description | cover | coverY |
Now we complete the task - sending some tokens that have been delegated to a key |
../../.gitbook/assets/Gitbook Banner large 6 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (20).png |
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As mentioned in the introduction, now we want to:
- As the admin key (A)†, set an allowance for a key (B)
- As the key with an allowance, send tokens from key (B) to key (C)
- See tokens arrive at key (C)
- See allowance decrease for key (B)
† this is the key that you used to instantiate, and set as an admin. If you are running a validator in the testnet, then it is probably your self-delegate key.
Using node
, you can again encode the following arguments:
increase_allowance: {
spender: '<key-B>',
amount: {
denom: "ujuno",
amount: "2000000"
Then, as the admin key (A), increase key (B)'s allowance:
junod tx wasm execute <contract-addr> \
'{"increase_allowance":{"spender":"<key-B>","amount":{"denom":"ujunox","amount":"2000000"}}}' \
--from <admin-key-A> \
--chain-id <chain-id> \
--gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block
If you query its allowance, you should see a value of 2000000
junod query wasm contract-state smart <contract-addr> '{"allowance":{"spender":"<key-B>"}}' --chain-id <chain-id>
Should return:
- amount: "2000000"
denom: ujunox
never: {}
First, query the balance of another key, that we did not allocate any tokens to (C):
junod q bank balances <key-C>
Let's say it already has a balance of 500ujuno
- the command will return:
- amount: "500"
denom: ujunox
next_key: null
total: "0"
Then, we again need to encode some arguments to JSON for the send:
execute: {
msgs: [{
bank: {
send: {
to_address: "<key-C>",
amount: [{
denom: "ujunox",
amount: "500"
Once we have the JSON, we can shape an execute
junod tx wasm execute <contract-addr> \
'{"execute":{"msgs":[{"bank":{"send":{"to_address":"<key-C>","amount":[{"denom":"ujunox","amount":"500"}]}}}]}}' \
--from <key-B> \
--chain-id <chain-id> \
--gas-prices 0.1ujunox --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block
Note that the --from
flag is now signing this from the key (B) that the admin key (A) gave a token balance to. This CW1 Subkeys contract will only work with the native token of the chain, in this case ujuno
If we query balance again:
junod q bank balances <key-C>
We expect to see the balance incremented by 500ujuno
- amount: "1000"
denom: ujunox
next_key: null
total: "0"
Now, if we query the allowance for key B, we should see it has decreased by 500ujuno
junod query wasm contract-state smart <contract-addr> '{"allowance":{"spender":"<key-B>"}}' --chain-id <chain-id>
- amount: "1999500"
denom: ujunox
never: {}
We're done!
Play around some more with increasing and decreasing allowances, or even adding expiries to allowances, to get a better feel for how this works.