Here a few events that may interest you:
- An upcoming PitchIt competition on October 16th and February 5th.
- Startup Slam meeting on September 20th.
- Form a team.
- Each team should consist of 4 students.
- Find a project idea.
- For a web / mobile application.
- Think of a use case - a typical use - a need that could be answered by you application.
- Maybe something you always wanted to write...
- Send us email for approval.
- Email to: [email protected]
- Open a project web site.
- Start at:
- This will serve as your project home page.
- License: choose the one that suits you best (this might help), if you can't decide choose Apache V2.
- Learn JavaScript.
- It will become very useful very soon. A nice place to start is this course (presentation+video), this one, and this.