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Gluoncv HRNet Code raise error in mxnet-1.6.0 gpu hybridize mode #18624

JONGGON opened this issue Jun 26, 2020 · 4 comments · Fixed by #19269

Gluoncv HRNet Code raise error in mxnet-1.6.0 gpu hybridize mode #18624

JONGGON opened this issue Jun 26, 2020 · 4 comments · Fixed by #19269


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JONGGON commented Jun 26, 2020


In mxnet 1.6.0 gpu hybridize mode, the below code raise error .

(As a result of checking,
no problem occurs in 1.5.0 gpu mode and 1.5.0 cpu mode(hybridize or not hybridize)
no problem occurs in 1.6.0 cpu mode(hybridize or not hybridize)

The problem only occurs in version 1.6.0 gpu hybridize mode.
I have confirmed that the same error occurs in 1.7.0 gpu hybridize mode which is not released now.

Error Message

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jg/Desktop/mountain/2frameCenter/core/model/backbone/", line 664, in
output = net(mx.nd.random_uniform(low=0, high=1, shape=(1, 3, input_size[0], input_size[1]), ctx=mx.gpu(0)))
File "/home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/gluon/", line 693, in call
out = self.forward(*args)
File "/home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/gluon/", line 1148, in forward
return self._call_cached_op(x, args)
File "/home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/gluon/", line 1020, in _call_cached_op
out = self._cached_op(cargs)
File "/home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/_ctypes/", line 170, in call
File "/home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/", line 255, in check_call
raise MXNetError(py_str(LIB.MXGetLastError()))
mxnet.base.MXNetError: [02:01:14] src/core/ Check failed: it != node2index
.end() && it->first == e.node.get():
Stack trace:
[bt] (0) /home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/ [0x7f83ce9d2b5b]
[bt] (1) /home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/ [0x7f83d74d7d08]
[bt] (2) /home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/ [0x7f83d74d90a8]
[bt] (3) /home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/ [0x7f83d74d9c30]
[bt] (4) /home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/ [0x7f83d1b6a0aa]
[bt] (5) /home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/ [0x7f83d1b8ab2a]
[bt] (6) /home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/ [0x7f83d1b9a4c2]
[bt] (7) /home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/ [0x7f83d1b9b959]
[bt] (8) /home/jg/anaconda3/envs/mxnet/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mxnet/ const&, std::vector<mxnet::NDArray
, std::allocatormxnet::NDArray* > const&, std::vector<mxnet::NDArray
, std::allocatormxnet::NDArray* > const&)+0x181) [0x7f83d1b9f4c1]

Process finished with exit code 1

To Reproduce


from gluoncv.model_zoo.resnet import BasicBlockV1, BottleneckV1, _conv3x3
from mxnet.context import cpu
from mxnet.gluon import contrib
from mxnet.gluon import nn
from mxnet.gluon.nn import BatchNorm

class HRBasicBlock(BasicBlockV1):
    r"""BasicBlock V1 from `"Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition"
    expansion = 1

class HRBottleneck(BottleneckV1):
    warning: It's mxnet compatable bottleneck, the orginal implementation is different
    from this bottleneck as its all convolutions are no bias
    expansion = 4

class OrigHRBottleneck(nn.HybridBlock):
    r"""Modified Bottleneck V1 from `"Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition"
    <>`_ paper.
    This is used for ResNet V1 for 50, 101, 152 layers. Its all convolutions are
    no bias to match with the original hrnet implementation.

