diff --git a/docs/airnode/v0.8/reference/migration.md b/docs/airnode/v0.8/reference/migration.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ccb125e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/airnode/v0.8/reference/migration.md
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+title: Migration Guide
+docSetName: Airnode v0.8
+folder: Reference
+basePath: /airnode/v0.8
+# {{$frontmatter.title}}
+The following guide assumes a valid v0.7.x `config.json` file. All changes
+listed below will need to be implemented in order to migrate to Airnode v0.8.
+This document is written in a way that will preserve existing behaviour with
+earlier Airnode versions, but some of the new fields have additional options
+that can be found in the v0.8
+[Airnode documentation](https://docs.api3.org/airnode/v0.8/)
+## Summary
+1. `chains[n].authorizers` is now an object rather than an array of strings
+2. `chains[n].authorizations` added as a new object allowing the Airnode
+ operator to authorize specific endpoints for specific requester contracts
+ without having to make onchain transactions. i.e. providing an offchain way
+ to authorize specific requesters.
+3. `chains[n].options` has been reworked to allow for one or more strategies for
+ fetching the current gas price when submitting fulfillment transactions
+4. `rrp[n].cacheResponses` added as a new required field for specifying if the
+ response should be cached for requests that fail to get confirmed before the
+ next RRP cycle.
+5. `nodeSettings.httpGateway.corsOrigins` added as a new required field for
+ defining optional
+ [Cross-Origin Resource Sharing](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS)
+ strings. Empty array indicates no allowed CORS origins.
+6. `nodeSettings.httpSignedDataGateway.corsOrigins` same as
+ `nodeSettings.httpGateway.corsOrigins`
+7. `ois[n].oisFormat` updated to "1.1.1"
+8. `nodeSettings.nodeVersion` updated to "0.8.0"
+## Details
+1. `chains[n].authorizers`
+In earlier Airnode versions, `chains[n].authorizers` was an array of addresses
+that were used to specify which onchain contract addresses to query when
+attempting to authorize a request. This has been changed to be an object where
+the key is the authorizer type and the value is the list of addresses. The only
+supported key is currently `requesterEndpointAuthorizers`.
+- "authorizers": ["0x1234..."],
++ "authorizers": {
++ "requesterEndpointAuthorizers": ["0x1234..."]
++ }
+2. `chains[n].authorizations`
+This is a new object providing the Airnode operator with an offchain option for
+allowing (whitelisting) specific requesters to access specific endpoints. The
+key is the authorization type and the value is another object. The only
+supported key is currently `requesterEndpointAuthorizations`.
+The keys for `requesterEndpointAuthorizations` object are endpoint IDs and the
+values are the list of requesters.
++ "authorizations": {
++ "requesterEndpointAuthorizations": {}
++ }
+3. `chains[n].options`
+In previous Airnode versions, it was not possible to specify the strategy to use
+when determining the gas price to use for fulfillment transactions. The
+recommended price from the RPC provider URL was used along with some modifiers.
+With Airnode v0.8, the approach has been reworked to allow for multiple
+strategies to be used. These oracles (strategies) are used starting with the
+first oracle in the array. If the oracle fails to report a gas price, then the
+next oracle is used. As such, there are two important rules to note:
+1. The ordering of the gas price oracles matters
+2. All oracles are optional, but a constant gas price oracle must be defined
+ (typically last) as a fallback.
+See the
+[Gas Price Strategies](https://docs.api3.org/airnode/v0.8/concepts/gas-prices.html)
+page for more information
+ "options": {
+ "fulfillmentGasLimit": 500000,
+- "txType": "eip1559",
+- "baseFeeMultiplier": 2,
+- "priorityFee": {
+- "value": 3.12
+- "unit": "gwei",
+- }
++ "gasPriceOracle": [
++ {
++ "gasPriceStrategy": "providerRecommendedEip1559GasPrice",
++ "baseFeeMultiplier": 2,
++ "priorityFee": {
++ "value": 3.12,
++ "unit": "gwei"
++ }
++ },
++ {
++ "gasPriceStrategy": "constantGasPrice",
++ "gasPrice": {
++ "value": 10,
++ "unit": "gwei"
++ }
++ }
++ ]
+ }
+4. `rrp[n].cacheResponses`
+Airnode v0.8 provides a way for operators to specify whether or not an API
+response should be cached. Caching can (optionally) be used if a request fails
+to get confirmed before the next RRP cycle which runs every minute. This means
+that if the request is picked up again in next cycle as unfulfilled, the cached
+response will be used instead of making a new API call. This can be used to
+ensure that a requester always receives the value they require at a certain
+point in time, rather than whenever the last Airnode cycle ran that submitted
+the confirmed fulfillment transaction. It will likely reduce the number of API
+calls made to the specific API endpoint.
+The amount of time a response is cached for depending on where the Airnode is
+hosted (AWS, GCP, Docker etc.). Refer to the
+[Airnode docs](https://docs.api3.org/airnode/v0.8/) for more details.
