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The library is available here

SquashQL provides a simple interface in Typescript for building SQL-like queries specifically made for SquashQL. In each section, a Typescript code snippet is shown along with a SQL query to fix ideas, but it does not mean that this will be the SQL query executed because the generated SQL query depends on the underlying database and the type of computation to perform.


Enable developers to quickly write queries understandable by SquashQL using a syntax closed to SQL with some slight differences though


It is not a goal to do any kind of validation of SQL correctness and to check the inputs provided by the developer

How to start: entry point

The entry point of the library for building queries is from. A table must first be added to the query.

import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"



Note: the concepts of measure and columnSet are detailed below.

Selects columns from the table to be displayed and the measures to compute. Note that the columns and columnSets added to select are automatically injected to the groupBy clause of the query to avoid repetitive and verbose code. Aggregated results are then grouped by the columns and columnSets indicated.

The first arguments of the select is an array of Fields. Most of the time, you will use TableFields to represent fields belonging to a given table. It takes a single argument: a string that is the concatenation of the table it belongs and its name. Since it could be cumbersome to declared by hand all fields, we provide a tool to generate them for you:

import {
  from, sum, avg, Field, TableField
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const col1: Field = new TableField("myTable.col1")
const col2: Field = new TableField("myTable.col2")
const col3: Field = new TableField("myTable.col3")
const col4: Field = new TableField("myTable.col4")

const q = from("myTable")
                [col1, col2], // list of columns
                [], // list of columnSets
                [sum("alias1", myTable.col3), avg("alias2", myTable.col4)] // list of measures

Or with squashql-codegen:

class MyTable {
  readonly _name: string = "myTable"
  readonly col1: TableField = new TableField("myTable.col1")
  readonly col2: TableField = new TableField("myTable.col2")
  readonly col3: TableField = new TableField("myTable.col3")
  readonly col4: TableField = new TableField("myTable.col4")
const myTable = new MyTable()

const q = from(myTable._name)
                [myTable.col1, myTable.col2], // list of columns
                [], // list of columnSets
                [sum("alias1", myTable.col3), avg("alias2", myTable.col4)] // list of measures

The above example is equivalent to the following SQL

SELECT col1, col2, sum(col3) as alias1, sum(col4) as alias2
FROM myTable
GROUP BY col1, col2

For the rest of the documentation, I will assume all tables with their fields are declared in a file named table.ts that looks like this:

import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

class MyTable {
  readonly _name: string = "myTable"
  readonly id: TableField = new TableField("")
  readonly col1: TableField = new TableField("myTable.col1")
  readonly col2: TableField = new TableField("myTable.col2")
  readonly col3: TableField = new TableField("myTable.col3")
  readonly col4: TableField = new TableField("myTable.col4")

class RefTable {
  readonly _name: string = "refTable"
  readonly id: TableField = new TableField("")
  readonly col1: TableField = new TableField("refTable.col1")

const myTable = new MyTable()
const refTable = new RefTable()

export {
  myTable, refTable

To use it in another file, simply import it where you need it: import {myTable} from "./table".


Queries can be filtered by using Criteria class.

WHERE - filtering records

A Criteria instance can contain a condition on a single field and can be build as so:

import { criterion, eq } from "@squashql/squashql-js"
import {myTable} from "./table"

const criteria = criterion(myTable.col2, eq("c"))

Several criteria can be chained with AND or OR by using the methods any and all

import {
  from, sum, avg, _in, eq, criterion, all
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"
import {myTable} from "./table"

const q = from(myTable._name)
        .where(all([criterion(myTable.col1, _in(["a", "b"])), criterion(myTable.col2, eq("c"))]))
                [myTable.col1, myTable.col2],
                [sum("alias1", myTable.col3), avg("alias2", myTable.col4)])
SELECT col1, col2, sum(col3) as alias1, sum(col4) as alias2
FROM myTable
WHERE (col1 IN ('a', 'b') AND col2 = 'c')
GROUP BY col1, col2

Condition operators available: eq, neq, lt, le, gt, ge, _in, isNull, isNotNull, like, and, or.

