diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b76e344..c416cbf 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -61,37 +61,9 @@ using (var driver = MarionetteDriver.Create(/* optional DriverOptions */))
-The [sample project](https://github.com/asimmon/askaiser-marionette/tree/master/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp) will show you the basics of using this library.
+The [sample project](https://github.com/asimmon/askaiser-marionette/tree/master/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp) shows the basics of using this library.
-## Creating image and text elements manually
-#### Image search
-// Instead of relying on the source generator that works with image files, you can create an ImageElement manually
-var bytes = await File.ReadAllBytesAsync("path/to/your/image.png");
-var image = new ImageElement(name: "sidebar-close-button", content: bytes, threshold: 0.95m, grayscale: false);
-* `ImageElement.Threshold` is a floating number between 0 and 1. It defines the accuracy of the image search process. `0.95` is the default value.
-* `ImageElement.Grayscale` defines whether or not the engine will apply grayscaling preprocessing. Image search is faster with grayscaling.
-**Image recognition works best with PNG images.**
-#### Text search
-Although many methods accept a simple string as an element, you can manually create a TextElement
-var text = new TextElement("Save changes", options: TextOptions.BlackAndWhite | TextOptions.Negative);
-**Text options** are flags that define the preprocessing behavior of your monitor's screenshots before executing the OCR.
-* `TextOptions.None` : do not use preprocessing,
-* `TextOptions.Grayscale` : Use grayscaling,
-* `TextOptions.BlackAndWhite` : Use grayscaling and binarization (this is the default value),
-* `TextOptions.Negative` : Use negative preprocessing, very helpful with white text on dark background.
## Change the source generator behavior
Given the following partial image library class:
@@ -127,7 +99,36 @@ You can mix these modifiers. Here we will create an single array property `libra
* `header_gs_0.9_1.png` (second item of the array, grayscaled with a 0.9 threshold),
* `header_2.png` (second and last item of the array, keep original colors with and use default threshold).
-## Show me the `MarionetteDriver` APIs
+## Creating image and text elements manually
+#### Image search
+// Instead of relying on the source generator that works with image files, you can create an ImageElement manually
+var bytes = await File.ReadAllBytesAsync("path/to/your/image.png");
+var image = new ImageElement(name: "sidebar-close-button", content: bytes, threshold: 0.95m, grayscale: false);
+* `ImageElement.Threshold` is a floating number between 0 and 1. It defines the accuracy of the image search process. `0.95` is the default value.
+* `ImageElement.Grayscale` defines whether or not the engine will apply grayscaling preprocessing. Image search is faster with grayscaling.
+**Image recognition works best with PNG images.**
+#### Text search
+Although many methods accept a simple string as an element, you can manually create a TextElement
+var text = new TextElement("Save changes", options: TextOptions.BlackAndWhite | TextOptions.Negative);
+**Text options** are flags that define the preprocessing behavior of your monitor's screenshots before executing the OCR.
+* `TextOptions.None` : do not use preprocessing,
+* `TextOptions.Grayscale` : Use grayscaling,
+* `TextOptions.BlackAndWhite` : Use grayscaling and binarization (this is the default value),
+* `TextOptions.Negative` : Use negative preprocessing, very helpful with white text on dark background.
+## MarionetteDriver methods
Many parameters are optional. Most methods that look for an element (image or text) expect to find **only one occurrence** of this element. `ElementNotFoundException` and `MultipleElementFoundException` can be thrown.
diff --git a/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp.csproj b/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp.csproj
index 0f2f55f..427860b 100644
--- a/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp.csproj
+++ b/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp.csproj
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
diff --git a/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/Program.cs b/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/Program.cs
index b978be3..cf95e01 100644
--- a/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/Program.cs
+++ b/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/Program.cs
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
using System;
-using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp;
-[SuppressMessage("StyleCop.CSharp.MaintainabilityRules", "SA1402:FileMayOnlyContainASingleType", Justification = "It shows how to build an image library in the main Program class.")]
public partial class MyLibrary
@@ -29,8 +28,10 @@ private static async Task AutomaticallyGeneratedLibrary()
var monitor = await driver.GetCurrentMonitorAsync();
var ideLogoRect = monitor.FromTopLeft(200, 200);
- // RiderLogo and VsLogo properties will be generated from the *.png files
- await driver.MoveToAnyAsync(new[] { library.RiderLogo, library.VsLogo }, waitFor: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), searchRect: ideLogoRect);
+ // RiderLogo and VsLogo properties will be generated from the *.png files in the images directory specified in the MyLibrary class definition
+ // VsLogo is an array because there are multiple images suffixed with "_n" (vs-logo_0.png, vs-logo_1.png)
+ var ideLogos = new[] { library.RiderLogo }.Concat(library.VsLogo);
+ await driver.MoveToAnyAsync(ideLogos, waitFor: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), searchRect: ideLogoRect);
// Also, in the same area, we expect to find the toolbar item "Edit". Negative preprocessing should be used if the IDE use a dark theme.
await driver.MoveToAsync("Edit", searchRect: ideLogoRect, textOptions: TextOptions.BlackAndWhite | TextOptions.Negative);
diff --git a/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/images/vs-logo.png b/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/images/vs-logo_0.png
similarity index 100%
rename from samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/images/vs-logo.png
rename to samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/images/vs-logo_0.png
diff --git a/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/images/vs-logo_1.png b/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/images/vs-logo_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcd099a
Binary files /dev/null and b/samples/Askaiser.Marionette.ConsoleApp/images/vs-logo_1.png differ
diff --git a/src/Askaiser.Marionette/Rectangle.cs b/src/Askaiser.Marionette/Rectangle.cs
index 3a35ad4..c421043 100644
--- a/src/Askaiser.Marionette/Rectangle.cs
+++ b/src/Askaiser.Marionette/Rectangle.cs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
namespace Askaiser.Marionette;
-[SuppressMessage("StyleCop.Analyzers.ReadabilityRules", "SA1101:PrefixLocalCallsWithThis", Justification = "StyleCop.Analyzers is not aware of records 'with' syntax.")]
[SuppressMessage("Usage", "CA2225:Operator overloads have named alternates", Justification = "I don't want to")]
public record Rectangle