diff --git a/docs/data-sources/global_client.md b/docs/data-sources/global_client.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b99ed0d7d..000000000
--- a/docs/data-sources/global_client.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-page_title: "Data Source: auth0_global_client"
-description: |-
- Retrieve a tenant's global Auth0 application client.
- !> This resource has been deprecated in favor of the auth0_pages resource and it will be removed in a future version.Check the MIGRATION_GUIDE https://github.com/auth0/terraform-provider-auth0/blob/main/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md#global-client for more info.
-# Data Source: auth0_global_client
-Retrieve a tenant's global Auth0 application client.
-!> This resource has been deprecated in favor of the `auth0_pages` resource and it will be removed in a future version.Check the [MIGRATION_GUIDE](https://github.com/auth0/terraform-provider-auth0/blob/main/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md#global-client) for more info.
-## Example Usage
-data "auth0_global_client" "global" {}
-## Schema
-### Read-Only
-- `addons` (List of Object) Addons enabled for this client and their associated configurations. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--addons))
-- `allowed_clients` (List of String) List of applications ID's that will be allowed to make delegation request. By default, all applications will be allowed.
-- `allowed_logout_urls` (List of String) URLs that Auth0 may redirect to after logout.
-- `allowed_origins` (List of String) URLs that represent valid origins for cross-origin resource sharing. By default, all your callback URLs will be allowed.
-- `app_type` (String) Type of application the client represents. Possible values are: `native`, `spa`, `regular_web`, `non_interactive`, `sso_integration`. Specific SSO integrations types accepted as well are: `rms`, `box`, `cloudbees`, `concur`, `dropbox`, `mscrm`, `echosign`, `egnyte`, `newrelic`, `office365`, `salesforce`, `sentry`, `sharepoint`, `slack`, `springcm`, `zendesk`, `zoom`.
-- `callbacks` (List of String) URLs that Auth0 may call back to after a user authenticates for the client. Make sure to specify the protocol (https://) otherwise the callback may fail in some cases. With the exception of custom URI schemes for native clients, all callbacks should use protocol https://.
-- `client_aliases` (List of String) List of audiences/realms for SAML protocol. Used by the wsfed addon.
-- `client_id` (String) The ID of the client.
-- `client_metadata` (Map of String) Metadata associated with the client, in the form of an object with string values (max 255 chars). Maximum of 10 metadata properties allowed. Field names (max 255 chars) are alphanumeric and may only include the following special characters: `:,-+=_*?"/\()<>@ [Tab] [Space]`.
-- `client_secret` (String) Secret for the client. Keep this private. To access this attribute you need to add the `read:client_keys` scope to the Terraform client. Otherwise, the attribute will contain an empty string. Use this attribute on the `auth0_client_credentials` resource instead, to allow managing it directly or use the `auth0_client` data source to read this property.
-- `cross_origin_auth` (Boolean) Whether this client can be used to make cross-origin authentication requests (`true`) or it is not allowed to make such requests (`false`). Requires the `coa_toggle_enabled` feature flag to be enabled on the tenant by the support team.
-- `cross_origin_loc` (String) URL of the location in your site where the cross-origin verification takes place for the cross-origin auth flow when performing authentication in your own domain instead of Auth0 Universal Login page.
-- `custom_login_page` (String) The content (HTML, CSS, JS) of the custom login page.
-- `custom_login_page_on` (Boolean) Indicates whether a custom login page is to be used.
-- `description` (String) Description of the purpose of the client.
-- `encryption_key` (Map of String) Encryption used for WS-Fed responses with this client.
-- `form_template` (String) HTML form template to be used for WS-Federation.
-- `grant_types` (List of String) Types of grants that this client is authorized to use.
-- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
-- `initiate_login_uri` (String) Initiate login URI. Must be HTTPS or an empty string.
-- `is_first_party` (Boolean) Indicates whether this client is a first-party client.
-- `is_token_endpoint_ip_header_trusted` (Boolean) Indicates whether the token endpoint IP header is trusted. This attribute can only be updated after the client gets created.
-- `jwt_configuration` (List of Object) Configuration settings for the JWTs issued for this client. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--jwt_configuration))
-- `logo_uri` (String) URL of the logo for the client. Recommended size is 150px x 150px. If none is set, the default badge for the application type will be shown.
-- `mobile` (List of Object) Additional configuration for native mobile apps. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--mobile))
-- `name` (String) Name of the client.