HAVING - filtering aggregates

Warning Filtering can only be applied on basic measure

A Criteria instance can contain a condition on a single basic measure and can be built as so:

import { criterion, sum, ge } from "@squashql/squashql-js"
import {myTable} from "./table"

const measure = sum("sum", myTable.col1)
const criteria = criterion(measure, ge(0))

Several criteria can be chained with AND or OR by using the methods any and all

import {
  from, sum, avg, gt, eq, havingCriterion, all
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"
import {myTable} from "./table"

const measure1 = sum("alias1", myTable.col3)
const measure2 = avg("alias2", myTable.col4)
const q = from(myTable._name)
                [myTable.col1, myTable.col2],
                [measure1, measure2])
        .having(all([havingCriterion(measure1, gt(10)), havingCriterion(measure2, eq(5))]))
SELECT col1, col2, sum(col3) as alias1, avg(col4) as alias2
FROM myTable
GROUP BY col1, col2
HAVING sum(col3) > 10 AND avg(col4) = 5


To avoid repetitive and verbose code, ordering of table result rows is automatically performed by SquashQL. It's order by all columns in the query from left to right following natural order.

import {
  from, sum, OrderKeyword
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"
import {myTable} from "./table"

const q = from(myTable._name)
                [myTable.col1, myTable.col2, myTable.col3, myTable.col4],
                [sum("alias1", myTable.col5)])
SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4, sum(col5) as alias1
FROM myTable
GROUP BY col1, col2, col3, col4
ORDER BY col1, col2, col3, col4,

However, ordering can be customized by using orderBy method.

import {
  from, sum, OrderKeyword, tableField
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"
import {myTable} from "./table"

const q = from(myTable._name)
                [myTable.col1, myTable.col2],
                [sum("alias1", myTable.col3)])
        .orderBy(tableField(myTable.col2), OrderKeyword.ASC)
SELECT col1, col2, sum(col3) as alias1
FROM myTable
GROUP BY col1, col2

Joining Tables

Tables can be joined with other tables by using join immediately followed by on operator (equivalent to ON clause in SQL) with a criterion to define the join condition i.e. the way the two tables are related in the query. Two types of join are supported: INNER and LEFT.

Single join / Single join condition

import {
  from, JoinType, ConditionType, criterion_
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"
import {myTable, refTable} from "./table"

const q = from(myTable._name)
        .join(refTable._name, JoinType.INNER)
        .on(criterion_(,, ConditionType.EQ))
        .select([myTable.col1, refTable.col1], [], [])
SELECT myTable.col1, refTable.col1
FROM myTable INNER JOIN refTable ON =

Single join / Multiple join condition

For multiple condition, chain the criteria with all.

import {
  from, JoinType, ConditionType, criterion_, all
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"
import {myTable, refTable} from "./table"

const q = from(myTable._name)
        .join(refTable._name, JoinType.INNER)
          criterion_(myTable.id1, refTable.id1, ConditionType.EQ),
          criterion_(myTable.id2, refTable.id2, ConditionType.EQ)
        .select([myTable.col1, refTable.col1], [], [])
SELECT myTable.col1, refTable.col1
FROM myTable INNER JOIN refTable ON myTable.id1 = refTable.id1 AND myTable.id2 = refTable.id2 

If your database supports non-equi joins, the ConditionType can be changed in the query. For instance:

const q = from(myTable._name)
        .join(refTable._name, JoinType.INNER)
          criterion_(myTable.kpi, refTable.min, ConditionType.GE),
          criterion_(myTable.kpi, refTable.max, ConditionType.LT)
        .select([myTable.col1, refTable.col1], [], [])
SELECT myTable.col1, refTable.col1
FROM myTable LEFT JOIN refTable ON myTable.kpi >= refTable.min AND myTable.kpi < refTable.max 

