Effects of Indoor Plants on office Occupants’ Comfort, Perception, and Performance in the Composite Climatic regions of India
Data and R scripts relevant to the work Effects of Indoor Plants on office Occupants’ Comfort, Perception, and Performance in the Composite Climatic regions of India
To read the questionnaire please check file "Questionnaire.docx".
To see the responses of partcipants please read the file "Qestionnaire responses.xlsx".
To see the coded responses please read the file "Coded responses.xlsx".
To see the partcipants responses for the OSPAN test please refer file "Participants responses for OSPAN test.xlsx".
To see the all datas realted to experiments refer file "All data", this file contain following atributes:-
- Environment conditions (Coulmn G to N)
- Participants demographic details (Coulmn O to T)
- Participants personality details (Coulmn U to Y)
- Participants response for overall room working environment (Coulmn Z to AH) which was part of Survey I
- Participants response for room indoor climate conditions (Coulmn AI to AQ) which was part of Survey II and Survey IV
- Partcipants response for sick building syndrome symptoms (Coulmn AR to AZ) which was part of Survey II and Survey IV
- Partcipants response for affect (circumplex model) (Coulmn BA to CH) which was part of Survey II and Survey IV
- Participants response for subjective performance (Coulmn CI to CM), which was part of Survey III
- Participants score for cogntive performance test i.e. OSPAN (Coulmn CN to CP), which was part of Survey III
- Ventilation rate during the sessions
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Table 1 and table 2 run the R code file "Table1&2.R".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Table S2 run the R code file "TableS2.R".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's for sick building syndrome symptoms run the R code file "SBS.R".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Figure 2a run the R code file "TempSans.R".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Figure 2b run the R code file "TempSat.R".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Figure 3a run the R code file "Emotions_P.R".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Figure 3b run the R code file "Emotions_HA.R".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Figure S3a run the R code file "Emotions_HAP.R".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Figure S3b run the R code file "Emotions_LAP.R".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Figure S3c run the R code file "Emotions_LA.R".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Figure S3d run the R code file "Emotions_N.R".
To reproduce the p value and effect size (d) for cognative perpormance of participants, run the R code file "OSPAN results".
To reproduce the values mentioned in manuscript's Figure 4 refer file "ACDD estimation.xlsx".