diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 820517ec..fb281814 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- 1.8.5
+ 1.8.6
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/util/Bytes.java b/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/util/Bytes.java
index b882e3fe..df19c22b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/util/Bytes.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/util/Bytes.java
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ public final class Bytes {
public static final long KB = BASE;
public static final long MB = KB * BASE;
public static final long GB = MB * BASE;
+ public static final long TB = GB * KB;
+ public static final long PB = GB * MB;
+ public static final long EB = GB * GB;
private static final Comparator CMP =
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/util/UnitUtil.java b/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/util/UnitUtil.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60c626f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/util/UnitUtil.java
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 HugeGraph Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
+ * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
+ * licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package com.baidu.hugegraph.util;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.time.Duration;
+public final class UnitUtil {
+ public static double bytesToMB(long bytes) {
+ return doubleWith2Scale(bytes / (double) Bytes.MB);
+ }
+ public static double bytesToGB(long bytes) {
+ return doubleWith2Scale(bytes / (double) Bytes.GB);
+ }
+ public static double doubleWith2Scale(double value) {
+ BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal(value);
+ return decimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();
+ }
+ public static String bytesToReadableString(long bytes) {
+ // NOTE: FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize() lost decimal precision
+ final String[] units = {"B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"};
+ if (bytes <= 0L) {
+ return "0 B";
+ }
+ int i = (int) (Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
+ E.checkArgument(i < units.length,
+ "The bytes parameter is out of %s unit: %s",
+ units[units.length - 1], bytes);
+ double value = bytes / Math.pow(1024, i);
+ if (value % 1L == 0L) {
+ return ((long) value) + " " + units[i];
+ } else {
+ return doubleWith2Scale(value) + " " + units[i];
+ }
+ }
+ public static long bytesFromReadableString(String valueWithUnit) {
+ int spacePos = valueWithUnit.indexOf(" ");
+ E.checkArgument(spacePos >= 0,
+ "Invalid readable bytes '%s', " +
+ "expect format like '10 MB'", valueWithUnit);
+ String unit = valueWithUnit.substring(spacePos + 1);
+ long factor = 0L;
+ switch (unit.trim().toUpperCase()) {
+ case "B":
+ case "BYTE":
+ case "BYTES":
+ factor = 1L;
+ break;
+ case "KB":
+ case "KIB":
+ factor = Bytes.KB;
+ break;
+ case "MB":
+ case "MIB":
+ factor = Bytes.MB;
+ break;
+ case "GB":
+ case "GIB":
+ factor = Bytes.GB;
+ break;
+ case "TB":
+ case "TIB":
+ factor = Bytes.TB;
+ break;
+ case "PB":
+ case "PIB":
+ factor = Bytes.PB;
+ break;
+ case "EB":
+ case "EIB":
+ factor = Bytes.EB;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized unit " + unit);
+ }
+ double value;
+ try {
+ value = Double.parseDouble(valueWithUnit.substring(0, spacePos));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
+ "Invalid parameter(not number): '%s'", valueWithUnit), e);
+ }
+ value = value * factor;
+ E.checkArgument(value <= Long.MAX_VALUE,
+ "The value %s from parameter '%s' is out of range",
+ value, valueWithUnit);
+ return (long) value;
+ }
+ public static String timestampToReadableString(long time) {
+ Duration duration = Duration.ofMillis(time);
+ long days = duration.toDays();
+ long hours = duration.toHours();
+ long minutes = duration.toMinutes();
+ long seconds = duration.getSeconds();
+ if (days > 0) {
+ return String.format("%dd%dh%dm%ds",
+ days,
+ hours % 24,
+ minutes % 60,
+ seconds % 60);
+ } else if (hours > 0) {
+ return String.format("%dh%dm%ds",
+ hours,
+ minutes % 60,
+ seconds % 60);
+ } else if (minutes > 0) {
+ return String.format("%dm%ds",
+ minutes,
+ seconds % 60);
+ } else if (seconds > 0) {
+ long ms = duration.toMillis() % 1000L;
+ if (ms > 0L) {
+ return String.format("%ds%dms", seconds, ms);
+ } else {
+ return String.format("%ds", seconds);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return String.format("%dms", duration.toMillis());
+ }
+ }
+ public static long timestampFromReadableString(String valueWithUnit) {
+ long ms = 0L;
+ // Adapt format 'nDnHnMnS' to 'PnYnMnDTnHnMnS'
+ String formatDuration = valueWithUnit.toUpperCase();
+ if (formatDuration.indexOf('D') >= 0) {
+ // Contains days
+ assert !formatDuration.contains("MS");
+ formatDuration = "P" + formatDuration.replace("D", "DT");
+ } else {
+ // Not exists days
+ int msPos = formatDuration.indexOf("MS");
+ // If contains ms, rmove the ms part
+ if (msPos >= 0) {
+ int sPos = formatDuration.indexOf("S");
+ if (0 <= sPos && sPos < msPos) {
+ // If contains second part
+ sPos += 1;
+ ms = Long.parseLong(formatDuration.substring(sPos, msPos));
+ ms %= 1000L;
+ formatDuration = formatDuration.substring(0, sPos);
+ } else {
+ // Not contains second part, only exists ms
+ ms = Long.parseLong(formatDuration.substring(0, msPos));
+ return ms;
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert formatDuration.endsWith("S");
+ }
+ formatDuration = "PT" + formatDuration;
+ }
+ Duration duration = Duration.parse(formatDuration);
+ return duration.toMillis() + ms;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/version/CommonVersion.java b/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/version/CommonVersion.java
index 34c07fbe..0013e08d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/version/CommonVersion.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/version/CommonVersion.java
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ public class CommonVersion {
// The second parameter of Version.of() is for all-in-one JAR
public static final Version VERSION = Version.of(CommonVersion.class,
- "1.8.5");
+ "1.8.6");
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/UnitTestSuite.java b/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/UnitTestSuite.java
index 25eb9bff..f6855ec5 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/UnitTestSuite.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/UnitTestSuite.java
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.concurrent.KeyLockTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.concurrent.LockGroupTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.concurrent.LockManagerTest;
+import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.concurrent.PausableScheduledThreadPoolTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.concurrent.RowLockTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.config.HugeConfigTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.config.OptionSpaceTest;
@@ -50,7 +51,6 @@
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.perf.PerfUtilTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.rest.RestClientTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.rest.RestResultTest;
-import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.concurrent.PausableScheduledThreadPoolTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.util.BytesTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.util.CollectionUtilTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.util.DateUtilTest;
