From 72b881de63beea77977d7643c1206a2cd5d42229 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Duo Zhang <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 11:36:17 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] HBASE-28529 Use ZKClientConfig instead of system properties
 when setting zookeeper configurations

 .../hbase/zookeeper/     | 13 +++-
 .../hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/      | 29 ++++---
 .../hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/  | 47 +-----------
 .../hbase/zookeeper/ | 75 ++++++++-----------
 .../hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/     |  4 +-
 .../zookeeper/   |  2 +-
 6 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/ b/hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
index 979094fda80b..64b151dc19a5 100644
--- a/hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
+++ b/hbase-client/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
 import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.Code;
 import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
+import org.apache.zookeeper.client.ZKClientConfig;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@@ -75,6 +76,8 @@ public final class ReadOnlyZKClient implements Closeable {
   private final int keepAliveTimeMs;
+  private final ZKClientConfig zkClientConfig;
   private static abstract class Task implements Delayed {
     protected long time = System.nanoTime();
@@ -136,10 +139,12 @@ public ReadOnlyZKClient(Configuration conf) {
     this.retryIntervalMs =
     this.keepAliveTimeMs = conf.getInt(KEEPALIVE_MILLIS, DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_MILLIS);
+    this.zkClientConfig = ZKConfig.getZKClientConfig(conf);
-      "Connect {} to {} with session timeout={}ms, retries {}, "
-        + "retry interval {}ms, keepAlive={}ms",
-      getId(), connectString, sessionTimeoutMs, maxRetries, retryIntervalMs, keepAliveTimeMs);
+      "Connect {} to {} with session timeout={}ms, retries={}, "
+        + "retry interval={}ms, keepAlive={}ms, zk client config={}",
+      getId(), connectString, sessionTimeoutMs, maxRetries, retryIntervalMs, keepAliveTimeMs,
+      zkClientConfig);
     Threads.setDaemonThreadRunning(new Thread(this::run),
       "ReadOnlyZKClient-" + connectString + "@" + getId());
@@ -316,7 +321,7 @@ private ZooKeeper getZk() throws IOException {
     // may be closed when session expired
     if (zookeeper == null || !zookeeper.getState().isAlive()) {
       zookeeper = new ZooKeeper(connectString, sessionTimeoutMs, e -> {
-      });
+      }, zkClientConfig);
     return zookeeper;
diff --git a/hbase-common/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/ b/hbase-common/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
index 87885e2b9fd5..57009eca660e 100644
--- a/hbase-common/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
+++ b/hbase-common/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
@@ -26,19 +26,22 @@
 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
 import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
 import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
+import org.apache.zookeeper.client.ZKClientConfig;
  * Utility methods for reading, and building the ZooKeeper configuration. The order and priority for
- * reading the config are as follows: (1). Property with "" prefix from
- * HBase XML (2). other zookeeper related properties in HBASE XML
+ * reading the config are as follows:
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>Property with "" prefix from HBase XML.</li>
+ * <li>other zookeeper related properties in HBASE XML</li>
+ * </ol>
 public final class ZKConfig {
   private static final String VARIABLE_START = "${";
-  private static final String ZOOKEEPER_JAVA_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "zookeeper.";
   private ZKConfig() {
@@ -132,7 +135,6 @@ private static String getZKQuorumServersStringFromHbaseConfig(Configuration conf
    * @return Quorum servers
   public static String getZKQuorumServersString(Configuration conf) {
-    setZooKeeperClientSystemProperties(HConstants.ZK_CFG_PROPERTY_PREFIX, conf);
     return getZKQuorumServersStringFromHbaseConfig(conf);
@@ -322,13 +324,19 @@ public String getZnodeParent() {
+  public static ZKClientConfig getZKClientConfig(Configuration conf) {
+    Properties zkProperties = extractZKPropsFromHBaseConfig(conf);
+    ZKClientConfig zkClientConfig = new ZKClientConfig();
+    zkProperties.forEach((k, v) -> zkClientConfig.setProperty(k.toString(), v.toString()));
+    return zkClientConfig;
+  }
    * Get the client ZK Quorum servers string
    * @param conf the configuration to read
    * @return Client quorum servers, or null if not specified
   public static String getClientZKQuorumServersString(Configuration conf) {
-    setZooKeeperClientSystemProperties(HConstants.ZK_CFG_PROPERTY_PREFIX, conf);
     String clientQuromServers = conf.get(HConstants.CLIENT_ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM);
     if (clientQuromServers == null) {
       return null;
@@ -341,15 +349,4 @@ public static String getClientZKQuorumServersString(Configuration conf) {
