# aurelia-polyfills

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This library is part of the [Aurelia](http://www.aurelia.io/) platform and provides the minimal set of polyfills the platform needs to run on evergreen browsers.

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## Polyfills included:
- `Array.from`
- `Array.prototype.find`
- `Array.prototype.findIndex`
- `Array.prototype.includes`
- `Map`
- `Number.isFinite`
- `Number.isNaN`
- `Object.assign`
- `Object.is`
- `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols`
- `Reflect.construct`
- `Reflect.defineMetadata`
- `Reflect.defineProperty`
- `Reflect.getOwnMetadata`
- `Reflect.metadata`
- `Reflect.ownKeys`
- `Set`
- `String.prototype.endsWith`
- `String.prototype.startsWith`
- `Symbol`
- `WeakMap`
- `WeakSet`