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258 lines (203 loc) · 7.39 KB

File metadata and controls

258 lines (203 loc) · 7.39 KB


Eine simple Paginationsklasse, zum Blättern von Seiten (bspw. bei einem Blog, bei Suchergebnissen in search_it o.ä.)


Die Klasse benötigt zunächst nur 3 Parameter:

  • $total: Anzahl der gesamten Ergebnisse
  • $page: Aktuelle Seitenzahl (default: 1)
  • $limit: Anzahl der Ergebnisse innerhalb einer Seite (default: 10)


	// Pagination initialisieren
	$pagination = new Pagination($total, $page, $limit);

	// Zusätzliche Optionen und Parameter
	# $pagination->addParams("search", rex_request("search", "string", "")); // zusätzliche URL-Parameter, bspw für `search_it`
	# $pagination->setHash("results"); // ID der Sprungmarke, zu der der Browser beim Auswahl einer Seite springen soll
	# $pagination->setOption("show_max", 5); // Anzahl der Links, die um die aktuelle Seite angezeigt werden.
	# $pagination->setOption("show_skip", false); // Zeige Erster/Letzer Link
	# $pagination->setOption("show_neighbours", false); // Zeige Zurück/Vor Link
	# $pagination->setId("1"); // Ziel-Artikel-ID

	// Optional: Syntax überschreiben
	# $pagination->setHtml('ul', '<ul class="###class###">###items###</ul>'); 
	# $pagination->setHtml('li', '<li class="###class###">###anchor###</li>');
	# $pagination->setHtml('a', '<a href="###href###" class="###class###">###text###</a>');

	// Text der Navigations-Links überschreiben
	# $pagination->setText['first'] = '«'; 
	# $pagination->setText['last'] = '»';
	# $pagination->setText['prev'] = '‹';
	# $pagination->setText['next'] = '›';

	// Pagination ausgeben
	echo $pagination->show();


Diesen Code bspw. in Redaxo unter /redaxo/src/addons/project/lib/ abspeichern, die Klasse wird dann über den redaxo-internen Autoloader geladen und in jedem Modul / Template zur Verfügung gestellt.

	* Pagination
	* Gibt eine Liste mit Paginierungs-Links aus.
	* @author: @alexplus_de Alexander Walther
	* @version: 0.2

	class Pagination {

		private $limit;
		private $offset;
		private $total;
		private $page;

		private $page_max;

		private $html = array();
		private $text = array();
		private $option = array();
		private $url = array();
		private $params = array();

		private $elements = array();
		private $return = "";

		public function __construct($total = 50, $page = 1, $limit = 10) {
			$this->total = $total; 				// Letzter Eintrag
			$this->page = $page;				// Aktuelle Seite
			$this->limit = $limit; 				// Einträge pro Seite
			$this->offset = $page * $limit; 		// Aktueller Eintrag 
			$this->page_max = (int) ceil($total / $limit); 	// Letzte Seite

			$this->html['ul'] = '<ul class="###class###">###items###</ul>';
			$this->html['li'] = '<li class="###class###">###anchor###</li>'; 
			$this->html['a'] = '<a href="###href###" class="###class###">###text###</a>'; 
			$this->html['span'] = '<span class="###class###">###text###</span>'; 

			$this->text['first'] = '«';
			$this->text['last'] = '»';
			$this->text['prev'] = '‹';
			$this->text['next'] = '›';

			$this->option['show_max'] = 5;			// Anzahl der Seiten-Links um die aktuelle Seite herum
			$this->option['show_skip'] = true;		// Zeige Erste / Letzte
			$this->option['show_neighbours'] = true;	// Zeige Vor / Zurück

			$this->url['id'] = "REX_ARTICLE_ID";		// Ziel-Artikel-ID
			$this->url['hash'] = "";			// Ziel-ID (ohne "#")

	    public function setHtml($key, $value) {
			$this->html[$key] = $value;
	    public function setText($key, $value) {
			$this->text[$key] = $value;
	    public function setOption($key, $value) {
			$this->option[$key] = $value;
	    public function setHash($hash) {
			$this->url['hash'] = $hash;

	    public function setId($id) {
			$this->url['id'] = $id;

	    public function addParams($key, $value) {
			$this->params[$key] = $value;

		public function getFirst() {
			// Erste Seite
			if($this->option['show_skip']) {
				$anchor = $this->buildAnchor(1, $this->text['first']);
				$li  = str_replace("###anchor###",$anchor,$this->html['li']);
				if($this->offset > $this->limit) {
					$li  = str_replace("###class###","first",$li);
				} else {
					$li  = str_replace("###class###","first disabled",$li);
				return $li;

		public function getPrev() {
			// Zurück
			if($this->option['show_neighbours']) {
				$page = $this->page-1;
				if($page < 1) {
					$page = 1;
				$anchor = $this->buildAnchor($page, $this->text['prev']);
				$li  = str_replace("###anchor###",$anchor,$this->html['li']);
				if($this->offset > $this->limit) {
					$li  = str_replace("###class###","prev",$li);
				} else {
					$li  = str_replace("###class###","prev disabled",$li);
				return $li;

		public function getNext() {

			// Nächste
			if($this->option['show_neighbours']) {
				$page = $this->page + 1;
				if(($page * $this->limit) >= $this->total) {
					$page = (int) ($this->total / $this->limit);
				$anchor = $this->buildAnchor($page, $this->text['next']);
				$li  = str_replace("###anchor###",$anchor,$this->html['li']);
				if((($this->page+1) * $this->limit) <= $this->total) {
					$li  = str_replace("###class###","next",$li);
				} else {
					$li  = str_replace("###class###","next disabled",$li);
				return $li;

		public function getLast() {

			// Letzte Seite
			if($this->option['show_skip']) {
				$anchor = $this->buildAnchor((int) ($this->total / $this->limit), $this->text['last']);
				$li  = str_replace("###anchor###",$anchor,$this->html['li']);
				if((($this->page+1) * $this->limit) <= $this->total) {
					$li  = str_replace("###class###","last",$li);
				} else {
					$li  = str_replace("###class###","last disabled",$li);
				return $li;

		private function buildAnchor($page, $text = '') {

			$this->addParams("page", $page);
			$href = rex_getUrl($this->url['id'], null, $this->params);
			if($this->url['hash']) {
				$href .= "#".$this->url['hash']; 

			$span = str_replace("###text###",$text,$this->html['span']);
			$anchor = str_replace("###text###",$span,$this->html['a']);
			$anchor = str_replace("###href###",$href,$anchor);
			//$anchor = str_replace("###key###",$key,$anchor);
			return $anchor;

		public function show() {

			$elements[] = $this->getFirst();
			$elements[] = $this->getPrev();

			if($this->page_max > $this->option['show_max']) {
				$first = $this->page - (int)($this->option['show_max']/2);
				$last = $this->page + (int)($this->option['show_max']/2);
				while($first < 1) {
				while($last > $this->page_max) {
			} else {
				$first = 1;
				$last = $this->page_max;

			// Zahlen
			for($i = $first; ($i <= $last); $i++)
			$anchor = $this->buildAnchor($i, $i);
				$list = str_replace("###anchor###",$anchor,$this->html['li']);

				if($i == $this->page) {
					$list = str_replace("###class###","current",$list);
				} else {
					$list = str_replace("###class###","",$list);

				$elements[] = $list;

			$elements[] = $this->getNext();
			$elements[] = $this->getLast();

			foreach ($elements as $element) {
				$return .= $element;
			$return = str_replace("###items###",$return,$this->html['ul']);
			$return = str_replace("###class###","pagination",$return);

			return $return;