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.util.ReflectionUtilTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.util.StringUtilTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.util.TimeUtilTest;
+import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.util.UnitUtilTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.util.VersionUtilTest;
import com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.version.VersionTest;
@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@
+ UnitUtilTest.class,
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/util/ReflectionUtilTest.java b/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/util/ReflectionUtilTest.java
index 7b402daf..df8afcbb 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/util/ReflectionUtilTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/util/ReflectionUtilTest.java
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public void testClasses() throws IOException {
List classes = IteratorUtils.toList(ReflectionUtil.classes(
- Assert.assertEquals(16, classes.size());
+ Assert.assertEquals(17, classes.size());
classes.sort((c1, c2) -> c1.getName().compareTo(c2.getName()));
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public void testClasses() throws IOException {
- classes.get(15).getName());
+ classes.get(16).getName());
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/util/UnitUtilTest.java b/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/util/UnitUtilTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7e31e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/java/com/baidu/hugegraph/unit/util/UnitUtilTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 HugeGraph Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
+ * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
+ * licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package com.baidu.hugegraph.unit.util;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import com.baidu.hugegraph.testutil.Assert;
+import com.baidu.hugegraph.util.Bytes;
+import com.baidu.hugegraph.util.UnitUtil;
+public class UnitUtilTest {
+ @Test
+ public void testBytesToMB() {
+ double value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(0L);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0d, value, 0d);
+ // KB
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.KB * 1);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.KB * 10);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.01d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.KB * 100);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.1d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.KB * (long) (134 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.13d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.KB * (long) (135 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.13d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.KB * (long) (136 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.14d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.KB * (long) (144 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.14d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.KB * (long) (754 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.75d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.KB * (long) (755 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.75d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.KB * (long) (756 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.76d, value, 0d);
+ // MB
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.MB * 1);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.MB * 13);
+ Assert.assertEquals(13d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.MB * 1357);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1357d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.MB * 1357924680);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1357924680d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToMB(Bytes.MB * 1357924680246L);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1357924680246d, value, 0d);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBytesToGB() {
+ double value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(0L);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0d, value, 0d);
+ // MB
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.MB * 1);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.MB * 10);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.01d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.MB * 100);
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.10d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.MB * (long) (134 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.13d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.MB * (long) (135 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.13d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.MB * (long) (136 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.14d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.MB * (long) (144 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.14d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.MB * (long) (754 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.75d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.MB * (long) (755 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.75d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.MB * (long) (756 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0.76d, value, 0d);
+ // GB
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.GB * 1);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.GB * 13);
+ Assert.assertEquals(13d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.GB * 1357);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1357d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.GB * 1357924680);
+ Assert.assertEquals(1357924680d, value, 0d);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.GB * 7357924680L);
+ Assert.assertEquals(7357924680d, value, 0d);
+ // Bytes overflow long value
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToGB(Bytes.GB * 9357924680L);
+ Assert.assertEquals(-7.821944504E9, value, 0d);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBytesToReadableString() {
+ String value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(0L);
+ Assert.assertEquals("0 B", value);
+ // B
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(1);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1 B", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(3);
+ Assert.assertEquals("3 B", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(10);
+ Assert.assertEquals("10 B", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(100);
+ Assert.assertEquals("100 B", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(1000);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1000 B", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(1023);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1023 B", value);
+ // KB
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(1024);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1 KB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.KB + 1);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.0 KB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.KB + 10);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.01 KB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.KB + 20);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.02 KB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.KB + 100);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.1 KB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.KB + 123);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.12 KB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.KB + 129);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.13 KB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.KB * 8 +
