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534 lines (490 loc) · 15.7 KB

File metadata and controls

534 lines (490 loc) · 15.7 KB

AsyncAPI Parser API v3.0.0


  • version(): string
  • info(): Info
  • hasDefaultContentType(): boolean
  • defaultContentType(): string | undefined
  • servers(): Servers
  • channels(): Channels
  • operations(): Operations
  • messages(): Messages
  • schemas(): Schemas
  • securitySchemes(): SecuritySchemes
  • allServers(): Servers
  • allChannels(): Channels
  • allOperations(): Operations
  • allMessages(): Messages
  • allSchemas(): Schemas
  • components(): Components
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • protocol(): string
  • version(): string
  • value(): any
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): Binding[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (binding: Binding) => boolean): Binding[]
  • get(id: string): Binding | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • id(): string
  • address(): string
  • servers(): Servers
  • operations(): Operations
  • messages(): Messages
  • parameters(): ChannelParameters
  • hasTitle(): boolean
  • title(): string | undefined
  • hasSummary(): boolean
  • summary(): string | undefined
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • hasExternalDocs(): boolean
  • externalDocs(): ExternalDocumention | undefined
  • tags(): Tags
  • bindings(): Bindings
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): Channel[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (channel: Channel) => boolean): Channel[]
  • filterBySend(): Channel[]
  • filterByReceive(): Channel[]
  • filterByTags(tags: string[]): Channel[]
  • get(id: string): Channel | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • id(): string
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • hasSchema(): boolean
  • schema(): Schema | undefined
  • hasLocation(): boolean
  • location(): string | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): ChannelParameter[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (parameter: ChannelParameter) => boolean): ChannelParameter[]
  • get(id: string): ChannelParameter | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • servers(): Servers
  • channels(): Channels
  • messages(): Messages
  • operations(): Operations
  • schemas(): Schemas
  • channelParameters(): ChannelParameters
  • serverVariables(): ServerVariables
  • operationTraits(): OperationTraits
  • messageTraits(): MessageTraits
  • replies(): OperationReplies
  • replyAddresses(): OperationReplyAddresses
  • correlationIds(): CorrelationIds
  • securitySchemes(): SecuritySchemes
  • tags(): Tags;
  • externalDocs(): ExternalDocumentations;
  • serverBindings(): Map<string, Bindings>
  • channelBindings(): Map<string, Bindings>
  • operationBindings(): Map<string, Bindings>
  • messageBindings(): Map<string, Bindings>
  • isEmpty(): boolean


  • hasName(): boolean
  • name(): string | undefined
  • hasUrl(): boolean
  • url(): string | undefined
  • hasEmail(): boolean
  • email(): string | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • location(): string
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): CorrelationId[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (correlationId: CorrelationId) => boolean): CorrelationId[]
  • get(id: string): CorrelationId | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • id(): string
  • value(): any


  • all(): Extension[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (extension: Extension) => boolean): Extension[]
  • get(id: string): Extension | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • id(): string | undefined
  • url(): string
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • title(): string
  • version(): string
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • hasId(): boolean
  • id(): string | undefined
  • hasTermsOfService(): boolean
  • termsOfService(): string | undefined
  • hasContact(): boolean
  • contact(): Contact | undefined
  • hasLicense(): boolean
  • license(): License | undefined
  • hasExternalDocs(): boolean
  • externalDocs(): ExternalDocumention | undefined
  • tags(): Tags
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • name(): string
  • hasUrl(): boolean
  • url(): string | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • id(): string
  • hasSchemaFormat(): boolean
  • schemaFormat(): string | undefined
  • hasMessageId(): boolean
  • hasCorrelationId(): boolean
  • correlationId(): CorrelationId | undefined
  • hasContentType(): boolean
  • contentType(): string | undefined
  • hasPayload(): boolean
  • payload(): Schema | undefined
  • hasHeaders(): boolean
  • headers(): Schema | undefined
  • hasTitle(): boolean
  • title(): string | undefined
  • hasName(): boolean
  • name(): string | undefined
  • hasSummary(): boolean
  • summary(): string | undefined
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • examples(): MessageExamples
  • hasExternalDocs(): boolean
  • externalDocs(): ExternalDocumention | undefined
  • tags(): Tags
  • servers(): Servers
  • channels(): Channels
  • operations(): Operations
  • traits(): MessageTraits
  • bindings(): Bindings
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): Message[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (message: Message) => boolean): Message[]
  • filterBySend(): Message[]
  • filterByReceive(): Message[]
  • filterByTags(tags: string[]): Message[]
  • get(id: string): Message | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • hasName(): boolean
  • name(): string | undefined
  • hasSummary(): boolean
  • summary(): string | undefined
  • headers(): Map<string, any> | undefined
  • payload(): Map<string, any> | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): MessageExample[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (messageExample: MessageExample) => boolean): MessageExample[]
  • get(name: string): MessageExample | undefined
  • has(name: string): boolean


