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Releases: avast/gradle-docker-compose-plugin

Reconnecting for nested settings fixed

22 May 20:42
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The state used for reconnecting was always stored in the same file, so it didn't work correctly if more nested settings was used. Now, the name of a file used as store of the desired state is derived from nested settings name.

Service host guessing improved

12 May 11:36
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Two major changes how the service host is guessed:

  1. Support for containers that connect to other container's network.
  2. Don't throw an exception when service gateway cannot be guessed - fallback to localhost instead. This solves issues with containers without networking.

projectNamePrefix option introduces

11 May 15:37
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As requested in #231, it allows executing the same Gradle project concurrently.

Exposed port reloaded after TCP check failure

11 May 14:42
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fix: forwarded port reloaded after failing check Fixes #229

Problems when a service is scaled to 0 instances solved

08 May 21:22
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Fixed ServiceInfo when no service instances exist

checkContainersRunning option added

08 Apr 13:52
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When this option is active (it is by default) then also checks if the container is running, when waiting for an open port or healthy state. So this is a fail-fast feature because it is obvious that the container will not open an port if it even doesn't run.

Table with exposed ports printed after composeUp finish

14 Feb 14:36
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table with exposed ports printed after composeUp finish

Fixes #186

Correct handling of InterruptedExceptions in Gradle before 5.0

14 Feb 12:09
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This release fixes just cosmetics - any error message shouldn't be printed when finishing the build.

More information stored to the cache

14 Dec 21:10
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The containers are now restarted also when docker-compose.yml has been changed.

Exceptions after successful build removed from the log

13 Dec 21:19
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fix: InterruptedException ignored when a daemon thread is interrupted…