Animated picker written with Anvil.
Ok, it's easy to bind left/right buttons and bind centered text view to the current item in the list. But what about animations? What if a user presses left button twice quickly - we expect the item to be scrolled twice as well.
Animated states to the rescue:
// State is on when "to the next" animation is happening
State mNext = Anvil.newState(false);
View.OnClickListener mOnNextClicked = (v) -> {
// On click turn state on for the animation duration
// Then increment the selected item index, then set state to false
mNext.set(true, ANIM_DURATION, () -> {
mIndex = (mIndex + 1) % mItems.length;
}).set(false, 0);
// If "to the next" state is on - do animation
.of("x", mWidth/4, mWidth*3/4) // scroll right
.of("alpha", 1f, 0f) // fade out
// if it's not animated at all - the item is centered and is fully opaque
mNext.isOff() && mPrev.isOff() ? x(mWidth/4) : null,
mNext.isOff() && mPrev.isOff() ? alpha(1f) : null,