    channels : int
        Number of output channels.
    stride : int
        Stride size.
    downsample : bool, default False
        Whether to downsample the input.
    in_channels : int, default 0
        Number of input channels. Default is 0, to infer from the graph.
    last_gamma : bool, default False
        Whether to initialize the gamma of the last BatchNorm layer in each bottleneck to zero.
    use_se : bool, default False
        Whether to use Squeeze-and-Excitation module
    norm_layer : object
        Normalization layer used (default: :class:`mxnet.gluon.nn.BatchNorm`)
        Can be :class:`mxnet.gluon.nn.BatchNorm` or :class:`mxnet.gluon.contrib.nn.SyncBatchNorm`.
    norm_kwargs : dict
        Additional `norm_layer` arguments, for example `num_devices=4`
        for :class:`mxnet.gluon.contrib.nn.SyncBatchNorm`.
    expansion = 4
    def __init__(self, channels, stride, downsample=False, in_channels=0,
                 last_gamma=False, use_se=False, norm_layer=BatchNorm, norm_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
        super(OrigHRBottleneck, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.body = nn.HybridSequential(prefix='')
        # add use_bias=False here to match with the original implementation
        self.body.add(nn.Conv2D(channels//4, kernel_size=1, strides=stride, use_bias=False))
        self.body.add(norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs)))
        self.body.add(_conv3x3(channels//4, 1, channels//4))
        self.body.add(norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs)))
        # add use_bias=False here to match with the original implementation
        self.body.add(nn.Conv2D(channels, kernel_size=1, strides=1, use_bias=False))

        if use_se:
   = nn.HybridSequential(prefix='')
   // 16, use_bias=False))
  , use_bias=False))
   = None

        if not last_gamma:
            self.body.add(norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs)))
                                     **({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs)))

        if downsample:
            self.downsample = nn.HybridSequential(prefix='')
            self.downsample.add(nn.Conv2D(channels, kernel_size=1, strides=stride,
                                          use_bias=False, in_channels=in_channels))
            self.downsample.add(norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs)))
            self.downsample = None

    def hybrid_forward(self, F, x):
        residual = x

        x = self.body(x)


            w = F.contrib.AdaptiveAvgPooling2D(x, output_size=1)
            w =
            x = F.broadcast_mul(x, w.expand_dims(axis=2).expand_dims(axis=2))

        if self.downsample:
            residual = self.downsample(residual)

        x = F.Activation(data =x + residual, act_type='relu')
        return x

class HighResolutionModule(nn.HybridBlock):
    interp_type can be 'nearest'/'bilinear'/'bilinear_like'
    def __init__(self, num_branches, blocks, num_blocks, num_channels, fuse_method,
                 num_inchannels=None, multi_scale_output=True, interp_type='nearest',
                 norm_layer=BatchNorm, norm_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
        super(HighResolutionModule, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        if num_inchannels is not None:
            self.num_inchannels = num_inchannels
            self.num_inchannels = num_channels

        self.fuse_method = fuse_method
        self.num_branches = num_branches

        self.multi_scale_output = multi_scale_output
        self.interp_type = interp_type

        self.branches = self._make_branches(
            num_branches, blocks, num_blocks, num_channels)
        self.fuse_layers = self._make_fuse_layers(norm_layer=norm_layer, norm_kwargs=norm_kwargs)

    def _make_one_branch(self, branch_index, block, num_blocks, num_channels,
        downsample = stride != 1 or self.num_inchannels[branch_index] != \
                     num_channels[branch_index] * block.expansion

        layers = nn.HybridSequential()
        layers.add(block(num_channels[branch_index]* block.expansion, stride,
                         downsample, self.num_inchannels[branch_index]))
        self.num_inchannels[branch_index] = \
            num_channels[branch_index] * block.expansion
        for i in range(1, num_blocks[branch_index]):
            layers.add(block(num_channels[branch_index]* block.expansion, 1,
                             False, self.num_inchannels[branch_index]))

        return layers

    def _make_branches(self, num_branches, block, num_blocks, num_channels):
        branches = nn.HybridSequential()

        for i in range(num_branches):
                self._make_one_branch(i, block, num_blocks, num_channels)
        return branches

    def _make_fuse_layers(self, norm_layer=BatchNorm, norm_kwargs=None):
        if self.num_branches == 1:
            return None

        num_branches = self.num_branches
        num_inchannels = self.num_inchannels
        fuse_layers = nn.HybridSequential()
        for i in range(num_branches if self.multi_scale_output else 1):
            fuse_layer = nn.HybridSequential()
            for j in range(num_branches):
                if j > i:
                    seq = nn.HybridSequential()