Multiple join

import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"
import {myTable, refTable, otherTable} from "./table"

const q = from(myTable._name)
        .join(refTable._name, JoinType.INNER)
        .on(criterion_(,, ConditionType.EQ))
        .join(otherTable._name, JoinType.LEFT)
          criterion_(, otherTable.key1, ConditionType.EQ),
          criterion_(, otherTable.key2, ConditionType.EQ)
        .select([myTable.col1, refTable.col1], [], [])
SELECT myTable.col1, refTable.col1
FROM myTable
       INNER JOIN refTable ON =
       LEFT OUTER JOIN otherTable ON = otherTable.key1 AND = otherTable.key2

Joining on virtual created on-the-fly at query time

You can define and use a virtual table in the query by joining it to an existing table. Such table is not materialized in the database and only exists during the query execution time. Note the join operation is performed by the underlying database.

Start by describing your virtual table in Typescript along with the data it contains. For instance, to define a table named prioryLevels with 3 columns named priority, min and max and three rows:

const records = [
  ["low", 0, 3],
  ["medium", 3, 7],
  ["high", 7, 11],
const prioryLevels = new VirtualTable("prioryLevels", ["priority", "min", "max"], records)

Once defined, you can use the VirtualTable object in the query by joining it to another table with the joinVirtual operator that takes a VirtualTable object as argument.

const q = from("tasks")
        .joinVirtual(prioryLevels, JoinType.INNER)
          criterion_(new TableField("tasks.priority"), new TableField("prioryLevels.min"), ConditionType.GE),
          criterion_(new TableField("tasks.priority"), new TableField("prioryLevels.max"), ConditionType.LT)
        .select([new TableField("prioryLevels.priority")], [], [count])
WITH prioryLevels AS (
  SELECT 'low' AS `priority`, 0 AS `min`, 3 AS `max` 
  SELECT 'medium' AS `priority`, 3 AS `min`, 7 AS `max` 
  SELECT 'high' AS `priority`, 7 AS `min`, 11 AS `max`
SELECT prioryLevels.priority
FROM tasks INNER JOIN prioryLevels ON tasks.priority >= prioryLevels.min AND tasks.priority < prioryLevels.max 


The ROLLUP option allows you to include extra rows that represent the subtotals, which are commonly referred to as super-aggregate rows, along with the grand total row. By using the ROLLUP option, you can use a single query to generate multiple grouping sets. (source

import {
  from, sum, TableField
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

class PopulationTable {
  readonly _name: string = "populationTable"
  readonly continent: TableField = new TableField("populationTable.continent")
  readonly country: TableField = new TableField("")
  readonly city: TableField = new TableField("")
  readonly population: TableField = new TableField("populationTable.population")
const populationTable = new PopulationTable()

const query = from(populationTable._name)
        .select([populationTable.continent,,], [], [sum("pop", populationTable.population)])
SELECT continent,
       sum(population) as population
FROM populationTable
GROUP BY ROLLUP (continent, country, city)


|   continent |     country |        city |        pop |
| Grand Total | Grand Total | Grand Total |       28.5 |
|          am |       Total |       Total |       17.0 |
|          am |      canada |       Total |        6.0 |
|          am |      canada |    montreal |        2.0 |
|          am |      canada |       otawa |        1.0 |
|          am |      canada |     toronto |        3.0 |
|          am |         usa |       Total |       11.0 |
|          am |         usa |     chicago |        3.0 |
|          am |         usa |         nyc |        8.0 |
|          eu |       Total |       Total |       11.5 |
|          eu |      france |       Total |        2.5 |
|          eu |      france |        lyon |        0.5 |
|          eu |      france |       paris |        2.0 |
|          eu |          uk |       Total |        9.0 |
|          eu |          uk |      london |        9.0 |

Partial rollup

Partial rollup reduces the number of subtotals by indicating which ones should be calculated.

const query = from(populationTable._name)
        .select([populationTable.continent,,], [], [sum("pop", populationTable.population)])

In the example above, subtotals for 'continent' won't be calculated i.e. the grand total in that case.