  • id(): string
  • hasSchemaFormat(): boolean
  • schemaFormat(): string | undefined
  • hasMessageId(): boolean
  • hasCorrelationId(): boolean
  • correlationId(): CorrelationId | undefined
  • hasContentType(): boolean
  • contentType(): string | undefined
  • hasHeaders(): boolean
  • headers(): Schema | undefined
  • hasTitle(): boolean
  • title(): string | undefined
  • hasName(): boolean
  • name(): string | undefined
  • hasSummary(): boolean
  • summary(): string | undefined
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • examples(): MessageExamples
  • hasExternalDocs(): boolean
  • externalDocs(): ExternalDocumention | undefined
  • tags(): Tags
  • bindings(): Bindings
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): MessageTrait[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (messageTrait: MessageTrait) => boolean): MessageTrait[]
  • get(id: string): MessageTrait | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • hasAuthorizationUrl(): boolean
  • authorizationUrl(): string | undefined
  • hasTokenUrl(): boolean
  • tokenUrl(): string | undefined
  • hasRefreshUrl(): boolean
  • refreshUrl(): string | undefined
  • scopes(): Map<string, string>
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • hasImplicit(): boolean
  • implicit(): OAuthFlow | undefined
  • hasPassword(): boolean
  • password(): OAuthFlow | undefined
  • hasClientCredentials(): boolean
  • clientCredentials(): OAuthFlow | undefined
  • hasAuthorizationCode(): boolean
  • authorizationCode(): OAuthFlow | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • id(): string
  • action(): enum{'send', 'receive', 'publish', 'subscribe'}
  • isSend(): boolean
  • isReceive(): boolean
  • hasOperationId(): boolean
  • operationId(): string | undefined
  • hasTitle(): boolean
  • title(): string | undefined
  • hasSummary(): boolean
  • summary(): string | undefined
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • security(): SecurityRequirements[]
  • hasExternalDocs(): boolean
  • externalDocs(): ExternalDocumention | undefined
  • tags(): Tags
  • servers(): Servers
  • channels(): Channels
  • messages(): Messages
  • reply(): OperationReply | undefined
  • traits(): OperationTraits
  • bindings(): Bindings
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): Operation[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (operation: Operation) => boolean): Operation[]
  • filterBySend(): Operation[]
  • filterByReceive(): Operation[]
  • filterByTags(tags: string[]): Operation[]
  • get(id: string): Operation | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • id(): string | undefined
  • hasAddress(): boolean
  • address(): OperationReplyAddress | undefined
  • hasChannel(): boolean
  • channel(): Channel | undefined
  • messages(): Messages
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): OperationReply[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (reply: OperationReply) => boolean): OperationReply[]
  • get(id: string): OperationReply | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • id(): string | undefined
  • location(): string
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): OperationReplyAddress[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (address: OperationReplyAddress) => boolean): OperationReplyAddress[]
  • get(id: string): OperationReplyAddress | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • id(): string
  • hasOperationId(): boolean
  • operationId(): string | undefined
  • hasTitle(): boolean
  • title(): string | undefined
  • hasSummary(): boolean
  • summary(): string | undefined
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • security(): SecurityRequirements[]
  • hasExternalDocs(): boolean
  • externalDocs(): ExternalDocumention | undefined
  • tags(): Tags
  • bindings(): Bindings
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): OperationTrait[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (operationTrait: OperationTrait) => boolean): OperationTrait[]
  • get(id: string): OperationTrait | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • $id(): string | undefined
  • additionalItems(): boolean | Schema
  • additionalProperties(): boolean | Schema
  • allOf(): Schema[] | undefined
  • anyOf(): Schema[] | undefined
  • const(): any
  • contains(): Schema | undefined
  • contentEncoding(): string | undefined
  • contentMediaType(): string | undefined
  • default(): any
  • definitions(): Map<string, Schema> | undefined
  • description(): string | undefined
  • dependencies(): Map<string, Schema | string[]> | undefined
  • deprecated(): boolean
  • discriminator(): string | undefined
  • else(): Schema | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions
  • enum(): any[] | undefined
  • examples(): any[] | undefined
  • exclusiveMaximum(): number | undefined
  • exclusiveMinimum(): number | undefined
  • format(): string | undefined
  • id(): string
  • isBooleanSchema(): boolean
  • if(): Schema | undefined
  • isCircular(): boolean
  • items(): Schema | Schema[] | undefined
  • maximum(): number | undefined
  • maxItems(): number | undefined
  • maxLength(): number | undefined
  • maxProperties(): number | undefined
  • minimum(): number | undefined
  • minItems(): number | undefined
  • minLength(): number | undefined
  • minProperties(): number | undefined
  • multipleOf(): number | undefined
  • not(): Schema | undefined
  • oneOf(): Schema[] | undefined
  • pattern(): string | undefined
  • patternProperties(): Map<string, Schema> | undefined
  • properties(): Map<string, Schema> | undefined
  • property(name: string): Schema
  • propertyNames(): Schema | undefined
  • readOnly(): boolean | undefined
  • required(): string[] | undefined
  • schemaFormat(): string
  • then(): Schema | undefined
  • title(): string | undefined
  • type(): string | string[] | undefined
  • uniqueItems(): boolean | undefined
  • writeOnly(): boolean | undefined