                        nn.Conv2D(num_inchannels[i], 1, 1, 0, use_bias=False),
                        norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs))
                elif j == i:
                    conv3x3s = nn.HybridSequential()
                    for k in range(i-j):
                        if k == i - j - 1:
                            num_outchannels_conv3x3 = num_inchannels[i]
                                nn.Conv2D(num_outchannels_conv3x3, 3, 2, 1, use_bias=False),
                                norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs))
                            num_outchannels_conv3x3 = num_inchannels[j]
                                nn.Conv2D(num_outchannels_conv3x3, 3, 2, 1, use_bias=False),
                                norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs)),

        return fuse_layers

    def get_num_inchannels(self):
        return self.num_inchannels

    def hybrid_forward(self, F, x, *args, **kwargs):
        x = self.branches[0](x)
        if self.num_branches == 1:
            return [x]

        X = []

        for i in range(1, self.num_branches):

        x_fuse = []
        for i in range(len(self.fuse_layers)):
            y = X[0] if i == 0 else self.fuse_layers[i][0](X[0])
            for j in range(1, self.num_branches):
                if j > i:
                    if self.interp_type == 'nearest':
                        y = y + F.UpSampling(
                    elif self.interp_type == 'bilinear':
                        y = y + F.contrib.BilinearResize2D(
                    elif self.interp_type == 'bilinear_like':
                        y = y + F.contrib.BilinearResize2D(
                        raise NotImplementedError

                    y = y + self.fuse_layers[i][j](X[j])

        return x_fuse

# TODO: Now, We use OrigHRBottleneck to match with the origial implementation. You
#       can also replace it with the mxnet compatable HRBottleneck.
    'BASIC': HRBasicBlock,
    'BOTTLENECK': OrigHRBottleneck

class HighResolutionBaseNet(nn.HybridBlock):
    r"""Base class for classification and segmentation
    def __init__(self, cfg, stage_interp_type='nearst', norm_layer=BatchNorm, \
                 norm_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
        self.stage_interp_type = stage_interp_type
        super(HighResolutionBaseNet, self).__init__()

        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=3, strides=2, padding=1,
        self.bn1 = norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs))
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=3, strides=2, padding=1,
        self.bn2 = norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs))

        self.stage1_cfg = cfg[0]
        num_channels = self.stage1_cfg[3][0]
        block = BLOCKS_DICT[self.stage1_cfg[1]]
        num_blocks = self.stage1_cfg[2][0]
        self.layer1 = self._make_layer(block, num_channels, num_blocks, inplanes=64)
        stage1_out_channel = block.expansion*num_channels

        self.stage2_cfg = cfg[1]
        num_channels = self.stage2_cfg[3]
        block = BLOCKS_DICT[self.stage2_cfg[1]]
        num_channels = [
            num_channels[i] * block.expansion for i in range(len(num_channels))]
        self.transition1 = self._make_transition_layer(
            [stage1_out_channel], num_channels, norm_layer, norm_kwargs)
        self.stage2, pre_stage_channels = self._make_stage(
            self.stage2_cfg, num_channels)

        self.stage3_cfg = cfg[2]
        num_channels = self.stage3_cfg[3]
        block = BLOCKS_DICT[self.stage3_cfg[1]]
        num_channels = [
            num_channels[i] * block.expansion for i in range(len(num_channels))]
        self.transition2 = self._make_transition_layer(
            pre_stage_channels, num_channels, norm_layer, norm_kwargs)
        self.stage3, pre_stage_channels = self._make_stage(
            self.stage3_cfg, num_channels)