-- `native_social_login` (List of Object) Configuration settings to toggle native social login for mobile native applications. Once this is set it must stay set, with both resources set to `false` in order to change the `app_type`. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--native_social_login))
-- `oidc_backchannel_logout_urls` (Set of String) Set of URLs that are valid to call back from Auth0 for OIDC backchannel logout. Currently only one URL is allowed.
-- `oidc_conformant` (Boolean) Indicates whether this client will conform to strict OIDC specifications.
-- `organization_require_behavior` (String) Defines how to proceed during an authentication transaction when `organization_usage = "require"`. Can be `no_prompt` (default), `pre_login_prompt` or `post_login_prompt`.
-- `organization_usage` (String) Defines how to proceed during an authentication transaction with regards to an organization. Can be `deny` (default), `allow` or `require`.
-- `refresh_token` (List of Object) Configuration settings for the refresh tokens issued for this client. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedatt--refresh_token))
-- `signing_keys` (List of Map of String) List containing a map of the public cert of the signing key and the public cert of the signing key in PKCS7.
-- `sso` (Boolean) Applies only to SSO clients and determines whether Auth0 will handle Single Sign-On (true) or whether the identity provider will (false).
-- `sso_disabled` (Boolean) Indicates whether or not SSO is disabled.
-- `token_endpoint_auth_method` (String) Defines the requested authentication method for the token endpoint. Options include `none` (public client without a client secret), `client_secret_post` (client uses HTTP POST parameters), `client_secret_basic` (client uses HTTP Basic). Managing the authentication method through this attribute is deprecated and it will be removed in a future major version. Migrate to the `auth0_client_credentials` resource to manage a client's authentication method instead. Check the [MIGRATION GUIDE](https://github.com/auth0/terraform-provider-auth0/blob/main/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md#client-authentication-method) on how to do that.
-- `web_origins` (List of String) URLs that represent valid web origins for use with web message response mode.
-### Nested Schema for `addons`
-- `aws` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--aws))
-- `azure_blob` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--azure_blob))
-- `azure_sb` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--azure_sb))
-- `box` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--box))
-- `cloudbees` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--cloudbees))
-- `concur` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--concur))
-- `dropbox` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--dropbox))
-- `echosign` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--echosign))
-- `egnyte` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--egnyte))
-- `firebase` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--firebase))
-- `layer` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--layer))
-- `mscrm` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--mscrm))
-- `newrelic` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--newrelic))
-- `office365` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--office365))
-- `rms` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--rms))
-- `salesforce` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--salesforce))
-- `salesforce_api` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--salesforce_api))
-- `salesforce_sandbox_api` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--salesforce_sandbox_api))
-- `samlp` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--samlp))
-- `sap_api` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--sap_api))
-- `sentry` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--sentry))
-- `sharepoint` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--sharepoint))
-- `slack` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--slack))
-- `springcm` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--springcm))
-- `sso_integration` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--sso_integration))
-- `wams` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--wams))
-- `wsfed` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--wsfed))
-- `zendesk` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--zendesk))
-- `zoom` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--zoom))
-### Nested Schema for `addons.aws`
-- `lifetime_in_seconds` (Number)
-- `principal` (String)
-- `role` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.azure_blob`
-- `account_name` (String)
-- `blob_delete` (Boolean)
-- `blob_name` (String)
-- `blob_read` (Boolean)
-- `blob_write` (Boolean)
-- `container_delete` (Boolean)
-- `container_list` (Boolean)
-- `container_name` (String)
-- `container_read` (Boolean)
-- `container_write` (Boolean)
-- `expiration` (Number)
-- `signed_identifier` (String)
-- `storage_access_key` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.azure_sb`
-- `entity_path` (String)
-- `expiration` (Number)
-- `namespace` (String)
-- `sas_key` (String)
-- `sas_key_name` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.box`
-### Nested Schema for `addons.cloudbees`
-### Nested Schema for `addons.concur`
-### Nested Schema for `addons.dropbox`
-### Nested Schema for `addons.echosign`