+This field is required for all `rrp` objects, even if it is set to false
+ "endpointId": "0x13dea...",
+ "oisTitle": "My OIS title",
+ "endpointName": "convertToUSD",
++ "cacheResponses": false
+5. `nodeSettings.httpGateway.corsOrigins`
+A new required array has been added that allows for defining
+[CORS Origins](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS). String
+values can be entered that will allow certain origins access to the HTTP
+gateway. This will allow requests initiated from browsers to access the HTTP
+`["*"]` can be used to allow all origins. It's also worth nothing that this
+array currently only supports simple string values and not regex patterns.
+Refer to the
+[Airnode docs](https://docs.api3.org/airnode/v0.8/reference/deployment-files/config-json.html#httpgateway-corsorigins)
+for more details
+ "httpGateway": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "apiKey": "${HTTP_GATEWAY_API_KEY}",
+ "maxConcurrency": 20,
++ "corsOrigins": []
+ }
+6. `nodeSettings.httpSignedDataGateway.corsOrigins`
+Exactly the same as `nodeSettings.httpGateway.corsOrigins`, except for the HTTP
+signed data gateway.
+ "httpSignedDataGateway": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "maxConcurrency": 20,
++ "corsOrigins": []
+ }
+1. `ois[n].oisFormat`
+Updated to "1.1.1"
+- "oisFormat": "1.0.0"
++ "oisFormat": "1.1.1"
+8. `nodeSettings.nodeVersion`
+Updated to "0.8.0"
+- "nodeVersion": "0.7.0"
++ "nodeVersion": "0.8.0"
diff --git a/docs/airnode/v0.8/sidebar.js b/docs/airnode/v0.8/sidebar.js
index 8e48e417d9..e7f371e0c6 100644
--- a/docs/airnode/v0.8/sidebar.js
+++ b/docs/airnode/v0.8/sidebar.js
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ module.exports = [
+ 'reference/migration',
diff --git a/docs/airnode/v0.9/reference/migration.md b/docs/airnode/v0.9/reference/migration.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03d1976ab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/airnode/v0.9/reference/migration.md
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+title: Migration Guide
+docSetName: Airnode v0.9
+folder: Reference
+basePath: /airnode/v0.9
+# {{$frontmatter.title}}
+The following guide assumes a valid v0.8.x `config.json` file. All changes
+listed below will need to be implemented in order to migrate to Airnode v0.9.0.
+This document is written in a way that will preserve existing behaviour with
+earlier Airnode versions.
+The document also mentions changes of the user facing services related to
+Airnode, such as airnode-deployer, airnode-admin and more.
+## Summary
+1. `ois[n].oisFormat` updated to "1.2.0"
+2. `nodeSettings.nodeVersion` updated to "0.9.0"
+3. `airnode-deployer remove-with-deployment-details` now accepts a full
+ `--airnode-address` argument instead of the short airnode address
+ (`--airnode-address-short`)
+4. We recommend using _Sepolia_ and _Goerli_ testnets instead of _Rinkeby_,
+ _Ropsten_, and _Kovan_
+## Details
+1. `ois[n].oisFormat`
+Updated to "1.2.0"
+- "oisFormat": "1.1.1"
++ "oisFormat": "1.2.0"
+2. `nodeSettings.nodeVersion`
+Updated to "0.9.0"
+- "nodeVersion": "0.8.0"
++ "nodeVersion": "0.9.0"
+3. `airnode-deployer remove-with-deployment-details` accepts `--airnode-address`
+ parameter
+In Airnode 0.9. the `airnode-deployer` underwent an internal refactor to improve
+cloud provider deployments. The only user facing change is that the deployer
+uses the full Airnode address instead of the shortened one when executing the
+`remove-with-deployment-details` command.
+- docker run -it --rm \
+- -v "$(pwd):/app/config" \
+- api3/airnode-deployer:0.8.0 remove-with-deployment-details \
+- --airnode-address-short abd9eaa \
+- --stage dev \
+- --cloud-provider gcp \
+- --projectId myAirnode101 \ ← GCP only
+- --region us-east1
++ docker run -it --rm \
++ -v "$(pwd):/app/config" \
++ api3/airnode-deployer:0.9.0 remove-with-deployment-details \
++ --airnode-address 0xabd9eaa588B6818Ac4C32c5e9b31962E351Cd39F \
++ --stage dev \
++ --cloud-provider gcp \
++ --projectId myAirnode101 \ ← GCP only
++ --region us-east1
+4. Recommended testnets to use are now _Sepolia_ and _Goerli_
+The _Rinkeby_, _Ropsten_, and _Kovan_ testnets have been deprecated and will be
+removed. Etherscan has also discontinued or is in the process of discontinuing
+their blockchain explorer for each. You can read more details on the
+[ethereum blog](https://blog.ethereum.org/2022/06/21/testnet-deprecation).
diff --git a/docs/airnode/v0.9/sidebar.js b/docs/airnode/v0.9/sidebar.js
index 8e48e417d9..e7f371e0c6 100644
--- a/docs/airnode/v0.9/sidebar.js
+++ b/docs/airnode/v0.9/sidebar.js
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ module.exports = [
+ 'reference/migration',