+ (long) (755 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals("8.75 KB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.KB * 168 +
+ (long) (756 * 1.024));
+ Assert.assertEquals("168.76 KB", value);
+ // MB
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.KB * 1024);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1 MB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.MB + 1 * Bytes.KB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.0 MB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.MB + 10 * Bytes.KB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.01 MB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.MB + 20 * Bytes.KB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.02 MB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.MB + 100 * Bytes.KB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.1 MB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.MB + 123 * Bytes.KB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.12 MB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.MB + 129 * Bytes.KB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.13 MB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.MB * 8 +
+ (long) (755 * 1.024) * Bytes.KB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("8.75 MB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.MB * 168 +
+ (long) (756 * 1.024) * Bytes.KB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("168.76 MB", value);
+ // GB
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.MB * 1024);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1 GB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.GB + 1 * Bytes.MB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.0 GB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.GB + 10 * Bytes.MB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.01 GB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.GB + 20 * Bytes.MB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.02 GB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.GB + 100 * Bytes.MB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.1 GB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.GB + 123 * Bytes.MB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.12 GB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.GB + 129 * Bytes.MB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.13 GB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.GB * 8 +
+ (long) (755 * 1.024) * Bytes.MB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("8.75 GB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.GB * 168 +
+ (long) (756 * 1.024) * Bytes.MB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("168.76 GB", value);
+ // TB
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.GB * 1024);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1 TB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.TB + 1 * Bytes.GB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.0 TB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.TB + 10 * Bytes.GB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.01 TB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.TB + 20 * Bytes.GB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.02 TB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.TB + 100 * Bytes.GB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.1 TB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.TB + 123 * Bytes.GB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.12 TB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.TB + 129 * Bytes.GB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.13 TB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.TB * 8 +
+ (long) (755 * 1.024) * Bytes.GB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("8.75 TB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.TB * 168 +
+ (long) (756 * 1.024) * Bytes.GB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("168.76 TB", value);
+ // PB
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.TB * 1024);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1 PB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.PB + 1 * Bytes.TB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.0 PB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.PB + 10 * Bytes.TB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.01 PB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.PB + 20 * Bytes.TB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.02 PB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.PB + 100 * Bytes.TB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.1 PB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.PB + 123 * Bytes.TB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.12 PB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.PB + 129 * Bytes.TB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.13 PB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.PB * 8 +
+ (long) (755 * 1.024) * Bytes.TB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("8.75 PB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.PB * 168 +
+ (long) (756 * 1.024) * Bytes.TB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("168.76 PB", value);
+ // EB
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.PB * 1024);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1 EB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.EB + 1 * Bytes.PB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.0 EB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.EB + 10 * Bytes.PB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.01 EB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.EB + 20 * Bytes.PB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.02 EB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.EB + 100 * Bytes.PB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.1 EB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.EB + 123 * Bytes.PB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.12 EB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.EB + 129 * Bytes.PB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("1.13 EB", value);
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.EB * 7 +
+ (long) (755 * 1.024) * Bytes.PB);
+ Assert.assertEquals("7.75 EB", value);
+ // Bytes overflow long value
+ value = UnitUtil.bytesToReadableString(Bytes.EB * 8);
+ Assert.assertEquals("0 B", value);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBytesFromReadableString() {
+ // B
+ Assert.assertEquals(0L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("0 B"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 Bytes"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(3L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("3 bytes"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(10L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("10 Byte"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(100L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("100 byte"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1000L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1000 b"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1023L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1023 B"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1024L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1024 B"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(10245678L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("10245678 B"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(102456789012L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("102456789012 B"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 B"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 B "));