-- `domain` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.egnyte`
-- `domain` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.firebase`
-- `client_email` (String)
-- `lifetime_in_seconds` (Number)
-- `private_key` (String)
-- `private_key_id` (String)
-- `secret` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.layer`
-- `expiration` (Number)
-- `key_id` (String)
-- `principal` (String)
-- `private_key` (String)
-- `provider_id` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.mscrm`
-- `url` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.newrelic`
-- `account` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.office365`
-- `connection` (String)
-- `domain` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.rms`
-- `url` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.salesforce`
-- `entity_id` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.salesforce_api`
-- `client_id` (String)
-- `community_name` (String)
-- `community_url_section` (String)
-- `principal` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.salesforce_sandbox_api`
-- `client_id` (String)
-- `community_name` (String)
-- `community_url_section` (String)
-- `principal` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.samlp`
-- `audience` (String)
-- `authn_context_class_ref` (String)
-- `binding` (String)
-- `create_upn_claim` (Boolean)
-- `destination` (String)
-- `digest_algorithm` (String)
-- `include_attribute_name_format` (Boolean)
-- `issuer` (String)
-- `lifetime_in_seconds` (Number)
-- `logout` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--addons--samlp--logout))
-- `map_identities` (Boolean)
-- `map_unknown_claims_as_is` (Boolean)
-- `mappings` (Map of String)
-- `name_identifier_format` (String)
-- `name_identifier_probes` (List of String)
-- `passthrough_claims_with_no_mapping` (Boolean)
-- `recipient` (String)
-- `sign_response` (Boolean)
-- `signature_algorithm` (String)
-- `signing_cert` (String)
-- `typed_attributes` (Boolean)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.samlp.logout`
-- `callback` (String)
-- `slo_enabled` (Boolean)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.sap_api`
-- `client_id` (String)
-- `name_identifier_format` (String)
-- `scope` (String)
-- `service_password` (String)
-- `token_endpoint_url` (String)
-- `username_attribute` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.sentry`
-- `base_url` (String)
-- `org_slug` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.sharepoint`
-- `external_url` (List of String)
-- `url` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.slack`
-- `team` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.springcm`
-- `acs_url` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.sso_integration`
-- `name` (String)
-- `version` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.wams`
-- `master_key` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.wsfed`
-### Nested Schema for `addons.zendesk`
-- `account_name` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `addons.zoom`
-- `account` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `jwt_configuration`
-- `alg` (String)
-- `lifetime_in_seconds` (Number)
-- `scopes` (Map of String)
-- `secret_encoded` (Boolean)
-### Nested Schema for `mobile`
-- `android` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--mobile--android))
-- `ios` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--mobile--ios))
-### Nested Schema for `mobile.android`
-- `app_package_name` (String)
-- `sha256_cert_fingerprints` (List of String)
-### Nested Schema for `mobile.ios`
-- `app_bundle_identifier` (String)
-- `team_id` (String)
-### Nested Schema for `native_social_login`
-- `apple` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--native_social_login--apple))
-- `facebook` (List of Object) (see [below for nested schema](#nestedobjatt--native_social_login--facebook))
-### Nested Schema for `native_social_login.apple`
-- `enabled` (Boolean)
-### Nested Schema for `native_social_login.facebook`
-- `enabled` (Boolean)
-### Nested Schema for `refresh_token`
-- `expiration_type` (String)
-- `idle_token_lifetime` (Number)
-- `infinite_idle_token_lifetime` (Boolean)
-- `infinite_token_lifetime` (Boolean)
-- `leeway` (Number)
-- `rotation_type` (String)
-- `token_lifetime` (Number)
diff --git a/docs/resources/global_client.md b/docs/resources/global_client.md
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index b415602d8..000000000
--- a/docs/resources/global_client.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-page_title: "Resource: auth0_global_client"
-description: |-
- Use a tenant's global Auth0 Application client.
- !> This resource has been deprecated in favor of the newly introduced auth0_pages resource and it will be removed in a future version. Check the MIGRATION_GUIDE https://github.com/auth0/terraform-provider-auth0/blob/main/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md#global-client for more info.
-# Resource: auth0_global_client
-Use a tenant's global Auth0 Application client.
-!> This resource has been deprecated in favor of the newly introduced `auth0_pages` resource and it will be removed in a future version. Check the [MIGRATION_GUIDE](https://github.com/auth0/terraform-provider-auth0/blob/main/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md#global-client) for more info.
-## Example Usage
-resource "auth0_global_client" "global" {
- // Auth0 Universal Login - Custom Login Page
- custom_login_page_on = true
- custom_login_page = <
- My Custom Login Page
- I should probably have a login form here