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QR code scanning

This example demonstrates scanning a QR code for one-time password (OTP) generation or multi-factor authentication (MMFA) with ISAM.


Accept camera permission Permission Request Scan of OTP QR code

Scanning and processing QR codes

The SDK provides OtpQRScanResult and MfaQRScanResult classes.

Type Purpose Example
OtpQRScanResult A standard one-time password otpauth://hotp/Big%20Blue%20Bank:testuser?secret=JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP
MfaQRScanResult An ISAM multi-factor-auth account {"code": "OAuthAuthorizationCode", "details_url": "", "client_id": "OAuthClientId", "token_endpoint": "", "version": 1}

To scan a QR code, you could use the UIQRScanView class, which produces these result objects. If you want to use your own scanner, there are .parse() methods to generate the results.

Launch the UIQRScanView activity with startActivityForResult(...). It will return with an IQRScanResult in the result Intent (keyed as IQRScanResult.class.getName()) or null if the user cancels it.

You need to include the activity in your app manifest:

    <!-- your other configuration items -->
    <activity android:name="" />