     final String[] serverHosts = StringUtils.getStrings(clientQuromServers);
     return buildZKQuorumServerString(serverHosts, clientZkClientPort);
-  private static void setZooKeeperClientSystemProperties(String prefix, Configuration conf) {
-    Properties zkProperties = extractZKPropsFromHBaseConfig(conf);
-    for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : zkProperties.entrySet()) {
-      String key = entry.getKey().toString().trim();
-      String value = entry.getValue().toString().trim();
-      if (System.getProperty(ZOOKEEPER_JAVA_PROPERTY_PREFIX + key) == null) {
-        System.setProperty(ZOOKEEPER_JAVA_PROPERTY_PREFIX + key, value);
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/hbase-common/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/ b/hbase-common/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
index 63df9043bae3..2a7b7bc27683 100644
--- a/hbase-common/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
+++ b/hbase-common/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.MiscTests;
 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.SmallTests;
+import org.apache.zookeeper.client.ZKClientConfig;
 import org.junit.ClassRule;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
@@ -100,62 +101,22 @@ public void testClusterKeyWithMultiplePorts() throws Exception {
-  public void testZooKeeperTlsPropertiesClient() {
+  public void testZooKeeperTlsProperties() {
     // Arrange
     Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
       conf.set(HConstants.ZK_CFG_PROPERTY_PREFIX + p, p);
-      String zkprop = "zookeeper." + p;
-      System.clearProperty(zkprop);
     // Act
-    ZKConfig.getClientZKQuorumServersString(conf);
+    ZKClientConfig zkClientConfig = ZKConfig.getZKClientConfig(conf);
     // Assert
-      String zkprop = "zookeeper." + p;
-      assertEquals("Invalid or unset system property: " + zkprop, p, System.getProperty(zkprop));
-      System.clearProperty(zkprop);
+      assertEquals("Invalid or unset system property: " + p, p, zkClientConfig.getProperty(p));
-  @Test
-  public void testZooKeeperTlsPropertiesServer() {
-    // Arrange
-    Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
-      conf.set(HConstants.ZK_CFG_PROPERTY_PREFIX + p, p);
-      String zkprop = "zookeeper." + p;
-      System.clearProperty(zkprop);
-    }
-    // Act
-    ZKConfig.getZKQuorumServersString(conf);
-    // Assert
-      String zkprop = "zookeeper." + p;
-      assertEquals("Invalid or unset system property: " + zkprop, p, System.getProperty(zkprop));
-      System.clearProperty(zkprop);
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testZooKeeperPropertiesDoesntOverwriteSystem() {
-    // Arrange
-    System.setProperty("zookeeper.a.b.c", "foo");
-    Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
-    conf.set(HConstants.ZK_CFG_PROPERTY_PREFIX + "a.b.c", "bar");
-    // Act
-    ZKConfig.getZKQuorumServersString(conf);
-    // Assert
-    assertEquals("foo", System.getProperty("zookeeper.a.b.c"));
-    System.clearProperty("zookeeper.a.b.c");
-  }
   private void testKey(String ensemble, int port, String znode) throws IOException {
     testKey(ensemble, port, znode, false); // not support multiple client ports
diff --git a/hbase-zookeeper/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/ b/hbase-zookeeper/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
index f1798b00e315..8537dd12c5b6 100644
--- a/hbase-zookeeper/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
+++ b/hbase-zookeeper/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs;
 import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
 import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper.States;
+import org.apache.zookeeper.client.ZKClientConfig;
 import org.apache.zookeeper.proto.CreateRequest;
@@ -49,19 +50,22 @@
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- * A zookeeper that can handle 'recoverable' errors. To handle recoverable errors, developers need
- * to realize that there are two classes of requests: idempotent and non-idempotent requests. Read
- * requests and unconditional sets and deletes are examples of idempotent requests, they can be
- * reissued with the same results. (Although, the delete may throw a NoNodeException on reissue its
- * effect on the ZooKeeper state is the same.) Non-idempotent requests need special handling,
- * application and library writers need to keep in mind that they may need to encode information in
- * the data or name of znodes to detect retries. A simple example is a create that uses a sequence
- * flag. If a process issues a create("/x-", ..., SEQUENCE) and gets a connection loss exception,
- * that process will reissue another create("/x-", ..., SEQUENCE) and get back x-111. When the
- * process does a getChildren("/"), it sees x-1,x-30,x-109,x-110,x-111, now it could be that x-109
- * was the result of the previous create, so the process actually owns both x-109 and x-111. An easy
- * way around this is to use "x-process id-" when doing the create. If the process is using an id of
- * 352, before reissuing the create it will do a getChildren("/") and see "x-222-1", "x-542-30",
+ * A zookeeper that can handle 'recoverable' errors.
