Mining and Utilizing Dataset Relevancy from Oceanographic Datasets to Improve Data Discovery and Access
MUDROD is a semantic discovery and search project part of Apache SDAP.
- Java 8
- Git
- Apache Maven 3.X
- Elasticsearch v5.X
- Kibana v4
- Apache Spark v2.0.0
- Apache Tomcat 7.X
We strongly advise all users to save time and effort by consulting the Dockerfile documentation for guidance on how to quickly use Docker to deploy Mudrod.
- Ensure you have Elasticsearch running locally and that the configuration in config.xml reflects your ES cluster.
- Update the
configuration option in config.xml. There is a line in config.xml that looks likeIt needs to be changed to an absolute filepath on your system. For example:<para name="svmSgdModel">file://YOUNEEDTOCHANGETHIS</para>
<para name="svmSgdModel">file:///Users/user/githubprojects/mudrod/core/src/main/resources/javaSVMWithSGDModel</para>
- (Optional) Depending on your computer's configuration you might run into an error when starting the application:
“Service 'sparkDriver' could not bind on port 0”
. The easiest fix is to export the environment variableSPARK_LOCAL_IP=
and then start the service.
$ git clone
$ cd mudrod
$ mvn clean install
$ cd service
$ mvn tomcat7:run
You will now be able to access the Mudrod Web Application at http://localhost:8080/mudrod-service. N.B. The service should not be run this way in production.
In another window...
$ cd mudrod
$ ./core/target/appassembler/bin/mudrod-engine -h
usage: MudrodEngine: 'logDir' argument is mandatory. User must also
provide an ingest method. [-a] [-esHost <host_name>] [-esPort
<port_num>] [-esTCPPort <port_num>] [-f] [-h] [-l] -logDir
</path/to/log/directory> [-p] [-s] [-v]
-a,--addSimFromMetadataAndOnto begin adding
metadata and
ontology results
-esHost,--elasticSearchHost <host_name> elasticsearch
cluster unicast
-esPort,--elasticSearchHTTPPort <port_num> elasticsearch
-esTCPPort,--elasticSearchTransportTCPPort <port_num> elasticsearch
transport TCP
-f,--fullIngest begin full ingest
Mudrod workflow
-h,--help show this help
-l,--logIngest begin log ingest
without any
processing only
-logDir,--logDirectory </path/to/log/directory> the log directory
to be processed
by Mudrod
-p,--processingWithPreResults begin processing
-s,--sessionReconstruction begin session
-v,--vocabSimFromLog begin similarity
calulation from
web log Mudrod
Once you have built the codebase as above, merely copy the genrated .war artifact to the servlet deployment directory. In Tomcat (for example), this would look as follows
$ cp mudrod/service/target/mudrod-service-${version}-SNAPSHOT.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/
Once Tomcat hot deploys the .war artifact, you will be able to browse to the running application similar to what is shown above http://localhost:8080/mudrod-service
$ mvn javadoc:aggregate
$ open target/site/apidocs/index.html
$ mvn clean install
$ open service/target/miredot/index.html
The REST API documentation can also be seen at
This source code is licensed under the Apache License v2.0, a copy of which is shipped with this project.