#122 Add prop to control value and operator reset functionality on field change. (@lakk1)
#117 Fixed a rule default value on add/change (@xxsnakerxx)
#115 Add ruleGroup-header div (@jakeboone02)
#113 Bugfix/not property (@romanlamsal)
#112 Format query handle more operators - Release version 2.5.0 (@oumar-sh)
#111 Format query handle more operators (Close Issue #110) (@oumar-sh)
#107 Add new fieldData prop for custom OperatorSelector and ValueEditor components (@jakeboone02)
#104 Add "not" toggle switch for rule groups (@jakeboone02)
#103 Add level, rule id to DOM elements (@srinivasdamam)
#102 Replace uuid with nanoid (@srinivasdamam)
#95 Add formatQuery function (@jakeboone02)
#96 Added showCombinatorsBetweenRules option (@jakeboone02)
#94 Enhanced default ValueEditor to handle multiple input types (#94) (@jakeboone02)
#93 Pass in new root to _notifyQueryChange (@pumbor)
#84 Add className prop to ValueEditor, pass it on to input element (#84) (@kkkrist)
#87 Hooks rewrite and increased test coverage (@jakeboone02)
#86 Upgrade dependencies and replace deprecated or unmaintained packages (@sapientglobalmarkets)
#82 Removed type restrictions on Rule values (@jakeboone02)
#60 Fixed typescript function parameter definitions (@jakeboone02)
#55 Add optional id information in README (@CharlyJazz)
#53 Add optional Id to fields propertie (@CharlyJazz)
#47 Add translations property to be able to set translatable texts. (@bubenkoff)
#46 Types: Added id attribute to RuleGroup (@jakeboone02)
#44 Add TypeScript typings (@jakeboone02)
#42 Converted Rule subcomponents to SFCs (@jakeboone02)
#38 Chore/demo (@pavanpodila)
#37 package updates and making it compatible with codesandbox.io (@pavanpodila)
#28 Add field to operator selector control element (@SamLoy)
#27 Added more context information to controlElements (@SamLoy)
#24 README: Update live demo link to use 1.3.4 and React 15 (@mreishus)
#23 README.md Usage - destructuring removed from import (@mreishus)
#17 Add npm-based changelog generator (@maniax89)
#18 Add code coverage & TravisCI (@maniax89)
#15 Fix test setup (@maniax89)
#13 Rule group tests (@maniax89)
#11 Move 'this' binding to componentWillMount (@maniax89)
#12 Add ActionElement tests to (@maniax89)
#8 WIP: Added CHANGELOG.md (@maniax89)
#9 Remove unnecessary imports (@maniax89)
#7 Add in ActionElement for custom elements (@maniax89)
#10 WIP: Add Tests (@maniax89)
#6 Custom rule controls (@maniax89)
#1 fix missing field (@vitorhsb)
You can’t perform that action at this time.