SELECT continent,
       sum(population) as population
FROM populationTable
GROUP BY continent, ROLLUP (country, city)


| continent | country |     city | population |
|        am |   Total |    Total |       17.0 |
|        am |  canada |    Total |        6.0 |
|        am |  canada | montreal |        2.0 |
|        am |  canada |    otawa |        1.0 |
|        am |  canada |  toronto |        3.0 |
|        am |     usa |    Total |       11.0 |
|        am |     usa |  chicago |        3.0 |
|        am |     usa |      nyc |        8.0 |
|        eu |   Total |    Total |       11.5 |
|        eu |  france |    Total |        2.5 |
|        eu |  france |     lyon |        0.5 |
|        eu |  france |    paris |        2.0 |
|        eu |      uk |    Total |        9.0 |
|        eu |      uk |   london |        9.0 |

Subqueries in FROM Clause (also known as inner or nested queries)

A subquery can be nested in the FROM clause. Start by using fromSubQuery instead of 'from'

import {
  from, fromSubQuery, sum, avg,
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const subQuery = from(student._name)
        .select([], [], [sum("score_sum", student.score)])

const query = fromSubQuery(subQuery)
        .select([], [], [avg("result", new TableField("score_sum"))])

Note score_sum does not belong to any table but can be referenced with its name in a TableField object.

Example: Return the average total for all students

SELECT AVG(score_sum) AS result
FROM (SELECT SUM(score) AS score_sum FROM student GROUP BY name)



The interface Field can be used to represent either:

  • A column/field of a table: TableField e.g. const a = new TableField("myTable.a")
  • A constant value: ConstantField e.g. const one = new ConstantField(1)
  • An aliased column: AliasedField e.g. const aliased = new AliasedField("myColumn")

Fields can be combined to produce other fields to be used in calculations and perform more complex computations.

import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const a = new TableField("myTable.a")
const rate = new TableField("myTable.rate")
const one = new ConstantField(1)
const myMeasure = avg("myMeasure", a.divide(

const query = from("myTable")
        .select([], [], [myMeasure])
SELECT AVG(myTable.a / (1 + myTable.rate)) AS myMeasure
FROM myTable

Fields can be aliased to change the name of the returning columns by using as(). Using as() on a TableField produces a new instance of TableField.

const id = new TableField("myTable.customerId").as("id")

const query = from("myTable")
        .select([id], [], [countRows])
SELECT myTable.customerId AS id, count(*)
FROM myTable

AliasedField is useful when using subqueries to reference a field in the top query from the subquery.

const f1 = new TableField("myTable.f1").as("f1_alias")
const f2 = new TableField("myTable.f2").as("f2_alias")
const subQuery = from("myTable")
        .select([f1, f2], [], [sum("score_sum", student.score)])

const query = fromSubQuery(subQuery)
        .select([new AliasedField("f1_alias")], [], [avg("result", new TableField("score_sum"))])


A Measure represents aggregated values and is usually numeric. Measure can be split into two categories depending on where the calculation is performed.

  • Basic measure
    • Aggregate measure
    • Expression measure
  • Calculated measure
    • Elementary operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
    • Constant
    • Complex operations: comparison

Basic measure

A basic measure is always computed by the underlying database.

Aggregate measure

An aggregate measure is computed by applying an aggregation function over a list of field values such as sum, min, max, avg, count, countDistinct...

