All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- gitlabCommitStatus wants named parameters
- notify of own build
- notifyBuild sends notification to slack instead of hipchat
- a branch name that matches \d+.\d+ cannot be a feature branch
- a release branch is master or is a prefix to the project's version
- a variable set on a node is not available in a parallel node.
- maven release build must skip tests
- upon release of a maven project, job's display name show the released version
- jenkinsfile imports itself as the library
- jenkins displays both job number and released version number
- buildInfo is never pushed for sonar builds, simplify assigning the version
- buildWithMaven now uses maven version 3.5.3
- step readChangelog returns most recent version and date
- bypass artifactory.publishBuildInfo
- lint, build and publish helm charts during maven builds
- adhere to keepachangelog, use the most recent entry to label the release
- feature branch version to match /\d+.\d+.\d+(:?-.+)?-\p{Upper}+-\d+(:?-SNAPSHOT)?/
- during maven build, jenkins was trying to set the status of the jenkinsfile_library instead of the repo being build.