diff --git a/__tests__/integration/snapshots/static/mockIntervalLine.png b/__tests__/integration/snapshots/static/mockIntervalLine.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7305104e0c
Binary files /dev/null and b/__tests__/integration/snapshots/static/mockIntervalLine.png differ
diff --git a/__tests__/plots/static/index.ts b/__tests__/plots/static/index.ts
index ef14049358..5f4f75e2df 100644
--- a/__tests__/plots/static/index.ts
+++ b/__tests__/plots/static/index.ts
@@ -283,3 +283,4 @@ export { settleWeatherCellLineXY } from './seattle-weather-cell-lineXY';
 export { alphabetIntervalFunnelConnectorLabel } from './alphabet-interval-funnel-connector-label';
 export { alphabetIntervalAxisOptions } from './alphabet-interval-axis-options';
 export { profitIntervalAxisTransform } from './profit-interval-axis-transform';
+export { mockIntervalLine } from './mock-interval-line';
diff --git a/__tests__/plots/static/mock-interval-line.ts b/__tests__/plots/static/mock-interval-line.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04d29ce2d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__tests__/plots/static/mock-interval-line.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import { G2Spec } from '../../../src';
+export function mockIntervalLine(): G2Spec {
+  return {
+    type: 'view',
+    children: [
+      {
+        type: 'interval',
+        data: [
+          { time: '2019-03', value: 350, type: 'uv' },
+          { time: '2019-04', value: 900, type: 'uv' },
+          { time: '2019-05', value: 300, type: 'uv' },
+          { time: '2019-06', value: 450, type: 'uv' },
+          { time: '2019-07', value: 470, type: 'uv' },
+          { time: '2019-03', value: 220, type: 'bill' },
+          { time: '2019-04', value: 300, type: 'bill' },
+          { time: '2019-05', value: 250, type: 'bill' },
+          { time: '2019-06', value: 220, type: 'bill' },
+          { time: '2019-07', value: 362, type: 'bill' },
+        ],
+        encode: { x: 'time', y: 'value', color: 'type' },
+        transform: [{ type: 'dodgeX' }],
+        axis: { y: { labelFormatter: '.0%' } },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'line',
+        data: [
+          { time: '2019-03', count: 800 },
+          { time: '2019-04', count: 600 },
+          { time: '2019-05', count: 400 },
+          { time: '2019-06', count: 380 },
+          { time: '2019-07', count: 220 },
+        ],
+        encode: { x: 'time', y: 'count', color: () => 'line' },
+        axis: { y: { labelFormatter: '.0%' } },
+      },
+    ],
+  };
diff --git a/src/interaction/tooltip.ts b/src/interaction/tooltip.ts
index f23fa65dbc..e54d5221ec 100644
--- a/src/interaction/tooltip.ts
+++ b/src/interaction/tooltip.ts
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { Circle, DisplayObject, IElement, Line } from '@antv/g';
 import { sort, group, mean, bisector, minIndex } from 'd3-array';
 import { deepMix, lowerFirst, throttle } from '@antv/util';
 import { Tooltip as TooltipComponent } from '@antv/gui';
-import { Constant, Identity } from '@antv/scale';
+import { Constant, Identity, Band } from '@antv/scale';
 import { defined, subObject } from '../utils/helper';
 import { isTranspose, isPolar } from '../utils/coordinate';
 import { angle, sub } from '../utils/vector';
@@ -185,19 +185,26 @@ function singleItem(element) {
 function groupNameOf(scale, datum) {
-  const { color: scaleColor, series: scaleSeries } = scale;
+  const { color: scaleColor, series: scaleSeries, facet = false } = scale;
   const { color, series } = datum;
   const invertAble = (scale) => {
     return (
       scale &&
       scale.invert &&
-      !(scale instanceof Identity) &&
+      !(scale instanceof Band) &&
       !(scale instanceof Constant)
   // For non constant color channel.
   if (invertAble(scaleSeries)) return scaleSeries.invert(series);
-  if (series && series !== color) return series;
+  if (
+    series &&
+    scaleSeries instanceof Band &&
+    scaleSeries.invert(series) !== color &&
+    !facet
+  ) {
+    return scaleSeries.invert(series);
+  }
   if (invertAble(scaleColor)) {
     const name = scaleColor.invert(color);
     // For threshold scale.
@@ -896,6 +903,7 @@ export function Tooltip(options) {
       const bbox = plotArea.getBounds();
       const startX = bbox.min[0];
       const startY = bbox.min[1];
+      Object.assign(scale, { facet: true });
       // @todo Nested structure rather than flat structure for facet?
       // Add listener to the root area.
diff --git a/src/mark/area.ts b/src/mark/area.ts
index 3e65ea21dd..9e35a83a17 100644
--- a/src/mark/area.ts
+++ b/src/mark/area.ts
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Area.props = {
     { name: 'x', required: true },
     { name: 'y', required: true },
     { name: 'size' },
-    { name: 'series', scale: 'identity' },
+    { name: 'series', scale: 'band' },
   preInference: [
diff --git a/src/mark/line.ts b/src/mark/line.ts
index 2a0f1bdd20..d7d96d2bbd 100644
--- a/src/mark/line.ts
+++ b/src/mark/line.ts
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Line.props = {
     { name: 'y' },
     { name: 'position', independent: true },
     { name: 'size' },
-    { name: 'series', scale: 'identity' },
+    { name: 'series', scale: 'band' },
   preInference: [