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ModSecurity Proxy for BT

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This is a docker image to run a WAF as proxy based on ModSecurity and Core Rules set (CRS) official image.

Files and folders

Using the official OWASP image for ModSecurity-CRS as a base image. The default entrypoint has been changed to supervisord. It's configured to start nginx and php-fpm, initially. Check the Supervisord section for more information.

src directory structure:

├── Dockerfile
├── etc
│   ├── modsecurity.d
│   │   └── modsecurity-override.conf
│   ├── nginx
│   │   └── templates
│   │       ├── conf.d
│   │       │   └── default.conf.template
│   │       └── nginx.conf.template
│   ├── supervisor.d
│   │   ├── start_crond.conf
│   │   ├── start_nginx.conf
│   │   └── start_php-fpm.conf
│   └── supervisord.conf
├── html
│   └── 403_error.php
├── server
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├──
│   ├── docker-compose.yml
│   ├── requirements.txt
│   └── rules
│       ├── default
│       └── template

File name Description entrypoint script
Dockerfile dockerfile
etc/nginx/templates/nginx.conf.template nginx.conf template file
etc/nginx/templates/conf.d/default.conf.template nginx default.conf template file
etc/supervisord.conf supervisord configuration
etc/supervisor.d/start_crond.conf supervisor configuration for crond
etc/supervisor.d/start_nginx.conf supervisor configuration for nginx
etc/supervisor.d/start_php-fpm.conf supervisor configuration for php-fpm
html/403_error.php custom error page script to sync crs rules from a github repo

CRS Rules Sync

The script / will sync the CRS rules from a CRS_RULES_SERVER.

Name Description
HOSTNAME Hostname that will be used to query CRS_RULES_SERVER
CRS_RULES_SYNC enable/disable the sync of the CRS rules from a github repo
CRS_RULES_SERVER server that serves the modesec rules (example server given in src/server
CRS_RULES_BRANCH branch name to sync the CRS rules from. default: main

The CRS file are in rules directory and mounted in the container at /opt/owasp-crs/rules by docker-compose

Environment variables

Modsecurity, Core Rules set (CRS) and NGINX

You can set all the environment variables from the official image


The default configuration for supervisor is in etc/supervisord.conf. The plugin supervisor-stdout is installed to redirect the output of the processes to stdout.

Add new service to supervisor

The supervisor load the configuration files from the folder etc/supervisor.d. Configuration example file for a new service:

command=<command to run> # if possible use --no-daemon mode.
stdout_events_enabled = true
stderr_events_enabled = true

Copy to etc/supervisor.d/start_<service>.conf to allow supervisor to load the configuration.