        self.stage4_cfg = cfg[3]
        num_channels = self.stage4_cfg[3]
        block = BLOCKS_DICT[self.stage4_cfg[1]]
        num_channels = [
            num_channels[i] * block.expansion for i in range(len(num_channels))]
        self.transition3 = self._make_transition_layer(
            pre_stage_channels, num_channels, norm_layer, norm_kwargs)
        self.stage4, pre_stage_channels = self._make_stage(
            self.stage4_cfg, num_channels, multi_scale_output=True)

        self.pre_stage_channels = pre_stage_channels

    def _make_transition_layer(self, num_channels_pre_layer, num_channels_cur_layer,
                               norm_layer=BatchNorm, norm_kwargs=None):
        num_branches_cur = len(num_channels_cur_layer)
        num_branches_pre = len(num_channels_pre_layer)

        transition_layers = nn.HybridSequential()

        for i in range(num_branches_cur):
            if i < num_branches_pre:
                if num_channels_cur_layer[i] != num_channels_pre_layer[i]:
                    transition_layer = nn.HybridSequential()
                        nn.Conv2D(num_channels_cur_layer[i], 3, 1, 1,
                                  use_bias=False, in_channels=num_channels_pre_layer[i]),
                        norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs)),
                conv3x3s = nn.HybridSequential()
                for j in range(i+1-num_branches_pre):
                    inchannels = num_channels_pre_layer[-1]
                    outchannels = num_channels_cur_layer[i] \
                        if j == i-num_branches_pre else inchannels
                    cba = nn.HybridSequential()
                        nn.Conv2D(outchannels, 3, 2, 1,
                                  use_bias=False, in_channels=inchannels),
                        norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs)),

        return transition_layers

    def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, inplanes=0, stride=1):
        downsample = stride != 1 or inplanes != planes * block.expansion

        layers = nn.HybridSequential()
        layers.add(block(planes* block.expansion, stride, downsample, inplanes))
        for i in range(1, blocks):
            layers.add(block(planes* block.expansion, 1, False, inplanes))

        return layers

    def _make_stage(self, layer_config, num_inchannels,
        num_modules = layer_config[0]
        num_blocks = layer_config[2]
        num_branches = len(num_blocks)
        num_channels = layer_config[3]
        block = BLOCKS_DICT[layer_config[1]]
        fuse_method = layer_config[4]

        blocks = nn.HybridSequential()
        for i in range(num_modules):
            # multi_scale_output is only used last module
            if not multi_scale_output and i == num_modules - 1:
                reset_multi_scale_output = False
                reset_multi_scale_output = True
            hrm = HighResolutionModule(num_branches,
            num_inchannels = hrm.get_num_inchannels()

        return blocks, num_inchannels

    def hybrid_forward(self, F, x):
        x = self.conv1(x)
        x = self.bn1(x)
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = self.conv2(x)
        x = self.bn2(x)
        x = F.relu(x)
        x = self.layer1(x)
        x_list = []

        for i in range(len(self.stage2_cfg[2])):

        y_list = x_list
        for s in self.stage2:
            y_list = s(*y_list)

        x_list = []
        for i in range(len(self.stage3_cfg[2])):
            if i < len(self.stage2_cfg[2]):

        y_list = x_list
        for s in self.stage3:
            y_list = s(*y_list)

        x_list = []
        for i in range(len(self.stage4_cfg[2])):
            if i < len(self.stage3_cfg[2]):

        y_list = x_list
        for s in self.stage4:
            y_list = s(*y_list)

        return y_list

class HighResolutionClsNet(HighResolutionBaseNet):
    r"""HRNet for Classification
    def __init__(self, config, stage_interp_type='nearest', norm_layer=BatchNorm, norm_kwargs=None,
                 num_classes=1000, **kwargs):
        super(HighResolutionClsNet, self).__init__(config, stage_interp_type=stage_interp_type,
                                                   norm_layer=norm_layer, norm_kwargs=norm_kwargs)

        # Classification Head
        self.incre_blocks, self.downsamp_blocks, \
        self.final_layer = self._make_head(self.pre_stage_channels, norm_layer, norm_kwargs)

