contains the Backpack Label component which is a subclass of UILabel
with Skyscanner styles. It accepts a Backpack font style to set the desired size.
#import <Backpack/Label.h>
BPKLabel *label = [[BPKLabel alloc] initWithFontStyle:BPKFontStyleTextBase];
// Position label with autolayout or other method
// Set font style for a specific range
[label setFontStyle:BPKFontStyleTextLg range:NSMakeRange(12, 10)];
import Backpack
let label = Backpack.Label(fontStyle: .base)
// Position label with autolayout or other method
// Set font style for a specific range
label.setFontStyle(.textLg, range: NSRange(location: 12, length: 10))
doesn't currently support Dynamic Text, but this is planned for a later release.