  • all(): Schema[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (schema: Schema) => boolean): Schema[]
  • get(id: string): Schema | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • scheme(): SecurityScheme
  • scopes(): string[]


  • all(): SecurityRequirement[]
  • filterBy(filter: (securityRequirement: SecurityRequirement) => boolean): SecurityRequirement[]
  • get(name: string): SecurityRequirement | undefined
  • has(name: string): boolean
  • isEmpty(): boolean


  • id(): string
  • type(): enum{'userPassword', 'apiKey', 'X509', 'symmetricEncryption', 'asymmetricEncryption', 'httpApiKey', 'http', 'oauth2', 'openIdConnect', 'plain', 'scramSha256', 'scramSha512', 'gssapi'}
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • hasName(): boolean
  • name(): string | undefined
  • hasIn(): boolean
  • in(): enum{'user', 'password', 'query', 'header', 'cookie'} | undefined
  • hasScheme(): boolean
  • scheme(): string | undefined
  • hasBearerFormat(): boolean
  • bearerFormat(): string | undefined
  • hasFlows(): boolean
  • flows(): OAuthFlows | undefined
  • hasOpenIdConnectUrl(): boolean
  • openIdConnectUrl(): string | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): SecurityScheme[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (securityScheme: SecurityScheme) => boolean): SecurityScheme[]
  • get(id: string): SecurityScheme | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • id(): string
  • url(): string
  • host(): string
  • protocol(): string
  • hasPathname(): boolean
  • pathname(): string | undefined
  • hasProtocolVersion(): boolean
  • protocolVersion(): string | undefined
  • hasTitle(): boolean
  • title(): string | undefined
  • hasSummary(): boolean
  • summary(): string | undefined
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • variables(): ServerVariables
  • security(): SecurityRequirements[]
  • hasExternalDocs(): boolean
  • externalDocs(): ExternalDocumention | undefined
  • tags(): Tags
  • channels(): Channels
  • operations(): Operations
  • messages(): Messages
  • bindings(): Bindings
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): Server[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (server: Server) => boolean): Server[]
  • filterBySend(): Server[]
  • filterByReceive(): Server[]
  • filterByTags(tags: string[]): Server[]
  • get(id: string): Server | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • id(): string
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • hasDefaultValue(): boolean
  • defaultValue(): string | undefined
  • hasAllowedValues(): boolean
  • allowedValues(): string[]
  • examples(): string[]
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): ServerVariable[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (serverVariable: ServerVariable) => boolean): ServerVariable[]
  • get(id: string): ServerVariable | undefined
  • has(id: string): boolean


  • id(): string | undefined
  • name(): string
  • hasDescription(): boolean
  • description(): string | undefined
  • hasExternalDocs(): boolean
  • externalDocs(): ExternalDocumention | undefined
  • extensions(): Extensions


  • all(): Tag[]
  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • filterBy(filter: (tag: Tag) => boolean): Tag[]
  • get(name: string): Tag | undefined
  • has(name: string): boolean