01st August 2018
- correction in install.sh for curl
28th June 2018
- use of curl instead of wget in install.sh (@gkkpch)
21th June 2018
- better complex username handling
09th june 2018
- Expand credentials command parameters (@ash)
- Update readme
23th may 2018
- autoconfig enabled when plugin is activated
18th may 2018
- fix from @ash :Fix #169 -- Add
14th may 2018
- comment //disableUiControls: true
27th march
- better compatibility with audio_intrface plugins ( volstereo2mono, volsimpleequalizer, volbauerfilter, volparametriceq )
18 th march
- new librespot (@ashthespy)
- better UI handling (@ashthespy)
- miscellaneaous changes
09th march
- add dutch translation. Thank you @LeonCB
- re enable volumio stop when spotify starts playing.
06th march
- miscellanea spelling fix
04th march
- update readme for installation (thanks to kayue)
- re enable onstart1.sh
- add version in plugin configuration
02nd march
- seek function
- password management for complex password
01st march
- new librespot for x86
- now working play/pause next previous buttons ! thank you @ashthespy !
28th Febuary
- new librespot for arm
- use of spotifyweb api.
27th Febuary
- change port of socket to avoid conflict with airplay (port 5030 now)
16th Febuary
- remove // for service: self.servicename
11th Febuary
- PR for volumio plugins
- correction for webUI hanging problem
10th Febuary 18
- metadata in volumioUI
- on stop adjustment
25th January 18
- correct
16th January 18
merge of volspotconnect-futurdev:
- add volume normalization
- add initial Spotify volume
- add metadata (not yet in webUI)
- add shuffle and repeat
uses curl instead of wget- no x86 yet....
September 28th
- new version of librespot for x86. Now stops playing at the end of a playlist.
September 27th
- new version of librespot for arm. Now stops playing at the end of a playlist. Will follow for x86 in next days...
September 26th
- correct a wrong volspotconnect2.zip file !
September 25 th
- fix x mode on onstart1.sh
September 21th
- on stop function to stop volumio playing when volspotconnect2 starts to play
August 10 th
- new librespot (correct alsa backend support for x86)
July 14th
- disable cache - remove related service
- common librespot for armv6 and armv7
- new librespot for armv6, armv7 and x86
July 10th
- new librespot for armv6 and armv7 - x86 please wait, fails to compile....
June 19th
- update librespot for armv6
June 11th
- new librespot x86 and armhf - fix for 'a song cannot be played in librespot but in official app'
June 5th
- new librespot for armv7 and x86 (armv6 later)
May 26th
- new librespot for arm. Not home compiled but from https://github.com/herrernst/librespot/releases : sound volume is max...
May 18th
- new librespot for armhf and x86. Please wait for and arm....
May 1st
add return libQ.resolve(); in index.js onVolumiostart
April 15th
- change error message when download requires package failed
- new librespot for armv6
April 14th
- new librespot with correction in protocol
- default volume is now about 30% instead of 100%
April 2nd
- Add auto restart service if hang
Mars 2nd
- generated proper startconnect.sh when enabling plugin
Mars 1st
- new librespot for armv6l
Febuary 28th
- update readme
- update remove.sh - chache size is now 64Mo
Febuary 27th
- option to share or no the device
- remove stream rate selector - default is now 320kbps
Febuary 26th
- correct librespot x86
- correction to install on i686
Febuary 25th
-new librespot library with native multi-users -support x86 arch -cache written in /tmp
Febuary 19th
-cache is now written in /dev/shm to preserve sd card -better global responsivness -better handling multi users
Febuary 17th correction when switching users
Febuary 16th
correction in remove.sh correction volspotconnectpurgecache.service correction onstart
Febuary 15th
New librespot libirary Cache is now set to 64Mo with auto purge
Febuary 11th
New librespot version
January 25th
volumio is set on pause when start playing add volspotconnect22.service
January 24th
fix drop when stop playing allow multiple accounts
January 22th
crendetials autoremove when stop playing : discovery mode ok
January 21th
fix output device try to autoremove credentials at stop new work - first almost working plugin remove x bit on service
January 20th
- First commit