diff --git a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-dynamic_tp.yml b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-dynamic_tp.yml
index f2be6b2613d..c57f1b00e9c 100644
--- a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-dynamic_tp.yml
+++ b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-dynamic_tp.yml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ category: program
 app: dynamic_tp
 # The monitoring i18n name
-  zh-CN: DynamicTp线程池
+  zh-CN: DynamicTp 线程池
   en-US: DynamicTp Pool
 # The description and help of this monitoring type
diff --git a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-emqx.yml b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-emqx.yml
index 12d93a90a5f..e15695a26c0 100644
--- a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-emqx.yml
+++ b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-emqx.yml
@@ -162,6 +162,9 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$'
   - name: metrics
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 指标
+      en-US: Metrics
     # metrics scheduling priority(0->127)->(high->low), metrics with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel
     # priority 0's metrics is availability metrics, it will be scheduled first, only availability metrics collect success will the scheduling continue
     priority: 1
@@ -170,30 +173,69 @@ metrics:
       # metrics content contains field-metric name, type-metric type:0-number,1-string, instance-if is metrics, unit-metric unit('%','ms','MB')
       - field: client_connected
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 客户端连接
+          en-US: Client Connected
       - field: client_disconnected
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 客户端断开
+          en-US: Client Disconnected
       - field: packets_sent
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 发送数据包
+          en-US: Packets Sent
       - field: packets_received
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 接收数据包
+          en-US: Packets Received
       - field: bytes_sent
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 发送字节
+          en-US: Bytes Sent
       - field: bytes_received
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 接收字节
+          en-US: Bytes Received
       - field: messages_sent
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 发送消息
+          en-US: Messages Sent
       - field: messages_acked
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 消息确认
+          en-US: Messages Acked
       - field: messages_delayed
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 延迟消息
+          en-US: Messages Delayed
       - field: authorization_deny
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 授权拒绝
+          en-US: Authorization Deny
       - field: client_authorize
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 客户端授权
+          en-US: Client Authorize
       - field: session_created
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 会话创建
+          en-US: Session Created
       - field: session_discarded
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 会话丢弃
+          en-US: Session Discarded
     # (optional)metrics field alias name, it is used as an alias field to map and convert the collected data and metrics field
       - client.connected
@@ -251,53 +293,122 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$'
   - name: stats
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 统计
+      en-US: Stats
     priority: 2
       # metrics content contains field-metric name, type-metric type:0-number,1-string, instance-if is metrics, unit-metric unit('%','ms','MB')
       - field: channels_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 通道数
+          en-US: Channels Count
       - field: channels_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 通道最大数
+          en-US: Channels Max
       - field: connections_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 连接数
+          en-US: Connections Count
       - field: connections_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 最大连接数
+          en-US: Connections Max
       - field: delayed_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 延迟数
+          en-US: Delayed Count
       - field: delayed_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 最大延迟数
+          en-US: Delayed Max
       - field: live_connections_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 活动连接数
+          en-US: Live Connections Count
       - field: live_connections_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 最大活动连接数
+          en-US: Live Connections Max
       - field: retained_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 保留数
+          en-US: Retained Count
       - field: retained_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 最大保留数
+          en-US: Retained Max
       - field: sessions_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 会话数
+          en-US: Sessions Count
       - field: sessions_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 最大会话数
+          en-US: Sessions Max
       - field: suboptions_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 订阅选项数
+          en-US: Suboptions Count
       - field: suboptions_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 最大订阅选项数
+          en-US: Suboptions Max
       - field: subscribers_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 订阅者数
+          en-US: Subscribers Count
       - field: subscribers_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 最大订阅者数
+          en-US: Subscribers Max
       - field: subscriptions_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 订阅数
+          en-US: Subscriptions Count
       - field: subscriptions_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 最大订阅数
+          en-US: Subscriptions Max
       - field: subscriptions_shared_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 共享订阅数
+          en-US: Subscriptions Shared Count
       - field: subscriptions_shared_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 最大共享订阅数
+          en-US: Subscriptions Shared Max
       - field: topics_count
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 主题数
+          en-US: Topics Count
       - field: topics_max
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 最大主题数
+          en-US: Topics Max
     # (optional)metrics field alias name, it is used as an alias field to map and convert the collected data and metrics field
       - channels.count
diff --git a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-euleros.yml b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-euleros.yml
index 761830403dc..8bcbb4d52a3 100644
--- a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-euleros.yml
+++ b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-euleros.yml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ category: os
 app: euleros
 # The monitoring i18n name
-  zh-CN: EulerOS操作系统
+  zh-CN: EulerOS 操作系统
   en-US: EulerOS
 # The description and help of this monitoring type
diff --git a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-hertzbeat.yml b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-hertzbeat.yml
index 79b2577a256..fc67c6f92b5 100644
--- a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-hertzbeat.yml
+++ b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-hertzbeat.yml
@@ -87,6 +87,9 @@ metrics:
   # the first metrics summary
   # attention: Built-in monitoring metrics contains (responseTime - Response time)
   - name: summary
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 概要信息
+      en-US: Summary
     # metrics scheduling priority(0->127)->(high->low), metrics with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel
     # priority 0's metrics is availability metrics, it will be scheduled first, only availability metrics collect success will the scheduling continue
     priority: 0
@@ -96,14 +99,29 @@ metrics:
       - field: app
         type: 1
         label: true
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 应用
+          en-US: App
       - field: category
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 类别
+          en-US: Category
       - field: status
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 状态