Aggregation can also be applied to only the rows matching a condition with sumIf, minIf, maxIf, avgIf, countIf, countDistinctIf...

import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const amountSum = sum("sum_amount", myTable.amount)
const amountAvg = avg("avg_amount", myTable.amount)
const sales = sumIf("sales", "amount", criterion(myTable.incomeExpense, eq("Revenue")))
const distinctStores = countDistinct("distinct_stores",
const distinctOpenedStores = countDistinctIf("distinct_opened_stores",, criterion(myTable.isOpen, eq(true)))

const query = from(myTable._name)
        .select([], [], [amountSum, amountAvg, sales, distinctStores, distinctStoresSellingFood])
SELECT SUM(amount)                                                AS sum_amount,
       AVG(amount)                                                AS avg_amount,
       SUM(CASE WHEN IncomeExpense = 'Revenue' THEN amount 0 END) AS sales,
       SUM(DISTINCT(store))                                       AS distinct_stores,
       SUM(DISTINCT(CASE WHEN isOpen = true THEN store 0 END))    AS distinct_opened_stores
FROM myTable

Expression measure

An expression measure is a measure that accepts a raw sql expression as argument.

import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const expression = new ExpressionMeasure("myMeasure", "sum(price * quantity)")
const query = from("myTable")
        .select([], [], [expression])
SELECT SUM(price * quantity) AS myMeasure FROM myTable

Calculated measure

Unlike a basic measure, a calculated measure is computed by SquashQL (not the database) by fetching all the required values from the underlying database before applying the defined calculation. It is defined as the combination of other measures that can be either basic or not.

Elementary: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

import {
  multiply, divide, plus, minus, TableField
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const a = new TableField("myTable.a")
const aSum = sum("aSum", a)
const square = multiply("square", aSum, aSum)
const twoTimes = plus("twoTimes", aSum, aSum)
const zero = minus("zero", aSum, aSum)
const one = divide("one", aSum, aSum)

Constant measures can be defined with decimal or integer operators:

import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const a = new TableField("myTable.a")
const b = new TableField("myTable.b")
const aSum = sum("aSum", a)
const bSum = sum("bSum", b)
const ratio = divide("ratio", a, b)
const percent = multiply("percent", ratio, decimal(100)) 

Constant measure

Used to define measure with a constant value in order to combine it with other measures. See below.

import {
  decimal, integer
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const oneHundredDecimal = decimal(100)
const oneHundredInteger = integer(100)

Complex: comparison

Time-series comparison

Comparison between "time" period like year, semester, quarter, month.

Warning Values of such periods are expected to be integers. Semester must be 1 or 2, quarter must be within [1;4], month must be within [1;12].

Example: Compare sum of score of each student with previous semester given this dataset

| year | semester |    name |        test | score |
| 2022 |        1 |    Paul |     english |    73 |
| 2022 |        1 |    Paul | mathematics |    75 |
| 2022 |        1 | Tatiana |     english |    83 |
| 2022 |        1 | Tatiana | mathematics |    87 |
| 2022 |        2 |    Paul |     english |    70 |
| 2022 |        2 |    Paul | mathematics |    58 |
| 2022 |        2 | Tatiana |     english |    65 |
| 2022 |        2 | Tatiana | mathematics |    65 |
| 2023 |        1 |    Paul |     english |    82 |
| 2023 |        1 |    Paul | mathematics |    70 |
| 2023 |        1 | Tatiana |     english |    96 |
| 2023 |        1 | Tatiana | mathematics |    52 |
| 2023 |        2 |    Paul |     english |    89 |
| 2023 |        2 |    Paul | mathematics |    45 |
| 2023 |        2 | Tatiana |     english |    63 |
| 2023 |        2 | Tatiana | mathematics |    14 |
import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

class Student {
  readonly _name: string = "student"
  readonly year: TableField = new TableField("student.year")
  readonly semester: TableField = new TableField("student.semester")
  readonly name: TableField = new TableField("")
  readonly test: TableField = new TableField("student.test")
  readonly score: TableField = new TableField("student.score")
const student = new Student()

const scoreSum = sum("score_sum", student.score)
const comparisonScore = comparisonMeasureWithPeriod(
        "compare with previous year",
        new Map([[student.semester, "s-1"]]),
        new Semester(student.semester, student.year))

