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File metadata and controls

305 lines (238 loc) · 17.6 KB

Configuration Documentation

Table of Contents

All configuration files should be placed inside the application's configuration folder (default to be $HOME/.config/spotify-player).


The default app.toml can be found in the example app.toml file.

spotify_player uses app.toml to configure general application configurations:

Option Description Default
client_id the Spotify client's ID 65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd
client_id_command a shell command that prints the Spotify client ID to stdout (overrides client_id) None
client_port the port that the application's client is running on to handle CLI commands 8080
tracks_playback_limit the limit for the number of tracks played in a tracks playback 50
playback_format the format of the text in the playback's window {status} {track} • {artists}\n{album}\n{metadata}
notify_format the format of a notification (notify feature only) { summary = "{track} • {artists}", body = "{album}" }
notify_timeout_in_secs the timeout (in seconds) of a notification (notify feature only) 0 (no timeout)
player_event_hook_command the hook command executed when there is a new player event None
ap_port the application's Spotify session connection port None
proxy the application's Spotify session connection proxy None
theme the application's theme default
app_refresh_duration_in_ms the duration (in ms) between two consecutive application refreshes 32
playback_refresh_duration_in_ms the duration (in ms) between two consecutive playback refreshes 0
page_size_in_rows a page's size expressed as a number of rows (for page-navigation commands) 20
enable_media_control enable application media control support (media-control feature only) true (Linux), false (Windows and MacOS)
enable_streaming enable streaming (streaming feature only) Always
enable_notify enable notification (notify feature only) true
enable_cover_image_cache store album's cover images in the cache folder true
notify_streaming_only only send notification when streaming is enabled (streaming and notify feature only) false
default_device the default device to connect to on startup if no playing device found spotify-player
play_icon the icon to indicate playing state of a Spotify item
pause_icon the icon to indicate pause state of a Spotify item ▌▌
liked_icon the icon to indicate the liked state of a song
border_type the type of the application's borders Plain
progress_bar_type the type of the playback progress bar Rectangle
cover_img_width the width of the cover image (image feature only) 5
cover_img_length the length of the cover image (image feature only) 9
cover_img_scale the scale of the cover image (image feature only) 1.0
seek_duration_secs the duration (in seconds) to seek when using SeekForward and SeekBackward commands 5


  • By default, spotify_player uses the official Spotify Web app's client (client_id = 65b708073fc0480ea92a077233ca87bd)

  • It's recommended to specify your own Client ID to avoid possible rate limits and to allow a full Spotify connect support. An error such as Failed to initialize the Spotify data can appear if the client_id is invalid.

  • ap_port and proxy are Librespot's session configurations. By default, spotify_player doesn't set those values, which means the Librespot library will fallback to use its default options.

  • Positive-value app_refresh_duration_in_ms is used to refresh the playback periodically. This can result in hitting a Spotify rate limit if the application is running for a long time.

  • To prevent the rate limit, spotify_player sets playback_refresh_duration_in_ms=0 by default and makes additional API calls when there is an event or a command triggering a playback update.

  • List of commands that triggers a playback update:

    • NextTrack
    • PreviousTrack
    • ResumePause
    • PlayRandom
    • Repeat
    • Shuffle
    • SeekTrack (left-clicking the playback's progress bar)
    • ChooseSelected (for a track, a device, etc)

    Note: the above list might not be up-to-date.

  • An example of event that triggers a playback update is the one happening when the current track ends.

  • enable_streaming can be either Always, Never or DaemonOnly. For backwards compatibility, true and false are still accepted as aliases for Always and Never.

  • playback_window_position can only be either Top or Bottom.

  • border_type can be either Hidden, Plain, Rounded, Double or Thick.

  • progress_bar_type can be either Rectangle or Line.

  • notify_streaming_only=true and enable_streaming=DaemonOnly can be set to avoid sending multiple notifications when both daemon and UI are running.

Media control

Media control support (enable_media_control option) is enabled by default on Linux but disabled by default on MacOS and Windows.

MacOS and Windows require an open window to listen to OS media event. As a result, spotify_player needs to spawn an invisible window on startup, which may steal focus from the running terminal. To interact with spotify_player, which is run on the terminal, user will need to re-focus the terminal. Because of this extra re-focus step, the media control support is disabled by default on MacOS and Windows to avoid possible confusion for first-time users.

Player event hook command

If specified, player_event_hook_command should be an object with two fields command and args. Each time spotify_player receives a new player event, player_event_hook_command is executed with the event's data as the script's arguments.

A player event is represented as a list of arguments with either of the following values:

  • "EndOfTrack" TRACK_ID

Note: if args is specified, such arguments will be called before the event's arguments.

