Austin Lai | July 25th, 2021
Room = TryHackMe(THM) - Custom Wordlists
Difficulty: Easy
The room is completed on July 25th, 2021
The room recommends using either fcrackzip or John the Ripper for cracking the passwords.
Personally --- suggest to use JTR with zip2john, you can install JTR or it comes with Kali.
- Below writeup will be using Windows base WSL 2 - Ubuntu Distro
- Install with JTR
- python2.7 (since JTR zip2john require python2.7) & python3.9
For task 1, you may follow-thru the task instruction and get the basic understanding of the room
For task 2, you may also follow-thru the task instruction and get the tools.
As mentioned, personally would suggest to use JTR.
Do download the rockyou from DanielMiessler - SecLists.
If you using kali, it will be in the directory - /usr/share/wordlists/
; do copy it to your working directory as you won't want to modify the original rockyou list.
Using grep
Before you start to crack the password, do generate every zip hashes if you plan to use JTR ---
zip2john > flag1hash.txt
Presuming you know JTR command
john flag1hash.txt --wordlist=rockyou.txt
For task 3, read-thru and understand the command.
Password Requirements: 8 length minimum
cat rockyou.txt | grep -x '.\{8,20\}' > 8-20_length_wordlist
Password Requirements: 1 Uppercase
cat rockyou.txt | grep -o '[^ ]*[A-Z][^ ]*' > contains_uppercase.txt
Password Requirements: 10 length minimum, Uppercase, Special Characters
- Since we have uppercase list from the above, leveraging it to create wordlist match the requirement
- Filter to capture only min. 10 length ---
cat contains_uppercase.txt | grep -x '.\{10,20\}' > 10-20_length_wordlist
- Filter to capture only contain special character ---
grep -v "^[A-Za-z0-9]*$" > 10-20-contains_special.txt
Using sed
Password Requirements: 1 Uppercase
sed -e 's/\b\(.\)/\u\1/g' rockyou.txt > 1-upper-rockyou.txt
Password Requirements: 1 Special Character
sed -e 's/$/\! &/' rockyou.txt > 1-upper-rockyou.txt
Download HashcatRulesEngine
git clone cd HashcatRulesEngine make
Download hashcat rule by Korelogic from
- Which is port over from JTR rule to match hashcat rule engine base
Prepare your own wordlist, check on the task instruction
HorseShark <!-- Do take note HashcatRulesEngine require additional space to each line when you create inital wordlist before passing it to HashcatRulesEngine --->
To use HashcatRulesEngine the syntax is as follows:
./hcre rulefile1.rule rulefile2.rule < wordlist.txt > new_wordlist.txt # In the task mentioned using 2 rule cat custom-pass.txt | ./hcre KoreLogicRulesAppendMonthCurrentYear.rule KoreLogicRulesL33t.rule > new-custom-pass.txt
Do let me know any command or step can be improve or you have any question you can contact me via THM message or write down comment below or via FB