Test of Rook managed Ceph cluster setup on AKS
in ./Makefile change PREFIX:=mkyc
to PREFIX:=your-prefix
and in file ./epiphany/azure/shared/azurerhel07.yml change prefix: 'mkyc'
to prefix: 'your-prefix'
Have a look here.
az login
az account list #get subscription from id field
az account set --subscription="SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID" #get appID, password, tenant, name and displayName
make epi-certs
ARM_CLIENT_ID="appId field" ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="password field" ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="id field" ARM_TENANT_ID="tenant field" NAME="name field" DISPLAY_NAME="displayName field" make epi-init
ARM_CLIENT_ID="appId field" ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="password field" ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="id field" ARM_TENANT_ID="tenant field" make epi-apply
ARM_CLIENT_ID="appId field" ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="password field" ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="id field" ARM_TENANT_ID="tenant field" make epi-get-kube
ARM_CLIENT_ID="appId field" ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="password field" ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="id field" ARM_TENANT_ID="tenant field" make epi-nsr #run this only once!
ARM_CLIENT_ID="appId field" ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="password field" ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="id field" ARM_TENANT_ID="tenant field" make epi-disks
In case of Epiphany Cluster, it is necessary to change one flag in kubelet configuration on every worker node in order to enable the attach/detach capability for the kubelet service:
from: enable-controller-attach-detach=false
to enable-controller-attach-detach=true
in the following file: /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env
after that You have to restart kubelet service: sudo systemctl restart kubelet
make get-nodes
make rook-setup #wait for operator initialization
make rook-cluster
make rook-storage
make rook-test
make rook-upgrade-privilages
make rook-upgrade-operator #wait for operator and cluster upgrade, may take up to 5 minutes
- this issue related PR results for terraform part.