+ Assert.assertEquals(-2L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("-2 B"));
+ // KB
+ Assert.assertEquals(0L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("0 KB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.KB * 1L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 KB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals((long) (Bytes.KB * 3.14),
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("3.14 KB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.KB * 10L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("10 kB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.KB * 100L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("100 KiB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.KB * 1000L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1000 kb"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.KB * 1023L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1023 kib"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.KB * 1234567890L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1234567890 Kib"));
+ // MB
+ Assert.assertEquals(0L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("0 MB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.MB * 1L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 MB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals((long) (Bytes.MB * 3.14),
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("3.14 MB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.MB * 10L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("10 mB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.MB * 100L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("100 MiB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.MB * 1000L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1000 mib"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.MB * 1023L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1023 MIB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.MB * 1234567890L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1234567890 Mb"));
+ // GB
+ Assert.assertEquals(0L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("0 GB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.GB * 1L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 GB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals((long) (Bytes.GB * 3.14),
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("3.14 GB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.GB * 10L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("10 gB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.GB * 100L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("100 GiB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.GB * 1000L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1000 gib"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.GB * 1023L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1023 GIB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.GB * 1234567890L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1234567890 Gb"));
+ // TB
+ Assert.assertEquals(0L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("0 TB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.TB * 1L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 TB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals((long) (Bytes.TB * 3.14),
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("3.14 TB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.TB * 10L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("10 tB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.TB * 100L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("100 TiB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.TB * 1000L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1000 tib"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.TB * 1023L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1023 TIB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.TB * 123456L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("123456 Tb"));
+ // PB
+ Assert.assertEquals(0L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("0 PB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.PB * 1L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 PB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals((long) (Bytes.PB * 3.14),
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("3.14 PB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.PB * 10L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("10 pB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.PB * 100L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("100 PiB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.PB * 1000L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1000 pib"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.PB * 1023L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1023 PIB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.PB * 8024L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("8024 PIB"));
+ // EB
+ Assert.assertEquals(0L, UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("0 EB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(Bytes.EB * 1L,
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 EB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals((long) (Bytes.EB * 3.14),
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("3.14 EB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals((long) (Bytes.EB * 5.01),
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("5.01 eB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals((long) (Bytes.EB * 6.28),
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("6.28 EiB"));
+ Assert.assertEquals((long) (Bytes.EB * 7.9876),
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("7.9876 eib"));
+ Assert.assertEquals((long) (Bytes.EB * 8.0),
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("8.0 EIB")); // max
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testBytesFromReadableStringWithInvalidFormat() {
+ // No space
+ Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1kb");
+ }, e -> {
+ Assert.assertContains("Invalid readable bytes '1kb'",
+ e.getMessage());
+ });
+ // Invalid unit
+ Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 aBc");
+ }, e -> {
+ Assert.assertContains("Unrecognized unit aBc", e.getMessage());
+ });
+ Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 k");
+ }, e -> {
+ Assert.assertContains("Unrecognized unit k", e.getMessage());
+ });
+ Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 m");
+ }, e -> {
+ Assert.assertContains("Unrecognized unit m", e.getMessage());
+ });
+ Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("1 2 MB");
+ }, e -> {
+ Assert.assertContains("Unrecognized unit 2 MB", e.getMessage());
+ });
+ // Invalid number
+ Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("2b kb");
+ }, e -> {
+ Assert.assertContains("Invalid parameter(not number): '2b kb'",
+ e.getMessage());
+ });
+ Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("2.3.4 kb");
+ }, e -> {
+ Assert.assertContains("Invalid parameter(not number): '2.3.4 kb'",
