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File metadata and controls

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Application Setup and Installation

Hardware requirements

OS - Windows/Linux

RAM - Minimum of 4 GB

Processor - Intel/AMD

Software requirements

Java 1.7 or later

Apache Maven 3.3.9

Git hub

Tomcat 7.x or later

Elastic search 2.3.12

Chrome Driver exe (chromedriver.exe)

Software Installation

Java 1.8
  • Install Maven v 3.3.9 and configure the settings respectively.

  • Please use attached maven settings.xml file and overwrite the settings.xml file available under \apache-maven=3.3.9\conf folder

  • To verify open command prompt type mvn -version

  • Download Apache Tomcat 7.x or greater
  • Follow instruction to install tomcat on your desktop
Elastic Search DB Setup
  • Download 2.3.1 version of Elastic Searchh
  • Next step is to configure 'Cluster Name'. Pls give a proper specific name which will be used throughout application
  • Open 'elasticsearch.yml' property file available under '\elasticsearch-2.3.1\config' folder
  • Update the '' property with value as 'rsdevdatarepo'
  • To start elastic search use the batch file elasticsearch.bat
  • Download the windows specific version and install GIT.
  • After installation, add below path to the system properties.
  • C:\Program Files\Git\bin
Chrome Driver Exe

Resiliency Studio Application Installation

Clone Resiliency Studio Application from GIT Repository


resiliency-studio-ui   [UI]
resiliency-studio-service  [Service]
resiliency-studio-agent  [Execution Controller]
resiliency-studio-security [Security]
resiliency-studio-strategy [Monkey Strategies]  [Note: This module contains only Monkey Scripts]

Clone a repository Via Eclipse

  • Open 'GIT Repositories' view and select 'Clone' option Image

  • In a next dialog box, enter following information

    • GIT URL
    • GIT Credential information Image
  • Click on next - select 'master' branch and then click on 'Finish'. This will clone the repository in your user directory under '.git' folder.

  • After cloning a repository, a tree structure for RS application will be seen in the 'GIT Repositories' view where you can import this as an Eclipse Maven project Image

  • Click on 'Import Projects'. In the new dialog box, select an option of 'Import existing Eclipse project'. In the next dialog box, select all check box and click on finish. This step will create a local workspace for Resiliency studio application as shown in below screenshot


Note: Please make sure of following things:

  • JDK 1.8 should be configured in the Eclipse under installable JRE's and should be selected as default JRE.
  • Java compiler has to be set to 1.8 to compile the project successfully.

Clone a repository via command prompt -Windows


  • Open a command console using 'cmd' in start window
  • Go to a directory where you want to clone this repository [for e.g. cd <dir_name>]
  • git init
  • git clone <git_url> This will clone a repository under given directory

Image Image

Configure Resiliency Studio Application

Please follow below steps to setup RS Application configuration.

Note: DON'T use of 'localhost' in the Service URL. Instead use full computer name/ip address.

RS Secure Project (resiliency-studio-security)

Application configuration are with property files. Those are available under src/main/resources/ folder, server port and context root is configured as '8083' and /resiliency-studio-security respectively.

Note: If there is a need to change in the port or context root then change in the file and refer it in the UI project accordingly.

Service URL:  http://<server_name>:8083/resiliency-studio-security/

Here server_name could be Local Machine name/IP Address/DNS Name or localhost

RS Agent (resiliency-studio-agent)

Application configuration are with property files. Those are available under src/main/resources/ folder, server port and context root is configured as '8084' and /resiliency-studio-agent respectively.

Note: If there is a need to change in the port or context root then change in the file and refer it in the UI project accordingly.

Service URL:  http://<server_name>:8084/resiliency-studio-agent/

Here server_name could be Local Machine name/IP Address/DNS Name or localhost

RS Service (resiliency-studio-service)

Look out for file available under /src/main/resources/ folder, server port and context root is configured as '8085' and /resiliency-studio-service respectively.

Note: If there is a need to change in the port or context root then change in the file and refer it in the UI project accordingly.