+ * <p>
+ * To handle recoverable errors, developers need to realize that there are two classes of requests:
+ * idempotent and non-idempotent requests. Read requests and unconditional sets and deletes are
+ * examples of idempotent requests, they can be reissued with the same results.
+ * <p>
+ * (Although, the delete may throw a NoNodeException on reissue its effect on the ZooKeeper state is
+ * the same.) Non-idempotent requests need special handling, application and library writers need to
+ * keep in mind that they may need to encode information in the data or name of znodes to detect
+ * retries. A simple example is a create that uses a sequence flag. If a process issues a
+ * create("/x-", ..., SEQUENCE) and gets a connection loss exception, that process will reissue
+ * another create("/x-", ..., SEQUENCE) and get back x-111. When the process does a
+ * getChildren("/"), it sees x-1,x-30,x-109,x-110,x-111, now it could be that x-109 was the result
+ * of the previous create, so the process actually owns both x-109 and x-111. An easy way around
+ * this is to use "x-process id-" when doing the create. If the process is using an id of 352,
+ * before reissuing the create it will do a getChildren("/") and see "x-222-1", "x-542-30",
  * "x-352-109", x-333-110". The process will know that the original create succeeded an the znode it
  * created is "x-352-109".
  * @see ""
@@ -79,37 +83,31 @@ public class RecoverableZooKeeper {
   private final int sessionTimeout;
   private final String quorumServers;
   private final int maxMultiSize;
+  private final ZKClientConfig zkClientConfig;
-   * See {@link #connect(Configuration, String, Watcher, String)}
+   * See {@link #connect(Configuration, String, Watcher, String, ZKClientConfig)}.
   public static RecoverableZooKeeper connect(Configuration conf, Watcher watcher)
     throws IOException {
     String ensemble = ZKConfig.getZKQuorumServersString(conf);
-    return connect(conf, ensemble, watcher);
-  }
-  /**
-   * See {@link #connect(Configuration, String, Watcher, String)}
-   */
-  public static RecoverableZooKeeper connect(Configuration conf, String ensemble, Watcher watcher)
-    throws IOException {
-    return connect(conf, ensemble, watcher, null);
+    return connect(conf, ensemble, watcher, null, null);
    * Creates a new connection to ZooKeeper, pulling settings and ensemble config from the specified
    * configuration object using methods from {@link ZKConfig}. Sets the connection status monitoring
    * watcher to the specified watcher.
-   * @param conf       configuration to pull ensemble and other settings from
-   * @param watcher    watcher to monitor connection changes
-   * @param ensemble   ZooKeeper servers quorum string
-   * @param identifier value used to identify this client instance.
+   * @param conf           configuration to pull ensemble and other settings from
+   * @param watcher        watcher to monitor connection changes
+   * @param ensemble       ZooKeeper servers quorum string
+   * @param identifier     value used to identify this client instance.