+ e.getMessage());
+ });
+ // Bytes overflow long value
+ Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("8.1 EIB");
+ }, e -> {
+ Assert.assertContains("The value 9.33866418731546E18 from " +
+ "parameter '8.1 EIB' is out of range",
+ e.getMessage());
+ });
+ Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("9024 Pb");
+ }, e -> {
+ Assert.assertContains("is out of range", e.getMessage());
+ });
+ Assert.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> {
+ UnitUtil.bytesFromReadableString("12345678 Tb");
+ }, e -> {
+ Assert.assertContains("is out of range", e.getMessage());
+ });
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTimestampToReadableString() {
+ Assert.assertEquals("0ms",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(0L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1ms",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(1L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("100ms",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(100L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("999ms",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(999L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(1000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("10s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(10000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1s1ms",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(1001L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1s200ms",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(1200L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("6s789ms",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(6789L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("59s789ms",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(59789L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1m0s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(60789L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1m1s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(61789L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1m2s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(62000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("2m2s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(122000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("2m12s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(132000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("59m59s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(3599000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1h0m0s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(3600000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1h0m23s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(3623000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1h1m23s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(3683000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1h24m43s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(5083000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("23h59m59s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(86399000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1d0h0m0s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(86400000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1d1h24m43s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(91483000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1d1h24m43s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(91483000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("30d0h0m0s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(2592000000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("30d23h59m59s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(2678399000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("130d23h59m59s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(11318399000L));
+ Assert.assertEquals("1130d23h59m59s",
+ UnitUtil.timestampToReadableString(97718399000L));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTimestampFromReadableString() {
+ Assert.assertEquals(0L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("0ms"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1ms"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(100L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("100ms"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(999L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("999ms"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1001L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1001ms"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(0L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("0s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(10000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("10s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1001L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1s1ms"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(1200L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1s200ms"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(6789L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("6s789ms"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(59789L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("59s789ms"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(59789L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("59s2789ms"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(60000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1m0s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(61000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1m1s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(62000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1m2s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(122000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("2m2s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(132000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("2m12s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(3599000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("59m59s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(3600000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1h0m0s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(3623000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1h0m23s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(3683000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1h1m23s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(5083000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1h24m43s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(86399000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("23h59m59s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(86400000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1d0h0m0s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(91483000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1d1h24m43s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(91483000L,
+ UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString("1d1h24m43s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(2592000000L, UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString(
+ "30d0h0m0s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(2678399000L, UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString(
+ "30d23h59m59s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(11318399000L, UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString(
+ "130d23h59m59s"));
+ Assert.assertEquals(97718399000L, UnitUtil.timestampFromReadableString(
+ "1130d23h59m59s"));
+ }