+          en-US: Status
       - field: size
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 数量
+          en-US: Size
       - field: availableSize
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 可用数量
+          en-US: Available Size
     #  the protocol used for monitoring, eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk, we use HTTP protocol here
     protocol: http
     # the config content when protocol is http
@@ -132,19 +150,37 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$.data.apps.*'
   - name: inner_queue
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 内部队列
+      en-US: Inner Queue
     priority: 1
       - field: responseTime
         type: 0
         unit: ms
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 响应时间
+          en-US: Response Time
       - field: alertDataQueue
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 变更数据队列
+          en-US: Data Change Queue
       - field: metricsDataToAlertQueue
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 指标数据到变更队列
+          en-US: Metrics Data to Change Queue
       - field: metricsDataToPersistentStorageQueue
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 指标数据到持久化队列
+          en-US: Metrics Data to Persistent Queue
       - field: metricsDataToMemoryStorageQueue
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 指标数据到内存存储队列
+          en-US: Metrics Data to Memory Storage Queue
     protocol: http
       host: ^_^host^_^
@@ -163,11 +199,17 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$.data'
   - name: thread_state
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 线程状态
+      en-US: Thread State
     visible: false
     priority: 1
       - field: state
         type: 2
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 状态
+          en-US: State
     protocol: http
       host: ^_^host^_^
@@ -185,12 +227,21 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$.availableTags[?(@.tag == "state")].values[*]'
   - name: threads
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 线程
+      en-US: Threads
     priority: 3
       - field: state
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 状态
+          en-US: State
       - field: number
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 数量
+          en-US: Number
       - $.measurements[?(@.statistic == "VALUE")].value
@@ -213,11 +264,17 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$'
   - name: space_name
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 空间名称
+      en-US: Space Name
     visible: false
     priority: 4
       - field: id
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: ID
+          en-US: ID
     protocol: http
       host: ^_^host^_^
@@ -235,13 +292,22 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$.availableTags[?(@.tag == "id")].values[*]'
   - name: memory_used
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 内存使用
+      en-US: Memory Used
     priority: 5
       - field: space
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 空间
+          en-US: Space
       - field: mem_used
         type: 0
         unit: MB
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 已使用内存
+          en-US: Used Memory
       - $.measurements[?(@.statistic == "VALUE")].value
diff --git a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-hertzbeat_token.yml b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-hertzbeat_token.yml
index 1bbbf78825a..3c817b63370 100644
--- a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-hertzbeat_token.yml
+++ b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-hertzbeat_token.yml
@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ params:
   # metrics - auth
   - name: auth
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 认证
+      en-US: Auth
     # metrics scheduling priority(0->127)->(high->low), metrics with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel
     # priority 0's metrics is availability metrics, it will be scheduled first, only availability metrics collect success will the scheduling continue
     priority: 0
@@ -86,8 +89,14 @@ metrics:
       # field-metric name, type-metric type(0-number,1-string), unit-metric unit('%','ms','MB'), label-whether it is a metrics label field
       - field: token
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 令牌
+          en-US: Token
       - field: refreshToken
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 刷新令牌
+          en-US: Refresh Token
     # the protocol used for monitoring, eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk
     protocol: http
     # the config content when protocol is http
@@ -116,19 +125,37 @@ metrics:
   - name: summary
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 概要信息
+      en-US: Summary
     priority: 1
       - field: app
         type: 1
         label: true
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 应用
+          en-US: App
       - field: category
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 类别
+          en-US: Category
       - field: status
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 状态
+          en-US: Status
       - field: size
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 数量
+          en-US: Size
       - field: availableSize
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 可用数量
+          en-US: Available Size
     protocol: http
       host: ^_^host^_^
@@ -144,19 +171,37 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$.data.apps.*'
   - name: inner_queue
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 内部队列
+      en-US: Inner Queue
     priority: 1
       - field: responseTime
         type: 0
         unit: ms
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 响应时间
+          en-US: Response Time
       - field: alertDataQueue
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 变更数据队列
+          en-US: Alert Data Queue
       - field: metricsDataToAlertQueue
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 指标数据到变更队列
+          en-US: Metrics Data to Alert Queue
       - field: metricsDataToPersistentStorageQueue
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 指标数据到持久化队列
+          en-US: Metrics Data to Persistent Storage Queue
       - field: metricsDataToMemoryStorageQueue
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 指标数据到内存存储队列
+          en-US: Metrics Data to Memory Storage Queue
     protocol: http
       host: ^_^host^_^
@@ -173,11 +218,17 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$.data'
   - name: thread_state
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 指标数据到内存存储队列
+      en-US: Metrics Data to Memory Storage Queue
     visible: false
     priority: 2
       - field: state
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 状态
+          en-US: State
     protocol: http
       host: ^_^host^_^
@@ -193,12 +244,21 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$.availableTags[?(@.tag == "state")].values[*]'
   - name: threads
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 线程
+      en-US: Threads
     priority: 3
       - field: state
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 状态
+          en-US: State
       - field: number
         type: 0
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 数量
+          en-US: Number
       - $.measurements[?(@.statistic == "VALUE")].value
@@ -219,11 +279,17 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$'
   - name: space_name
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 空间名称
+      en-US: Space Name
     visible: false
     priority: 4
       - field: id
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: ID
+          en-US: ID
     protocol: http
       host: ^_^host^_^
@@ -239,13 +305,22 @@ metrics:
       parseScript: '$.availableTags[?(@.tag == "id")].values[*]'
   - name: memory_used
+    i18n:
+      zh-CN: 内存使用
+      en-US: Memory Used
     priority: 5
       - field: space
         type: 1
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 空间
+          en-US: Space
       - field: mem_used
         type: 0
         unit: MB
+        i18n:
+          zh-CN: 内存使用量
+          en-US: Memory Used
       - $.measurements[?(@.statistic == "VALUE")].value