const query = from(student._name)
        .select([student.year, student.semester,], [], [scoreSum, comparisonScore])


| year | semester |    name | score_sum | compare with previous semester |
| 2022 |        1 |    Paul |       148 |                           null |
| 2022 |        1 | Tatiana |       170 |                           null |
| 2022 |        2 |    Paul |       128 |                            -20 |
| 2022 |        2 | Tatiana |       130 |                            -40 |
| 2023 |        1 |    Paul |       152 |                             24 |
| 2023 |        1 | Tatiana |       148 |                             18 |
| 2023 |        2 |    Paul |       134 |                            -18 |
| 2023 |        2 | Tatiana |        77 |                            -71 |

comparisonMeasureWithPeriod method is used to create a special measure built to compare values of an underlying measure (third argument) with other values of the same measure. In this example, we want to compute the "absolute" difference (hence ComparisonMethod.ABSOLUTE_DIFFERENCE) of score_sum for a given semester with score_sum of the previous semester (relatively to the semester of a given row).

To indicate "previous semester", a "translation" or "shift" operator is passed to the comparison function: {"semester": "s-1", "year": "y"}. "semester": "s-1" means 'take the current semester value and remove 1'. You can use any translation that follows the same pattern" s-2, s-3, s+1, s+2... The translation can be replaced with first to indicate the first semester.
The Semester object is meant to make SquashQL understand the measure is working with a time period so that it knows that the previous semester value of the 1st semester of 2023 is the 2nd semester of 2022.

Similarly to Semester, one can use Year, Quarter, Month to work with a different time period. The arguments passed to build a time period object are the name of the table columns necessary to unambiguously deduce from their values the time period it refers to. For Semester, the required information is year (should be an integer) and semester (also an integer) to know which half-year term it refers to.

Note: The columns used to build a time period object need to be added to the query in the select.

import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

class Student {
  readonly _name: string = "student"
  readonly year: TableField = new TableField("student.year")
  readonly semester: TableField = new TableField("student.semester")
  readonly name: TableField = new TableField("")
  readonly test: TableField = new TableField("student.test")
  readonly score: TableField = new TableField("student.score")
const student = new Student()

const scoreSum = sum("score_sum", student.score)
const comparisonScore = comparisonMeasureWithPeriod(
        "compare with previous year",
        new Map([[student.year, "y-1"]]),
        new Year(student.year))

const query = from(student._name)
        .select([student.year,], [], [scoreSum, multiply("progression in %", comparisonScore, decimal(100))])


| year |    name | score_sum |   progression in % |
| 2022 |    Paul |       276 |               null |
| 2022 | Tatiana |       300 |               null |
| 2023 |    Paul |       286 | 3.6231884057971016 |
| 2023 | Tatiana |       225 |              -25.0 |
Hierarchical / Parent-Child comparison

SquashQL introduces the concept of organizing hierarchically several columns in order to compare aggregates and sub-aggregates compute at different levels of the lineage.

Example: compute the ratio of population of a city to its country and of a country to its continent.

|   continent |     country |        city |        pop |
| Grand Total | Grand Total | Grand Total |       28.5 |
|          am |       Total |       Total |       17.0 |
|          am |      canada |       Total |        6.0 |
|          am |      canada |    montreal |        2.0 |
|          am |      canada |       otawa |        1.0 |
|          am |      canada |     toronto |        3.0 |
|          am |         usa |       Total |       11.0 |
|          am |         usa |     chicago |        3.0 |
|          am |         usa |         nyc |        8.0 |
|          eu |       Total |       Total |       11.5 |
|          eu |      france |       Total |        2.5 |
|          eu |      france |        lyon |        0.5 | 
|          eu |      france |       paris |        2.0 |
|          eu |          uk |       Total |        9.0 |
|          eu |          uk |      london |        9.0 |
import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

