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-# Basics
-## JS on web
-```html linenums="1" hl_lines="7-9"
Lorem ipsum
-JS can be included anywhere in inside an HTML document. The `script` tag can be used without any attributes. When linking external scripts, use `src="/path/to/foo/bar.js"` attribute.
-when `src` is set, script's inline content is not executed.
-## Semicolon
-console.log(3 +
-+ 2
-); // logs 6
-newline implies a semicolon.
-JS doesn't insert a semicolon as the statement is ending on `+`.
-## use strict
-"use strict";
-// modern JS
-directive to enforce modern JS behaviour. However, use of classes and modules automatically enables it.
-## Variables
-// declaration
-let greeting;
-// assignment
-greeting = "hello world";
-// combined
-let greeting = "hello world";
-// also works for multiple variables.
-let greeting = "hello world", name = "Piggy";
-## Constants
-const pi = 3; // I'm an engineer. (1)
-pi = 3.14; // Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
-1. they won't let me near any bridges.
-## || and ??
-- `||` returns first truthy value.
-- `??` returns first defined value.
-null ?? 4 // 4
-null || 4 // 4
-0 ?? 4 // 0
-0 || 4 // 4
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-# var, hoisting, global
-## Hoisting
-The following two snippets are equivalent.
-```javascript linenums="1"
-function foo() {
- name = "oink";
- console.log(name); // 'oink'
- var name;
-```javascript linenums="1"
-function foo() {
- var name;
- name = "oink";
- console.log(name); // 'oink'
-Note that only declarations are hoisted, not the accompanying assignments.
-function foo() {
- console.log(name); // undefined
- var name = "oink";
-JS will hoist even functions, and in fact hoist them before `var`s.
-foo(); // 1
-function foo() { return 1; }
-var foo = function() { return 2; }
-## let vs var
-`let` | `var`
-scoped to blocks | scoped to functions
-can only be accessed after declaration | declarations are hoisted, so can be accessed anytime
-does no create properties in `globalThis` | global `var` and functions become properties of `globalThis`
-cannot be redeclared | redeclarations are ignored and any new value is picked up
-## globalThis
-Global object is what hosts global variables and functions. In browser it's `window` and in node it's `global`. `globalThis` is a recent standardization.
-> globalThis
- Object [global] {
- global: [Circular *1],
- clearImmediate: [Function: clearImmediate],
- setImmediate: [Function: setImmediate] {
- [Symbol(nodejs.util.promisify.custom)]: [Getter]
- },
- clearInterval: [Function: clearInterval],
- clearTimeout: [Function: clearTimeout],
- setInterval: [Function: setInterval],
- setTimeout: [Function: setTimeout] {
- [Symbol(nodejs.util.promisify.custom)]: [Getter]
- },
- queueMicrotask: [Function: queueMicrotask],
- structuredClone: [Function: structuredClone],
- atob: [Getter/Setter],
- btoa: [Getter/Setter],
- performance: [Getter/Setter],
- fetch: [Function: fetch],
- crypto: [Getter],
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-# Objects
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+# Basics
+An object is an unordered collection of properties, each of which is a key-value pair. The key is usually `string`, but can also be `symbol`. Beyond their own properties, objects can also inherit properties from thier "parent" prototype.
+Unlike most other languages, objects in JS are dynamic, so properties can be added and removed at runtime.
+## Creating objects
+Objects can be created with object literals, `new` keyword and with `Object.create()` call.
+## 1. Object literal
+```javascript linenums="1"
+// empty object
+let foo = {};
+// simple object
+let foo = {
+ age: 42,
+ name: 'bar',
+// keys are not valid variable identifier, so use string.
+let name = 'oink oink';
+let foo = {
+ [name]: 'here comes the piggy',
+## 2. With new operator
+First thing to note that there are no constructors in JS. Instead there is `new` operator. When a function is called with `new` operator, it hijacks the function.
+```javascript linenums="1"
+new Object(); // same as {}
+new Array(); // same as []
+more on this later.
+## 3. Object.create()
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+# Prototype
+In most languages, object-oriented programming is built through classes and objects. Classes act as blueprints from which objects are created, with classes being a different entity altogether from objects.
+In JS, we use delegation through prototypal inheritance.
+## [[Prototype]]
+All objects in JS have a hidden property called `[[Prototype]]`. This property is a reference to another object. Think of this as the equivalent to superclass of other languages.
+```javascript linenums="1"
+{}.__proto__ // [Object: null prototype] {}
+Object.getPrototypeOf({}) // [Object: null prototype] {}
+Here let's make some distinction between some confusing terms:
+`[[Prototype]]` | `__proto__` | `prototype`
+Internal and hidden property that actually points to another object / `null`. | Historical getter/setter for the actual `[[Prototype]]`.
Use `Object.getPropertyOf` and `Object.setPropertyOf` instead in production code. | e.g. `Object.prototype`, `Array.prototype`, `MyFunction.prototype` etc.
It is **not** `__proto__`, nor is it the `[[Prototype]]` of the function object.
It's same as the value we pass in `Object.create` and is used as the `[[Prototype]]` of created object.
+## Examples
+Again, to clarify:
+- `this` at line is `{ name: 'John' }`, the object we get out of `new Person`.
+- it's a child of `{ age: 42 }`, i.e. `Person.prototype`.
+- which in turn is a child of `Object.prototype`.
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-# Types
-## 1. boolean
-Primitive, has only two values `true` or `false`. All values are truthy, except[1](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Truthy):
-- `false`
-- `0`, `-0`, `0n`
-- `""`
-- `null`, `undefined`
-- `NaN`
-- `document.all` ⚠ deprecated
-But since it's Javascript, our exceptions have exceptions. `{}` is truthy, yet `{} == false`. That's because:
-String({}) // '[object Object]' non-empty string
-Boolean('[object Object]') // true
-## 2. number
-JS has no separate `int` and `float` types. Instead all numbers are represented as IEEE 754 64-bit floating numbers. Integers in range \\(\pm2^{53}-1\\) can be represented exactly.
-42 // decimal
-0b101010 // in binary (ES6)
-052 // in octal (ES6)
-0o52 // in octal (ES6)
-0x2a // in hexadecimal
-4.2e1 // in exponential
-`Number` is the wrapper object around the primitve.
-Property | Decription
-`Number.MAX_VALUE` | Largest representable positive number
-`Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` | Largest safe integer \\(2^{53}-1\\)
-`Number.EPSILON` | Smallest value greater than \\(1\\) that can be represented.
-`Number.NaN` | Special "not a number" value.
-`Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY` | Overflow.
-Implicit conversion to numbers generally follow common sense, but don't rely on them. Some conversions to keep in mind:
-Value | Converted to| Rationale
-`undefined` | `NaN` | unexpected / system-level absence
-`null` | `0` | expected / program-level absence
-`true` | `1` | same as C
-`false` | `0` | same as C
-`string`s are trimmed of any whitespaces; empty strings are converted to `0`, and non-empty strings are passed to `Number()` function. Note that `Number(...)` is different from `Number.parseInt(...)`.