequest); + + protocolMarshaller.startMarshalling(); + DisassociateConnectionAliasRequestMarshaller.getInstance().marshall(disassociateConnectionAliasRequest, protocolMarshaller); + return protocolMarshaller.finishMarshalling(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..40bf173101e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.math.*; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers.*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.*; + +import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.*; + +/** + * DisassociateConnectionAliasResult JSON Unmarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class DisassociateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller implements Unmarshaller { + + public DisassociateConnectionAliasResult unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { + DisassociateConnectionAliasResult disassociateConnectionAliasResult = new DisassociateConnectionAliasResult(); + + return disassociateConnectionAliasResult; + } + + private static DisassociateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller instance; + + public static DisassociateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller getInstance() { + if (instance == null) + instance = new DisassociateConnectionAliasResultJsonUnmarshaller(); + return instance; + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a95a7d80064d --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import*; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequestMarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequestMarshaller { + + private static final MarshallingInfo ALIASID_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRING).marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD) + .marshallLocationName("AliasId").build(); + private static final MarshallingInfo CONNECTIONALIASPERMISSION_BINDING = MarshallingInfo.builder(MarshallingType.STRUCTURED) + .marshallLocation(MarshallLocation.PAYLOAD).marshallLocationName("ConnectionAliasPermission").build(); + + private static final UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequestMarshaller instance = new UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequestMarshaller(); + + public static UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequestMarshaller getInstance() { + return instance; + } + + /** + * Marshall the given parameter object. + */ + public void marshall(UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest, ProtocolMarshaller protocolMarshaller) { + + if (updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + protocolMarshaller.marshall(updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest.getAliasId(), ALIASID_BINDING); + protocolMarshaller.marshall(updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest.getConnectionAliasPermission(), CONNECTIONALIASPERMISSION_BINDING); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0171975f9fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException; +import com.amazonaws.Request; + +import com.amazonaws.http.HttpMethodName; +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.Marshaller; + +import com.amazonaws.protocol.*; +import com.amazonaws.protocol.Protocol; +import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi; + +/** + * UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest Marshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +@SdkInternalApi +public class UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequestProtocolMarshaller implements + Marshaller, UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest> { + + private static final OperationInfo SDK_OPERATION_BINDING = OperationInfo.builder().protocol(Protocol.AWS_JSON).requestUri("/") + .httpMethodName(HttpMethodName.POST).hasExplicitPayloadMember(false).hasPayloadMembers(true) + .operationIdentifier("WorkspacesService.UpdateConnectionAliasPermission").serviceName("AmazonWorkspaces").build(); + + private final com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory; + + public UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequestProtocolMarshaller(com.amazonaws.protocol.json.SdkJsonProtocolFactory protocolFactory) { + this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory; + } + + public Request marshall(UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest) { + + if (updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest == null) { + throw new SdkClientException("Invalid argument passed to marshall(...)"); + } + + try { + final ProtocolRequestMarshaller protocolMarshaller = protocolFactory.createProtocolMarshaller( + SDK_OPERATION_BINDING, updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest); + + protocolMarshaller.startMarshalling(); + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionRequestMarshaller.getInstance().marshall(updateConnectionAliasPermissionRequest, protocolMarshaller); + return protocolMarshaller.finishMarshalling(); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw new SdkClientException("Unable to marshall request to JSON: " + e.getMessage(), e); + } + } + +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bbff90273592 --- /dev/null +++ b/aws-java-sdk-workspaces/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/workspaces/model/transform/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2015-2020, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with + * the License. A copy of the License is located at + * + * + * + * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR + * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions + * and limitations under the License. + */ +package; + +import java.math.*; + +import javax.annotation.Generated; + +import*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers.*; +import com.amazonaws.transform.*; + +import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken.*; + +/** + * UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult JSON Unmarshaller + */ +@Generated("com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") +public class UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResultJsonUnmarshaller implements Unmarshaller { + + public UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult unmarshall(JsonUnmarshallerContext context) throws Exception { + UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult updateConnectionAliasPermissionResult = new UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResult(); + + return updateConnectionAliasPermissionResult; + } + + private static UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResultJsonUnmarshaller instance; + + public static UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResultJsonUnmarshaller getInstance() { + if (instance == null) + instance = new UpdateConnectionAliasPermissionResultJsonUnmarshaller(); + return instance; + } +} diff --git a/aws-java-sdk-xray/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk-xray/pom.xml index 916c672ea1cf..f42da791778b 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk-xray/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk-xray/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-xray diff --git a/aws-java-sdk/pom.xml b/aws-java-sdk/pom.xml index 4438292a4c4e..c7d1dab9a750 100644 --- a/aws-java-sdk/pom.xml +++ b/aws-java-sdk/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk diff --git a/jmespath-java/pom.xml b/jmespath-java/pom.xml index 1a1ccfcc2ffa..36201d45e393 100644 --- a/jmespath-java/pom.xml +++ b/jmespath-java/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 com.amazonaws jmespath-java diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index 5bc6ee56574f..8de7f5196a90 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ 4.0.0 com.amazonaws aws-java-sdk-pom - 1.11.859 + 1.11.860 pom AWS SDK for Java The Amazon Web Services SDK for Java provides Java APIs diff --git a/ b/ index 3e6fcf2e3767..f0d0f0f6a2f7 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1 +1 @@ -releaseId=87cd7e19-93a0-4419-af21-136cec04a469 \ No newline at end of file +releaseId=a7058983-8371-4514-a451-f9d527850d2c \ No newline at end of file