Service URL:  http://<server_name>:8085/resiliency-studio-service/

Here server_name could be Local Machine name/IP Address/DNS Name or localhost

In the file available under src/main/resources/ folder,

i. Update 'resiliencystudio.recorder.elasticsearch.cluster' property with a 'rsdevdatarepo' [it is same as we have configured in Elastic Search configuration file 'elasticsearch.yml']

ii. Update 'resiliencystudio.agentURL' property with a proper RS Agent URL which is configured in Step 2.5.b.

RS UI Layer (resiliency-studio-ui):

In the 'appEnvironment.js' file present under 'src/main/webapp/app/services/' folder

i. 'host' property is servername:port.

Here server_name will be either actual server name where application is deployed or if it is deployed in local machine then it will be 'Full Computer Name'. Port will be Tomcat instance running port where RS UI application is deployed.

For e.g. host: ''

Here is my local machine computer name.8080 is the Tomcat port# where UI application is deployed.

ii. 'env_url' property will be – RS Service application URL

iii. 'sec_url' property will be – RS Secure application URL

iv. 'agent_url' property will be – RS Agent application URL

UI Application URL will be (considering Tomcat instance is running on 8080)–


Build & Deploy

Start Elastic Search DB:

  1. Go to \elasticsearch-2.3.1\bin folder
  2. Run 'elasticsearch.bat' file to start Elastic Search instance which will run on port # 9200 by default

Deployment via Command Console:

Follow below steps to generate a deployable package and deployed in to the deployment container.

A. Open command console.

B. Cd <root_project_dir> [Go to the Root Project Directory which is resiliency-studio].

C. mvn clean install [This step will generate a following packages in their respective folder.]

	Note: Please check and enable your proxies to download all the required jar files
	You can use this settings.xml 		
	    <!--make the profile active all the time -->
	      <!--Override the repository (and pluginRepository) "central" from the
	         Maven Super POM -->
  • resiliency-studio-agent-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [This Jar will be generated under resiliency-studio/resiliency-studio-agent/target/ folder.]
  • resiliency-studio-security-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [This Jar will be generated under resiliency-studio/resiliency-studio-security/target/ folder.]
  • resiliency-studio-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [This Jar will be generated under resiliency-studio/resiliency-studio-service/target/ folder.]
  • resiliency-studio-ui.war [This WAR file will be generated under resiliency-studio/resiliency-studio-ui/target/ folder.]

D. Deploy RS Secure Project (resiliency-studio-security):

  • Make sure your current directory is root project directory i.e. resiliency-studio
  • cd <resiliency-studio-security/target>
  • java -jar resiliency-studio-security-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [This step will deploy resiliency-studio-security package to embedded Tomcat server running on port 8083

E. Deploy RS Agent Project (resiliency-studio-agent):

  • Make sure your current directory is root project directory i.e. resiliency-studio
  • cd resiliency-studio-agent/target
  • java -jar resiliency-studio-agent-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [This step will deploy resiliency-studio-security package to embedded Tomcat server running on port 8084

F. Deploy RS Service Project (resiliency-studio-service):

  • Make sure your current directory is root project directory i.e. resiliency-studio
  • cd resiliency-studio-service/target
  • java -jar resiliency-studio-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [This step will deploy resiliency-studio-service package to embedded Tomcat server running on port 8085

G. Deploy RS-UI Project on Tomcat (resiliency-studio-ui):

  • Copy generated war file into tomcat webapp directory [for e.g. \Tomcat 7\ webapps\resiliency-studio-ui.war]
  • Run tomcat server via executing batch file (startup.bat). This batch file is available under Tomcat\bin folder.
  • This step will deploy resiliency-studio-ui package to Tomcat server running on port 8080. [Pls check the Http port# in the server.xml file present under Tomcat/conf folder]

Deployment via Eclipse

A. Clean and Build all the modules using Eclipse options [Project -> Clean option in the menu bar]

B. Deploy RS Secure Project (resiliency-studio-security):

  • In Eclipse IDE, open an '' class present under '' package in the resiliency-studio-security project
  • Run this class as a 'Java application'
  • It will deploy resiliency-studio-security package to embedded Tomcat server running on port 8083.

