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Phase 2 Parser Generator

Table of Contents

Reading CFG Rules Modifications

Refactors the parseCFGInput function in the Utilities class to improve code organization and readability. The primary changes involve

  • Introducing a lambda function processProduction to encapsulate common logic for processing production lines.
  • Replacing existing production processing logic with calls to the new lambda function.
  • Adjusting the handling of new rules (lines starting with '#') to match the new processing approach.
  • Ensuring each production is added to the grammar map by copying the vector, preventing issues with empty productions.
  • Adding support for processing multiple lines in the grammar.

Context-Free Grammar FIRST and FOLLOW Set Rules

FIRST Set Rules

  1. Terminal Symbol

    • If x is a terminal, then FIRST(x) = { 'x' }.
  2. Production Rule with Є (empty string)

    • If X -> Є is a production rule, add Є to FIRST(X).
  3. Production Rule with Non-terminal Symbols

    • If X -> Y1 Y2 Y3….Yn is a production, then FIRST(X) = FIRST(Y1).
  4. Handling Є in FIRST Sets

    • If FIRST(Y1) contains Є, then FIRST(X) = { FIRST(Y1) – Є } U { FIRST(Y2) }.
    • If FIRST(Yi) contains Є for all i = 1 to n, then add Є to FIRST(X).

FOLLOW Set Rules

  1. Starting Non-Terminal

    • FOLLOW(S) = { $ } where S is the starting Non-Terminal.
  2. Between Non-terminals in a Production

    • If A -> pBq is a production, where p, B, and q are any grammar symbols, then everything in FIRST(q) except Є is in FOLLOW(B).
  3. At the End of a Production

    • If A -> pB is a production, then everything in FOLLOW(A) is in FOLLOW(B).
  4. Handling Є in Productions

    • If A -> pBq is a production and FIRST(q) contains Є, then FOLLOW(B) contains { FIRST(q) – Є } U FOLLOW(A).

These rules are crucial for constructing predictive parsing tables and resolving parsing conflicts in LL(k) grammars. They define the behavior of a predictive parser by providing information about the possible expansions and token predictions at each step in the parsing process.

Note Epsilon can be changed in how it is represented in constants.h.


Predictive Parsing Table

Interface Methods

  • lookUp(nonTerminal, terminal)
    • Returns the production rule for the given non-terminal and terminal.
    • If the given non-terminal and terminal is not present in the table, then returns value contains null productions and Enum for the cell if it is Synch or Empty.
  • getCellType(nonTerminal, terminal)
    • Returns the type of the cell for the given non-terminal and terminal. The type of the cell can be Synch, Empty or Non Empty.
  • hasProduction(nonTerminal, terminal)
    • Returns true if the given non-terminal and terminal has production rule in the table.
  • isCellEmpty(nonTerminal, terminal)
    • Returns true if the given non-terminal and terminal is empty.
  • isSynchronizing(nonTerminal, terminal)
    • Returns true if the given non-terminal and terminal is synchronizing.
  • printPredictiveTable()
    • Prints the predictive parsing table.


  1. Input: First and Follow sets of non-terminals.
  2. Output: Predictive Parsing Table.
  3. Method
    • For each production A -> α do
      • For each terminal a in FIRST(α) do
        • Add A -> α to M[A, a].
      • If Є is in FIRST(α) then
        • For each terminal b in FOLLOW(A) do
          • Add A -> α to M[A, b].
      • If Є is in FIRST(α) and $ is in FOLLOW(A) then
        • Add A -> α to M[A, $].
    • If there is more than one production in M[A, a] then the grammar is not LL(1) and prefer the existed production.
    • Mark the empty cells as error.
    • Mark the entries M[A, a] and M[A, $] as synchronizing if a is in the follow set of A.