For example, if player_event_hook_command = { command = "", args = ["-b", "c", "-d"] }, upon receiving a Changed event with OLD_TRACK_ID=x, NEW_TRACK_ID=y, the following command will be run -b c -d Changed x y

Example script that reads event's data from arguments and prints them to a file:


set -euo pipefail

case "$1" in
    "Changed") echo "command: $1, old_track_id: $2, new_track_id: $3" >> /tmp/log.txt ;;
    "Playing") echo "command: $1, track_id: $2, position_ms: $3, duration_ms: $4" >> /tmp/log.txt ;;
    "Paused") echo "command: $1, track_id: $2, position_ms: $3, duration_ms: $4" >> /tmp/log.txt ;;
    "EndOfTrack") echo "command: $1, track_id: $2" >> /tmp/log.txt ;;

Device configurations

The configuration options for the Librespot integrated device are specified under the [device] section in the app.toml file:

Option Description Default
name The librespot device's name spotify-player
device_type The librespot device's type speaker
volume Initial volume (in percentage) of the device 70
bitrate Bitrate in kbps (96, 160, or 320) 320
audio_cache Enable caching audio files (store in $APP_CACHE_FOLDER/audio/ folder) false
normalization Enable audio normalization false
autoplay Enable autoplay similar songs false

More details on the above configuration options can be found under the Librespot wiki page.

Layout configurations

The layout of the application can be adjusted via these options.

Option Description Default
library.album_percent The percentage of the album window in the library 40
library.playlist_percent The percentage of the playlist window in the library 40
playback_window_position The position of the playback window Top
playback_window_height The height of the playback window 6


library = { album_percent = 40, playlist_percent = 40 }
playback_window_position = "Top"


spotify_player uses the theme.toml config file to look for user-defined themes.

An example of user-defined themes can be found in the example theme.toml file.

The application's theme can be modified by setting the theme config option in app.toml or by specifying the -t <THEME> (--theme <THEME>) CLI option when running the player.

A theme has three main components: name (the theme's name), palette (the theme's color palette), component_style (styles for specific application's components).

name is required when defining a new theme. If palette is not set, a palette based on the terminal's colors will be used. If component_style is not set, a set of predefined component styles will be used.

Use script to add theme

a theme_parse python script (require toml and requests libraries) can be used to parse Iterm2 alacritty's color schemes into a spotify_player compatible theme format.

For example, you can run

./theme_parse "Builtin Solarized Dark" "solarized_dark"  >> ~/.config/spotify-player/theme.toml

to parse Builtin Solarized Dark color scheme into a new theme with name = "solarized_dark".


A theme's palette consists of the following fields:

  • background
  • foreground
  • black
  • blue
  • cyan
  • green
  • magenta
  • red
  • white
  • yellow
  • bright_black
  • bright_blue
  • bright_cyan
  • bright_green
  • bright_magenta
  • bright_red
  • bright_white
  • bright_yellow

If a field is not specified, a default value based on the terminal's corresponding color will be used.

A field's value can be set to be either a hex representation of a RGB color (e.g, background = "#1e1f29") or a string representation of the color (e.g red, bright_blue, etc).

More details about the palette's field naming can be found in the table in the 3-bit and 4-bit section.

Component Styles

To define application's component styles, the user can specify any of the below fields:

  • block_title
  • border
  • playback_status
  • playback_track
  • playback_artists
  • playback_album
  • playback_metadata
  • playback_progress_bar
  • playback_progress_bar_unfilled (Specific to progress_bar_type as Line)
  • current_playing
  • page_desc
  • table_header
  • selection
  • secondary_row
  • like

A field in component_style is a struct with three optional fields: fg (foreground), bg (background) and modifiers (terminal effects):

  • fg and bg can be either a palette's color in a pascal case (e.g, BrightBlack, Blue, etc) or a hex representation of a RGB color (e.g, "#1e1f29"). The default values for fg and bg are the palette's foreground and background.
  • The default value for modifiers is []. modifiers can consist of
    • Bold
    • Dim
    • Italic
    • Underlined
    • SlowBlink
    • Reversed
    • RapidBlink
    • Hidden
    • CrossedOut

Default value for application's component styles:

block_title = { fg = "Magenta"  }
border = {}
playback_status = { fg = "Cyan", modifiers = ["Bold"] }
playback_track = { fg = "Cyan", modifiers = ["Bold"] }
playback_artists = { fg = "Cyan", modifiers = ["Bold"] }
playback_album = { fg = "Yellow" }
playback_metadata = { fg = "BrightBlack" }
playback_progress_bar = { bg = "BrightBlack", fg = "Green" }
current_playing = { fg = "Green", modifiers = ["Bold"] }
page_desc = { fg = "Cyan", modifiers = ["Bold"] }
playlist_desc = { fg = "BrightBlack", modifiers = ["Dim"] }
table_header = { fg = "Blue" }
selection = { modifiers = ["Bold", "Reversed"] }


spotify_player uses keymap.toml to add or override new key mappings in additional to the default key mappings. To define a new key mapping, simply add a keymaps entry. To remove a key mapping, set its command to None. For example,

command = "NextTrack"
key_sequence = "g n"
command = "PreviousTrack"
key_sequence = "g p"
command = "Search"
key_sequence = "C-c C-x /"
command = "ResumePause"
key_sequence = "M-enter"
command = "None"
key_sequence = "q"


Actions are located in the same keymap.toml file as keymaps. An action can be triggered by a key sequence that is not bound to any command. Once the mapped key sequence is pressed, the corresponding action will be triggered. By default actions will act upon the currently selected item, you can change this behaviour by setting the target field for a keymap to either PlayingTrack or SelectedItem. a list of actions can be found here.

For example,

action = "GoToArtist"
key_sequence = "g A"
action = "GoToAlbum"
key_sequence = "g B"
target = "PlayingTrack"