        # self.avg = nn.GlobalAvgPool2D()
        # self.classifier = nn.Dense(num_classes, in_units=2048)

    def hybrid_forward(self, F, x):
        y_list = super(HighResolutionClsNet, self).hybrid_forward(F, x)

        # Classification Head
        y = self.incre_blocks[0](y_list[0])
        for i in range(len(self.downsamp_blocks)):
            y = self.incre_blocks[i+1](y_list[i+1]) + \

        y = self.final_layer(y)
        # y = self.avg(y)
        # y = self.classifier(y)

        return y

    def _make_head(self, pre_stage_channels, norm_layer=BatchNorm, norm_kwargs=None):
        head_block = BLOCKS_DICT['BOTTLENECK']
        head_channels = [32, 64, 128, 256]

        incre_blocks = nn.HybridSequential()
        for i, channels in enumerate(pre_stage_channels):
            incre_block = self._make_layer(head_block,

        downsamp_blocks = nn.HybridSequential()
        for i in range(len(pre_stage_channels)-1):
            in_channels = head_channels[i] * head_block.expansion
            out_channels = head_channels[i+1] * head_block.expansion

            downsamp_block = nn.HybridSequential()
                nn.Conv2D(out_channels, 3, 2, 1, in_channels=in_channels),
                norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs)),

        final_layer = nn.HybridSequential()
            nn.Conv2D(2048, 1, 1, 0, in_channels=head_channels[3] * head_block.expansion),
            norm_layer(**({} if norm_kwargs is None else norm_kwargs)),

        return incre_blocks, downsamp_blocks, final_layer

# pylint: disable=C0326
HRNET_SPEC['w18'] = [
    #modules, block_type, blocks, channels, fuse_method
    (1,    'BOTTLENECK', [4],           [64],              'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [4]*2,         [18, 36],          'SUM'),
    (4,    'BASIC',      [4]*3,         [18, 36, 72],      'SUM'),
    (3,    'BASIC',      [4]*4,         [18, 36, 72, 144], 'SUM')

HRNET_SPEC['w18_small_v1'] = [
    #modules, block_type, blocks, channels, fuse_method
    (1,    'BOTTLENECK', [1],           [32],              'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [2]*2,         [16, 32],          'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [2]*3,         [16, 32, 64],      'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [2]*4,         [16, 32, 64, 128], 'SUM')

HRNET_SPEC['w18_small_v2'] = [
    #modules, block_type, blocks, channels, fuse_method
    (1,    'BOTTLENECK', [2],           [64],               'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [2]*2,         [18, 36],           'SUM'),
    (3,    'BASIC',      [2]*3,         [18, 36, 72],       'SUM'),
    (2,    'BASIC',      [2]*4,         [18, 36, 72, 144],  'SUM')

HRNET_SPEC['w30'] = [
    #modules, block_type, blocks, channels, fuse_method
    (1,    'BOTTLENECK', [4],           [64],               'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [4]*2,         [30, 60],           'SUM'),
    (4,    'BASIC',      [4]*3,         [30, 60, 120],      'SUM'),
    (3,    'BASIC',      [4]*4,         [30, 60, 120, 240], 'SUM')

HRNET_SPEC['w32'] = [
    #modules, block_type, blocks, channels, fuse_method
    (1,    'BOTTLENECK', [4],           [64],               'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [4]*2,         [32, 64],           'SUM'),
    (4,    'BASIC',      [4]*3,         [32, 64, 128],      'SUM'),
    (3,    'BASIC',      [4]*4,         [32, 64, 128, 256], 'SUM')

HRNET_SPEC['w40'] = [
    #modules, block_type, blocks, channels, fuse_method
    (1,    'BOTTLENECK', [4],           [64],               'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [4]*2,         [40, 80],           'SUM'),
    (4,    'BASIC',      [4]*3,         [40, 80, 160],      'SUM'),
    (3,    'BASIC',      [4]*4,         [40, 80, 160, 320], 'SUM')

