Property | Description |
HostRoles/role_id | The host component id |
HostRoles/cluster_name | The name of the parent cluster |
HostRoles/host_name | The name of the parent host |
HostRoles/component_name | The name of the parent component |
HostRoles/state | The state of the host component |
HostRoles/actual_configs | The actual configuration |
HostRoles/desired_configs | The desired configuration |
HostRoles/stack_id | The stack id (e.g. HDP-1.3.0) |
The current state of a host component resource can be determined by looking at the ServiceComponentInfo/state property.
GET api/v1/clusters/c1/services/HDFS/components/NAMENODE?fields=ServiceComponentInfo/state
200 OK
"href" : "http://your.ambari.server/api/v1/clusters/c1/services/HDFS/components/NAMENODE?fields=ServiceComponentInfo/state",
"ServiceComponentInfo" : {
"cluster_name" : "c1",
"component_name" : "NAMENODE",
"state" : "INSTALLED",
"service_name" : "HDFS"
The following table lists the possible values of the service resource ServiceComponentInfo/state property.
State | Description |
INIT | The initial clean state after the component is first created. |
INSTALLING | In the process of installing the component. |
INSTALL_FAILED | The component install failed. |
INSTALLED | The component has been installed successfully but is not currently running. |
STARTING | In the process of starting the component. |
STARTED | The component has been installed and started. |
STOPPING | In the process of stopping the component. |
UNINSTALLING | In the process of uninstalling the component. |
UNINSTALLED | The component has been successfully uninstalled. |
WIPING_OUT | In the process of wiping out the installed component. |
UPGRADING | In the process of upgrading the component. |
MAINTENANCE | The component has been marked for maintenance. |
UNKNOWN | The component state can not be determined. |
A component can be started through the API by setting its state to be STARTED (see update host component).
A component can be stopped through the API by setting its state to be INSTALLED (see update host component).
The user can update the desired state of a host component through the API to be MAINTENANCE (see update host component). When a host component is into maintenance state it is basically taken off line. This state can be used, for example, to move a component like NameNode. The NameNode component can be put in MAINTENANCE mode and then a new NameNode can be created for the service.