As in AvoRed Product Property is a spefic attribute of an Product which admin person defined for the product which user cann't select by themself. For example if an Laptop is made of an I7 Processor and 4GB of Ram which can't be cusimized so as an Admin Person they have to create an two property with Processor and RAM and they can edit those into Product Admin area.
To create a property Login to Admin area of Avored.
Shop=>Property=>Create Property
Fill out the property fields as shown in Image.
- Name
- Slug
- Use Property for all Product
- Data Type (To Select a Property Database is good because it stores the data into proer database table which end up speeding up your site)
- Field Type
- Sort Order
To Edit a product property first Login to Admin area of Avored.
Just change the field that wanted to changed it.
- Name
- Slug
- Use Property for all Product
- Data Type (To Select a Property Database is good because it stores the data into proer database table which end up speeding up your site)
- Field Type
- Sort Order
To Destroy a property Login to Admin area of Axvored.