Example 1

Consider the following CFG

S --> i C t S E | a
E --> e S | Epsilon
C --> b

First and Follow sets

Non-Terminal First Set Follow Set
S a i $ e
E Epsilon e $ e
C b t

Predictive Parsing Table

  • There

is Conflict at E, e --> e S and Preferred production E, e --> Epsilon Grammar not LL(1)

Non-Terminal a b e i t $
S a Synch i C t S E Synch
E Epsilon Epsilon
C b Synch

Example 2

Consider the following CFG

E --> T E`
E` --> + T E` | Epsilon
T --> F T`
T` --> * F T` | Epsilon
F --> ( E ) | id

First and Follow sets

Non-Terminal First Set Follow Set
E ( id $ )
E` + Epsilon $ )
T ( id $ + )
T` * Epsilon $ + )
F ( id $ * + )

Predictive Parsing Table

Non-Terminal id + * ( ) $
E T E' T E' Synch Synch
E` + T E' Epsilon Epsilon
T F T' Synch F T' Synch Synch
T` Epsilon * F T' Epsilon Epsilon
F ( E ) Synch Synch id Synch Synch

Predictive Top-Down Parser and Panic Mode Error Recovery

Predictive Top-Down Parser Algorithm


  • Get next token from lexical.
  • While stack is not empty
    • If top is terminal
      • If Top == curr_token: match.
      • elif top == $: handle end of stack.
      • else handle missing terminal.
    • Else if top is non-terminal
      • Cell = M[top, curr_token].
      • If cell is empty: handle empty cell.
      • Elif cell is sync: handle sync cell.
      • Elif cell is valid production: handle valid production.

Panic Mode Error Recovery Algorithm

  • Handle missing terminal

    • If top is terminal and does not match with the input symbol: pop stack.
  • Handle Empty cell

    • If top is non-terminal and M[A, a] is empty: get next token.
  • Handle Sync cell

    • If top is non-terminal and M[A, a] is sync: pop stack.
  • Handle end of stack

    • If top == $ and curr_token != $: get next token until $ is encountered.
  • Handle end of input

    • If curr_token == $ and stack is not empty: pop stack.

Report an error message in each of the previous cases.

Used Data Structures

  • Parsing stack

    • Usage: Stack Item is a struct of string and boolean representing the token and is it terminal or not.
  • Leftmost derivation

    • Structure: It’s a vector of vectors of strings.
    • Usage: It holds the used productions while parsing.
  • Create PredictiveTopDownParser which produces the leftmost derivation for a correct input.

    • It takes the PredictiveTable and the set of non_terminals as input.
    • If the input grammar is not LL(1), an appropriate error message will be produced.
    • It's main method is processNextToken(token) which matches the input symbol with top of stack and applies the panic mode error recovery in case of ERROR
  • Prints the leftmost derivation as follows image

Combine Two Phases of Compiler

Proposed Changes to Lexical Analyzer Generator

  • Add a new method to get next token getNextToken() which saves the state of the last position in the buffer and token so next tokens can be generated.
  • Add position field to Token class to save the position of the token in the buffer. so can be used to generate error messages.
  • Return $ token when EOF is reached.
  • Change return type of acceptToken(), maximalMunchWithErrorRecovery and addToken to Token instead of void so the token can be used in the parser.
  • Save symbol table in a markdown file

Proposed Changes to Parser Generator

  • Add Parser class to parse the tokens generated by the lexical analyzer.
  • Save predictive parsing table in a markdown file

Proposed Changes to PredictiveTopDownParser

  • Refactor the parseInputTokens() function.
  • Add the position of the curr_token to the error message while handling panic mode error recovery.
  • Generating a leftmost derivation markdown into a file called
  • Generating a leftmost parsing markdown into a file called

Proposed Changes to AnyCC

  • Get file name from command line arguments (e.g. ../input/rules.txt ../input/CFG.txt ../input/program.txt).
  • Use Lex and Parser class to generate tokens and parse them.

Convert Input grammar To LL(1) Grammar Automatically

  • Added LeftRecursionRemover class that has removeLR method that takes a grammar and returns a new grammar that is left recursion free.
  • Added LeftFactorer class that has leftFactor method that takes a grammar and returns a new left factored grammar.