HRNET_SPEC['w44'] = [
    #modules, block_type, blocks, channels, fuse_method
    (1,    'BOTTLENECK', [4],           [64],               'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [4]*2,         [44, 88],           'SUM'),
    (4,    'BASIC',      [4]*3,         [44, 88, 176],      'SUM'),
    (3,    'BASIC',      [4]*4,         [44, 88, 176, 352], 'SUM')

HRNET_SPEC['w48'] = [
    #modules, block_type, blocks, channels, fuse_method
    (1,    'BOTTLENECK', [4],           [64],               'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [4]*2,         [48, 96],           'SUM'),
    (4,    'BASIC',      [4]*3,         [48, 96, 192],      'SUM'),
    (3,    'BASIC',      [4]*4,         [48, 96, 192, 384], 'SUM')

HRNET_SPEC['w64'] = [
    #modules, block_type, blocks, channels, fuse_method
    (1,    'BOTTLENECK', [4],           [64],                'SUM'),
    (1,    'BASIC',      [4]*2,         [64, 128],           'SUM'),
    (4,    'BASIC',      [4]*3,         [64, 128, 256],      'SUM'),
    (3,    'BASIC',      [4]*4,         [64, 128, 256, 512], 'SUM')
# pylint: enable=C0326

def get_hrnet(model_name, stage_interp_type='nearest', purpose='cls', pretrained=False, ctx=cpu(),
              root='~/.mxnet/models', norm_layer=BatchNorm, norm_kwargs=None, num_classes=1000,
    r"""HRNet model from the
    `"Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Visual Recognition"
    <>`_ paper.

    model_name : string
        The name of hrnet models: w18_small_v1/w18_small_v2/w30/w32/w40/w42/w48.
    stage_interp_type : string
        The interpolation type for upsample in each stage, nearest, bilinear and
        bilinear_like are supported.
    purpose: string
        The purpose of model, cls and seg are supported.
    pretrained : bool or str
        Boolean value controls whether to load the default pretrained weights for model.
        String value represents the hashtag for a certain version of pretrained weights.
    ctx : Context, default CPU
        The context in which to load the pretrained weights.
    root : str, default $MXNET_HOME/models
        Location for keeping the model parameters.
    norm_layer : object
        Normalization layer used (default: :class:`mxnet.gluon.nn.BatchNorm`)
        Can be :class:`mxnet.gluon.nn.BatchNorm` or :class:`mxnet.gluon.contrib.nn.SyncBatchNorm`.
    norm_kwargs : dict
        Additional `norm_layer` arguments, for example `num_devices=4`
        for :class:`mxnet.gluon.contrib.nn.SyncBatchNorm`.
    if model_name not in HRNET_SPEC.keys():
        raise NotImplementedError

    spec = HRNET_SPEC[model_name]

    if purpose == 'cls':
        net = HighResolutionClsNet(spec, stage_interp_type, norm_layer,
                                   norm_kwargs, num_classes, **kwargs)
        raise NotImplementedError

    if pretrained:
        from gluoncv.model_zoo.model_store import get_model_file
        net.load_parameters(get_model_file('hrnet_%s_%s'%(model_name, purpose),
                                           tag=pretrained, root=root), allow_missing=True, ignore_extra=True, ctx=ctx)
    return net

def hrnet_w18_c(**kwargs):
    r"""hrnet_w18 for Imagenet classification
    return get_hrnet('w18', **kwargs)

def hrnet_w18_small_v1_c(**kwargs):
    r"""hhrnet_w18_small_v1 for Imagenet classification
    return get_hrnet('w18_small_v1', **kwargs)

def hrnet_w18_small_v2_c(**kwargs):
    r"""hhrnet_w18_small_v2 for Imagenet classification
    return get_hrnet('w18_small_v2', **kwargs)

def hrnet_w30_c(**kwargs):
    r"""hhrnet_w30 for Imagenet classification
    return get_hrnet('w30', **kwargs)