C. RS Agent Project (resiliency-studio-agent):

  • In Eclipse IDE, open an '' class present under '' package in the resiliency-studio-agent project
  • Run this class as a 'Java application'
  • It will deploy resiliency-studio-agent package to embedded Tomcat server running on port 8084.

D. RS Service Project (resiliency-studio-service):

  • In Eclipse IDE, open an '' class present under '' package in the resiliency-studio-security project
  • Run this class as a 'Java application'
  • It will deploy resiliency-studio-service package to embedded Tomcat server running on port 8085.

E. RS UI Project (resiliency-studio-ui):

  • In Eclipse IDE, add a Tomcat 7 instance as a server
  • Add resiliency-studio-ui application on the server
  • Start Tomcat server which will deploy resiliency-studio-ui package to Tomcat server running on port 8080. [Pls check the Http port# by opening a Server Configuration Overview window in Eclipse. Double click on the server name simply.

Setup users

  1. There are preconfigured users entries available into AuthUser.json file. This file is available in resiliency-studio-security project under 'src/main/resources/AuthUser' folder. Same file is attached here for reference

  2. This json file is having some preconfigured User Objects with following structure:

i. User ID

ii. Password

iii. Privilege [one or more]

  • Team Name
  • Role permission (either one of them [admin/power/user]

3.In the JSON file,

A. There should be only one entry for a user Id

B. Inside the privilege section of a user ID, there can be more than one entry for team name & role but each entry should have a unique team name.

C. Other user entries can be added in this json file. But 'role' should be anyone of possible roles [admin, power, user]

• User with 'Admin' role can take any View, Create, Update, Delete Action in RS UI Application

• User with 'Power' role can take only View, Create & Update action in RS UI application.

• User with 'User' role can take only View action in RS UI application.

  1. This file has preconfigured four user entries with name as esadmin, espower, esuser & billingpower.

  2. User entries [esadmin, espower, & esuser] are associated to 'Enterprise Service' team. These users are having different role privilege for 'Enterprise Service' team.

  3. resiliency-studio-security project is using this json file internally for authenticating and authorizing a user

User Configuration - Elastic search

  1. Open 'sense' or 'RESTED' Chrome extension to make a user entry into Elastic search

  2. Server text box should have server name and port name where Elastic search is up and running.
    For e.g. if it is running on local machine then text box should have value as 'localhost:9200'. [considering it is running on port # 9200]

  3. In the left side text area enter below command POST /resiliencystudio/TeamUser/<user_ID> {"id":"<user_ID>","teamName":"<team_name>","userName":"<user_ID>","defaultFlag":"Y","roles":""}

Here replace <user_ID> with actual user ID present into AuthUser.json file. <team_name> & will be replaced with any one of the entry available in AuthUser.json file for that user.

For e.g.
POST /resiliencystudio/TeamUser/esadmin

Note: Each User ID configured in AuthUser.json file has to be configured in Elastic Search Database as well if it will be used to login into RS UI application.

Run this command - this will create a user entry into Elastic search. After running this command you should be able to see successful response in the right side pane (as shown in below screenshot.) Image

Additional Commands:

a. To check a user entry Role in ES: GET /resiliencystudio/TeamUser/<user_id>


b. To delete a user entry in ES: DELETE /resiliencystudio/TeamUser/<user_id>

c. To delete entire resiliencystudio index: DELETE /resiliencystudio/

Use Application

All modules are deployed on respective container and ready to use. Hit below URL to access RS UI application.


BDD Test Case Execution

To run BDD Test Case, follow below steps:

  • Update chromeDriverURL property present in file (src/test/resources/) with the Chrom Driver Executable file location
  • Open class present in package.
  • Run this Java class as a TestNG Test to execute BDD test case.