##How to run:
[ Assuming nodejs and npm are installed ]
1] npm install -g http-server
2] cd <project_folder>
3] npm start
4] in Mozilla Firefox
##Documentation(How to use the library):
Lib -- Library itself [global object]
Lib.preCallTest(mediaDeviceTest, connectivityTest, displayOutputOnScreen, callback);
mediaDeviceTest [boolean] -- whether to perform mediaDevices test
connectivityTest [boolean] -- whether to perform connectivity test
displayOutputOnScreen [string] -- whether to display the result on the screen[ DOM element Id of the text area ]
callback [function] -- Function to execute when the test is finished.
Lib.preCallTest(mediaDevices, connectivity, messageBoxId, function (testResult) {
Sample Output:
"videoDevice":"FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)",
"audioDevice":"default: Internal Microphone",
Lib.mediaConfig = { video: true, audio: true }
Lib.offerOptions = { offerToReceiveAudio: 1, offerToReceiveVideo: 1 }
Lib.iceConfig =
{ "iceServers": [{ "urls": ["stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"] }, { "urls": ["turn:taas.callstats.io:80"], "username": "1534935777:applicant", "credential": "6nMFffiTAVYNaWyBT7mRVqIS1jQ=" }, { "urls": ["turns:taas.callstats.io:443"], "username": "1534935777:applicant", "credential": "6nMFffiTAVYNaWyBT7mRVqIS1jQ=" }], "iceTransportPolicy": "all", "iceCandidatePoolSize": "20" }