This Project is a really simple boilerplate for GOlang beginners, aimed to help you create a really basic API with scalability. Use it to fit your own needs. The only package utilized for this was Mux.
Technologies used:
- GO
- Mux
After cloning the respository, install the dependencies:
go install
Remember to clone the project utilizing Go, if you want it to be at your GOPATH directory.
I didn't used Docker to instantiate this go project, but you can do it if you don't want to have the whole environment locally at your machine, Try it here!
If you opt for docker, here's a handy page directed to GOlang releases: Docker HUB
If you want to test using the same rest client i've used with my settings, you can click the button below:
To run any GO application you have two options:
go build
go run .\main.go