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File metadata and controls

132 lines (111 loc) · 8.6 KB

mx command

MX command allows CLI access to MBean attributes and operations.


> java -jar sjk.jar --help mx
[MBean] MBean query and invokation
Usage: mx [options]
	-all, --allMatched
	   Process all matched MBeans
	   Default: false
	-a, --arguments
	   Arguments for MBean operation invocation
	   Default: []
	-f, --field, --attribute
	   MBean attribute
  * -b, --bean
	   MBean name
	-mc, --call
	   Invokes MBean method
	   Default: false
	   Default: false
	   Used with --get command, result would be formatted as CSV
	   Default: false
	-mg, --get
	   Retrieves value of MBean attribute
	   Default: false
	   Default: false
	-mi, --info
	   Display metadata for MBean
	   Default: false
	   Table column width threshold for formating tabular data
	   Default: 40
	-op, --operation
	   MBean operation name to be called
	   Password for JMX authentication (only for socket connection)
	-p, --pid
	   JVM process PID
	   Avoid non-essential output
	   Default: false
	-ms, --set
	   Sets value for MBean attribute
	   Default: false
	-s, --socket
	   Socket address for JMX port (host:port)
	   User for JMX authentication (only for socket connection)
	-v, --value
	   Value to set to attribute
	-X, --verbose
	   Enable detailed diagnostics
	   Default: false

This command have 4 sub commands: -mi, -mg, -ms, -mc - exactly one of them could be used at time.

Display MBean meta info -mi


> java -jar sjk.jar mx -p 6344 -mi -b java.lang:type=Threading

 - Information on the management interface of the MBean
 (A) ThreadAllocatedMemoryEnabled : boolean - WRITEABLE
 (A) ThreadAllocatedMemorySupported : boolean
 (A) ThreadCount : int
 (O) getThreadAllocatedBytes(long p0) : long
 (O) getThreadAllocatedBytes(long[] p0) : long[]
 (O) getThreadCpuTime(long[] p0) : long[]

Retrive MBean attribute -mg


> java -jar sjk.jar mx -p 6344 -mg -b java.lang:type=Memory -f HeapMemoryUsage

committed: 419037184
init:      134217728
max:       419037184
used:      356566800

Update MBean attribute -ms


> java -jar sjk.jar mx -p 6344 -ms -b java.lang:type=Threading -f ThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled -v true

Invoke MBean operation -mc


> java -jar sjk.jar mx -p 6344 -mc -b java.lang:type=Threading -op dumpAllThreads -a false false

blockedCount|blockedTime|inNative|lockInfo                                |lockName                                |lockOwnerId|lockOwnerName|lockedMonitors|lockedSynchronizers|stackTrace                              |suspended|threadId|threadName                              |threadState  |waitedCount|waitedTime
2           |0          |false   |{className=[I,identityHashCode=17460180}|[I@10a6bd4                              |-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |87816   |JMX server connection timeout 87816     |TIMED_WAITING|3          |64        
3           |0          |false   |{className=[I,identityHashCode=19740445}|[I@12d371d                              |-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |87810   |JMX server connection timeout 87810     |TIMED_WAITING|4          |42312     
2           |0          |false   |{className=[I,identityHashCode=24995862}|[I@17d6816                              |-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |87809   |JMX server connection timeout 87809     |TIMED_WAITING|3          |59808     
3           |0          |false   |{className=[I,identityHashCode=3979158} |[I@3cb796                               |-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |87808   |JMX server connection timeout 87808     |TIMED_WAITING|4          |70314     
0           |0          |false   |null                                    |null                                    |-1         |null         |              |                   |{,...|false    |87807   |RMI TCP Connection(13)-   |RUNNABLE     |4          |70040     
0           |0          |false   |{className=org.eclipse.jface.text.rec...|org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.Dir...|-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |87794   |org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.Java...|TIMED_WAITING|371        |187629    
417         |59         |false   |{className=org.eclipse.core.internal....||-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |87536   |Worker-4474                             |TIMED_WAITING|322        |274933    
597         |50         |false   |{className=org.eclipse.core.internal....||-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |87477   |Worker-4473                             |TIMED_WAITING|484        |317778    
477         |53         |false   |{className=org.eclipse.core.internal....||-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |87442   |Worker-4469                             |TIMED_WAITING|567        |328929    
0           |0          |false   |{className=java.util.concurrent.locks...|java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQu...|-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=sun.misc.Unsafe,fileName=U...|false    |87417   |RMI Scheduler(0)                        |TIMED_WAITING|25         |587696    
0           |0          |true    |null                                    |null                                    |-1         |null         |              |                   |{,f...|false    |87415   |RMI TCP Accept-0                        |RUNNABLE     |0          |0         
2566        |70         |false   |{className=org.eclipse.core.internal....||-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |87339   |Worker-4463                             |TIMED_WAITING|3554       |624468    
0           |0          |false   |{className=java.util.Collections$Sync...|java.util.Collections$SynchronizedRan...|-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |86671   |org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.internal.recon...|TIMED_WAITING|16434      |632622    
0           |0          |false   |{className=java.util.Collections$Sync...|java.util.Collections$SynchronizedRan...|-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |86670   |org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.internal.recon...|TIMED_WAITING|16435      |632621    
0           |0          |false   |{className=java.util.Collections$Sync...|java.util.Collections$SynchronizedRan...|-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |85508   |org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.internal.recon...|TIMED_WAITING|21430      |632623    
0           |0          |false   |{className=org.eclipse.jface.text.rec...|org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.Dir...|-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |84797   |org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.Java...|TIMED_WAITING|23241      |632649    
86          |2          |false   |{className=org.eclipse.jface.text.rec...|org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.Dir...|-1         |null         |              |                   |{className=java.lang.Object,fileName=...|false    |84712   |org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.Java...|TIMED_WAITING|23460      |631606    