def hrnet_w32_c(**kwargs):
    r"""hhrnet_w32 for Imagenet classification
    return get_hrnet('w32', **kwargs)

def hrnet_w40_c(**kwargs):
    r"""hhrnet_w40 for Imagenet classification
    return get_hrnet('w40', **kwargs)

def hrnet_w44_c(**kwargs):
    r"""hhrnet_w44 for Imagenet classification
    return get_hrnet('w44', **kwargs)

def hrnet_w48_c(**kwargs):
    r"""hhrnet_w48 for Imagenet classification
    return get_hrnet('w48', **kwargs)

def hrnet_w64_c(**kwargs):
    r"""hhrnet_w64 for Imagenet classification
    return get_hrnet('w64', **kwargs)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import os
    import mxnet as mx

    input_size = (512, 512)
    root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))))

    # w18_small_v1, w18_small_v2, w30, w32, w40, w44, w48, w64
    net = get_hrnet('w18', stage_interp_type="nearest", pretrained=False, ctx=mx.gpu(0), root=os.path.join(root, 'modelparam'))
    net.hybridize(active=True, static_alloc=True, static_shape=True)
    output = net(mx.nd.random_uniform(low=0, high=1, shape=(1, 3, input_size[0], input_size[1]), ctx=mx.gpu(0)))
    print(f"< input size(height, width) : {input_size} >")
    print(f"< output shape : {output.shape} >")
    < input size(height, width) : (512, 512) >
    < output shape : (1, 512, 16, 16) >

Steps to reproduce

  1. install mxnet 1.6.0 gpu version
  2. Execute the code described above.

What have you tried to solve it?

I checked line by line. -> An error occurred in the HighResolutionBaseNet class.

#The code below does not work properly as a starting point.
for s in self.stage2:
    y_list = s(*y_list)


ubuntu16.04 / cuda 10.1 / 418.56 driver

@JONGGON JONGGON added the Bug label Jun 26, 2020
@JONGGON JONGGON changed the title Gluoncv HRNet Code raise error in mxnet-1.6.0 gpu mode Gluoncv HRNet Code raise error in mxnet-1.6.0 gpu hybridize mode Jun 26, 2020
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leezu commented Jun 26, 2020

@JONGGON can you derive a minimal example to reproduce the issue?

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chinakook commented Jun 28, 2020

@JONGGON It's caused by the _FusedOp in cached graph. It's fixed by tvm apache/tvm#5238. However, It's not merged into mxnet until now. I think you can fix it and build mxnet youself.
dmlc/gluon-cv#1243 (comment)

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@JONGGON It's caused by the _FusedOp in cached graph. It's fixed by tvm apache/incubator-tvm#5238. However, It's not merged into mxnet until now. I think you can fix it and build mxnet youself.
dmlc/gluon-cv#1243 (comment)

oh, thank you!!!!!

@leezu leezu closed this as completed Jun 29, 2020
chinakook added a commit to chinakook/gluon-cv that referenced this issue Jul 24, 2020
change it to broadcast_add to solve the problem even.
I think it's a bug with _FusedOp with GPU because CPU is OK.
chinakook added a commit to chinakook/gluon-cv that referenced this issue Jul 25, 2020
change it to broadcast_add to solve the problem even.
I think it's a bug with _FusedOp with GPU because CPU is OK.
zhreshold pushed a commit to dmlc/gluon-cv that referenced this issue Aug 14, 2020
* Fix HRNet bottleneck stride schema

After this fix, the result is always same to the torch original implementation in every forward pass.
There were sometimes different before. The params has no need to update.

* CachedOp on GPU may be fail with add

change it to broadcast_add to solve the problem even.
I think it's a bug with _FusedOp with GPU because CPU is OK.
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ptrendx commented Oct 12, 2020

I believe this issue has the same root cause as #19264 and should be fixed properly by #19269.

@ptrendx ptrendx reopened this Oct 12, 2020
@ptrendx ptrendx linked a pull request Oct 12, 2020 that will close this issue
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