class PopulationTable {
  readonly _name: string = "populationTable"
  readonly continent: TableField = new TableField("populationTable.continent")
  readonly country: TableField = new TableField("")
  readonly city: TableField = new TableField("")
  readonly population: TableField = new TableField("populationTable.population")
const populationTable = new PopulationTable()

const pop = sum("pop", populationTable.population)
const ancestors = [populationTable.continent,,]
const ratio = comparisonMeasureWithParent("ratio", ComparisonMethod.DIVIDE, pop, ancestors)
const query = from(populationTable._name)
        .select([populationTable.continent,,], [], [pop, ratio])

comparisonMeasureWithParent method is used to create a special measure built to compare values of an underlying measure (third argument) with the parent values of the same measure. Parenthood is indicated with the array of ancestors (fourth argument) which contains column names in "lineage reverse order".

Note the columns used to define the ancestors need to be passed to the select method but not necessary to the rollup method.


|   continent |     country |        city |        pop |               ratio |
| Grand Total | Grand Total | Grand Total |       28.5 |                 1.0 |
|          am |       Total |       Total |       17.0 |  0.5964912280701754 |
|          am |      canada |       Total |        6.0 | 0.35294117647058826 |
|          am |      canada |    montreal |        2.0 |  0.3333333333333333 |
|          am |      canada |       otawa |        1.0 | 0.16666666666666666 |
|          am |      canada |     toronto |        3.0 |                 0.5 |
|          am |         usa |       Total |       11.0 |  0.6470588235294118 |
|          am |         usa |     chicago |        3.0 |  0.2727272727272727 |
|          am |         usa |         nyc |        8.0 |  0.7272727272727273 |
|          eu |       Total |       Total |       11.5 | 0.40350877192982454 |
|          eu |      france |       Total |        2.5 | 0.21739130434782608 |
|          eu |      france |        lyon |        0.5 |                 0.2 |
|          eu |      france |       paris |        2.0 |                 0.8 |
|          eu |          uk |       Total |        9.0 |   0.782608695652174 |
|          eu |          uk |      london |        9.0 |                 1.0 |
Dynamic comparison - What-if - ColumnSet

This type of comparison is mainly used for what-if comparison but not limited to it. It involves the creation of a new "virtual" column called ColumnSet that only exists in SquashQL to create groups among which the comparisons are performed. Let's see a very simple example inspired from

Our initial dataset looks like this

| scenario | saleprice | loavessold | pointofsale |
|     base |       2.0 |         80 |           B |
|     base |       2.0 |        100 |           A |
|       s1 |       3.0 |         50 |           B |
|       s1 |       3.0 |         74 |           A |
|       s2 |       4.0 |         20 |           B |
|       s2 |       4.0 |         55 |           A |
|       s3 |       2.0 |        100 |           A |
|       s3 |       3.0 |         50 |           B |

To compute the revenue

import {ExpressionMeasure, from} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const saleprice = new TableField("myTable.saleprice")
const loavessold = new TableField("myTable.loavessold")
const revenue = sum("revenue", saleprice.multiply(loavessold))
const query = from("myTable")
        .select([myTable.scenario], [], [revenue])


| scenario | revenue |
|     base |   360.0 |
|       s1 |   372.0 |
|       s2 |   300.0 |
|       s3 |   350.0 |

Let's say we want to compare each scenario s1, s2 and s3 with base plus each of these between them in the following order: s1 -> s2 -> s3. To do that, we start by creating those groups that we put in a dedicated object

import {
} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const groups = new Map(Object.entries({
  "group1": ["base", "s1"],
  "group2": ["base", "s2"],
  "group3": ["base", "s3"],
  "group4": ["s1", "s2", "s3"],
const columnSet = new BucketColumnSet(new TableField("group"), new TableField("myTable.scenario"), groups)

The first argument of BucketColumnSet is the name of the new (virtual) column that will be created. The second argument is the name of the existing column whose values will be grouped together. The third argument is the defined groups to be used for the comparison. The orders of the keys (group1, group2....) and in the arrays are important.

