, unlike Asciidoctor
+ assertThat(html)
+ .isEqualTo("
" +
+ dt("CPU") + dd("The brain of the computer.") +
+ dt("RAM") + dd("Temporarily stores information the CPU uses during operation.") +
+ "
+ }
+ @Test
+ void should_convert_simple_list_with_formatting() {
+ String content = buildDocumentWithSimpleListWithFormatting();
+ String html = process(content);
+ assertThat(html)
+ .isEqualTo("
" +
+ dt(strong("CPU")) + dd("The brain of " + italics("the computer") + ".") +
+ dt(monospace("RAM")) + dd(strong("Temporarily stores information") + " the CPU uses during operation.") +
+ "
+ }
+ @Test
+ void should_convert_simple_list_with_nested_list() {
+ String content = buildDocumentWithNestedLists();
+ String html = process(content);
+ assertThat(html)
+ .isEqualTo("
" +
+ dt("Dairy") +
+ "- " +
+ ul(li("Milk"), li("Eggs")) +
+ "
" +
+ dt("Bakery") +
+ "- " +
+ ol(LIST_STYLE_TYPE_DECIMAL, li("Bread")) +
+ "
" +
+ "
+ );
+ }
+ @Test
+ void should_convert_nested_description_lists() {
+ String content = buildDocumentWithNestedDescriptionLists();
+ String html = process(content);
+ assertThat(html)
+ .isEqualTo("
" +
+ dt("Operating Systems") +
+ "- " +
+ "
" +
+ dt("Linux") +
+ "- " +
+ li("Fedora" + ul(li("Desktop"))),
+ li("Ubuntu" + ul(li("Desktop"), li("Server")))
+ ) +
+ "
" +
+ dt("BSD") +
+ "- " +
+ ol(LIST_STYLE_TYPE_DECIMAL, li("FreeBSD"), li("NetBSD")) +
+ "
" +
+ "
" +
+ " " +
+ "
+ );
+ }
+ private static String buildDocumentWithSimpleList() {
+ return "= Document tile\n\n"
+ + "== Section\n\n"
+ + "CPU:: The brain of the computer.\n"
+ + "RAM:: Temporarily stores information the CPU uses during operation.\n";
+ }
+ private static String buildDocumentWithSimpleListWithFormatting() {
+ return "= Document tile\n\n"
+ + "== Section\n\n"
+ + "*CPU*:: The brain of _the computer_.\n"
+ + "`RAM`:: *Temporarily stores information* the CPU uses during operation.\n";
+ }
+ private static String buildDocumentWithNestedLists() {
+ return "= Document tile\n\n"
+ + "== Section\n\n"
+ + "Dairy::\n"
+ + "* Milk\n"
+ + "* Eggs\n"
+ + "Bakery::\n"
+ + ". Bread\n";
+ }
+ private static String buildDocumentWithNestedDescriptionLists() {
+ return "= Document tile\n\n"
+ + "== Section\n\n"
+ + "Operating Systems::\n"
+ + " Linux:::\n"
+ + " . Fedora\n"
+ + " * Desktop\n"
+ + " . Ubuntu\n"
+ + " * Desktop\n"
+ + " * Server\n"
+ + " BSD:::\n"
+ + " . FreeBSD\n"
+ + " . NetBSD\n";
+ }
+ private String process(String content) {
+ StructuralNode node = asciidoctor.load(content, Options.builder().build())
+ .findBy(Collections.singletonMap("context", ":dlist"))
+ .get(0);
+ nodeProcessor.process(node);
+ return clean(sinkWriter.toString());
+ }
diff --git a/asciidoctor-parser-doxia-module/src/test/java/org/asciidoctor/maven/site/ast/processors/test/Html.java b/asciidoctor-parser-doxia-module/src/test/java/org/asciidoctor/maven/site/ast/processors/test/Html.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3e9abf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asciidoctor-parser-doxia-module/src/test/java/org/asciidoctor/maven/site/ast/processors/test/Html.java
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package org.asciidoctor.maven.site.ast.processors.test;
+public class Html {
+ public static final String LIST_STYLE_TYPE_DECIMAL = "list-style-type: decimal";
+ public static String strong(String text) {
+ return htmlElement("strong", text);
+ }
+ public static String italics(String text) {
+ return htmlElement("em", text);
+ }
+ public static String monospace(String text) {
+ return htmlElement("code", text);
+ }
+ public static String ul(String... elements) {
+ return htmlElement("ul", String.join("", elements));
+ }
+ public static String ol(String style, String... elements) {
+ return htmlElement("ol", style, String.join("", elements));
+ }
+ public static String li(String text) {
+ return htmlElement("li", text);
+ }
+ public static String dt(String text) {
+ return htmlElement("dt", text);
+ }
+ public static String dd(String text) {
+ return htmlElement("dd", text);
+ }
+ static String htmlElement(String element, String text) {
+ return htmlElement(element, null, text);
+ }
+ static String htmlElement(String element, String style, String text) {
+ if (style == null) {
+ return String.format("<%1$s>%2$s%1$s>", element, text).trim();
+ }
+ return String.format("<%1$s style=\"%3$s\">%2$s%1$s>", element, text, style).trim();
+ }
diff --git a/docs/modules/site-integration/pages/parser-module-setup-and-configuration.adoc b/docs/modules/site-integration/pages/parser-module-setup-and-configuration.adoc
index 870693d2..154f5750 100644
--- a/docs/modules/site-integration/pages/parser-module-setup-and-configuration.adoc
+++ b/docs/modules/site-integration/pages/parser-module-setup-and-configuration.adoc
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ Make sure you add a `menu` item for each page so you can access it from the site
Given the modules implements a custom converter, the following features are limited:
* `templateDirs` configurations are not supported in this module.
-* Extensions injected with `requires` can only modify the AST. Modifications of output won't be applied.
+* Extensions injected with `requires` can only modify the AST.
+Modifications of output won't be applied.
As of version 1.5.3 of the plugin, you can configure Asciidoctor by specifying configuration properties in the plugin declaration, just like with the other goals of the plugin.
@@ -171,13 +172,16 @@ This module is still under development, here is a summary of supported features:
** Support for `sectnums` and `sectnumlevels`
* Paragraphs
-** Basic formatting (bold, italics, etc.)
+** Basic formatting (bold, italics, monospace, etc.)
** Attributes substitutions
* Lists
** Unordered, for `*` and `-` markers
** Ordered, only arabic numerals
+** Description lists, with nested ordered, unordered and description lists
** Formatted text in list items
+NOTE: Unlike in Asciidoctor lists, descriptions are not surrounded by `
` and list themselves are not surrounded by `
` elements.
* Code blocks with source-highlighting using https://maven.apache.org/skins/maven-fluido-skin/#source-code-line-numbers[Fluido Skin Pretiffy].
** Support for numbered lines with `linenums`