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+id: linux_script
+title: Monitoring:Using Scripts to Monitor Linux Operating System
+sidebar_label: Using Scripts to Monitor Linux OS
+keywords: [open source monitoring system, open source network monitoring, using scripts to monitor Linux OS]
+### Preparation
+> To monitor the local machine, simply deploy Hertzbeat. To monitor other hosts, you need to deploy a collector on the target host. Refer to [this link](https://github.com/apache/hertzbeat?tab=readme-ov-file#2install-via-package) for step 5 of the installation process.
+> When creating a monitoring task and selecting a collector, choose the corresponding collector deployed on the target host.
+### Configuration Parameters
+| Parameter Name | Parameter Description |
+| Monitor Host | The IPv4, IPv6, or domain of the monitored endpoint. Note ⚠️ Do not include protocol headers (e.g., https://, http://). |
+| Task Name | The name identifying this monitoring task, which needs to be unique. |
+| Collector | Specifies which collector will be used for data collection in this monitoring task. |
+| Monitoring Interval | The time interval for periodic data collection, in seconds. |
+| Binding Tag | Classification management tags for monitoring resources. |
+| Description Notes | Additional notes to describe this monitoring task. Users can add remarks here. |
+### Metrics Collection
+#### Metric Set: basic
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| hostname | None | Name of the host |
+| version | None | Operating system version |
+| uptime | None | System uptime |
+#### Metric Set: cpu
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| info | None | CPU model |
+| cores | Number | Number of CPU cores |
+| interrupt | Count | Number of CPU interrupts |
+| load | None | Average CPU load over the last 1/5/15 minutes |
+| context_switch | Count | Current number of context switches |
+| usage | % | CPU usage percentage |
+#### Metric Set: memory
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| total | Mb | Total memory capacity |
+| used | Mb | Memory used by user programs |
+| free | Mb | Free memory capacity |
+| buff_cache | Mb | Memory used by cache |
+| available | Mb | Available memory capacity |
+| usage | % | Memory usage percentage |
+#### Metric Set: disk
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| disk_num | Count | Total number of disks |
+| partition_num | Count | Total number of partitions |
+| block_write | Count | Total number of blocks written to disk |
+| block_read | Count | Total number of blocks read from disk |
+| write_rate | iops | Rate of blocks written to disk per second |
+#### Metric Set: interface
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| interface_name | None | Network interface name |
+| receive_bytes | byte | Inbound data traffic (bytes) |
+| transmit_bytes | byte | Outbound data traffic (bytes) |
+#### Metric Set: disk_free
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| filesystem | None | Name of the filesystem |
+| used | Mb | Used disk size |
+| available | Mb | Available disk size |
+| usage | % | Disk usage percentage |
+| mounted | None | Mount point directory |
+#### Metric Set: Top 10 Programs by CPU Usage
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| id | None | Process ID |
+| cpu | % | CPU usage percentage |
+| ws | % | Memory usage percentage |
+| command | None | Executed command |
+#### Metric Set: Top 10 Programs by Memory Usage
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| id | None | Process ID |
+| cpu | % | CPU usage percentage |
+| ws | % | Memory usage percentage |
+| command | None | Executed command |
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+id: windows_script
+title: Monitoring:Using Scripts to Monitor Windows Operating System
+sidebar_label: Using Scripts to Monitor Windows OS
+keywords: [open source monitoring system, open source network monitoring, using scripts to monitor Windows OS]
+### Preparation
+> To monitor the local machine, simply deploy Hertzbeat. To monitor other hosts, you need to deploy a collector on the target host. Refer to [this link](https://github.com/apache/hertzbeat?tab=readme-ov-file#2install-via-package) for step 5 of the installation process.
+> When creating a monitoring task and selecting a collector, choose the corresponding collector deployed on the target host.