We can use the BucketColumnSet as follows

import {BucketColumnSet, ExpressionMeasure, from} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const values = new Map(Object.entries({
  "group1": ["base", "s1"],
  "group2": ["base", "s2"],
  "group3": ["base", "s3"],
  "group4": ["s1", "s2", "s3"],
const saleprice = new TableField("myTable.saleprice")
const loavessold = new TableField("myTable.loavessold")
const revenue = sum("revenue", saleprice.multiply(loavessold))
const columnSet = new BucketColumnSet(new TableField("group"), new TableField("myTable.scenario"), groups)
const query = from("myTable")
        .select([], [columnSet], [revenue])


|  group | scenario | revenue |
| group1 |     base |   360.0 |
| group1 |       s1 |   372.0 |
| group2 |     base |   360.0 |
| group2 |       s2 |   300.0 |
| group3 |     base |   360.0 |
| group3 |       s3 |   350.0 |
| group4 |       s1 |   372.0 |
| group4 |       s2 |   300.0 |
| group4 |       s3 |   350.0 |

As you can see, adding the column set to the query will add two columns in the result: group and scenario so that we can remove scenario column from the first argument.

Now to perform the comparison, use the built-in measure comparisonMeasureWithBucket

import {BucketColumnSet, comparisonMeasureWithBucket, ComparisonMethod, ExpressionMeasure, from} from "@squashql/squashql-js"

const values = new Map(Object.entries({
  "group1": ["base", "s1"],
  "group2": ["base", "s2"],
  "group3": ["base", "s3"],
  "group4": ["s1", "s2", "s3"],
const saleprice = new TableField("myTable.saleprice")
const loavessold = new TableField("myTable.loavessold")
const revenue = sum("revenue", saleprice.multiply(loavessold))
const columnSet = new BucketColumnSet(new TableField("group"), new TableField("myTable.scenario"), groups)
const revenueComparison = comparisonMeasureWithBucket("revenueComparison",
        new Map([[new TableField("myTable.scenario"), "s-1"]]))
const query = from("myTable")
        .select([], [columnSet], [revenue, revenueComparison])

{"scenario": "s-1"}, the "translation" or "shift" operator indicates that each value is to be compared with the one for the previous scenario (in the current group). This is why order in values is important. Usage of first keyword is also possible (see time-series comparison).


|  group | scenario | revenue | revenueComparison |
| group1 |     base |   360.0 |               0.0 |
| group1 |       s1 |   372.0 |              12.0 |
| group2 |     base |   360.0 |               0.0 |
| group2 |       s2 |   300.0 |             -60.0 |
| group3 |     base |   360.0 |               0.0 |
| group3 |       s3 |   350.0 |             -10.0 |
| group4 |     base |   360.0 |               0.0 |
| group4 |       s1 |   372.0 |              12.0 |
| group4 |       s2 |   300.0 |             -72.0 |
| group4 |       s3 |   350.0 |              50.0 |


Once built, a query can accept additional parameters to change the way the query will be executed. Here's below the list of parameters that exist in SquashQL.

const query = from("table")

Query cache


const parameter = new QueryCacheParameter(Action.USE)

The query cache parameter can have three values.

const parameter = new QueryCacheParameter(Action.USE)

USE: This is the default value when the parameter is not set in the query object. In that case the query cache is used when executing the query. Intermediate results are retrieved from the cache if they exist. If not, they are put in the cache when returned from the database.

const parameter = new QueryCacheParameter(Action.NOT_USE)

NOT_USE: The cache won't be used. Intermediate results are retrieved from the database, and they are not put in the cache.

const parameter = new QueryCacheParameter(Action.INVALIDATE)

INVALIDATE: The cache is cleared. Intermediate results are retrieved from the database, and they are put in the cache.