When you face physical injury, fatigue, or illness, suffer -1 health for minor harm, -2 for serious harm, or -3 for major harm. If your health is 0, Lose Momentum equal to any remaining harm.
Then, if your health is 0 or you choose to resist the harm, roll +health or +iron, whichever is higher.
On a strong hit, choose one.
- Shake it off: If you are not wounded, take +1 health
- Embrace the pain: Take +1 momentum
On a weak hit, if you are not wounded, you may Lose Momentum (-1) in exchange for +1 health. Otherwise, press on.
On a miss, it’s worse than you thought. Suffer an additional -1 health or Lose Momentum (-2). If your health is 0, you must also mark wounded or permanently harmed, or roll on the table below.