+   * @param zkClientConfig client specific configurations for this instance
    * @return connection to zookeeper
    * @throws IOException if unable to connect to zk or config problem
   public static RecoverableZooKeeper connect(Configuration conf, String ensemble, Watcher watcher,
-    final String identifier) throws IOException {
+    final String identifier, ZKClientConfig zkClientConfig) throws IOException {
     if (ensemble == null) {
       throw new IOException("Unable to determine ZooKeeper ensemble");
@@ -122,14 +120,12 @@ public static RecoverableZooKeeper connect(Configuration conf, String ensemble,
     int maxSleepTime = conf.getInt("zookeeper.recovery.retry.maxsleeptime", 60000);
     int multiMaxSize = conf.getInt("zookeeper.multi.max.size", 1024 * 1024);
     return new RecoverableZooKeeper(ensemble, timeout, watcher, retry, retryIntervalMillis,
-      maxSleepTime, identifier, multiMaxSize);
+      maxSleepTime, identifier, multiMaxSize, zkClientConfig);
-  @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "DE_MIGHT_IGNORE",
-      justification = "None. Its always been this way.")
-  public RecoverableZooKeeper(String quorumServers, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher,
-    int maxRetries, int retryIntervalMillis, int maxSleepTime, String identifier, int maxMultiSize)
-    throws IOException {
+  RecoverableZooKeeper(String quorumServers, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, int maxRetries,
+    int retryIntervalMillis, int maxSleepTime, String identifier, int maxMultiSize,
+    ZKClientConfig zkClientConfig) throws IOException {
     // TODO: Add support for zk 'chroot'; we don't add it to the quorumServers String as we should.
     this.retryCounterFactory =
       new RetryCounterFactory(maxRetries + 1, retryIntervalMillis, maxSleepTime);
@@ -147,12 +143,7 @@ public RecoverableZooKeeper(String quorumServers, int sessionTimeout, Watcher wa
     this.sessionTimeout = sessionTimeout;
     this.quorumServers = quorumServers;
     this.maxMultiSize = maxMultiSize;
-    try {
-      checkZk();
-    } catch (Exception x) {
-      /* ignore */
-    }
+    this.zkClientConfig = zkClientConfig;
@@ -171,10 +162,10 @@ public int getMaxMultiSizeLimit() {
    * @return The created ZooKeeper connection object
    * @throws KeeperException if a ZooKeeper operation fails
-  protected synchronized ZooKeeper checkZk() throws KeeperException {
+  private synchronized ZooKeeper checkZk() throws KeeperException {
     if (this.zk == null) {
       try {
-        this.zk = new ZooKeeper(quorumServers, sessionTimeout, watcher);
+        this.zk = new ZooKeeper(quorumServers, sessionTimeout, watcher, zkClientConfig);
       } catch (IOException ex) {
         LOG.warn("Unable to create ZooKeeper Connection", ex);
         throw new KeeperException.OperationTimeoutException();
diff --git a/hbase-zookeeper/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/ b/hbase-zookeeper/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
index 8f0cfc811b85..3879cb7ba911 100644
--- a/hbase-zookeeper/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
+++ b/hbase-zookeeper/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ public ZKWatcher(Configuration conf, String identifier, Abortable abortable,
     this.abortable = abortable;
     this.znodePaths = new ZNodePaths(conf);
     PendingWatcher pendingWatcher = new PendingWatcher();
-    this.recoverableZooKeeper =
-      RecoverableZooKeeper.connect(conf, quorum, pendingWatcher, identifier);
+    this.recoverableZooKeeper = RecoverableZooKeeper.connect(conf, quorum, pendingWatcher,
+      identifier, ZKConfig.getZKClientConfig(conf));
     if (canCreateBaseZNode) {
       try {
diff --git a/hbase-zookeeper/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/ b/hbase-zookeeper/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
index 1339b640cede..8ba5fd84479b 100644
--- a/hbase-zookeeper/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
+++ b/hbase-zookeeper/src/test/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/zookeeper/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public void testSetDataVersionMismatchInLoop() throws Exception {
     Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
     ZKWatcher zkw = new ZKWatcher(conf, "testSetDataVersionMismatchInLoop", abortable, true);
     String ensemble = ZKConfig.getZKQuorumServersString(conf);
-    RecoverableZooKeeper rzk = RecoverableZooKeeper.connect(conf, ensemble, zkw);
+    RecoverableZooKeeper rzk = RecoverableZooKeeper.connect(conf, ensemble, zkw, null, null);
     rzk.create(znode, new byte[0], Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
     rzk.setData(znode, Bytes.toBytes("OPENING"), 0);
     Field zkField = RecoverableZooKeeper.class.getDeclaredField("zk");