+### Configuration Parameters
+| Parameter Name | Parameter Description |
+| Monitor Host | The IPv4, IPv6, or domain of the monitored endpoint. Note ⚠️ Do not include protocol headers (e.g., https://, http://). |
+| Task Name | The name identifying this monitoring task, which needs to be unique. |
+| Collector | Specifies which collector will be used for data collection in this monitoring task. |
+| Monitoring Interval | The time interval for periodic data collection, in seconds. |
+| Binding Tag | Classification management tags for monitoring resources. |
+| Description Notes | Additional notes to describe this monitoring task. Users can add remarks here. |
+### Metrics Collection
+#### Metric Set: basic
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| hostname | None | Name of the host |
+| version | None | Operating system version |
+#### Metric Set: cpu
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| info | None | CPU model |
+| cores | Number | Number of CPU cores |
+| interrupt | Count | Number of CPU interrupts |
+| load | None | Average recent CPU load |
+| context_switch | Count | Current number of context switches |
+| usage | % | CPU usage percentage |
+#### Metric Set: memory
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| totalPhysical | Mb | Total physical memory capacity |
+| freePhysical | Mb | Free physical memory capacity |
+| totalVirtual | Mb | Total virtual memory capacity |
+| freeVirtual | Mb | Free virtual memory capacity |
+#### Metric Set: disk
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| Model | None | Disk model |
+| Size | Mb | Disk size |
+| BytesPerSector | Bytes | Number of bytes per sector |
+#### Metric Set: disk_free
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| Caption | None | Disk label |
+| FreeSpace | Mb | Available disk space |
+| Size | Mb | Total disk space |
+#### Metric Set: Top 10 Programs by CPU Usage
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| name | None | Process name |
+| id | None | Process ID |
+| cpu | Seconds | CPU usage time |
+| ws | Mb | Memory usage |
+#### Metric Set: Top 10 Programs by Memory Usage
+| Metric Name | Metric Unit | Metric Description |
+| name | None | Process name |
+| id | None | Process ID |
+| cpu | Seconds | CPU usage time |
+| ws | Mb | Memory usage |
diff --git a/home/i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/help/linux_script.md b/home/i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/help/linux_script.md
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+id: linux_script
+title: 监控:使用脚本监控 Linux 操作系统
+sidebar_label: 使用脚本监控 Linux 操作系统
+keywords: [开源监控系统, 开源网络监控, 使用脚本监控 Linux 操作系统]
+### 准备工作
+> 若要监控本机,部署 Hertzbeat 即可,若要监控其他主机,需在目标主机上部署采集器,部署采集器可参考[此链接](https://github.com/apache/hertzbeat?tab=readme-ov-file#2install-via-package)的第 5 步。
+> 在创建监控任务选择采集器时,需选择目标主机上对应的采集器。
+### 配置参数
+| 参数名称 | 参数帮助描述 |
+| 监控 Host | 被监控的对端 IPV4,IPV6 或域名。注意⚠️不带协议头(eg: https://, http://)。 |
+| 任务名称 | 标识此监控的名称,名称需要保证唯一性。 | |
+| 采集器 | 配置此监控使用哪台采集器调度采集。 |
+| 监控周期 | 监控周期性采集数据间隔时间,单位秒。 |
+| 绑定标签 | 对监控资源的分类管理标签。 |
+| 描述备注 | 更多标识和描述此监控的备注信息,用户可以在这里备注信息。 |
+### 采集指标
+#### 指标集合:basic
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| hostname | 无 | 主机名称 |
+| version | 无 | 操作系统版本 |
+| uptime | 无 | 系统启动时间 |
+#### 指标集合:cpu
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| info | 无 | CPU 型号 |
+| cores | 核数 | CPU 内核数量 |
+| interrupt | 个数 | CPU 中断数量 |
+| load | 无 | CPU 最近 1/5/15 分钟的平均负载 |
+| context_switch | 个数 | 当前上下文切换数量 |
+| usage | % | CPU 使用率 |
+#### 指标集合:memory
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| total | Mb | 总内存容量 |
+| used | Mb | 用户程序内存量 |
+| free | Mb | 空闲内存容量 |
+| buff_cache | Mb | 缓存占用内存 |
+| available | Mb | 剩余可用内存容量 |
+| usage | % | 内存使用率 |
+#### 指标集合:disk
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| disk_num | 块数 | 磁盘总数 |
+| partition_num | 分区数 | 分区总数 |
+| block_write | 块数 | 写入磁盘的总块数 |
+| block_read | 块数 | 从磁盘读出的块数 |
+| write_rate | iops | 每秒写磁盘块的速率 |
+#### 指标集合:interface
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| interface_name | 无 | 网卡名称 |
+| receive_bytes | byte | 入站数据流量(bytes) |
+| transmit_bytes | byte | 出站数据流量(bytes) |
+#### 指标集合:disk_free
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| filesystem | 无 | 文件系统的名称 |
+| used | Mb | 已使用磁盘大小 |
+| available | Mb | 可用磁盘大小 |
+| usage | % | 使用率 |
+| mounted | 无 | 挂载点目录 |
+#### 指标集合:CPU 占用率前10的程序
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| id | 无 | 进程 id |
+| cpu | % | cpu 占用率 |
+| ws | % | 内存占用率 |
+| command | 无 | 执行的命令 |
+#### 指标集合:内存占用率前10的程序
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| id | 无 | 进程 id |
+| cpu | % | cpu 占用率 |
+| ws | % | 内存占用率 |
+| command | 无 | 执行的命令 |
diff --git a/home/i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/help/windows_script.md b/home/i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/help/windows_script.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/i18n/zh-cn/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/help/windows_script.md
