- updated readme
- updated CMakeLists and package.xml
- cleaned up folders; added documentation
- added importance sampling (reduces number of samples)
- Contributors: atenpas
- removed LIBRARIES from catkin_package(...) call in CMakeLists.txt
- changed naming of libraries and executable in CMakeLists.txt so that it contains the project name
- added libs to install targets in CMakeLists
- Contributors: atenpas
- Merge pull request #1 from cottsay/master Fix Fedora build errors
- Move default affordances values into source file I really couldn't tell you exactly why this was failing builds on 32-bit Fedora, but in any case this fixes it.
- Build message_lib only after message generation On faster machines, the makefile generated by cmake will thread quite a lot, and will attempt to compile messages_lib before the header files have been generated, failing the build. This will force make to wait for the message generation to complete.
- Contributors: Scott K Logan, atenpas
- updated CMakeLists.txt and package.xml
- Contributors: atenpas
- added visualization_msgs to manifest and CMakeLists
- Contributors: Andreas
- 1.0.1
- updated CHANGELOG
- fixed catkin warnings (using catkin_lint)
- Contributors: Andreas
- fixed catkin warnings (using catkin_lint)
- Contributors: Andreas
- moved from bitbucket to github
- Initial commit
- Contributors: atenpas