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+id: windows_script
+title: 监控:使用脚本监控 Windows 操作系统
+sidebar_label: 使用脚本监控 Windows 操作系统
+keywords: [开源监控系统, 开源网络监控, 使用脚本监控 Windows 操作系统]
+### 准备工作
+> 若要监控本机,部署 Hertzbeat 即可,若要监控其他主机,需在目标主机上部署采集器,部署采集器可参考[此链接](https://github.com/apache/hertzbeat?tab=readme-ov-file#2install-via-package)的第 5 步。
+> 在创建监控任务选择采集器时,需选择目标主机上对应的采集器。
+### 配置参数
+| 参数名称 | 参数帮助描述 |
+| 监控 Host | 被监控的对端 IPV4,IPV6 或域名。注意⚠️不带协议头(eg: https://, http://)。 |
+| 任务名称 | 标识此监控的名称,名称需要保证唯一性。 | |
+| 采集器 | 配置此监控使用哪台采集器调度采集。 |
+| 监控周期 | 监控周期性采集数据间隔时间,单位秒。 |
+| 绑定标签 | 对监控资源的分类管理标签。 |
+| 描述备注 | 更多标识和描述此监控的备注信息,用户可以在这里备注信息。 |
+### 采集指标
+#### 指标集合:basic
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| hostname | 无 | 主机名称 |
+| version | 无 | 操作系统版本 |
+#### 指标集合:cpu
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| info | 无 | CPU 型号 |
+| cores | 核数 | CPU 内核数量 |
+| interrupt | 个数 | CPU 中断数量 |
+| load | 无 | CPU 最近的平均负载 |
+| context_switch | 个数 | 当前上下文切换数量 |
+| usage | % | CPU 使用率 |
+#### 指标集合:memory
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| totalPhysical | Mb | 总物理内存容量 |
+| freePhysical | Mb | 空闲物理内存容量 |
+| totalVirtual | Mb | 总虚拟内存容量 |
+| freeVirtual | Mb | 空闲虚拟内存容量 |
+#### 指标集合:disk
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| Model | 无 | 磁盘型号 |
+| Size | Mb | 磁盘大小 |
+| BytesPerSector | 字节 | 每个扇区字节数 |
+#### 指标集合:disk_free
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| Caption | 无 | 盘符 |
+| FreeSpace | Mb | 可用空间大小 |
+| Size | Mb | 总空间大小 |
+#### 指标集合:CPU 占用率前10的程序
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| name | 无 | 进程名称 |
+| id | 无 | 进程 id |
+| cpu | 秒 | cpu 使用时间 |
+| ws | Mb | 内存占用量 |
+#### 指标集合:内存占用率前10的程序
+| 指标名称 | 指标单位 | 指标帮助描述 |
+| name | 无 | 进程名称 |
+| id | 无 | 进程 id |
+| cpu | 秒 | cpu 使用时间 |
+| ws | Mb | 内存占用量 |
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index 67ca4d7f076..15fe6e5fa21 100755
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@@ -245,7 +245,9 @@
- "help/euleros"
+ "help/euleros",
+ "help/linux_script",
+ "help/windows_script"
diff --git a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-linux_script.yml b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-linux_script.yml
index 113c90f1a87..51f5f683fe8 100644
--- a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-linux_script.yml
+++ b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-linux_script.yml
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ help:
en-US: Hertzbeat uses a collector as an agent to directly execute Shell commands to collect and monitor general performance metrics of the Linux operating system (system information, CPU, memory, disk, network card, file system, TOP resource processes, etc.).
You can click “Create New Linux Script” to add it. Or select “More Actions” to import an existing configuration.
zh-TW: Hertzbeat 使用采集器作為 agent 直接運行 Shell 命令 對 Linux 操作系統的通用性能指標 (系統信息、CPU、內存、磁盤、網卡、文件系統、TOP資源進程等) 進行採集監控。
您可以點擊“新建 Linux Script”進行添加。或者選擇“更多操作”,導入已有配置。
- zh-CN: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/help/script
- en-US: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/docs/help/script
+ zh-CN: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/help/linux_script
+ en-US: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/docs/help/linux_script
# Input params define for monitoring(render web ui by the definition)
# field-param field key
diff --git a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-windows_script.yml b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-windows_script.yml
index a13e9e248db..e9581f55ce2 100644
--- a/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-windows_script.yml
+++ b/manager/src/main/resources/define/app-windows_script.yml
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ help:
en-US: Hertzbeat uses a collector as an agent to directly execute CMD or Powershell commands to collect and monitor general performance metrics of the Windows operating system (system information, CPU, memory, disk, network card, file system, TOP resource processes, etc.).
You can click “Create New Linux Script” to add it. Or select “More Actions” to import an existing configuration.
zh-TW: Hertzbeat 使用采集器作為 agent 直接運行 CMD 或 Powershell 命令 對 Windows 操作系統的通用性能指標 (系統信息、CPU、內存、磁盤、網卡、文件系統、TOP資源進程等) 進行採集監控。
您可以點擊“新建 Linux Script”進行添加。或者選擇“更多操作”,導入已有配置。
- zh-CN: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/help/script
- en-US: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/docs/help/script
+ zh-CN: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/help/windows_script
+ en-US: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/docs/help/windows_script
# Input params define for monitoring(render web ui by the definition)
# field-param field key